ENGLISH Obama losing all moral authority to be president; queer writer says Obama was having sex with gay man and doing cocaine instead of defending US consulate ( = American soil!) and ambassador in Benghazi; French comrades show who is a coward and who is not

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Senator Rand Paul says some good things here, but, just like his father, Ron Paul, he does not use the kryptonite weapon:

that Obama not only lacks moral authority to be president, but he also lacks LEGAL authority  because he was born in Kenya, meaning he cannot be president, and Obama knowingly and feloniously (five years imprisonment!) published a fake birth certificate on the White House website!!

Three Jews who ran the IRS scandal of harassing and delaying tax-free status to Tea Party and Christian groups:  Shulman, top left, Miller, top right, Lerner (who took the fifth Amendment!) lower right, and Arab-American congressman from California Darryl Issa, a former self-made computer millionaire, who is getting to the bottom  of this in House hearings. In one IRS missive the question was : “Tell us the content of your prayers.”




As this article on the esteemed newsmagazine Politico points out, http://www.politico.com/story/2013/05/the-mystery-night-91788.html, Barack Hussein Obama has refused to state what he was doing as the US consulate in Libya was assaulted and the US ambassador killed.

I wish to restate as a former Marine that an embassy or consulate is legally American soil, and since 1954 (the year I was born!) they have been protected by 1,000 carefully trained US Marines on “embassy duty” IF allowed to do their job! http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marine_Security_Guard




Barack Obama Was High on Cocaine During “The Missing Hours” of the Benghazi Attack Last September

Posted on May 24, 2013 by // Boystown, Mysteries
Kevin DuJan is a major conservative blogger and (sign of the times,  open homosexual) who left the Democrat party and became a  conseraative when Obama got the Democrat nomination in 2008.

Barack Obama Cocaine

[ Click above to embiggen ]

Yesterday, Rich Lowry at Politico wrote about “The Mystery Night” on September 11th, 2012 when the current US President disappeared for many hours and was seemingly unavailable…despite the fact that the first US Ambassador in 30 years had been murdered in the line of duty.  Lowry wonders where Barack Obama disappeared to that fateful night…and why White House aide Dan Pfeiffer insists it’s “irrelevant” where Obama was in those missing hours.

If you’ve ever known anyone who is a drug addict, you’d see it’s obvious that Barack Obama was high on cocaine the night of Benghazi; it is the only logical explanation for his disappearance and the White House’s refusal to comment on what he was doing at the time.  Since this was a night of great crisis for our country, the only logical reason that the White House won’t explain where the president was is if this man was high as a kite on illegal narcotics at the time.

Lowry did a great job in his article fleshing out the last time Obama was seen on September 11th of last year…and then noting when he reappeared again the next day, briefly, before jetting off to fabulous Las Vegas for a fun-and-games fundraiser event he had scheduled there (where, it also should be noted, not only Chippendales but also Thunder From Down Under male revues are regularly held…which certainly establishes the appeal of heading to Las Vegas instead of managing a national crisis back in Washington for this particular president).

According to Lowry’s timeline:

* Obama appeared sober on 9/11/12 at 5pm EST when he met with Defense Secretary Leon Panetta and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Martin Dempsey.  I have never been able to shake the feeling that Barack Obama was woefully disappointed when he learned that Gen. Dempsey has nothing to do with either marijuana or penises in his capacity as the Chairman of the “Joint” Chiefs of “Staff”.  But, I presume he would not have done cocaine before meeting with these two military men.  Obama appears to have been still functional and ambulatory at 5pm that day.

* Lowry says that Obama learned of the death of US Ambassador Chris Stevens at this meeting…before Obama disappeared for many hours. These are the mystery “missing hours” that the White House refuses to talk about.

