ENGLISH Solutrean religious syncretism; Jewgenics: practicing eugenics for Jews yet condemning it in others

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Hello John,

I hope all is well. Your blog has been extremely interesting as of late especially that confrontation with the part-Jewish blogger, TIM WISE, who I assume never responded to your challenge.

Myself, I’ve been going through some spiritual growth lately, and finding myself much more open to the ideas you talk about such as reincarnation and karma. I am in full agreement with the sentiment behind your latest post — if we are not right with God, we will not accomplish anything, but if we are right with God, we can accomplish any good thing. We must be sure to stay firmly locked on God’s path, unlike, as you gave as an example, Hitler when he exploited his fellow whites, the Slavs, for the seeming good of his own country.

Hopefully this message sends encrypted – I’m still a little unsure on how this encryption thing works, but hopefully I figured it out okay.

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I responded:
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As you can see from this answer, you sure did do the encryption right! 🙂

And I am beyond delighted that you, like myself earlier and many others, are evolving to a new stage of comprehending the universe. I could call it five things at once in synthesis, or syncretism, that is, a growing together: national socialism 2.0, Christianity 2.0, Vedanta hinduism 2.0, Taoism 2.0 and psychology 2.0.

Natsoc 2.0 because we go beyong the German trappings and uniforms and military spirit of the original model, and seek a folk community and tribal love for each other among ALL Aryans, family life and the rituals of peoplehood, all this while the brain-dead white cowards and the wilfully blind go gradually under as in the mud-mucked end of the horrifying carton video “Attack on Aryan Nations” which had one white female comrade tell me she cried when she saw it:


Christianity 2.0 because we must radically sever all ties to the Jews, retaining Jesus and His true message of love, truth, forgiveness and non-judgmentalism, yet understanding as He did that some men, whom modern scientists recognize as psychopaths, are pure, incorrigible evil

Vedanta 2.0 because it has to be stripped of the Indian tropical/Third World flavor and their various gods and become a teaching of karma and reincarnation for all Aryans everywhere.

Taoism 2.0 because we are not Chinese, but we still need to overcome the divisions between the left-wing and right-wing mentalities. A bird cannot fly with just one wing! We must treasure both the male energy, which leads to conservative, harsh mindsets and punishments, and hierarchical orders being issued, and information being spewed, and the contrasting female energy, which is liberal and leads to compassion and understanding, and seeks equality, sharing and listening. We will never have a peaceful white tribe or peaceful marriages until we understand the two dynamic energies.

The study of psychology 2.0 because the domination of society by psychopaths, and the submission of the masses to them, and the horror filter that makes people block out scary information, are all moral issues, not just psychological. When bullies take over, it is because people who could have fought them turned cowardly and irresponsible in decisive moments in their nation’s history, such as when Charles Lindbergh, on September 11, 1941, finally let loose against the Jews — and the American country club set and the Republican Party rank-and-file publicly abandoned him to avoid being called antisemitic WHILE AGREEING WITH HIM BECAUSE THEY WERE ANTISEMITIC.
We must understand the two key concepts of psychopaths and the horror filter, but recognize that the solution is moral and physical courage, based on ethical responsibility. No game will get us out of what WHITE cowardice and WHITE irresponsibility has wrought. And though some might say that the masses have been misled by TV, or newspapers or movies, or as Dr Pierce said by the Jewish media control, in reality it is all moral, spiritual and religious. For when we do approach people with the truth, then they reject it. In their low cunning they understand one thing:
Sstaying silent means STAYING OUT OF HOT WATER.
Embracing jew lies means a promotion and money.
Thus the salvation of our race must first and foremost be moral, spiritual and religious. Solutreans get that.
Ian Stevenson M.D., chief of psychiatry at the Universrty of Virginia, with millions in funding from the founder of Xerox Corporation, collected hundreds of cases that basically prove that reincarnation is a fact. If it is a fact, then we will be judged.
=============Jews praise eugenics — if it is for THEM


Jewish intelligence, Jewish genes, and Jewish values.

By William SaletanPosted Thursday, Nov. 1, 2007, at 7:54 AM ET

Albert Einstein. Click image to expand.Are Jews a race? Is Jewish intelligence genetic?

