ENGLISH Ron Paul critic; vaccines kill 400 kids in Britain; proof Gulf Coasters have toxins in blood

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================RON PAUL TRUTH

A comrade reacted with great alarm to my brief remark yesterday saying the Congressman and Fed opponent Ron Paul of Texas (btw, he is originally from Pennsylvania) was a “good guy.”

He wrote:

* * *

The fact that Ron Paul repeats ZOG’s 9/11 lie incessantly when there is nothing stopping him from saying it’s a lie — he knows what happened on that day as well as we do, if not better– and has denounced 9/11 truthers, shows he is NOT one of us.

[JdN: “There is nothing stopping him from saying it’s a lie.” Yes, there is, a bullet. If they could take out John Kennedy, a president, a giant, and a dashing, wealthy, beloved, charismatic leader, they could certainly take out skinny old Ron Paul with his whiny voice.]

When he was a candidate running for president, millions of dollars in campaign funds raised from dumb people across the country vanished. There is no accounting. He is highly connected in FreeMasonry and I have seen numerous photos of him doing masonic handshakes with other men. Anyone who knows the true score but covers it up is not working for us.

He has also never said anything remotely pro-white. I think he is controlled opposition. The classic sign of controlled opposition is a person who feeds you the truth about 95% of the time but parcels out falsehood 5% of the time. The falsehood can be active lies or the lie of omission.

Here the guy denounces 9/11 truth — don’t trust what I say – listen to what HE says:


John, how can you say this man is on our side? [JdN: I did not say that he was “on our side.” I said he is “a good guy.” RP is like Alex Jones and others who do not go far enough….but take people part of the way. A lot of people are not ready yet for my ultra-hard-core antisemitism and advocacy of national socialism (albeit in a drastically revamped form) and my benevolent view of Adolf Hitler, for all his flaws and errors. Too much truth can be very scary. I myself did not seek therapy for being molested as a boy until I was age forty-nine! I told myself and others for decades that I was “fine”! It is called ‘being in denial.”]

“I am the most anti-racist” — I myself was nearly pummeled by “anti-racists” in York, Pennsylvania when a WN leader spoke here. I have a picture of myself bleeding from hitting a fence up there. Want to see it? Look at RP bragging about his black support!

You’d have to be high on peyote to think that Ron Paul is pro-white. Listen to him defend himself in front of rabid Jew Wolf Blitzer (who previously worked for AIPAC)

Ron Paul voted to give amnesty to illegal aliens

Pictures of Paul giving masonic handshakes (see top row of photos)

Just because some of Ron Paul’s constitutional rhetoric sometimes sounds appealing to us does not mean he is on our side. His job is to corral a large part of the white resistance and lead them NOWHERE. In aviation they call it a “holding pattern.” Just circle around and around and around, but never land.

The pied piper of Hameln also made appealing sounds and look what happened. All the town’s children were lead away by his piping and sold into slavery!
Yeh, Paul is for lower taxes! But I don’t want my kids paying lower taxes in a future Chino-Negro-Mexamerica!

I want to support you, but I sincerely believe you need advice on some of these issues

Below I have copied for you a piece on “CONTROLLED OPPOSITION”




Everyone I deal with or listen to or watch always raises the question in my mind:

“Is this person authentic or are they controlled opposition?”

John, I have shown you Ron Paul in his own words and (mis)deeds. My prayer is that you will call Ron Paul what he really is.

“The best way to control the opposition is to lead it ourselves.”
Vladimir Ilyich Lenin

* * *

I responded:

Thanks for this informative email. but I knew all this. You are not thinking politically as I must — but factually. RP, like part-Jew Alex Jones or part-Jew Michael Rivero in Whatreallyhappened.com, is going part of the way and I must take people the rest of the way.

The truth does not “set people free” unless they have an organization to join to fight for that truth. Otherwise the truth is just terrifying, unsettling and prevents people from sleeping at night. It riles them up and snatches away their peace of mind.

I remember working for The Spotlight newspaper 18 years ago and I fielded a phone call from a sincere patriot and reader. This is what he said:

“I get your paper by Tuesday. I read it and then I can barely sleep from rage until Friday. Then I am able to sleep three days and then the next paper comes and the cycle starts again. Unless I see some solutions I think I will cancel my subscription.”

I ran your email in today’s blog and also this reply.

