ENGLISH Opener (nine minutes) to the God video (presidential video five)

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George Bush, Queen Elizabeth, and Vladimir Putin all die and go to hell. While there, they notice a red phone and ask what it is for. The Devil tells them it is for calling back to Earth.

Putin asks to call Russia and talks for five minutes. When he is finished the Devil informs him that the cost is a million rubles, so Putin writes him a check.

Next Queen Elizabeth calls England and talks for 30 minutes. When she is finished the Devil informs her that the cost is six million pounds, so she writes him a check.

Finally George Bush gets his turn and talks for four hours. When he is finished the Devil informs him that the charge is five dollars.

When Putin hears this he goes ballistic and asks the Devil why Bush got to call the US so cheaply.

The Devil smiles and replies, “Since Obama took over, the whole country has gone to Hell. So calling the US is now a local call.”


======================TRIUMPH OF THE WILL

There are times when you really need a “triumph of the will.”

A passport photo of me in 1999….ENJOYING TEACHING LANGUAGES….


During the shooting of the God video, 2011

There have been many adversities for me these last few months,  especially due to a forced move and then a massive hack by an Israeli team.

But also, I think, my best videos ever have been produced.

I am finally also getting the best possible use out of the magnificent new Sony prosumer (“pro-fessional/con-sumer“) camcorder…..donated by a European….

…..the brand-new iMac computer……also donated by a European….

…..and the Hollywood-level Final Cut pro video editing software, all thanks to a fearless Russian friend and a local volunteer cameraman.

I have also gotten generous donations from a New Zealander and a wonderful crew up in western Canada….and also Germans living in the USA, and a civil servant in one part of Texas and a hunter in another part of the Lone Star State.

An underemployed, married father of two sent me two “five’s”…..and a sweet crayon drawing by his daughter….

I also thank a Dutchman from Den Haag (the Hague) named FdR for his letter of  GENEROUS SUPPORT, whiCh arrived today (Monday, November 28, 2011)…..

The Hague, Netherlands

All of this is a sign to me of God’s blessing and support in stormy times, since PayPal just STOLE $228 from me, two new character-defamatory campaigns have begun against me (see one insane email right below), and as a result of living in a moldy motel, my health suffered. (I developed a constant and mysterious cough until I was able to take vigorous counter-measures. Men over 55 can DIE from “Legionnaire’s Disease” due to mold.)

The email abuse has also gotten worse — including emails from a “Mike [try Kike] Kovac” cruelly “dangling” a fake MoneyGram in front of me with hundreds of dollars in financial support…all Jew lies, their favorite pastime, replete with fake reference numbers….

Jews do this whenever I send out a desperate appeal for funds.

A comrade wrote me that Zuckerberg deleteed his Facebook page. I replied:

It is time for RACEbook, my friend! The googlejews at Gmail froze all three of my email accts and my own YT channel!   Photobucket deleted my paid account wiht 2500 photos,  the Jew Jimmy Wales deleted my Wikipedia article, and Google reduced hits on my name from three million to one hundred thousand.  Then they bray the “Nazis” were “against free speech”!

Here is some typical recent abuse, reflecting a massive campaign to suggest I was “thrown out of the Marines” (I never was; I had three meritorious promotions and made NCO in one year!]) for homosexual acts [WTF!]….:

In 2008 with my fiancée (2005-2011) Margaret, with whom I am still friends

A family pic from January 2007, on the occasion of my father’s 80th birthday….(with me upper left, and my Canadian stepmom below me)

My son-in-law, two daughters and father….

Birth certificates of my two kids, showing the father as being ME…



* * *

Do you…. suck dicks Mrs Marine da Nugent?

Were you discharged from the USMCR because of a sexual scandal? Was it because you were sucking dicks?

Do you like gaysex? Doggystyle?

… suck my cock? Would you put it in your mouth? Spit on it and suck it well? Would you?

* * *

A Mexican wrote me:

* * *

A new comment on the post “Jaycee Dugard — white victim/Hispanic criminals” is waiting for your approval


Author : eliezer the mexicano macho (IP: , host-104-208.metropcs.net.141.174.in-addr.arpa)

E-mail : eliezerochoa@yahoo.com

URL    :

Whois  : http://whois.arin.net/rest/ip/


All you low life welfare living lil white boys that submitted “white victim.  Hispanic criminals” stop hatin beaches u talk your sshit cos you in tha internet if you bad a mexican in front of you you will suk their dikks cos we mexicans will kill you pussys

Approve it: https://johndenugent.com/wp-admin/comment.php?action=approve&c=5486

Trash it: https://johndenugent.com/wp-admin/comment.php?action=trash&c=5486

Spam it: https://johndenugent.com/wp-admin/comment.php?action=spam&c=5486

Currently 343 comments are waiting for approval. Please visit the moderation panel:


* * *

As they say, No Comment. 😉

Not now…but soon….



The video below marks the first time I have had a true professional video editor, but even he cannot live on thin air. Not even a Russian! Both he and a volunteer cameraman (I tried feeding the Russian snow and the American with emails of praise 😉 ) need to eat a substance called FOOD on a regular basis ;-), unlike me who survives (a website said) on pure hate. 😉

I really prefer being called a mentally-ill con man and homosexual to the pernicious rumor I can survive on words of praise. 😉

At this point I am sure you are aware that we halfway through our Fall Fundraising campaign. I just wanted to make sure you know that your support, at what ever level you can afford, is critical to our survival (yours as well as mine).

Your contribution today will be greatly appreciated.

.The Solutrean Agency operates on a very tight budget, and if everyone reading the blog were to donate $10.00 per month, we could function comfortably.

(My new postal address!)

John de Nugent



[20 miles northeast of Pittsburgh, in western Pennsylvania]


–Cash in an envelope

–Blank money order (put in $ amount, not your name or to whom)

–MoneyGram (send from a Walmart or elsewhere — very easy to do: just give them the cash and my name and they give you a reference number to send me.)

(NO more PayPal — the Jews there have blocked the account and are sitting on $228 in contributions for the most specious reasons.)

Support the man the Jews hack, defame, and seek to financially strangle. THAT IS THE MAN THEY FEAR.



It took days of concentrated work to learn the FinalCutPro software (developed for Apple users) and begin to master its special effects. FinalCutPro is the software now being used on more and more Hollywood movies.

I also took note of the suggestion of a young supporter named Larry in Seattle, Washington State, and left my desk behind for outdoor, dynamic walking-and-talking style.

Here are the first NINE MINUTES, 49 SECONDS now, with an hour of footage still to edit. I can live on hate ;-), but not my editor and cameraman., 😉

The rest  of this video will blow people away who thought God was in the same category as the Tooth Fairy, Santa or the Easter Bunny. 😉

Only by becoming a religion will ANY of us survive and then go on to thrive, in a TRUE new world order that will eliminate the unteachably wicked by all means necessary. The first step is to see ourselves as divine beings on a human journey, and fear, not death — which never happens at all, though a body is abandoned every seventy years — but fear dishonor and the wrath of a God who, like me, is no toothless old fool you can fool. 😉

(Still being improved in terms of music added, etc.)


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