ENGLISH Neanderthalic Ron Hubbard; Pentagon/DOD child porn sweep to create blackmailability; chemtrails caught redhanded

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Everyone has heard of the late L. Ron Hubbard, founder of Dianetics and then Scientology. The first time I saw his face I thought he looked somehow feral, like a badger. As Nelson1805 suggests, we are looking at a gentile (a non-Jew) who like many Jews has the overtly physical traits of a part-neanderthal.

Russian boxer Nikolai Valuev…..a seven-foot-tall neanderthal

Clearly, there should be not just weight categories in boxing but also a ban on inter-species boxing…..

This is yet another example of why it is idle to speculate if Stalin was part-Jewish, or if Hubbard was, or Lincoln, or any other figure that many hate. The key to behavior is not Jewish but NEANDERTHAL.

Representation of a Neanderthal:

Note the flat forehead, everted lower lip, the curved lower face, the round head….

Ron Hubbard…. and note the malevolent look…..


Neanderthal body build…..What a beauty….

Ron Hubbard in Rhodesia…. Chunky body build, head thrust forward…..

Hubbard was from a Wyoming rancher family. It is NOT necessary to be Jewish to be part-Neanderthal!


But he WAS into mind control, defamation, vengeance, fanaticism, stealing ideas (what was true in Hubbard was not new, and what was new in Hubbard was not true), fabulous wealth through enslaving people — and endless lies and con games.

Solutrean eugenics means eliminating the neaderthal gene from our blood stream, a gene which lends itself strongly, as Michael Bradley says, to psychopathy.

Henry Kissinger and Shimon Peres….

Menachem Begin……Soviet mug shot from 1940; note prominent nose and forehead


My comment: This does NOT mean the Pentagon is cracking down. It means that lower-level “small fish” got picked up, while the big fish — who are not just watching child porn but also molesting kids — go scot-free. Just read The Franklin Coverup.

The purpose of these arrests is to terrorize other child porn addicts so they can be blackmailed into doing exactly as told, no matter how much they loathe Obama and the government’s policies, during a martial law scenario. Remember: the worst fate imaginable is to be thrown into prison as a known child porn watcher or child molester — because many criminals were once molested as children. The NWO encourages child porn and every other kind of wickedness, and one of the reasons is so it can control key people by blackmail.



Investigator’s Report Shows Dozens of Defense Employees Picked Up in Child Porn Sting

Published July 23, 2010


Several dozen Pentagon officials and contractors have been accused of — and in some cases were convicted of — purchasing and downloading child pornography on government computers, the Department of Defense’s inspector general’s office disclosed in documents released Friday.

The investigation that led prosecutors to these government workers was actually part of a larger Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency sting called Operation Flicker, aimed at identifying individuals who paid money over the Internet to access child pornography overseas, according to the inspector general’s office.

That sweep collected information on more than 5,000 people in 60 undercover stings involving 18 child porn websites. Among those were several dozen who worked for Pentagon intelligence services.

Offenders include people with highly sensitive security clearances who have the potential to blackmail the government using closely held military and intelligence secrets, according to the documents released. Some of the people involved have such high-level clearance, identifying characteristics about them were blacked out in the report.

Among those investigated are employees of the National Security Agency, National Reconnaissance Office, the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency and other offices at the Defense Department.

“Some are in high-ranking positions, in positions of trust,” John Sheehan, executive director of the exploited child division at the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children, told The Boston Globe, the first newspaper to report the IG’s conclusions. The center has been consulted, which has reviewed 36 million images of alleged child pornography since 2002 at the request of law enforcement agencies, consulted the government as part of the investigation.

“There isn’t a profile or stereotype, which makes it even more challenging for law enforcement,” Sheehan said.


Do the “Georgia Guidestones” give you a clue? The “elite” would like to see a 90% reduction of the worlds population.
1. Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature.

The number may be open to debate, but the idea that the population of a finite planet has limits for sustainability sounds reasonable to me. To be honest, had you told me that William Pierce said that, I would have no cause to question it.

