ENGLISH Asian tradition that shocked Marines: Presidential video three script: racial conscience, not consciousness

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I just saw on YouTube some video clips from the highly realistic and fact-based, $270 million HBO miniseries “The Pacific,” shot in Queensland, Australia (for the jungle terrain) and guided by the memoirs of several US Marines in WWII in the Pacific…..and depicting three real Marines, one of them a Medal of Honor winner, John Basilone, who died at Iwo Jima.

My father, a Marine NCO who fought also at Iwo Jima, saw himself what the Japanese had done to white American captured prisoners, and the North Koreans did the exact same thing when he fought in the Korean War.

This is an Asian cultural tradition (which does not mean there are not also good qualities in Asia, especially among the Japanese, with whom I have had good experiences, of course, in peacetime).

I have made references to many bad things that whites have done to other whites, as in the execution scene in the movie “Braveheart.” But William Wallace at least was condemned as a traitor and rebel; he was not simply a prisoner of war. (See my important discussion of “Braveheart” in my video speech below, about 40% down in this blog.)

And a soldier or marine may not even have the CHANCE to fight to the death honorably; he may be knocked out! (This happened to my own father — knocked out for three days by a Chinese mortar round, but thank God, not captured. Adolf Hitler was knocked out on September 28, 1918 at Marcoing, France, and he is life was spared by the incredible English soldier Henry Tandey, an event to which I have often referred. Tandey did not drag Hitler off to torture him! He spared him BECAUSE he had been knocked out and could not defend himself.)

Private Henry Tandey, with the Victoria Cross seen (on his right chest pocket) to your far left, chivalrously spared the unconscious corporal Adolf Hitler’s life, while he killed 20 other Germans that day. THAT is Aryan behavior! If you can, never harm a defenseless man!


And now the brief Youtube video….




The scene is so horrible that the director does not show it clearly. He keeps it more or less in the shadows. If you wish to see it, here is a screenshot I made, maximized, and put on a link. I hope every white man realizes that if psychopathic non-whites get ahold of you, you will not be treated fairly as a prisoner of war. You may end up dying in a degrading way, and curse the moment you decided to surrender.














I believe the hands are also hacked off. My father fought the Japanese, North Koreans and Chinese, and had extensive experience in Borneo and the Philippines. His summary to me was: “Asians do not see human life as sacred at all.”

(damaged photo) Captain James Nugent, USMCR, 1965, Bristol, Rhode Island Fourth-of-July parade: Marine aide to RI governor John Chafee



09/11 @ 02:43 : Portland, Oregon, US
09/11 @ 02:43 : Chesapeake, Virginia, US
09/11 @ 02:42 : Cairo, EG
09/11 @ 02:41 : Calgary, CA
09/11 @ 02:41 : Edmonton, CA

09/11 @ 02:41 : Maynard, Massachusetts, US
09/11 @ 02:40 : Caen, FR
09/11 @ 02:40 : Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, US
09/11 @ 02:39 : Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, US
09/11 @ 02:38 : Dahlonega, Georgia, US
09/11 @ 02:38 : Lyon, FR

09/11 @ 02:37 : Gurgaon, IN
09/11 @ 02:37 : Ronchin, FR
09/11 @ 02:36 : Grenoble, FR
09/11 @ 02:36 : Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, US
09/11 @ 02:34 : Ljubljana, SI
09/11 @ 02:31 : Anderson, South Carolina, US
09/11 @ 02:25 : Limerick, IE
09/11 @ 02:22 : London, GB
09/11 @ 02:13 : Heerlen, NL
09/11 @ 02:05 : Barranquilla, CO
09/11 @ 02:04 : Chicago, Illinois, US
09/11 @ 02:03 : Mount Laurel, New Jersey, US
09/11 @ 02:02 : Dublin, IE

The O’Connell Bridge, Dublin

09/11 @ 01:59 : Morrisville, Pennsylvania, US
09/11 @ 12:55 : Portland, Oregon, US
09/11 @ 11:39 : Washington, District of Columbia, US
09/11 @ 10:29 : Toronto, CA
09/11 @ 09:59 : Manila, PH
09/11 @ 07:39 : Hamburg, DE
09/11 @ 06:33 : Noisy-le-grand, FR

09/11 @ 06:02 : Zagreb, HR
09/11 @ 05:19 : Mannheim, DE
09/11 @ 05:03 : Johannesburg, ZA
09/11 @ 06:08 : Guará, BR
09/11 @ 06:00 : Villars-sur-glâne, CH [Switzerland]

09/11 @ 05:24 : Belp, CH
09/11 @ 04:38 : Taylors, South Carolina, US
09/11 @ 03:59 : London, GB
09/11 @ 02:47 : Gibsonia, Pennsylvania, US
09/11 @ 01:59 : Morrisville, Pennsylvania, US
09/11 @ 12:55 : Portland, Oregon, US
09/11 @ 11:39 : Washington, District of Columbia, US
09/11 @ 10:29 : Toronto, CA[nada]

Money has been coming in, and I thank all donors, the pitifully tiny handful that have done so much while others gawked, sponged and parasitically read my blog without any reaction to my urgent appeals for funds.

As the previous script and the one below show, I reject racial consciousness for racial CONSCIENCE.

We need to bring back SHAME, shame at white cowardice and irresponsible white inaction, and then rebuild a fiery feeling of the commandment of HONOR!

