ENGLISH Proud to make good propaganda; Monsanto sephardic Jews giving you cancer via toxic hormone milk

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I thank God for our brave forefathers who founded this land for our freedom, for our loyal and good foremothers, and I thank God for all their worthy descendants today who fight the good fight alongside me.

A comrade in the American Midwest wrote me:

I’m thankful to know you, and the reading of your blog and other sources show me that you are a white man consumed with the idea of helping his fellow white man and woman.

Though it may not come with the usual perks, honors and pay it is in fact the most important profession we can ever undertake. To show concern for generations yet to be born, who are counting on our sacrifice and courage today, is the highest of all callings and professions.

Though the minds of many are beclouded with foreign transmissions and programming, there are people like me (the roughly 15% of people who cannot be brainwashed as per MK Ultra and other forms of propaganda) who can say with all sincerity that the world would be a darker place without you.

JdN: Adi the cat with the Hitler -stache devours some turkey. This poor turkey was murdered ONLY because he was a turkey, then he will be shoved into an oven! Never forgive and never forget! 😉

You’ve no doubt seen how one man’s life can change the world for the better in the movie “It’s a wonderful life”. I may not say it at my dinner table tomorrow, but rest assured, that I give thanks that people … leaders like you are ought there. Every dog has his day and our day is coming. And we both know it.

My people came here in 1635 from England in the shape of Thomas Angell, the cabin boy (the young servant boy; he was given away by his starving parents) of the gentleman and leader Roger Williams, founder of Rhode Island and pioneer of religious freedom. Both my mother and father descend in different branches from him. My mother’s mother’s maiden name was Angell, from Glocester, Rhode Island, and my father’s father’s mother was also an Angell, from nearby Waterman Lake, Rhode Island.

And thus America is MY country. I love my country. I believe in its original dream of freedom, dignity and prosperity for all Euro-Aryans who pitch in. The entity calling itself “the United States government” is not a country or a nation, but a regime of Zionist hyenas.

They can wave a star-spangled flag and show us a fierce eagle on various logos, but that does not mean they are we.

There was a debate among the judeopaths a century ago as to which was the best way to exterminate our people. The one group, the bolsheviks, preferred open massacre. When they marched in, they hoisted a new, blood-red flag, they changed the country’s name to “People’s Republic” or “Soviet” (meaning in Russian “rule by a council” and the Sanhedrin is a council) and they made crystal-clear that they had overthrown the ancien regime.

But that created a lot of opposition. People do not like being killed and worked to death. Hitler was the result. And he scared the Jews good.

The other school of judeopathic thought was to take over existing governments. Keep the flag, the national anthem, the logos and the name of the country. But just as a fossil is no longer a leaf or an animal, but something quite dead that merely bears the imprint of a long-dead thing, in the same way a jew-subverted government is no longer that original government at all.

A president straight out of Central Casting, Franklin Delano Rosenfeld.Wave them flags, boys. Then drop them bombs on the women and children of Dresden.

It is a new thing, as WN thinker and activist Eric Thomson memorably called it, a “Zionist Occupation Government.”

The regime is basically this: Jews printing money and giving it to their buddies. The Jews are not brilliant; they just stick together, the way thieves do. Thhieves also quarrel, but against the publc they stick together.

The true government of the United States obeys the Constitution of the United States, for it is this divinely inspired document that created that government in the first place, to serve the people, not order them about.

We, the white immigrants from Europe, created this government to serve OUR needs, or abolish it when it stops doing that.

This fossil regime posturing about today actively opposes the Constitution of the United States. It hates the Founding Fathers (and to bash them for being male, even calls them idiotically “the Framers,” a gender-neutral neologism that implies they built doors or windows! I was a framer, in Tyrol, Austria, in a window factory. I used glue and wood to be a FRAMER. ;-))

And now this terrorist regime is groping the genitals of the public, putting cancer in the milk (see below), spraying lethal chemicals via chemtrails in the air, pouring docilifying fluoride in the water, and giving our young people the tragic and lifelong afflictions of ADD, Asperger’s and autism via vaccines.

