ENGLISH Praise and poverty; hackable cars bad for WNs; dark whites

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A joke about the African mindset that a white South African sent me:
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Sipho, driving the latest-model BMW, was pulled over by a Gauteng policeman at a roadblock.

‘Congratulations’, said the cop…’Because you are wearing your seat belt you have just won R5,000 in

an Arrive Alive safety competition’. Sipho could hardly believe his luck.

‘What are you going to do with your cash?’ asked the traffic cop.

‘Well, I guess I’m going to get a driver’s license,’ Sipho answered.

‘Oh, don’t listen to him,’ yelled Diphu in the passenger seat. ‘He tries to be smart when he’s drunk.’

This woke up Ndlovu in the back seat who took one look at the cop and moaned, ‘I TOLD you stealing the BMW was a bad idea. A Mazda would have been better.’

At that moment there was a knock from the boot and Zikeli shouted:

‘Hey brothers, are we over the border yet?’

The cop, looking bemused, said in a low voice: ….

‘Okay, my brothers. How are WE sharing this R5000?!’
I sensed as soon as the Austrian state governor Jörg Haider was killed in a “car accident” in the fall of 2008 that his car had been sabotaged. The same went for the dynamic WN comrade and leader Uwe Leichsenring in Saxony, Germany: LATE-MODEL CAR GOES BESERK.
Now read this:
Now I will go back to a post I did in April 2009, when — right after the Henrik Holappa arrest — Stormfronters began braying that I was a delusional homosexual. I wrote:
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–People who know perfectly well my sexual orientation is absolutely normal are among those attacking me. There can be only one explanation for that, and it is not an innocent and nice one. It is a COINTELPRO explanation. Let’s grow up and smell the coffee — the Jews of course take the white cause seriously enough to infiltrate it, and they take me seriously also.
.–the FBI and Homeland Security directly threatened the local owner of the VFW Hall in suburban Boston where the Boston-area WN “Patriot Action” event (April 19, 2009) was to be held. Even the Boston police were shocked at this, and irate, because their public safety concern was not with us, who merely want to have a peaceful private meeting, but with the violent ARA [“Anti-Racist Action”] leftists, rumored to be 1,000 as against our 120. The Boston police knew our New England comrades had a secure, out-of-the way location (the same location as in 2005) that is hard to access for leftist students, esp. by public transportation, and the local cops were sure they could maintain order at that out-of-the-way spot.
Then in came the Feds — I was told yesterday by a leader of the Volksfront, which is co-sponsoring the event — and they terrorized this owner (who likes us) that he would lose his VFW (Veterans of Foreign Wars) charter and also his local liquor license — again, this is the FEDS — unless he canceled (which he did, with profuse apologies and an immediate refund).
–Let us recall, to those hectoring me for not driving 600 miles from Pittsburgh to Boston with NO BODYGUARD since Henrik’s arrest (and of course I will NEVER fly again, since I would have to leave my pistol behind), that over and over WN leaders have died in car wrecks, especially when driving alone.
I canceled because I had a very dark intuition about this event if I went ahead and drove to “Edge of Darkness” Boston. Yet by not going, then COINTELPRO types within the Cause damned me as a coward for canceling.

Austrian governor Joerg Haider’s $100,000 security car, a V6 TDI Volkswagen Phaeton, a model that apparently has never been sold in the U.S. The W12 is an awesomely powerful German vehicle whose passenger compartment is made of an invincible steel roll-cage and whose sensors also brake the car as soon as it leaves the roadbed or otherwise goes out of control. Haider was known as, not a heavy drinker as the lying media claim, but as a WATER-drinker who occasionally finished just half a glass of beer or wine. In every picture I have ever seen of the man, he looks remarkably acute.

Governor Haider met in 2002 with Saddam Hussein, who had just stopped accepting US dollars in payment for his oil.

Left, two Haider daughters, the wife and a young relative, at the “accidented” governor’s funeral.

Video: PLEASE CLICK ON THIS LINK!!! http://www.wntube.net/play.php?vid=969 NOTICE ESPECIALLY PHOTOS AT 0:51 AND 0:57. Note the circular hole in the roof in front of the driver’s head location underneath. How does a rollover accident cause that? As soon as Haider was dead, the defamation machine began blaring he was a homosexual — and a drunk driver that night.