But destroying the Gulf of Mexico seems like a rather extreme method for achieving that goal, assuming that the talk about nature is not entirely fatuous. I could think of ways to accomplish the same goal much less traumatically.[end]

Another poster :

1. Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature.

Yeah, sounds genocidal to me too.




[from RENSE, source: http://www.rense.com/general4/ret.htm]

USAF Lt. Colonel (Ret) Photos
Of Heavy Chemtrails
Near Pittsburgh
Dear Jeff,
Friday, October 13, 2000 – 7:10 pm.
I live 20 miles southwest of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania and at the present time we have a chemtrail sky that’s the worst I’ve seen.
We had a beautiful clear-sky day here until late in the afternoon. It was so clear that another fellow and I in the office were discussing how nice it would be to stargaze tonight even though there is a full moon. We are both amateur astronomers.
However, by the time I got home at 5:05 pm, I noticed sun dogs and the oily rainbows around the sun. There were a few chemtrail lines but not all that many. Nevertheless, I immediately recognized it as a chemtrail sky.
When I came out to wash the car after dinner at 6:20 pm, I couldn’t believe it! The whole sky was xxxxxxxxx in a grid pattern. I ran in and got my camera, a Canon AE-1E with 200 mm telephoto lens, and took a dozen photos which I’ll e-mail to you.
There were still several jet aircraft in the sky when I was taking photos and with the telephoto lens I identified one as a DC-9…not a likely spray aircraft. It appeared to be a two-engine commercial jet and was most likely just passing through. It’s altitude was too high to be landing or taking off from Pittsburgh International Airport which is 15 miles north of my location. I couldn’t tell the identity of the other aircraft but maybe something will show up in the photos. This spraying was of the high altitude type, not low altitude, and the only aircraft I saw in the area were multi-engine jet aircraft. I know I have some excellent photos of the spray fanning out across the sky.
This was so strong of a spraying that I questioned whether to allow my daughter to go to the homecoming game tonight because I didn’t want her sitting in the bleachers with the ‘stuff’ drifting down on her. I watched it carefully for some time but did not detect any droplets or web-like material probably because of the high altitude of the spray.
On a personal note, I want to assure you that I don’t take this matter lightly. I am a retired Lt. Colonel from the USAF and PA Air National Guard.
At the time I retired after 29 years of service, I was a squadron commander with a KC-135E unit and I certainly can recognize a normal tanker contrail when I see one or identify the shadow outline of one of our aircraft in the sky.
One of the things I want understood is that ‘spraying’ from a tanker is not unheard of regardless of what anyone tells you. It’s what is being sprayed that is the puzzle. I have a photograph here in my collection that I personally took in 1969 when flying in a KC-135A tanker on a trip from Seymour Johnson AFB, NC to Pease AFB, NH. After we took off and reached altitude, most likely over Virginia, we lowered the refueling boom in the bottom rear of the aircraft and ‘dumped’ 3,000 pounds of JP-4 fuel into the atmosphere just to trim out the aircraft and improve its weight and balance. Nothing was considered unusual with this procedure. The reason I bring it up is to show that there are reasons for a tanker to sometimes spray fuel into the atmosphere.
However, what we are seeing today is not the occasional spraying I am talking about. When we dumped fuel we didn’t fly in a grid pattern, for example.
Hope this helps anyone who thought they may have seen something unusual in the sky on Friday in Southwestern Pennsylvania.
Lt Col Den Ardinger,
USAF, (Ret)


2. Guide reproduction wisely – improving fitness and diversity.

That’s undoubtedly a big fat lie. They want to mix people up and then call the resulting mess diverse.

3. Unite humanity with a living new language.

And right there, that shows that they want to mix people together; they don’t want to have diversity at all. They’re liars.

4. Rule passion – faith – tradition – and all things with tempered reason.

They’re already beyond reason because they’ve contradicted themselves just above. See Rules 2 & 3.

5. Protect people and nations with fair laws and just courts.

Yeah right. What good is a court if it doesn’t have the force to back up its decisions? They want world government, they don’t want nations. Hell, they don’t even want separate languages, they just said so!

