ENGLISH South African WNs express despair; is there a real Satan?

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I DON’T LIKE IT, especially as a former Marine NCO and son of a combat Marine in two wars (http://www.johndenugent.org/site/pages/about.htm).

For two reasons: 1) foreign troops are more likely to shoot down American civilians than American troops are; 2) all Marines worldwide are trained under specially harsh discipline to obey all orders. Army soldiers can do the same jobs as Marines, but Marines are the ones who — often after a boot camp that is twice as long as for army soldiers — do not question but instead obey instantly, and in the wrong hands this is very dangerous for our liberties!


No masses of foreign combat troops in America!


=============world’s largest building opens in southern China

Except for the curved roof, nothing about this building., the New Century Centre, is Chinese. It is entirely the product of Aryan architecture style and technology, and in fact is full of our shops, our businesses and our design.

And the reason for the Chinese economic boom is clear too. Aryan money has been flowing out of our countries to China since 1975, and why is the Chinese economy booming? It is a Chinese version of Germany’s National Socialism!

Everything the Chinese do is a COPY!

Chengdu / China / New Century Global Center

2000 feet wide and 1600 feet deep



The Art Center also going up

Chengdu / China / New Century City Art Centre

But are they grateful to Whites?

This is how they treat a small white boy from the tiny white minority called the Uyghurs in westernmost China. They are not pure-white any more (nor are we!!) but are in fact descended from the Tokharians, and hence often have very white (keltic) skin. The Tokharians were ancient Kelts whose mummies, replete with kilts and red hair, have been discovered in the desert. Now the Chinese are pouring in, backed by the Beijing government,  and they call the Uyghurs “rebels”! The nerve! 


What struck me, to be fair, was how, on Youtube, many Asians and blacks did video comments just to express their outrage over this horrific (and yet telling) incident.

The point is that the Chinese as a whole are not our friends. They are cold, materialistic and aggressive, and view kindness as weakness, and tolerance of other races as nonsense.




What struck me here is that EVEN BEING MASSACRED ha snot woken most Whites up, This is why I REJECT the feel-good optimism spread by Kai Murros, claiming since 1994 that Whites will automatically rise up as things get critical.



One poster on that site:

We in RSA [Republic of South Africa] experience this kind of brutal attacks on a daily basis. Really, I plead with people to leave, any place on earth will be better than here at this time.

Many people say that when the crunch comes, we will fight them. I am not negative, but realistic in this coming confrontation. How on earth will we be able to win this one? I don’t know. The blacks will come in droves of thousands at a time, and how to stop them will not lay in the power of a few hundred whites. For sure all able-bodied men will fight them off with all we have, but eventually they will kill many thousands of us.

I know that some people will say I am a slapgat or bangbroek. But common sense must be the guideline here. The future for us looks bleaker by the day. Read the black’s sites, hear what they say, and see what they are doing to us.

Me and my children are all ready to evacuate to some relatively safe place somewhere in SA. I believe it’s the solution for a while. There are also so many whites who are selling us out. Unbelievable but true. In short, which way you wish, we are all caught in this noose.


============another death threat from the Jew Andrew White

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Sent: Monday, 1 July 2013, 23:24
Subject: [John de Nugent] Please moderate: “ENGLISH How could such a brave white country as South Africa turn power over in 1994 to its mortal enemies? The J-team and its true nature”

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John you chicken shit motherfucker, you God damn pedophile motherfucker, you’re fucking dead!!  Sleep with one eye open you mother fucker, because you’re going to die.  187, 8:19

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My response?


“Unless you read an attack on you daily by the Jews, you are not doing your job.” — Adolf Hitler


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On Facebook activist Scott Roberts started a discussion thread about how he was a bit sick of the Internet, because it is not saving our race, just informing us of our FURTHER decline, and pointed out how things do not look good.

Then a comrade from Germany wrote about his conviction that actual demons are stalking the white race, and how he personally had felt suicidal and felt that evil entities wanted him to kill himself. (The police in his major European country have threatened to arrest him for his pro-white YouTube and other activities.)




