ENGLISH Russians predict new Ice Age if Gulf Stream collapses

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First, a Breker video. (The Jews had black soldiers smash with sledgehammers his sculptures in 1945; talk about the power of art which they fear!)

And below, Arno, with two sisters, Eva and Gretl:

Dumb question: if Hitler was such a feared, terrifying, screaming, vengeful, mass-murdering dictator, why was this Breker unafraid to horse around with his girlfriend?

….yet another thing that does not add up in the Hollywood version of the Reich.


A comrade wrote me in reaction to my blog yesterday about Christopher Hitchens:

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John,  I read Hitchen’s book, God Is Not Great. He’s probably the bitterest person I have ever encountered — a Satanic Jew if ever there was one.

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I replied:

Yep, a nasty neanderthal piece of work.https://johndenugent.com/neanderthals-and-semites-2) His brother Peter, however, is a rightwinger, however, and thinks Britain getting into WWII in 1939 was a horrible mistake.

https://johndenugent.com/uncategorized/did-hitler-want-war (Photos on this blog still are hacked away. This is the second time I have lost massive amounts of data due to the criminal hackers, enemies of your and my liberty to speak our minds.)

Still, views of the website hit a new record yesterday, 2600 views, with many new German readers (Herzlich willkommen, deutsche Kameraden!) who often read and speak English better, and know US history really much better, than many Americans! (I met an Austrian from that wonderful German-speaking country next to Germany, and he recited to me in order every US president!)

But hey, who can forget Clinton, Bush and Obama? 😉 German politicians merely lie — as much as ours — but do not make total fools of themselves like ours.

A comrade asked me why I think so many Germans are now reading this blog. I answered:

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First, because Germans are so brilliant. 😉

(Actually, Germans do have the highest IQ in Europe…)

I think it is several favorable factors coming together:

1) the fired banker Thilo Sarrazin’s book on the Muslim takeover of Germany; (the fact that the guy is a leftist and a top Establishment figure had the most impact),

2) the Kirsten Heisig “suicide” (this youth court judge’s bestselling book about the Turks and Arabs trashing Germany was just about to come out when she “hanged herself” (was murdered by the NWO and then her body was hanged up) in a park [sic]; yes, most bestselling authors do commit suicide just as their smash hit is coming out),

3) the bailout of the parasitical government of Greece by the hard-working Deutschlanders (Greece’s leftie politicos love to still today bash Germany for bogus Nazi atrocities from 65-70 years ago) and

4) now the police riot against ordinary citizens at the anti-Stuttgart21 demo.

5) Germans are seeing that I can call a filthy Jew (if he really is one) a filthy Jew —  in the German languagebecause I live here, under the First Amendment (which recognizes the right GOD gave us to freedom of speech and the freedom to offend the poor/obscenely rich darlings).

The filthiest Jew in Germany (photo left), Michel Friedman. This sneering, coke-using, prostitute-addict and all-around evil-looking guy, was the pontificating and hypocritical head — until his cocaine and whore scandals — of the Central Council of Jews in Germany (NOT “the Council of German Jews”; they are just “Jews IN Germany.”) I gotta say– I love what this guy does to boost a good, healthy immune system reaction called antisemitism. 😉 Note how cowed the two TV reporters look as His Arrogancy prepares to speak.

Plus they are intrigued that an American speaks almost perfect German when most Americans these days cannot even speak English ;-). (Germans who hear me talk actually think I am German, or maybe Dutch, or a German who has been living for years in America. ;-))

I don’t look German! 😉

Wait till my videos come out every week in German! (Then I’ll REALLY be a dead man. ;-))

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LOL – a writer called me from Florida and said she was suspicious at first of me because I look like “the perfect Neo-Nazi.” 😉

Actually, I just photograph well. 😉  I’m 56 and look it up close. I need teeth work and have not had medical insurance since 1993.  I am just a worker, like anyone else. They tried to cut off my electricity today. I have been really poor for over a year now, since my graduate-school student loans were cut off….right after I spoke out on national TV about James von Brunn (https://johndenugent.com/television-coverage) and on national radio (https://johndenugent.com/news/solutrea-to-prevent-more-von-brunn-tragedies).