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If these notions make you cringe, you’re not alone. Many non-Jews find them offensive. Actually, scratch that. I have no idea whether non-Jews find them offensive. But I imagine that they do, which is why Jews like me wince at any suggestion of Jewish genetic superiority. We don’t even want to talk about it.

Actually, a bunch of us did talk about it, three days ago at a forum at the American Enterprise Institute. The main speaker was Jon Entine, an AEI fellow and author of a new book, Abraham’s Children: Race, Identity, and the DNA of the Chosen People. He was joined by fellow AEI scholar Charles Murray and by Laurie Zoloth, a bioethicist at Northwestern University. Entine and Zoloth are Jewish. Murray isn’t but talks as though he wishes he were. “One of my thesis advisers at MIT was a Sephardic Jew,” he announced proudly, turning the old “some of my best friends” cliché upside down.

Entine laid out the data. The average IQ of Ashkenazi Jews is 107 to 115, well above the human average of 100. This gap and the genetic theories surrounding it stirred discomfort in the room. Zoloth, speaking for many liberals, recalled a family member’s revulsion at the idea of a Jewish race. Judaism is about faith and values, she argued. To reduce it to biology is to make it exclusive, denying its openness to all. Worse, to suggest that Jews are genetically smart is to imply that non-Jews are inherently inferior, in violation of Jewish commitments to equality and compassion. My friend Dana Milbank, who’s a better (if I may use that word) Jew than I am, watched the discussion, went back to his office, and wrote a column in the Washington Post poking fun at all the talk of superior Jewish intellect. The column, as usual, was really smart.

But what if Judaism as a genetic inheritance is compatible with Judaism as a cultural inheritance? And what if the genes that make Jews smart also make them sick? If one kind of superiority comes at the price of another kind of inferiority, and if the transmission of Jewish values drives the transmission of Jewish genes, does that make the genetics and the superiority easier to swallow?

Apparently so.

According to Entine, the rate of Jewish “outbreeding”—procreating with non-Jews—is half a percent. That’s the lowest rate of any population in the world today. What drives this phenomenon? Culture. Ten years ago, my childless Orthodox uncle came up to me and said, “I hear you’re dating a Jewish girl.” When I replied in the affirmative, he added, “If you marry her, I’ll come to the wedding.” That was pretty much the whole conversation. A year and a half later, he was at my wedding. Today, he’s got a grandniece and grandnephew living in my house. I’d like to think he had no influence, but maybe I’m kidding myself. Explicitly and implicitly, Jews have been getting this message for millennia. As Murray pointed out, the Bible is full of instructions to marry within the faith.

A culture that trains its young people to procreate only with one another becomes, over time, a genetically distinct population. And if that culture glorifies intelligence to such a degree that it drives less intelligent people out of the community—or prevents them from attracting mates—it becomes an IQ machine. Cultural selection replaces natural selection. For example, Jews have long emphasized male literacy. For this reason, Murray argued, anyone who was Jewish and stupid 2,000 years ago found “it was a lot easier to be a Christian.” Entine called this kind of process a “bio-cultural feedback loop.”

The theory still sounds arrogant, until you hear the IQ machine’s possible costs. Some scholars now hypothesize that the genes that make Jews smart also give some of them nasty diseases such as Tay-Sachs. Entine finds this plausible. He pointed out that some genes associated with brain growth are also associated with breast cancer, including in his own family. During the question-and-answer session, someone brought up another tradeoff: Supposedly, Jews are deficient in visio-spatial skills, possibly because their brains allot extra space for verbal intelligence. That might explain the average Ashkenazi Jewish score of 122 on verbal IQ tests.

Pondering these nuances and tradeoffs, Zoloth reconsidered her aversion to the idea of Jewish genes and Jewish intelligence. What should we do, she wondered, if we find genes that predispose children both to genius and to early death? And should Jewish biological differences be minimized if they’re expressions of—and vehicles for—Judaism as a value system?

Zoloth didn’t have answers to those questions. Neither do I. Part of being Jewish, after all, is talking in questions more than answers. Whether that h

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