ENGLISH The cross an ancient Aryan symbol; theories on the new black flashmobs; Iceland gives banksters the finger

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===============CIVILIZED ANIMALS

This video does have an “”awwww, how cute” theme, but it makes a profound point. This female crow was displaying the female compassion and nurturing that make females, including our own human females, so essential to life. The kitten needed help to survive and the mother crow went right to work. Kinda beautiful….

Among humans, men are literally “born killers,” for our male ancestors all hunted, and killed, and then slit the dead animal open to carve out the meat. That is how our women and children survived, in effect, by the men getting food by killing Bambi. 😉

Here is the opening hunting scene from the great Discovery Channel documentary “Ice Age Columbus” about our white Solutrean ancestors.


But women are especially caring….and in the presidential video I go into the way in which this God-created instinct makes women tend to vote liberal, and for the Democrat party. Everywhere in the world, as I myself have seen, right-wing parties — which emphasize “get tough” with criminals, and the lazy and parasitical — are heavily male.

Of course, the Jew, like the snake seducing Eve in the Garden of Eden, exploits this female compassion to mislead white women into “nurturing” minorities. (The whole snake-and-Eve story is an allegory, among other things, of women being hopelessly naive.)

And then the same minorities go out and rape our kind and gentle liberal women!

Truly, kindness can be cruelty, and cruelty can be kindness.

This is a nice graphic from our French comrades, from the Parti national-socialiste francais (PNSF), showing a truly keltic French girl’s face. The words upper-left are obvious (because English borrowed both words FROM French 😉 ) and, below, it says “Fight for Her.”

Women shied away from Hitler and his party during the 1920s, but by 1932, with their children starving, and husbands jobless, women became radicalized by dire threats to family security, and began streaming into the NSDAP. In the Third Reich, motherhood was highly honored, and street crime was eradicated by taking all career lowlifes off the street and providing full employment and incomes for men so no one needed to steal, or drink themself out of their poverty and misery any more. Male drunks who were incorrigible, however, went to a concentration camp for an attitude adjustment, and rapists and murderers (as well as pedophiles) were executed.

From the presidential video, a section where I was talking about a drunken husband and father whom the SS warned to shape up.


A British trade union official wrote that a woman could walk the docks of Hamburg alone at 3 am with no fear. Mothers of large families got help from 18-year-old girls doing their one-year, unpaid national-service obligation with the Reich Work Service (Reichsarbeitsdienst).


A male chimp and some male relatives of a “higher” species…..

============put this guy in the SS!

There has to be a better use for this German Viking than a technodance in Berlin…. Put him on black flashmob guard (see below) and get ready to rumble…. 😉



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(Note, btw the way, Asians — see locations in bold — who admire Hitler and regularly read my site!!)

Some of the donations received yesterday…..from faraway Switzerland, and a very useful BLANK money order for paying essential bills.

Contact the man the Jews and white psychopaths rightfully hate most…

John de Nugent

213 Ekastown Road
Sarver PA 16055 USA

[20 miles north of Pittsburgh, in western Pennsylvania]



Telephone: 724.353.0154

Skype: John de Nugent (Pittsburgh)


–Cash in an envelope

–Blank money order (put in $ amount, not your name or to whom)

–MoneyGram (send from a Walmart or elsewhere)

–Paypal (to “john_denugent@yahoo.com”)


A financial supporter and former Marine Corps officer told me he was sending a donation, and wrote me something very gratifying about my spiritual approach. I thanked him for all that, and he wrote:

You’re very willkommen, ;-), my friend! Glad that you enjoyed your birthday [JdN: I got 100 touching birthday wishes on Facebook on July 14th] — and you certainly have many, many other supporters who wish you well!

You’re building a strong support base; your sincerity and emphasis on the spiritual aspects definitely are appreciated!

I replied:

Thanks, brother former Marine. I think talking seriously about God and karma is both good politics and good in reality — to get God’s blessing, and we sure are going to need it up ahead.

There is actually a big divide in the white race over Christianity across the globe. Xtianity is nearly dead over in Europe. Only ten percent over there attend church regularly, and politicians feel no obligation, unlike the vicious hypocrites Bush and Obama, to toss off empty, cynical phrases about God — or quote the Bible at all in their speeches (and note that nowadays American politicos usually ONLY quote from the Old Testament “so as not to offend American Jews”).

