ENGLISH Obama's presidential seal ominously falls down; we need power and beauty, not escape

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Obama’s oath of office in January 2009 was a screw-up too….The Chief Justice, John Roberts, had personally been given by lawyer Orly Taitz in December 2008 a box — full of proof — that Obama is ineligible for the presidency. Obama had also voted against John Roberts as Chief Justice. I am convinced that Roberts choked on the words as he read this illegal alien the oath.


Fast-forward to now. The Jew masters are getting tired of their very “unsat” puppet, and their psychopathic, master-race arrogance is breathtaking toward the man who, for better or worse, is wearing the title of THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES:

‘Time to rein in Obama’

Jerusalem Post

http://www.jpost.com/Opinion/Columnists/Article.aspx?id=190460″]Fundamentally Freund: Time to rein in Obama
Supporters of the Jewish state need to tame the administration and its arrogance at the ballot box.

Israel’s supporters should teach President Barack Obama a lesson by giving his party a stinging rebuke at the ballot box in November.

This admonition must come from Jews, some 78 percent of whom are said to have voted for Obama in 2008. And there could be no better way to deliver that message than by joining hands to help Republican candidates prevail across the country.

The president has lambasted Israel at the UN and pressured it to make concessions to the Palestinians, even as he has courted the Muslim world and virtually pleaded for engagement with the atomic ayatollahs in Iran. Obama and his crew have shown themselves to be tone-deaf to Israel and its concerns, and it’s time they paid a political price.

Indeed, even some of the president’s most stalwart Jewish supporters have turned against him. Earlier this year, former New York City mayor Ed Koch told Fox News that “I have been a supporter of President Obama and went to Florida for him, urged Jews all over the country to vote for him, saying that he would be just as good as John McCain on the security of Israel. I don’t think it’s true anymore.”

A growing number of American Jews seem to concur.

And it’s no small secret that Jewish donors play a critical role in bankrolling numerous political campaigns on both sides of the aisle. This clout and influence must now be brought to bear with all its force in the vote next month.

Politics, after all, is a game of messages.

Sometimes they must be implicit while at other times only an unambiguous reprimand will do. For the sake of Israel and its future, supporters of the Jewish state need to tame the administration and its arrogance at the ballot box as unequivocally as they can.

It is time to punish Obama politically, as scary as that may sound to some people.

Doing so will weaken his position, constrain his freedom of movement, and force him to devote more time and energy to domestic political battles.

And with his eye toward re-election in 2012, it may just give him pause to consider whether squeezing Israel is good for his own political future.



Yet another comrade (this one superbly educated) sent me his Hitler-fled-to-Argentina fantasy.

* * *

Subject: Bariloche, Argentina

Here is where many showed up after the war, a beautiful ski town in the mountains of Argentina. Hitler went there by U-Boat, after Hanna Reitsch flew him out of the bunker.

Cathedral of St. Carlos of Bariloche

* * *

I replied:

Hitler escaping to South America?

I cannot prove it to you if you insist on this notion to make you somehow happier, but no.

This article which I composed may not prove it either to your satisfaction, but still no.

See “No Way Hitler Escaped the Bunker” here:


Hitler was a man who was unafraid to die, and wished to live only when he had the power to fulfill his dreams of a world of Aryan strength, pride and beauty.

The life of a hunted refugee (like Adolf Eichmann and Erich Priebke) was not for a man of that stature.

This video represents the only way his mind worked, and you should imbue your mind with it. Then only will you understand this unique man:


“Now I must go to hear the drums. We will prevail, whatever comes.”

And then soak up this video:

I did an important but low-budget video — for cognoscenti — the night that the Discovery Channel broadcast its hatchet job against my vision, Solutreanism, which was also the 90th anniversary of the founding of the NSDAP.

Here was the Discovery Channel hatchet job, a distillation of four hours of interviews down into four minutes, run by the Jewish host, Olly Steeds and the Jewish producer, Robert King. Note the deliberately weird-sound track that played at all times after the entrance into my home.

(In a similar vein, here is “Life” magazine’s photo of Dr. Pierce with one of his Siamese cats, the weirdest shot of probably 50 they took.)

Again, the following video was shown by the Discovery Channel views to hammer at me and it was broadcast on the birthday of the NSDAP.

The video (below) which I myself did that same night, the birthday of the NSDAP 90 years before, reflected my sincere and grateful desire to please my own supporters, by starting this movement as they fervently wished.