“You are nothing Your folk is everything.

James von Brunn. He physically stormed both the Federal Reserve building and the Holocaust Museum.

The 6th reason I am getting lots of German readers now is that my blog comes out now auf deutsch (and also en francais) and this was a bombshell about the Rothschild BP oil disaster possible slowing the Gulf Stream that keeps Europe WARM. (See further below.)


As I wrote in a huge email message to German readers:

Die Solutrier. Von Amerika aus, geschuetzt durch die Waffenfreiheit der zornigen, Obama verachtenden weissen Massen hier, und mit der verfassungsgarantierten absoluter Meinungsfreiheit, reden wir Klartext nach dem Mutterkontinent Europa!

[“The Solutreans. From American soil, protected by the weapons-freedom of the angry, Obama-despising white masses here, and by our constitutionally-guaranteed absolute freedom of opinion, we will speak the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth to our Mother Continent of Europe.”]

Was Ihr nicht offen sagen duerft, sage ich auf deutsch gerne fortan. Mit Videos, Blogs …und mehr.

[What you CANNOT SAY, I will say gladly, henceforth, in German. With videos, blogs… and more.]

================My psychopaths article makes waves

I got an interesting and very touching phone call the other day out of the blue from a woman (NOT a WN at all, a liberal, but she said she listens to Alex Jones) whose own therapist had seduced and impregnated her, then used his connections as a powerful professor to harass her in the court system to boot.

She had read my article on psychopaths (not my WN-oriented blog) (https://johndenugent.com/psychopaths-in-power) ) and then called me after consulting my Contact page (https://johndenugent.com/contact)  I felt so much for this woman – and I assured he that cognitive behavioral therapy can help her deal with the feeling of total betrayal, and thus this psychopathic fiend cannot continue to harm her — by her own emotions churning on and on about what he did to her.

If you were ever traumatized by a psychopath, then do as I did and get help.

Now. What could I have accomplished for my race had I not waited until I was 49, ashamed to talk about being molested? You can be the toughest Marine, and I think I am of that sort, but if something is eating away at you, get it out, deal with it — and then you can begin to live, not just exist, shlepping your self through one miserable day of life after another.

My life began at 49. I was in a holding pattern until then. What a waste…………..


=====================On New Age dangers

A caring friend sent me a good 1990 book by Texe Marrs on the dangers of New Age cults. I wrote her:

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Many thanks for the Texe Marrs book on the dangers of New Age groups.

I stay very aware of this, having been in a cult in the early 1970s, the Jehovah’s Witnesses, brought into it through my mother’s insistence way back when I was 15. I left them at age 21 in 1976.

Of course, there is nothing “New” about Vedanta, which is at least 3000 years old and racially Aryan.

For me, any kind of black magic, that is, using occult forces to manipulate people and violate their freedom of will, is a grave spiritual crime.

So this is a valuable book by Marrs. Religion is a great way for psychopaths to get sex, money, power and fame at the expense of victims and exploit their desire to believe, serve and help others. What a terrible affront to God, to lead astray His sheep!


I saw this on the red mud flood in Hungary. I wonder what probably greedy Jew (as with the Rothschilds who control BP)  demanded shortcuts on safety that led to this? This red mud consists of toxic byproducts from an aluminum mill and any soil it touches is being killed.



The indefatigable WN author Carlos Porter is about to publish a 60-page translation into English of Vincent Reynouard’s powerful and unique series of articles that appeared in French a few years back “In defense of the Gestapo.”

This father of eight is doing a year in prison here, in Valenciennes, France, with Third World thieves.

I am delighted that this is about to appear, not only because Vincent is now serving a year in a French dungeon — the father of eight loving children and a husband with a wonderful and pretty wife — and this will boost his spirits during his outrageous incarceration. (Because of prison overcrowding, all kinds of criminals who get a sentence of less than two years never go to prison at all, but Vincent Reynouard, who got “only” one year, was hauled off to a cage just for his WRITINGS!)