Europeans go to church basically to attend their own baptism, wedding — and 100% make a point of attending their funeral as well 😉 😉

They are basically “cultural Christians,” to use David Duke’s phrase. They like the beauty of our ancient churches and cathedrals…..

Speaking of Duke, he has clearly been lifting things from my blog. In a recent speech in Denmark, he stated 1) It was a religion, Islam, that made the Arabs into a force to be reckoned with; 2) whites need a religion appropriate for themselves, and 3) we need to start using the word “Aryan” again, meaning noble….. He really gets going with his speech at the 27th minute, here:


He defines “Aryan” as people like us who are concerned about a white future. He talks about how we must spread the message, and that we need our own religious message. Islam spread across Asia in one generation via camel.

He really talks about the psychology of the matter and mentions Edward Bernays (whom I discussed at length in two spiritual videos), and how WWII was necessary in our evolution because it killed the idea of being proud just to be German, French, Russian, etc and turned us into targeted “whites”. We now realize we are all in the same boat.

It is kind of shameless how Duke borrows my stuff, but plagiarism is the sincerest compliment. 😉 Hi, David. Enjoy the blog. 😉 😉 😉

Like Westminster Abbey in England (http://www.westminster-abbey.org), built by my Norman ancestors…..our people has raised magnificent temples to God….

A Christian Science church on the East Side of Providence, Rhode Island, just off my ancestral Angell Street

A Greek Orthodox church, all in blinding white and blue….

.…and one of my favorite churches, a New England Congregationalist village church …..

Central Congregational Church in Providence, Rhode Island, where I was baptized. I was fascinated as a little kid by the swastika friezes all around the inside ceiling (swastikas were very “in” in the USA until Hitler came to power).😉 When the church bought a stupendous German organ at great cost (some went ballistic because every two years two Germans would have to be flown over to maintain it at $40 per hour in 1960 dollars) I for one, age five, most heartily approved of buying a German organ. I was already learning German at that time, to my parents’ serious wonderment. 😉

I remember the organ doing some bad-ass Bach, and the neighbors complained because their houses shook from the German organ. 😉 That power and deep, soulful spirit were heaven for me. 😉

….. and the Europeans, like Americans, love Christmas, Christmas music, Easter, and find the God idea sorta comforting. but the churches usually are nearly empty, and what you do find in there is women (who, certainly to over-generalize, are emotion-driven, and, because of their nurturing nature, love a religion of love like Christianity) and you of course also see the old folks (who are facing the dying process).

But Xtianity (or let us, with Hitler, call it “Saulianity,” from the way Saul co-opted and deformed Jesus’ teaching and rejudaized it), this “regular Christianity” is still alive and kicking in the USA.

I am sure many devout born-again US Christians would be shocked to learn that the cross is a pagan symbol that vastly predates Christ — http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cross — the fish being the original logo of Christianity, and that is what you see on the catacomb walls underneath Rome, THE FISH. It is certainly an appropriate symbol for a very piscean faith — Pisces (Latin: “fish”) is the constellation of The Fish — based on ego renunciation, humility and forgiveness.)

Here, in the Catacombs of Saint Calixtus underneath ancient Rome (http://www.jesuswalk.com/christian-symbols/early-christian-symbols.htm), you can clearly see the fish symbol as well as the Chi-Rho Christian cross in the X shape, which is basically a hagal rune…..

The hagal rune (of hedgelike protection and hail-like attack) of the Solutrean Ahnenerbe, directed by Jason Salyers, which uses the “mother rune” symbol taken from the runic “futhark” created by Guido von List around 1900. Jason often reminds me of Himmler in his diligence and quiet, systematic fierceness.

The cross itself means, as one can easily see, the intersection of the earth (the horizontal cross bar) and the divine (the line up and down), and of the four great elements of earth (practicality, groundedness), air (intellect, ideas), fire (energy and passion) and water (feeling and emotion), and of course it betokens north, south, east and west.

It also symbolizes the male penetrating force, which is vertical, and fertilizing the female force, horizontal, and thus white life continues to be generated, and our race survives!

