ENGLISH Polish revisionist found dead; USA Today map shows darkening America

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Murder or suicide — in either case caused by Jews.

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By 24opole.pl and Michael Hoffman

This report is online, with a photo of Prof. Ratajczak, here:

Opole, Poland, June 16, 2010 — The body of a former Polish history professor, Dariusz Ratajczak, convicted by a Polish court in 2002 of  claiming that mass gassings of human beings in Auschwitz-Birkenau was impossible, has been found dead in a shopping center parking lot in the  western Polish city of Opole.

Prof. Ratajczak was suspended in April 1999 from his teaching post at Opole University’s Historical Institute after state prosecutors opened an investigation into the publication of his book Tematy niebezpieczne
(“Dangerous Themes”).

“The body, which was severely decomposed, has been identified by Ratajczak’s family, so additional DNA tests will not have to be carried out,” says Lidia Sieradzka from the Prosecutor’s Office in Opole.

Judging by the state of the body and recent high temperatures, the man has been dead for up to two weeks, say police. Security guards at the Karolinka shopping centre claim, however, that the historian’s Renault Kangoo was left at the car park on the same day, June 11, that it was discovered.   In the car police found documents which belonged to 48-year-old revisionist historian Ratajczak. Recordings from CCTV are being examined.

The cause of Ratajczak’s death remains uncertain. Police think it is unlikely that he was murdered because  it is alleged that no injuries were found on the body during the autopsy.

Police established that the historian, who had problems finding employment in Poland, planned to go to Holland or Belgium to work in a company to do menial labor. For that purpose he acquired a Renault Kangoo automobile, in which his body was found stuffed between the front and rear seats. It is reported that he may have been living in his car. He worked at odd jobs for food.

In 2000, Dariusz Ratajczak was fired from the University of Opole, where he worked for eleven years, and banned from teaching at other universities for three years after the publication of Tematy niebezpieczne, in which he claimed that it was not scientifically possible to kill millions of people in alleged Auschwitz death camp gas

Earlier in 1999, a Polish court found Ratajczak guilty of “public denial” of German war crimes – which is against the law in Poland – but because the book was self-published with a print run of only 260 copies it was not thought to be able to create a “social annoyance” and he was not punished. In his defense, Prof. Ratajczak told the court that his book was merely a survey of many dissenting views on the “Holocaust,” including revisionist works by British historian David Irving and others. “Holocaust denial” is a crime in Poland, Germany, Hungary, France, Switzerland and Austria.

Mr. Ratajczak is survived by a son and a daughter.


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====================MTV MARTIAL LAW VIDEOS

=======================MAYPOLE DANCE

[source: http://www.lyndonirwin.com/maypole.htm]

Dance is a way we northern Europeans lose our introversio, shyness and brooding nature, and confidently express ourselves and assert our tribal nature, strength, grace and beauty. Nietzsche felt that dance was very important for what he called the “Superman.” And Superwoman!

Winding the Maypoleby Barbara Marlow Irwin

In celebration of my birthday, I collect post cards of children winding the Maypole. Here are some examples.

I became interested in Maypoles because I remember May Day and Maypoles as a celebration for my birthday, May 1st. As a young child I really thought that was why we were celebrating! I remember that the pole was in the school yard and the colorful crepe paper ribbons were attached to the top. The boys would have a ribbon and walk to the right, the girls would take a ribbon and walk left. The boys and girls would walk in opposite directions holding the ribbons taut. As the children met, we would alternate by going under the ribbon of the first boy then go over the ribbon of the next boy (the boys would reverse the pattern) and so on. This up and down or in and out movement would create a weaving pattern (tabby weave) down the pole as the ribbons got shorter and shorter. I’m not positive, but I think there was an odd number of either boys or an odd number of girls in order to create the weave. It was almost like a dance because we moved to music. The winding of the Maypole was a traditional activity every year that the whole school participated in to welcome spring. Also, when I was young we made May baskets out of squares cut from left over wall paper–rolling them into cone shapes, adding a handle, then filling the baskets with handpicked flowers. That evening we would hang them on our friends’ doors (usually older seniors), ring the door bell or knock, then run and hide and watch them find the flowers from our hiding places. I have very fond childhood memories of May Day.

My husband surprised me with some wonderful May Day cards that he found in California. We are showing them below in a larger size. They give some other ideas for May Day. Enjoy.

The Coach, May Day 1909. I assume this welcomed the May Queen.
The Garland Dance is another old English Dance tradition. Rebecca Suerdieck has a web site about Garland Dancing and she can give you more information if you are interested. The Maypole is in the center.
This is the same group of young ladies as the hoop dance. I would say that these young ladies must have gotten confused because of the mess of ribbons.

