ENGLISH Obama time bomb ticking: bribes, murders, queers, leukophobia (not to mention incompetence); why Paul is still Saul

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This is the Financial Services Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations hearing of May 5, 2009.

Rep. Alan Grayson of Florida (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alan_Grayson) asks the Federal Reserve Inspector General about the trillions of dollars lent or spent by the Federal Reserve and where it went, and the trillions of off balance sheet obligations. Inspector General Elizabeth Coleman responds that the IG does not know and is not tracking where this money is.


Federal Reserve Office of the Inspector General: http://www.federalreserve.gov/

Someone commented underneath the video:

1)Why is a private institution with no elected leaders the most powerful and influential institution in our country? 2)Why can’t our gov’t audit said institution? 3) Why can’t I find a list of owners and investors in this private institution? 4)Why do we borrow our own money at interest from a private bank instead of just printing it ourselves? 5) and most importantly, WHY DOESN’T OUR WHOLE COUNTRY KNOW ABOUT THIS (FORCED) CONFESSION TO GRAYSON BY THE FED INSPECTOR GENERAL, UNDER OATH, AND WHY AREN’T WE SHOUTING FOR THE FED TO NOW BE ABOLISHED?

Someone else wrote under this video:

This is INSANE !!!!!!!! I always made a conscientious effort to stay away from conspiracy theories but after seeing this clip I am speechless.



He was responding to my blog here: “ENGLISH Darkmoon’s Goodbye America; Atlantis recurs” https://johndenugent.com/english-darkmoons-goodbye-america-atlantis-recurs

Author : Barry
E-mail : barry@studebakersite.com
URL    :

Don’t rush into inventing yet another Aryan “religion” before God Himself reveals it to you or you will end up like Koehl, Pierce, Benny Klassen and others whose home made religions died or will die with them. The reality of the situation is that about 90% of the racially conscious whites in this country who are not losers, drunks, narcissistic turds, or government agents are Christians who are unwilling to change religions…

Dear Barry,

Thanks for your comment. No, no rushing into anything. I quit Dr Pierce in 1984 (on excellent terms) because I realized we needed a religious approach, and not a flim-flam either. I could not believe that after 15 years of work he had only 200 members (which he confessed to me as he was preparing me to emcee the 1984 National Alliance convention in Crystal City, Arlington, Virginia), and 90% of them were male, a very unhealthy situation. This determination to found a new Aryan faith for our times has been 26 years in the making for me. And Vedanta has been an Aryan religion for four thousand years. My belief in it and my own calling are quiet but total.

Pauline Christianity, and also Christian Identity (a very well-motivated racial version of Christianity which accepts Paul but sees modern whites of today as the descendants of the “true Israel,” or “the Lost Tribes of Israel” who supposedly headed north and west into Europe), has utterly failed to stop the real Jews, the neanderthal Jews. The Jews have made no greater inroads than among the Christian nations.

And in fact that is why I think that the overt Sanhedrin agent and persecutor of Christians named Saul of Tarsus (who held the clothes as other Jews were stoning Stephen to death, and was traveling afterward as a fanatic busybody, what the French would call an energumen, from synagogogue to synagogue to organize hostility to the new Jesus faith) suddenly “became a Christian,” after a vision he claimed to have had. It is my conviction that this was yet another Jewish infiltration-co-optation scheme, because he saw that Christianity would “have legs” and he was determined to co-opt and rejudaize Jesus’ radically anti-Jewish new faith BEFORE it became a world religion. (And in the psychopath-ridden, incredibly cruel Roman Empire, the message of Jesus about love, kindness, forgiveness, modest service to others, letting God judge other humans, and unselfish righteousness — not dogmatic self-righteousness — ensured that that faith would spread by leaps and bounds.)

The Colosseum, where Romans forced men, often brave male prisoners of war and not just criminals, to kill each other for the entertainment of the wine-swilling mob. Other prisoners were set on fire, or eaten by lions. All over the Roman Empire, Jews accused Christians of treason to the Roman authorities, and caused their deaths in exactly such nightmarish arenas. In a sense, Christianity, like Buddhism, can be seen as a religion that was an antidote to psychopathy. The Germanic peoples began to intensely hate the Roman Empire because of such nauseatingly cruel spectacles, which showed no respect for the dignity of the warrior captured while fighting for his country’s freedom. Men and beasts were kept in the basement holding areas, seen at the bottom of this photograph.

The entire Book of Romans by Paul/Saul (claiming to gentile roman Christians that ‘the Jews are STILL God’s chosen people’ and “in the end all Israel shall be saved”) is one big contradiction to Jesus’ own warning in Matthew 21, three parables about how if the Jews murdered “the Son,” the Father would end His relationship with the Jews. The parable of the Good Samaritan was also a warning by Christ, because the non-Jew is the only righteous one.


We see the same co-opting process going on now with the Tea Party, where the Jews and their stooges are moving in to defang a movement which had great potential. Now its “head” (since it has no dynamic leader) is Sarah Palin, the pro-zionist hockey mom!

Back in 1492, when the Spanish monarchs Ferdinand and Isabella (of Christopher Columbus fame) were expelling the Jews, the Jewish “Prince of Constantinople” stated directly that Jews should infiltrate and take over every aspect of Spanish society, INCLUDING CHRISTIANITY.

In 1492, Chemor, chief Rabbi of Spain, wrote to the Grand Sanhedrin, which had its seat in Constantinople, for advice, when a Spanish law threatened expulsion.2 This was the reply:

” Beloved brethren in Moses, we have received your letter in which you tell us of the anxieties and misfortunes which you are enduring. We are pierced by as great pain to hear it as yourselves.

The advice of the Grand Satraps and Rabbis is the following:

1. As for what you say that the King of Spain obliges you to become Christians: do it, since you cannot do otherwise.

2. As for what you say about the command to despoil you of your property: make your sons merchants that they may despoil, little by little, the Christians of theirs.