* Obama next emerged from cloister at 10pm EST 9/11/12 when he spoke with Hillary Clinton; it’s not stated if this was in person or if it was on the phone, but it sure feels like Obama was out of his mind on drugs when this happened.  Clinton would never bust him on this (because she can never say a bad word about this man if she wants to secure the black vote in 2016), but even people on a late-80s-Wall-Street-grade binge of cocaine can talk on the phone for a few minutes. I’m sure when Obama was speaking to her that he imagined she’d morphed into some sort of dragon or a Hydra from Greek Mythology…because she probably read him the riot act over being on drugs when the Benghazi debacle was happening.

* Obama then went missing until the next morning. No doubt, he was still having nightmare flashbacks of Hillary Clinton screaming at him.

* Lowry then says Obama was next spotted at 1035am EST on 9/12/12 when he pretended the Benghazi attack was about some YouTube video…and then he disappeared again until he boarded his plane for fabulous Las Vegas at 220pm EST later that day.

After reading Lowry’s article, my good friend Justine in California emailed me to ask whether I thought Obama was having sex with Reggie Love during the “missing hours” and if that’s where he was. Justine was an actress and model in Los Angeles back in the late-1970s and ran in the same circles as friends of closeted gay men like Rock Hudson…so her first instinct with Obama and Benghazi is that he and Reggie Love were getting at it and Obama didn’t want to be disturbed.

I think Obama doing cocaine is a much better explanation for his missing hours, simply because at his age and with all the men he’s been with it’s not like he couldn’t just stop romancing Reggie for a little bit…and then get back to it when they were in Vegas.  I know the stereotype of gay guys is that we’re all sex-crazed and can’t control ourselves, but even the biggest gay sexual glutton in the world can pull himself away from a hot guy long enough to take care of something important (if need be).  It’s not like this would have been the first time that Barack Obama was having gay sex…so surely he could have pushed “pause” to be president for a while (before getting back to whatever he was up to when the crisis was over).

*** little photo essay


Is Obama Gay? Take a look at these three pictures and decide for yourself.

(We added Obama flinching to the Judo move image to the five from BeforeItsNews)




However, once you take drugs you are pretty much on another astral plane for however long it takes for the drugs to leave your system.  I’ve sadly watched a lot of incredible people in the nightlife scene ruin their lives with cocaine over the years, and once these people got high they stayed high until the drugs metabolized enough for them to function.  In fact, a few years ago I dated a day trader here in Chicago who (unbeknownst to me at first) would use cocaine in the evening when he came home from work…and he’d process the drugs in his system enough to be back at his office early the next morning. Unless you really knew what to look for, this guy seemed totally normal in the morning…but he could not function or be responsible for anything overnight while the drugs were racing through his system.

The timeline Lowry fleshed out perfectly fits a scenario where Barack Obama retired to his private quarters (perhaps with Reggie Love…or maybe one of the other low-ranking young men who are forever suspiciously palling around with this president, unlike any president before him) sometime around 6pm EST or so on 9/11/12.  He then seems to have taken drugs (which I believe most likely involved cocaine).  Hillary Clinton either showed up to kill his buzz or she kept calling on the phone over and over again until he answered at 10pm.  I’m sure he hung up on her as fast as he could, because the woman scares him (and no doubt scolds his sorry ass every chance she gets).

From then until the staff was finally able to rouse, dress, and make him presentable enough for the public at 1030am the next day Barack Obama appears to have been out-of-his-mind high on drugs.

Since the White House deliberately is insisting that it’s “irrelevant” where Obama was during those missing hours that Lowry has asked about, we must assume I’m correct and the President of the United States was incapacitated from heavy narcotics use.

I would gladly retract this story if the White House would sufficiently explain Barack Obama’s whereabouts during those missing hours and prove he was not out of his mind on cocaine at the time (or gluttonously engaged in gay sex, as my friend Justine believes). 

You should know by now that whenever the Obama Regime stonewalls and absolutely refuses to reveal information mysteriously, there is a reason for it.

