============amazing Solutrean solutions
Ignore the pudgy Jew (with the requisite blonde assistant) and focus on the amazing household inventions. The Jew says the stuff is imported from Italy, but the inventors themselves may have been Americans, Germans, Brits, etc. as well as Italians. (Let us not forget that Rome was a civilization of engineers, Leonardo da Vinci was an engineer, and as anyone who has been to northern Italy can testify, it is a wealthy and high-tech country. A Frenchman once joked to me that if the Italians ever declared all their income, it would be one of the richest countries on earth! ;-))
A comrade in the Midwest wrote me:
Dear John,
One of the most memorable times in my life was when my wife and I saw a Roman Catholic procession walking through the narrow roads of a grape-growing village outside of Trier. in the Rhineland in western Germany in May 2001).
They were singing a song by Neander, still burnt today into my memory. Reading the text, it is really not a Christian song per se. It is talking about the Higher Power of which we are parts, which permeates the universe and speaks to us.
Here’s the same sung at the restored Frauenkirche in Dresden. They really show the inside of the church well. Anyone who could destroy such peaceful timeless art is MENTALLY ILL. We are ruled by Psychopaths. A society can tolerate mentally ill individuals who get treatment but it will collapse when the illness becomes collective and untreated.
In war after war, it seems as if the fine arts and architecture of a culture are prime targets. Everybody still wails at the burning of the Great Library of Alexandria in Egypt. I read about the destruction or looting of art and ancient artefacts several thousand years old in Iraq during “Operation Iraqi Freedom”. (You have to love the cognitive dissonance of that name….. ) Ancient artefacts have as much to do with Saddam Hussein as the Frauenkirche did with Hitler. I knew even as a youngster that when you destroy art you are not harming one country but rather robbing all of humanity of something which belongs to them. Those artefacts in Iraq were no less our inheritance than the people who lived next door.
The idea is that if you can destroy the (authentic) past you can hoist a fake past on the people. Orwell: Whoever controls the past controls the future. If you don’t know where you came from, you will never know where you’re going. And that’s what they want, the blind and the mentally ill.
This song and message bring healing.
Lobet den Herrn (Praise the Lord) from the Frauenkirche (Church of Our lady) in Dresden, Germany
Lobet den Herrn, der durch uns fliesst
Praise the Lord, who flows through us
Lobet den Herrn, der uns ewiges Leben schenkt
Praise the Lord, who bestows eternal life on us
Lobet den Herrn, der uns Sieg verspricht
Praise the Lord, who promises us victory
Lobet den Herrn, der uns die Wahrheit spricht
Praise the Lord, who speaks truth to us.
======================INTEL AMATEUR
The guy below is pure “intel.” He writes me regularly on my blog trying to get under my skin with SOMETHING.
The last few times he wrote me that Russia is even more Jew-controlled than America and I am a fraud for advocating American-Russian friendship. (Ergo, he fears it.)
These fools have done some sort of pop psychoanalysis of who they think I am and seek with every email and slander to get under my skin. I just delete the chap’s comments before they are even posted.
I love his juvenile attempt to exploit what he thinks is male insecurity on my part….. saying he can outbox me….. Maybe he could until I stomp on his foot, breaking the small bones in them, then rip his ear off (a mere four pounds of pressure will do it, and the shock effect is powerful) and gouge his eye out in three seconds with my thumb, then smash his adam’s apple. Then a Bic pen deep into the temple and he is done.
And I have not even fired a shot in anger….
I do not “box.”
But this shows you the basic outlines of their coming attacks: claiming to WNs I am a fraud, negro-lover, fool, closet homo and CIA-FBI asset and dreamer, a Jesus nut….while of course their line to the “moderate” outside world is I am a gay-BASHER, not a black-lover but a black-hater, not a liberal but a dangerous Nazi-in-sheep’s clothing, a subversive, a terrorist, a New Age cult leader who denies Christ, etc. (In other words, they launch the opposite charges to a different audience.)
A Greek friend of mine, the late Spiro Lagoulis, who used to fight alongside George Lincoln Rockwell, once described the tactic to me in terms of a crude Greek proverb: “Throw some sh– on the wall. Eventually it will dry and fall off. Then throw some more on.”
I revel in the mind games of these pathological haters.
Note his fear, as expressed in the email below, that I am a liberal and that THAT could take off…a compassionate white nationalist who loves his own race and respects other races….
How do we Jews stop THAT? How do we call this guy a hater and actually make it stick?
Since John de Nugent has made it explicit he will not be arrested, framed and railroaded into prison (unlike my personal friends Pedro Varela, Vincent Reynouard, Horst Mahler, Gerd Honsik, and Brendon O”Connell) , the first thing you do as the Eternal Jew — using your Israeli hacker cousins — is crash ALL FOUR OF HIS websites and blizzard the public with personal lies about HIM as soon as his audiovisual book Solutrea, Arise appears.
Then when his websites go back up, the public has been deeply imprinted with falsehoods.
I note that my main site was down much of yesterday, in a trial cyber-attack. But my mirror site stayed up. Remember, comrades, that if goes down, go immediately to
Photo of the Internet room: rock-band-strength surge protector, physical firewall and 24-port Ethernet switch. We are now in the process of running our own server as well. To the extent that comrades use Paypal or other modalities to send contributions we will beef up physical and Internet security even more every week. Your move.
Please donate, comrades, by PayPal below! Or send me cash or money orders to this address:
When I first read your interpetaled comment
” JdN: God experiencing God through the Universe Play. ”
I misread the meaning of ‘play’ as a verb.
Your sentence also makes equal sense with ‘play’ as a verb as it does a noun.
To clarify, just omit the definete article.
” JdN: God experiencing God through Universe Play. ”
In fact your sentence now makes MORE sense.
-justing playin’ with ya’