ENGLISH Defamations continue; Spiritual videos 4-6

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[being composed and edited]

==============IT AIN’T OVER ‘TIL IT’S OVER


As this excellent video on Obama points out, the Jewbama tactic is “shoot the messenger.”

The below is really egregious: Obongo has a Connecticut SSN –starting in 042 — though he lived in Hawaii!! 


Sloppy, sloppy, sloppy…… Hey, I thought the Jews were so BRILLIANT?

(The answer is they AIN’T — they just STICK TOGETHER WHEN CAUGHT.)

I was raised on nearby Rhode Island and my SSN starts with 036….. All these SSNs that start with a zero are New England SSNs!!

So how does a Hawaiian kid get a Connecticut SSN?

[source: http://biglicknews.blogspot.com/2011/03/obama-is-illegal-alien-using-deceased.html

Don’t expect the Republicans in Congress (not even Ron Paul) to do anything. Everybody is bought off at this stage.

“It’s too late to work within the system, but too early to shoot the bastards” — Claire Wolfe

Obama is a illegal alien using deceased Thomas Woods’ social security number. SSN 042-68-4425 was stolen by Obama.

Colorado Springs man’s claim to have Obama records starts buzz
Excerpt: “According to the Social Security Administration, that number was never issued,” said Hollister, who challenged whether the president is an American citizen in a lawsuit the U.S. Supreme Court refused to hear Jan. 18 without requiring a response from the White House.
However, that’s the Social Security number that appears on the Selective Service documents Hollister obtained.

Go here for the rest of this article

BLN Obama can’t show what he doesn’t have. Everything he has signed is null and void, as he is not constitutionally the president.
Another look at Obama’s Social Security number
Excerpt: This being the case, I asked Daniels to guide me through the data mine field and help me ascertain what we know for sure about the world’s best-known Social Security number – 042-68-4425.

“All I can say,” says Daniels of 042-68-4425, “is that it’s phony and [Obama] has been using it, with it first appearing on his Selective Service document in 1980.”
Daniels sent me a copy of the hand-written application of the individual who held the number immediately before Obama’s, 042-68-4424. The applicant, Thomas Wood, died at age 19, which is why his information is available.

Wood’s Social Security number was issued sometime between March and May of 1977. Obama would turn 16 in August of that year. Wood lived on Glenview Drive in Newington, Conn., the state from which all “042s” applied. Obama lived in Hawaii.

Go here for the rest of this article

More links below

Excerpt: This report explains the context of the oft cited debate, between Obama and Keyes in the following Fall, in which Keyes faulted Obama for not being a “natural born citizen”, and in which Obama, by his quick retort, “So what? I am running for Illinois Senator, not the presidency”, self-admitted that he was not eligible for the office.
* * *

Defamations of me and of Jason as the messengers are now increasing. This came in yesterday…..

Now I read I pocketed thousands in donations when Henrik Holappa was arrested. (I have asked Major Bill Fox to prepare an affidavit disproving that; he ran the Holappa Defense Fund. Stormfront said under no circumstances send money to the embezzler John de Nugent……. Major Fox also tirelessly bombarded the Finnish and Norwegian parliaments (his mother was born in Norway) with emails protesting the outrageous arrest of Holappa.)

I now learn from the Net, which never lies….. that Jason Salyers — who seems about as macho, blunt and masculine as anyone I have ever met — is as gay [sic]as I am [sic]…… and I learn that my recent posting of the birth certificates of my two daughters:


…….proves only that I MAYBE had sex twice with a woman, and then went back to being gay……

But as we know, Hitler too was gay, except when raping his niece……or doing kinky things to Eva Braun……….

Thank God, all rumors are true and we can always trust them…….

How would YOU like to see a JewTube channel like this filth below, photoshopping your face this way, as Jason has experienced?

“If you cannot stop the message, stop the messenger.”

Defamation is a low-budget weapon of mass destruction.



Jason you are a 5’6” midget wannebe who can’t even fire a pistol decently.
I hope as John’s man-whore, errm boy-whore, you earn John a few bucks, so he has not anylonger to beg for donations like a Jewish leech.

* * *

Yowlings from hell; the demons feel the pain we are inflicting and will increasingly savage them with.

I was gratified to receive support — both verbal and technical now — from one of the very best WN videographers out there. I do not need to beg any Norse Wolf types….. My videos allow both WN comrades and the general public to see who I am heart-to-heart, because in these hours of videos, people can look into my face, peer into my eyes, and make up their own mind.

This WN videographer, well-known to many on YT, who is now a major asset in my efforts, wrote me yesterday:

I don’t know what lies are made against you, but I believe you to be a beautiful soul in an ugly world.

I recently watched the recent videos uploaded by JasSalyers, and I very much liked them. 

You need to continue to speak as you do in those videos, enlightening others with the hard-fought wisdom you’ve gained.