With this particular president, that reason more often than not involves drugs or gay sex (or a combination of both)…and just like with John F. Kennedy’s own drug use and sexual escapades, there are many people who will refuse to believe this about Obama for decades. But, at some point in the future I hope you live long enough to see people openly talking about Obama’s drug use and homosexuality, as it’s as clear as day for those of us who are gay and have known people with drug problems as rampant as this president’s. It’s not like the man disappeared off the face of the Earth into another dimension during those “missing hours”.  But, I suppose it’s uncomfortable for a lot of people to imagine what he was really doing during that mystery time.

QUESTION FOR COMMENTS:  Do you think it’s better for the White House to say the president’s location is “irrelevant” or for them to admit “the president was high on cocaine and/or having gay sex in his private quarters”?


For more on Barack Obama’s drug use, go to the original source on this issue:

www.amazon.com [sEE RIGHT BELOW!]

© 2013, Kevin DuJan. All rights reserved.

================queer writer Larry Sinclair on Obama, drugs and murder!
One of my closest friends spoke with Larry Sinclair at a conspiracy convention in Philadelphia and said the man comes across as 100% genuine. Sinclair obviously hopes to stay alive, unlike other Obama murder victims,  by staying out in the open and publicizing his own case.
Description of the Sinclair book:
larry-sinclair-obama-cocaine-murderThe biggest untold story of the 2008 U.S. Presidential Election… Finally, the no-holds-barred, 100% true story of Barack Obama’s use and sale of cocaine; his homosexual affairs and the December 23, 2007 murder of Barack Obama’s former lover and choir director of Obama’s Chicago church of 20 years, Donald Young, just days before the 2008 Iowa Caucus. This searing candid story begins with Barack Obama meeting Larry Sinclair in November, 1999, and subsequently procuring and selling cocaine, and then engaging in consensual, homosexual sex with Sinclair on November 6th and again on November 7, 1999.
You’ll read in riveting detail how Sinclair, in 2007, repeatedly contacted and requested that the Obama campaign simply come clean about their candidate’s 1999 drug use and sales. You learn how the Obama campaign, David Axelrod and Barack Obama used Donald Young (the homosexual lover of Barack Obama) to contact and seek out information from Sinclair about whom he had told of Obama’s crimes and actions.
You’ll read how the Obama campaign used internet porn king Dan Parisi and Ph.D. fraud Edward I. Gelb [ = Jew] to conduct a rigged polygraph exam in an attempt to make the Sinclair story go away. The Obama team and the controlled media – specifically MSNBC’s Chris Matthews, Keith Olbermann, the New York Times, CNN, Politico’s Ben Smith, The DailyKos, The Huffington Post and others – attacked the National Press Club for making its facilities available to Larry Sinclair for a news conference to present his evidence and allegations to the world media.
You’ll read how Vice President Joe Biden’s son, Delaware Attorney General Beau Biden, issued an arrest warrant on completely false, fabricated charges to attempt to discredit Mr. Sinclair’s National Press Club news conference. This is a staggeringly true story of how the sitting U.S.President with the help of the Mainstream Media, the Chicago Police Department, the FBI, the Delaware Attorney General and others got away with murder and more….



At a WWI cemetery in Verdun, France in 2004. 600,000 brave white men died here (French and Germans) for nothing except to make the J-Team rich and “kill off the best gentiles.” One of my relatives, Richard Henri Felix de Nugent, died in August, 1914, in the infantry, in the first month of that insane war.  My great-uncle Herbert Dodge came back from WWI with a croaking voice from poison gas. I asked him why America got into WWI. He looked at me and croaked: “Well, our President Wilson claimed that this would be ‘the war to end all wars’ and ‘make the world safe for democracy.'” Then he stared at me.

John de Nugent

681 Canal Road

Apollo PA 15613

Donations by cash

Thank you to a comrade in France!


Credit card using Authorize.net (top left or right of this log!)


(Thank you to a comrade in Berlin, Germany and to another in South Carolina for your donations by credit card today!)