I’ve been in this Cause for 32 years, comrade, and have a lot of experience. Now it is time that I redefine what this Cause is. This Cause now needs to go all the way. And I thank those who have moved the public along the conveyor belt at least part-way.

But if you are going to take them ALL the way, to see that we have lived for decades in a Matrix — run by a genocidal Jewish psychopathocracy — that is planning a total white holocaust, that is a terrifying mental trip into a very scary universe. You have to offer them an organization, and a leader, and a convincing victory plan to get from here to there if you do so.

RP, Alex Jones and Mike Rivero are not the leader. They are not the solutions people….just the exposers of the problem. They in their own way are all good guys…just not super-heroes. 😉

Let Ron Paul give his Masonic handshake, He is just trying to stay alive.

I’ll give the Jews a real shake.


===============MURDER BY VACCINE

Here is a shocking report from Great Britain.

[source: http://vactruth.com/2010/11/24/possible-400-dead-as-uk-government-betrays-parents-to-push-six-vaccines-in-one-day/]

Possible 400 Dead as UK Government Betrays Parents to Push Six Vaccines in One Day

By Christina England | November 24th, 2010 | Category: Christina England, Top Stories | 18 comments

” href=”http://vactruth.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/10/vaccination.jpg”>The Daily Mail (http://www.dailymail.co.uk/heal…) have announced that the UK have decided to give toddlers vaccines for six diseases at once. David Derbyshire a journalist for the Mail says:

Toddlers are to be inoculated against six diseases at once in a bid to boost vaccination rates, the Government revealed yesterday”

He continued:

The ‘super-vaccination’ day will involve three injections to protect against measles, mumps, rubella, two forms of meningitis and bacteria that can cause pneumonia.”

The vaccines to be used in the UK’s three shot ‘super vaccination’ day are the MMR, PCV and the Hib/Men C.

This unusual and controversial move was on the advise of the Joint Committee of Vaccination and Immunisation (JCVI), an organization that sanctions and approves the vaccine policies in the UK. According to the Mail, the committee’s research shows that combining multiple vaccines on one day would cause no health problems. The Government believes the change will simplify the complicated vaccine schedule and boost the uptake of vaccines after the MMR scare in 1998.

However, many professionals are unhappy that the JCVI are now controlling the vaccine policies in the UK. The Child Health Safety website (http://childhealthsafety.wordpress.com…) have called the JCVI ‘needle happy and reckless’, saying that they have serious concerns over conflicts of interest.

They say:

Giving the JCVI control over vaccination policy appears little different to giving control directly to the drug industry”

Child Health Safety continue:

The JCVI is drawn from the British Medical professions and includes members with drug industry financial conflicts of interest [Declarations of Interests] and an historically poor record to the present day on vaccination and child health safety [revealed in Freedom of Information documentation ”

Paul Offit from the University of Pennsylvania stated in 2005 that in ‘theory’, a baby’s immune system can cope with having as many a 100,000 vaccines in one go, although he did change this later to 10,000. This was said when he was promoting the Pediarix vaccine a five in one vaccine, containing hepatitis B, polio, tetanus, diphtheria, and pertussis (whooping cough vaccine). (http://www.whale.to/vaccines/offit23.html)

I feel it is important to point out at this point that Paul Offit also has conflicts of interest. He is a member of the CDC advisory committee and has disclosed that he received $350,000 grant money from Merck to develop the rotavirus vaccine, in which he shares the patent, which was pulled 6 months after is was licensed because of severe problems. The Wall Street Journal has said that Dr Offit gets paid to go around the country teaching doctors that vaccines are safe. (http://www.lawyersandsettlements.com…)

Ginger Taylor a writer, speaker, advocate, activist, and therapist and owner of the blog ‘Adventures in Autism’ calls Offit ‘A poster child for medical conflicts of interest.’ In an email to Mr. Huvane and Mr Kranzler (http://adventuresinautism.blogspot.com…) she said:

Further, Paul Offit was personally reprimanded by the U.S. Congress, at length, for his ethics problems. He actually sat on the ACIP, the CDC committee that decides what vaccines go on the US schedule, and voted for RotaShield to be added to the schedule, knowing full well that it would pave the way for his own vaccine, Rotateq to be added and be immediately put into wide spread use as soon as it came to market. Which is exactly what happened. Offit should have abstained from any comments or votes on any thing to do with Rota virus because of his conflicts of interest.