I grew up in the heart of this filthy Jew world, poisoned in every conceivable way, but I withstood all of the damage, never capitulated, and now every cell in my body stands in opposition to it.

I wrote back to that comrade:

Thank you so much!

The hero of our times will be someone who overcomes darkness, and who grew up in Jew World, not some perfect angel-man — born to rule, shining and beaming like a golden statue.

What has really set the enemy off was this video below. It is a mix of both beautiful and horrifying images (a Jewish kosher slaughterhouse, then a poor dog skinned alive by the Chinese — the flesh is said to taste more tender if the animal suffers…..the Mexicans do this to GOATS……)…..

“Goy” (mistranslated as “gentiles”) means “cattle”……. and the JdN-Kalki video shows what Jews do to cattle…..

(Shegets (male) or shiksa (female) means “hunk of meat,” and refers to individual goyim. A Jew on Liberty Forum once referred to me as a shegets in an actual posting.)

If we REALLY love beauty we must CLEANSE THIS EARTH.



I revel in the hate I (and Jason Salyers, who did this video) inspire in the wicked. Let us go all the way.

And then Germany will receive justice for its unbelievable physical and mental suffering too! All Europe can be liberated only by a change in AMERICA —- and RUSSIA!


An important spiritual leader over in Eastern Europe wrote me yesterday:

It’s great hearing from you. Yes, I, along with [X] and quite a few others were very excited about your writings, your ideas and your incredible integrity and enthusiasm when you had your “Apocalypse of the Psychopaths” thread on Stormfront a few years ago.

[JdN: After I was banned, it kept growing, from 86,000 views to now over 200,000.]

For myself especially, I was very supportive of the approach that you were taking that seemed to be a harmonizing of the very best that National Socialism had to offer, coupled with a very clear understanding of our true spirituality. Whenever I read your writings, I often felt as if you were voicing ideas mirrored directly in my own mind.

You were then, and remain today, the most intelligent and empowered White Nationalist leader in America by far.

I openly protested when Don Black banned you from SF, and came to your defense when they made their unfounded accusations against you. I never for a moment believed their accusations against you. I remain rather bitter toward the entire SF scene, and only post rarely since that ugly incident.

That said, I need to admit that I did make the mistake of doubting some of your actions and judgments after your banning from SF, specifically not getting your book out asap, not immediately beginning a large-scale movement, and possibly even some of your manner of response toward those who criticized you.

However, what I never doubted for one moment, John, was your absolute sincerity, courage and brilliance of insight. Having had many ups and downs in my own life over the years, I fully understand now why you made the decisions you did post-SF.

Yes, I always felt it was very risky to have extended any support to [X]. He is a sexual predator. The moment I saw his photo, I had the feeling that there was something creepy about him. But [X] is
really just a symptom, one of an untold number of examples of the completely dysfunctional nature of the American White Nationalist movement at present. Overall, WNs in the U.S. today are truly some of the most unintelligent, untrustworthy, incompetent and mentally disturbed people imaginable.

[JdN: That is because it blames everything on race, and is full of hate. The truth is that there are psychopaths, human devils, in all races, including our own! My key article explains this: https://johndenugent.com/psychopaths-in-power And the majority of blacks, Mexicans, Turks, Chinese and even Jews are not psychopaths – but psychopaths elbow their way to dominance of EVERY race, religion and country. No message based on “down with the n—rs and k—-s” can attract other than fundamental haters. Our SOULS do not have blond hair and blue eyes, or hooked noses, or woolly hair! This is a battle between wickedness and good, and NOT primarily a race war (except if forced on the Whites)! ]

Some of this [dysfunction among WNs] is simply due to the nature of fringe movements in general and how they often attract strange people, but much of it is, I feel, by the direct design of infiltrators who encourage actions and mindsets meant to keep the movement unproductive, looking crazy and destructive, and thus relegated to the fringes of society. In any case, you are not going to gain many reliable supporters from among today’s nominal White Nationalists.

More, I’ve seen over the years that there actually is a strong psychopathic element among a significant portion of the White Nationalist community. Witness: “NS” Black Metal, Skin Head drunken violence, Aryan
Brotherhood criminality, and the rampant practice of Satanism.

On the latter, my biggest philosophical opponents on SF always tend to be the Satanists on there, whom the moderators always refuse to ban or even tame.

It is precisely for these reasons that you do indeed need to make a transition now away from trying to gain support from the White Nationalist community. For the most part, you will only attract worthless people, if anyone at all, from that quarter.

Yours is a message that is permeated throughout with a deep reverence for the spiritual. You understand that for any movement or political ideology the primary aim of which is to create a true Aryan Nation, a love of God and a firm foundation in profound spiritual insight needs to be front and center. It is precisely this understanding, and the consequent personal transformation that it has obviously had on you, that has empowered you to be the leader you are. [….]