PayPal (contact me at john_denugent@yahoo.com for how to send it)



Or AS I GO INTO BATTLE are you GOING TO WUSS OUT and make excuses  like Captain Swede during the recent race riots in Stockholm?



I am so sick and tired of hearing the French are cowards. Some of the bravest fighters of and for our race have been French-speakers!

Translation: “Pure race. Fight for her!”


The most highly-decorated of the 400,000 volunteers in the Waffen-SS, Léon Degrelle!


This distinguished French historian, Dominique Venner, recipient of the History Prize of the French Academy….



… at age 78, yet healthy, and with a beloved wife and five children, in a final and courageous protest against homo “marriage” and the islamic takeover of Europe, SHOT HIMSELF at the altar of Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris!





When was the last time YOU, Mr. Brave Anglo-Saxon, did anything even 1% as drastic?

When have YOU rioted against anal marriage, confronting the jew-controlled police, as these French whites have now done twice over the last month?


Thousands continue to rampage across Paris as gay marriage protest enters second day of violence

  • French capital marred by second day of protest over gay marriage
  • Far-right demonstrators turn violent last night and were tear-gassed
  • Police and photographers were attacked by rioting extremists
  • French politics polarised after economic woes and high unemployment


By Peter Allen and Mail Foreign Service



Paris has been hit with a second day of riots as thousands hit the streets to protest against the introduction of gay marriage in France.

Since yesterday, 293 people have been arrested, with 231 of those charged with public order offences.

Most of the trouble started on Sunday night, following a mass rally in the centre of the city which attracted around 150,000 people.

Rally: Violence began after a demonstration against gay marriage in the capital on Sunday

Rally: Violence began after a demonstration against gay marriage in the capital on Sunday

Demonstration: The anti-gay marriage rally marched past Parisian landmarks, including the Eiffel Tower

Demonstration: The anti-gay marriage rally marched past Parisian landmarks, including the Eiffel Tower
Riots: Protesters threw flares at police as far-right demonstrators joined the violence

Riots: Protesters threw flares at police as far-right demonstrators joined the violence

Riot policemen carry a protestor against gay marriage. Police made around 100 arrests

Riot policemen carry a protestor against gay marriage. Police made around 100 arrests

Far-right protesters wave a flag of the French student political group GUD (Groupe Union Defense) as they face riot policemen

Far-right protesters wave a flag of the French student political group GUD (Groupe Union Defense) as they face riot policemen

The worst clashes were between CRS riot police and hooded right-wing ‘ultras’ around famous monuments including Les Invalides, where Napoleon Bonaparte is buried.


‘Traditional France has been threatened by these new measures and that’s why we have taken to the streets,’ said Jerome Martin, a 23-year-old protester.


‘The violence highlights the frustration we feel at having been betrayed by liberal politicians.’


Mr Martin spoke as hundreds threw rocks and smoke bombs at the police, who responded with tear gas and baton charges.


There were numerous injuries on both sides, with the worst fights breaking out on the grass esplanade opposite Les Invalides, and in surrounding streets.


Journalists were also attacked, with at least two seriously injured.


The area is next door to the French parliament, where President Francois Hollande’s Socialist government introduced and then passed the gay marriage bill.

Murky: Anti-gay marriage demonstrators silhouetted against the police's tear gas

Murky: Anti-gay marriage demonstrators silhouetted against the police’s tear gas

Clashes: A policeman wearing civilian clothes kicks a protester in Paris on the sidelines of the demonstration

Clashes: A policeman wearing civilian clothes kicks a protester in Paris on the sidelines of the demonstration

Police used tear gas on the violent protestors. Officers were on high alert amid warnings hardliners could infiltrate the demonstration and cause trouble

Police used tear gas on the violent protestors. Officers were on high alert amid warnings hardliners could infiltrate the demonstration and cause trouble

Policemen wearing civilian clothes arrest a far-right protester wearing a Guy Fawkes mask, used by protestors the world over

Policemen wearing civilian clothes arrest a far-right protester wearing a Guy Fawkes mask, used by protestors the world over

Advance: Protesters threaten police with a barrier on the sidelines of the demonstrations against a gay marriage law

Advance: Protesters threaten police with a barrier on the sidelines of the demonstrations against a gay marriage law

A riot policeman hits protestors with pepper spray. There were an estimated 200 hardcore violent demonstrators who refused to disperse

A riot policeman hits protestors with pepper spray. There were an estimated 200 hardcore violent demonstrators who refused to disperse.

