==============Obama’s health care “victory” over America in cartoons
[If you CANNOT see these cartoons in your browser — they do appear in Firefox — go to this link ….where they are reposted: Thanks.]
I reported on this blog about this tragedy. But the greatest tragedy is that Terre’Blanche never found a new message or new way to present his message, and so his brave group dwindled, especially after he did three years in prison on a trumped-up charge; when he came out of jail his movement was much diminished, as any movement would be that loses its founder and charismatic leader. He was finally killed, all alone, while asleep in his bed, with no bodyguards in sight, on his farm out in the countryside — just like three thousand other murdered white Afrikaner farmers.
Solutreanism means rethinking everything; going back to the drawing board, and stepping forward with fresh ideas that break the log jam.
Terre’Blanche was defamed, railroaded and when his followers left him, killed. He was making a comeback however, which I think the negro government feared.
If the message is not new and fresh, it will fail, no matter how often you holler it. A Solutrean will study neuropsychology and how the human brain works. The truth will set you free only if your brain is ready for it.
Last year at the Miss USA contest it was the queer judge Perez Hilton who sandbagged the beautiful Miss California, Carrie Prejean, for being against homosexual “marriage.”
THIS year, it was a Mexican-Aztec judge who shot down another white beauty, Miss Oklahoma, for supporting Arizona’s RIGHT to enfore our nation’s immigration laws. So we got a literally gown-stumbling, verbally bumbling, ditzy, brown-skinned muslim, ludicrously, as Miss “USA”!
Look at this beautiful Oklahoma girl being “inquisited” by the arrogant Aztec, visibly on his p.c. high horse, whose ancestors btw specialized in their culture in ripping your heart out on giant human sacrifice pyramids….
Hey, the Mexicans are sacrificing some blond white guy on this mural….. What’s up with that? [Mural inside the infamous Chichen Itza Mayan temple, AD 700, Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico, a good eight hundred years before Columbus and, we are told, “the first Europeans.” See:]
I am sure she felt almost the same way — when the Miss America crown went to that alien muslim girl after she courageously spoke the truth:
I filed this photo-screenshot under my folder “White Victims.” Yet anotehr vicitm of anti-whiTe bigotry, intimidation, tyrannical political correctness (which is a BOLSHEVIK PRHASE!!!!) and most of all, the lying re-definition of America as, not a white European nation as it was 1607-1965, but as a free-for-all, open-borders chaos for Third World immigrants.
ThE key is Solutrean truth: this has always been a WHITE continent, since TWENTY THOUSAND B.C.!
We whites are the Native Americans. And when the non-whites came, the Siberian Asiatics, they genocided US, from 10,000 BC to AD 1800.
============HONOR FOR A HERO 147 YEARS AGO
I have often written about the dramatic heroism of the white American men of both North and South in the 1861-65 war. The vast majority fought bravely and with good motives on both sides:
1) the North and Lincoln fought so the USA would not be broken up into two and then many different chunks, and then reabsorbed into the [Rothschild-run] British Empire; and this is why the tsar of Russia sent the Russian fleet to NYC and San Francisco, to warn Rothschild’s Britain to stay out of the conflict and its plot to reconquer our people; furthermore, Lincoln intended, as the first drafts of the Emancipation Proclamation show, to repatriate all blacks BACK TO AFRICA, Liberia-style, after the war’s end;
2) The South and Jefferson Davis fought for a limited federal government, the Constitution and WHITE SAFETY: to prevent illiterate freed blacks from running and rampaging through the white South, causing a crime wave, rapes, looting, torching of the cities and farmhouses, and murder — THE THINGS WE ARE SEEING IN SOUTH AFRICA TODAY!!!!
And let us recall that the sephardic slave-trading Jews ran, and the monarch$ of Great Britain IMPO$ED by royal order the black slave trade on a white American nation that OBJECTED to slavery and protested to the king and tried to ban this as a morally, racially and economically disastrous business!!
See my key webpage: for African-Americans, which American blacks are reading every day, as my website software proves:
Having said this, I wish to join in saluting my fellow Norman-American Alonzo Cushing, just now awarded the MEDAL OF HONOR for his bravery at Gettysburg on July 3, 1863, here in Pennsylvania. Alonzo, wounded in groin and arm, kept his artillery battery firing at the equally heroic Southern boys storming forward in Pickett’s charge. (Yes, Pick-ett was another Norman-American.)
Those of us who are white human rights activists face death every day — being shot, poisoned, accident-ed or suicid-ed by the out-of-control, secret rogue units buried within the CIA and FBI — and we know what the decision means daily to fight and give your life, accepting your death for our race, its freedom and the return of our once staggering world power, which kept us once, and our white families safe.
Alonzo Cushing of Wisconsin ( HAIL ALL OUR BRAVE BOYS, NORTH AND SOUTH!
Thanks for another powerful, interesting, and informative posting, John. You and I would likely have fought on opposite sides of the War of Northern Aggression, but I know that you have truly awakened to how ALL of us were and are being used and manipulated by the Money Power. We certainly are on the same side today – and essentially facing the SAME enemy who manipulated us into fratricidal slaughter from 1861 onward. Down here in Texas – where the Brown Tide is inundating the white race – many are starting to awaken to reality – that the false doctrine of EQUALITY has poisoned us to the point of fatality.
Dear comrade Goodwin,
The Yahoo discussion group Jacob and Esau, founded originally by Dr. Kevin MacDonald, had a great debate about North versus South a year ago. All were of course white nationalists. What damned the North was the atrocious behavior and scorched-earth strategies (which Lincoln approved), such as Sherman’s euphemistically misnomered “March to the Sea,” and the foul mistreatment of Southern prisoners, plus his outrageous suppression of free speech.
I would add that Lincoln refused to borrow Rothschild Jewish money for the war and instead printed American greenbacks, as was appropriate. (Note that when the war was over he was killed, and I DO believe that the swarthy John Wilkes Booth was not a Southern patriot but a Jewish actor and agent….and that he escaped scot-free.)
What dismayed many of us was the way the South was becoming a “South Africa” with a BOOMING black population, desiring to even export that negro population, and the Southern congressional lobby desired to spread slavery — and thus spread NEGROES — all over the lily-white North and West so that “slave states” would maintain the political “balance of power” with “free states.”
Many Unionists however, objected to negroes just as much as Southerners, and saw the slave owners as SPREADING NEGROES ALL OVER THE NORTH….. Oregon banned slavery and ALL negroes explicitly by law, for just one example.
My view is that the fault lies with two outside sources: the Sephardic Jew slaver and his longtime ally, the British MONARCHY. Without those two, slavery would never have gained any foothold in our nation.
As Thomas Jefferson said, and he had many slaves and yet dreaded the implications:
And as Wilmot Robertson wrote in his magnificent Dispossessed Majority book (I met Wilmot in 1990 at his home in NC), MANY MILLIONS MORE WHITE AMERICANS of high-caliber British and German or Irish heritage would be alive today in our time had 600,000 white boys in their prime (all potential fathers) not been cut down 1861-65 by each others’ bullets, fighting over negroes that neither side wanted.
The Talmud won that war: Tob shebbe goyim harog: “Even the best Gentiles should die.” And they did. 1,200 Northerners got the Medal of Honor and the Southern men deserved just as many, by dying as heroes.
Genetically, the finest men volunteer and then die fighting, mostly childless. Their genes die too.
I can tell you this, other Ray: If the Confederacy rose again today, and I say after many a conversation with the people here, western Pennsylvania would raise the Stars and Bars — and invade Washington from the North as you all came up from the South.