3. As for what you say about making attempts on your lives: make your sons doctors and apothecaries, that they may take away Christians’ lives.

4. As for what you say of their destroying your synagogues: make your sons canons and clerics in order that they may destroy their churches. [Emphasis mine]

5. As for the many other vexations you complain of: arrange that your sons become advocates and lawyers, and see that they always mix in affairs of State, that by putting Christians under your yoke you may dominate the world and be avenged on them.

6. Do not swerve from this order that we give you, because you will find by experience that, humiliated as you are, you will reach the actuality of power.


2. The reply is found in the sixteenth century Spanish book, La Silva Curiosa, by Julio-Iniguez de Medrano (Paris, Orry, 1608), on pages 156 and 157, with the following explanation: “This letter following was found in the archives of Toledo by the Hermit of Salamanca, (while) searching the ancient records of the kingdoms of Spain; and, as it is expressive and remarkable, I wish to write it here.” — vide, photostat facing page 80.

~ The above was quoted from Waters Flowing Eastward by Paquita de Shishmareff, pp. 73-74

I’ll put your comment in my blog today. And my faith is not anti-Jesus, but embraces Him as I see His true mission. I believe, ironically in agreement with the Talmud (which never, ever, ever said Jesus never existed!!!!), that Jesus was part-Aryan, the son of a Roman officer, and came to warn the world against the Jews, and wicked psychopaths of all races. (https://johndenugent.com/psychopaths-in-power) This was also what Adolf Hitler and Houston Stewart Chamberlain believed.


John de Nugent
213 Ekastown Road
Sarver PA 16055 USA
(724) 353-0154

I need money to finish my book, print my door-to-door materials, to train Jehovah’s Witness-like conversion teams, and to mass-produce my DVD-book, because my key book IS A DVD (text, photos, music, videos, and I also talk directly on the video in a heart-to-heart fireside chat to the reader).

At Meadowcroft Rock Shelter, just outside Pittsburgh, where Dr. James Adovasio (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/James_M._Adovasio), director of anthropology at the University of Pittsburgh,  found evidence of a civilization different from and preceding the Amerindians, and was defamed for decades for his (scientifically impeccable) discoveries. This tough Italian-American from Youngstown, Ohio (Jim Traficant country) never flinched.

But when Pennsylvania high school kids in their school buses are brought in here, they are not told ONE word about the fact that this early pre-Indian culture was WHITE, and so they leave totally bored. Meadowcroft contains the oldest traces of humans in all of North America! The director of the Rockshelter, of course, came rushing over, all worried, as I began filming…. 😉 I held him off by discussing Adovasio, who is the man who made this Rockshelter the scientific breakthrough that it is. 😉

Meadowcroft Rockshelter is yet another reason why I advocate that WNs move HERE.

Our Solutrean ancestors fished, waded, bathed and frolicked in this very creek below the Rockshelter in 17,000 BC.

You can send a money order, cash, a check to John de Nugent, or use PayPal to john_denugent@yahoo.com.

Give me the tools and I will finish the job.

Meadowcroft’s handy creek, called Cross Creek, because it in effect crosses the Ohio River;  there is a creek directly on the opposite side of the mighty Ohio, eight miles due west….

Cross Creek also exists on the Ohio side….in a truly gorgeous and fertile country of hills and dales, settled overwhelmingly by Germans and Scotch-Irish. (You can tell the Scotch-Irish house by the stock car engine in the front lawn and the still in the back. 😉 The German areas all look “neatnik,” natürlich.) The tear-drop-shaped “A” marks the Meadowcroft Rockshelter, way up in very high, winding hills.

These were the kitty-cats back then whom our Solutrean ancestors got to pet….Smile for the nice “smilodon”….

It is quite possible the Solutreans were of haplogroup R1b and very ruddy, like the modern Basques and many Irish.

An amusing modern CGI depiction of the difference between neanderthals, whose descendants are today’s Jews, Arabs, Armenians, Chechens, Khazars and other semitic types, and the tall, lithe, blondish cro-magnons. The Solutreans were the first truly modern culture the Cro-Magnons originated, inventing new forms of art, the vital sewing needle, and razorlike flint weapons so they could survive the extinction threats posed by the neanderthals and the LGM (Last Glacial Maximum, around 17,000 BC; http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Last_glacial_maximum). It was sink-or-swim, and they swam. We all descend from those who prevailed.

Solutreanism is saying: We, the strong, will get through this crisis as we, the strong, have mastered many an earlier crisis. We need to fight, stop trusting our enemies, sacrifice for future generations, and above all procreate, and if we are older, aid the young procreators to have large families and raise their kids well. We must be a tribe, with rituals, blood loyalty and blood honor, and let the brain-dead whites disappear, just as the weak whites disappeared in the European LGM. (The American Southwest, Afghanistan and Iran had excellent rainfall, cool green landscapes and good survival conditions during this same period and this is why adventurous whites, early Aryans, flourished there.)

The Solutrean flag will someday fly over the Rock of Solutré in Burgundy, where our desperate ancestors channeled reindeer and wild horses into killing zones and ambushes between boulders. When the LGM caused their prey animals to die out, and of course there was no possibility of agriculture in the freezing Upper Stone Age, they headed out to sea, and found Ice Age America.

Olly Steeds tells me I am “inciting racial hatred” by expressing the findings of Dr. Dennis Stanford of the Smithsonian, Dr. Adovasio, and the flint-weapons world expert, Prof. Dr. Bruce Bradley, a graduate of Oxford. Steeds also amazed me, considering the huge American audience for the Discovery Channel, by not recognizing the US Marine Corps emblem, the eagle, globe and anchor, on my lapel.


I have frequently gotten emails asking the following:

I’ve got a question about this Neanderthal business. Everybody agrees that full-blooded Africans have no Neanderthal ancestry. What does this imply?

