ENGLISH September 11 truth alienating Pentagon officers from ZOG; Finnish teenager versus nine blacks

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A brother former Marine wrote me recommending the site of the Council of Conservative Citizens.


I replied:

* * *

Yes, it’s a very good site, thanks! Actually, I have spoken at many C of CC meetings in Arlington, Va. and was a member. But they skirt the jewish issue. In fact, the Wash DC head of the C of CC himself IS jewish!

The only thing I regret strongly about moving back to Pennsylvania and leaving Washington DC is that I have lost touch with Marine officers and NCOs I used to meet and talk with in the bars near the Pentagon. (I am not a barfly at all but I went deliberately to bars in the Pentagon/HQ Marine Corps area to ascertain what they are thinking. In vino veritas, as the Romans said, or in whiskey, beer or margaritas.)

What I found was that they get online just as the rest of us do, and had a high awareness specifically of 9/11. They usually start work at 7 am at the Pentagon and are through by 3 pm. That leaves a lot of time to surf the Net and learn some unpleasant truths about who really runs America and is exploiting the patriotism and valor of our Marines.

I desperately need, one, to survive financially and two, start my movement. The feds have shut off by various means all my funding sources. They know that if funded I would be ten times the threat that TerreBlanche was in South Africa at his peak.

Someday you will be proud of me, brother Rick, because the first President of the Americans will be a former Marine. And we will not let Obongo unleash the Marines on us. 62% of white males dislike Obama, and it would take white males to implement martial law. That percentage will only go up.

I’m sure you saw this recent Quantico photo.

A recent photo of Marine officer candidates at a grueling inspection at Quantico, Virginia. (My dad went through Quantico in 1952.)

The media is also complaining from time to time that photos of the various special forces units in Afghanistan look like a Waffen-SS poster. The last I read, the various special forces (Marine recon, Delta Force, SEALS, Green Beret) are over 90% white male. The blax and mex just cannot pass the most elite training schools, and usually the Chiney is too tiny. 😉

A US Navy SEALS test…. Notice all the “diversity”…..

Special Forces soldier, with a perfect Viking face, trying to teach unwilling Afghans to fight for their ZOG puppet government. This picture says it all. Why is this splendid, fierce white warrior wasting his time and risking his life to help the juze try to enslave yet another unwilling country for Zionism? He ain’t liberating anyone, and you can call it “Operation Enduring Freedom” all you want.

Semper fidelis,

John de Nugent


The maximo lider of the Republican Party is a negro, Michael Steele (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Michael_S._Steele), who replaced the homosexual Jew Ken Mehlman as chairman of the Republican Party. His greatest achievement was failing to be elected US senator in 2006 in heavily-black Maryland.

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RNC chairman defends stewardship of party affairs

[source: http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20100405/ap_on_el_ge/us_rnc_chairman_critics]

  • Play Video Video:RNC’s Mailer Mishap ABC News FUNNY VIDEO  AT START!!!!! CLICK ON IT.
  • Roundtable: RNC's Strip Club Spending Play Video Video:Roundtable: RNC’s Strip Club Spending ABC News — EXCELLENT ANALYSIS!

Steele speaks after being elected Republican National Committee chairman in Washington Reuters – Michael Steele speaks during a news conference after being elected Republican National Committee chairman …
30 mins ago

WASHINGTON – Republican Party chairman Michael Steele defended his stewardship of party affairs Monday and dismissed criticism as the talk of GOP figures uncomfortable with his “streetwise” managerial style.

Asked in a nationally broadcast interview if he would step down in the face of criticism of the party’s financial management, Steele replied, “No.” He said some had been second-guessing him “since the day that I got the job.”

Steele, however, acknowledged controversy over the $2,000 the party spent recently for a party at a sex-themed Hollywood nightclub, but said that “when I first heard about this behavior, I was very angry.”

Two top congressional Republicans said Sunday the RNC must be held accountable for the way it uses the money it raises in light of much-criticized Hollywood outing. “This kind of thing has got to stop or they won’t get any contributions,” said Sen. Jon Kyl of Arizona, the No. 2 Republican in the Senate.