It is building huge military bases underground so that when it holocausts the more or less disobedient 90% of us, the jew elite will survive down there in their holes, and then, ratlike, emerge with its obedient slave goy workforce in lockstep to build an all-jew-ruled planet, which for them means riches, mountains of gold and never-ending orgies of white women and white boys on their knees with a jew penis in all orifices, or a donkey or dog penis, or other things Jews enjoy. (When I was in the Virginia National Guard, on the annual two-week summer active duty, a creep was showing films after hours of donkeys having sex with white women. Jews in Algeria ran nightclubs showing live copulations of animals, “doggy-style,” with white women, junkie prostitutes whom other Jews had degraded and processed by beatings and humiliating violations of their bodies into pathetic sex slaves ….Verily this is Satan’s Chosen People, as Jesus basically said in John 8:44.)

I thank God for America, my nation, which my ancestors helped found, and for those who think Barack Insane Obongo and his Jewnited Snakes “‘government” is America I say:

“Today is not Thanskgiving for you but yet another Turkey Day. Every day is Turkey Day for the slaves of ZOG. And the one being cooked is YOU.” 😉


A comrade wrote me about yesterday’s blog:

Dear John,

I was quite taken by the Critical View of Life and Death by the New Zealander Nelson1805 in your latest blog. I found it a very good compilation.

To his point (5) Indo-Aryan view: physical life itself is a trap, and one has many physical lives, and to reincarnate is to remain in this prison of earthly suffering. It is pessimistic and ‘world-denying.’

I would just like to add that this Indo-Aryan view isn’t pessimistic and ‘world-denying’ at all.

If one relates to this world only, he might be right. But is that all-important? How does one get free of the shackles of this world? One remains in this prison until one learns how to get out, and that will take many embodiments.

I have attended first a course in practical philosophy and then went on further to actual practice on the way tom, but haven’t achieved “full realization”.

This teaching by the now demised Leon Maclaren of London, who started of following the teachings of Gurdjeff, but wanted to go further than that, got into contact with the first Chankaracharya of Jodhirmath in the north of India, Himachal-Pradesh. He was the head of the four Chankaracharyas of India (by the compass rose). Through his advice Maclaren added meditation to the teaching he developed based on Advaita Vedanta. http://www.shankaracharya.org/

Without meditation one never gets enough clarity of mind and energy to aspire to self-realization.

Once one is self-realized one knows the Self which is a spark of the mind of the Creator.

For a self-realized man everything appears only as the manifestation of the divine will.

I worked on this for about 15 years, but also about 20 years ago I had the urge to found a family and we had a son, now 25 years old – a chemical engineer.

But the practice of meditation is now used by me for selfish reasons, just to keep the mind clear and refreshed.

This is also used by the meditation schools which don’t seem to have the ulterior motive of self-realization I mind, but they only use it for gaining energy and a clear mind.

In retrospect I now realize that I always was interested in the Aryan way of thinking. And I think I struck it rich. We learned Sanskrita, the 6000 year-old script by Parnini, unchanged since then. The pronunciation is said to not have changed since, a very logical script.

From this old teaching, the Advaita Vedanta, the Christian teaching seems to have taken over the sacred number of three, as in Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. The Sanskrita holy syllable AUM ॐ at the beginning and end of profound statements and incantations consists of three letters, signifying the state of the Absolute, the vibration of the Supreme, variously symbolizing the Three Vedas or the Hindu Trimurti or the three stages of life ( birth, life and death).

Also the three states of the gunas (the universal natures): Sattva, Rajas, and Tamas. (Blissfulness, creativity, dissolving -good or bad)

I remember also one of the reasons why Vedantists and also Hindus don’t practice missionary activity. They say that any religion followed diligently to its aim will finish up at the same point – Self-knowledge and therefore being one with their God, the Absolute or the Creator. As above, so below, is another maxim.

If one reads and studies the Bhagavad Gita, one actually can see how the present situation comes about and how to be free from its chains.

It’s great to know the origins of the Aryan race.

And you have also studied it.

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I replied:

Excellent email and I will post it in the blog itself, minus your name and a few details, of course.

Michael Winkler’s book Die Spirituelle Welt is truly fantastic. One learns that this world is beautiful, and rich in experiences for us, and should be embraced like the other worlds from which we come and to which we go before we return, again and again, HERE.




