ENGLISH Subhumans pullulate in the last days of Jewmerica

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We need to create a White Republic where this gorgeous little girl, the daughter of a WN couple in Wisconsin,  will grow up safe and, in turn, can pass HER marvelous genes on for the future of our Folk.


===========cute music video

Melissa Naschenweng is a cute-as-a-button young singer from Styria in Austria, singing about loving her guy. 

“Oafoch schehn, oafoch du” is Austrian dialect (Hitler’s!) for “You’re just handsome, you’re just you” — this girl is head-over-heels for her feller. 🙂




Thought-provoking… How many of us say one and mean the other? In a healthy White republic, other people would actually care and read your expression.  THAT is a folk community.


================= “WORLD WAR S” (FOR SUBHUMAN 😉 )

I went in and had a beer yesterday at a nice but inexpensive local bar where I enjoy conversing with the bartender, an Army combat vet of Iraq. Anyway, a comedy show was on. The star was the queer Neil Patrick Harris (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Neil_Patrick_Harris), rather nordic-looking but an open fag “married” to another man and now with an adopted baby, a “joyous event” much heralded by “People” magazine… so that was the ONE white guy in the show. 🙁

Bleeeeaaaaaah!  Worst of all is that Harris resembles me in looks… racial stock WASTED!


But every single other person was jet-black-haired with dark brown eyes… I mean olive-complected and not even with dark-brown hair, no, BLACK. Literally EVERYONE was Sicilian or Latino-looking, and the whole show was sex jokes about trying to “get laid”…. JEWMERICA, a world where swarthy Jew sexmaniacs can feel good and comfortable.

I felt unclean just watching it, and feeling the subliminal hatred for all things northern-european, all spirituality, for all things lofty and uplifting. The whole show was swarthy humanimals telling off-color jokes. Of course, no babies result from all this sex, just “scoring.” I finished my beer and left.

I ran also into one of my most unfavorite locals there…. He loves Obama because while under Bush the VA (Veterans Administration) denied him full disability, under Obongo he gets full disability, and for an ailment he did NOT contract in the service (as the guy told me himself).


He loves Obama now, and was angry that my website slams him. A white man, yes — white-skinned anyway.

As far as the eye can see, Untermenschen. They will all get willingly on the FEMA bus one day when the Head Negro declares a national emergency, they will get their chip, their ten zombyizing vaccines, and their hormone-laced food at a labor camp — a one-way ticket and good riddance.

Chemtrail-brains as far as the eye can see….


Harsh, yeah, but as the truism goes: People (young souls) believe what they WANT to believe. I sensed already at FIVE that the whole thing was b—s–t. I saw a framed photo of Hitler under a stack of things at my grandmother’s house and from that day on wanted to know as much about the Third Reich as I could. A mutual friend in Chicago  had an experience in high school like that. We ALWAYS SENSED that something was majorly wrong and that WE were DIFFERENT. We were BORN different!

Back in 2009, I was interviewed by the Washington Post and by national TV (CBS,  NBC, ABC as well as the CBC in Canada and the BBC in Britain) to talk about White anger after the James von Brunn incident. (Von Brunn went into the  Holocaust Museum in Washington DC with a rifle under his coat, and ended up killing a black security guard… I have no doubt he was aiming to shoot one of the Jewish officials there, not some black guy just doing his job. His beef was with the Jews.)


Clip from ABC News: the reporter wanted to put me and all WNs on the defensive. Didn’t happen! 😉

James von Brunn had also balls-ily invaded the Federal Reserve HQ in Washington DC in the 1980s with a shotgun and handcuffs to arrest Alan Greenspan — and had done seven years in Club Fed for that.


A comrade sent me this reminder of the show I was on right after that, with Alan Colmes of FOX Radio, writing:


John, it was hilarious to see you destroy Alan Colmes:

A lady comrade wrote:

I love it! You made an excellent point. They must think we ARE BETTER, if they want to come to our countries.