Note: A visitor to the web site wrote: “the dance that these ladies have just danced is known as gypsies tent. The ribbons have slipped so it does look a mess. The right hand side is ok.”

1920 May Fete at Lowell Seminary. Although at a Seminary, this view infers some of the pagan influence of May Day.
Ward Academy
Unknown location.
Ready to begin.
The Minuet on May Day 1916, York, Nebraska
The Minuet on May Day 1916, York, Nebraska
Crowning the May Queen, York Nebraska, 1917
Urseline Convent, York, Nebraska

Below are some assorted Mayday scenes that are a bit unusual.

Another Garland Dance scene. This scan is a bit light but it shows more hoops with flowers on them.
This is apparently a piece of playground equipment called the May Pole from Lancaster Park in Jackson, Tennessee. I assume the girls are swinging from chains since their feet are off the ground.
A very traditional American Maypole.
A nice scan showing older ladies with a Maypole.

See below for a closer view.

Enlargement of above. Notice lady in a wheelchair, the May queen and a drummer. We wonder if this photo was taken at some kind of hospital or sanitarium.
This card is labeled May Day, but we don’t see a pole. This view is unusual in that boys are participating.

See below to see a close-up.

Close-up showing the queen. Also note the piano on the right.
A nice colored card. Notice the colored paper on the ground.
Quite a crowd.

Again, we wonder if this is a hospital / sanitarium scene.

Don’t know if this was before or after the MayPole dance.
Please note: Barbara J. Marlow Irwin passed away very unexpectedly August 21, 2009. I am her husband, Lyndon Irwin, I can’t answer questions about music, maypole dances or much else. However, I wanted to leave this page up as a memorial to her. Below are two photos of her grave stone on her birthday, May 1, 2010. As you can see, we decorated the grave with maypoles. I know that it would have pleased her. Lyndon


Mohegan Sun Casino Owners Received $54 Million In Stimulus Money (From Sen. Dodd)


Indian Tribe That Runs Connecticut Casino Earning $1 Billion-Plus Per Year Got Government Check

With the support of Sen. Chris Dodd, D.-Conn., the federal government has awarded $54 million to Connecticut’s politically well-connected Mohegan Indian tribe, which operates one of the highest grossing casinos in the U.S.

The tribe runs the sprawling Mohegan Sun casino, halfway between New York City and Boston, which earned more than $1.3 billion in gross revenues in 2009. Each tribe member receives a cut of the profits, a number a tribal official said was “less than $30,000” per capita per year. The stimulus money is a loan from a U.S. Department of Agriculture rural development program that is meant to help communities of less than 20,000 people that have been “unable to obtain other credit at reasonable rates and terms and are unable to finance the proposed project from their own resources.”

Mohegan Tribal Council, defended the award of the stimulus loan to the tribe, and said that every member of Connecticut’s seven-member Congressional delegation except one had provided assistance in securing the funds. “The whole Connecticut delegation, I think aside from [Rep.] Jim Himes, who was traveling, sent a letter in support.”

Bryan DeAngelis, communications director for Sen. Dodd, confirmed Dodd’s support for the loan. “Senator Dodd supported this project in the same manner and for the same reasons he supports federal assistance for other Connecticut projects – creating and preserving local jobs,” said DeAngelis. “The only factor that mattered in Dodd’s support of these loans was job creation and economic recovery in Connecticut.” A former aide to Dodd, Charles Bunnell, is Chief of Staff for External and Governmental Affairs for the tribe.

An aide to Sen. Joseph Lieberman said the senator “is supportive of any constituent that applies for federal funding that will create jobs.”


=====USA TODAY “DIVERSITY MAP” — White America shrinks to the German Heartland and Brito-French northern Northeast

USA Today map June 10, 2010, page 8A

Notice how the psychopathic wordsmiths in the Jewsmedia choose positive words for what is in reality the darkening and mongrelization of this white nation: “growing” (growth being usually good) and “diversity” (as opposed to everything being the same)

This is the core bastion of the Solutrean movement, four states that are CONSERVATIVE, 85-98% WHITE (of German, Scotch-Irish, Slavic and Hungarian heritage).

The capital of Solutrean America is Pittsburgh, then the inner core is western Pennsylvania, then the outer area consists of the fertile fields, industrial cities, coal-rich countryside and abundant rivers of Pennsylvania, West Virginia, Ohio and Kentucky. The ports are Cleveland, Erie and Philadelphia.

Then, like the Mormons, who have a bastion in Utah, the Solutreans spread out in “missionary work” to create smaller pockets of white safety zones across the heartland and other areas.

