ENGLISH Praise is nice — but no substitute for action

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…A pat on the back is not enough

A North Carolina comrade saw my blog here and wrote:

“THIS ARTICLE BY William Engdahl IS EXCELLENT. The unfortunate fact is that long after the gas is gone, the toxic chemicals remain. Russ”

I replied: Thanks, Russ. But can you get me some donations in? We are destitute, in fact, less than destitute. We are barely surviving on short-term loans from other struggling activists, not loans from fatcats or even regular working people, but from other ACTIVISTS who already are struggling themselves. And these loans to these struggling activists are coming due. It is very serious.

When I said “serious” back in July 2011, I really DID lose my house. I was not bluffing then — and I am not bluffing now.

It is crystal-clear that a white-black alliance against the common Jew enemy is worrying the other side a lot, hence we were evicted from our rented home after 20 months, and my credit-card donations were cancelled with no notice. (And believe, me, that is not all they just did.) Will white nationalists ever learn to read the tea leaves and see that WHEN THE JEWS PUSH THE PANIC BUTTON THAT MEANS THEY KNOW THAT WE ARE ON THE RIGHT TRACK?

How are they going to call me a “hater” when I have a charismatic, pro-white yet not Uncle-Tom-mish black Rotary Club president by my side in every photo, every piece of campaign literature, and in many forthcoming videos?


Do the Jews want every black man and woman in America to know who really started and ran the slave trade? Do they want the 40 million Blacks in this country to know who started and ran the crack cocaine trafficking that they also started, back in the 1980s?


Do they want Black Americans to know who really killed MLK, Malcom X and Fred Hampton? Who really railroaded Marcus Garvey?


Since the media is still having a feeding frenzy over Donald Sterling and his supposedly racist remarks about black NBA players, and now the hypocrite Jew comedian Jon Stewart is bashing him as a nasty old white man, do you think the Jews are relishing the Black community learning that his real name is Tokowitz… that he is not a white but a JEWISH supremacist…

“In Israel Black Jews are treated worse than dogs.”


…and that the Talmud which Tokowitz read as a bar mitzvah boy says Blacks are monkey-people with giant penises who descend from a pervert named Ham who, again, the Talmud says this, molested his own father, the Noah of the Bible and the Flood story? And the Jewish Talmud says Blacks are accursed and born to be slaves?


John de Nugent thinks outside the box. John de Nugent never QUITS. John de Nugent is fighting for YOU and getting us oppressed White people new fighting allies for our life-and-death struggle with the only serious enemy we have, THE JEWS.

PS Jim Rawls Jr. and I will be doing our first video together very soon and keeping it real.Then you will see what has the Jews SO worried.


PPS The Jew activist Leonard Zeskin, who has commented on me specifically in the past, blurted out something very damaging recently — and John Friend just played this audio clip on the show he and I just did together: ‘If the white natlonalists would stop bashing other races and focus on jobs-for-the-white-working-class, which is very bad off, they would actually get somewhere.”

https://johndenugent.com/english/english-on-the-radio-more-on-donald-tokowitz-sterling-and-a-black-white-alliance-against-jewry (Scroll down 2/5ths to “The real enemy of both Blacks and Whites is the Jew.”)

And that is exactly what I intend to do:
1) jobs for White and Black Americans, not for MEXICANS, and not for HINDUS and PAKISTANIS, and not for CHINESE and KOREANS;



The Chinese Navy –built up with funds gained from selling their cruddy products in the USA — snuck their  ICBM submarine up to the Los Angeles, California coast in November 2010, and fired off a missile back over the Pacific just to intimidate Americans, and the usually tough-talking Obama said nothing. China to America: “We can annihilate you.” 

*** Chinese takeover even in of New Zealand!

SHOCKING report from a white New Zealander on the Chinese takeover of his once isolated, beautiful island nation, once of British stock and with a bit of Maori (Samoan/Polynesian): 


“The Chinese are a huge problem now here in New Zealand. Personally I hate them; there’s over 500,000 of them here [in a nation of just 4.4million!] and they keep breeding and bringing more in. They also buy up all our businesses, and our corrupt Jewish government sells our nation’s prized assets to the Red Chinese government.”

