ENGLISH Oil Apocalypse in the Gulf of Mexico by Michael Hoffmann

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=============website visits hits new record==============

I thank all readers who send vital monetary donations, email me useful information and write me encouragement and smart questions and comments. Together, we have made a blog that yesterday reached a new record. Not big enough, but views have tripled since the Discovery Channel show on February 24th.

John de Nugent

213 Ekastown Road

Sarver PA 16055


The juboys at Google are at it again, deliberately depressing “hits” on the search term “John de Nugent.” It is bad enough that while the Microsoft search engine Bing (probably honestly) reports hits as at nearly three MILLION, Google a few days ago had the JdN search term at “only” 350,000 (which is still a lot, but it does not reflect reality).

But then the juish owners, Larry Page and Serge Brin, have their juish subordinates “fiddle” with it, in harmony with the excuse that Wikipedia used when it deleted the entire article on me, that I was

not noteworthy enough for an article” (which is I guess why the Discovery Channel, a worldwide TV network, came with a six-man crew for four hours to my house….)

So look at Google this morning at 6:45 am…. Here is a screenshot of the search term using Firefox [in French, but the result is the same]…41,000 hits…. so hundreds of thousands of hits — visits to webpages bearing my name — just “vanished” overnight….)

This morning, being one of these honest Aryans, literally “blue-eyed” myself,  but I also mean this in the secondary sense of “trusting in the decency of others, and a bit naive, ” I did a double-take despite my hard experience with juze when I saw this:

This is the same SHAMELESSNESS as when the half-ju Oliver Steeds of the Discovery Channel was actually physically HOLDING a Solutrean spearhead on camera in his hands — from the Meadowcroft Rockshelter near Pittsburgh here — dating back to THIRTEEN THOUSAND BC, and then was lying through his teeth to and about me, saying that my belief that whites were here first in North America is based on “speculative evidence.”

At first you think, as an honest Aryan, that you did not hear him right.

What is “speculative” when you are holding a real stone object, carefully crafted by some human to be razor-sharp and pointed, that is carbon-dated to be 15,000 years old? That “speculative evidence” is flint that is so lethal it could slice your finger off, it is a European, not Amerindian spearhead design, and it was made in Stone Age Pennsylvania fourteen thousand five hundred years BEFORE Columbus!

A “speculative” European spearhead sharper than a modern scalpel. Our ancestors could make one in about 20 minutes, after finding the proper flint, by a technique they invented called “knapping.” With these killer weapons we brought down wild horses, gigantic woolly mammoths, killed dangerous cave bears and possibly even saber-toothed tigers.

The only cat food this kitty wanted was YOU. The Solutreans had never encountered such a creature back in Europe, but there he was when they arrived in North America. We are a race of copers, innovators and prevailers over incredible hardship.

The juze, however, are a race of psychopathic liars, just like their apiru ancestors who wandered around between Egypt and Babylonia, an accursed people of nomadic thieves, mercenaries, bowmen and other murder-for-hire elements (the kind of people who would sell their own brother, Joseph, to slave traders to make a profit, as the “Holy Bible” itself states).

See my key blog on this:


And as I have so often stated, what makes a psychopath a psychopath is not that he lies. As Hitler pointed out in Mein Kampf, whites will fib to get OUT of a jam. What the ju does is tell a lie to get others INTO a jam. His whole strategy is to tell you a lie to ruin you and enrich himself. And where WE feel shame if our white lies are exposed, the ju feels zero shame when his lies are revealed, because for him we are just animals, cattle, goyeem, who do not deserve the truth, but only merit being used and slaughtered….. And that is why the Senate hearing are now revealing Goldman Sachs gloating about ripping off their own clients…..

It is a race of con men.

Goldman CEO Lloyd Blankfein. You can just imagine his apiru ancestor selling his own brother Joseph to slave traders. (Hey, if it’s a story in the Holy Bible, it must be God’s word.)

