ENGLISH Obama-crazed negroes attack whites in the Heartland; David Duke defends me against Stormfront slanderers; enjoying Epic Beard man; write Mike Williams

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=========================”Epic Beard Man” — Enjoy!

I found to my amazement that a young WN comrade had never seen these videos where a white senior, tough Tommy Bruso, pounded out a trouble-seeking negro on the Oakland, California bus…..





=========WEBSITE “14%”

In reading the excellent website below I began to recall what a white mother in Butler, Pa., told me last year, after Emperor Obongo took office:

My daughter was getting some real harassment from some little black kids, and one said “Now that Obama is president, we got the power. It’s over for you whiteys.”

No, actually, polls show it’s over for Obama. The “first black president” is a total flop — up and down the line, and even with liberals and many blacks. Maybe he can still get a b.j. from an aging white queer in Chicago at “Man’s Country” (according to former Naval Intelligence and NSA official Wayne Madsen) but the rest of the country wants you out, Curious George.

[source: http://the14percent.blogspot.com/]
Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Racial Overtones

The Country Club Plaza is home to some of the most beautiful fountains in the world. Located in Kansas City, Missouri, where I’ve spent most of my life, it’s the place where Kansas City’s few European American advocates have repeatedly joined the local Arab American community to protest Israel’s control of American foreign policy and disregard for human rights. It’s known as a safe and family friendly shopping center.

In April, mobs of black teenagers descended on the Plaza and proceeded to single out, terrorize, spit on, and physically assault European American patrons. Although I’d been aware of the rising tide of racist hatred directed against us for some time, it wasn’t until this string of assaults that I truly understood it’s severity. I realized that a close friend or family member could’ve easily been among those attacked.

The media did such a good job whitewashing and downplaying the story that many Kansas City residents first heard about the incident by word of mouth. In the local news, reporters described the assailants only as “youths” and the victims only as “patrons”, omitting the racial aspect entirely. When race was mentioned, it was only to criticize the police officers who finally subdued the horde with pepper spray.

Now Iowa faces the same problem. This weekend, mobs of black teenagers roamed the State Fairgrounds and attacked white attendees at random. According to witnesses, the assailants openly yelled “it’s beat whitey night”. That hasn’t stopped the media from reporting that race “may have played a part” in the violence. The police have been more direct, commenting that it’s “very possible” that the attacks had “racial overtones”.

Each of these stories have been purposefully ignored by the national media. If white mobs had gone into black neighborhoods and attacked people at random, these stories would be known and discussed across the world.



Henrik Holappa on the Butler-Freeport Trail near Sarver, Pa, February 2009, just weeks before his arrest by Homeland “Security.” Put in ankle, chest and arm chains before my horrified eyes, he was sent to spend 86 days in solitary in Batavia, New York — as usual transferred (as in the case of Shaun Walker, from California to Minnesota!) DELIBERATELY to a prison far from almost all his friends. He was sustained only by his unshakable and sturdy Old Finnish character, his belief in our Cause’s righteousness, and by supportive letters from WNs. Eighty-six days he spent with no books, magazines, Internet or phone…..just four cinder-block walls in a windowless cell. EIGHTY-SIX DAYS. How would you like to spend 86 MINUTES WITH NOTHING TO READ OR LOOK AT????

If you are not familiar with Henrik Holappa, he came in 2008 to America as a tourist, decided to stay and apply for political asylum (he was facing three indictments in his native Finland because to criticize negro gang rape of white Scandinavian women is “hate speech” there), he became my volunteer personal assistant, and he was then arrested by ZOG in a ludicrous travesty of police work for “overstaying his visa”! ( I had paid $2000 to an immigration lawyer to file the right forms so he did NOT overstay his visa!)


Henrik wrote me recently on why he was going to write FROM FINLAND to Mike Williams:

* * *

Order prisoner Bruce Pierce just died in prison after 25 years (http://www.freetheorder.org/bprip.html). 25 years of a 252 years sentence, but he never gave. Bruce had guts.

I wrote at Stormfront, though I do not write there too often, that now that he is dead people suddenly remember him!

The fact is that he died as a lone man in his cell. He wrote many times that he could not afford to send letters because people did not send him donations for post stamps, and very few people did write to him.

Here is what I wrote on Stormfront:

We usually remember our heroes after when they are gone. As for the remaining Order members, I urge those who feel their sacrifice wasn’t in vain to write to them. They still can give us so much; advice, courage and faith.

Bruce Pierce, who died after 25 years in prison; George W. Bush killed a million Iraqis and lives in a mansion.

Over the years that I wrote to Bruce Pierce, his letters were always written in a good spirit and even though he was in prison, he had faith and trust that the younger generation would follow the path to white survival.

Most of the Order members are incarcerated in the hole, and therefore they would appreciate to have letters and someone to write with. I do need to say that Pierce told me that not too many people were writing to him, and it made him a bit disappointed.

When I was in the SHU myself, each letter did boost my spirits, and I answered each and every letter I did get. So, I advise: write to those POWs, if you can and are willing to, and also help them by sending donations for post stamps and for using the phone.

Holappa (r) with me (JdN) at the PPG Building in downtown Pittsburgh. When he was dragged off in chains, I wrote HH an extensive letter every other day to his prison cell in Batavia, in upper New York State. He told me after his release that he would read these letters hree or four times.

Do not think that someone else is already writing to them, because no one might be writing.

I salute Bruce Carroll Pierce and his spirit. He may be gone from this world, but the actions of great men never die.