(I replied in shock: “500,000 Chinese now in NZ????”)

Yep, John, and maybe more — and just flooding in daily. They buy all the small-time businesses to bring more of their family over and they take all the entry-level jobs because companies can pay them lower wages and tax them more. This is the 100% honest truth, mate. Multiculturalism has F—-D our New Zealand. It’s so bad you have to play “Spot-the-White-Kiwi-in-NZ.” [Kiwi is the affectionate national self-designation, named after an extinct, wingless NZ bird, actually, who was trusting and let himself be slaughtered.]

“Kiwi” Russell Crowe


I am thankful we don’t have too many Muslims though; that would set me right off.

Then there’s our fully ruined government, run by an American pawn, John Key. He’s only a greedy banker,and one of YOUR own, mate. He earnt himself the nickname “The Smiling Assassin” when he worked for THE FEDERAL RESERVE. He alone sells off our nation’ forestry and water (photo: Lake Matheson)


….. and allows overseas companies to drill and look for oil, ship all our good livestock and meats overseas, and charges actual New Zealanders a fortune for it. Milk, another main asset, is delivered straight to communist China, and our wood stocks likewise go straight to China.It’s criminal insanity.”



2) put the Army and Marines on the Mexican border and keep illegals OUT, and as for those in our country now, if they walked in here, they can walk right back OUT!



3) Clean up our Jew-poisoned “entertainment” industry that is spewing poison into the souls of our young people


Miley Cyrus “twerking”


(and did you know most Black people hate gangsta rap, satanic images, saggy pants, illegitimacy, thugs and drugs?);

singer “Rihanna”


4) ban the Federal Reserve and create a new, non-profit national bank to lend at zero interest to the American people;


5) Arrest, try and execute the traitors who killed 3,000 Americans on 9/11……


…and drew us via 9/11 into the pointless Iraq and Afghanistan wars with the Muslims,

Tim Hetherington, a Vanity Fair photographer based in Britain, won the World Press Photo of the Year 2007 award with this picture of an American soldier resting at a bunker in Korengal Valley, Afghanistan

…..who run the drug trade (heroin, crack and meth), and the Wall Street bloodsuckers who have stolen TRILLIONS while Main Street shrivels and dies.

Lloyd Blankfein, CEO of Goldman Sachs


6) Restore jobs, restore the family, restore our physical health by banning toxic and dangerous high-fructose food….


…..restore God, prayer and discipline in the schools,


The famous Norman Rockwell paintings of the Four Freedoms every human in a modern, civilized country should enjoy


….restore safe streets, restore the draft — but into beefed-up new state militia, run by our state governors, not into any large, unconstitutional standing Army — and end the scourge of homosexual “marriage”, pedophilia and bestiality before God decides to destroy us all by fire and brimstone!!


Sodom and Gomorrah



This stuff is worldwide… Now this cartoon happens to be in French and shows how French kids are being taught in the public schools that homosexuality is normal. “If you have two dads at home, the one who takes it up the butt is the mommy.”  😉“If you have two moms at home, the papa is the one who wears the strap-on.” 😉


And no starting a war with Russia! The Cold War is over. Let it STAY over!

Spend our money on OUR people and their urgent needs!

America for Americans, not for the Jews! Peace and jobs for our nation!


…..First comments

1) A comrade just wrote me: I watched the three-dogs video on your blog here https://johndenugent.com/…/english-on-the…

And when I did see that video, and then read your comments on the jew-dog , I found myself reading my own thoughts.

Indeed, the ‘goyim’ are being subjected to the most intense and vicious ‘obedience training’, while the Jews are praised for ‘rebelling against the system’, whether it’s Left, Right or Centre — or, indeed, the Stock Exchange… (Yeah, ‘the greed is good’!)

As to the race war that the Jews may well be planning, perhaps it might be a good idea to set up ‘Black & White Committees” to spot, early on, the likely kosher agents-provocateurs.

Just like 9/11, any ‘race war’ will also be used by the Jews to encroach on citizens’ rights — 1st and 2nd Amendments (free speech and guns) are the most likely targets number 1 & 2.