And those who do not donate (you cannot spare ten dollars?? COME ON…..but if my blog is of no interest to you, why are you here?and why are you reading my blog RIGHT NOW?) , my message is a source of uneasiness to you. All spiritual messages are. I have come, as a minister said, to afflict the comfortable and comfort the afflicted. 😉

No fact about racial differences will make you love your folk! No fact about negro IQs will make you grow a conscience! No tidbit about the latest Jew atrocity will turn a pasty-faced, inert, inactive fat-butt blob — crouching behind a keyboard with a pseudonymous avatar — into a noble Aryan, ready to live and die for his race!

And George Lincoln Rockwell, Matt Koehl, David Duke, William Pierce, Tom Metzger and Wilmot Robertson have well and truly proven the above, for generations now. They have provided great facts about THEM. But their approaches have not awakened US as a people to ACT.

A new supporter sent me $200 on Paypal last night from Texas, and sent also this email:

* * *

Hi John,
I just donated $200 to you via PayPal today 9/10/11, around 5:00 pm Central Time.
I’ve never written to you before, so a word about me. I’m a baby boomer, a native Texan, and a typical American mongrel. I have ancestors who fought for the Confederacy. My ancestors hail from Wales, Eire, the Basque country, Old Castile, Puerto Rico, the Caribbean, England, and god knows where else. I agree with you that white people have a distinctive culture that is worth preserving . Like you, I believe that white pride is a good thing, even while mere white racism (merely hating minorities) is a contemptible thing.
Finally I am intrigued by your respect for Vedanta and the belief in reincarnation. Christianity has so obviously failed to provide spiritual sustenance for our people! It’s said that God loves saints of every religion, but Christianity is, and I have often seen this here in Texas, often a religion of spiritual infants . . . infants who are often violent bigots when you criticize the Jews. IMO, what Aryans have achieved in Western Europe is in spite of Christianity, not because of it.
I grew up as a spoiled upper-middle class kid. I attended a Dallas high school heavily frequented by the children of upper-middle class, intellectual Jews. Many of my best childhood friends were Jews. During the Vietnam War, my draft lottery number was low, so I never had to enter the armed forces. I never learned to shoot a gun. For several decades I dreamed along, accepting the media’s false narrative of reality. The Internet – and the Jeff Rense website in particular – opened my eyes. Jeff opened my eyes to the lies surrounding the Waco massacre in 1994, the suspicious explosion at Oklahoma City in 1995, and the Israeli false flag operation of 9-11-01 in New York City; and to the lies concerning UFOs, World War II, the Federal Reserve, and many, many other things. The events in Afghanistan, Iraq, and Libya have strengthened my suspicion that America is governed by a foreign power that does not respect national boundaries nor wishes this country well. The United States is governed from the City of London and Israel.
I’m not a combative person and I do not have much hope that the tide against the Aryan people can be stemmed. In some ways I think of you as a quixotic figure, doomed to defeat – but if you’re defeated, it will not be due to the strength of your adversaries, but rather to the cowardice of the very people you’re trying to save!
Nevertheless, I admire you as a person, as a truth teller, as a leader, and a spiritual figure; thus the donation.
I replied:
Very interesting bio. Yours and mine are not dissimilar in that I also grew up upper-middle class (have you seen the first part of the presidential video? https://johndenugent.com/videos-of-jdn-speaking) and I had MANY Jewish friends at my private school, Moses Brown School. (I also talk about Dallas in there…)http://www.mosesbrown.org/podium/default.aspx?t=103005
You raised the issue of Don Quixotism….. No, that is not it — though you may have an accurate perception that duty, honor and country mean something to me, no matter who listens. The Bhagavad Gita in Indo-Aryan religion pounds home again and again that YOU MUST DO YOUR DUTY — NO MATTER WHO ELSE JOINS YOU.
My relationship is with God, not man.
Worry about God’s wrath and seek His reward, not applause or material success. If enough focus on their duty, the result we want will happen. We must achieve critical mass. and yet never expect the masses, young souls, to respond. As Hitler said in Mein Kampf, 5% are the very worst and 5% re the very best. 90% are utterly inert. Thus has it ever been!!!!
But when WE are the ones holding the reins of power, then the same obedience ZOG now gets from the masses will benefit US and our plans.
The German people, in the March 1928 election, gave Hitler a disgusting 2.8 percent of the vote. And yet, just 12 years later, he had gotten power and transformed them into a powerful, noble people. He had brought the hero and Aryan out in them.




Every video I have done is tailor-made to appeal to the Tea Party types, and that is a very potent movement. As the economy collapses, these angry and patriotic whites with guns will need and seek a real leader.
An Argentine comrade wrote me:
“John, you will see. Never get discouraged. Two days without food and water, and these whites you think will never get radical WILL get radical.”
The white racists of right now are just a stepping stone, and a very wobbly initial funding base. I have always wanted to transcend this bunch, who often really are haters and just angry, period.

And yes, indeed, Christianity in its current form, which I and Hitler believe was corrupted by the Sanhedrin employee Saul into something very different from what Christ intended, does not fill up the spiritually starving older souls at all. When I go to one of these modern churches, I see people walking around in a literal daze, as if they were high on something brain-enervating. As Saul intended, they have become self-hating goyim, enemy-lovers and jew-worshippers.

You will, I think, enjoy reading the script below to presidential video three.
Thanks for your generous support — good karma for you and a real morale boost and bill-payer for me.
* * *.

A Washington DC comrade wrote me:

John — Enjoy some incredible Ludwig Güttler on the trumpet!. And $ome $nail-mail help is on the way!

I replied:

Oh, what beeeeeeeautiful music! Wow!

Let us see any negro or jew write such stellar music….This is exactly why I use that great quote from Alphonse de Lamartine:

“Man is a fallen angel who remembers the heavens.”


By the way, the Japanese, a highly disciplined and dignified people, are addicted to our Baroque music!