Haider was a gregarious, extroverted politician who was reelected repeatedly by landslides. It is said he shook hands with every adult in Kaernten. He repeatedly went to the very limits of Austrian law to praise the Third Reich and the SS, and not long before his death (after an uncharacteristic spell of talking “moderate”) suddenly denounced the “Bankenmafia” and repeatedly used in German the American word “banksters” to describe the American Wall Street

Another case: Uwe Leichsenring, a rising WN leader and provincial legislator in central east Germany.

He had an “accident” on 30 August 2006 on perfectly flat ground, actually accelerating into the grill of an oncoming tractor-trailer truck. (Modern computer-controlled cars can be remote-piloted; in fact, Mercedes is pioneering computer steering to avoid accidents — or perhaps cause them on remote command.) Leichsenring not only had a brilliant political career ahead of him, but himself was also the owner of a driving school and was an impeccable driver. He was driving a late-model Mercedes with the latest electronic controls.

Here is a google translation from German into English of an Antifa website gloating that three German WN political leaders in a row have died mysteriously in Saxony in the preceding months…..

A Texas historian wrote me:

John, this is another photo of my grandson. A bit hard to tell in this picture, but his eyes are indeed blue, just a little darker shade than yours. Hope you can see why I compared your nice photo to this baby boy – the two of you are great-looking specimens of Aryan manhood, and I can imagine my grandson growing to look like you as a mature adult.

All the best to you and yours!


I wrote this comrade:
What a fine boy. Those dark blue eyes may be from your German blood. I have seen sky-blue eyes in the Irish, a pastel-milky blue in Slavs, and in Germans a deep blue.
We just have to create a safe world for such boys, and girls.
Hitler’s eyes…..(cropped photo from a color video of him flying and visiting the troops; a very rare shot, taken as he was peering out an airplane window, and showcasing in bright natural light his eye color)
Mine, up-close…..
This email came in last night:
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Dear comrade John!

We White Americans have a mixture of the Kelt and the Germanic Northern European, and the darker French, which all have their place in forming this new PEOPLE, which is really an OLD people.

While he perhaps led a dissolute life for a while, the TOUGH GUY, for REAL, actor Mickey Rourke is half-Irish, half-French Canadian by ancestry.

I trust you’ve already seen this but what a synchronicity it is, in the LIGHT, to see you raising the standard of our people, to do exactly what the Man aspired for us, before he was cut down by the very forces that threaten the existence of our folk.

Hitler’s mistress: Extraordinary lost pictures of Eva Braun at play
By Guy Walters

What a woman she was:

After learning about the failed plot to kill Hitler, Braun wrote him,

“From our first meeting I swore to follow you anywhere even unto death. I live only for your love.”

Photos of Hitler’s Wife Stir the Web

I’ve been marveling at your wordsmith talent and you just drop quotable lines almost off-handedly. I’ve shared some with a sibling who just, without knowing the exact context, was amazed by the veracity, the power in your words.

“The Jews have their god, Satan. We have ours too. No people has ever existed without gods, angels or spirits who watch over the Folk.”

I’ve read the best and today there is no one else who writes like you. Nobody.

That is what Hitler had, he touched the soul — as well as the mind and heart, all three.

That is not to denigrate those such as Lincoln Rockwell who touched minds and hearts as well but there is a difference.

You spoke of the sifting, the judging that we go through here on earth, which is so important because, for want of a better term, our people are HYPNOTIZED as well as, LITERALLY, drugged via pharmaceuticals and not even AWARE of their spiritual heritage. Let us ALL become Aryans, the next evolutionary step up for the White race.

It is a true joy to be able to communicate with you. It is like unto the early days of another Man’s journey for our folk.

May the god of LIGHT be with you and yours and with us all. You hold the torch aloft, more and more are seeing it.


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I responded:

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Many thanks for that eloquent email.

What I desperately must have is some financial action. We are on the verge of releasing this book and we are simultaneously going literally under.

Btw, while I was filming last night, at 10 pm -11 pm, we kept getting hangup phone calls, for the first time ever at that time of night.

THEY know that this is the most antisemitic work, whether text or video, ever published in any language in human history, devastating for THEM and yet inspiring on the deepest level for US.