* * * On Reynouard, whom I met in 2007

Vincent Reynouard

Vincent Reynouard, born in 1969, is a French historian specializing in the Second World War who has been punished for violating France’s controversial “Gayssot” law by expressing dissident views about twentieth century history.

Reynouard studied in Caen, Normandy, and graduated as a chemical engineer. He then taught mathematics at professional secondary schools. However, in 1997 he was fired for political reasons by the French Education Minister, after the discovery of revisionist texts on the hard disk of the computer which he used at school. Since then Reynouard has survived on his writings as a historian.

Married in 1991, he and his wife are the parents of eight children.

Reynouard is the author of several dozen essays or brochures on diverse subjects, mostly dealing with World War II. He is the author of a book about the Oradour-sur-Glane “massacre,” a clash in a French village in June 1944 between German SS troops and French Resistance fighters in which 640 civilians died.

He has become known for the revisionist history periodical Sans Concession. He has been responsible for the French-language operations of VHO, an independent revisionist history center that publishes in Dutch, German, French and other languages.

Reynouard is a traditionalist Catholic with who is sympathetic to the legacy of Third Reich Germany and National Socialism.

Reynouard has repeatedly been a victim of legal persecution for his writings. On several occasions he has been prosecuted and convicted for “thought crimes.”

On October 8, 1992, a court in Caen, France, sentenced him to one month in prison (suspended), and fined him 5000 francs (about $850) for violating the French “Gayssot” law that makes it a crime to “contest” or dispute certain “crimes against humanity,” as defined by the Charter of the Nuremberg Tribunal (IMT) of 1945-46. Specifically, he was punished for having sent to 24 secondary school pupils anonymous letters along with copies of writings that dispute claims of gas chamber killings during World War II.

JdN: The slimy Jew Laurent Fabius, author of the 1990 Gayssot Law in France, banning Holo freedom of speech. His criminal negligence as health minister killed hundreds of French hemophiliacs when he allowed AIDS-tainted blood from blacks in Atlanta, Georgia to be given to them. This fiend was the real author of the law banning free speech about the Jewish Holofraud. The bill was merely introduced by a communist legislator, Gayssot (pron. “gay-so”)

In June 2004 Reynouard was sentenced to two years in prison for having produced and distributed a videocassette on the tragedy of Oradour-sur-Glane that allegedly approved war crimes. However, that ruling was later overturned by another court. An earlier confiscation of his research papers was validated.

On November 8, 2007, a court in Saverne (Lower Rhine), France, sentenced Reynouard to one year in prison and to pay a fine of 10,000 euros (about $13,000) for “contesting crimes against humanity” by writing and distributing a 16-page brochure entitled “The Holocaust: What They Hide from You.” He was also ordered to pay 3,000 euros to the anti-racist association LICRA. He appealed the sentence.

On June 25, 2008, the Court of Appeals in Colmar (Alsace) upheld the one-year prison sentence and ordered Reynouard to pay a total of 60,000 euros, which included a fine of 20,000 euros, damages, and the cost of publishing a notice with extracts from this judgment in the “Official Journal of the French Republic,” as well as in the prominent French daily newspaper Le Monde, and the Alsace daily Dernières Nouvelles d’Alsace.

Meanwhile, Reynouard fled with his family to neighboring Belgium.

Azelie, Josephine and Timothee-(no Napoleon ;-)) Reynouard. Like many Traditional Catholic families, the kids are numerous, adorable, well-behaved and seem very well-loved.

In June 2008, a court in Brussels, Belgium, declared Reynouard and Belgium publisher Siegfried Verbeke guilty of “disputing crimes against humanity” for having written and published “Holocaust denial” literature. The two men were sentenced to one year imprisonment and to pay a fine of 25,000 euros, as well as damages and various other costs.

[JdN: Let me update this: Reynouard, while still wearing an electronic bracelet the Belgians put on him to keep him always at home, was arrested and extradited to France this summer, where he is now suffering a one-year prison term in Valenciennes, France.]

