ENGLISH Il Divo; parasites kill, symbiotes help their host; WikiLeaks calls Netanyahu a hero of openness

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==================IL DIVO “Pour Que Tu M’Aimes Encore” (“So you keep loving me”)

Here are four wonderful young brunet white men, proving the sweet, warm charm of the brunet branch of our race, the Old Europeans.

Il Divo (Italian for “divine singer”) is four male vocalists whose music is by and for Whites, comprising (from left to right) a classically trained tenor, American David Miller of Colorado; a French pop singer, Sébastien Izambard; the Swiss Urs Bühler; and the renowned Spanish baritone, Carlos Marín.

The original lyrics tell of a woman (for Il Divo, it is of course a man) who is emotionally dependent on a partner that has left her (him) for another and they culminate in a desperate plea saying she (he) would turn her-(him)-self into gold so that the ex-lover would love the person again.

“Pour Que Tu M’Aimes Encore” (“So you keep loving me”)

This song was the most popular French pop song of the 1990s and became Céline Dion’s biggest hit ever. It became a huge song in the anglosphere also when she sang it as “If that’s what it takes.”

French lyrics and literal translation:

J’ai compris tous les mots, j’ai bien compris, merci
Raisonnable et nouveau, c’est ainsi par ici
Que les choses ont changé, que les fleurs ont fané
Que le temps d’avant, c’était le temps d’avant
Que si tout zappe et lasse, les amours aussi passent

I understood all the words, I well understood, thanks
Reasonable and new, that’s the way here
Things have changed, that flowers get fade
That the time before, was the time before.

If all is zapped and tired, loves also go by.

Il faut que tu saches

You must know

J’irai chercher ton coeur si tu l’emportes ailleurs
Même si dans tes danses d’autres dansent tes heures
J’irai chercher ton âme dans les froids, dans les flammes
Je te jetterai des sorts pour que tu m’aimes encore

I’ll go get your heart if you take it somewhere else
Even if in your dances others dance your hours
I’ll go get your soul in the colds in the flammes
I’ll cast a spell on you for you to still love me.

Fallait pas commencer m’attirer me toucher
Fallait pas tant donner moi je sais pas jouer
On me dit qu’aujourd’hui, on me dit que les autres font ainsi
Je ne suis pas les autres
Avant que l’on s’attache, avant que l’on se gâche

Shouldn’t begin to tease me, to touch me
I shouldn’t give so much; I don’t know how to play
They say that today, they say others do so
I’m not the others
Before we attach to the other, before we spoil each other

Je veux que tu saches

I want you to know

J’irai chercher ton coeur si tu l’emportes ailleurs
Même si dans tes danses d’autres dansent tes heures
J’irai chercher ton âme dans les froids dans les flammes
Je te jetterai des sorts pour que tu m’aimes encore

I’ll go get your heart if you take it somewhere else
Even if in your dances others dance your hours
I’ll go get your soul in the colds in the flammes
I’ll cast a spell on you for you to still love me.

Je trouverai des langages pour chanter tes louanges
Je ferai nos bagages pour d’infinies vendanges
Les formules magiques des marabouts d’Afrique
J’les dirai sans remords pour que tu m’aimes encore

I’ll find languages to sing your praises
I’ll make my luggages for infinite vintages
Magic spells from African priests
I’ll say them without remorse for you to still love me

Je m’inventerai reine pour que tu me retiennes
Je me ferai nouvelle pour que le feu reprenne
Je deviendrai ces autres qui te donnent du plaisir
Vos jeux seront les nôtres si tel est ton désir
Plus brillante plus belle pour une autre étincelle
Je me changerai en or pour que tu m’aimes encore

I’ll name myself queen for you to hold me
I’ll make myself new to let the fire restart
I’ll become these others who give you pleasure
Your games will be ours if that’s your wish
More brilliant more beautiful for another spark
I’ll change myself into gold for you to still love me

At the end of this blog you can find it in English, performed by Céline Dion.



A comrade wrote me sagely:

Our country lacks the manpower and money to fight a war on THREE fronts.  The United States is already committing economic suicide and fighting a war on two fronts today.  The Jews have really screwed THEMSELVES yet again, which is a known and dysfunctional part of their racial behavior.

Sooner or later, probably sooner, the USA will not be capable of supporting Israhell or fighting wars on its behalf.  Eventually the Jews will have to figure out how to live without being parasites any longer, and defend themselves without US assistance and weapons.
** The difference between a parasitic relationship and a symbiotic one is that the parasite harms or destroys its host. In a symbiotic relationship, one organism may attack another.  The difference is that the attacking organism preserves and protects its host even better then the host can look out for itself in many cases so that the relationship can continue for an unlimited period of time.  A parasite [because it kills its host] must move from one host to another in order to survive. **
Here is a good example of a symbiotic relationship.  Each organism protects and defends the other better then either could alone.  The owners take the dog to the vet, feed and groom it.  The dog will protect its owners from attack and perform tasks that the owner trains it to do, such as police work or search and rescue.http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Doberman_Pinscher
Here is a parasitic relationship.http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Malaria
The parasite kills its host off and so must infect others.
The “silver lining” to our present national and racial mess is that we can’t comply with AIPAC’s orders to attack Iran while staying economically solvent enough to reliably support Israhell !!! I consider this good news.