[JdN: ….and, from once conservative Arizona, an OPEN HOMOSEXUAL…..  Just call today’s GOP the Gay Old Pervert party.]

Kyl and Rep. Kevin McCarthy of California, who is leading the GOP effort to recruit candidates and elect House members, distanced themselves from Steele when discussing the committee’s controversial spending.

Steele had already come under fire for committee spending on flights, limousines and high-end hotels, but he was not present at the Voyeur Hollywood West on Jan. 31 when a group of young Republicans ran a tab picked up by the RNC.

After reporters noted the bill in a funding report, the RNC fired a staffer it blamed for the outing and said it would be reimbursed by a donor who had attended.

Asked on “Fox News Sunday” if Steele should step down, Kyl demurred but said, “The people that contribute to the committees, both Democrat and Republican, want to know that their money is well spent for the cause, and it needs to be that way.”

Appearing Monday on ABC’s “Good Morning America,” Steele said he had a budget with $8 million left after the 2009 elections, contests which saw the GOP score victories in gubernatorial races in New Jersey and Virginia and in a special U.S. Senate race in Massachusetts.

“I hear our base out there,” Steele said. “I hear the leadership. and we’re taking steps to make sure that we’re even more, how shall we say, fiscally conservative.” But he also attributed his problem to “unnamed Republicans who don’t like me.”

Steele was asked if he felt he has a smaller margin of error than others because he’s black.

“The honest answer is yes. It just is,” the former Maryland lieutenant governor said. “Barack Obama has a slimmer margin than others.”

“But you take that as part of the nature of it,” Steele added. “It’s more because you’re not somebody they know. … Not old-boy network oriented. … My view on politics is much more grassroots oriented … so I tend to, you know, come at it a little bit stronger, a little bit more street-wise. That’s rubbed some feathers the wrong way.”

Even as Steele and the national committee are being criticized for lavish spending habits, Steele has hired a special finance assistant who himself was fined by the District of Columbia three years ago for improperly spending money from a political action committee, according to published reports. The special assistant, Neil Alpert, will help with fundraising, The Washington Post reported Monday.

[JdN: Behind every great man there is a great woman, and behind every bone-headed, irresponsible negro there is a conniving jew who runs him. Stanley Levison wrote Martin Luther King’s key speeches, including his infamous “I have a Dream” speech. (The ADL had previously railroaded Marcus Garvey into prison and then out of the country, a sensible black leader who had striven to get blacks to move back to Africa.) Levison was a homosexual as well, and a member of the New York State Communist Party (a fact which intensely bothered both John and Robert Kennedy). Below, President Rahm Emmanuel with his token negro. Obama’s other handler is the ju David Axelrod.]

The Post, and a report Sunday by AOL’s Politics Daily, said that in 2007, the District’s Office of Campaign Finance found that Alpert improperly spent $37,670 on items not authorized by the D.C. Baseball PAC, which he chaired, or the D.C. Baseball Association, a nonprofit group the PAC created to raise money for youth programs. Alpert was asked to reimburse the groups, which were later dissolved after Major League Baseball authorized a Washington franchise. He was fined $4,000.

[JdN: What? A ju who steals money????]


[source: http://stormfront.org/forum/showpost.php?p=7976263&postcount=1]

A Finnish teenager in the capital of Helsinki was accosted by nine black psychopaths the other night, and below is his report. (I’ve fixed up his English a bit.)

It confirms what Henrik Holappa told me — that the Africans in Finland constantly wear gangsta clothing styles and use Afro-American gangsta slang. They identify totally with their “black brothers” in the Junited Snakes 5,000 miles away over the native white Finns who live across the hall.

And of course they have to trot out their favorite word, motherf—-r. I remember when this word came up in the 1960s, in our white American society. It shocked me then — and it shocks me now.

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Last night I was walking to the train with my girlfriend, suddenly I hear “Skinhead”, Skinhead mutha****a!” behind me.