The proven fact of palingenesis (https://johndenugent.com/reincarnation-evidence) explains why that is. We as Aryans come from a beautiful and higher world, but one that is easy, too easy, and thus provides no opportunity for growth, and we descend to this truzyl bad-ass and dangerous Wild West planet that is hard, harsh and rich in terrifying challenges, as well as immoral temptations to be resisted — all carefully designed by God so we can become stronger through trial by fire, building character……

Earth is a Wild West planet, and was never meant to be a picnic…..It is a merciless war against EVIL, against demon-humans.

But when we hear such inspiring baroque music, we do indeed remember whence we came, from a higher world. And to this the good return, to recharge their batteries.

Here is Ludwig Güttler talking about the Baroque music period, the hunting horn, and how music lifted the great German people back UP after the genocidal Thirty Years War of 1618-1648, whic destroyed at least 20% of the population, similar to WWII. (Sturdy Germany is a country that has bounced back after many terrible tragedies.) Güttler also did one thousand five hundred benefit concerts to rebuild the Frauenkirche (Our Lady Church) in Dresden!

Thanks for all your support, dear friend. I am putting up another script of a presidential video, being edited now and going into production.



As usual, it is Europeans and other non-Americans who send contributions to our AMERICAN FREEDOM STRUGGLE. They understand that our white race will be saved if the superpower AMERICA changes.

What a shame that American IWRs (Internet White Racists 😉 ) do not contribute…..to their own salvation and that of their own country.

John de Nugent

213 Ekastown Road
Sarver PA 16055 USA

[20 miles north of Pittsburgh, in western Pennsylvania]



Telephone: 724.353.0154

Skype: John de Nugent (Pittsburgh)Donations:

–Cash in an envelope

–Blank money order (put in $ amount, not your name or to whom)

–MoneyGram (send from a Walmart or elsewhere)

–PayPal (to “john_denugent@yahoo.com”)



(continuing from presidential video two, of which the script is found here: https://johndenugent.com/english/english-the-white-nation-in-white-nationalism (Scroll down one-tenth to “a taste of the next video” and the Hitler portrait painting…. )

This video is being edited now. I am paying a good comrade minimum.wage to do this. What shall I do, donate a kidney to raise more cash? 😉 )

* * *

Now I ask you: Is this the kind of minority-run America that Ben Franklin wanted for his descendants? A communist-made statue of a black man, standing there like a dictator, arms over his chest, in a city once founded as the capital of a free nation?

I am sure that statue pleased, however, Barack Hussein Obama, who also looks angry and arrogant most of the time. What is he thinking about doing ….when he looks this way?



On a black Philadelphia radio station, WIP AM, on March 20, 2008, he called his own white grandmother, Madelyn Dunham,



….who had raised him…. after his own black father had run out….seen here with her daughter Ann, who was Barack’s mother, “a typical white person.”

And on the radio he took her to task for feeling apprehensive, as a white woman, if she saw a bunch of black men coming toward her down the street.

By the way, she died just two days before his election, on November 2, 2008, and her secrets go to the grave with her. All during the campaign, this was her only statement about her grandson running for president of the United States:

“I am not giving any interviews…I am in poor health.”


Now what is Michelle thinking about when she thinks of white people?



Is she thinking, like the Christian hymn, “red and yellow, black and white, all are precious in God’s sight” or is she thinking “It’s time for the blacks, browns, and the yellow people to rule America together, and let the whites feel the payback!”?

Yes, like ML King… I suspect by the habitual look on their faces that Barack and Michelle “have a dream today!”

And yet, and yet, while we now have a statue designed and made by communists, from granite from a communist country, and honoring in beautiful symmetry a man whose speeches were written by a communist, the same exact people who demand we show how tolerant we are show no tolerance toward the white man I will soon show you, just as the Chinese showed no tolerance in the video we just saw for the little whiteboy.

Who is this man whose statue stands now in a three-sided box?



Why, that man is George Washington. And, for the Martin Luther King Day celebration on January 17, 2011 in downtown Columbia, South Carolina, for the fourth year running, and you can verify this via numerous news photos and the website urbanlegends.com, his statue was indeed boxed in, on three sides, so it would not offend the blacks.

But who was this George guy, after all?

He only was the main founder of our country. He only led us to victory, with initially untrained, volunteer troops, and almost no money, scrimping and saving on everything, and he beat the most powerful and invincible empire on earth.

He only risked his life, his limbs, his health in his late 40s when he was no longer a spring chicken, and his wonderful million-dollar farm property at Mount Vernon, Virginia, exchanging that for seven interminable years of stress, battle, criticism, newspaper attacks calling him a coward and a megalomaniac, blood, tears, sweat, worry, and loneliness (and I say loneliness because he dearly loved and missed his wife Martha). He did all this to free us.

Had he lost, he faced this: being hanged, drawn and quartered by the British as a traitor to His Majesty, and the same terrible fate awaited Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin, John Adams, James Madison, James Monroe – all of them would have suffered the same arrest, trial, and horrible form of execution the British reserved for traitors. As for America, there would have been a terrible clampdown on the whole people as a collective punishment.

If you have seen the end of the movie “Braveheart,” you know that the British government would do terrible things to anyone they called a “traitor” while you were still very much alive.

Washington faced the awful burden and responsibility to either win the war, against very brave, skilled, and war-toughened British troops…. who almost never lost a war, the Brits having that very important winning habit — or suffer a horrible death from His Majesty, the British king, George III.

Ask the Scots, and ask the Irish, what happened to those who rebelled against the rule of their country from London …and lost.