Paul Offit is the poster child for medical conflicts of interest.

When you take vaccine advice from him, it is as if you called Merck to ask if their products cause autism.”

According to the Parents PACK October 2005 (http://www.whale.to/vaccine/…) Offit said:

“Children have an enormous capacity to respond safely to challenges to the immune system from vaccines. A baby’s body is bombarded with immunologic challenges – from bacteria in food to the dust they breathe. Compared to what they typically encounter and manage during the day, vaccines are literally a drop in the ocean.”

Having just shown that Dr Offit has an ulterior motive for promoting vaccines, just how safe is vaccinating a baby with six vaccines in one go? According to Neil Z Miller a medical research journalist and natural health advocate, not very. In his booklet, Overdosed Babies – Are Multiple Vaccines Safe? (http://thinktwice.com/overdose.pdf) he likens multiple vaccines to the equivalent of pouring 3 shot glasses of whiskey, gin and rum into one glass. He explains that you even though the shots are in one glass you are still ingesting 3 alcoholic drinks – not just one – with all the anticipated side effects.

Taking this into account a baby having six vaccines in a single paediatric visit, is the equivalent to the baby receiving six different drugs on one day. Also the baby will be subjected to not just one but three painful shots in one go which is extremely traumatic for a young child.

It was stated in the book ‘Vaccines’ that Dr Offit contributed to however:

“Studies of cortisol concentration and behavioral responses of infants to vaccination indicate that responses are similar in infants who receive two injections during one visit and those who receive a single injection, suggesting that a second injection does not increase stress.” Vaccines, 4th ed. pp. 103.

This statement is totally misleading, as a young child will scream just as loudly whether they have had one, two or twenty two vaccines and to say differently is ridiculous.

Due to new evidence recently revealed, the UK government is in fact deceiving parents. It has now been revealed that multiple vaccinations in one go are not as safe as they would want us to believe. The UK government are fully aware of this fact.

On the 27th October 2010 some very disturbing news came to light. The website WDDTY revealed that recent evidence discovered by a journalist on FOI (Freedom Of Information) shows that forty children have died in the UK after routine vaccinations such as the MMR. Another 2,100 children have suffered a serious reaction. This came to light when the UK were forced to disclose the information.

WDDTY (http://www.wddty.com/40-uk-children…) say:

The UK’s Medicine and Healthcare Products Regulatory Authority (MHRA) was forced to reveal the figures following a request from a journalist under freedom of information legislation.”

They continued:

It is suspected that just 10 per cent of all deaths and reactions from vaccines are ever reported; if so, this means that 400 children have died from a vaccine and 21,000 have suffered an adverse reaction in the UK alone.”

Despite knowing these alarming facts, the UK government are still saying that multi-vaccinations are safe and effective. They are lying to parents by saying these vaccines are safe when clearly they are not. The government are fully aware that vaccine injuries are under reported and that these vaccines are killing possibly hundreds of children. However, instead of looking into these alarming figures and discovering why so many children are dying or being injured after a vaccine, they are more intent on pushing vaccine uptake. Once again they are seen putting profit before the health and safety of UK’s children.


Related Articles:

  1. Vaccines have destroyed lives for decades and the UK Government tried to cover it up
  2. Parents criticize government for not acting sooner
  3. Hidden Government Papers on the Measles Vaccine Exposed
  4. The lies the Government tell when it comes to vaccines
  5. U.S. Government to America’s Vets: Drop Dead
  6. The British Government refuse to compensate health workers who become ill after conditional vaccines
  7. Parents Continue to Support Doctor Andrew Wakefield

18 Comments to “Possible 400 Dead as UK Government Betrays Parents to Push Six Vaccines in One Day”

  1. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Age of Autism, IVG and CONTRACOMA, VACTRUTH. VACTRUTH said: Vactruth.com writer Christina England delivers another explosive story! Can you believe the UK government covers… http://fb.me/M9iN8JLr […]

  2. Christine Branden says:

    One word….GENOCIDE!!!

  3. Portia says:

    deliberate Genocide.

    How low can these people stoop in order to make a profit from vaccines and poison children at the same time?

    All because parents woke up to MMR.etc.

    No doubt the deaths and side affects wil be blamed on parents and many will serve time in jail like Sally Clarke etc.