A protester taunts police. Many hid their faces with scarves, hoods and masks to prevent identification

A protester taunts police. Many hid their faces with scarves, hoods and masks to prevent identification.

It meant that France became the 14th country in the world to allow same sex unions.


The protests, which are strongly backed by the Roman Catholic Church, have become a chance for the French right to rally against the left.


Interior Minister Manuel Valls said some 100 known far-right protesters were among those arrested in the early hours of Monday.


Some 4,500 police officers were on duty in Paris on Sunday to deal with the huge crowds.

France’s first gay wedding is due to take place on Wednesday in Montpellier, in the south of the country.


Despite the violent rally, a survey published on Sunday showed 53 per cent of French people support gay marriage and adoption.

Protesters run in the streets. Some hung a banner urging Hollande to go

Protesters run in the streets. Some hung a banner urging Hollande to go

Crackdown: Policemen arrest a far-right protester after the demonstration turned violent

Crackdown: Policemen arrest a far-right protester after the demonstration turned violent

A tear gas grenade drops into the midst of protestors. The demonstration was also held to show frustration with President Francois Hollande

A tear gas grenade drops into the midst of protestors. The demonstration was also held to show frustration with President Francois Hollande.

Some of the protestors were affiliated with ultra-nationalist organisations

Some of the protestors were affiliated with ultra-nationalist organisations.

Violent: Right-wing protesters also attacked photojournalists

Violent: Right-wing protesters also attacked photojournalists

Thousands of supporters of the anti-gay marriage movement 'La Manif Pour Tous' (Demonstration for all) wave flags and placards as they gather near the Invalides square in Paris-

Thousands of supporters of the anti-gay marriage movement ‘La Manif Pour Tous’ (Demonstration for all) wave flags and placards as they gather near the Invalides square in Paris.

Egalite: The French Parliament approved a law allowing same-sex couples to marry and to adopt children

Egalite: The French Parliament approved a law allowing same-sex couples to marry and to adopt children

Fraternite? The reform has often sparked violent street protests and a rise in homophobic attacks

Fraternite? The reform has often sparked violent street protests and a rise in homophobic attacks

Resistance: A gay marriage opponent waves flags at the Esplanade des Invalides

Resistance: A gay marriage opponent waves flags at the Esplanade des Invalides

But the mass rallies have contributed to President Hollande’s low popularity ratings.


His administration has been plagued by economic recession and unemployment has now hit more than 10 per cent, but Hollande got some welcome news on Sunday, after his popularity inched up four points to 29 per cent this month.

Although it failed to block gay marriage, the protest movement hopes its show of force will delay or stop further laws allowing assisted procreation and surrogate motherhood for gay couples.

The situation began to escalate on Tuesday when writer Dominique Venner, who is linked to a far-right French nationalist party, shot and killed himself inside Paris’ Notre Dame Cathedral.

Non: People wave trademark pink, blue and white flags at the Esplanade des Invalides as they attend a protest march against France's legalisation of same-sex marriage

Non: People wave trademark pink, blue and white flags at the Esplanade des Invalides as they attend a protest march against France’s legalisation of same-sex marriage


The protest was called 'La Manif pour Tous' (Demonstration for All)

The protest was called ‘La Manif pour Tous’ (Demonstration for All)

He had called for ‘spectacular’ action to protect France’s identity, and was denouncing same-sex marriage law.