My response:

This implies they are a different kind of early human.

Neanderthals, like their Jew and Arab descendants, were zeroes in art but tenacious, violent, clannish and misogynistic. And they had BIG brains.

The problem with the Arabs’ brainpower is three-fold (and the Russians became disgusted in 1967 that they refused to absorb Soviet weapons training and the Israelis were able to easily overwhelm them):

1) Islam (which means “submission” in Arabic and involves putting your brain on the carpet and your butt in the sky ;-)) dumbs all the muslim peoples down, just as many forms of Christianity also make people into sheeplike, trusting, emotion-ridden zombies;

2) many Arabs (not all) have significant amounts of negro blood; ALL curly hair comes from negro genes, including that found in white people and Jews (thanks to the spread of slavery throughout late pharaonic Egypt and then all countries under the Roman Empire)

3) Arabs have never had a eugenics program.

For millennia, the average dumb Jew has paid through the nose to support his rabbis, who are the most brilliant and devious Jews and always have large families. Many rabbis also run businesses. Dov Zakheim, who was the Comptroller at the Pentagon when two trillion dollars disappeared (which Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld announced on September 10, 2001 http://911research.wtc7.net/sept11/trillions.html), was and is a rabbi.

On September 10, 2001, Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld held a press conference to disclose that over $2,000,000,000,000 in Pentagon funds could not be accounted for. Rumsfeld stated: “According to some estimates we cannot track $2.3 trillion in transactions.” According to a report by the Inspector General, the Pentagon cannot account for 25 percent of what it spends.

Neanderthal genes are what make judaism, islam and Pauline Christianity so bizarre, violent, intolerant, dogmatic and toxic for our race. They are ways to mobilize semites and get us to commit suicide in favor of a God-chosen semitic people.

I well remember someone quoting Kahlil Gibran in my presence, the Lebanese who wrote The Prophet, to Dr. William Pierce and he replied:

“Ah yes, another Levantine messiah. Ex oriente lux, ‘all light comes from the east.’ I want our light to come from the NORTH.”



This old bearded guy is giving an unsophisticated (albeit very sincere and serious) speech against BOTH the NW, and apathy, but at the same time the video creator relegates him to just one box and numerous graphic images are flashing at the same time, making boredom impossible.

Since people nowadays seem afflicted to an unprecented extent by ADD (attention deficit disorder) and incapable of reading or concentrating for any length of time (for example, I have had exactly TWO persons tell me they read the magnificent script to “Cyanide,” despite my giving this script a huge and, for me, time-consuming buildup on my blog https://johndenugent.com/news/english-russian-and-american-sailors-prevented-wwiii-in-1967-thwarting-israeli-false-flag-attack-coordinated-by-closet-jew-lyndon-baines-johnson)  this is the way we have to go: flashy stuff, go/go/go, nonstop action.

Here is the video now, where this fellow is basically asking, even begging the military to affect, control or even overthrow the illegal Bush-Obama regime.


The bulldozer scene in the video is related to this man: Marvin Heemeyer, a German-American in Colorado.  The Wiki article is very slanted against him, of course, since Wiki controller Jimmy Wales is a closet Jew.  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marvin_Heemeyer#Bulldozer_modification

Police station, town hall and 11 other buildings destroyed by one angry, determined, methodical man in 2004.

Here is some more great footage. You can see the German genes in this guy, that he spent 18 months preparing and perfecting his plan, then going beyond words to taking action, committed totally to give up his life for his message.

My thought in reading all this is that if more of the FIFTY MILLION German-Americans ever really get going, ZOG’s goose is cooked. They have the sense of precision and planning, and the determination, to win this thing. And then you do not have “senseless destruction” (supposedly seven million dollars in damage to the town) but damage to the the real and ultimate authors of our misery.

I personally crafted this map below in 1986 with the help of a German-American graphic artist named Mark. I was working for Hans Schmidt, the former Waffen-SS soldier, at the time. His idea was to mobilize the German-Americans. I did a mass mailer to Chicago- area German-Americans, a so-called “cold list” (people who never before had been contacted) and we got a three percent response, three percent who sent donations to a hitherto unknown organization in faraway Washington DC, which in the world of mass mailing is really fantastic.

Here is some excellent video footage.


Here is another video, on how the Net ripped to shreds the Israeli hasbara (lying propaganda) on how their commandoes were attacked by the peace activists in May of this year who were bringing supplies to Gaza.

Let us never forget the GOOD news, which is that, because of the Aryan-created Internet, justified antisemitism has never been greater around the whole world. And I say that advisedly after 32 years in this Cause. More people see through the Jews now than at any previous time in world history.

Now more terrible news for Barack Insane Obongo: [read it if interested]


Three Possibilities for Obama’s BIG SCANDAL: Bribery, Gay Sex, and MURDER

Posted by hillbuzz under Uncategorized | Tags: birth certificate, Democrat Insider articles, Obama, Ulstermann, why won’t Obama show birth certificate |
[148] Comments

We have never gotten more emails about any one single topic than we have today about Ulsterman’s latest “Democrat Insider” column: this is a series of articles he’s been writing in NewsFlavor that he presents as a dialogue with a supposed former White House employee, high-ranking, that’s spilling the dirt on the Obama Administration.

Today’s installment was called “President Obama is Lost. Absolutely Lost”. In this installment, Ulstermann refers to a mysterious “Big Scandal” that’s rooted in Chicago, which will bring Obama and the Democrats down and destroy just about anyone who touches it.
This is a political McGuffin, in our opinion, and these “dialogues” are indeed interesting reading, but they’re narrative devices on the part of Ulstermann.  We don’t believe these conversations are taking place, but we do think Ulstermann is a sharp guy who can see the forest for the trees and is just speculating on what’s happening in the White House based on his knowledge of all the personalities involved there.