In this way, embracing this world and our earthly duties HERE, Solutrean Vedanta will lead us to what we need, victory.

Solutreanism will be an evangelical religion not because I need people to agree with me, or want to force enlightenment on the unwilling, but because it is my dharma to awaken ENOUGH of the white masses. And our ten percent will defeat their five percent.

White men especially must be reminded of their duty to protect women and children against the nightmarish fate the NWO has prepared for them, and the bolshevik regime and Dresden are just foretastes of a global horror. (See also the Mercola article below to see the cynical and murderous greed of the sephardic Monsanto Jews.)

I was watching a fine new video by TheLindgrenn with Hitler speaking…..


…. and once again it struck me how he and Goebbels always used the word “propaganda” and proudly, and in a very positive sense. The word “propaganda” in Latin has no sinister meaning at all, and as used by the ancient Romans and by the Catholic Church, whose official language is still Latin, to mean “the message that needs to be propagated (spread).”

The goal of national socialistic propaganda was to save their nation and thus our race, and all the trappings, uniforms, the songs, and the fiery speeches were open and frank measures used to fire people up to do their duty, however scary it might be.

For we all know that so many good thoughts remain just that, thoughts, and are never translated into action. People need to band together and act together and that means that first they need to feel the urgency, love for our people, and a visceral fear of the consequences of white surrender, which is final, permanent white genocide.












Nemmersdorf, East Prussia, 1944. Ilya Ehrenburg urged: “Break the pride of the Germanic woman.”

A WTC jumper. The WTC jumpers fit with the theory by physics expert Judy Woods, PhD, U. Oklahoma (http://www.democraticunderground.com/discuss/duboard.php?az=view_all&address=125×182171), that a particle beam from WTC Seven was used, not just thermite and explosives, so as to atomize the building as it came down and blow fine particles upward and skyward for weeks. As one researcher said to me: “The jumpers were being cooked alive, so they jumped.” The particle beam would vaporize much of the two WTC towers, thus preventing 500,000 tons of steel and concrete in each tower from slamming into the bedrock of Manhattan, triggering earthquakes and damage to the rest of Manhattan, such as the NY Federal Reserve, the UN building and the ADL headquarters across from the UN. I am sorry for this photo, but I want you to realize on the deepest level of your nervous system that YOU MUST FIGHT.

Not just demolitioned, vaporized.

My mission, using Vedanta, is the same, to propagate the embracing of a mission. I seek openly to turn our FRAIL PALE SINGLE MALES (about two out of three National Alliance members I knew 1981-84 ;-)) into real Aryan men, and frail pale females into real Aryan women, who support our fighting men (not holding them back) and care for our young ones, whether as mothers or as those who help the young mothers in every way they can.

True Vedantic meditation is taking charge of your mind and emotions and becoming the king of your own life, and is raja yoga, the royal discipline.

Thanks again for your email.



The Label All Milk Drinkers Should Look Out For (Unless You Like Cancer)

Posted By Dr. Mercola | November 25 2010 | 27,622 views

drinking  milkA few years ago, a number of U.S. states tried to ban “rbGH-free” claims on dairy. Monsanto, which owned rbGH at the time, helped found a group called AFACT, which supported the bans. AFACT was unsuccessful in most states, but it looked like they might win in Ohio, where the fight went to the courts.

Recently, however, the Ohio court came to its decision. First, they ruled that milk in Ohio can still bear an “rbGH-free” label as long as it also bears the disclaimer stating that, “[t]he FDA has determined that no significant difference has been shown between milk derived from rbST-supplemented and non-rbST-supplemented cows.”

But there’s more important news out of Ohio — the court also challenged the FDA’s finding that there is “no measurable compositional difference” between milk from rbGH-treated cows and milk from untreated cows. This FDA finding has been the major roadblock to rbGH regulation, and the court struck it down.

According to La Vida Locavore:

“The court … [cited] three reasons why the milk differs: 1. Increased levels of the hormone IGF-1, 2. A period of milk with lower nutritional quality during each lactation, and 3. Increased somatic cell counts (i.e. more pus in the milk).”