It also suggests male sky gods (the Indo-Europeans were big on powerful male sky gods, whether Zeus, Thor, Indra, or Apollo) as they interact with female earth goddesses (representing gentleness, growth, babies, plants, and beauty).

And the cross shows intellect (male) dealing with feeling (female).

Here is a beautiful symbol of feminine force, which I found on the Facebook album of a lady comrade…..something opening, flowering, and glowing in the dark in this harsh world of male conflict….

The nordic male symbolizes decisiveness, skill, bravery and force.

(Caption in German: “The German mindset/bearing and performance prove our nordic racial heritage” — meaning that even brunets have a hidden nordic genotype in their DNA!)

I found this gorgeous, femininity-oozing nordic girl from Minnesota on Facebook. Isn’t is awful how good-looking some people are? 😉 I wrote her she should have 210 kids, and painlessly, of course. 😉 The Solutreans will send diapers. 😉

Here is a pagan cross with a circle from the New Stone Age (“Neolithic”), with keltic braid designs, and truly beautiful:

Here is an overtly Christian version of the Aryan cross symbol:

Here is a Solutrean military symbol honoring our white nations as they search for God, designed in the cross form. You will note many color schemes reminiscent of specific white nations, and the Confederacy as well. Do you like it?

The German Cross in Gold was a very high German battle decoration. It was awarded to Waffen-SS volunteer Léon Degrelle on the Eastern Front. The swastika is simply a SPINNING CROSS. According to major scientists such as the Third Reich Austrian Viktor Schauberger, who worked on zero-point energy (leading to lots of speculation about UFOs and their engines), the key to healthy power is SPINNING, THE SPIRAL, THE VORTEX. (I find it fascinating how women love to be twirled on the dance floor…. reflecting perhaps a deep female intuition.)

Leon, a French-speaking Belgian, with his Iron Cross (actually, a higher level called the Knight’s Cross, “Ritterkreuz”), which was awarded to him personally by Adolf Hitler. He had led his men on an incredible breakout from total and deep encirclement by Soviet troops. We today are also encircled and must BREAK OUT.

Adolf during the war, wearing just one decoration, his Iron Cross First Class from World War One. Only 400 of these were awarded in WWI to enlisted soldiers, and for exceptional bravery only.

[This did not stop the Jews from publicly circulating that Hitler was a coward during the war, and was in Pasewalk Military Hospital at war’s end in 1918 not from a mustard gas attack but from a nervous breakdown! (Yes, Hitler was crying like a baby…. and a blithering German fool I met in France retold me this tale in 2004.)

* * *

Not long ago, I too was accused of cowardice for canceling my speech in 2009 at a skinhead convention in Boston (and I did not know any of the organizers or attendees), an event that was crawling with Joint Terrorism Task Force (JTTF) assets and agents. The same JTTF that set up Shaun Walker (who got six years in federal prison for a barfight with an uninjured Mexican) and Edgar Steele (who will probably get 15 years), the same JTTF which has been three times to my house, had already brutally terrorized the VFW hall owner in Boston into cancelling his venue for the event — to the shock and irritation of the local Boston police; local cops hate it when the feds step in and take over.

I got a chilling feeling all at once that someone there (a Red or a fake skinhead) was going to physically assault me and then the feds, right on schedule, would swoop in (as with Shaun Walker) and arrest ME, in a Massachusetts where I could not carry a gun. (Mass. has no gun-permit reciprocity with Pennsylvania).

I go nowhere unarmed, not into any airport, courthouse, federal building or other place where I could not do a Leonidas and die fighting.



……as Henrik Holappa (unarmed, because he was a foreign citizen) also was just one month prior to this event, in my presence. Three squad cars came and put him in triple steel chains. (He then spent 87 days in solitary, was food-poisoned, developed a brain tumor — a non-smoker in his twenties — and was expelled from the U.S. [He resumed his brave WN activities once back in Europe.])

(Btw, as soon as I cancelled, and not to my surprise, the event suddenly went off without a hitch.)

The more courage a white leader demonstrates, the more the Jews MUST defame him: as a coward, homosexual, embezzler, etc, etc. If you cannot discredit the message, at least discredit the messenger.