–incest practiced massively in Jewish families, resulting in inbred monsters; Jews have eight times the insanity rate of gentiles; 50% are psychopaths

–ritual Jewish murder of children has been proven by an Israeli professor and expert

–Jewish pedophiles molest kids, then kill them at age 16 to sell their organs (for German-speakers, watch this video with the half-American, half-German young man, Jesse Marsson, who has once again been ARRESTED by policel just as Paul Bonacci was in the Franklin Coverup.…. Every US Army and “Echelon” base in Germany is misused by pedophiles as a convenient base of operations — http://www.bewusst.tv/geheimbunde/ritueller-missbrauch;

—In a blood feud going back to the patriarch Joseph Kennedy, Senior, Jews provably have killed EVERY major Kennedy — and have done so on astrological death angles radiating off certain key buildings they control, as determined by the satanic Kabbalah; they also committed 9/11 using death angles radiating off the New York Federal Reserve Bank and the Skull & Bones headquarters at Yale, in New Haven, Connecticut

(……so in 2004 they had the part-Jew Bonesman Kerry as the Democrat to “oppose” and then throw the election to the Bonesman Bush; my experience in France with Kerry’s frizzy-black-haired cousin Veronica);


–the part-Jewish John Wilkes Booth killed Abraham Lincoln at a masonic death angle because 1) they wanted the black slaves to be freed so as to be unleashed violently on white society, not sent back (as Lincoln provably intended in his first drafts of the Emancipation Proclamation), to a greater Liberia in Africa, and 2) because Lincoln refused to borrow Rothschild currency to win the “Civil War”; and they also killed the banker-flouting President James Garfield at a masonic death angle;

–the Jews are violent, women-hating, partially pre-human neanderthals, both the Sephardim and the Ashkenazim

–the Jews are literal satan-worshipers, as Bishop Marcion realized in the first century AD, just as Jesus Christ said (John 8:44) 100 years before him, and as Edgar Cayce realized in the twentieth century; they are incarnate demonic beings….


Do not think the enemy is not finally realizing the threat I represent.

BUT I either get some money in — or this thing never gets off the ground, and we go out of business here.

And writing these begging-blogs takes an inordinate amout of time……………..time the book needs. (I know that this is part of human nature, and congressmen also spend 50% of their time fundraising for their reelection. But do not complain my book is not finished if I have to go back to fundraising over and over again. This blog today took SIX HOURS.)

The enemy is waking up to the threat. Comrades better do so too. Will David Duke save you if I am gone?

One can, of course, write a mere book on the ultra-cheap, even with a 10-year-old computer with Windows 98 word processing. (Duke, MacDonald, and earlier comrades such as Robertson and Simpson all wrote great BOOKS……….)

But people NO LONGER READ!

I remember back in 2003 hearing a report on NPR that 70 % of Americans read one book or less PER YEAR. I am sure it is much, much worse now. There has to be a reason why the Borders bookstore chain is going bankrupt………

No mere book will “cut it.” I have written many hundreds of pages since 2003, and realized the masses will not read it.

Their brains are literally gummed up with fluoride, cell phone waves, bovine growth hormones, fructose corn syrup, drugs of all kinds, and the effects of vaccines. Their spirits are quietly frantic with despair. Just as in 1932, the year before Hitler took power, people are edging closer and closer to suicidal thoughts. their minds, brains, hearts and souls are SCRAMBLED and defeatist.


It occurred to me finally that Solutrea Arise must be, as Hitler said, not through a book but a speech. (He wrote Mein Kampf only because he was in prison, and could not speak in public, and after he was released he was still banned from speaking in most of Germany, one of the many things people do not realize. THIS is why he wrote Mein Kampf.)

Hitler understood from reading history and then through his own movement in Munich that it is the grand, stirring speeches that change lives, when one human speaks to another human heart, all the way down into his soul — when that other man is really ready to listen.

The speaker must reveal from within his fiery power to the vast crowd, a crowd ready to receive it, and then that mass starts as individuals to tingle, chakras begin to open, and then an aura, a field spreads all around them, they begin to vibrate together, and it all becomes a wave. .

If one could see auras, one would have seen a giant auric field over those Nuremberg party rallies. And the leader and speaker feels the aura in that mass and that boosts him higher too.

