ENGLISH On the radio, more on Donald Tokowitz Sterling and a black-white alliance against Jewry

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……God’s Chosen Dog cleans up


That little pooch obviously belongs to the God’s Chosen-Dog People. He’s gonna take everything. The two big dogs can’t believe what Chosen-Dog just did. 😉


…..Remembering May 8, 1945

The All-Lies forced the German military (but not the Reich itself!) to surrender.

This is what that meant in reality:

“Robbed, driven out, raped and murdered —It happened on May 8th, 69 years ago”


German woman in Zerbst, Sachsen-Anhalt,Germany and no, the rapists were NOT Russians!  That was Patton’s American Army! 16 million Germans died in combat, by bombings, massacre of civilians, and cold and starvation — 3/4s AFTER the war!


Germany lost:

–1/3rd of its territory,

–16 million dead, and

–80% of German cities were destroyed by illegal, deliberate Allied bombing of civilian areas in what then was called euphemistically “carpet bombing.”

Nuremberg in 1945


Dresden — 500,000 civilians were roasted to death in 2.5 days of British and American bombings in February 1945.  It was the most beautiful city in Europe, even more than Paris, before the bombing. There were no major military targets or war factories.




For weeks, bodies of older German men and women and children (the young German men were all in the service or had been killed) were dug out of the rubble and burned rapidly in huge piles to prevent disease. The whole city reeked of the smell of rotting corpses even three long weeks later when the Soviet army rolled in — and then the Soviets (“our gallant Russian allies”) began mass-raping the female German survivors.

Russians collected bodies 3 weeks after Dresden

German woman wanders around after being raped in color footage taken by an American GI. Two million German women were raped by Allied troops, many of whom had been told the lie that the Germans were monsters who deliberately started the war and then killed millions of innocent people.

On Facebook:

Pablo Davoli A real American hero like PATTON tried to report the masive crimes against German people… Sadly, he was hit by cars… Twice… And he died…

  • [JdN] Well, at the end of his life he sure woke up, and nearly 100%, but he had gotten some pretty bad karma by encouraging a bloodthirsty attitude toward the Germans before the 8th of May. His troops did this rape of a German woman in Zerbst, in Sachsen-Anhalt, and many other America GIs under him committed systematic looting. http://www.democratic-epublicans.us/…/zerbst-1945-raped…
  • John D. Nugent GIs thought it was a big game to steal wristwatches from Germans, but back then a wristwatch was a big thing, an expensive item, and many GIs sauntered around with 10 or 20 on them, stolen from defenseless Germans. Others took far more valuable things, and called it “liberating” them.
  • John D. Nugent The Germans expected the Russians to loot, but were pretty shocked when the Americans did it too.
  • John D. Nugent GIs also shot at starving German women and children trying to eat food the GIs had thrown away. This was under an Eisenhower order against “fraternization with the enemy.”
  • John D. Nugent And Patton was a true servant of the Jews until he actually got into the country and began administering it (specifically Bavaria) and found out the Germans were great people.
  • Pablo DavoliTerrible!! I didn´t know that, John. Thank you.
    [JdN]Well, while I am at it, GIs also raped 5,000 French women in Normandy in 1944 after D-Day.  Some Jew-run propaganda directed at US Army soldiers before D-Day had told them French women were “easy” and wanted to be “liberated” by the GI men….., Well, when they turned out to NOT be sluts or eager to jump on the literal hay in a barn with a sweaty, smelly GI who had been in the field for four weeks and had lice in his hair, (nor, btw, do French women tolerate mistresses any more than American women do, whatever one is told — unless hubby is just incredibly rich and has a pre-nup 😉 ), many GIs under Jew influence went nuts and got violent. I did a whole blog on this scandalous behavior:  https://johndenugent.com/english/english-mass-rape-of-french-women-by-gi-greatest-generation-in-1944

…..The real enemy of both Blacks and Whites is the Jew

Radio host and blogger John Friend of California had me on as a guest on his “Realist Report” to talk I was interviewed on the John Friend  about the infamous Jewish LA Clippers owner Donald Tokowitz “Sterling,” about my proposal of a white-black alliance against the Jews, and the large number of Black Americans who abhor ghetto behavior: thugs, drugs, saggy pants, gangsta rap, welfare entitlement mentality, illegitimacy, etc.