Mel Gibson had to finance Braveheart to the tune of $25 millionout of his own pocket, because Hollywood rejected it, saying Americans don’t like historical dramas- Yet, after their scoffing, “Braveheart” won five Academy Awards, including Best Picture and Best Director. Here now is one of the final scenes from Braveheart, and I warn you that it is very intense. It hints at, but, does not directly show, anything overly graphic. By the way, the beautiful brunette you will see in the crowd is the ghost of his murdered wife, waiting to welcome him to the other side, a very touching feature of this scene.

[cut off as the cloth in Wallace’s hand falls]

This kind of punishment is what George Washington faced ….and he did it for YOU! The Declaration of Independence stated they sought freedom for “us and our posterity” — for the Americans living today!

Washington risked this, and Jefferson, and Franklin too, so YOU would be free!

But, the blacks in the year 2011, 212 years after his death, are angry that George Washington did not free his slaves until his death, that is, let hundreds of illiterate negroes go out into white society. They were released when he died, and into a free country that Washington by his sacrifice had made, and I ask you this: why did not one of them go back to Africa? Because they were black white supremacists. They had safety, food, clothes and work in America, and in Africa only chaos, voodoo, cannibalism, and lots of slavery in Africa by black chiefs over other blacks. The whites never had to go into the jungle to get slaves; the blacks already had the slave trade themselves! Some black chiefs sold their own wives and children into slavery for rum! I lived near Rumstick Road in Barrington, Rhode Island; the black chiefs would do anything for RUM.

It seems that while blacks claim to be Americans, all that matters to many is what affects them.

After the uproar over putting the Father of our Country in a box, the MLK event leaders claimed:

Oh, we wanted to put up a graphic there, a sign saying NAACP, so it was boxed off so we could put up the graphic. We just never got around to putting it up.”

But the website urbanlegends did some research, and for the last four straight years, the statue of the Father of our Country has been boxed up for every January 17 Martin Luther King Day.

The spokesman for the NAACP first told the main newspaper in the capital of South Carolina, called “The State,” that it was: “so that participants would not be offended by [Washington’s] presence,”and then, after the uproar, said: he was “at a loss for why anybody would be offended.”

Now I have to ask you this….

What is your definition of what it means to be a man?

George Washington was our leader. They just dissed him, they, publicly, four times in a row, have disrespected him, our leader, our founder.

Is manhood to belch loudly, as you swill beer out of a can, as you sit on your butt, and watch the Negro Football League, otherwise known as the NFL, and see grown black men getting paid, by a Jewish team owner, $53 million for five years, to chase after a ball? Is that all that is left of white manhood? Watching negroes play with a ball as your muscles shrink and your belly grows?

Or is manhood going down to Texas, as I just read, and shooting wild pigs at night, who cannot see you, with a night-vision scope?

Is manhood looking at a woman’s breasts?

Or is manhood making sure that this humiliating disrespect does not happen a fifth time to the Father of our Country?

What will you do if they say they will do this yet again?

What are you going to do about it, white boy?

And if Washington is the father of our country, but not their country, then let them go to an African country, and live under a nice African ruler.

My fellow Americans, my conscience on this is clear. For 33 years I have fought for white civil rights, and against the spreading of the perversion of homosexuality….


while you drank beer, and let the clock tick toward this day we are in now.

I sacrificed a career as a Marine officer for this Cause. I rejected two offers to join my father’s insurance brokerage, located in this building,

the Fleet Bank Building in Providence, Rhode Island, and I had my insurance license, where I could have made partner in Davis, Bateman and Nugent, a business my father and his partner John Bateman sold a few years later for four million dollars.

For 33 years now I have seen my fellow white civil rights activists get railroaded into jail by the FBI, or suspiciously suffer “heart attacks” after a visit from the CIA, while they were out, to their food or drink in their refrigerator, or suspicious “suicides,” or they raid your house and haul away your computer, and then find “child porn” on it down at the station.

Or, as with white civil rights activist Jeff Hughes up in Canada, another Jewish-controlled government, the man peacefully calls the police




…..after his Hindu neighbors deliberately crank up the Hindu music at 3 am, the cops come, he is unarmed, he asked the police to come, then, mysteriously, they gun HIM down, and let him bleed to death for 20 minutes, alone on his carpet, because they are “afraid to go in for the safety of the officers.”

Or my fellow former Marine, Shaun Walker,


…..who served his country as a sniper, a fine man, with a biology degree, another white civil-rights advocate, gets six years in a federal prison, in Minnesota, two thousand miles from his wife in California, because he supposedly had a bar fight with a Mexican. The Mexican never even went to the police, but two years after the supposed fight, Shaun Walker gets indicted, for a hate crime, for a supposed bar fight, where the Mexican was so uninjured he went skiing on the slopes the next day! Six years for a bar fight – and you paid the taxes to indict, try and put this man in prison!

This is what has been happening to US, fighting and suffering for your white civil rights, for what George Washington wanted, a free America, while you drank your beer and watched grown negroes get paid $11 million a year to play with a ball!

And this moral lethargy, this lack of courage, this lack of patriotism or desire to get involved, and be an active citizen if it means any serious sacrifice, is exactly why the German leader Adolf Hitler believed, sadly, that pure democracy could never work, because the majority of the people do not get off their ever-ampler butt. They just make excuses!

Only an elite few ever take action, and they make the history, they go into the history books, and they and their pains are recognized by Almighty God.

As that German leader said:

History is never made by the majority, but only by the minority with the majority of the willpower.”

As Jesus Christ


said, in Revelation 3:16, in the King James version, of the human slugs who are the majority of mankind:

So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spew thee out of my mouth.”