Genesis 37:28

New Living Translation (©2007)
So when the Ishmaelites, who were Midianite traders, came by, Joseph’s brothers pulled him out of the cistern and sold him to them for twenty pieces of silver. And the traders took him to Egypt.

New International Version (©1984)
So when the Midianite merchants came by, his brothers pulled Joseph up out of the cistern and sold him for twenty shekels of silver to the Ishmaelites, who took him to Egypt.


Well, they refused to listen to Eugene TerreBlanche….


I sent a private email to some key comrades in the inner circle of supporters about how Google and Microsoft were proven with screenshots to have attempted criminally to hack the hard drive of a New Zealand patriot.

A lady comrade wrote back:

* * *

Hi,  John!

THANKS for all this great info. VERY USEFUL.

I’m sure you know Google’s main  headquarter is located in Sunnyvale, Calif. My daughter-in-law’s college was just around the corner from Google.

One of hers assignments was to photograph outdoor surroundings, so she decided to take some pictures of  the Google  the GIGANTIC, impressive  white  satellite dish and the building next to it.  Around the corner there’s  an air force base. As she was ready to put her camera away, an unmarked black car came zooming out of nowhere, the man came out of the car looking like someone from the CIA, and began asking her to show him  her ID, and wanted to know why she was taken pictures of the building???

My daughter-in-law gave him her I.D. and told him she was a college student taking some pictures for a class project. The man in black told her:

“You are NOT PERMITTED to take any type of pictures of the building.”

He immediately took  the roll of film from the camera. He did not care if my daughter-in-law had other work done not connected with Google in the same roll of film.  It all was lost.

The place is surrounded with high electronic cameras. Across the street from Google is a plaza with lots of eating places, and shops. Google can zoom in on anyone that is inside those places planning to take pictures of the building, and a  unmarked car can be there in a flash.

Also an air force base in located next to Google.

* * *

Google = feds = CIA/NSA = Rothschild world tyranny.

Here is a picture of Google from the air, which I found on Google Images! The point in that thug accosting that girl and seizing her property was state terrorism against civilians, the inflicting of fear and establishing a master-slave relationship.


A WN who is reading David Icke books has decided that Hitler was evil and we must have a democratic rule from the bottom up.

I replied:

* * *

The juze will infiltrate, subvert and destroy from both within and without anything that is not rigidly centralized and controlled. That is the real world.

Look how Stormfronters, with Black’s approval, launched an assault on me as a homosexual and thief!

They will never leave us in peace to be some peaceful, unmolested hippie community. They will besiege us from the first moment. And then half the freedom-of-discussion and challenges to policy will be paid agents, disruptors and disinfo-spreaders.

Patriotic dissident Ted Gunderson revealed on radio how he, as an FBI agent, once worked with COINTELPRO to spread rumors (LIES), using “plants,” among a targeted group claiming that one activist was cuckolding another (sleeping with his wife) and spreading other rumors (LIES) designed SUCCESSFULLY to damage and break the group up.

Lies, lies, shameless and deliberate lies.

THIS is why Hitler, like anyone being warred upon, created a military-type structure. And every company in the world is a dictatorship, isn’t it? Or how many factories are run democratically by the workers at the lathe, or offices by the secretaries?

Democracy always goes out the window in a war situation where life and death are at stake, in all societies — at all times in human history. Because every “disagreement” can in reality be instigated by a spy and enemy within the gates.

As Michael Collins Piper pointed out in his Judas Goat book and in discussions with me, there are  borderline psychopaths who for a mere $200 a month provide info — and disrupt for — the FBI. Because they hate and feel jealousy for the leader, or have pressing bills to pay.

Look at Judas, angry at Jesus for not making him the top disciple, and betraying Jesus to the juish leaders for thirty pieces of silver to be tortured and murdered!

This is the grim and sad reality — of the psychopaths among us who make freedom itself an open gate for the enemy.


A nation can survive its fools and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable for he is known and carries his banners openly.

But the traitor moves among those within the gates freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself… for the traitor appears no traitor: He speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their faces and their garments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the souls of all men.