Azelie Reynouard, in a photo I took of her in 2007.

Reynouard has written:

Historical revisionism belongs to no one. Its findings are the fruit of traditional methods of inquiry where scientific expertise assists in the appraisal of testimonies and in documentary research. They will be obvious to any honest individual, whether on the political left or right, [religious] believer or atheist …

“… Its implications extend well beyond the historical scope. The stakes involved, gigantic ones, are political and even theological. If some refuse to see this – because of blindness, cowardice or mistaken strategy – our adversaries, for their part, have understood quite well. They know that a sudden bursting through of the historical truth about the period 1914-1946 would call into question the world order founded at Nuremberg in 1945-1946 …

“The way ahead, therefore, is all laid out for us: we must continue to repeat the truth, the whole truth, including the truth about what’s at stake in this struggle. Far from being merely a sterile quarrel between devotees of the past cut off from present-day realities, the fight for historical truth is, on the contrary, the continuation, on the intellectual level, of the war whose armed phase ended in 1945 with the defeat of the Axis forces. And it’s clear that this conflict, having begun not on September 3, 1939, but on January 30, 1933, is the modern form of the eternal struggle between Light and Darkness. In the twentieth century, National Socialist Germany embodied – doubtless imperfectly but successfully all the same – the very last attempt to return to a well-ordered society, that is, a society respecting the natural order.

“This is the reason why, even after the Third Reich was completely crushed militarily, the war continued, and has continued up to today. Our opponents in this never-ending fight have a weapon of mass destruction: the alleged ‘Holocaust.’ Since 1945, this lie has prevented any dispassionate debate on National Socialism and, more generally, on societies that respect natural order. `We know where that led! …’ is how people constantly respond to those who, against the `Rights of Man’ and their natural offspring: the unleashing of all selfish inclinations, dare speak of order, the Common Good, wholesomeness, moral standards, safeguarding the genetic heritage, the birth rate, rights of kinship …

The German homicidal gas chambers never existed. Yes, `the Holocaust’ is a myth. For my part, I add: Yes, Hitler embodied the hope of Europe in the face of the ruinous ideals of 1789; Yes, we must take up the best of what National Socialism comprised in order finally to surpass it and forge a doctrine that will be able to save our Old Continent.”

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For all the superb research and writing that has gone into the issues such as the supposed Jewish Holocaust…. and racial differences…., and 9/11….. and The Third Reich and WWII…… to the best of my knowledge NO ONE until Vincent has EVER taken up the sword and the shield to tell in serious detail the truth about the Gestapo.

What really was the Gestapo? Yes, of course, its German name meant Secret State Police, Geheime Staats Polizei. But was it an organization of torturing fiends?

Or a normal, regular security force just as every government has one, yet very skilled, being of course German, but designed to protect the state from subversion, overthrow and sabotage in wartime? Was it basically the German version of the FBI?

I can tell you this, that i met Klaus Barbie’s daughter in 1983, in Kufstein, Tyrol, Austria, and she was a lovely blonde gal. (Her father headed the Gestapo in France.)
I am excited to see Carlos Porter’s posting of “Defense of the Gestapo.” If it took guts for Carlos, imagine the guts it took for a Frenchman like Vincent to write it. It’s like an American defending Benedict Arnold.

For the Gestapo DID lightly torture Frenchman. I don’t approve of any torture, but Reynouard explains WHY.
I’ll let you know when Porter’s work comes out.


A comrade sent me this:

Coldest winter in 1,000 years on its way (To Europe)


After the record heat wave this summer, Russia’s weather seems to have acquired a taste for the extreme.

Forecasters say this winter could be the coldest Europe has seen in the last 1,000 years.

The change is reportedly connected with the speed of the Gulf Stream, which has shrunk in half in just the last couple of years. Polish scientists say that it means the stream will not be able to compensate for the cold from the Arctic winds. According to them, when the stream is completely stopped, a new Ice Age will begin in Europe.