John Friend


We also discussed (again) cowards, trolls and rumor-spreaders in the WN cause and the unfairness of being cancelled or shunned and not even knowing what is being said by the gossipers.

I discussed specifically what I see as Jewish “prep” for a white-black race war, to be followed by martial law. A black-white alliance against Jewry — NOT EACH OTHER — must be the bold answer and solution to this WICKED scheme.

This was partly outlined already in this recent blog:


Just a little amazing photo: a major new Klan leader, Frank Ancona (http://newsone.com/2997895/kkk-frank-ancona) with a Black friend before a Confederate battle flag. They understand our enemy is not each other, but the psychopaths in our own communities who sell our people out and ally for wealth and power with the Jews!


I am not sure what Frank, in the interview, meant by “white supremacy,” if he really even used that phrase at all, but the goal must be to control our own lives and how our children are raised.


Now of course Ancona (maybe because he is against a race war with Blacks?) is being called now an “Italian Jew” — but I do not see how his words and actions harm the white cause. He is not spraying swastikas on synagogues, shooting up Jewish buildings, dragging black men behind a pickup truck, or burning Black churches down. He is saying Whites are good people with great achievements, and they deserve to survive and thrive again in the land of their ancestors.


My own family came here in 1635. Do I not have rights in my own country?

Btw, this was one of my first videos, and it is about White courage, not hate:

Spiritual video 1: White destiny, manhood and womanhood; facing horrible realities with courage



The Jews seem pretty worried.

I started meeting with a retired Black educator and Rotary Club president and then I got in a medium-large contribution from Europe.

Next thing I knew:

–We were forced out of the house we had rented for 20 months

–My credit-card donations system was abruptly cancelled

–As a result we have had to move in with others (friends, but still). 🙁

I need your financial help to prepare a new political alliance — and run for President in 2016 as the head of a NEW multiracial coalition against the real problem, the Jews!


Others have been making big sacrifices.


How about you?

John de Nugent


Apollo PA 15613


(724) 596-4268

This is how you can help financially:

Or, if in the US, just buy a MoneyPak at any Walmart, Kmart, Rite Aid, CVS or other drugstore, put money on it and send me the amount and PIN number on the back (scratch it off like a scratch ticket) by email or phone call!



postal money orders and other money orders that are left blank in the recipient area, or made out to “John de Nugent” ( IF STOLEN THEY CAN BE REDEEMED! JUST KEEP THE RECEIPT) 100-US-DOLLAR-USPS-MONEY-ORDER sending valuable jewelry or gold coins cash in an envelope, even with a fake return address (no risk there!) IF YOU SEND CASH OR COINS, WRAP THEM IN ALUMINUM FOIL! aluminum-foil us-20-dollars-aluminum-envelope-2 PAYPAL (write me at john_denugent@yahoo.com for more details how you can do this, since PP banned me….) paypal


checks made out to “John de Nugent” now that I again have a bank account, in fact, via STEALTH, I have now two. ;-)



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  1. Nice email from Scotland:

    Dear John, I read the articles you posted on http://www.therebel.org and sent to me on your big email list. I have spent my life thinking that my own sincerely held views were mine alone, and that most people thought and said I held views of a “rebel” nature, as they conflicted with the mass of the population who views were coloured by the mass media. It was as if only I could see through the mist and fog of lies to the truth. But reading your articles, especially your comments on religion and belief and how we possess souls and there is an afterlife, I am flabbergasted that we hold identical views. It’s like a spiritual connection. Although I am Scottish and not an American citizen you have my total support in your “Kampf” for the White House. Under your leadership, America would rise again and be a country loved and not hated by the world. A John de Nugent America would again be a country of real liberty and freedom, and a joy to live in. Duncan.

  2. I watched the three dogs video — before I read your comment below.
    And when I did, I found myself reading my own thoughts.

    Indeed, the ‘goyim’ are being subjected to the most intense and vicious ‘obedience training’, while the Jews are praised for ‘rebelling against the system’, whether it’s Left, Right or Centre — or, indeed, the Stock Exchange… (Yeah, ‘the greed is good’!)

    As to the race war that the Jews may well be planning, perhaps it might be a good idea to set up ‘Black & White Committees” to spot, early on, the likely kosher

    Just like 9/11, any ‘race war’ will also be used by the Jews to encroach on citizens’ rights — 1st and 2nd Amendments (free speech and guns) are the most likely targets Number 1 & 2.

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