ENGLISH Three quarters of graduating West Point cadets stay seated for Obama; Eric Hunt proves Treblinka truly a transit, not death camp

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…..3/4s of West Point graduating cadets (on the happiest day of their lives) stay seated (says UK’s “Daily Mail”) as President Obama, their Commander-in-Chief, is introduced


Obama receives standing ovation from less than 25% of West Point cadets: report
President Obama was welcomed by the Black Knight of the Hudson for his speech at West Point on Wednesday, but less than 25 percent of the cadets gave him a standing ovation…SWant to see more from The Washington Times?
Stony-faced West Point graduates listen as Obama talks on May 28. 2014
  • John D. Nugent “Receiving tepid applause and a short standing ovation from less than one-quarter of the audience upon his introduction, Obama argued for a contradictory foreign policy that relies on NATO and the United Nations while insisting that ‘America must alwaySee More
  • John D. Nugent Obama is already a quasi-lame duck, and he had to watch what orders he issues to officers who cannot stand him.
  • John D. Nugent In 2008 young people loved the guy — but not now.
    And 39% of African-Americans now say they would NOT vote for him again, according to a February poll.
    • John D. Nugent Poll: 71% of Obama voters, 55% Democrats ‘regret’ voting for his re-election http://washingtonexaminer.com/poll-71-of…/article/2544165
      The Washington Examiner ^ | February 18,2014 | PAUL BEDARD
      Posted on 2/18/2014 11:10:50 AM by Hojczyk

      Over seven in 10 Obama voters, and 55 percent of Democrats, regret voting for President Obama’s reelection in 2012, according to a new Economist/YouGov.com poll.

      Conducted to test the media hype about a comeback by 2012 Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney, the new poll found voters still uninspired by Romney, but also deeply dissatisfied with Obama who has so far failed to capitalize on his victory over 15 months ago.

      The poll asked those who voted for Obama’s reelection a simple question: “Do you regret voting for Barack Obama?”

      — Overall, 71 percent said yes, 26 percent no.

      — 80 percent of whites said yes, 61 percent of blacks said no and 100 percent of Hispanics said yes.

      — 84 percent of women said yes, and just 61 percent of men agreed.

      — 55 percent of Democrats said yes, as did 71 percent of independents.


      Given a chance to do it all over again, only 79 percent of those who voted for President Obama would vote for him again and 71 percent of Obama voters now inclined to vote for somebody else “regret” their vote to reelect the president, according to a new poll. The Economist/YouGov.com poll found tha…
      • John D. NugentWhen living in the Washington DC area in the early 1990s (I was there for 18 years in two intervals), I had a girlfriend who was friends with Colin Powell’s personal secretary. She said Powell was a very organized, calm, and popular boss, and a good leader.
      • Klaus GoldmüllerCollin Powell lied about the weapons of mass destructions in Iraq. I think he regretted what he said and left politics then.
      • John D. NugentI agree, Klaus. ….Powell never scared Whites, and his Vietnam military record impressed people. Obama, however, never served in the military, and he comes across to many as cocky, and thus rubs many thus the wrong way. I saw a video of him at the Vatican walking up to meet Pope Francis, and he threw in a swagger like a gangsta walking into a nightclub. It was so wrong and so inappropriate. Obama has to face the fact that he is not the cool Obama of the 2008 campaign but now is seen as a somewhat failed, mostly stymied president in the usual, disappointing second term, just like Johnson, Nixon, Reagan, Clinton and Bush, all of whose second terms were dreadful and we could not wait for them to end.:-(

…Superb new video debunks Treblinka “death camp”

Eric Hunt, who confronted the fraud Elie Wiesel and did a year in prison for it, produced this superb video on the truth about the Treblinka transit camp run by the SS. (A transit camp is just a stopping-off place — a place to eat, sleep, take a shower, etc. – before prisoners are moved to another camp. The Jews lie, however, that a million of their people died in gas chambers at Treblinka, and want money for it.)

YouTube link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4OhMxPFaZVM

TruTube link: http://trutube.tv/video/22803/Holocaust-Hoax-Eric-Hunt-on-Treblinka-

Caroline-Sturdy-CollsSuperb video, but I feel it leaves out an important detail. The supposedly impartial scientist/archeologist Caroline Sturdy Colls is almost certainly of Jewish background and thus would have a personal, ethnic and political interest in preserving the Holocaust fraud, the lies about Treblinka, and the financial gravy train from the US and Germany to modern Israel. This income flow is based on the culpabilization of both the American people (“You antisemitic Americans refused to stop Hitler in time — you only joined WWII two years after it erupted — and therefore six million innocent Jews died”) and of course of the German nation (“You Germans murdered six million people out of irrational judeophobia that went back to Martin Luther and the pogroms of the Crusades. This is why we need Israel as our safe haven and why you Germans need to be kept under US control and still have 50,000 US troops occupying your country.”) Colls’ jet-black hair and semitic, curved nose (photo) are two genetic traits which suggest she is Jewish and utterly partial, just as much as does her lying report.




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  1. Obama ist Schwein, dort lassen, kein Fehler darüber sein.

    Moreover, the legendary Colon Powell is famous for his coverup of the My Lai massacre, as well as a strong proponent for the illegal entry of the US into Iraq, citing “weapons of mass destruction” being the main reason. The man is a disgrace, a former soldier who had a sugar daddy that helped him catapult of many superior officers who deserved promotions far more than this affirmative action baby.

    I pity West Pointers that have to serve a cretinoid as their president. Imagine taking orders from this nonentity. War is a racket, but the exceptionalism of the US protects it from criticism, of course. Our lust for worldwide hegemoniacal insanity is a total disgrace, we have become pariahs thanks to this impostor on Pennsylvania Avenue. Pity our children and grandchildren!


    • For every Colin Powell there have been dozens of White generals who also said nothing or lied to further their career, and dozens of Navy admirals who know about the USS Liberty. I knew the former skipper of a two-billion-dollar Aegis-class destroyer, the USS John Paul Jones, and when I brought up the USS Liberty, that Israeli outrage made him beet-red in the face.

      But did he go public with his outrage? NO. He was letting the Navy send him to Tufts University for a Ph.D.

      Cowardice and careerism are not racial traits like hair texture, eye shape, or iris color; they are found in all races.

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