He rots the soul of a nation; he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city; he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is to be less feared.

Yes, Hitler had his odd side, like all geniuses, and Icke and others have pointed this out correctly. But his dictatorship was not taken by force, but it was voted on and approved by the German Parliament because the economy was collapsing and the communist party was huge, and it was based on eternal laws of what communities do under siege. They appoint a commander.

Even the Pilgrims who came to America in 1620 had a commander, Miles Standish. When the Indians attacked, they needed him, and then every man had to do as he was told or their throats would be slit.

And a slit throat ends all “discussion.” Then you watch in your dying moments as they rape your woman and and scalp your child….because a traitor told the Indians exactly when and where to attack, and you voted democratically as lazy slobs not to order half the menfolk to stand guard at all times, rifles in hand. Yes, to keep your stiff, steely 14-pound rifle slung over your back even while plowing!

Margaret Huffstickler’s mennonite ancestors voted for peace with the Indians, and then her forefather Jacob Hochstetter saw exactly what I described to you. But he survived — and moved away from eastern Pennsylvania to North Carolina to start a new family and then he was much more yang in his worldview.

Ihr Goetter, ihr lasst uns schuldig werden.
— Goethe

(“You gods, you make us guilty.”)

There are no nice solutions that work in war. As soon as Hitler came to power, Samuel Untermeyer and world jewry declared open war on his nation, which was already staggering under bankruptcy and starvation, and the second-biggest party in Germany was the Kommunistiche Partei.

Untermeyer….the Abe Foxman of his day.

Germany had enough foreign currency to buy seven days worth of food when the juish boycott began. There had been a wave of suicides across the country in 1932 — as individuals exhausted all their savings, their family’s savings and their friends’ savings, and as children starved.

We must always be ready to criticize Hitler when he was wrong, but also understand what he was dealing with: a crisis on every front. And had a civil war erupted, the five-million-man French Army might well have intervened and occupied the country, which had a microscopic army under the Treaty of Versailles of just 100,000, almost no planes, almost no tanks and almost no warships. (The ju-controlled French had already marched into the Rhineland in 1923, and using black troops had begun gunning Germans down, raping their civilians and hauling coal out of Germany.)

“Comprendre, c’est pardonner.” This French proverb means: “To comprehend is to forgive.”

And, as Jesus said (Matthew 7):

7:1 “Judge not, that you be not judged. 2 For with the judgment you pronounce you will be judged, and with the measure you use it will be measured to you. 3 Why do you see the speck that is in your brother’s eye, but do not notice the log that is in your own eye? 4 Or how can you say to your brother, ‘Let me take the speck out of your eye,’ when there is the log in your own eye? 5 You hypocrite!

Hitler did his best.

John de Nugent



The speaker’s take is that the NWO has engineered this crisis (as well as the others) to promote “global governance.”




Oil Apocalypse in the Gulf of Mexico

by Michael Hoffman

The Hoffman Wire
Dedicated to Freedom of the Press, Investigative Reporting and Revisionist History

Subscribe: HoffmanWire-subscribe@topica.com
Michael A. Hoffman II: Editor. RevisionistHistory.org



– And Terror Theatre in New York

by Michael Hoffman | May 3, 2010 | Copyright (c) 2010

page0_2Michael A. Hoffman II

According to the Associated Press, to solve the British Petroleum (BP)
undersea oil disaster “depends on a low-tech strategy that has never
been attempted before in deep water. The scheme: lower 74-ton,
concrete-and-metal boxes into the gulf to capture the oil and siphon it
to a barge waiting at the surface. Whether that will work for a leak
5,000 feet below the surface is anyone’s guess; the method has
previously worked only in shallower waters. If it doesn’t, and efforts to activate a shutoff mechanism called a blowout preventer continue to prove fruitless, the oil probably will keep gushing for months until a second well can be dug to cut off the first.”