Me and my girl just kept walking but they surrounded me. What do I have? Black teenager “gangstas”, and some other immigrants.
“Got money?”
“Got cigarettes?”
“Neither” I lied.
“Come on man, you do, how much?”
“We’ll rob your ass if you don’t give all of us a cigarette or some cash!”

So they threaten me, and bum from me and my girlfriend.

There’s two choices, give all a cigarette (which I had to do) or get beat up and lose all.

I have no options. This ain’t right at all. Being alone with my girl and a black gangsta group of nine. The gang has some black short leader with sunglasses tho it’s winter and dark.

He was going “mutha****” and “skinhead” every three seconds, moving “with style,” being this “macho ego teen”.

I am a teenager myself and this is hard. There are groups and gangs like this (even some with degenerate whites) but the foreigners are more difficult and more dangerous around here.

This is so damn difficult. When I’m with a group of friends, the blackness is far away, but always when I am alone or with my girlfriend, they happen to find me when I least expect and want it, and outnumber me.

This is a typical occurrence, night or day, in Helsinki. It damn sucks. When I was younger and didn’t have a “skinhead style” this still happened, with foreigners mostly.

What’s the problem with them? This is not right to be frightened and threatened in my own land, the same land my grandfather fought for in two conflicts, the “Winter War” (1939-40) and the “Continuation war” (1941-44). He shot those Soviets and came home wounded. He was a hero just like all veterans from any war. Without these troops, we would not have our own country.

But SOME OF THESE russian immigrants in Finland (in those gangsta groups) and the negroes and immigrants don’t respect a thing. They just come here for free, mess things up by outnumbering, bumming, threatening, raping, murdering and think they can do what they please. And we pay taxes, lose our money and freedom, and I’m so sad and depressed. I have to watch my back in my streets and have to choose options to survive there, and fear people who don’t offer the society any benefit and don’t respect the ones who do contribute! I am an innocent teenager with not a lot of money, being nice and honest, going to school and breaking my back to get a damn job which of course is rather offered to a black immigrant than me…

any comments, relief to tell me? Stories of similar situations perhaps? Advice (what to do about these gangs) or advice overall, anything at all..

I’m so sad and depressed, me, my race and my country getting raped..

===============MY ADVICE

The most important thing is to support the Solutrean Solution, a new, international white tribe. As we just saw with Eugene Terreblanche, all the previous approaches have utterly failed to awaken whites. Even being impoverished, raped and murdered has not woken them up. Whites just turn their anger in on themselves and other whites. That is how deeply the apiru has injected mental toxins into whites, especially via TV and the media.

As for self-defense, one of the key missions of the Solutreans is to give people a readiness and willingness to fight and die for their folk. If you need a gun, to survive and not be raped or see your woman raped, then do what you must do.

In the “Lord of the Rings” movies, based on the novels of the closet antisemite and Aryanist JRR Tolkien, the hideous non-white Orks form a vast army under their brilliant non-Ork leader — hmmm — to slaughter the outnumbered Men of the West. Here, an actor dressed as one of Tolkien’s “Orks” has picked up a little blond boy.

In ancient Solutrean times, all our white men were armed, because all men were hunters. And thus all men were professional killers — as all women were gatherers. (And we were five inches taller in the Stone Age on a diet of meat, roots and berries than we were in the Bronze Age of low-protein-grain agriculture.)

We lived in clans of 15-25 people and there were no petty tyrants oppressing us — because the chieftain led by his clan’s permission, and any man there could cut him open in two seconds if he became a traitor or went abusive and power-mad.

As Thomas Jefferson pointed out, only an armed people can be free.

“But,” you might counter,” I could get arrested for having guns.”

Well, then stop complaining and accept being raped (yes, black and muslim men homosexually will rape YOU) and accept that someday you will be watching blax rape your wife.

If you are lucky, they will not also slit your and her throats. But they just chopped Eugene TerreBlanche’s face up with a machete. His friend said he was unrecognizable after his black employees were finished with him. This is reality. That is what I deal in.

I was molested as a child and threatened with death a hundred times. And they meant it. There ARE human devils, and I joined the Marines as part of my vow that no man would EVER lay his hands on me again.” Death before dishonor” may be just a phrase to you, but it is not to me. Life is nothing when you are on your knees.