The proper response of a man to peril, duty and danger, is well expressed in a great poem, “Invictus,” by the Englishman William Ernest Henley, who overcame, at age 17, the horror of the surgeons having to amputate much of one leg, infected by tuberculosis. Invictus, in the Roman language of Latin, means “Unconquered”:

use this sound recording (1:04 minutes]


Use this visual above of scenes from “300” about the Spartans (turn off sound)

(use from 00:08 to end of “Invictus” reading; play both the first reading, above, [01:04] and then turn on the “I will not break” rock music, then return to my [JdN] reading as the video from “300” continues, from around 02:50 to 03:57 (end of the relevant video section; cut the extraneous ending sequences)

Out of the night that covers me,
Black as the pit from pole to pole,
I thank whatever gods may be
For my unconquerable soul.

In the fell clutch of circumstance
I have not winced nor cried aloud.
Under the bludgeonings of chance
My head is bloody, but unbowed.

Beyond this place of wrath and tears
Looms but the horror of the shade,
And yet the menace of the years
Finds and shall find me unafraid.

It matters not how narrow the gate,
how charged with punishments the scroll,
I am the master of my fate:
I am the captain of my soul.


Going back to the REVEREND Jesse Jackson, the trainee of MLK, what he would do to get money is go around Chicago and demand that corporations hire blacks, and pay him a kickback, or he would publicly call them racist, the jewspapers would print it, and he would organize strikes and boycotts. That is how he got his close black buddies huge Coca Cola contracts.

Well, maybe we whites should demand that Wall Street corporations change their habits of political correctness and hire some more white Americans — and less Mexicans, Chinese and Third Worlders with diseases, violent tendencies, and criminal records. But I digress. 😉 I was just talking about how I never tried to shake down companies like Jesse, excuse me, the Reverend Jesse Jackson.

I did, though, grow up in the same New England as Ben Franklin, his people came to America to work hard, to fit in, and to contribute, back in the 1600s, just like my people, and now, like him, I too am in Pennsylvania.

Franklin was a man of immense character, thrift, diligence and intelligence — and some in fact have estimated his IQ at 200.

Benjamin Franklin also had strong views on race and who should be permitted to immigrate to America and who not. In 1751, Franklin published an essay entitled “America, a land of opportunity.” In it he said, and I am shortening his essay a bit:

* * *

The Number of purely white people in the world is proportionately very small. [In fact, today, only 8% of the world is white.]

All Africa is black or tawny [meaning brown], Asia chiefly tawny. America (exclusive of the newcomers) wholly so [meaning the Indians]. And in Europe, the Spaniards, Italians, French ….are generally of what we call a swarthy complexion; as are some of the Germans.

[Here he was referring to the Pennsylvania Dutch, then pouring into his colony of Pennsylvania. Many of them were surprisingly dark; those parts of southern Germany had been in the Roman Empire, and some of the Germans among the Amish were really black-eyed and black-haired.]

But the Saxons [that is, the northern Germans] and the English make the principal body of white people on the face of the earth. I could wish their numbers were increased. And while we are, as I may call it, scouring our planet, by clearing America of woods, why should we darken its people? Why increase the sons of Africa, by planting them in America, where we have so fair an opportunity, by excluding all blacks and tawnys, of increasing the lovely White and Red [those whose skin is the color of milk or rose]?”

Does this shock you?

Did the modern jewspapers tell you the truth, that our most prestigious and beloved Founding Father wanted only very blondish and white immigrants to our country?

Well, I will shock you again. 😉

Across from the new Made-in-China Martin-Luther-King monument, we have had for seventy years the Jefferson Memorial, commemorating another great Founding Father, Thomas Jefferson.



He was a blue-eyed redhead



….as was also, by the way, under the silver wig, George Washington.

Andrew Jackson, a fiery Scotch-Irishman, then just a 13-year-old, was a third great blue-eyed redhead from the Revolutionary War era.

During the Revolution, Jackson, at age thirteen, joined a local militia as a courier. His eldest brother, Hugh, died from heat exhaustion during the Battle of Stono Ferry in 1779, near Charleston, South Carolina. Jackson and his brother Robert were captured by the British and held as prisoners; they nearly starved to death in captivity.

When Jackson refused to clean the boots of a British officer,



the officer slashed at the youth with a sword, leaving the 13-year-old with scars on his left hand and head, as well as an intense hatred for the British government.

While imprisoned, the two remaining brothers contracted smallpox. Robert died a few days after their mother secured their release, on April 27, 1781.

After his mother was assured Andrew would recover, she volunteered to nurse sick British prisoners-of-war on board two ships in Charleston harbor, where there had been an outbreak of cholera.

She died from the disease herself… in November 1781, and was buried in an unmarked grave, leaving Andrew Jackson a full orphan, without parents or siblings, at age 14.

Jackson’s entire immediate family–aside from his father, who had died earlier–died from hardships during the Revolution.

But that one saber slash would cost the British dearly 32 years later at the Battle of New Orleans, Louisiana in 1812


,when General Jackson crushed the British, who wanted to seize all the vast lands Thomas Jefferson had bought from Napoleon in the Louisiana Purchase. As the Bible says, “Pride goeth before a fall.”)

Gong back to that other blue-eyed redhead, Thomas Jefferson, not only did he write our Declaration of Independence, and serve as the third president, but via the Louisiana Purchase, the most brilliant real estate deal in world history, he doubled overnight the size of the United States.

Here is a map:


The orange is the seventeen states we had when Jefferson took office. That giant green swath is what Jefferson bought from Napoleon of France in 1804. Napoleon needed cash, to fight his war with England, we needed land, and we wanted no Napoleon or his troops just to the west of us. For just $13 million, that is, $219 million in today’s money, Jefferson brilliantly achieved all his objectives for a larger, stronger and safer America. He doubled peacefully the then United States.