So far, the results have been lower temperatures: ….for example, in Central Russia, they are a couple of degrees below the norm.

“Although the forecast for the next month is only 70 percent accurate, I find the cold winter scenario quite likely,” Vadim Zavodchenkov, a leading specialist at the Fobos weather center, told RT [the Russia Today tv network]. “We will be able to judge with more certainty come November. As for last summer’s heat, the statistical models that meteorologists use to draw up long-term forecasts aren’t able to predict an anomaly like that.”

In order to meet the harsh winter head on, Moscow authorities are drawing up measures to help Muscovites survive the extreme cold.

Most of all, the government is concerned with homeless people who risk freezing to death if the forecast of the meteorologists come true. Social services and police are being ordered to take the situation under control even if they have to force the homeless to take help.

Moscow authorities have also started checking air conditioning systems in all socially important buildings. All the conditioners are being carefully cleaned from the remains of summer smog.

My Comment:

This will sharply increase the cost of food very soon..

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JdN: My comment as a WN on this:

If the Ice Age returns, it will wipe out all the blond countries of northern Europe.

Map of last Ice Age in Europe:

I must create a mass movement — and appeal to the Europeans — to get involved before the BP oil disaster so utterly disrupts the Gulf Stream that our white mother continent experiences an environmental MEGA-catastrophe.

And then THAT will mean that all those nordic whites will have to leave northern Europe and flee to the Mediteranean and beg the the coffee-skinned Arab and muslim countries for permission to come in as refugees!
Gulf Stream in a thermal image (Gulf water being warm)
I am sure the blond women will be the ONLY ones welcomed by the Arabs and the Turks.

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Read the website of the Earl of Stirling (http://europebusines.blogspot.com/2010/08/special-post-gulf-stream-north-atlantic.html):

An Italian theoretical physicist, Dr. Gianluigi Zangari, of the prestigious Research Division of the National Institute of Nuclear Physics at Frascati National Laboratories (LNF) of the National Institute of Nuclear Physics (INFN) in Italy, has come up with some startling scientific findings. Dr. Zangari has specialized in global climate research and analysis. He has found that the massive amount of oil in the Gulf of Mexico, from the BP Oil Disaster, has caused a disruption of the Loop Current in the Gulf. And further, that this has resulted in a dramatic weakening in the vorticity of the Gulf Stream and North Atlantic Current, and a reduction in North Atlantic water temperatures of 10C.

The Florida Loop Current moves warm water from the Yucatan peninsula up and then down and around Florida and then pushes it into the Atlantic. But the oil may be slowing this loop current.

Gulf Stream in a thermal image (Gulf water being warm)

Your help as a volunteer (via the Net for new) or a donor will enable ME to be your champion. A comrade in Nevada wrote me:


It is a time for a new, international white TRIBE as this mulatto nation of Jewmerica goes down, and when it does, the white world will be able to break free.

Enable me to finish my DVD-book, a unique audiovisual mix of text, photos and videos, not printed but a DVD, and then I will train an army to go door-to-door with itexactly like Jehovah’s Witnesses with their writings.

As unpopular as they deservedly are, they grow steadily by training their people systematically how to convert others. This house-to-house work also avoids street confrontations.


(Until we are ready for them, Mr Darryl Lamont Jenkins, fat negro homosexual.)

John de Nugent

213 Ekastown Road

Sarver PA 16055

Money orders, cash and PayPal to john_denugent@yahoo.com

Door-to-door is the key, not just websites and the Net. Jehovah’s Witnesses, however odd their doctrines, grow despite persecution and rejection. They are the Marines of religion: disciplined, proud and well-trained, and ready to die for their faith.

I worked at their headquarters in NYC in 1974-75 before I broke away at age 21. This building is right next to the Brooklyn Bridge and across from Lower Manhattan. No other religion takes very average people and makes them ALL into evangelists, n knocking on the doors of perfect strangers. They endlessly teach their views to their followers and give exact training how to start conversations and work it around to their themes, and deal with objections. Why did God make me a JW for six years? TO SAVE THE WHITE RACE.

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