When George W. Bush went to Washington in 2000, he brought with him MBAs, people who worked in business, staff with executive branch experience from his Texas governor’s office, and people who worked for his father’s White House.

When the Clintons were president in the 90s, they brought similar people with them from the Arkansas Governor’s mansion, though no one with real business sense and a lot more partisan political animals.

Obama brought crazy people from Chicago with him to the capital.  The disaster that’s become his presidency is a direct result of this, because many of the people advising the current president are mentally ill at best, and pure-blood Marxists at worst.

Knowing this, we think Ulstermann has boiled conversations with people who know the mental patients currently working in West Wing down to this “White House insider” character, who is not a real person.

That’s just our opinion on it, but here’s why we think this person isn’t real:  we have a lot of sources too, and in the past when we’ve written things up as an “We had lunch with so and so and he said” piece, that source got skittish about being identified somehow and either never gave us dirt again or really watched what they said.  You have to remember, the sort of people who would be talking to Ulstermann are probably men in their fifties with two or even three mortgages, car payments, kids in Ivy League schools, alimony payments, credit card bills, and all the other things that make middle-aged men sweat, lose their hair, and go blind from stress.  Outside of professional boxing and a season on Project Runway, working in politics is the most rough and tumble, one day you’re in and the next day you are out, you are only as good as your last fight/piece/success occupation there is.

Knowing these people, and how skittish they are on both sides of the aisle, how terrified the all are of getting burned by talking about things that shouldn’t be talked about, we just can’t imagine some source like Ulstermann describes really existing.  Hell, we know people who worked in the Carter White House who STILL won’t talk about the experience, not until Jimmy Carter is actually dead.  In the Democrat Party especially, once you are on an enemy’s list, you are never removed.  Someone will get you back.

All that said, if we assume for a minute that every word in the Ulstermann articles is true, people have been writing in all day to ask what we think is the “Big Scandal” that could destroy Obama and the Democrats.  In our opinion, it’s either the pay-to-play bribe Obama took as a state senator from Yesse Yehudah, Obama’s gay relationships with men including his visits to Man’s Country bathhouse as a state senator, or the Trinity United Church of Christ murders in the leadup to Obama’s run for the presidency.

Both of the Obamas have been involved in pay-to-play bribes throughout his political career.  Michelle, by way of her position at the University of Chicago, took all sorts of money that was funneled through various criminal enterprises, as consulting fees for this and that. This is how things are done in Chicago.  The media largely ignored all of this because they not only wanted to help Obama but also because the average reader/viewer finds these deals very hard to follow.  The minutia of this stuff is boring.

Dan Morain at the LA Times tried writing stories on the Yesse Yehudah bribe Obama took, to the tune of $10,000, but there was never any national interest in this story.  During the 2008 campaign, we were pushed very aggressively by someone connected in Chicago politics to dig into the Yesse Yehudah story, particularly when people here noticed that HB started getting a lot of traffic and that people like Rush Limbaugh, Dennis Miller, and those in the McCain campaign were reading us and often commenting on things we talked about.

“Keep digging on Yehudah, Yehudah is key to everything,” we were told again and again, though these people kept being very vague about what this was all about.  This kind of stuff is maddening to us.  We’re not reporters.  Where are we supposed to dig?  In Grant Park?  What are we supposed to dig with?  Why aren’t actual reporters from real magazines or newspapers doing this?  Even better, why don’t these sources just come out and TELL US what the Hell we are digging for instead of making everything a John Grisham-esque riddle to solve.

Going back to what we said above, these sources always want to have plausible deniability in case this stuff hits the fan.  They give us a few breadcrumbs and jelly beans, but nothing that we could ever burn them with if suddenly national attention fell on HB and we were confronted by the White House or FOX News or some other entity and asked who told us what and when.  So, they make us figure things out on our own, with all this cloak and dagger baloney along the way.

Story of our lives the last two and a half years.

Here’s some of what Dan Morain said about Yesse Yehudah in 2008:

As a presidential candidate, Obama has been critical of the congressional system of doling out money for pet projects. But he is no stranger to pork-barrel politics and the practice of spreading government money around his district. In Springfield he once directed state funds to a nonprofit group headed by a Republican and former ballot foe, Yesse B. Yehudah.

Yehudah barely registered a ripple of meaningful opposition, drawing only 10% of the vote in his 1998 challenge of Obama.

The following year, a nonprofit run by Yehudah, a social services organization called Fulfilling Our Responsibility Unto Mankind, began seeking state support. At the same time, Obama was considering mounting an ambitious challenge to U.S. Rep. Bobby L. Rush, a fellow Democrat.

Former foe Yehudah stepped up early to help. In November 1999, five people who worked for the Republican’s nonprofit organization each gave $1,000 checks to Obama’s congressional campaign committee. Yehudah makes no secret of his goal.

“We want [politicians] to know that when we sit down, we’re serious,” Yehudah said. “They know it when a $1,000 check comes in.”

Obama lost his congressional bid. President Clinton backed incumbent Rush, who received twice as many primary votes as Obama. Obama was left with a $40,000 debt.

Later that year, Yehudah associates pitched in an additional $5,000 to help retire Obama’s debt. The contributions were recorded on Oct. 7, 2000, three days after the Illinois Senate, at Obama’s behest, approved a $75,000 state grant to Yehudah’s nonprofit, state records show.

In an interview, Yehudah said the commitment for the grant was secured months earlier, in July. He called timing of the donations a coincidence.

The donations were modest by political standards, as was Obama’s relatively small assist to the nonprofit group of his ex-rival and new benefactor. But in Illinois, “government actions often occur around the time of campaign donations,” said Stewart of the Better Government Assn. “The answer is always the same: It’s always a coincidence.”

