ENGLISH Presidential video teaser; Jews approve of Norway massacres

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They have been openly praising Breivik in Israel


The satanic magazine used by the NWO to brainwash the German masses, Der Spiegel (“The Mirror”), was gloating (in German, of course, at this link — ttp://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/0,1518,777315,00.html) in a vicious screed by author Frank Patalong — what a strange, almost Filipino-sounding name for a “German”! — how the Breivik mass murder is harming the new rightwing-populist parties trying to prevent a muslim takeover of the streets in Europe.

Der Spiegel’s map that accompanies the article shows how concerned the Jews are: Every country shaded in dark has a strong anti-immigrant political party, and many are now participating in parliamentary government. (The parliamentary system, unlike the U.S. system, favors the rise of new and small parties. The US system favors the two big parties.)

[Translation of text:

Europe’s Rightwing

Rightwing populists in the national legislatures

—in the government

—accepting a minority coalition government [which they can pressure]

[Transl: France: The Front National is not in the parliament, but is a significant political force.”]

This Patalomg character who wrote the piece revealed his gloating attitude:

Von Pro-NRW bis FPÖ, von Echte Finnen bis Lega Nordwerden es Populisten vorerst schwer haben, ihre ausländerfeindlichen Positionen zu vermitteln, ohne dass sofort die Assoziation mit Breiviks Mordtaten im Raum steht.


From [the German party called] Pro-NRW [Pro-North Rhine-Westphalia] to the [Austrian] FPO….

* * *

The Freedom Party of Austria (Freiheitliche Partei Östereichs) poster says:

FPO: the social homeland party [shows the party’s blue-eyed leader, Heinz Strache]

WE believe in our youth; the Socialists in immigration.

….from the True Finns to the populist Northern League [in northern Italy, which also rejects giving money to the southern Italians, who are darker-skined and also viewed as corrupt] they all now will have, for the time being, more difficulty conveying their anti-immigrant positions without being associated immediately with Breivik and his murders.

As I have often repeated, the principle of all investigations into criminal acts must be the ancient Roman principle: “Cui bono?”

“To whose benefit did the crime happen?”

There is hardly a more NWO magazine in Europe than Germany’s Der Spiegel, and when it starts crowing over how Breivik has hurt the anti-immigrant parties, that IS the NWO basically taking credit itself, between the lines, for the mass murder atrocity.

Nine of the 77 Norwegian victims of the NWO zombie Breivik and his Jew handlers.






This gal worked for the justice ministry, investigating abduction of children.

Manager for years of the summer camp

* * * Dershowitz loves the massacre

Jewish lawyer and Harvard law prof. Dershowitz calls Norway the most antisemitic country in Europe. He says no Norwegian universities would allow him to speak unless he made a promise NOT to talk about Israhell. I’m playing my violin in sympathy.


This unspeakable HYPOCRITE pontificates:

The time is long overdue for Norwegians to do some deep soul searching about their sordid history of complicity with all forms of bigotry ranging from the anti-Semitic Nazis to the anti-Semitic Hamas.

Jewish supremacist Joe Klein takes on the new “Quislings of Norway” here: http://frontpagemag.com/2011/07/20/the-quislings-of-norway/ (excerpt):

For example, one of Norway’s leading intellectuals, Jostein Gaarder, published an op-ed article in a major Norwegian daily newspaper in 2006 arguing against recognizing the state of Israel in its current form and claiming that Judaism is “an archaic national and warlike religion.”
.Gaarder equated the Jewish state of Israel’s attempts to defend itself against Islamic terrorists with apartheid and ethnic cleansing:

We no longer recognize the State of Israel. We could not recognize the apartheid regime of South Africa, nor did we recognize the Afghani Taliban regime. Then there were many who did not recognize Saddam Hussein’s Iraq or the Serbs’ ethnic cleansing. We need to get used to the idea: The State of Israel, in its current form, is history.
The State of Israel has raped the recognition of the world and shall have no peace until it lays down its arms.