Considering we are spending every week in Iraq and Afghanistan literally five times that amount, and achieving almost nothing, although dropping bombs on the Taliban must be fun, that Louisiana Purchase by Thomas Jefferson was a stroke of pure genius.

Well, in that famous Jefferson Memorial, due south of the White House, there is a nice statue of Jefferson…..


and some of his greatest writings on freedom are engraved in the walls.

You find key parts of the Declaration of Independence, of course.

…But also a quote on the northeast interior wall from Jefferson’s autobiography.

The fifth sentence on the wall of the Memorial says:

“Nothing is more certainly written in the book of fate than these people [meaning the blacks] are to be free.”

It has been called “misleadingly truncated” by the famous historian Garry Wills, because Jefferson’s sentence in his autobiography continues:

“…nor is it less certain that the two races, equally free, cannot live under the same government.”

In other words, free them and then send them to Africa.

Which is exactly what both Robert E. Lee and Abraham Lincoln also wanted.

If you still trust in any way the word of the government, which put up in the Jefferson Memorial in the Franklin Roosevelt years that misleadingly shortened quotation, you should lose the last remnants of that misplaced trust now.

If you look up under historytools.org, you will find what Thomas Jefferson really wrote about race, and this was a man who both disliked slavery on many grounds, and yet had the real-life experience of literally decades with blacks that came from buying, owning and managing about 700 different slaves.

Because he paid for them, he owned them, he fed and he clothed them, he supervised them, and expected and got work out of them, and btw was not a cruel master, just firm, he studied blacks very, very closely. His farm and his entire income came from knowing blacks and making them productive.

I would say that any man who has managed 700 blacks, whether a Marine Corps or Army officer today, or a Walmart regional manager, or a Virginia large-scale farmer, or a high school principal, will know a great deal about them. I dealt with very many blacks both in the Marines and as a public-school, long-term, substitute teacher.


Jefferson favored both emancipation, that is, freeing the slaves, but then that the freed slaves would have to migrate out of Virginia, not only because of hostility between whites and blacks but also because of important differences that he perceived between the two races.

Jefferson made clear that he believed that blacks were inferior to whites. It is worth remembering, however, that in the original draft of the Declaration of Independence, Jefferson decried slavery as a “cruel war against human nature itself,” which violated “sacred rights of life and liberty.” As a Virginia legislator he had urged the end of importing more slaves, and as US president, he urged an end to the slave trade and signed as US president the federal bill outlawing it in 1806.

In other words, Jefferson believed that God created Africans with the same “inalienable rights” as deserved by whites, but they must live elsewhere and among their own kind.

Starting in 1769, Jefferson served in the Virginia House of Burgesses for six years and proposed laws that severely restricted free blacks from entering or living in Virginia.

Jefferson authored legislation that would have banished all black children from Virginia whose black father was a free black of African origin and this law that Jefferson proposed also would have exiled any white woman from Virginia who had a child with a black man.

He concluded his two pages of remarks on the blacks, which compared their intelligence, emotions, musical talent and character with that of whites, by stating:

The blacks, whether originally a distinct race, or made distinct by time and circumstances, are inferior to the whites in the endowments both of body and mind.

…..It will probably be asked, Why not retain and incorporate the blacks into the State [instead of deporting them]? Deep-rooted prejudices entertained by the whites, ten thousand recollections by the blacks of the injuries they have sustained, new provocations, the real distinctions which nature has made, and many other circumstances will divide us into parties and produce convulsions which will probably never end but in the extermination of the one or the other race.”

And in a letter of 1826 to James Heaton he wrote, as I stated earlier:

“As it is, we have the wolf by the ears,


and we can neither hold him, nor safely let him go. Justice is in one scale, and self-preservation in the other.”

Jefferson actually wrote after 1814, when the Missouri compromise began, that he felt the United States would break up over the horrible racial issue, and in the Civil War it briefly did, 46 years later. 600,000 fine young white men, physically and mentally fit, died in that war.

If they had had children, today there would be at least three million more white people of good genes in our country, the kind who make good citizens — and soldiers if their country needs them.

One meme, and it is a great lie, is that only a few “white supremacist nuts” care about the odd notion of preserving the white race.

In fact, all our Founding Fathers, including the very greatest, and all Americans until the 1960s, cared about preserving our genes. For over 330 years, it went without saying that we were an offshoot of Europe and we wanted only white immigrants. The very style of our historic buildings, such as the US Capitol, is so much like the ancient white civilizations of Greece and Rome that if Julius Caesar



….came back today and walked down the Mall in Washington, he would certainly assume by the majestic buildings



with their columns and domes that he was now in the new capital of the Roman Empire. All our key governmental words, such as declaration, independence, constitution, president, congress and supreme court, all are words from ancient Rome. None of our concepts come from Africa, Arabia or China, or any other third world area.

Until the jewsmedia began defaming our traditional views as racist, all Americans viewed the white race as the key to our greatness as a nation, and our white and European genetic heritage as the reason we were not chaotic, backward, corrupt, incompetent and constantly violent like Africa or Mexico.

Every federal immigration law from 1790 to 1950 specified that immigrants were to come from Europe.

he notion that racial diversity (and diversity is just a cutesy word for differences) would make us stronger, and not more divided, would have been considered literally a sign of insanity by every single one of our ancestors, a sign of serious mental illness. And they were right to see it so clearly.

In the year 1924, the Congress strengthened and reaffirmed the wisdom of our Founding Fathers 150 years earlier about the immigration question.