Obama spokesman Bill Burton said there was no connection between the campaign donations and the grant to Yehudah’s organization. “Of course not,” he said.

By 2002, Obama was preparing for his next challenge, a run for the U.S. Senate. Also that year, the Illinois attorney general sued Yehudah over allegations of kickbacks unrelated to the state grant. It was settled out of court.

Three days after the suit was filed, Obama returned one batch of donations totaling $5,000.

This Yehudah business is tied into Tony Rezko, because Tony Rezko had his hand in almost every crooked deal like this back then…and many of you probably know Rezko as being the man who helped Obama buy his house (by buying the land next door, that the Obamas could not afford, so that they could meet the purchase stipulation for the propety, which required both the house and the adjacent land to be bought on the same day).

Rezko is connected to the Giannoulias Mob Banking family through Broadway Bank, which many of Rezko’s crooked deals laundered money through.  Rezko made deposits, then the Giannoulias family would loan large sums to all sorts of criminals, with Alexi himself claiming he never knew “the extent of their criminal operations”.

All of this ties into Rod Blagojevich, Rahm Emanuel, Jan Schakowsky, Mayor Daley, Valerie Jarrett, and all sorts of other crooks you know who are in various positions of power and prominence, because they all took money from the same corrupt troughs, got rich off various Chicago area land deals and other schemes, and made sure thieir relatives and personal friends all received Michelle Obama-style “consulting fees” whenever possible.  This is how Chicago works.

So, if there is a “Big Scandal” it is most likely related to someone out there being ingenious enough to connect all the various scams and schemes this cast of characters was engaged in…and present it in a way that the public understands…with all the crimes, graft, bribes, and pay-to-play corruption pointing right to Obama himself.

This is a Herculean task.  There are riddles and clues and enigmas wrapped in mysteries.  All of this garbage goes back at least 20 years, back to Obama’s first days in Chicago…and most of it ties into things that were going on at Trinity United Church of Chirst as well…in particular the “Down Low Club”, DLC (not to be confused with the Democrat Leadership Conference).

The “DLC” is real (on both counts, but in relation to Trinity United for our purposes).  Both Democrats and Republicans have something like this — where closeted gay men of public prominence can meet guys for sex and fun without blowing their covers.  Republican Congressman Aaron Schock, for example, used the Chicago Young Republicans organization extensively through the summer of 2009 to meet hot young guys here in Chicago.  We know of several guys who “dated” Schock through the CYRs…and these guys were chosen because they are ambitious, bisexual/questioning, and closeted themselves…so they could be trusted to keep Schock’s secret.  We imagine people like Mark Kirk, Lindsey Graham, Larry Craig, Eric Massa, Mark Foley, Charlie Crist, and others had similar arrangements with Cocktail Party Republican establishment organizations that introduced these closeted gay men with young, attractive guys who could be trusted not to talk about doing whatever they were doing with politicians.  These are NOT male prostitutes…but rather young men who want to get ahead in the GOP, so they’re willing to give a little…head…fill in the blank if you know what we mean.  Not every guy is as attractive as Schock, but if you knew anything about the CYRs you’d see just how many guys in a groupd like that would love to do just about anything to have a Congressman write him letters of recommendation…especially in this economy.

In Chicago’s black community, the same thing was going on at Trinity United Church of Christ under Jeremiah Wright…where gay doctors, lawyers, football players, and politicians were all introduced to other closeted gay men…all of whom were usually married John Travolta/Tom Cruise/Rock Hudson style.  The “DLC” set these guys up as “buddies”, so they could have their wives and public images while getting up to all their mano-y-mano shenanigans too.  The black community is extremely bigoted and homophobic in general — much more so than the rest of American society.  Gays are actively hated in churches like Trinity United, but efforts like the DLC are seen as endeavors to “cure” these men…or at the very least keep their activities within the club so that they are not putting themselves or their wives at risk by doing things in bathhouses, back alleys, or in sex clubs like “The Hole”.

Maybe the “Big Scandal” Ulstermann is referring to is the fact that Globe magazine and other publications have put together concrete evidence of Obama’s membership in the “DLC” at Trinity United.  Maybe they were able to infiltrate the church and get people to talk on record.  That would be impressive, because church members are terrified about talking on the record with this subject.

That’s because of Option Three for what this scandal could be, and that’s the suspicious and still-unsolved murders of several black gay men in Trinity United, all of whom had ties to Obama, and all of whom were killed as Obama was preparing to make his run for the presidency…almost as if they were taken out so that they could not impede his rise.  Their deaths would eliminate whatever they were feared to have on Obama, as well as scaring other blacks in Chicago from outing him as well.

Now, all of this sounds crazy.  MURDER?  The current President of the United States being involved in murders?  That sure would be a big scandal alright, bigger than Watergate…but if no one has touched any of this with a ten foot pole before, because they were scared of what Obama’s supporters would do to them, we don’t know what would have changed now.  Obama will be revered as a small-g god in the black community for years to come…until we have another black president, most likely someone like Allen West in the future, who eclipses him.

But for the foreseeable future, blacks in America won’t want to hear anything negative about Obama, or believe he could be capable of anything horrible, anymore than they allowed OJ Simpson or Michael Jackson to be accurately appraised for their behavior either.

We can’t imagine a news organization in this country, even the Globe, dedicating resources to flesh out anything on the Donald Young murders at Trinity United, the Down Low Club, Obama’s Man’s Country escapades, Obama’s bizarre relationship with Hollywood actor Kal Penn, or Obama’s ongoing strange interactions with former Duke basketball player Reggie Love (whom Obama calls his iReggie).

After thinking about all of the above, it actually occurs to us that there is in reality a FOURTH option for what the “Big Scandal” could be…and that could be Obama’s birth certificate…and either the names or the race that’s listed on that original, Hawaiian document that Obama refuses to reveal.