2) a negative comment:

Sean Wagner You lost me at help the ni99ers and bring back god

I replied:

So you believe in hate even of a potential ally, when Whites are now less than 50% of the population and aging fast (White average age is 42!!!), and you even hate God. Then, brother, you are on the wrong page. 😉 Adolf Hitler hated atheism and the Jews love it. https://johndenugent.com/english/english-atheists-hitler-would-have-had-you-arrested-and-put-in-a-concentration-camp


White nationalists: our winning strategy is to bash not just Jews, but also Blacks, Muslims, East Asians, Hindus, Hispanics, homosexuals and white liberals — with our keyboards 😉 — and to each other. 😉

We know this alone-against-the-world “strategy” — where the 8% of the world that is still White take on the 92% that are not — will not and cannot work. (Was Germany able to take the world on?)

And we know — and show by our defeatist inactivity that we do indeed, deep-down, KNOW  — that by sticking to the no-ally theory we are merely waiting to be shoved next into the oven.

There are two kinds of people in our “Cause”: the primitive ones addicted to tabloid horror stories and those searching for truth and the strategy to win. What are the atrocity stories?

–Black rapes/murders white woman in America, Sweden, or South Africa

–Cop tasers old man

–Jews spray sewage on Palestinians

And addicts also delve into old atrocities:

–Czechs torture Sudeten Germans 68 years ago!

–RAF bombs Dresden in 1945

Some people just can’t get enough of that crap!

As soon as you start talking solutions, they stop reading. 😉

3) an Austrian wrote:

Dear John,I deleted all my “political contacts” on Facebook cause I needed some time to relax from politics. But I cannot do that for3ever! It is like a drug and I am indeed addicted to it. 😉 A day without thinking about politics is impossible for me. Now I saw John’s attempt to form a White-black alliance. I totally agree with it as I have spoken to JIM RAWLS. several times. He seems to be a wonderful person and I must admit that  many White people today are NOT noble [Sanskrit meaning of the word “Aryan”], and in fact some are far worse than many non-Whites.
As a man of German background I can tell you:
We Germans had some wonderful experiences with Blacks in the past. We remember WW1, where the African Askaris fought bravely on our side. They and many other Blacks in Africa loved the German people, but many Whites don’t. Even our brothers, the Dutch, seem to dislike us and still believe anti-German propaganda. So why should I be against Blacks? Sure, I do not like Blacks moving en masse to Europe as so-called asylum seekers, and I am against the hip-hop music style and some other things. But noble Blacks have done more for us than 99% of our “Germanic brothers.”
It hurts me to say this. Noble Blacks in the United States should indeed fight for their rights together with noble Whites!
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  • John D. Nugent Thank you, brother Klaus. You are an evolved social nationist, who merely seeks to preserve your white German heritage when it is under attack. You and I are against no man or woman of any race. The enemy is the psychopaths inside every race, religion and people — and the most dangerous of them all is the Talmudic conspiracy.
  • John D. Nugent Nice video you sent along: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CuM8AxJTpbo

    Überlebende Askari, gedenken Paul von Lettow-Vorbeck.
  • John D. NugentThe German Askaris volunteered and fought very well in defense of their colonial German nations when the “British Empire” (really the Rothschild-controlled Empire) attacked the German colonies in Africa during WWI.
    In the video, this black African Askari soldier from WWI, who had served under the brilliant German general von Lettow-Vorbeck, still feels an obvious love for his late commander.

    Paul Emil von Lettow-Vorbeck (20 March 1870 – 9 March 1964) was a general in the Imperial German Army and the commander of its forces in the German East Africa campaign. For four years, with a force that never exceeded about 14,000 (3,000 Germans and 11,000 Africans), he held in check a much larger force of 300,000 British, Belgian, and Portuguese troops. Essentially undefeated in the field, Lettow-Vorbeck was the only German commander to successfully invade imperial British soil during the First World War. His exploits in the campaign have come down “as the greatest single guerrilla operation in history, and the most successful.”[1]