Hollande’s Socialist Party denounced the protest, highlighting the fact that the law has already passed in parliament and was validated by the Constitutional Council.

The conservative opposition UMP party was split over whether to continue the rallies.

UMP President Jean-Francois Cope and several other party leaders joined the march and urged young protesters to join his party as a ‘new UMP generation’ and campaign against the left-wing government.

But several other UMP leaders, including former conservative prime ministers Francois Fillon and Alain Juppe, kept their distance, saying lawmakers should exercise their influence in parliament rather than march in street protests.

The protests have grown into a wider opposition movement against the unpopular President Hollande

The protests have grown into a wider opposition movement against the unpopular President Hollande

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2331545/Gay-marriage-Paris-protests-enter-second-day-violence.html#ixzz2UW3OIamD
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Barack Obama Was High on Cocaine During “The Missing Hours” of the Benghazi Attack Last September
Posted on May 24, 2013 by Kevin DuJan // Boystown, Mysteries

Barack Obama Cocaine

[ Click above to embiggen ]

Yesterday, Rich Lowry at Politico wrote about “The Mystery Night” on September 11th, 2012 when the current US President disappeared for many hours and was seemingly unavailable…despite the fact that the first US Ambassador in 30 years had been murdered in the line of duty.  Lowry wonders where Barack Obama disappeared to that fateful night…and why White House aide Dan Pfeiffer insists it’s “irrelevant” where Obama was in those missing hours.

If you’ve ever known anyone who is a drug addict, you’d see it’s obvious that Barack Obama was high on cocaine the night of Benghazi; it is the only logical explanation for his disappearance and the White House’s refusal to comment on what he was doing at the time.  Since this was a night of great crisis for our country, the only logical reason that the White House won’t explain where the president was is if this man was high as a kite on illegal narcotics at the time.

Lowry did a great job in his article fleshing out the last time Obama was seen on September 11th of last year…and then noting when he reappeared again the next day, briefly, before jetting off to fabulous Las Vegas for a fun-and-games fundraiser event he had scheduled there (where, it also should be noted, not only Chippendales but also Thunder From Down Under male revues are regularly held…which certainly establishes the appeal of heading to Las Vegas instead of managing a national crisis back in Washington for this particular president).

According to Lowry’s timeline:

* Obama appeared sober on 9/11/12 at 5pm EST when he met with Defense Secretary Leon Panetta and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Martin Dempsey.  I have never been able to shake the feeling that Barack Obama was woefully disappointed when he learned that Gen. Dempsey has nothing to do with either marijuana or penises in his capacity as the Chairman of the “Joint” Chiefs of “Staff”.  But, I presume he would not have done cocaine before meeting with these two military men.  Obama appears to have been still functional and ambulatory at 5pm that day.

* Lowry says that Obama learned of the death of US Ambassador Chris Stevens at this meeting…before Obama disappeared for many hours. These are the mystery “missing hours” that the White House refuses to talk about.

* Obama next emerged from cloister at 10pm EST 9/11/12 when he spoke with Hillary Clinton; it’s not stated if this was in person or if it was on the phone, but it sure feels like Obama was out of his mind on drugs when this happened.  Clinton would never bust him on this (because she can never say a bad word about this man if she wants to secure the black vote in 2016), but even people on a late-80s-Wall-Street-grade binge of cocaine can talk on the phone for a few minutes. I’m sure when Obama was speaking to her that he imagined she’d morphed into some sort of dragon or a Hydra from Greek Mythology…because she probably read him the riot act over being on drugs when the Benghazi debacle was happening.

* Obama then went missing until the next morning. No doubt, he was still having nightmare flashbacks of Hillary Clinton screaming at him.

* Lowry then says Obama was next spotted at 1035am EST on 9/12/12 when he pretended the Benghazi attack was about some YouTube video…and then he disappeared again until he boarded his plane for fabulous Las Vegas at 220pm EST later that day.