Norway’s Labor Party lawmaker Anders Mathisen has gone even further and publicly denied the Holocaust. He said that Jews “exaggerated their stories” and “there is no evidence the gas chambers and or mass graves existed.” While the Norwegian political establishment and opinion-maker elite may not have

A vicious bottle-blond Jewess amed Debbi Schlussel wrote a ludicrous diatribe against Norway…. http://www.debbieschlussel.com/40417/karma-norway-camp-breivik-shot-up-celebrated-hamas-jew-hatred/….claiming briefly she did not condone the attack by Breivik but then contradicting herself by anti-Norwegian hatred and rank gloating for paragraph after paragraph.

I wrote this harpy:

* * *

Dear bottle-blond Jewess Debbie,

I want to thank you for writing here:

“Karma?…. These kids who were killed sided with Islamic terrorists…… I shed no tears for these HAMAS-nik campers with a Scandinavian dialect….. Sorry. HAMAS collaborators don’t get
my pity. They never will.”

“Hamas collaborators” — I love it, Debbie. Thanks for that great quote.

I am John de Nugent, and I think you will have a big problem very soon.


.. “My late grandfather, a Holocaust survivor, never shed a tear for dead Nazis. “

The Holocaust never happened — not to your grandfather or to anyone else. It is a cynical scam to get cash and guilt from goyeem, and so flimsy it needs hate-speech laws in Europe to protect it from scientific researchers and historians.

“My late father, a Vietnam era Army veteran, never shed a tear…”

–Your father being (or so you claim) an Army vet during Vietnam is irrelevant, esp. if he was in Germany or stateside in light duty, and he is no hero whose wisdom we want — unless he actually fought in combat in Vietnam. I am sure that he, like Obama’s Jewish grandfather Stanley Armour Dunham, was well behind the lines, like most Jews whenever a real war breaks out involving goy countries.

Stanley Armour Dunham, supply sergeant behind the lines in 1944


The Obama-mama, Stanley [yes!] Ann Dunham (from nude glamor shots taken by the communist, porn writer and black militant Frank Marshall Davis)


I was in the Marines, Debbie, and had three meritorious promotions, and then was Guardsman of the Year in my infantry unit in the Va. National Guard, but I do not quote from myself as a war hero because, unlike your probably shameless, combat-avoiding father, I never was in combat — though only because there was no war on when I was in 1977-81.

If you do not know who I am yet, you will. I am the most radical antisemite on the planet. I aim to destroy talmudic judaism so that it can never arise again.



A Swedish Jew named Izak Nygren was Breivik’s handler and has now fled to Israhell. I will not rest until Israel gets the full blame it merits for the bloody Oslo and Utoya massacres. A worldwide pogrom for this massacre and for 9/11 is the real danger that you and yours are provoking,


Enjoy my videos, Debbie, especially spiritual video number eight on the Jews and incest: https://johndenugent.com/videos-of-jdn-speaking, scroll halfway down.

I could not do my work without jewish bloggers like you. You blurt out the greatest stuff — and I can use it. Thanks.



* * *More reason for Jews to kill Norwegian kids

Fatah statement (Fatah is the main Palestinian organization on the West Bank, founded by Arafat):

“Very few people have stood by our side as much as the Norwegian people, and particularly our AUF [ruling social-democratic party] comrades.”

“We know about those who have been cowardly assassinated. Those are people that have stood for the human and national rights of the Palestinian people both in Europe and while visiting Palestine.

“Fatah Youth has participated for almost 15 years in the same summer camp and our youth has benefited by learning and sharing experiences on democracy and advocacy for peace and justice.”

* * *


I have worked hard on the following videos, together with Jasn Salyers and an upstate NY comrade.

I have done plenty of manula work also in my time. Near Aix-en Provence in the south of France in 2004, I learned and worked in the construction of the foundation of a 5,000 square-foot one-story house (made, very unusually for this Mediterranean area, out of wood); this work included the building and waterproofing of a large cinderblock basement, the building of the cinderblock foundation walls, the preparing of the concrete rebar floor and the insulation of the walls.

I was looking on Google Earth and found this very house today:

Here, now is my and our latest labor, the opening video segments of the final video before I launch my movement, the presidntial video. These videos are not just for WNs but for all Tea Party types, paleo-conservatives, and anti-immigration types, embittered combat vets, and also for the sincere and genuine liberals who need to learn that now it is WHITE people who deserve compassion!

