ENGLISH Secret Service pays two visits; Israel, an economy of, by and for thieves

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Taking this in makes me think of what Schiller wrote in his The Esthetic Education of Mankind: “Beauty awakens the nobility in our soul.”

============Secret Service drops by twice to talk

Things are heating up here.

The Secret Service came by twice yesterday (Monday, February 7, 2011) to try to ask Clark some questions….but we were out walking the dogs.

And why on earth?

The agent’s business card (much of the data is whited out by me)


The enemy of free speech is trying a little intimidation and a “fishing expedition.”

Clark is born and raised in Los Angeles, California, speaks no Arabic, is not a Muslim and feels 100% American. He never applied for Egyptian citizenship: it was his Egyptian father who got him Egyptian citizenship when he was FIVE YEARS OLD (and it was the government of the pro-Jewish, pro-U.S. dictator of Egypt, Mubarak, who conferred it on the five-year-old).

Clark has never been arrested or convicted of any crime. He did get, and pay, two jaywalking tickets. 😉

Further, his mother is Eritrean (non-Arabic and non-muslim; she is a practicing Buddhist).

I am a WN who seeks no ties with Islam or with Muslims. Our European white brothers tell me constantly about muslims gang-raping our women over there.

And the Iranian muslim regime severely disappointed two of my close friends by breaking a solemn promise, and all that was requested was a peaceful, humanitarian gesture to help a persecuted, stranded holocaust revisionist. They said yes and they did nothing.

Neither Clark nor I are fans of Islam.

Note the radical muslim. Mr. Steen, drinking BEER with a man who wants to ban all further muslim immigration to America.


This is just a way of saying: “the Jewish government of America is watching you.”

Hey, I am watching me, them, and everyone.

Are you hoping, Mr. Steen, to take Clark aside in an avuncular manner and tell him I am a “hate-filled racist”? The problem with that is a hate-filled racist would not invite a brown or black man to be his webmaster, with access to his entire website (actually, to both of them, the main and the mirror site, democratic-republicans.us). And especially he would not task him with managing his secret encrypted emaIls to the inner circle of his supporters, or allow him to live and sleep under the same roof, and if he did not trust him, he certainly would not allow him near his food in a world of murder by poison.

Is Clark aware of my teachings, Mr. Steen? Actually, he knows them almost better than I do, and better than anyone else alive besides me.

After Jews hacked all my posts and website repeatedly, it was Clark who put every single post I have ever done back up online in HUNDREDS OF HOURS OF HARD, SKILLED, FLAWLESS, UNPAID VOLUNTEER WORK (while various white men contribute to my efforts by sitting back, sending no donations and instead criticizing).

Every single post on this archival website below was put up by Clark Lightbridge and he did so because he has read every word, and likes my writings, amnd because he and I have spoken daily for the last two years by phone until he came here, and he knows I am NOT a “hate-filled racist,” but instead respect any decent and brave man of any race.


Say, Mr. Steen, every time you come around, it is always with another white man. I should tell Barack Obama you run a lily-white operation to harass people of color……….

…….The same special agent, William H. Steen, Junior, gets his letters published regularly in the liberal Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, (and I ask, after 32 years EXPERIENCE as a WN activist: is this an “op” so he can get “cred” with government critics?) and recently Mr. Steen got another letter published, this time defending Julien Assange and WikiLeaks.

I liked it, and especially this other letter to the editor, which he or someone wrote under his name in 2009:

“Tony Norman’s column is one of the very best things about the Post-Gazette and is a must-read for me and my wife. To read his column is to read the words of someone who is not afraid to let others in on the secret that he is actually human.

His column following the G-20 (“A Guest With an Iron Fist,” Sept. 29) [JdN: about some heavy-handed police tactics at the G-20 meeting in Pittsburgh in the fall of ’09] was a gem, and his willingness to admit the shame he felt at having written a column that applauded Ralph Nader being knocked off the ballot in 2004 and thereby applauding the stifling of democracy, only reaffirmed my high opinion of Mr. Norman (“Nader Deserves More Respect Than He Gets,” Oct. 23). Imagine Jack Kelly, Charles Krauthammer or David Brooks admitting of shame or error ?