Dr. Mercola’s Comments:

With a federal court overturning Ohio’s ban on ‘rBGH-free’ labels on dairy products, raw dairy producers and consumers can again bask in new hope. This ruling means that companies that want to clearly state that their products are “rBGH free,” “rBST free,” or “artificial hormone free” are now allowed to do so.

The fight for labeling of rBGH-laced milk has been ongoing since its introduction to the US market in 1994. Part of the concern is the fact that rBGH is an artificial hormone. The additional concern is that it’s a genetically modified artificial hormone. Disallowing the labeling of rBGH-treated dairy essentially set the precedent for not labeling other genetically modified foods.

The debate about labeling of genetically modified (GM) foods has now flared up again, this time because the FDA is reviewing a GM salmon. If approved, the next step will be to determine whether or not the genetically altered salmon must be labeled.

This federal verdict opens the door not only to use rBGH-free labels; it also opens the back door, so to speak, for consumer groups to push for labeling of NON-GM salmon, should the FDA again decide the altered salmon does not need to carry a GM label.

That’s one piece of good news.

In addition to that, this verdict is also significant because, for the first time, a court has recognized that milk from cows treated with genetically modified growth hormones (known as rBGH or rBST) is NOT identical to milk from untreated cows.

This, ladies and gentlemen, is what concerned scientists and public health advocates have argued for well over 20 years.

Years before the FDA approved it, scientists like Shiv Chopra, who worked for what is now Health Canada — the Canadian equivalent of the FDA –were raising serious questions about the safety of rBGH milk.

For an insider’s look into the politics that surrounded the approval of rBGH, listen to my interview with Shiv Chopra where he addresses this topic.

The recombinant (genetically engineered) bovine growth hormone (rBGH), is used to significantly increase milk production in cows. Treated cows can produce as much as 15-25 percent more milk. But this increase in milk production, and hence profit, has hidden costs, namely the cows’ and your health.

There IS a Significant Difference Between rBGH Milk and Non-rBGH Milk

For the past 17 years, the FDA’s has held on to their initial finding that there’s “no significant difference” between the milk of cows given genetically modified artificial growth hormone and those that aren’t.

This is an astounding decision, when you consider all the evidence to the contrary.

Recombinant bovine growth hormone (rBGH) is a powerful GE drug produced by Monsanto that can seriously damage the cow’s health and reproductive capacity. The milk produced by these cows has also been shown to be anything BUT identical to untreated milk.

In fact, as stated in the court’s ruling, there are several compositional and qualitative difference between these two types of milk.

Hormone-treated milk is different from non-treated milk because:

  1. It contains increased levels of the hormone IGF-1, which promotes cancer tumors. According to Dr. Epstein, excess levels of IGF-1 have been incriminated as major causes of breast, colon, and prostate cancers
  2. Hormone use “induces an unnatural period of milk production during a cow’s “negative energy phase.” Milk produced during this stage is considered to be low quality due to its increased fat content and its decreased level of proteins, the court ruling states
  3. It contains increased somatic cell counts (SCC’s). This means the milk contains more pus, which makes it turn sour more quickly. Increased SCC count also affects the milk’s taste, smell, texture and color. Raised SCC levels is typically caused by the high incidence of mastitis in rBGH-injected cows

These are what the federal court cited as reasons to determine that hormone treated milk is different from non-treated milk.

But there’s more.

Samuel S. Epstein, M.D., professor emeritus of Environmental and Occupational Medicine at the University of Illinois School of Public Health, and Chairman of the Cancer Prevention Coalition, is one of the top experts on cancer prevention. He is frequently called upon to advise Congress about things in our environment that may cause cancer, and he has written eight books, including one of the best books on the topic at hand, called Got (Genetically Engineered) Milk?

Dr. Epstein points out several additional differences between rBGH milk and untreated milk:

  1. Contamination of the milk by the GM hormone rBGH
  2. Contamination of the milk with illegal antibiotics and drugs used to treat mastitis and other rBGH-induced disease
  3. Increased concentration of the thyroid hormone enzyme thyroxin-5′-monodeiodinase
  4. Increased concentration of long-chain and decreased concentration of short-chain fatty acids
  5. A reduction in levels of the milk protein casein

All of these factors can cause or contribute to health problems.

