Here is Wikipedia on the history of tattoos:
It is clear from this article that modern tattoos are non-White in origin — and have long been used in the White world to basically designate prisoners, slaves and deserters!
East Indian woman
A Maori chief in 1784 in New Zealand
A bill just passed the Arkansas state Senate banning certain kinds of piercing, tattoos and body modifications (but not all tattoos).
A comrade in Alabama wrote me:
This whole tatto thing ust got to me recently… My cousin, H, had so much potential, wonderful genes, blonde hair, blue eyes, pale skin… She has become a bisexual atheist who cuts herself and wants to get all these ‘body mods’ and tattoos.. I believe she is literally possessed — by what, I don’t know — but her innocence is destroyed, or at least chained at the bottom of the lake of her mind, with the forces of evil captaining the ship above-waters.
I may tolerate something tattooed on like a small cross, a sun disk, or something spiritualist, that represents something on OUR side, but anything else seems so… unnecessary, a waste of money, and decadent.
I wrote back:
I feel sad for people who do this. When I was young, only sailors and truckers had tattoos, and they were not highly respected or empowered groups, but trapped at the bottom. No middle-class person ever got a tattoo!
Navy sailors especially are sitting ducks in a real war. Often a thousand of them or more go down to the bottom. There is almost no escape.
USS Arizona Memorial at Pearl Harbor; 1100 dead men are still trapped below
Why were the crewmembers’ bodies never removed from the USS Arizona?
Approximately 15 minutes into the attack, a Japanese high-level bomber dropped a 1,760-pound (800 kg) naval projectile, that had been specially converted, onto the USS Arizona. The bomb penetrated the forward deck of the ship about 40 feet in from the bow. The resulting explosion ignited aviation fuel stores and the powder magazines for the 14-inch guns, instantly separating most of the bow from the ship and lifting the 33,000-ton vessel out of the water (there is no physical evidence remotely suggesting the USS Arizona was hit by torpedoes to dispel a popular myth). The explosion and subsequent fires killed 1,177 sailors and marines instantly. In addition, the entire front portion of the ship was left destroyed and the fires burned everything in its path. The fires continued for 2½ days, virtually cremating every man on board. Out of a crew of 1,511 only 334 survived. Due to the immense fire, only 107 crewmen were positively identified. The remaining 1,070 casualties were placed into three categories: (1) Bodies that were never found; (2) Some bodies were removed from the ship during salvage operations. These remains were severely dismembered or partially cremated, making identification impossible (DNA testing was unheard of in 1941). These bodies were placed in temporary mass graves, and later moved and reburied and marked as unknowns, at the National Memorial Cemetery of the Pacific (Punchbowl) in 1949; (3) Bodies located in the aft (rear) portion of the ship. These remains could have been recovered, but were left in the ship due to their unidentifiable condition, indicating most crew members died from the concussion from the massive explosion.
The comrade wrote the essay below, which I herewith reproduce. I do not look down on people with tattoos, but I do ask WHY? Is it a desire to be ugly, barbarian, savage, disfigured, to wear war paint that says I am at war with the world?
I think they represent yearnings to be more than a money unit, to make a statement, or maybe just be like their friends. 😉 But to me usually they are hideous disfigurings of the Aryan body.
I sincerely do not know. But every run-down little town in Pennsylvania has a tattoo parlor, and sorry White people who go in there and spend hundreds of dollars they hardly have to look like a Samoan…
”Forgive me for being a naughty Nazi/Fascist/Soviet and agreeing with Arkansas.
The sacredness of the temple of the body shall not be blasphemed against in the coming Age of Aquarius. Tattoos should be minimalist, small, few in number, and convey solely a deep and esoteric/spiritualist meaning for the wearer, and only under those circumstances should they be tolerated.
Ideally, I desire to see the total elimination of decadency and rebellion against the natural order and the Supersoul that otherwise guides our people, as well as the other races.
Radical individualism, a result of capitalist thought, has given rise to the notion that ‘My way is right no matter who disagrees or why’ and the silly idea that ‘The heart is always right’. The individual, when cut-off from the natural order, from the collectivism that otherwise guides their life and success, and leads the greater whole that is the Supersoul, will become psychologically disturbed, and will rebel against all that is orderly and natural, in a vain attempt to prove their singular superiority over the nothingness that permeates their life, so that they do not feel so helpless, weak, or without purpose.
But we as individuals cannot truly make our own destiny, for we are but drops of water in the ocean of our people’s existence, and so must follow the flow of that ocean’s current, otherwise we filter ourselves out, or are filtered out, and become a single drop that quickly evaporates into nothing.
The ocean is eternal, it cannot dry up, but individual, separate droplets can.
I therefore do not exist truly as myself, but as a microcosm of the macrocosm, which is the Superself/SuperSoul, the guiding force of the entirety of the Volk, which must remain pure, or else the ocean itself will become polluted, and will no longer sustain within its vast depth any diversity or life.
Therefore, it becomes necessary that we as individuals, in accordance with the will of the Supersoul, the ocean, put away our former rebellions, our whimsical notions of radical individuality, our ideas of redefining what is already here, or of re-making it, or even of planting upon it our own artificially engineered markings, that act as little more than stains and vanities, and instead embrace the natural order of things, as Providence has deigned.
I am a cell, with a duty to perform for the greater body, that is the Folk, which itself too is but a limb of the still-greater body that is the entirety of the human species. When a singular cell cuts off its ties, when it begins to neglect its role, and ignores the fact of its true identity within the stream of the limb or organ, it becomes cancerous, and is a slow-poison to the entire body itself.
Therefore I beseech all who would listen, to cease the petty rebellion, for whatever reasons it was undertaken, and return to the glorious state of conformity to natural law, wherein true happiness lies, and nowhere else. The body is sacred, a temple unto the soul and the Supersoul, it shall not be corrupted, neither shall it be defaced or re-ordered improperly by the hand of a naive spirit, for Cancer is the ultimate end to this path. Nature is a good god. Namaste.”
(Namaste = in Sanksrit, “I worship the divine within you.”)
What say you?
I thank a married father of five in Oregon, STRUGGLING WITH MANY BILLS, for sending this donation:
Washington Post article of June 13, 2013: “Whites’ death outpaces births”. For the first time ever, more Whites died than were born in the USA. the average White age is a staggering 42, for Asians 34, for Blacks 32, and for Hispanics 28.
We are a dying race because our soul has died.
Others have been making big sacrifices. How about you?
John de Nugent
681 Canal Road
Apollo PA 15613
(724) 596-4284
This is how you can help financially:
(1) postal money orders and other money orders that are left blank in the recipient area, or made out to “John de Nugent”
(2) sending valuable jewelry or gold coins
(3) cash in an envelope, even with a fake return address (no risk there!)
(4) PAYPAL (write me at for more details)
(5) checks made out to “john de Nugent” (now that I again have a bank account. (in fact, BY STEALTH, I have now two. 😉
I need the funds to at least pay my bills while I write the sacred book to awaken the SOUL.
Recent donations:
400 Swiss francs and 70 Australian dollars
And $US 5….. That helps too, from Tennessee!
John de Nugent
681 Canal Road
Apollo PA 15613
(724) 596-4284
On Facebook: John D. Nugent
On Skype: John de Nugent (Pittsburgh)
Donate via Credit Card
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