Just as Richard Scutari wrote, not too many people are writing to him, and soon nobody might be able to write to him. [JdN: He is now in a special “terrorist” section — after 25 years of perfect behavior as a prisoner!]

I sometimes worry a lot about your safety, John, but I am glad to hear Major Fox is there. You have other activists there too. Also take care of your pistols, clean them, check the bullets, the magazines and keep them near you.

All the best!




(So why do they continue?)

In March 2009, the very day after Henrik Holappa was arrested by the federal government, a poisonous thread was launched against me by “Bjarni” and others, including the Stormfront “Chief of Staff” (by the smart PR name of “Jackboot” — that will win many new converts among the soccer moms 😉 ) accusing me of being (or insinuating I was) a homosexual and “delusional.”

The dashing Jackboot (right) with Derek Black

I had had one of the biggest threads ever on SF that were written mainly by one person (86,000 views at the time that Don Black, “Stormfront proprietor,” banned me; SF is his personal possession), and this thread, called “Apocalypse of the Psychopaths,” has since climbed to 198,000 views.

He claimed I “threatened” him, but what I did was suggest that REAL dirt in my possession should in fact come out “on him and his” (that is, “real scandals” as opposed to the lies the Bjarni thread was spreading about me), and I suggested he put an end to the thread — which he did not delete but at least “locked,” preventing further postings.

By the way, “Bjarni” is now divorced from that oh-so-precious wife of his.…. and hitting on other women, some of whom, as I know from my network, are rejecting him.

David Duke then intervened, issuing the following statement (which Mugwort, Riemann, and Arya Dharma posted three more times):

[source: http://www.stormfront.org/forum/t469441-170/#post6637045]

* * *

There has been some recent controversy surrounding the arrest of Henrik H and John de Nugent, who befriended him in the United States. I think whatever actions John de Nugent took in the matter were sincerely meant to help Henrik and I think that John is completely sincere in his efforts for the European-American people.

[JdN: Here are myself, Margaret Huffstickler and Henrik speaking at Duke’s 2008 EURO conference in Memphis, Tennessee; we drove 900 miles one way in a car — with a very bad transmision — to attend and help out… esp. after several major speakers bailed out in the wake of hotels and meeting places in the Memphis area banning Duke’s group.

The media asked me why “white supremacists have any right to speak in the city where Martin Luther King was assassinated”! (First, it was a rogue faction in the FBI that killed MLK after he turned against the Vietnam War……see lawyer William Pepper’s book “An Act of State”: http://www.ratical.org/ratville/JFK/WFP020403.html]

Margaret Huffstickler, my companion for the last five years, whom I met at the Barnes Review office (www.barnesreview.org) in April 2005, seen here together with David Duke (and his little white pooch) plus radio host Jim Edwards of SF. (We visited with David in Europe for a week in February 2007.) Photo from DavidDuke.com

Henrik Holappa, who received a standing ovation for his speech

I also think that crass and baseless allegations of sexual deviance are the lowest and most destable form of character assasination, and knowing both John and Margaret, my belief is that that they are a loving and caring couple who have a healthy and wholesome relationship.

[JdN: I have known David Duke since 1989, when I moved to Louisiana to be helpful and learn from him after he won his race for Louisiana state representative.]

I realize that when things are said and bantered back and forth in an internet forum, that people can say outlandish things and then both sides can escalate to a point of character assasination. I think some of this occcured on both sides in this controversy. I think some pretty awful things were insinuated against John and I think he overreacted to this Internet banter. My sincere hope is that both sides will de-escalate this pointless battle and mend fences even though I realize that such is hard to do when people have been personally vilified in the heat of battle.

This whole process started on the issue of Henrik H and got way off the important issue of his support and aid while he is held by immigration authorities. Henrik has requested and wants John’s continued help. If others want to help too, that’s fine, but I hope John de Nugent is not undermined in his efforts to help Henrik.

[JdN: As a result of my and Major Bill Fox’s efforts — who wrote every member of the Finnish and Norwegian parliaments and all Finnish-American associations — and dozens of letters to Henrik in prison (by me, by SFers, and by VNNers and Enationalist supporters), he was released and all three threatened indictments against him — which could have meant 4.5 years in prison — by the Finnish government were dropped. Vincent Reynouard just got sent to prison for one year in France (and in fact to a total isolation cell with no magazines or books allowed), and he is a married father of eight! Here is my blog (in French) about that: https://johndenugent.com/2010/08/26/french-reynouard-la-captivite-soudain-endurcie/]

I pray that nothing more is said on these matters now except the actual situation and needs of Henrik. I will make no more comments on this matter and consider this unfortunate episode closed. Let’s all move on to more productive endeavors for our people!

David Duke


Character defamation, as the honest Jew Jack Bernstein said, is the third Jew tactic. The first is to ignore you. The second is to ridicule and twist your message. The third is to ridicule YOU.

Once they have done that and separated you from your followers, and AS A RESULT you have money neither for a lawyer nor for a bodyguard, then they frame you on some bogus charge or they outright PHYSICALLY kill you, as they IMO killed BP oil spill whistleblower Matt Simmons, who was sayimg on major TV that the oil is still flowing from many sources on the floor of the Gulf of Mexico into the water and the toxic river of oil has not been “capped.”

I am now at stage three.

It is YOU who will decide if I have funding. If this blog you enjoy and learn from merits your support.

The one they attack the most is the one you should be interested in.

John de Nugent

213 Ekastown Road

Sarver PA 16055

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