While there is a small part of me that is thankful every day that Barack Obama is our president instead of John McCain, as a Nader supporter the past three elections, I can look at myself in the mirror without anger and embarrassment, no matter how many people mindlessly inform me that I wasted my vote.

I’m hoping that Ralph Nader, or some other worthy alternative, does run in 2012 because when it comes to casting my vote, I can’t think of better advice than that offered by Eugene Debs, who said, “I’d rather vote for something I want and not get it, than vote for something I don’t want, and get it.”

North Side

* * *

My comment:

Good reasoning!

More below on the police state coming yet again to my home (the first time was In March 2009 to arrest a young white political asylum refugee (https://johndenugent.com/henrik-holappa)

The same “Homeland Security” that Mr Steen works for hauled Henrik Holappa, seen below, away in three squad cars, steel-chained around the ankles, chest and forearms, on a fraudulent visa violation charge — while allowing FORTY MILLION ILLEGAL ALIENS FROM MEXICO to stay here and steal American jobs. (Only 5% of Mexicans in America actually pick vegetables, btw. Most do jobs Americans would be very happy to perform for a decent living wage, just as white people have done ALL their own menial and semi-skilled work for the last 20,000 years.) Holappa, an opponent of muslim and black gang rapists immigrating into his country of Finland, was declared a terrorist and banned for life from US soil after 87 days in solitary confinement in a windowless concrete cell, and after the government gave him a debilitating intestinal disease in the food they served him, and which he STILL has 18 months after he was expelled.

….and they came yet again (paid by YOUR tax dollars) after the James von Brunn incident in June 2009 (see and hear my fiery debate with FOX News personality Alan Colmes; scroll down one-third here: https://johndenugent.com/english/english-stomping-the-snake-duel-with-foxs-alan-colmes);

(first of five YT videos of this debate)


(Meanwhile “someone,” Mr. Steen, is spreading false rumors locally, in illegal COINTELPRO-style, that the peaceful asylum-seeker Henrik Holappa, whom many locals got to know and like very much indeed, was arrested for MURDER!!!!! Care to investigate that crime of serious slander?)

But first this item……by a Jew who is one of my heroes.

(Gee, Mr. Steen, however are you going to make it clear to Clark how hateful I am? It seems the one targeting him based on skin color and ethnicity and using all-white government bully teams is YOU. :-))
==========Israel a kleptocracy

For those of us who know Mein Kampf, this is what Hitler in 1925 predicted that Israel would turn into (from Volume I, chapter 11):

“For while the Zionists try to make the rest of the world believe that the national consciousness of the Jew finds its satisfaction in the creation of a Palestinian state, the Jews again slyly dupe the dumb Goyim. It doesn’t even enter their heads to build up a Jewish state in Palestine for the purpose of living there; all they want is a central organization for their international world swindle, endowed with its own sovereign rights and removed from the intervention of other states:

a haven for convicted scoundrels and a university for budding crooks.”

Now let us segué into what a former Jew and Israeli has written about Israel this week:

A comrade sent me this Gilad Atzmon: Israeli Economy For Beginners

We learn from the press and political analysts that, against all odds and in spite of the global financial turmoil, Israel’s economy is booming. Some even suggest that Israel is one of the strongest economies around.

‘How come?’ you may ask; besides maybe avocado, oranges, and some Dead Sea beauty products, none of us has actually ever seen an Israeli product on the shelves. They don’t make cars; nor do they make electric or electronic appliances, and they hardly manufacture any consumer goods. Israel claims to be advanced in high-tech technologies but somehow, the only Israeli advanced software ever to settle within our computers have been their Sabra Trojan Horses. In the land they grabbed by force from the indigenous Palestinians, they are yet to find any lucrative minerals or oil.

So what is it? How is it that Israel is impervious to the global financial disaster? How can Israel be so rich?

Israel may be rich because, according to the Guardian, “out of the seven oligarchs who controlled 50% of Russia’s economy during the 1990s, six were Jewish.” During the last two decades, many Russian oligarchs have acquired Israeli citizenship. They also secured their dirty money by investing in the kosher financial haven; Wikileaks has revealed lately that “sources in the (Israeli) police estimate that Russian organized crime (Russian Mafia) has laundered as much as US $10 billion through Israeli holdings.“[1]

[JdN: That comes to $20,000 or every man,. woman and child in Israel, all money stolen from white, Christian Russians.]