It was weird SNL did a birth certificate joke against Obama this last weekend on the show…where Harry Reid, on the show, asked Obama why he won’t just show his birth certificate.

David Axelrod is a gross pig of a man, but we will give him credit where it is due:  by astroturfing the “Birther” conspiracy theory crowd, Axelrod successfully removed conversation about Obama’s missing birth certificate from socially acceptable talk.  Even now, writing this, we dread seeing people in comments indulging their Birther delusions of Obama not being born in Hawaii, Obama really being born in Kenya, Obama being born in Atlantis, etc.  David Axelrod DELIBERATELY put those ideas in your heads, knowing that on Pavlovian cue he’d be able to rev you up and make you look crazy…and in turn make anyone talking about the birth certificate look crazy…because those fantasies are so out there.

MEANWHILE, the REAL REASON THE BIRTH CERTIFICATE IS BEING HIDDEN remains undiscussed.  After going over the facts on this for the last two years, we’ve nailed it down to a few options.  Obama won’t reveal his birth certificate because:

* His father was not actually Barack Hussein Obama, Sr. but was in fact Frank Marshall, a radical communist and admitted pedophile who had a strange relationship with Obama’s mother Stanley Duhahm in Hawaii.  Since BHO Sr. lived in Kenya, some speculate Stanley told people he was the baby’s father since Frank Marshall was married at the time, and being impregnated by a man on another continent was easier for Stanley to deal with at the time.

* Obama’s real name is “Barry Soetoro” because his birth certificate was legally changed in the 1970s when Lolo Soetoro, Obama’s Indonesian stepfather, adopted him.  His school records in Indonesia list him legally as Barry Soetoro.  We presume he needed to show a birth certificate to attend school, and the school recorded his legal name as Barry Soetoro at the time of his enrollment.  Knowing school administrators, they would have taken the name exactly as it appeared on a document they were given.  If the certificate had said “Barack Hussein Obama, Jr.” on it, the school would have enrolled him with that name, and possibly put “Barry Soetoro” in parentheses somewhere if that was the name he preferred to go by.  Just as “Virginia Smith” might go by “Ginny”, but her school record would read “Virginia ‘Ginny’ Smith” in terms of her enrollment.This is not the case for Obama.  While living in Indonesia, he was “Barry Soetoro” for all those years, with the name “Barack Hussein Obama, Jr.” only resurfacing back on Hawaii when Obama realized his Kenyan father’s name got him further with white-guilt liberals than an Indonesian name did.  Obama is, was, and always will be an opportunist of the highest order.  He is EXCELLENT at playing white guilt like a harp.  But, it does not appear he ever legally changed his name back to Barack Hussein Obama, Jr. after his adoption by Lolo Soetoro.  Maybe he did this so that he would inherit money from Soetoro in the future, and he knew with all of his real father’s children spread all over the world he’d never get a dime from them…so opportunist Obama kept his claim to Soetoro for that reason, but to the white world started using his Kenyan father’s name again to get the maximum financial aid, benefits, and promotions white guilt would give him.

(3) The last oddity the birth certificate might reveal is that ethnographically in 1961 Obama was recorded as a “Caucasian Arab” child.  His mother was a white Caucasian, 100%.  His father, assuming it was Barack Hussein Obama, Sr., was only 1/4 black.  According to how the British classified him in Kenya back in 1961, he would have actually been listed on official documents as “African Arab”.  That left the bureaucrat filling out Obama’s birth certificate with a dilemma in terms of what to record the new baby’s race as in the year 1961. “Caucasian” was his dominant race, since his mother was 100% Caucasian.  Since the father was only 1/4 black, but mostly Arab, the birth certificate could reveal Obama to be a “Caucasian Arab”, since that seems to be the most natural mix of those two identities.

That last one is by far the most damaging thing that could ever be revealed about Obama. His entire “phenomenon” is based on him being the “historic and unprecedented first black president”. But, if his birth certificate recorded him as “Caucasian Arab” it would not only rev up everyone who suspects him of being an agent of Islam in the White House, but also undermine his stratospheric 90%+ support in the black community.

Remember, blacks protect Obama out of race-pride just the same as they protected OJ Simpson and Michael Jackson.  Their loyalty to Obama is unflappable…as long as he’s really genetically black.  MJ proved he could transform into a white woman, essentially, and not lose that support because his genes were still black, no matter what color was under his sequined jackets.

But, what would happen to Obama if it was proved he lied to the black community about being one of them?

So much of his life was spent perfecting that “black preacher” patois he learned from listening to tapes of Jeremiah Wright’s sermons while at Columbia and Harvard.  He came to Chicago to gain black legitimacy in the Southside.  He married a crass, stereotypical, big-bottomed black woman name Michelle LaVaughn Robinson whose family was not only part of the Daley Machine, but was close with Jesse Jackson.  At every step of the way, Obama cultivated as many ties as possible to black leaders so that he would not be seen as an outsider.  Michelle’s crassness was the most important aspect of all this — her abrasiveness and scowling, grievance-driven demeanor, when carried on his arm, made Obama seem “Southside black” in her company.

Without Michelle, Obama was too exotic…too alien.  She made him real. Jeremiah Wright made him real.  Those “G** Damn America!” sermons the two of them enjoyed for twenty years made them real.  Without any of this, the “Caucasian Arab” born in Hawaii in 1961 would not have been pushed by the DNC at lightning speed to become “the historic and unprecedented first black president”.

Since everyone in the media is so deathly afraid of an all-out race war and the Obamas pointing the finger and screeching RAAACIST! at anyone questioning them, we’d be stunned if THIS was the “Big Scandal” Ulstermann talks about in those articles.

Could be.

But, we have such a low opinion of the cowards both in the media and the Cocktail Party Republican party that we can’t imagine anyone in the opposition camp pursuing any of the stories above.