===================Assange of WikiLeaks plays footsie with J-Team

WikiLeaks ‘struck a deal with Israel’ over diplomatic cables leaks
by LikiWeaks
Tuesday Dec 7th, 2010 6:39 PM

We should obviously all support WikiLeaks and its founder and spokesperson, Julian Assange (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Julian_Assange), who has just been arrested in Britain, in this dirty war by states around the globe against transparency and openness. But in the world of politics, sadly, things are never as innocent as they appear. According to new revelations, Assange had allegedly struck a deal with Israel before the recent ‘cable gate’, which may explain why the leaks “were good for Israel,” as the Israeli prime minister put it.

A number of commentators, particularly in Turkey and Russia, have been wondering why the hundreds of thousands of American classified documents leaked by the website last month did not contain anything that may embarrass the Israeli government, like just about every other state referred to in the documents. The answer appears to be a secret deal struck between the WikiLeaks “heart and soul”, as Julien Assange humbly described himself once [1], with Israeli officials, which ensured that all such documents were ‘removed’ before the rest were made public.

Julien Assange

JdN: I think the combo of dyed platinum-blond hair and dark brown eyes is bizarre and uncalled-for. Is he posing as an Italian Viking? 😉

According to an Arabic investigative journalism website [2: http://www.syriatruth.info/content/view/977/36/], Assange had received money from semi-official Israeli sources and promised them, in a “secret, video-recorded agreement,” not to publish any document that may harm Israeli security or diplomatic interests.

The sources of the Al-Haqiqa report are said to be former WikiLeaks volunteers who have left the organisation in the last few months over Assange’s “autocratic leadership” and “lack of transparency.”

In a recent interview with the German daily Die Tageszeitung, former WikiLeaks spokesperson Daniel Domscheit-Berg said he and other WikiLeaks dissidents are planning to launch their own whistleblowers’ platform to fulfil WikiLeaks’s original aim of “limitless file sharing.” [3]

Mr Domscheit-Berg, who is about to publish a book about his days ‘Inside WikiLeaks’, accuses Assange of acting as a “king” against the will of others in the organisation by “making deals” with media organisations that are meant to create an explosive effect, which others in WikiLeaks either know little or nothing about. [4]

Furthermore, Assange’s eagerness for headline-grabbing scoops meant that WikiLeaks had not been able to ‘restructure’ itself to cope with this surge of interest, insiders add. This has meant that smaller leaks, which might be of interest to people at a local level, are now being overlooked for the sake of big stories. [5]

According to the Al-Haqiqa sources, Assange met with Israeli officials in Geneva earlier this year and struck the secret deal. The Israel government, it seems, had somehow found out or expected that the documents to be leaked contained a large number of documents about the Israeli attacks on Lebanon and Gaza in 2006 and 2008-9 respectively. These documents, which are said to have originated mainly from the Israeli embassies in Tel Aviv and Beirut, where removed and possibly destroyed by Assange, who is the only person who knows the password that can open these documents, the sources added.

Indeed, the published documents seem to have a ‘gap’ stretching over the period of July – September 2006, during which the 33-day Lebanon war took place. Is it possible that US diplomats and officials did not have any comments or information to exchange about this crucial event but spent their time ‘gossiping’ about every other ‘trivial’ Middle-Eastern matter?

Following the leak (and even before), Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu said in a press conference that Israel had “worked in advance” to limit any damage from leaks, adding that “no classified Israeli material was exposed by WikiLeaks.” [6] In an interview with the Time magazine around the same time,

Assange praised Netanyahu as a hero of transparency and openness! [7: http://www.time.com/time/world/article/0,8599,2034040-2,00.html]

Bibi Netanyahu

According to another report [8], a left-leaning Lebanese newspaper had met with Assange twice and tried to negotiate a deal with him, offering “a big amount of money”, in order to get hold of documents concerning the 2006 war, particularly the minutes of a meeting held at the American embassy in Beirut on 24th July 2006, which is widely considered as a ‘war council’ meeting between American, Israeli and Lebanese parties that played a role in the war again Hizbullah and its allies. The documents the Al-Akhbar editors received, however, all date to 2008 onwards and do not contain “anything of value,” the sources confirm. This only goes to support the Israel deal allegations.

Finally, it might be worth pointing out that Assange might have done what he is alleged to have done in order to protect himself and ensure that the leaked documents are published so as to expose American hypocrisy, which he is said to be obsessed with “at the expense of more fundamental aims.”

[JdN: In other words, the Jews rule the media and won’t run his leaks if they harm the Jewish state.]



[1] http://www.wired.com/threatlevel/2010/09/wikileaks-revolt/

[2] http://www.syriatruth.info/content/view/977/36/

[3] http://www.taz.de/1/netz/netzpolitik/artikel/1/vom-hacker-zum-popstar/

[4] http://www.spiegel.de/international/germany/0,1518,732212,00.html

[5] http://www.spiegel.de/international/germany/0,1518,719619,00.html

[6] http://www.haaretz.com/print-edition/news/netanyahu-wikileaks-revelations-were-good-for-israel-1.327773

[7] http://www.time.com/time/world/article/0,8599,2034040-2,00.html

[8] http://www.syriatruth.info/content/view/986/36/


Wiki: Torvill and Dean (Jayne Torvill and Christopher Dean) are British ice dancers from Nottingham, England, and former British-, European-, Olympic- and World champions. At the 1984 Winter Olympics the pair became the highest scoring figure skaters of all time (for a single programme) receiving twelve perfect 6.0s and six 5.9’s which included artistic impression scores of 6.0 from every judge.[1]

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