The media and the US government are being very low key about this. Even
Greenpeace and the Sierra Club are merely talking about political action
of the “E-mail President Obama” type. It is almost as if a very high level directive has been issued ordering the media not to panic the
of the western hemisphere. However, if the oil continues to
flow undersea, the ocean will begin to die.

This catastrophe is far beyond the capability of BP corporation. It is
astonishing that international resources are not being brought into
mobilization immediately. President Obama assures us that “BP will pay.”
That’s not the point, Mr. President. BP is likely to be bankrupt if and
when this catastrophe concludes.

[JdN: I just read that BP’s stock has dropped TWENTY-FIVE BILLION IN VALUE.]

The point is not even the economic livelihood of America’s southern Gulf Coast, as much as we pity all of the folks who will suffer economic deprivation because of man playing God. The point is the health of the oceans of planet earth, upon which all life is dependent.

First, we must convene a world day of prayer and penance asking Jesus Christ to intercede with His Father to work a miracle and stop the oil flow. We, in turn, will promise God to work to halt undersea oil drilling and all other idolatrous man-playing-God technologies.

Next, scientists and engineers of all the major nations of the world must convene now, along with their governments, to address the crisis and seek a way to stop the oil flow.

[JdN: Bush’s Waterloo was the Hurricane Katrina cleanup disaster. Will the BP oil rig be Obama’s Katrina?]

The United States Congress should meet in emergency session and pass a
law that the corporate heads of companies that wreak environmental devastation should be subject to criminal prosecution, up to and including capital punishment. All limits on civil liability must be lifted.

The following is from an anonymous engineer at peoplenomics.com:

First fact, the original estimate was about 5,000 gallons of oil a day spilling into the ocean. Now they’re saying 200,000 gallons a day.
That’s over a million gallons of crude oil a week! I’m an engineer with 25 years of experience. I’ve worked on some big projects with big machines…First, the BP platform was drilling for what they call deep oil. They go out where the ocean is about 5,000 feet deep and drill another 30,000 feet into the crust of the earth.

This is right on the edge of what human technology can do. They hit a pocket of oil at such high pressure that it burst all of their safety valves all the way up to the drilling rig and then caused the rig to explode and sink. The pressure behind this oil is so high that it destroyed the maximum effort of human science to contain it. When the rig sank it flipped over and landed on top of the drill hole. Now they’ve got a hole in the ocean floor.

They have to get the oil rig off the hole to get at it, in order to try to cap it. Do you know the level of effort it will take to move that wrecked oil rig, sitting under 5,000 feet of water? Then, how do you cap the hole in the ocean floor?

If we can’t cap that hole, then oil is going to destroy the oceans of the world. It only takes one quart of motor oil to make 250,000 gallons of ocean water toxic to wildlife. Are you starting to get the magnitude of this?

We’re so accustomed to our politicians creating false crises to forward their criminal agendas that we aren’t recognizing that we’re staring straight into possibly the greatest disaster mankind will ever see.
Imagine what happens if that oil keeps flowing until it destroys all life in the oceans of this planet. Who knows how big a reservoir of oil is down there? Oceans are critical to maintaining oxygen in the atmosphere. (End quote. Thanks to Arthur Topham for forwarding the preceding information).

It makes you wonder why this crisis is not front page, three inch headline news in every newspaper in America every day, and on television
around the clock, and why President Obama and other heads of state have
not gone beyond the ridiculously parochial “BP’s gotta fix this” mindset
and organize an emergency effort involving the the planet’s best minds, together with the naval resources of the world.

We do not seem to be up to the challenge our own egos have imposed on us. We assume we are gods who can drill the ocean and split the atom without apocalyptic consequences. When it all goes haywire, we spout boilerplate economic jargon and play chicken with a multi-national corporation. We have failed the mandate God has given us to be stewards of His garden.


