ENGLISH Rules for gringos in Mexico; the Fourth of July was treason to the City of London

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With freedom-fighter Spike, licking his chops at the Solutreans’ launch. Photo Jason Salyers

With one swift motion Spikey becomes a dangerous Doberman 😉

=====================MEXICO HAS NATIONAL PRIDE I have verified that every word below, sent by a Canadian comrade, is true with respect to Mexican immigration policy: * * * 1.)  If you migrate to Mexico, you must speak the native language. 2.)  You must be a professional or an investor. No unskilled workers are allowed. 3.)  There will be no special billingual programs in the schools, no special ballots for elections, and all government business will be conducted in Spanish. 4.)  Foreigners do not have the right to vote regardless of time lived in Mexico. 5.)  Foreigners are never be able to hold political office. 6.)  Foreigners will not become a burden falling on the taxpayers. No welfare, no food stamps, no health care, or other government assistance programs are available for them. 7.)  Foreigners can invest in this country,but it must be an amount equal to 40,000 times the daily minimum wage. 8.)  If foreigners wish to purchase land, that may be approved, but options will be restricted. Foreigners are not allowed to purchase waterfront property; that is reserved for citizens born in Mexico.  9.)  Foreigners may not protest; no demonstrations or waving a foreign flag; no political organizing; no negative comments about the Mexican president or his policies.To do so is cause for immediate deportation to your country of origin. 10.)  Foreigners coming to Mexico illegally will be hunted down and sent to jail. (Illegal aliens in Mexico are considered FELONS.) Viva Mexico! We need the same rules here. ===========JULY 4 MESSAGE Happy July 4th, Revolution Day! My ancestors came here in 1635 and have fought in nearly every American war.

Yes, that is what it should be called, for it was on this day that white American leaders, assembled in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania on July 4, 1776, formally told the world “through a decent respect for the opinions of mankind” and told the City of London in particular that we were overthrowing London’s foreign rule over our nation, we intended to physically kill its enslaved minions landing everywhere on our shores until they wisely left, and we were creating a new form of government and a much freer society, one based on the values innate to every free northern European people. It was a Declaration of Revolution. And it was called “the American Revolution.” They were overthrowing the government, because it refused for decades to respond. Real white men just like you and me sat there in this room and debated the fateful breach with the violent and invincible British Empire, which had accused them already of treason (“treason” to a government that allowed them no voice, was harming them and that was about to “sick” Indians on them!). It intended to defeat them in war, then hang our leaders until strangling and almost dead, then rip them asunder with horses and finally bury their shredded body parts, without ceremony, in unmarked locations, just as a serial killer does. Nice “Mother Country.” In John DeMay’s Settler Forts of Western Pennsylvania you can read a horrifying bill of lading from a British officer during our Revolution to his royal commander, listing by age group, sex and hair color ONE THOUSAND WHITE SCALPS OF WOMEN AND CHILDREN, for which the British officer, in an accompanying letter, was requesting a cash payment be made to the Red Savages for killing these white pioneers and ripping off their scalps. THIS was what our founding fathers faced, comrades, at London’s hands– HORRIFYING, drawn-out DEATH. And they faced it, to quote the Declaration of Independence, “for us and our posterity.” As courageous white males, they stared a gruesome demise in the eyes (think of William Wallace, of Bonnie Prince Charlie’s men, of centuries of Irish rebellions and uprisings and all the other Aryan revolts that London crushed with blood and tears). And our ancestors then put their signatures to the revolutionary statement — FOR YOU and YOUR FREEDOMS as their “posterity,” YOUR free speech, your right to guns and your self-rule TODAY. Are we, their posterity, worthy of them? I say we are, or, rather, we will again be. The British Crown paid the Indians, the racial enemies of the whites, to scalp American frontier families, their own racial brothers and sisters. This practice immeasurably hardened American resolve to break away totally from London. The Founding Fathers were brilliant intellectuals and/or successful businessmen. (Franklin was both, and a scientist-inventor who was already world-famous.) But it was the appearance and the commanding presence of George Washington, resplendent in a blue-and-white colonel’s uniform, towering at six-foot-five in an age when the average height was five-foot-seven (to judge by the most-ordered uniform size) who suddenly made armed revolution against the brave and confident Brits seem do-able. (Our founding fathers knew all too well that valiant England had basically lost just one war in all its history since the Norman Conquest of 1066 – a war against France and the charismatic Joan of Arc — and that took France fully 130 years to win.) George Washington was NOT an intellectual, or a mere talker, but a well-educated, practical man of military, surveying and farming affairs. His character breathed a humble pride, a selfless self-confidence and a grand, American, meritocratic dignity. This morning I rose, comrades, and there on CNN was a new poll: Quote: ”69% believe the Founding Fathers would be disappointed with how America has turned out.” Vox populi, vox Dei. * * * I have gratefully received many more expressions of support and encouragement lately. They fill me with both joy and with dread, since I see a million granite pounds of responsibility looming and expectations rising. And already, as I foreknew, there are snipers for the green-eyed monster of envy and hate. Stormfront banned this magnificent video presentation by the gifted female graphic artist Supralicious because 1) it glorifies the beauty of the Nordic branch of our race (Don Black’s people says it “offends Mediterraneans” — why?) and also 2) my image was on it: [file removed for improvements] Derek Black, son of Stormfront proprietor Don Black, and the person who calls himself “Jack Boot” (what a great name — NOT – to attract high-caliber white people into the white nationalist movement), who is titled “Stormfront Chief of Staff.” He and Bjarni (recently divorced) ran a poison thread on Stormfront (until David Duke intervened) suggesting I was 1) delusional, 2) an embezzler and 3) a homosexual.  The thread was started the day after Henrik Holappa., my assistant, was arrested by Homeland Security. Another old man wrote me an email suggesting I was a “metrosexual.” Now I ask you: who is more likely to get hot white women, these two or yours truly? A good Catholic over in Austria once joked with me that of all the things that can send you to hell – Quote:

“Envy is the most useless of the mortal sins! At least with adultery or theft or murder you do get your thrill, but with envy it just makes you hate someone; you eat your innards out that someone else is happy or doing well. You can never enjoy envy!”

A famous Aryan, Gautama, memorably said three words that are the essence of Buddhism: Quote:

Ego causes SUFFERING.

Let the envious ones lead the white race out of our cataclysmic state. Let them don the bull’s eye on their back. I willing cede them the status of number-one target if they want it. But let them serve with deeds, not words. That is how they will be judged.

Independence Hall, where white men sealed their victory or doom.

* * * Some comrades have written me not to use the word “comrade.” “Comrade” is not a Jew word or a Bolshevik word, my ahistorical comradesto create, but rather a medieval Spanish military term from the 700-year-long war against the Moorish Arabs, meaning “soldiers who bunk together in the same room” (from the Spanish word for “chamber,” camara). A comrade shares my sufferings, my hunger, hardships and tears, and I share his (including missing the women!). One thing that struck me in the Marines was that officers NEVER ate before every last enlisted man had gotten his own “grub” first. A comrade is ready to die for me as I am ready to give everything for him, for his cause, his kinfolk and the future of his kindred. It is sacred to be my comrade, and I honor any man I so call. I will, and we will TAKE BACK all of our Aryan vocabulary, and that is a vital step in taking back our nation from the Talmudic word-twisters. And then, our nation free, we soar to the stars. It is fine to save the family farm, but we will also need white family farms on Alpha Centauri. Our race’s security means we cannot keep all our eggs (ova!) in the one basket of this earth. And it is our Aryan nature to boldly explore. We can never be happy stuck on the third rock from the sun. * * * Feedback: –Good blog you’ve created there….I admire what you’re doing and want to help as much as possible. Firstly, I honor and appreciate what you’ve been through in your childhood. I come from a somewhat similar background, and have done my best to deal with the ramifications from my early upbringing. [ . .] I want to help you, and as time goes on, let’s see what that help begins to look like. As I mentioned, I’ve spent at least a day with you at the “No More Wars for Israel” conference in Orange County last fall [JdN: Comrades, see my (and all our) speeches there who participated in that besieged event, and how we totally defeated the Jews trying to shut down our conference, at youtube.com/johndenugent], so I feel I have some sense of who you are in person as well. My best to you, John. By the way, the “No More Wars for Israel” conference was excellent and I am very proud of all the speakers. –I really enjoy reading your posts. Respect from Serbia! –Heads up! I know what you go through. I am also re-living the horrors of family-caused problems. Being able to talk about them is good. –Nice blog. Good overview. –Wars are the Jews’ Harvest – so 88! Go, John! –Congrats on having 2nd green gem! –Thank you for posting that speech by Margi Huffstickler, which truly spoke what is in my heart. I wish you well with your political aspirations and you have a supporter in me, Kamerad. –Good posts! –Great blog. –Regards –Thank you, John, for all your efforts in creating this blog! –This is without doubt one of the very best blogs I’ve ever seen. The information you provide is always fascinating and intelligently communicated. Thank you! If we had a dozen more of you, our goals would be achieved in no time! Your good-natured and extremely literate approach is brilliant. This is what it means to be a White man! Good luck with your presidential run in 2012. I know you have many friends here who will support you in a heartbeat. Continued success. MY GOAL BY JULY 4, 2011: Every American shall know by next year that the USA government is a BILLIONARE