The light cathedral of spotlights prepared the Nuremberg rally atmosphere…..


Hitler’s lively and electric voice, speaking to German women…..



Yes, I can speak. The “book,” I realized, must become a speech, yet not just a “talking head,” but a speech illustrated with still photos, with video footage and full videos, and with supporting text documents in an appendix.


But for a good video I needed a staff, not just a computer.


Now I have that staff.


Now the video is being completed.


But this staff needs — like anyone else — to eat and for me to pay utilities, and rent.

(They do not ask to be paid one dime in salary.)


If WNs really want to survive, and not be tortured to death in the gulag, they should send money now.


If you do not send money now, then do not claim to be my best buddy later, or you never got the email. 😉


=================CAN PAKISTANIS BE WHITE?
A lady comrade in the Windy City wrote to ask:

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John I have some Pakistani people who live by me and I have looked at them. To be honest what I have always noticed about people from the Middle East or North India is that they have dark skin BUT they look very very Caucasoid by their bone structure. The people that live by me have dark skin but they have Caucasoid facial features + bone structure —- they kind of look like very dark-skinned Europeans.

JdN: Here are some movie stars from India, next door to Pakistain; northwestern Indians and those of the upper castes often look very much like Pakistanis. (Pakistan and India were one country and culture for thousands of years before 1946, when Mohammed Al Jinnah insisted that Muslim Pakistan must secede from mostly Hindu India.)

So, John, can you be Caucasoid and yet have dark skin ???? Some people have said not all Caucasians are White —- caucasianoid does not always mean white —- so are Whites just a subgroup of Caucasoids? Maybe Aryans are just a light-skinned group within the Caucasoid family?

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I responded:

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The answer is that you are absolutely right. Certain “whites” have dark skin, because they arose in parts of the world where brown skin shields us from skin cancer and heat stroke.

The white skin, blond hair and blue eyes are a mutation that occurred in the Ice Age to adapt us to a cold, snowy, overcast sky and to surmount the lethal danger of dying from rickets, a Vitamin-D deficiency that comes from a lack of sunshine.

The amazing British acrobatic group


(Schoolchildren in northern Russia and Scandinavia routinely are given cod-liver oil and even, nowadays, exposed to special lamps that imitate natural sunlight to avoid this danger and also what is called “seasonal depression.” I had a natural-blond girlfriend who would sit every morning in front of a special sunlamp to surmount her tendency toward depression.)

By coincidence, I had a date in 1990 in Florida with a beautiful white girl who had medium-dark hair and medium-brown eyes but a stunning face, body and gorgeous milk-white skin. It turns out her mother was Irish and her father a Pakistani. She was absolutely 100% white-white-white and I would not hesitate to so designate her to any WN who wished to date or marry her. (She had had kids, too, from a previous relationship and they were very attractive brunet white kids.)

When we are dealing with Middle Easterners, there are four different groups.

The first is the true early “whites,” the Old Mediterraneans. They have light brown or even dark-brown skin, but a long, narrow face, white-type cheekbones (which amount to a slash across the cheek, not a big, “gooky” plate of bone –see my cheekbones or Hitler’s). Old Mediterraneans have a strong chin, a more or less up-and-down forehead (NOT sharply sloping) and a long, graceful neck.

My Egyptian volunteer Clark has a classic Egyptian face, with some negro-African genes (from his Eritrean mother), like many modern Egyptians.

The true, unmixed ancient Egyptians of the golden age, the Hamites, looked Old Mediterranean, and so did the Minoans of that great ancient culture on the Mediterranean island of Crete.

Clark Lightbridge, who look quite Egyptian (Old Mediterranean) with some African in the hair….in my bunker office, preparing to join me in the spiritual video, not just as audio engineer but on-camera, to explain why he is here helping me. To save money, he just cut his own hair.

The second group are people who are heavily neanderthal, with the sloped forehead, weak chin, fire-plug body, very little neck length, head thrust forehead, a lower lip like a shovel, and who also have a sometimes dangerous neaderthalic mindset. The purest examples are found among the Armenians and many Ashkenazi Jews.

I recently ran this photo of the infamous Russian Jew Yegor Gaidar…..

(My free therapist for dealing with issues connected with suffering sexual abuse as a chjild was overall a very good guy, but physically an Ashkenazi Jew who looked a lot like this.)