    All this pain and misery rather than accept responsibility for the deliberate poisoning of innocent children.

    How many must die before people say ENOUGH.?

  4. Granny says:

    When my son was in the hospital at Loma Linda Univ. Med Center, we met a mom who had been coerced into giving her 2yr old toddler all its shots in one day. She had previously declined them, but the doctors were relentless. She gave in. They also gave the child an x-ray, and she does not know for what reason, as the child was not sick. She was there with Baby because in just one week, Baby had leukemia. There were several other children, she said, who also had an x-ray along with their vaccines, and now they, too, had leukemia. I wish I had gotten her contact info, but we were stressed with our son’s situation (aplastic anemia). I will never forget the self-loathing this Mom felt for herself for letting them do that to her baby. I don’t know what became of them, as we went to another hospital for treatment soon after.

  5. Ursula says:

    This is absolute madness. I wished parents would do their own research rather than blindly trusting their doctors. Because if they did, this wouldn’t happen! And yes, I agree, this is deliberate genocide. All vaccination programs are, as NOT ONE vaccine EVER has been proven safe or effective.

  6. Alan says:

    “Diet, injections, & injunctions will combine, from a very early age, to produce the sort of character and the sort of beliefs that the authorities consider desirable, & any serious criticism of the powers that be will become psychologically impossible.”

    Quote made by Bertrand Russell, from his book “The Impact of Science on Society” (1953) p. 50.

    These psychopaths have a serious agenda – don’t let them sleep.

  7. Christina England says:

    Thank you for all your valuable comments.

    Granny I have heard of others who have had leukemia after multi vaccinations. I have not heard of a child also having an xray though.

    Children will continue to die and get seriously ill or brain-damaged if parents will not accept that doctors are not God and they do not know best. Most experts, as I have tried to demonstrate, are being paid to develop and promote vaccines.

    Please read a list of vaccines that are being developed for the future. Everything from smoking to grass allergies.



  8. Possible 400 Dead as UK Government Betrays Parents to Push Six Vaccines in One Day | Skywatch Melle says:

    […] Possible 400 Dead as UK Government Betrays Parents to Push Six Vaccines in One Day | vactruth.com. […]

  9. Michele says:

    “Children have an enormous capacity to respond safely to challenges to the immune system from vaccines. A baby’s body is bombarded with immunologic challenges – from bacteria in food to the dust they breathe. Compared to what they typically encounter and manage during the day, vaccines are literally a drop in the ocean.” By this logic, then, a child’s immune system has an enormous capacity to respond to childhood diseases and should not need a single vaccine. JUST SAY NO TO VACCINES!

  10. Christina England says:


    Only Offit could make such a statement!

    Most children are born equipped with an adequate immune system to combat disease. This, with good sanitation and a healthy diet is all they need to keep healthy.


  11. Sandy says:

    Thank you, Christina, for an interesting, informative and well-formulated article. You have drawn attention to an unethical and most disgraceful situation.

    Vaccine manufacturers normally state in the product documentation that there is no data available regarding co-administration with other vaccines. There is no reason at all to believe that this situation is any different now.

    Quote from the Mail (see link in the article):
    “The change was proposed by the joint committee on vaccination and immunisation after research found combining the jabs on one day would cause no health problems for babies. The committee’s research – based on detailed interviews with a small number of mothers and fathers – also found that the change would be ‘acceptable to parents’”

    – So the “research” which concludes that there would be no health problems for babies was performed by interviewing a small number of mothers and fathers. That’s a rather special definition of “research”!

    One cannot conclude from small numbers in research because there will be no statistical significance.

* * *

A British nurse wrote me in reaction to this story:

It is good that, like Ezekiel, you are standing on the rampart and sounding the horn to warn of danger and the danger to peoples’ souls as God commands. However, make sure you have in the back of your mind that the majority of people are fundamentally lazy, indolent and worthy of death. They don’t deserve to live. They will make great pains to satisfy sexual cravings and void their bowels every morning like any dog, but if things involve a human like principled stand, the VAST majority cannot do it. as their actions show, they are FUNDAMENTALLY animals. And like animals they will be slaughtered. This is the way of things. Don’t bat an eyelid.