CLUB OF ENEMIES of the white American people (as it has been for decades also of all peoples of all races, and even of the physical environment of this mother earth itself), and that this flag has been betrayed; they have made Old Glory into Sold and Gory; that OUR flag is now a kidnapped symbol; and the red-white-and-blue has been hijacked by the Zionist Occupation Government — to put a cynical patriotic veneer on its vast plan to destroy every freedom and dignity of our white nation, and end in a video-surveillance-camera’d, nationwide, politically correct gulag. They will see “Washington, District of Con-artists” as the enemy capital it has (gradually but now also almost openly) become. Americans-fear-their-government. Because it is no longer theirs. The Washington regime is totally rigged. All the white public will know at least that a sizable portion of our country sees this government not as the object of the allegiance of our hearts, but as the antithesis of all our sacred and Constitutional values. They will understand that it is the USA Regime versus the true America and Wall Street against Main Street. They will understand, Deo volente, that, as Horst Mahler of Germany says with respect to his own white nation of Germany (now over 20 percent NON-WHITE — violent, arrogant Turks and Black Africans — and the “European Union” bureaucracy that is enslaving HIS fatherland: Quote:

“Europe is to be inhabited by a sort of stultified magma, composed of the most heterogenous races, so that in the end there will remain only a defenseless bio-mass, used to create riches that others will appropriate and use for their own interests.”

I agree, ironically, on this one thing with the psychopathic traitor, Ann Lewis, sister of the queer Jewish congressman Barney Frank:

“The role of the President of the United States is to support the decisions that are made by the people of Israel.” –Hillary Clinton representative Ann Lewis

But that is NOT the role of the president of America. The president of America represents the white nation under invasion. He is the leader of the moral, economic and physical rescue. He resurrects the intact white ethnic tribe that spread from coast to coast twice, both in Solutrean times (17,000-9,000 BC) and yet again from 1607 to 1900. He represents the moral authority and the constitutional rights of the occupied American nation toward the white-hating enemy government. He leads all white people who are determined inwardly not to be slaves. He denounces the terror of the outlaw, rogue state squatting in Washington. He helps Americans chop off the overreaching tentacles of the capital city, a once-beautiful white urban center, designed by Pierre L’Enfant to be there FOR the service of our white nation, but now it has become a hideous spider-city. I studied there, lived next to Washington, and learned to loathe this Whorehouse on the Potomac during the long period 1977-2008. I KNOW this Beast. Our leader is the president, not of the Jewnited States, but of AMERICA. The flag of the Modern Solutrean movement and the reconquista, symbol of our moral claim to the sacred, 20,000-year old soil of Aryan North America, to the land of our heroic fathers, our undaunted mothers, to the earth we own by the right of our sweat and our blood. We wrested it from the wilderness five thousand years before any Red Man came here. America is OUR Holy Land. We are an ever-rebounding, spreading, outreaching — and VICTORIOUS race. Happy Revolution Day, all. But have an unhappy day, Jews. Americans will no longer identify with your JEW-S-A government, but begin to hate, to hate this sneering, POUNDING bully who has turned our brave police and military into servants of your alien and bizarre evil. Enjoy your smirk as you read this, Jew; you have already, once again, overreached. My name is John de Nugent, and I approve this message. This will be the last Fourth of July that you mock white people. The BP oil spill is the trigger. 

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