The Immigration Act of 1924, called also the Johnson–Reed Act, including the National Origins Act, and the Asian Exclusion Act, basically said we want only immigrants from northern Europe. And that law was in effect from 1924 to 1965, when two fanatic liberals, one the alcoholic senator Ted Kennedy, and two, a Jewish congressman for 50 years from Brooklyn, Emanuel Celler,


…. who also proposed key gun control legislation, changed our immigration law to let the Third World pour in. Until then, the typical American family looked more like native Pennsylvanian Jimmy Stewart


and like Donna Reed of Iowa in the great 1946 Frank Capra film “It’s a Wonderful Life.” It was nominated for five ….Oscars, and is considered by movie critics as the number-one most inspirational film ever made in our country. Many Americans have seen it four or five times.

It depicted a white America that, except for a few bad apples, was decent, and people readily helped each other, especially during the Great Depression.

Of course we did –we were all related — by blood, culture and American values. We were not diverse at all, and we were very strong and united.

In this clip from “It’s a Wonderful Life,” the small-town banker George Bailey pulls back from the brink of suicide after a crooked rival banker has stolen all the money deposited in his bank, and was trying to frame him for fraud.

Knowing he faced prison, his friends and neighbors in little Bedford Falls rally to him on Christmas Eve. What was beautiful about this movie was this was a white and un-cynical world. And I remember this as a boy. It was not perfect, but this un-diverse, 90% white America was a place where, when tragedy struck, people pitched in and helped each other, you knew your neighbors, moms stayed at home to care for their kids, divorce was nearly unknown, except as a scandal that Hollywood actors like Ronald Reagan indulged in, and a banker actually had enough honor that he would consider suicide after losing the money entrusted to him. How very unlike today! How different the feel is in this movie from the multiracial, diverse, shameless, drug-ridden, violent, crooked, homosexual, filthy-language, urban Obamerica of today.

Today, some of these people would not even speak English, or try to learn it. Today, in our own country, we have to “press one for English.” And Christmas carols might offend our Jewish, muslim and atheist neighbors.

Here is a selection now from this iconic movie of white America, the feel of how we were from 1620, when the Pilgrims came, to 1965, when, two years after the murder of John Kennedy, the jewish ultra-liberals completely took over everything.

If you have not seen this movie, you can skip over this clip, because it reveals the ending. It opens with George Bailey, that is , Jimmy Stewart, on a windswept bridge in winter, praying to a angel, overcoming his thoughts of suicide, and asking this angel, called Clarence, who is on out on his first probationary assignment as a new guardian angel, to help him.

The angel , in turn is trying to “win his wings” by helping a man somehow who is financially, legally and emotionally at the end of his rope.

You will also note that the cop is not not wearing a uniform like a military man. He wears a specific policeman’s attire.

He is there, as the phrases back then went, to “protect and serve”; he is a “peace officer.” Cops were not puffed up on muscle-building steroids, and they acted like your neighbor, not your master. Decent citizens did not feel intimidated.

When Bailey comes home, men are there waiting to arrest him, but the un-diverse, white, small-town people remember George Bailey’s many kindnesses to them, and spontaneously they come through for the Bailey family. It was a world with a lot less lonely people. If you think this is impossible, then you have not sen what I saw as a boy in the 1950s, when people left the keys in the ignition of their car and never locked their doors. And someday, no matter how long it takes or whatever price has to be paid, by us or the evildoers that now have the upper hand, we will get that America back.

There is a lot that was real in this fictional, heartwarming movie about white America, the America Washington, Jefferson and Franklin sacrificed to give us, to their white posterity.

00:00 (beginning) to 08:32 (almost the end)


A recent study by Harvard Business School and Tufts University proved that almost half of all white Americans now believe that the main discrimination in our society is against whites. Michael Norton of Harvard Business School and Samuel Summers of the Department of Psychology at Tufts released in May 2011 a study for the Association for Psychological Science showing that, quote, “the change in Whites’ conceptions of racism are extreme enough that Whites have now come to view anti-White bias as a bigger societal problem than anti-Black bias.”

[references: http://www.sacbee.com/2011/06/05/3679561/cepeda-now-whites-are-feeling.html And the Harvard article itself: http://www.people.hbs.edu/mnorton/norton%20sommers.pdf]


Two things were correct about this study. 1) Whites do indeed perceive themselves as suffering discrimination, based on their race, at the hands of the government, media, employers and minorities. 2) Whites resent affirmative-action programs for discrimination against them in hiring, college admissions, college scholarships and in getting government contracts for their companies if they are white-owned.

But what is sanitized about this study is it totally overlooks the large number of whites who have been victims of violent black crime.

I was engaged to a white woman, and here you see, with our two dogs, me on your right, and that is Margaret, my then fiancée, on your left,


Margaret has openly spoken in public venues herself



..about having been sexually assaulted twice in downtown Washington DC by blacks, with the second rape not completed because she told the black rapist she had AIDS and he had better have a condom on.

FBI and Department of Justice statistics from the last decade have shown huge levels of black crime against other races. The major Republican presidential candidate in 1992 and 1996, Patrick Buchanan, who once won the New Hampshire primary, and now an MSNBC television commentator as well as nationally syndicated columnist,


….a man whom I have met, and whom my father knew, from Buchanan’s days in both the Richard Nixon and Ronald Reagan White Houses,

cited these FBI statistics in a column from August 21, 2007, entitled “The Color of Crime,” as follows:

— “Blacks commit more violent crime against whites than against other blacks.” Forty-five percent of the victims of violent crime by blacks are white folks, 43 percent are black, 10 percent are Hispanic.


— Blacks are seven times as likely as people of other races to commit murder, eight times more likely to commit robbery and three times more likely to use a gun in a crime.