6. Let all nations rule internally resolving external disputes in a world court.

They just can’t use the word ‘separation’ can they?

7. Avoid petty laws and useless officials.

More self-contradictory blather. They should look at their own Rule 3. That one right there is going to need ‘language police’.

8. Balance personal rights with social duties.

Right, just like the old Soviet ‘International duty’ when they invaded other countries, or like exhorting the ‘soviet citizenry’ to work like Stakhonovites, or to ‘donate’ free labor on collective farms on their days off.

9. Prize truth – beauty – love – seeking harmony with the infinite.

More lies. They can’t even tell the truth with their own laws. See Rule 10.

10. Be not a cancer on the earth – Leave room for nature – Leave room for nature.

That shows how they regard us, as a cancer. Can’t you just feel the love from Rule 9?




============================OBONGO SHUT DOWN WHITE CAR DEALERS

Saturday, July 24, 2010, 3:17 AM

American Third Position

American Third Position

White Male Car Dealers Shut Down by TARP

Posted: 23 Jul 2010 10:53 PM PDT

The Obama administration forced the closure of 2,000 General Motors and Chrysler dealerships owned by White men, despite indications that the closures would not save GM money.

About 100,000 people lost their jobs as a result of the dealers being forced to close, during a recession with the official unemployment rate pushing 10%.

As the new report from SIGTARP states (PDF file), dealerships owned by minorities or women were specifically exempted from the shutdowns.

Thus, dealerships owned by White males were exclusively targeted. How ironic that the closings were the result of Obama’s mandate for “shared sacrifice!”

Many more dealers in rural areas were closed, while dealers in metro areas were allowed to remain open despite saturated markets.

This left consumers in rural areas without a nearby option to buy an American car, a move which will cause many buyers to resort to buying an import.

The despicable forced closures of these dealerships by the Obama administration has served to explicitly discriminate against White male business owners, make 100,000 workers lose their jobs, and coerce Americans to purchase imported cars… all in one fell swoop.

The American Third Position will protect American industry, as detailed in its economic platform here: http://american3p.org/?page_id=91

American Thinker: Race Played Role in Obama Car Dealer Closures


  1. JOHN- Interesting observation on L. Ron. One thing I have noted, that both corroborates your ‘Neanderthal’ as well as the CI’s ‘Ten Lost Tribes’ theories, is that there are really only TWO groups on the planet that exhibit the doubly recessive fact of RED HAIR.

    Celts and ‘Jews.’ Whereas in Celts, the eyes are usually blue or blue-green, in Jews I have known with red hair, the eyes are ALWAYS brown.

    I think this is informative, as well as telling. The Bible prohibited race-mixing, and the ‘giant’s of the OT could very well have been these sorts of ‘neanderthal types like that boxer you showed.

    Here’s a column for further thought on that subject.

    In Christ,
    Fr. John+

  2. With all due respect John, jews are the problem, with them they incorporate the menace of a greater problematic race. Without them, just bandits and psychopaths as Stalin would just be isolated peasants living a totally un-noteworthy existence somewhere, with them he is commissioned to kill a good percent of the entire world population, to deliberately kill so many 10’s of millions of WHITE Russians, cheifly because of their race, by the jewish hatemongers who kept his sustenance secure until he finally turned on them shorty after their needless war.

    Here is a an excellent book on the jews and their own unremarkable history


    Keep up the great work though John, in exposing the Neaderfreak. This is the only website I know of which has done it, and with your brilliant and very straightforward delivery, so well.

  3. Neanderthals, or I should say Cro-Neanderthals or neoneanders, are a highly problematic race, but they would not be the threat that they are, were it not for this highly cohesive contrated neanderthalic tribe.

    It is likely they have always caused such problems for the Cro Magnons (Whites) starting as early as Egypt, but more particularily to the blue eyed blonde Romans who sacked Jeruselum, as deliberate and planned vengence for always being beaten so much earlier. They have always hated the White race with a great passion, and received it’s kindess with the most ungreatful venom.

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