People have asked for my comment on the theatrical New York City would-be car bomb (planted in the theatre district, no less). Folks, need I comment on the obvious? We are in the era of elite nose-thumbing.
They are mocking us with choreographed melodramas due to our complacent subservience to their rule. In April the University of Arizona named its telescope attachment, “Lucifer.” They no longer hide their true nature and identity – they don’t need to hide it from a burned-out population.
They can tell us they are Lucifer, and plant bombs in our streets, which
they blame on foreign terrorists, and we stay glued to the old ball game
and the new digital virtual reality, as usual.

A “bomb” that a ten year old might construct with gas cans, propane,
non-explosive fertilizer and gerry-rigged alarm clocks is parked with
fake license plates in Times Square. Spooky surveillance camera video
displays a sinister mystery man possibly involved. Lesson: Thank God for government surveillance. Another lesson: let’s keep bombing and
massacring Afghan civilians in order to “fight” terrorism. Folks, you don’t need a prophet to see where this heading. If we survive the oil spill, we will be in for more rule-by-fear, via black op domestic terror charades, accompanied by the gigantic unfunded government mandate known as perpetual war for perpetual peace.

The late Walter Trohan of the Chicago Tribune was my journalism mentor.
Don Bolles of the Arizona Republic was my hero. Bolles was assassinated.
The killer who put out the contract (Kemper Marley, John McCain’s Barry
Goldwater-connected patron), got away with it. Trohan, meanwhile,
wouldn’t find a job in today’s media because investigative reporting
that delves into foreign control of the government (and the media
itself), and corporate control of energy, food and pharmaceuticals, is
not on the agenda. Investigative reporters end up doing a blog.

Thomas Jefferson observed that without a free media the Republic is
I repeat, need I comment on the obvious?


This column is not free. It has been paid for by people who have donated
to make it possible. Michael Hoffman is a professional journalist formerly in the employ of the Associated Press. He does not work for corporate America or the Money Power. He works for you.

DONATE http://www.revisionisthistory.org/page1/page2/paypal.html



The HOFFMAN WIRE is a public service of Independent History and Research, Box 849, Coeur d’Alene, Idaho 83816 USA

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Freedom of the Press: A hallowed right.
Responsible Dissent: A contribution to understanding and dialogue.
This email was sent to: john@democratic-republicans.us

==============MY COMMENT

Michael Hoffman is an outstanding and brave researcher and is also physically courageous, having faced off against the infamous and violent juish thug Irv Rubin (photo below).

Hoffmann’s new book Judaism Discovered is the ultimate exposé of the Talmud. Michael sent it to me and it is a nuclear weapon against Talmudic power. A friend named Jim had recommended it and I now urge you to buy it not only for yourself but also to deprogram Christian Zionists.

And THAT could save your life, because Christian Zionists are being trained in violent hatred against all “antisemites.” They may look like you and me, and they may agree with you and me about gays, Obama and sex education…. BUT but they can be viciously hostile to WNs the moment you bring up the juze.

The dirtiest looks I have ever gotten have been from Christian Zionists.

Hoffman’s book is the last word on what Talmudic jewry really stands for: mass-murdering people like us. It is not a mere string of shocking Talmud quotations, though it has hair-raising gems of judaic insanity, but it gives you a serious explanation of the SURREAL hate book that is at the heart of the juish mega-evil.

KNOW THY ENEMY. Know his evil book.

The book’s cover….


I just tonight got this comment on my YouTube video of my “No More Wars for Israel” speech from either a ju or a Christian Zionist….

@JohndeNugent hey John a great speech. but wasn’t Jesus’ mother jewish, and wasn’t john the baptist, joseph, and the disciples. But lucifer was not jewish. lucifer was an angel, and he was beautiful and tall and handsome and Aryan. You remind me a lot of him.

just out of curiosity. how many animals did you kill, and what kind of excitement would you feel, imagining those jewish men Women and Children, go to the gas chamber.

This, comrade, is the sicko, hate-dripping mind of the Talmudic ju — and the mindset of defamation and hatred he implants in the Christian Zionist. (Because I look Nordic — therefore I am luciferian! ….Talk about RACISM AND HATE SPEECH! So the world needs more people who look like the satanic Irv Rubin….)

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