Democrats, of course, want to keep all of this from ever being talked about because Ulstermann is right:  if Americans on a large scale started talking about ANY of this, they’d wonder why the Democrats lied about it all.  They’d demand to know why none of this stuff came out in 2008.

True, palpable, anger would broil in the public.

Who knows what would happen.

But, once that genie left the bottle, the media sure as Hell would not be able to stop it.

It really could be bigger than Watergate, because there’s just so many bizarre elements to this…and it’s certainly a more sexy, soap-operatic tale than anything about “plumbers’ in some office building in DC.


Could the Black Panthers, Voter Fraud, and other illegal Obama 2008 actions be the BIG SCANDAL the “White House Insider” was talking about?

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This is an update to a piece we ran yesterday, looking at possibilities for the “Big Scandal” that Ulstermann claims a “White House Insider” told him will bring Obama and the Democrats down in the near future — once Republicans gain a majority and start investigating things.

This morning, I had pancakes with a friend in the Chicago political world, ostensibly to start planning our anti-Rahm Emanuel efforts (beginning November 3rd, to save Chicago from that tyrant in what I hope becomes a national effort against Rahm), but we ended up spending most of breakfast talking about that Ulstermann “Big Scandal”.

“You are too close to the trees to see the forest”, my friend told me.  “It’s right in front of your face but because you were in the thick of all this stuff, and have lived and breathed it for two years, you forget just how damning this stuff is and how this could destroy the party for generations”.

I now believe I know what Ulstermann is talking about, and why this “Big Scandal” could indeed be bigger than Watergate, as his “White House Insider” claimed.  I still don’t think there really is a “White House Insider”, but I give Ulstermann props for seeing the bigger picture on this.

Essentially, the scandal is the Justice Department under Eric Holder and the “Voting Rights acts don’t apply to white people” attitude the Department has taken in regards to the activities of the Black Panthers in 2008.  This is the equivalent of someone discovering “plumbers” breaking into the Watergate complex in the Nixon White House.  Holder personally ordered the prosecution of the black panthers quashed…on a direct order from “president” Obama.

The reason this scandal is going to explode and be “bigger than Watergate” and could destroy the Democrats is because it ties directly into activities of the Obama campaign in 2008 — where a coordinated voter fraud and intimidation effort was run with ACORN, the SEIU, and the Black Panthers to elect Obama at all costs, using race as a weapon.

The ramifications of all of this are explosive.

Though Americans generally are aware the Democrats engage in fraud to win elections, and it’s a running joke how the dead vote in Chicago on a regular basis, no one has ever really held the Democrat Party to the fire and determined the extent of what they do using organizations like ACORN, the SEIU, and the Black Panthers as their hired goons.

I’m featured in the documentary “We Will Not Be Silenced 2008″ by award-winning filmmaker Gigi Gaston talking about what I witnessed on the ground at the Iowa Caucus and during other contests in the 2008 Democrat presidential nominating race. The Obama campaign engineered massive fraud, busing Chicago volunteers into Iowa to throw the caucus to Obama by having non-residents vote in the Caucus.

This happened during every caucus.  The worst offenses probably happened in Texas, which has a bizarre caucus AND primary, for double-voting, on the same day.  Democrats engaged in double the fraud that day.

In the general election, the George Soros-backed “Secretaries of State Project” yielded Democrats more successful fraud because people like Jennifer Brunner in Ohio, the Secretary of State there at the time, deliberately engaged in voter fraud from her elected position — allowing tens of thousands of questionable voter registrations supplied by ACORN, the SEIU, and, you guessed it, the Black Panthers.

In every state, Democrats have someone like Brunner wormed into the bureaucracy, tampering with elections.  This was Soros’ plan, and it worked brilliantly.

Largely, I noted loudly, because the Cocktail Party GOP establishment allowed all this to happen…since they don’t draw attention to voter fraud, never make combating fraud a priority, and are terrified even talking about the Black Panthers because they are petrified of the media calling them RAAACISTS.

In the Ulstermann “White House Insider” pieces, he refers time and again to the New York Times and other media outlets knowing about this story and sitting on it.  He also mentions this story is out there, in bits and pieces, but that it has not manifested into a scandal yet because no one has put all of these pieces together.  He also mentions the Clintons knowing about some of this in 2008…but knowing about much more of it now.

Considering all of this, the only “Big Scandal” this could be is the VOTER FRAUD and the Black Panthers involvement in this, George Soros’ involvement in this, and the work of groups like ACORN and the SEIU, in concert with elected Democrats like Jennifer Brunner and her peers, to deliberately steal elections.

This is massive.

Just think of the ramifications on all of it:

* Race relations = the Black Panthers and other groups rooted in the black community engaged in voter fraud, intimidation and other illegal activities to elect a black president.  The black president, once in office, installs a black Attorney General and orders him to deliberately ignore any cases where black people commit crimes against whites.  The notion of “Voting Rights acts not applying to white people” is the current operating paradigm the Holder Justice Department works under. If Americans have this clearly spelled out for them, it’s doom not only for Obama — “the post-racial president” — but for the Democrat party as well.  How can they win back white middleclass voters when it’s been proven the party disenfranchised white voters and refused to prosecute black criminals who committed crimes against whites?

* Trust in the Democrat Party = how will any Independent voter want to associate with Democrats when it’s exposed just how much thuggery the party engages in?  Who would feel comfortable siding with Democrats, when that means siding with Black Panthers, the SEIU, George Soros, ACORN, and other villains?

* The Cocktail Party GOP establishment = how can these go-along-to-get-along-gang Republicans answer the question of “Why did you let this happen?”.  Why DIDN’T the Cocktail Party stop Democrats from engaging in all this fraud?  Why ISN’T voting rights and the prevention of fraud in our electoral system PRIORITY NUMBER ONE?  “We didn’t want to make waves or make the media mad at us” is not a valid excuse for Republicans in office.  These sissies have allowed Democrats to riddle our entire democracy with fraud…while they were out to lunch at a cocktail party, eating cucumber-and-mayonnaise sandwiches, complimenting each other on their new blazers.

