ENGLISH Rest in peace, Joe Sobran; encryption a must for white nationalists

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There are for key insights to Solutreanism, 1) psychopaths have taken over the world, 2) semites are descendants of neanderthals, and neanderthals were and are a prehistoric psychopathic species in their hostility toward all “out-groups,” 3) European Solutreans first settled ancient North America (the Aryan origins of civilization) and 4) hard scientific proof of reincarnation as a possible fate after death (and this requires that we lead exemplary lives or face a terrible karma).

The first one, about psychopaths, is the real reason why Jefferson and the Founding Fathers were so spot-on about limited government: psychopaths otherwise take over, ruin and “evilize” everything that had been sacred and healthy, and create merciless tyrannies and staggering levels of suffering.

Today this is what we have now. The psychopaths are at their peak, we altruists are correspondingly at our nadir, and the inevitable volcano of rage against them is building.



This vocalist, actually named Bernd Heinrich Graf, is very German — baritone, masculine, confident and serious. He is singing “I was born to live,” geboren um zu leben, and through love and family he has a reason to live. Two innocent kids break away from a nasty old man who was using them, making them play his tunes, and they escape their unhappy life and economic servitude –so they can really live.

Understandable. Our situation is the same.

This music is part of a trend in Germany called Neue deutsche Haerte, (“new German hardness”), that began with Rammstein.


Neue Deutsche Härte (“new German hardness”, German pronunciation: [nɔʏ.ə dɔʏtʃə hɛʁtə]) is a term invented by the German music press after the release of the debut album Herzeleid (1995) by Rammstein. It describes a Crossover style that is influenced by German rock, hard rock, and heavy metal combining it with elements from electronic music and/or industrial music. The lyrics are generally in German….. Emphasis is on a demonstration of predominance, by over-pronouncing certain syllables and letters (like the rolling “r”), often at the expense of melody. The vocals are thus dominantly presenting in a deep, male, and clean voice.

Here is Unheilig’s song “Stark” (“strong” in English)


His song “Rache” (“Revenge”)

===============Joe Sobran goes to heaven

The courageous paleo-conservative writer Joe Sobran just passed on to his reward. He was a noble and tragic figure. I and friend Pete Pappas saw him break down and literally sob at the memory of how Reagan and the Republicans In Name Only (RINO’s) betrayed all his hopes and values; he felt deeply the doom of the (seemingly) free America which we all once knew as kids in the 1940s and 1950s at the hands of Jewish neo-cons.

Joe Sobran in his salad days as editor of the powerful conservative magazine National Review. Publisher Bill Buckley fired Sobran in 1993 for criticizing Israel and the Jewish Lobby.

William F. Buckley, Yalie and CIA asset whose mission was to flood the conservative movement with Jews.

Margaret Huffstickler knew Joe Sobran as well as I did. He was also a big opera aficionado, which brought them together since she is herself an opera singer.

And I got the same Byron Jost, the gifted German-American videographer who filmed me at the “No More Wars for Israel” conference into the Wash. DC area to film Joe Sobran, and Byron stayed at our tiny apartment and filmed him there also after we went by car and brought Joe back to our place. (Sobran no longer drove after a stroke — and as for that, hmmmm………… Joe was only 64 at his death. We live in a world where the secret police poison, disable and sicken dissidents, as they have done for thousands of years.)

Margi and I shared Joe’s conviction also that the real Shakespeare was the Norman-descended Earl of Oxford (and a child prodigy before his adulthood) named Edward de Vere (That is, we believe de Vere wrote the very best plays, the key plays at least, such as MacBeth, Hamlet, King Lear, and Julius Caesar). Sobran’s superb book was Alias Shakespeare.

By the way, they both had/have severe ADD, Attention Deficit Disorder, a disease in which America is a world leader, tragically. Sobran’s house out in suburban Fairfax County, Virginia looked literally as if a tornado had gone through it. Once, we drove over to his condo in northern Virginia and he had seemingly forgotten our appointment.

Joe lived on beautiful Lake Fairfax in Northern VA when we knew him, shown here at dawn.

Because the front door was wide open, and we were friends (and I was also a wee bit worried for him, since the lethal neo-con Jews, the same ones who later did 9/11, had it in for him, and had already gotten him fired at National Review, and his name was also Ukrainian, one of the Jews’ most unfavorite nationalities…..), I went in and called out for him.

No Joe, but there were papers literally all over the floor, crazy stacks of books, and it was as if a heavy snowfall of paper had precipitated everywhere. It had been the same 18 years earlier when I visited his previous home in Arlington, Va., accompanied by mutual friend Trisha Katson, a fellow Liberty Lobby collaborator.