Well, if a person was ever attacked by something demonic (literally) they are afraid to talk about it for fear of seeming crazy, SO YOU ARE COURAGEOUS. And a further point is that crazy people also are often that way due to their bad karma – in this life (maybe via taking obviously dangerous drugs, for example) or through evil committed in another — and such people attract demonic evil. Basically, when a person goes down the dark path, your guardian angels say: “You’re on your own, turkey” and then the other side can really get you. You are unprotected.

As for psychopaths, Alex, the KEY part of the definition is “untreatable” and “incurable.” This is an absolutely unique feature of this group. Almost every other kind of psychological or psychiatric problem can at least be TREATED (lessened) by some kind of therapy, meds, or shock treatment, or even cured.

You read my essay on psychopaths in power: https://johndenugent.com/solutreanism/important-info/psychopaths-in-power

But psychopaths, by definition, are literally — I cannot stress this bizarre feature enough — untreatable and incurable.


What can possibly explain this? For those who understand the Aryan doctrine of reincarnation (https://johndenugent.com/solutreanism/important-info/reincarnation-evidence), then we can just go back to what Jesus said to the Jewish leaders in John 8:44: “You are from your father, THE DEVIL.” The head Jews LITERALLY come from a netherworld of hate, sadism, cunning and the conscious embracing of evil. Jesus also said: “Any sin can be forgiven except the sin against the holy spirit.” So even, yes, murder, adultery, betrayal, theft, lies, etc., can all be forgiven (through remorse, penalties and remedial action).
But, as Christ knew, there are those who consciously, deliberately, and in full knowledge of what they are doing, choose the Dark Side. And the more trusting, innocent, good-hearted Aryans they kill, the happier they are, and I mean really HAPPY, gloating, snickering, feeling cocky and on cloud nine.

A Jewish Red Army officer jewish-bolshevik-officer


Painting of one of the MILLIONS of rapes by bolshevik troops, many of them Mongoloid. Other Soviets, especially pure ethnic Russians, refused to participate. Captain Alexander Solzhenitsyn, later a Nobel Laureate, did 11 years in the gulag for writing a letter to a friend protesting Soviet atrocities in East Prussia. In a town in central Germany, as a friend named Fritz told me, a Russian commander evacuated all the German women to a factory and locked it, painting in red letters on the outside wall this dire warning in Russian: “Enter here and you die.”



In sum, our Cause is not just “racial preservation”; it is a battle between Light and Darkness, and I thank God when the issues are so clear and doubt as to the justice of our cause is impossible! What a blessing at least this is for us!


But given these things, now we need to face the fact that, yes, we really do need more than our talents, brains, sincerity and best efforts can get us. We do need what I call divine aid. We are facing something that is absolutely huge, sophisticated, thought-through and planned, it clearly has the upper hand, and it is powered, I submit, by a cosmic, satanic will. (The whole Kabbalah, the core of judaism, is satanism!)

Normal brain, with red areas showing feelings such as compassion

Psychopathic brain; the blue indicates no activity in compassion centers

Ted Bundy killed 35 white women, always using a sob story to get their sympathy and make kind females want to help him….. He would leave their bodies,  after strangling them or hitting them with a hammer, in the woods and come back and violate their corpses until they began to actually smell. This is a true human devil, whose thought processes we cannot fathom. This is an entity from a netherworld.


As for us, even if we do not believe in God or gods – which implies you think our ancestors among the Kelts, Germanics, Romans, Greeks, Slavs, etc, were all “retards” even though they otherwise did amazing things –

Odin, king of the Germanic gods, who sacrificed HIMSELF to gain wisdom




….the evidence that suggests there could indeed be something like devils, demons and evil entities is beginning to make sense to more and more people. These are folks who are anything but superstitious, and in fact, in terms of their leanings they are not “into” religious or spiritual things at all.

I would add that the concepts of God, Satan, the Messiah, the immortality of the soul, and heaven and hell are NOT judeo-christian but are Zoroastrian and thus Aryan! Zoroaster was an Aryan prophet of the original white Iranian people! And there are still some remnants of Aryan blood in the Iranians today! In this video you can see Aryan features throughout the region to this day! It is Islam that, with the polygamy and harems of the conquering Arabs, darkened most of them!

But if such entities do exist, then – I am speaking practically here — then we sure better hope there ARE angels, gods and a good force as well. Because if Satan is backing the Jews, and God is not backing us, guess who is going to win? Another post on Facebook will not save us at this stage! 😉


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