You can see, just as Ulstermann noted in his pieces, that bits and pieces of the “Big Scandal” are indeed out there.

(1) James O’Keefe and Hannah Giles exposed ACORN last year in a series of investigative pieces carried by the remarkable Andrew Breitbart (who is a national treasure for the amount of sunlight he shines on the Democrat Party).

(2) Eric Holder’s “Voting Rights acts don’t apply to whites” attitude at the Justice Department and his actions in the Black Panther case are already known…but as of yet, that has not been linked directly to an order by Obama himself…though my friend here in Chicago at breakfast told me it will be by the time this is done. Obama’s prints are all over this. This is who Obama is.

(3) Pursuant to the above, all of Obama’s radical connections, beliefs, and black liberation theology background are well known here in Chicago.  He is a radical Marxist whom the media never properly vetted and sold to America as “Will Smith with a funny name”.  That’s not who Obama is.  That’s not who Michelle is.  As the “Big Scandal” draws energy and the public’s attention, all of the things John McCain was afraid to raise during the 2008 campaign, all of the things the Clintons were scared to talk about — because they would be called RAAACISTS! for delving into — will finally come to light.  This will, no doubt, also include the dirty dealing in Chicago involving all the pay-to-play schemes we discussed yesterday as ideas for the “Big Scandal”.  These are the things Ulstermann, in his “White House Insider” columns refers to in passing when saying “the Democrats hope this can be localized just to Chicago and to Obama himself and not take down the party too”.  I think this means the Democrats are going to claim they never knew any of these things about Obama, didn’t know Obama was actively engaged in fraud, and will claim the Obama campaign operated out of Chicago and that the DNC in Washington was oblivious to what it was doing.

There’s just no way for Democrats to get away with that last bit.  Obama is the Democrat Party now.  The Democrat Party, under Howard Dean and Donna Brazile, endeavored since November of 2004 to “Obamafy” the Democrat Party…that is a direct quote from Brazile, who coined that term.  There was a concerted effort to pus all the moderate/conservative Jacksonian/Clintonian Democrats out of the party, install Leftists to replace them in positions of influence, and utilize the full scope of resources offered by ACORN, the SEIU, and the Black Panthers to beat anyone opposing the Left into submission.

There’s no way to divorce the party from what Obama did, and no way to remove Obama from what the party did in his name.  The two will go down in flames together.

This makes everything bigger than Watergate in the sense that Nixon and the Republican Party in the 1970s were not in cahoots.  Gerald Ford was able to assume the presidency post-Nixon because he was a Republican Congressman who was not tainted by what the White House was up to.  The Republican Party leadership was unaware of Nixon’s activities for the most part.  The RNC did not order that break-in in a war with the DNC.  It was all Nixon.

Concerning the “Big Scandal” to hit the Obama White House, the DNC and Obama worked in tandem on all of this.  Every single Democrat in office is complicit in all of this.  You hear me talk about the date “May 31st, 2008″ a lot — that’s the day that millions and millions of Jacksonian/Clintonian Democrats left the party for good when the DNC’s Rules & Bylaws Committee met at the Marriott near the National Zoo and stole delegates from Hillary Clinton and gave them to Obama, casting their dice with him.  Democrats in office had the opportunity to stand up to that fraud, that egregious power grab, but they were quiet.  On December 24th, 2009, another date I talk about a lot, every Democrat in the Senate voted for the unconstitutional Obama mandate in Obamacare, when they could have spoken out against the insanity therein.

The Democrat Party declared open war on the American people, the Constitution, and the integrity of our electoral system. Obama led that charge, but every Democrat in DNC leadership and elected office backed him up.

They are all traitors.

What they did to the institutions, security, and social fabric of this country, willfully and deliberately, is treason.  It really and truly is.

They tampered with elections.  They ordered the Justice Department to not prosecute black criminals and actively engage in behavior that took rights away from white people and made them second class citizens.  They allowed billionaire supervillain George Soros to tank the economy in September 2008 to assure Obama’s victory.  Since Obama took office, Democrats used thuggery, intimidation, and every malicious trick in their arsenal to suppress dissent and opposition to him while he deliberately engaged in activities he knew would drain the treasure, sink America into limitless debt, and rob children of their futures.

It is an absolute horror show.

The American people have not looked at any of this big picture.  There’s just so many little pieces that have been going on, separately, but not independent of the Democrats’ ambitions.  When looked at as one “Big Scandal”, it’s staggering.

THAT is what I now believe Ulstermann and his “White House Insider” mean by “bigger than Nixon”.

Because if this all really was ever put together and placed before the American people, there’s just no way the Democrat Party survives.  The anger of regular Americans will be so great.

Speaking personally, you must remember that I myself was a dyed in the wool, party loyalist, lifelong Democrat until May 31st, 2008. It took me until December 24th, 2009 to finally leave the party for good — and become Independent — but I aggressively started working against Democrats after that Rules & Bylaws Committee meeting when I realized just how much fraud, corruption, and illegality the Democrats were engaged in.

It’s staggering when you see it all put in front of you.

Since it’s been so long since I “took the red pill” and fell down the rabbit hole into this new reality, I sometimes forget how stomach-turning this all would be for someone who didn’t pay any attention to all of these pieces as they happened…but when this gets fully investigated by the new Congress, and Americans see what Eric Holder and the Justice Department have been doing, when they realize they acted on orders from Obama, they question how Obama got elected in the first place, and they take a hard look at who Obama actually is…man, that indeed will be one “Big Scandal”.

* * *

JdN: The reason the Democrats did these things, an the Republicans do not expose them, is they both are controlled by THE SAME JEWS.

An amusing video:

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