(We are being hacked constantly; i hope you can see the full-length and with the sound in synch…. We are uploading the whole thing to our own server by tomorrow.)

Part 1:

Part 2:


Part 3:


Part 4:



=================Need for a Kalki-type warlord

A Massachusetts comrade wrote me:

I was an official supporter of the revived ANP (“American Nazi Party”) for four years, but after realizing that I am more educated than them, and that their reports and publications are always filled with writing errors, I have decided to go solo. I am a looking for a true leader, as I am young and not yet ready to lead.

* * *
I replied:

* * *

Well, that is good that you at least were attracted to the hard-core real deal, even if the ANP did not live up to it. It is very hard to get Americans to be true national socialists because of the anarchistic streak in this country, the obsession with rights and not responsibilities (esp. since the 1960s), glorification of ego (everyone is “special”) and materialism.

People stand me up all the time and ask me then why I am getting bent out of shape. -;-) I would like sometimes to put the whole white American race through Parris Island 😉

I truly believe in the Indo-Aryan prophesy that only a Kalki-like warlord can save this situation, and it will partly be by executing people.

When Professor Thomas “Stonewall” Jackson left his teaching position as a professor at the Virginia Military Academy, and took to the field in the War Between the States of 1861-65, the first thing he did was execute stragglers.

A straggler in military parlance is a temporary deserter. These Southern good old boys would just take off and go into Richmond for a drink and come back a day or two later. Jackson ordered them arrested and a firing squad set up, and then the men of the same unit had to shoot them.

From a modern movie set, a depiction of a Confederate firing squad



A comrade said he wanted to drive out to Pennsylvania and discuss strategy with me I replied:

* * *

Well, comrade, what I need now urgently is financial donations, more than strategy discussions. My phone and Internet were off for three hours on Wednesday due to non-payment. We could have had a mass movement six months ago if American WNs had stepped up to the plate. Instead, due to their thumb-sucking passivity, I am crawling along at a snail’s pace. The first part of the presidential video, which came out today — despite incessant jewish hacking of my phone calls, of the servers I use and intimidation of video editor people — should awaken even the numbest and dumbest comrade out there that the Solutrean movement is IN THE JEWS’ EYES a unique and effective outreach — the one we always wanted — because it is addressing on both intellectual and emotional levels:

1) the angry, armed, ammo-buying, Obama-loathing, Tea Party-leaning white masses, and

2) equally important, the embittered returning Iraq and Afghanistan vets with combat and house-to-house-fighting experience, and also active-duty personnel stateside who are already reading anti-goverment websites about 9/11, The USS Liberty, mexican immigration and exposés of Obama’s bogus citizenship and presidential eligibility.

February 2011 car bombing in Kirkuk, Iraq….If there is one country that proves that different ethnic groups do not get along, it is Iraq.

The exact moment when a car bomb went off….

White brother, I have been in this Cause for 33 years, and I already have the strategy. What I lack is the “beans, bullets and bombs” (Marine expression) — the financial ammunition — to wage this war to achieve a merciless victory. I do not even have ONE shotgun to protect this house!

John de Nugent

213 Ekastown Road
Sarver PA 16055 USA

[20 miles north of Pittsburgh, in western Pennsylvania]


I thought in this heat I should take an old snow photo out of mothballs and cool everyone off. (Don’t forget the free chilling blue eyes. 😉 )




(or solutrean1@gmail.com or solutrean1@hotmail.com)

Telephone: 724.353.0154

Skype: John de Nugent (Pittsburgh)


–Cash in an envelope

–Blank money order (put in $ amount, not your name or to whom)

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–Paypal (to “john_denugent@yahoo.com”)

07/31 @ 05:05 : Switzerland, CH
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07/31 @ 04:24 : East Aurora, New York, US
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07/31 @ 03:21 : Werther, DE
07/31 @ 02:00 : Upplands-väsby, SE
07/31 @ 01:20 : Connellsville, Pennsylvania, US
07/31 @ 01:11 : Halluin, FR
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07/31 @ 12:12 : Thiruvananthapuram, IN
07/31 @ 11:46 : Oslo, NO

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