(See my webpage on WHITE SAFETY ZONES here:

Greater Pittsburgh’s racial makeup compared with other cities:

(How this will all eventuate depends on many other factors of an environmental, military, economic and geopolitical nature. Should a major foreign power favor the Solutreans, and place them under their protection as useful allies, just as MONARCHISTIC FRANCE backed George Washington and the fledgling American Revolutionary government AS USEFUL ALLIES AGAINST BRITAIN, a Britain which otherwise, by controlling all of North America (and its future population and riches) would then dominate the world and threaten French independence…..

Who might benefit by Solutrean Power???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

Here is the map I created in 1985 (based on 1980 US Census figures, pro-rated annually) of the states where Americans of German, Austrian and Swiss-German heritage are (usually still) the largest ethnic background (and I might add that very many white people in this region — I estimate perhaps 70% — are at least part-German as well as Italian, Irish, Scottish, English, Scotch-Irish, Hungarian or Slavic):

Here is the US Census map for the year 2000 of the concentration of German-Americans:

A 2009 map of majority-minority school districts:

How the world COULD look in 2030 after the rise of Solutrean power ( in the worst-case scenario). Africamerica referds to the Cotton Belt counties that form a contiguous chain of majority-black counties ever since the slavery days. These areas have been majority-black for centuries. I will offer white management help and aid to set up black-ruled areas. Blacks know deep-down very well that if left to themselves things will spiral downhill. Just listen to Chris Rock or any black comedian — Blacks know their own weaknesses very well. We have what Blacks need to have a North American and not African standard of living. A Solutrean seeks allies against Zionism from his own position of strength, and never hat in hand. Once we have our bastion and foreign allies, then we can sit at the table.


  1. Regarding your 2030 scenario, I do not believe in aiding the blacks in any way, shape, or form. If nature selects them for extinction through by way of their genetic inability to survive as a species in the modern world, then so be it. Blacks do not want our help in becoming self-sufficent, they want only to greedily and unapologetically live off us and eventually overwhelm and devour us. There is no gray area wherein we can have peacable relations with them. Have the last 60 years not made that brutally clear?

  2. You are right! WE need to look for Allies and Blacks could be our allies. It was during early 1900´s that Germany made FRIENDS in Africa via colonization, exceptions being the Hereros and they were a very small insignificant minority. It was General Letto von Vorbeck who, with 1000 German officers, trained 10.000 Ascaris with which he outfoxed and out-maneuvered the over 50.000 strong British military contingent at every turn; in fact, von Vorbeck and his African troops never lost a battle and emerged essentially the winners in the African theater of war. Afterward, the English were literally shocked at the high level of education the Germans had achieved amongst the native Blacks and commented that it would be a very long time before such would be reached again; it never has! Today, after Anglo-French colonization Blacks are more primitive that they were in 1910. Blacks know this; they know the German is their friend. When speaking to an American Black who was stationed in Germany as a soldier, he invariably waxes enthusiastically about how nice everyone was etc. The problem is conveying these things to the average black in downtown LA. WE know they hate Latinos and Jews and are therefore WITH THE RIGHT LEADERSHIP useful for the white man; we in turn with the right attitude and desire can be immeasurably beneficial to the Blacks. Ger

  3. Sorry —- as far as the Polish historian and his mysterious death goes, this is a first class tragedy. The Poles in Poland have since time IMMEMORIAL been known to be vile, rude, chauvinistic, dishonest, in competent and incredibly brutal. Once a Pole has been removed from the toxic Catholic environment in which he vegetates, he turns into a useful human being. The Poles have committed such heinous acts of brutality between the years 1919 and 1939 & then again from 1945 onward against the German population as to defy description. This is a venomous, cancerous artificial state, kept alive by Anglo-American-French political, military and/or economical support only; the purpose is to generate anti-German hatred and to damage Germany as much as possibly. Dickson White, the American historian and ambassador to Berlin in 1910 said: `Germany is a country preyed upon by malevolent neighbors´ and if ever truth was spoken , THAT was it! DO NOT expect anything to come from a Polish `investigation´ into thie murder of this honorable man. It will be swept under the rug at once. To find out about Germany & Poland, go to http://www.germancross.com and dial up the article. Gerry Frederics

  4. For me the issue is psychopaths, and they have instigated strife between white people for millennia. Some Polish mobs and Polish politicians were indeed guilty of terrible crimes. We must look forward to a psychopath-free world where the English and Irish, Poles and Germans, Spanish and Portuguese, Americans and Canadians and all other feuding whites embrace white unity. Here in Pennsylvania we have many very fine Polish-Americans who are clean, neat, kind, hard-working and intelligent, and get along with the German-Americans here in perfect harmony. The hatreds of Old Europe have not been carried over. What we need is a psychopath-free white safety zone.

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