Israel’s economy is booming because mega-swindlers such as Bernie Madoff have been channeling their money via Zionists and Israeli institutions for decades.[2]

Israel is ‘doing well’ because it is the leading trader in blood diamonds. Far from being surprising, Israel is also the fourth biggest weapons dealer on this planet. Clearly, blood diamonds and guns are proving to be a great match.

As if this is not enough, Israel is also prosperous because, every so often, it is caught engaged in organ trafficking and organ harvesting.

In short, Israel is doing better than other countries because it runs one of the dirtiest- non -ethical economies in the world. In spite of the Zionists’ initial promise to bring about a civilised ethical Jew, Israel has, instead, managed to develop an outstanding level of institutional dismissal of international law and universal values. It operates as a safe haven for money made in some horrendous global criminal activities. And it employs one of the world’s strongest army to defend the wealth of just a few of the wealthiest Jews around.

Increasingly, Israel seems to be nothing more than a humongous money-laundering haven for Jewish oligarchs, swindlers, weapons dealers, organ traffickers, organised crime and blood diamond traders.

JdN: Once in a blue moon, though, the FBI actually does its job when it comes to Israelis…..

Such a realization can certainly explain why Israel is totally impervious to social equality within its borders.

Poor Israelis

Since Israel defines itself as the Jewish state, one may expect the Jewish people to be the first to benefit from their country’s booming economy. This seems to be not at all the case. In spite of the economy’s strength, Israel’s record on social justice is appalling. In the Jewish state 18 families control 60% of the equity value of all companies in the land. The Jewish State is shockingly cruel to its poor. As far as the gap between rich and poor is concerned, Israel is listed right at the top of the scale.

The meaning of all of that is pretty devastating; though Israel operates as an ethnocentric racially orientated, tribal setting, it is proving to be totally careless of the members of its own tribe — In fact, in the Jewish state, a few million Jews are serving the darkest possible interests, the fruits of which, are to be enjoyed by just a very few rich villains.

Smoke Screen

But there is a deeper and far more devastating meaning implicit within it all. If my reading of the Israeli economy is correct, and Israel is indeed a monstrous cash haven for the dirtiest money around, then the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is, at least, from the Israeli-elite’s perspective, nothing but a smoke screen.

I hope that my readers and friends will forgive me for saying it — I hope that I will forgive myself for saying it — But it seems to me that the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, and Israel’s horrendous crimes against the Palestinian people, actually serves to divert attention away from Israel’s complicity in some colossal and global crimes against vast populations around the world. Instead of addressing the above relentless greed-driven attempt to grab wealth on the expense of the rest of humanity, we are all focusing on a single territorial conflict, that actually brings to light just one devastating criminal side of the Jewish national project.

It is more than likely that the vast majority of Israelis also fail to detect the deceitful role of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. The Israelis are indoctrinated to look at every possible issue from a national-security perspective. They have failed to realize that along the intensive militarization of their society, their Jewish state has become a money-laundering haven and a refuge for villains from all over the world.

But here is some bad news for Israel and its corrupted elite. It is just a question of time before the Russians, Americans, Africans, Europeans, all of humanity, begin to grasp it all — We are all Palestinians and we all share one enemy.

I would even take it further, and argue that it is possible that, not before too long — some deprived Jews and Israelis will also begin to realise how deceptive and sinister Israel and Zionism truly are.

[1] For more information about global organized crime connections with Likud or other major Israeli political parties. Please follow this link http://cosmos.ucc.ie/cs1064/jabowen/IPSC/php/topic.php?tid=147

[2] Also, it is rumored that, prior to its collapse, Lehman Brothers transferred 400 billion dollars to Israeli banks. I am not in a position to substantiate any of these theories — but I would strongly suggest that it is of some urgency to find out how truthful these accusations are.

==============so there you have it

You just read a Jew and Israeli confirming Hitler’s prediction of 1925.