====================NEW SPIRITUAL VIDEOS 4 and 5!

Some bonehead scolded me for criticizing David Duke because his videos are fancier. Yes, they are, and they touch the mind, like all infotainment, but barely touch the heart and the soul, just as with his books.

But Duke’s little white dog is cute…..

The view out his balcony in Zell am See, Austria is even cuter…..

What you see below is part of the “spiritual video” series…..to make hearts open, and then SOULS. Our brains “get” it — every poll for about five years now shows the masses understand THE GOVERNMENT DID 9/11 — but our hearts and souls are still dead. We have been zombyized.

We do not need any Norsewolf-Duke style for THIS, no new-image-every-half-second frenetic, caffeine-high action.

Just simple insertions and fade-ins and -outs. Let me speak to the hear to the white masses, and extract from that the ten percent we need. THAT is what Hitler preached: It is great speeches that sweep men from lethargy to the deed.

After the spiritual videos, which are designed to both teach and inspire those who are not yet WNs, comes the presidential video, where I am in a $450 suit (which was my first new suit in twenty years, bought for me by a foreign visitor).

Yours truly in that donated suit, with some little black kids, who thought I was the mayor of Pittsburgh 😉 and wanted their pic taken in exchange for being quiet. 😉

I am seated at a big desk, taking charge of the actions to come, and laying out the plan, ending with a stern summons to duty and a defiant message to Mubarak Insane Obongo, the despised, incompetent, bisexual, Jewish-through-the-mother illegal alien, who got the Nobel Peace Prize, then escalated the no-win war in Afghanistan and without provocation bombed Libya…….

When Duke started his WN career (the only real, regular job he ever worked was for the Defense Intelligence Agency, in the early 1970s) Whites were 88% of the country. Now they are 55%. So much for brain food. If his stuff touches your heart, or anyone’s, why are you sitting here at a keyboard? The Tea Party (95% white!!) is booming; why not the WN movement?

A feeling can pass, as it does with Duke videos. In psychology, an EMOTION is different from a “feeling”; it is so powerful it triggers MOTION (from the Latin exmotion, “out of feeling, motion”).

It triggers action, or at least guilt at doing nothing (which guilt can also lead to action after the frustration builds to the unbearable point)……………..

The specific purpose of the audiovisual work Solutrea Arise is to attract the most useful members of the Tea Party movement, and similar people in other white countries. As you watch these videos, never think they are designed to compete with a Duke video, whose theme is always, subtly “The Jews control everything!”

(Sub-message: “We’re f—-ed,” which is also how one also feels after an Alex Jones video…………..)

. Solutrea Arise is designed to awaken the minority of the Tea Party people with elite potential. Not haters, but lovers. As Hitler said to Goebbels when discussing propaganda: “The German fights best not out of hate, but out of the quest for decency, culture, beauty and civilization.”

Previous videos one and two: NOW TAKEN OFF JEWTUBE 😉 AND PLACED ON OUR OWN DOMAIN!!!

Spiritual video 1


Spiritual video 2


Spiritual video 3 — Psychopaths: the Sassoons and the Opium Wars; the CIA and Gary Webb: Clark Lightbridge and the WNs who are not haters (ready now!)

Or at this link:https://johndenugent.com/spiritual-video/part-3.flv

Part four: The Christian-Newsom murders: a media crime, not a local crime.


We have been uploading my videos to the YT channel “JasSalyers” and they were getting such great ratings that YT let him post videos of over 15 minutes duration (the normal limit lately for YT). However, suddenly, YT began rejecting every new JdN video on one technical reason or another.

….Right after Jason’s computer was hacked, and after my attacks on David Duke…..hmmmmmmmmmmm.

Part five: Edward Bernays and the Hidden Hand (ready!)


Part 6: If jews can have a state called, “Israel”, can whites also have a homeland? (This video is all thanks to a European comrade.)

=================PLEASE DONATE.

I do not ask you to risk assassination (I have published on this blog many death threats emailed to me),  or visits from the Joint Terrorism Task Force (I have detailed on this blog the three JTTF visits to my home),, or defamation as a homo, embezzler, or madman. (I have published on this blog al these allegations.),…

I do ask you to please send us financial AMMO! Help me finish this audiovisual work Solutrea Arise!

213 Ekastown Road
Sarver PA 16055 USA

[20 miles north of Pittsburgh, in western Pennsylvania]



Telephone: 724.353.0154Skype:John de Nugent (Pittsburgh) 


Cash in an envelope

[Another US $100 bill came in yesterday (scan of it below), in an envelope from Canada. Thanks to the anonymous comrade for that! Anonymous cash is fine…..and so far it does get here….]

Blank money order

MoneyGram (send from a Walmart or elsewhere)

Paypal (to “john_denugent@yahoo.com”)




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