ENGLISH Ten years for pepper-spraying two black carjackers; the IMO probably bogus Angelina Jolie mastectomy

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Framed and incarcerated

for pepper-spraying black carjackers


Michael Weaver did over a year in prison because he used non-lethal pepper spray to protect himself.
Michael Weaver did over a year in prison because he used non-lethal pepper spray to protect himself.

Imagine leaving a friend’s house and getting in your car, and two people see you get in your car and decide to approach your vehicle. One approaches the driver’s side and the other one approaches the passenger side, each with beer bottles in their hand. Then the person by the driver’s side door goes to grab for your door handle, and tries to open the door with no words spoken. Would this make you feel like you needed to protect yourself? This happened to Michael Weaver, who did 21 months behind bars for pepper spraying a man,Travis Parson, who had a previous criminal record and was on felony probation. Additionally, Mr. Weaver is banished from from Muscogee County, which is part of the Chattahoochee Judicial District.

Michael Weaver was coerced into accepting a guilty plea bargain or else face 20 years in prison, if a jury found him guilty. Which the prosecuting attorney was planning on using Mr. Weaver’s association with the National Alliance and the flyers Mr. Weaver use to distribute on illegal immigration, affirmative action, and media control against Mr. Weaver instead of the facts of the case. Basically, the Assistant District Attorney, Michael Craig, was planning on poisoning the jury with these fliers and Mr. Weaver’s association with the National Alliance, and the judge was going to allow this prejudicial evidence into a jury trial.

Mr. Weaver took the guilty plea and was given a ten-year-sentence, which was serve one year and do nine on probation. However, Mr. Weaver is the first person in Georgia to get an aggravated assault charge for pepper spraying a person. The so-called victims in this case: Travis Parson and Frank Bellamy. Both Parson and Bellamy were on felony probation. Parson was on felony probation for drug charges, providing false information to the police, and fleeing the police, and currently has an outstanding warrant for violation of probation at this time. Bellamy was on felony probation for robbery and other crimes. It has been said that Mr. Weaver was showing malice when he pepper sprayed Mr. Parson; however, if Mr. Weaver had meant to show malice, he would have sprayed Mr. Bellamy, who was on the passenger side window. But Mr. Weaver only sprayed Mr. Parson, who was trying to open the driver side door.

When Mr. Weaver was originally charged [and why was he even charged at all? — JdN], he was charged with a misdemeanor charge of simple battery, and Mr. Weaver made bond on that charge for $60.00. This case was brought to the DA’s office attention originally by Officer Cathy Bush, who went to the State Solicitor’s office to see Mr. Ben Richardson, who then took the case to the Columbus District Attorney, Julia Slater. Mr. Weaver went to court three times under the misdemeanor charge, and the charges were not resolved. The first time, the “victim” Mr. Parson did not show up for court because he was in jail for probation violation. The second time Mr. Weaver went to court on the misdemeanor charge, the arresting officer was not there. The third time, Mr. Weaver went to court, he was informed that his charge had been handed over to the DA’s office because they were considering upgrading the charge to a felony charge of aggravated assault.

The assistant District Attorney of Muskogee County at the time, Don Kelly, moved the charge up to a felony—Aggravated Assault. Then Mr. Kelly got arrested for a DUI and assistant District Attorney Michael Craig took over Mr. Weaver’s case. Mr. Weaver went to prison for a year and is now currently on probation. Mr. Weaver is now appealing his case.

“He hates black people. He hates Jewish people,” said Assistant District Attorney Michael Craig about Carothers. “God knows how many other people he hates.”

Carothers, a National Alliance member, stands to be sentenced to ten years. (I was a leading member of the NA 1981-84, refounded and grew the Washington-Baltimore unit of the NA,  and emcee’d the 1984 NA convention.)



Mr. Weaver is appealing his case and banishment based on the fact that he is the first person in Georgia to get a felony aggravated assault for pepper spraying someone. However, there is a previous pepper spray case of Ms. Abril Wheeler, who got two misdemeanor charges for pepper spraying five people, including a 5-month-old child. Additionally, Mr. Weaver is appealing his case because he believes his prosecution is politically motivated. According to Michael Weaver, “Basically American citizens should not be penalized for espousing unpopular but truthful viewpoints. Shame on Assistant DA Michael Craig and former police detective Cathy Bush for maliciously going after an American citizen who exercises their beloved First Amendment rights in the People Republic of Columbia, Georgia. The Orwellian thought police are alive and well.”

Weaver in prison


========why we need John de Nugent to win for sheriff

The sheriff is elected, not selected. His concern is YOUR rights, not his career and making judge by kissing Jewish derrières.


As we have seen in recent months, it has been the sheriffs that have stoop up to the black racist communist Barack Obama. The police chiefs, being SELECTED and APPOINTED, are just fine with disarming the American People.


Your donation will help my victory this November in my 98% white county, which voted in a landslide against Obama twice.

Send your donations to the address above, or use the Authorize.net  donate button — top left or right!

=============see also



As far as I am concerned, Angelina Jolie is a lying UN-CFR Jewish Whore of Babylon through her sephardic-jewish French mother — and there was no mastectomy at all. I think Jolie is a high-level Illuminata and they get special medical care so they can live like David Rockefeller to be 100.

Only the naive peons get mastectomies!

Nor do I agree with with the jewsmedia that she is beautiful. She looks like a conniving witch! Jolie met and seduced Pitt on the set of an uplifting movie where he plays a hitman and she a hitwoman ;-), both married to each other,  and then they separately are assigned by gangsters to “whack” each other and go at it! 😉 (Hey, anything for money in jew world.)


I further think the reason for the supposed mastectomy is to make a subliminal statement:

“‘To survive, you must be willing to give up certain things. All that counts is survival, whatever the cost you must pay.”

Like, just for example, giving up FREEDOM in order to survive.

We must give up guns, free speech, and be searched and surveilled, because to stay alive in a world of terrorists is the only goal.

That is the subliminal message IMO (in my opinion) of this bogus mastectomy; do anything to survive. Give up everything to survive.

And I am further convinced that the Jews broke up the marriage between Brad Pitt and Jennifer Aniston, who was a very pretty nordic girl. (She is half-Greek, btw, an Anistonopoulos, showing that many Greeks still have very good genes, though of course less than 2500 years ago. This is true for all white nations because of incessant jew-caused WARS.)

The kids of Pitt and Aniston (which of course never were procreated; Jolie broke them up) might have been a showcase of nordic genes, and the Jews feared that.

Brad Pitt as Achilles in the movie “Troy”



But, at the insistence of the jewess Jolie, Brad now has a Rainbow Coalition going. She never had a mastectomy but he had a testiculectomy years ago!



1 Comment

  1. Greetings,

    Quite a story!!!! Back on the farm we had a pile of this and it was left by the horses!!!!

    This is such an abnormal, disgusting piece of propaganda and I hope and pray that people will not fall victim to this foolishness. We need to stop supporting trash like this. Stop going to their movies.

    You are right, Joli is NOT beautiful; her eyes look cold and cunning whereas Jennifer Anniston’s eyes look loving.

    God help us.

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