The question is, why does the Secret Service want to ask questions of Clark Lightbridge?

Does he seem like a terrorist to YOU?


Or are they afraid of an alliance between Eternal Solutreans and non-whites who also oppose the Zionist police state and its worldwide terrorism? And who see decent, brave Whites as the brightest, best, most valuable allies they could have? Could the world unite against the Jewish kleptocracy which Gilad Atzmon, a Jew himself, just denounced?

The answer is yes. If we step up to the plate as the most admired race on earth and act noble, Aryan and Solutrean.

My letter to William Steen:

* * *

Dear Mr. Steen:

I reacted on my blog [above] to your double visit to the front door of my home.

I cannot fathom why the Secret Service, charged with protecting the President, would want to ask questions, except so as to intimidate him, of an American citizen of Arabic and African heritage, just like that of the president.

This young man is a US citizen, born here, speaks only English, is not a muslim AT ALL, and has dual citizenship with Egypt only because at age five his father got it for him.

He has never been arrested or convicted of any crime, and owns no guns, though he has a perfect right to them. He lived with his mother and handicapped, autistic brother until he came here.

I have never met a more gentle, considerate, helpful, cheerful and non-violent man in my entire life. He single-handedly defeats all the stereotypes spread about black or Middle Eastern people.

After reading your letters to the editor of the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, I do not see how you can applaud Tony Norman’s article against the heavy-handed tactics at the G-20 in 2009 in the Burgh, and yet come out here twice to intimidate a non-white American who is here helping me with my website, bodyguarding me as I walk the dogs (after your government arrested my previous personal assistant), and repairing the 60-year-old furniture.

I have 32 years experience with government harassment, and on my advice, though it is nothing personal against you, he and the entire household have no wish to speak with you.

Please recall that my friend Ted Gunderson himself, as a regional director of the FBI (Dallas and Los Angeles) ran operations for COINTELPRO, an illegal and unconstitutional operation designed to harass, subvert and railroad peaceful government critics into prison that US Senate hearings in the 1970s exposed.

Ted Gunderson, since his retirement from the FBI, crusades against the pockets of child abductors, molesters and satanists within the government; today he is defamed online as a “nut.”

Ted Gunderson, proud Norwegian-American and FBI official, once interviewed to succeed J. Edgar Hoover

We are not stockpiling offensive weapons, threatening any presidents, counterfeiting any money, or planning any militia or revolution. We have no ties to Middle Eastern terrorists or to any violent group. When I have the power, not one more mosque will be built in my country! It is YOUR government that lets muslims into our nation that, when I was a boy, and for three centuries before that, was 90% WHITE!

I am surprised that you, of all people, a Ralph Nader supporter, you wrote, in three elections, think it appropriate to harass a young man who is as a non-violent as they get, and seek, by your two two-man visits, to intimidate all of us in this home.

What we fear is YOUR regime attacking and murdering US.

While you seem to be a nice person, I must inform you that we will follow standard procedure and have nothing to say to you if you come by. You may, however call me by phone, and hear the same message as above.

Respectfully yours,

John de Nugent

(Below) I am standing outside the former NUMEC plant in North Apollo, Pennsylvania, about 20 miles NE of Pittsburgh, where Israelis ran the shoddiest, most dangerous uranium plant in America, killing dozens of Pennsylvanians with cancer while stealing 590 pounds of weapons-grade uranium.



(More on Israeli crimes against the US government: https://johndenugent.com/english/english-more-reports-obama-could-be-deposed-under-25th-amendment-duff-says-israel-stole-300-billion-in-f-35-fighter-technology)

Why not arrest Mr. Zalman Shapiro, Mr. Steen? He still lives in Pittsburgh http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zalman_Shapiro, mighty close to your Northside location, after stealing US nuclear property to give it to a foreign government so it could build ATOMIC BOMBS.

And who is the RACIST if you, Mr. Steen, target Clark only because he is part-Egyptian?

Does brown skin make all Egyptians terrorists????

Is that the position of the US Secret Service?

Is it not enough that this government gropes our genitals at the airport?

Or does having an Egyptian friend make ME a terrorist?

If so, why did you (claim to) vote three times yourself for an Arab for president, Ralph Nader?