What I marvelled at then and now is how ADD people can be perfectly logical and structured in their writing and yet not at all in anything else.

As my recent blog on homosexuals (and autism and ADD) pointed out, the environment is full of toxic chemicals that are affecting the brain, bodies, hormones and health of both adults and of babies still in the womb. Margaret and Joe Sobran both bore (or now bear) the same cross, suffering all their lives from the affliction of ADD.

Joe in 2006 at his 60th birthday party, holding great-granddaughter Christina. Joe, for all his intellect, was a heart-driven man who cared and felt deeply about America, freedom, and our civilization. Joe also had a great sense of humor. When we drove him to our apartment for a film session with Byron Jost he still had green-painted fingernails from having just attended a St. Patrick’s Day party, necessitating careful movie-camera choreography by Jost to prevent jovial Joe from appearing to be an old nail-polished fag. 😉 He once joked to me as I was driving him back home to Lake Fairfax: “I like Jews, I really do, and I like garlic too. But I would never eat a whole dinner of garlic.” 😉

We need white safety zones where WE control

1) who hires and fires, not vengeance-crazed, intolerant Jews;
2) the air, water and food our bodies take in, and
3) the television, music videos and movies that we, and especially our children, take into our minds.

Here is where you can send cash, blank money orders or PayPal donations (to john@democratic-republicans.us):


Discussing the race problem with a miniature penguin at the National Aviary here in Pittsburgh. 🙂

A Canadina comrade asked rhetorically:

“What could we do if WE had 500,000 dollars????”

I replied:

* * *

Well since we are going WITH the grain of human desire, a lot. Our goal is happiness, strength and health. The Jews need billions to go AGAINST the grain. It takes a constant propaganda barrage to get a person to be okay with hating himself, his people, race and heritage, and to shrug his shoulders as he sees some dark-skinned man squiring around the women of our race.

As comrade Henri Ryssen in France says:

The reason for hate-speech laws is that just ONE good book on race or the Jews will make you a white nationalist forever.

Amazing how idiots accuse Hitler of taking money from Wall Street. There is zero evidence he ever did anything FOR Wall Street. But he was so poor that he wore a ratty old WWI trenchcoat for the whole Weimar Republic period, until Eva Braun threatened to burn it! 😉 Any person seeking political power accepts donations! Money is the mother’s milk of politics. PERIOD. Jews understand that, not Aryans. 😉

=============ENCRYPTION by white nationalists

Since my phones are always tapped, I am not divulging anything to the enemy he does not already know. The enemy was watching me way back in 1978 when I was in a Marine Corps Reserve intelligence unit, the 35th ITT (Interrogator-Translator Team) in Washington DC at the Navy Yard. But if the Jews must know, then certainly valuable comrades also should know what I am doing, in an area of both fundamental human dignity (our right to privacy) and also of organizational security.

I wrote a key supporter:

I do hope very much that you can get your Internet connectivity going so you can join the encrypted inner email group. It is, sigh, yet another security breach to be telling you even any of the rest of this email — on a sayan-co-read email account. But my high regard for you and appreciation for your help made me want to send you the above, and one last time.

But I must go to encryption henceforth, and this means that I must keep even the most trusted and loyal supporters in the dark who are not using encryption. It is life-and-death to be encrypted — just as it is for my book to come out and the Eternal Solutreans to begin.

This is what in his day Michael Collins realized, the great Irish leader: when London (that is, Rothschild) knew every move the Irish revolutionaries were planning in advance, that meant — demonstrably, and for 700 years — that Irish independence was hopeless.

(Britain was absolutely determined to not have a free, large, hostile and Catholic island in its back and located nearby. In any major conflict Britain rightly feared what Germany always faced, located in the heart of Europe, a two-front war.)

So Collins decided to begin first by

1) killing Irish traitors and infiltrators; then
2) infiltrating the British secret police itself. or “turning” certain Irish employees of it. Then
3) he began his military operations
a) killing key enemy officials,
b) killing key British torturers and other hated fiends whose deaths brought satisfaction to the Irish activists and also sent a warning to others, and
c) blasting key buildings and installations.

But it all began with secure communications. My path is not that of Collins, a military path. Sinn Fein was the political wing (with Eamon de Valera) and Collins was the head of the military wing. I am a Sinn Fein type.

But nothing can succeed with the enemy of our people reading along.

If interested in encryption please let me know and I will once again ask [two individuals] to get on it immediately with you.




It is a bit cartoonish but effective. I bet you will still be thinking of it days later. It ends on a Christian noter and was produced by a ministry in Arkansas.

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