— “Blacks are an estimated 39 times more likely to commit violent crime against a white person than vice versa, and 136 times more likely to commit robbery.” (If decent black folks have trouble hailing a cab, and they do, these numbers may help explain it.)

* * *

I will add myself to this that my friend Stan Hess, once a 1960s liberal, was a taxi driver in California, and made a special point of being anti-racist by picking up blacks whom other taxi drivers would avoid. That lasted until the day that two blacks, really just for the racist hell of it, shot him in the face.

That was the sudden end of his liberalism, and he had been a very hardcore leftist in the 1960s, knowing and helping Jerry Rubin and other pro-black, anti-war activists. This reminds me of the saying: “A conservative is a liberal who was mugged last night.” Or what Winston Churchill once said: “If one is young and not a liberal he lacks a heart, but if older and not a conservative he lacks a brain.”

In this regard, I urge you to watch my fourth spiritual video, which deals with the media cover-up of the 2007 Christian-Newsome double murder in Knoxville, Tennessee, where a young white liberal couple,


Christopher Newsome, who wore his baseball cap backwards, black-style, and his girlfriend, Shannon Christian, who was studying sociology, were both horribly raped and torture-murdered by a group of blacks simply and only because they were white.

Continuing with the FBI statistics from the column by Pat Buchanan:

** *

— Black-on-white rape is 115 times more common than the reverse.

and Buchanan stated on August 30, 2011, on the conservative Laura Ingraham radio show:

12 to 13 percent of the U.S. population is African-American, but that demographic holds 18 percent of all federal jobs [which means a 50% over-representation] and represent up to 50 percent of the workforce in some federal agencies.”

And now I will move beyond the FBI to the strong racial findings of one of the greatest geneticists and scientists who has ever lived, Dr. James Watson of the United States.



[end of script of presidential video three]

Next blog;script of presidential video four

=======================SO WHAT IS YOUR EXCUSE NOW NOT TO DONATE?

“John de Nugent has not yet started his movement.”

Well, I said it would be a special DVD outreach to normal white conservatives. This video opus now numbers TEN COMPLETED VIDEOS.


“Well, I heard some weird sh— about him.”

If you believe it, why are you here? And that is exactly what it is, sh…

And who is saying it? This non-moving movement is full of outright psychopaths and FBI infiltrators, and has been for decades. You can die from believing a lie.

“Well, I do not know enough about this guy to risk sending him ten dollars. 😉 I could put three gallons of gas in my SUV for that.”

Okay, here you go33 years in this Cause, ran for Congress, experienced a Discovery Channel attack documentary against him…..Internet trolls call him both a homosexual and a wife-beater (hunh?) 😉



“Money is real tight. I just went back to work last week.”

Well, the FEMA camps are just waiting to give you as a white racist your free housing and free coffin. If enough of you do NOT help me, then you will go there.

Right now, they are getting us used to the idea a big epidemic will sweep the nation. Then the plan is you MUST take the mandatory vaccine, or be imprisoned and quarantined. But it is the vaccine that will kill you. (The NWO “elite” goes underground AND gets the REAL antidote.) The “vaccine” will prove “insufficient,” because “you took it too late.”


“I don’t know what he stands for.”

The Eternal Solutreans are:


1) an international, pan-Aryan tribe that will survive, like high-tech Amish, the downfall of the Jew-corrupted West;

2) believing in ARYAN concepts of God and life after death, including reincarnation.


3) understanding that psychopaths, not just deluded liberals, have taken over power in almost every aspect of society

4) realizing that “blue-eyed” naiveté, lack of children and hyper-individualism are flaws in our race that must be actively countered;


5) seeing in the Jew and Arab a Neanderthal intrinsically hostile to the Cro Magnon, the white race. http://www.amfirstbooks.com/IntroPages/Subscription_Preview/Barnes_Review/2010/TBR_2010_05-06_Issue_3_Contents.html


6) Aryans, as a self-disciplined race, do NOT advocate dictatorship or a Führerprinzip except during times of extreme emergency and for a limited duration. The solution to the problems of democracy, as Thomas Jefferson said, are more democracy, more education, more knowledge, more free press and speech, more character, more love of our people — and the ruthless investigation, identification, and elimination of psychopaths from our society. Only our own bad apples have let the contemptible Jew into our lives.


7) This universe is a duality of male and female forces, the harsh and the gentle, the hierarchic and the democratic, the violent and the peaceful, the punishment and the forgiveness, and in each situation we must measure how much of each energy to use. But moderation cannot be a fetish; there can be no moderation about survival, power and strength. We will survive, and will pay any price to do so, and make the enemy of all mankind pay in the fullest measure.


John de Nugent

213 Ekastown Road
Sarver PA 16055 USA

[20 miles north of Pittsburgh, in western Pennsylvania]



Telephone: 724.353.0154

Skype: John de Nugent (Pittsburgh)


–Cash in an envelope

–Blank money order (put in $ amount, not your name or to whom)

–MoneyGram (send from a Walmart or elsewhere)

–PayPal (to “john_denugent@yahoo.com”)



==================volunteers and donations

Now is the time to review your unfulfilling life, working for the Jew-Man….watching the clock tick toward your destruction…..storing up treasures on earth…. where moth and rust consume, and thieves break in at night…..
I need volunteers HERE for many things. We are almost ready to launch.


video editors,





self-defense instructors,




Prior military with good-conduct discharges…..

Will you work for food, joy, meaning, camaraderie, fun, and the salvation — not of all whites, for most do not deserve to survive and will not — but the survival of the truly worthy representatives of our race? The building of a mighty Solutrean Ryk?

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