    All Black Africans in the colonies missed the Germans terribly after they were driven out by the British forces for their generosity, honesty, chivalry, fairness, helpfulness and investments in the African colonies (roads, bridges, schools, health care, hospitals and peace between the ethnic “tribes”). The greedy Rothschild Empire (called wrongly the British Empire, because the British only did the dying for it, and the Jews got the profits) took over after the German defeat in 1918 and began exploiting the locals and taking all the profits OUT.
  • John D. NugentHere is a translation of what the narrator and then the Black Askari soldier said in 1964 at his monument in the German language:
  • John D. Nugent Narrator: “Even 50 years after the war’s end [in 1918] [scene filmed in 1964] the surviving Askari (Africans who volunteered to fight for Germany) testify to their deep respect [for their commander], and they remember their old general.”
  • Klaus Goldmüller Some Germans, those of the Marxist FRANKFURT SCHOOL can not stand the fact that Blacks in the colonies really liked the Germans. For them everything GERMAN is evil, so they want to destroy the monuments honoring the brave German generals in Africa.
  • John D. NugentAskari combat veteran speaks: “In memory of our old commander who sleeps here now…. We cannot forget our Lettow-Vorbeck, and we wish our von Lettow-Vorbeck to not forget us. We were German soldiers, and [using a famous German soldier saying] WE FEAR GOD AND NOTHING ELSE IN THE WORLD!”

…..the Google Chrome browser reacts

A comrade just told me that when he enters “www.johndenugent.com” on Google Chrome (the number-one browser) he gets “site unavailable”! More signs the J-Team is worried about this Black-White alliance against the Jews!

I note that Google has also put a thread bashing me (where I refuted every charge at the end) at the top of page one under John de Nugent, even though it was closed in November 2013, seven months ago. 😉

And when I use Google’s “gmail” to send out a mass email, my own  email now has this added garbage at the top: “This message may not have been sent by: thejohndenugent@gmail.com  Learn more  Report phishing.” 😉


….My website is back up due to a loan from another starving comrade.

My emergency appeal “Will John de Nugent survive” had a click-through rate of 6%, and of that 6%, 1 in 70 sent a donation. Maybe I should go to work for the Jews.

The ADL has 1,600 full-time employees, because Jews give generously and wisely to their ethnic organizations, and they see their giving correctly as a smart investment in their own power and prosperity. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anti-Defamation_League (The Wiki article used to contain the 1,600-employee figure. Interestingly, it no longer does.)

Anti-Defamation League – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


The Jews seem pretty worried. I started meeting with a retired Black educator and Rotary Club president and then I got in a medium-large contribution from Europe. Next thing I knew:

–We were forced out of the house we had rented for 20 months

–My credit-card donations system was abruptly cancelled

–As a result we have had to move in with others (friends, but still). 🙁

I need your financial help to prepare a new political alliance — and run for President in 2016 as the head of a NEW multiracial coalition against the real problem, the Jews!


Others have been making big sacrifices.


How about you?

John de Nugent


Apollo PA 15613


(724) 596-4268

This is how you can help financially (I have no PayPal personally, so I explain below in detail the other methods, but if you wish to use PayPal you can write me and I will tell you how to send the donation to a friend of mine for me):


–send cash wrapped in aluminum foil (US dollars or any other currency)

You can write a real, fake or no return address
IF YOU SEND CASH OR COINS, WRAP THEM IN ALUMINUM FOIL! aluminum-foil us-20-dollars-aluminum-envelope-2
–in the US only, just buy a MoneyPak at any Walmart, Kmart, Rite Aid, CVS or other drugstore, put money on it and send me the amount and PIN number on the back (scratch it off like a scratch ticket) by email or phone call!

greendot_MoneyPak moneypak_back –postal money orders and other money orders that are left blank in the recipient area, or made out to “John de Nugent” ( IF STOLEN THEY CAN BE REDEEMED! JUST KEEP THE RECEIPT) 100-US-DOLLAR-USPS-MONEY-ORDER ..sending valuable jewelry or gold coins


— PAYPAL (write me at john_denugent@yahoo.com for more details how you can do this, since PP banned me….) paypal

–checks made out to “John de Nugent” now that I again have a bank account, in fact, via STEALTH, I have now two. ;-)

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Times Square on a rainy night in New York City


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Richard Wagner’s opera house
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Main train station



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