After reading Lowry’s article, my good friend Justine in California emailed me to ask whether I thought Obama was having sex with Reggie Love during the “missing hours” and if that’s where he was. Justine was an actress and model in Los Angeles back in the late-1970s and ran in the same circles as friends of closeted gay men like Rock Hudson…so her first instinct with Obama and Benghazi is that he and Reggie Love were getting at it and Obama didn’t want to be disturbed.

I think Obama doing cocaine is a much better explanation for his missing hours, simply because at his age and with all the men he’s been with it’s not like he couldn’t just stop romancing Reggie for a little bit…and then get back to it when they were in Vegas.  I know the stereotype of gay guys is that we’re all sex-crazed and can’t control ourselves, but even the biggest gay sexual glutton in the world can pull himself away from a hot guy long enough to take care of something important (if need be).  It’s not like this would have been the first time that Barack Obama was having gay sex…so surely he could have pushed “pause” to be president for a while (before getting back to whatever he was up to when the crisis was over).

However, once you take drugs you are pretty much on another astral plane for however long it takes for the drugs to leave your system.  I’ve sadly watched a lot of incredible people in the nightlife scene ruin their lives with cocaine over the years, and once these people got high they stayed high until the drugs metabolized enough for them to function.  In fact, a few years ago I dated a day trader here in Chicago who (unbeknownst to me at first) would use cocaine in the evening when he came home from work…and he’d process the drugs in his system enough to be back at his office early the next morning. Unless you really knew what to look for, this guy seemed totally normal in the morning…but he could not function or be responsible for anything overnight while the drugs were racing through his system.

The timeline Lowry fleshed out perfectly fits a scenario where Barack Obama retired to his private quarters (perhaps with Reggie Love…or maybe one of the other low-ranking young men who are forever suspiciously palling around with this president, unlike any president before him) sometime around 6pm EST or so on 9/11/12.  He then seems to have taken drugs (which I believe most likely involved cocaine).  Hillary Clinton either showed up to kill his buzz or she kept calling on the phone over and over again until he answered at 10pm.  I’m sure he hung up on her as fast as he could, because the woman scares him (and no doubt scolds his sorry ass every chance she gets).

From then until the staff was finally able to rouse, dress, and make him presentable enough for the public at 1030am the next day Barack Obama appears to have been out of his mind high on drugs.

Since the White House deliberately is insisting that it’s “irrelevant” where Obama was during those missing hours that Lowry has asked about, we must assume I’m correct and the President of the United States was incapacitated from heavy narcotics use.

I would gladly retract this story if the White House would sufficiently explain Barack Obama’s whereabouts during those missing hours and prove he was not out of his mind on cocaine at the time (or gluttonously engaged in gay sex, as my friend Justine believes).

You should know by now that whenever the Obama Regime stonewalls and absolutely refuses to reveal information mysteriously, there is a reason for it.

With this particular president, that reason more often than not involves drugs or gay sex (or a combination of both)…and just like with John F. Kennedy’s own drug use and sexual escapades, there are many people who will refuse to believe this about Obama for decades. But, at some point in the future I hope you live long enough to see people openly talking about Obama’s drug use and homosexuality, as it’s as clear as day for those of us who are gay and have known people with drug problems as rampant as this president’s. It’s not like the man disappeared off the face of the Earth into another dimension during those “missing hours”.  But, I suppose it’s uncomfortable for a lot of people to imagine what he was really doing during that mystery time.

QUESTION FOR COMMENTS:  Do you think it’s better for the White House to say the president’s location is “irrelevant” or for them to admit “the president was high on cocaine and/or having gay sex in his private quarters”?

For more on Barack Obama’s drug use, go to the original source on this issue:


© 2013, Kevin DuJan. All rights reserved.

Read more http://hillbuzz.org/barack-obama-was-high-on-cocaine-during-the-missing-hours-of-the-benghazi-attack-last-september-90072

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