This Hormone KILLS Cows

It’s also quite clear that it’s bad for the cows that are injected with this hormone.

One 1998 survey by Family Farm Defenders found that mortality rates for rBGH-injected cows on factory dairy farms in Wisconsin were about 40 percent per year. In other words, after two and a half years of rBGH injections most of these drugged and supercharged cows were dead.

The typical lifespan of a happy, healthy dairy cow (read: organically-raised) is 15 to 20 years!

Conflict of Interest – The Name of the Game

Despite being presented with these findings and concerns, which were also echoed by other experts such as Dr. Michael Hansen from the Consumers Union back in the early 90’s, the FDA gave the hormone its seal of approval, with no real pre-market safety testing required…

How did that happen?

Well, considering the fact that several key FDA decision makers, including Michael Taylor, had previously worked for Monsanto, it’s easy to see how the FDA could appear to be so completely unfazed by the evidence.

This conflict of interest also explains why the FDA determined that rBGH-derived dairy products did not need to be labeled, even though polls showed that a whopping 90 percent of American consumers said they wanted labeling in order to be able to avoid buying those products.

As it turns out, all of the major criticisms leveled against rBGH have turned out to be true. Since 1994, the hormone has been banned in Canada, New Zealand, Japan, Australia and all 27 nations of the European Union.

Still holding on: the United States…

Monsanto has fought tooth and nail all these years to keep rBGH on the market. One of their sleigh-of-hand tactics was to form the grass-roots organization “The American Farmers for the Advancement and Conservation of Technology,” (AFACT).

To further the Monsanto agenda, this organization defended their “right to use rBGH.” They were also on the forefront pushing to outlaw “non-rBGH” labels.

Fortunately, AFACT has been largely unsuccessful in spreading their propaganda and more and more dairies have switched over to being hormone-free.

Which Dairy Brands Offer rBGH-Free Products?

For a list of brands that offer hormone-free dairy products, such as milk, yoghurt and ice cream, the Organic Consumers Organization has compiled this user-friendly list. They indicate which brands are partially rBGH-free, and which have stopped using artificial hormones entirely.

This can be good to know, since many products still do not bear the rBGH-free label.

For example, Ben & Jerry’s make their ice cream with milk from dairies that have pledged not to inject their cows with hormones. But Haagen Dazs, Breyers, and Baskin-Robbins have not followed suit, and their ice creams are labeled “all-natural” even though rBGH dairy is anything but…

Keep in mind that organic milk is also rBGH-free, even if it doesn’t specify so on the label. Artificial hormones are not permitted in organic dairy farming.

That said, although organic milk is certainly preferable to hormone-laced milk, I still don’t recommend it simply because it’s still pasteurized…

You can avoid both the risks of rBGH and pasteurization by only drinking raw milk that comes from a small farmer you know and trust. This is the only way to drink milk if you’re interested in protecting your health.

RealMilk.com is an excellent resource if you need help finding a high-quality source in your area.

Get Informed and Protect Your Food Freedom

Looking at the bigger picture though, this issue is about much more than milk. It’s about protecting your food supply from all sorts of manipulation — from rBGH and pasteurization to genetically modified crops as a whole.

A key way you can begin to do this is by avoiding any and all GM products, and there are many of them. Most processed foods now contain one or more GM ingredients.

To gain some insight into how best to protect your health from manipulated foods, I recommend exploring the Institute for Responsible Technology (IRT). You can discover the many hidden hazards of GM foods for yourself at Jeffrey’s Web site: ResponsibleTechnology.org.

I also highly recommend downloading and using the IRT’s Non-GMO Shopping Guide.

As far as healthful, wholesome milk is concerned, I also urge you to a take a stand to protect your freedom of food choice by joining the Raw Milk Campaign to make access to raw milk a right for all Americans.

You can find Local Chapters and Chapter Leaders by sending an email to: chapters@westonaprice.org.

For more information about milk quality, listen to my interview with Mark McAfee, the founder of Organic Pastures. You can also find lots of valuable information on McAfee’s website.

Related Links:

BGH: Monsanto and the Dairy Industry’s Dirty Little Secret



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