Yet the next day every intuition told me, in fact screamed out to me, that Americans were STILL not ready, not desperate enough, not enraged enough. And in my “business” if your movement falls flat, then they can isolate and arrest you (see the pitiful cases of Edgar Steele or Mike Williams) and then they can railroad you into a long prison term or, if you resist arrest, they can kill you, or heart-attack, stroke, car-accident or suicide you. ….or kill your family members in the pink of health, as Brendon O’Connell — on trial in Australia in reality for exposing the Israeli takeover of the Australian telephone and Internet systems — strongly suspects happened to his sister, a mother of two, as a sadistic brush-back pitch aimed at him.

(German and Austrian WN readers know well the LONG string of “accidents” and “strokes” and “suicides” that happen to any WN — or just powerful anti-Zionist — foolish enough to go anywhere alone, or leave his food unguarded for even one hour: Barschel, Moellemann, Heisig, Leichsenring, Haider…).

This is what I face, death with my mission unaccomplished to start a mass movement, if my timing and message are “off.”

I felt deep in my bones as I awoke on the morning of February 25th, despite my launching video below, that one more great catastrophic event — something more catastrophic than a sagging economy and the disgrace of the Obama presidency — must still happen to alarm our people awake.

That catastrophic event did indeed come, and it was the Jewish assault on the world of April 20, 2010, Hitler’s birthday, using the vast oil volcano in the Gulf of Mexico.

This oil volcano, unleashed in accordance with a prophetic short story “Petroleum, Petroleum,” (part of Des deutschen Spiessers Wunderhorn), that was meant to be understood as a non-fiction PREDICTION by the Austrian Gustav Meyrink (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gustav_Meyrink) 107 years ago (in German: http://www.getidan.de/literatur/runhard_sage/11047/petroleum-petroleum-1903-gustav-meyrink) discussed in my blog here (https://johndenugent.com/news/english-mel-gibsons-n-word-meyrinks-oil-disaster-prediction-1903), is designed to kill the oceans, end the warming waters of the Gulf Stream going north toward Europe, and thus trigger an Ice Age that will destroy the white homelands in northern Europe, Canada and Russia, and depopulate the planet, especially of whites, a northern race.

A coincidence that it “happened” on April 20th? It was that same day that the extremely important Austrian WN writer Gerd Honsik, extradited back from Spain to Austria, got a five-year prison sentence (http://globalfire.tv/nj/10en/persecution/honsik_trial.htm), and then another two years were added on July 20th, the anniversary of the 1944 attempt to murder Hitler. (http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20100909/ap_on_re_eu/eu_austria_holocaust_denier_1)

See my blog here (note how once again Jews have hacked my site and many photos — one thousand now — are again missing) https://johndenugent.com/news/incredible-aryan-youth-in-britain-mike-williams-white-website-webmaster-dragged-across-concrete-by-five-machine-gun-cops-bp-oil-disaster-a-false-flag-attack-for-martial-law and scroll down 90% to “BP Oil Catastrophe”)

Now, please read first this webpage, yes, read it and get it — https://johndenugent.com/reincarnation-evidence — and then view the February 24, 2010 video. As Jesus said, “let him who has eyes see, and let him who has ears listen.”


I am going to leave this blog for a while. It does not pay the bills. and in fact only 1/4 of one percent of my readers send money despite repeated appeals. I could be disappointed, or bitter, but I never was a democrat and expect little from the average shmuck, intellectually or morally.

However, far more importantly, I need instead to launch the Eternal Solutrean movement, now that the time could not be more ripe. The book Solutrea, Arise will ensure our race’s survival, by creating an invincible new folk, a WHITE TRIBE, fierce to foes and loving and protective to its own.

God willing, I’ll be back in about two weeks. (I may have an assistant post some of my best articles in the meantime.)

I gave the speech excerpted in the following three videos in December 2007. Once I realized, however, that Barack Obama would be the best thing ever for waking Whites up and stimulating white nationalism, I decided not to run seriously in 2008.

I wanted this jug-eared, narcissistic, bisexual, part-Jew/part-negro freak to get in, and scare Whites straight — scare them totally out of their liberal illusions.

I have waited until 2010 for whites to have their back to the wall.

And now is the time, not back in December 2007 when i spoke the words below (and yes, to a standing ovation at the end).

The old America has UTTERLY failed, and is being physically overrun and morally and psychologically subverted. Game Over for the old America.

The “Growing Racial Diversity” map published by USA Today on June 11, 2010. Darker areas refer to percentages of non-whites.

All the other answers have failed. The solution is Solutrean.

I have always felt a deep and special love for the part of Germanity called Austria. I lived there in 1975-76 and speak fluent Austrian dialect in addition to German, English and French (and decent Spanish). I will sign off with the words of an Austrian.


I’ll be back.


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