I have given extensive documentation to friends and family on vaccines. I have a personal interest in this because I myself used to give them. I also stood on principle and won when I was told that I could not complete my nursing re-registration course until I had been re-vaccinated. I refused and told them they were lying.

I told them I had spoken personally with the head scientist of molecular and genetic biology at our hospital here in London and he told me not to touch the things!

He also told me of the gross incompetence and OUTRIGHT lying and fraud of researchers who are desperate to keep their funding. The head of the re-registration department, after INSISTING I could not do the course without being vaccinated, relented (after five minutes of intense argument over the phone) and said suddenly and seemingly casually…

“Oh, o.k. You can be a conscientious objector, then.”


They are LYING and not only that, they KNOW they are lying.

My sister is doing Nursing as we speak. They are now told in class…”You MUST have the vaccinations …..but if you don’t want to that’s up to you.” !!


It is WORSE than stupid. It is child abuse.

If someone does not listen I do not care. I move on. Gather your sheep. Those that belong to you hear your voice. The rest can die. It’s nothing personal. I am not angry. It’s not my problem. It’s God’s problem and He has shoulders big enough to take the responsibility.



“Octane in your blood”: Humans on Gulf Coast show “dangerous levels of toxic exposure”, Hexane is “way high” — Treatment for “ORGAN DAMAGE” recommended (LAB REPORT)

September 2nd, 2010 at 06:33 PM

In today’s article, Human Blood Tests Show Dangerous Levels of Toxic Exposure, filmmaker Jerry Cope revealed, “For the first time blood tests on sickened humans have shown signs of exposure to high levels of toxic chemicals related to crude oil and dispersants. Some of the individuals tested have not been on the beaches, were not involved in any cleanup operations or in the Gulf water — they simply live along the Gulf Coast.”

Cope is one of those sickened humans.

He wrote that the problems began within the first few days of his teams mid-July arrival in the Gulf: “[While] touring the lagoons around Orange Beach, Alabama, we all had extreme headaches… That evening I developed a gagging, coughing reflex that was so intense and persistent it was impossible to speak to my daughter on the phone. The symptoms typical for high levels of chemical exposure such as burning, itching eyes, constantly runny nose, chronic coughing, burning sore throat, chest congestion, and lethargy progressively intensified. Over the next several weeks these symptoms continued to worsen until I developed chemically-induced pneumonitis.”

Cope credits several of the groups doing tremendous work along the Gulf Coast for facilitating the tests, “The musical activists Sassafrass and the tireless efforts of Michelle Nix allowed myself and several local residents to have blood drawn and tested by Metametrix for chemical exposure. Project Gulf Impact and the Coastal Heritage Society have also contributed greatly to air and water testing in the Gulf region affected by the spill. Project Gulf Impact has set up a dedicated medical help phone line at 504-814-0283.”

Credit: Jerry Cope (Huffington Post)

After going over the results with Metametrix, Cope sat down with Dr. Michael R. Harbut, MD, MPH, director of the Environmental Cancer Program at the Karmanos Cancer Institute and former chairman of the Occupational and Environmental medicine section of the American College of Chest Physicians, to discuss the findings:

COPE: I have been working mainly in the Orange Beach/Gulf Shores area of Alabama, and that’s where I got sick. …

HARBUT: [Y]ou had no Benzene but a lot of Hexane and a couple of Hexane metabolites… Hexane causes what is called a dying back neuropathy, meaning the nerve cells in the arms and legs die back from the distal tips to the proximal end… It shows that you have Hexane and Hexane metabolites and also Octane in your blood, then…to go about treating you, which is usually… treating the end organ damage. End organ damage meaning we know if you inhale this stuff, if you have it in your system, it will damage your nerves… you look for end organ damage rather than the presence of a solvent because the solvent could have evaporated after it has already whacked the brain or whacked the liver.

COPE: I spoke to the founder of Metametrix… He indicated that the Benzene would not show up for very long once you were exposed but that the other compounds, the Ethylbenzene, m. p.-Xylene, the Hexane, which was way high, the Methylpentanes and the Isooctane, all of those things indicated to him that we were exposed to significant amounts of Benzene.

HARBUT: That’s what I would think, too.

Read Cope’s article here.

============MY COMMENTARY

In the presidential video I state that our white world has been taken over by literal psychopaths. After the above, I rest my case. There is no decency or conscience in such villains.

There has been a total takeover of all white governments by literal psychopaths.


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