Another thing you can do is carry bug spray. Spray that stuff right in the guy’s face. It will sting instantly and the negro will have to go to the hospital. It won’t kill the racist, white-hating thug, but it will send him to the hospital. One can of bug spray can put a hurting on a whole group of guys.

* * *

But WHY are we in this mess? Because in our previous existences — and my book goes heavily into this core Aryan concept of reincarnation, which the University of Virginia has heavily investigated in a scientific manner, baffling the atheist ju Carl Sagan into saying “I admit that this bears further investigation”  — we did not face down the psychopaths in our society, neither the ju nor the black, when it would have been much easier, the problem was smaller and there were leaders urging us to immediately do so.

I just saw an article asserting that Israel had one million sayaneem around the world today…..There are one million sayaneem TODAY because of our own karma — we marched off under Roosevelt and we bombed Dresden! And voted for Eisenhower!

This is what we said in previous lives to those who urged maximum sacrifice and concerted action:

“Not my job, man.”

“I can’t take on the Jews because I have a family to support.”

“I can’t take on the Jews because I am in school and someday I WANT to have a family to support.”

“My wife won’t let me.”

“My friends at the country club would shun me.”

We all made our choices, THEN, to let evil slide and the motto of Western Civilization has been:

Someone else should take on the Jews.

Now the karmic chickens have come home to roost. Now the apiru problem has metastasized, and the Hebrew cancer has spread, figuratively, to the nervous system of the victim. The ju is inside our very brains.

Now is a time for heroes, or for racial death. And the day will come when millions of whites in America will regret not having supported John de Nugent — just as millions of white South Africans will regret not having supported Eugene Terreblanche. If you don’t support your leaders, then, well, lead yourselves. Or do crazy lone-wolf stunts like James von Brunn, Joe Stack and that white guy computer nerd who shot up the Pentagon subway station.  Make a violent statement that is a criminal act, gets you and more or less innocent bystanders killed, enrages white cops and white military against us, and totally harms our cause.

Do you know what the grimmest verse in the New Testament is?

Well…..the setup was already pretty grim…. Jesus had begged His disciples in the Garden of Gethsemane to stay awake with him as He was awaiting His arrest, which would lead to His horrific torture and murder. But they could not stay up even one hour to strengthen Him without falling asleep.

Then comes the clincher. Then comes the point where you say “It’s lonely at the top.”

Government bureaucrat caves in to Jews and agrees to Jesus’ execution. Being a borderline psychopath, his sadistic side then easily takes over — and he has a sarcastic sign made: “Jesus the Nazarene, King of the Jews.” (In Latin it is the famous “INRI,” Iesus Nazarenus Rex Iudaeorum.)

Just as Jesus Christ had prophesied to Peter on the evening before His  legal railroading, horrific whipping with a metal-tipped whip, and crucifixion, thrice Peter would indeed go on to deny to the juish leaders that he even knew his fellow Galilean, Jesus, when directly confronted.

Then Jesus, on trial, so terribly, terribly ALONE, facing the united power of Jewry and with his supporters abandoning him, turned and looked at Peter after the third denial.

A cock (a rooster) then crowed, as He had predicted. Jesus had been on trial all night, and it was now sunrise. The day had dawned of His excruciating death, nails in his hands and foot bones, and abandoned by all — by all except the One who counts.

The grimmest. most tragic and haunting verse in the New Testament (Matthew 26:75) says:

Then Peter remembered the word Jesus had spoken: “Before the rooster crows, you will disown me three times.”

And [Peter] went outside and wept bitterly.

As well the white South Africans might, as Eugene Terreblanche died alone.

As I labor to redesign our whole jew-infested civilization into something new, something that will last for 25 generations, to in effect install a new and more impervious operating system in our inner computer, not one with “back doors” to let juze and white traitors some day back in, I pray that you will understand.

As my friend Greek friend Athena wrote me today (not the goddess, or at last I think she is not; but why shouldn’t the gods use email today? the very word technology is Greek! ;-)) :

To get something you never had, you have to do something you never did.

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