Then you have Middle Easterners who are part Old Mediterranean and part-neanderthalic, like many Arabs and sephardic Jews. They have a LONG face like Old Mediterraneans and a slender body, but neanderthalic facial features. Yassir Arafat was a good example of this. Ariel Sharon hd a long face but a neanderthalic body.

Finally, you also find those who are part-negro and have negroid hair, such as Moammar Khaddafi, who actually refers often with pride to this when he meets with other “African leaders.”

In summary, to simplify, the narrow-faced Old Mediterraneans, as I am have written on my blog, are more or less dark-skinned Nordics, and we Nordics are pale-ized Mediterraneans. It was the Ice Age that mutated us to being pale-faces so we could survive in overcast, sun-poor skies. The dark skin enabled Mediterraneans to survive in overly sunny, scorching skies.

Some of the greatest men and women of our race have had dark hair and eyes, such as Robert E. Lee, Classical Greece and the Roman Republic were founded by whites who were a mixture of Old Mediterranean and Nordic. As the great Classical Greek philosopher Plato wrote:

“Dark men, we say, are manly, and the fair-haired the children of the gods.”

================HUNGARIAN WRITES

I am [X], and I live in Hungary.

Through all of my life I was a convinced National Socialist! Nobody could persuade me to quit this way! Now I want to make contact with you. Although we are far away from each other, we are much closer spiritually. I am 23 years old, and in spite of my young age, I established a fanatical and brave order. Its name is now [X].

I want to ask you for advice how could we make sold contact? Could you give us advice what to do? Our membership grows rapidly, we are now 38 and 2 weeks before we were nothing. We act like a brotherhood as well!

I will install a financial system too for supporting the members. As I see the situation now, our region is infested with blacks, gypsies, social parasites and the Chinese. We are very desperate to do something against these processes.

You can take a look on our application. It is on Facebook now,but we mainly work as an intimate, but even more popular organization, not just online.

We have had enough of seeing that young Aryan families cannot succeed in life because “they” give the best jobs to troublesome minorities and Jewish persons. Anyway, as for myself, I am a nordic man of germanic descent. My girlfriend is a nordic girl too. I want to defend the purity of my bloodline. She is engaged in it too.

If you are interested, then I look forward for your answer!

With high respect!!!!
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I replied:

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Greetings, comrade.

I have the greatest respect for the Hungarian people, who have a high Central European culture but not the German submissiveness to any authority. It is a great warrior people.

My website’s beautiful banner was designed by a gifted Hungarian lady comrade.

My late and close friend Dr. Carl von Zemenszky, from the Hungarian-German nobility, a professor of anthropology in Philadelphia, told me 20 years ago that Jews, as semites, descend partly from the pre-human neanderthals, and now the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology in Leipzig has confirmed this. Jews and others such as Arabs, Turks and certain Albanians, etc. have a huge percentage of neanderthalic blood. They are and must be hostile to us. https://johndenugent.com/neanderthals-and-semites

I am delighted to hear from you, and will check out your Facebook site and discuss your activities with my staff.

John de Nugent


Now donate, comrades, dammit! Or send me cash or money orders to this address: https://johndenugent.com/contact

213 Ekastown Road
Sarver PA 16055 USA

And remember these THREE identical websites:

1 Comment

  1. A highly-qualified friend of mine, whose profession needs to remain a secret for his protection, accidentally discovered the remote speed-control circuitry on modern cars several years ago. Clearly, when “they” decide the rest of us are no longer allowed to drive, cars simply won’t start or will come to a stop.

    Those annoying car chase videos on TalmudVision are nothing but money-making fear generators (“How dare you defy Big Brother!”). All cars, buses, trucks and even motor bikes can now be remotely brought to a stop, either individually or en-masse, whenever “they” choose.

    Not so long ago there were a spate of “accidents” in which the car speeded up and the driver was unable to regain control. Presumably “they” were testing the circuitry.

    I’m certain every modern (computerised) vehicle also has a GPS tracking circuit.

    When the shooting war starts, only older vehicles will work, and any newer ones that that do will be broadcasting their location to ZOG. Anyone planning to “get out of Dodge” needs to have an old vehicle in good condition, a comprehensive tool kit, and an adequate stock of spares.

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