The pressure is stepping up. The crisis is approaching for the ZOG economy, and even for our whole earth. I will state very soon what I foresee happening to our earth itself, starting this very year.

Send me money so I can fight for you and complete my powerful audiovisual book, designed for today’s generation.

YOU SEE WHOM THEY HATE. They hate the man who is now building a multiracial alliance against ZION.

Screenshot from the spiritual video:

From the presidential video, discussing my life in the American working class and poverty after I became a white nationalist, turning my back on my aristocratic family lifestyle at Georgetown way back in 1978:

People, don’t fail me now. They are breathing down my neck.

Does the Obama-SS come around YOUR house?

WHO is building the world alliance against ZION?

Whom do they fear?



Well I think I made the right judgment call and the crisis seems to be defanged for now.

The Secret Service agent, William Steen, called me and said that I had it all wrong, and that they had gotten an “anonymous call” (was it from Barack Obama or Abe Foxman? ;-)) that Clark could be in danger and someone should go out and check and see how he is.

And he said the only reason that he had called at my home was not that the Secret Service had any reason to be involved, but that he and I had had good cooperation in the past (during the June 2009 von Brunn affair) and so he had a rapport with me that would defuse things.

So I said, fine, I’ll put Clark on the phone, and I left the room while Clark and Special Agent Steen spoke for about five minutes, and the questions were all innocuous.

Well, this William Steen may well be sincere…..and yet “protecting the young people” was the reason for the 1993 Waco siege too, and the way the feds protected the young people was to burn them all alive, along with all the adults:

(Wikipedia) “Seventy-six people died in the fire, including more than 20 children, two pregnant women, and Koresh himself.”

It all started with the vile slander claiming that Koresh was molesting kids. And they could have grabbed Koresh at any time he was out shopping, but no, they surrounded and laid siege to the whole place, and roasted them to cinders……on April 19, 1993, the anniversary of when the American Revolution broke out. Take that, rebels.

And eight months earlier the feds had shot Randy Weaver, and killed his wife, a mother carrying her baby, and his friend, son and dog….all because he refused to become a snitch for the feds after they sawed off the barrel length of a legal shotgun he had legally and privately sold so as to frame him: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Randy_Weaver

April 19, 1993: Feds save 20 young people from the evil leader by destroying them…… “We’re from the government and we’re here to help you.”

I wonder if the feds would investigate if a 25-year-old JEWISH man left Brooklyn and became an illegal Jewish settler with an Uzi strapped to his back on the West Bank, shooting Palestinian kids, and worry that he had joined an evil outfit…..


I wonder if the Secret Service would investigate if a box full of The Franklin Coverup books failed to be delivered to my door from Ted Gunderson…..which is in fact currently the case….. “The Franklin Coverup” is the story by a former state senator and Vietnam hero, John DeCamp, of how the FBI failed to protect young white kids from being abducted, molested and also flown to Washington to be molested further by US congressmen and their staffers, and about the convenient plane crashes of witnesses, and the story segués into Johnny Gosch, an abducted boy who grew up to be Jeff Gannon, the male sex toy of bisexual Republican politicians during the George W. Bush presidency……

Yeah, the feds are all heart.

“Conspiracy of Silence” – the suppressed British documentary on this shocking nationwide US government pedophile network (part 1 of 7)

Jason Salyers agreed with me the other day that this is the scariest book you can read…. Evil is always terrible but when your government is doing it, it is far more dreadful. When the key witness and his father are killed in a small-plane crash in a cornfield, the FBI is out there (since when does the FBI investigate plane crashes and not the FAA?) and within hours, with tweezers, every trace of the plane is gone.

Just the gash in the corn remains until that, too, grows over.

Having been abused myself as a kid, there is no one who wants to protect our children and our young men and women from this sick and violent society more than do I.

“The two enemies of the people are criminals and government,
so let us tie the second down with the chains of the Constitution
so the second will not become the legalized version of the first.”

–Thomas Jefferson

An Indian admirer wrote me:

All you need in this life is ignorance and confidence; then success is sure. — Mark Twain, Letter to Mrs Foote

Oh, oh, I lack ignorance. 😉

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