Another wrote:

You are a man after God’s own heart…

I replied:

LOL, well, that WAS a good moment. 😉 All races ARE “White supremacist”! 😉

And when Colmesy asked if I believed in the Holocaust, I said yes, I did. “Jews, Alan, killed 60 million White Christian Russians!”


==============urgent request for your help

I really appreciate the warm and encouraging feedback. Now is the time to help me pay urgent bills so I can do what I always wanted to do and need to do: found an ARYAN HEROIC RELIGION!

You can see from the God videos here that this has been my calling for a long time, and I am dead-serious about it.


The intro God video:

I have readers worldwide, and now via credit cards you can donate.

7/31 @ 7:06 : Kronburg, DE
7/31 @ 7:04 : Zwickau, DE

7/31 @ 7:00 : White House, Tennessee, US


97% white and on the Kentucky border north of Nashville


7/31 @ 6:57 : Bridgeport, Connecticut, US
7/31 @ 6:55 : United Kingdom, GB
7/31 @ 6:55 : Spiegelberg, DE
7/31 @ 6:53 : Europe, EU
7/31 @ 6:52 : Choisy-le-Roi, FR[ANCE]


Pavillion of King Louis the Fifteenth


7/31 @ 6:47 : Avilés, ES
7/31 @ 6:47 : Vandergrift, Pennsylvania, US
7/31 @ 6:45 : Marietta, Georgia, US
7/31 @ 6:43 : Marietta, Georgia, US
7/31 @ 6:43 : Goldebek, DE
7/31 @ 6:39 : Lenggries, DE
7/31 @ 6:39 : Moscow, RU

7/31  Lviv, UK[RAINE]




7/31 @ 3:00 : Lohne, DE[UTSCHLAND = GERMANY]
7/31 @ 3:00 : Vandergrift, Pennsylvania, US
7/31 @ 2:59 : Breda, NL
7/31 @ 2:59 : Brampton, CA
7/31 @ 2:57 : Brampton, CA
7/31 @ 2:54 : Havixbeck, DE


Havixbecker Gymnasiastinnen 



7/31 @ 2:52 : Mountain View, California, US
7/31 @ 2:52 : Brampton, CA
7/31 @ 2:50 : Oslo, NO
7/31 @ 2:50 : Hernando, Mississippi, US
7/31 @ 2:50 : Brampton, CA
7/31 @ 2:50 : Saginaw, Michigan, US
7/31 @ 2:45 : Vandergrift, Pennsylvania, US
7/31 @ 2:45 : Nieuwe-Niedorp, NL [HOLLAND]



7/31 @ 2:43 : Wildpoldsried, DE
7/31 @ 2:43 : France, FR
7/31 @ 2:42 : Las Vegas, Nevada, US
7/31 @ 2:41 : Wildpoldsried, DE
7/31 @ 2:38 : Belgium, BE
7/31 @ 2:38 : Lawrence, Massachusetts, US
7/31 @ 2:36 : Montréal, CA
7/31 @ 2:34 : Vandergrift, Pennsylvania, US


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Online PaymentsI am also getting cash donations from Europe.

YOUR help is needed too, so that after 35 years in our Cause (https://johndenugent.com/about-john/wn-biography-of-jdn)




I can cure what is wrong now in THE ARYAN SOUL!

Most of all, the fear of dying when the battle comes!


WHY is it that Blacks can form flash mobs and seek vengeance for the verdict they did not like in the Trayvon Martin case?

WHY is it that no Whites EVER rise up when atrocities against WHITES occur?

Fear of being killed by the cops!


How about fear of DISHONOR?

An Aryan prophet must arise and help us lose the fear of dying and gain the thirst for VICTORY!


John de Nugent

681 Canal Road

Apollo PA 15613

(724) 5976-4284

Facebook: John D. Nugent


Skype: John de Nugent (Pittsburgh)


1 Comment

  1. About 5 years ago my dad found an old quilt made by my great-grandmother that had very peculiar shaped windmills, if you know what I mean. He also found pictures of family that had served in the Prussian army. Too bad it was all auctioned off by family, which didn’t give a damn about their heritage.

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