When Jesus expelled demons, the Pharisees, seeing how Jesus was winning the masses over, spewed that Christ could do that because He had a deal going with Satan! (Matthew 12:27)

* * *

Europeans are much more open to reincarnation and other seemingly non-Christian ideas than Americans are, and calling something heathen or pagan does nott disqualify it for them. Yet a recent poll said that even 30% of AMERICAN CATHOLICS now accept reincarnation. So if I handle this carefully and seek God’s guidance, I believe a rebirth of the original Aryan religion — from Vedanta, the Eddas and other sources — will come to fruition, and it will transform an adequate number of us into terrific, fearless fighters (who, I hope, can stay “info warriors” only, and we will stay info warriors only unless assaulted). And with that totally committed, elite, history-making minority we will win.




(Satchmo and I were actually twins, separated tragically at birth. 😉 )

Now read about this black Peoria, Illinois flash mob.


My sense about this is that a lot of things are coming together:

1) These are test race riots, instigated by ZOG assets, possibly including bribes literally to pay for riots, maybe even paying druggies to do so, so as to try out how quickly ghetto blax can form a white-killing mob (purpose: martial law, hate-speech arrests and gun confiscation)

(This would parallel the CIA involvement in Jonestown to determine how far a cult can be made to go. It is all “for science,” Tavistock-style.)

2) Related to this is the theory that chemtrails are creating a matrix where HAARP can affect people in general, or even blacks in particular, due to their genetic makeup (higher levels of the male hormone testosterone and frontal lobe differences), using certain very secret goverment-HAARP frequencies to which I of course am not privy….Very much black-ops stuff.

We got a load of chemtrails recently over my house north of Pittsburgh…..sinister as hell, and really laying it on thick.


A NASA photo of chemtrail-mania


The theory is that the chemtrails (with aluminum, barium and whatever) potentiate HAARP, just as you can make a wineglass sing if you rub wet fingertips around it, but only if you put wine or water in the cup. You need a medium to potentiate the glass and get the effect.

I have repeatedly run this article in my blog about the ZOG regime actually having brain weapons. The article is NOT from some crazy alternative website, but from the Washington Post itself. I subscribed then to the Sunday Washington Post (living in suburban Wash., DC 2005-2007) and I read it when it first came out, on Sunday, January 10, 2007, in their Sunday magazine section……

* * *

It is quite a read, and states that the “tinfoil hat” people are not making it up….. (I include my reminiscences about Marian Shelton, the brave Viet POW wife and dissident and her demise…. She swore to me from her home in San Diego — way back around 1990. when I was doing trust work for Willis Carto/Liberty Lobby) that the government was firing a beam at her, and she said she saw something like a green laser dancing on her bedroom ceiling through a crack in the curtains. She said to me: “John, I think they are trying to get me to kill myself.” And that, tragically, is exactly what she finally did. Maybe it was a beam …maybe not, but she was terribly depressed that Reagan-Bush had abandoned her husband, who had been her sweetheart way back in high school in Kentucky, and the father of her many kids.)

Marian Shelton


Her husband, an Air Force colonel, abandoned by Reagan in the rice paddies. He was listed as the senior-ranking MIA by the Pentagon.


https://johndenugent.com/english/english-dissidenticide-and-mental-torture-by-zog-the-washington-post-sort-of-confesses (scroll down one-third)

* * *

I also think that blacks are “bummed out” that their “brother Barack” — the first black prez — has turned out to be a humiliating flop.

And I think they resent him now as a sellout to whitey and the jews.

They are also hurting economically, and many may blame (they do like to blame others) “the white Establishment” for “getting to Barack.”

Yes, the rich crackas be controlling Barack so he cannot keep his promises to the brothas. 😉

So my working theory is that with all these many black flashmobs rampaging in different parts of the country, yes, the blax are discontented, but two, something else is up…. warm-ups for martial law.

Do a mix of crashed economy, HAARP-induced earthquakes, hurricanes, tornadoes, etc, and add explosive racial rage. Maybe then have a government-controlled MK-ULTRA supposed “white supremacist” take out Barack Obama (of whom the Jews are now very tired anyway, since he refuses to sign off on insane Israeli plans to nuke Iran….which the retired head of the Mossad also publicly opposed recently).

The purpose of this assassination by ZOG assets posing as WNs would be to set the blacks off, get riots nationwide, and then get hate-speech laws.

Yes, I can just see it now: “Billy Bob, after reading Stormfront, killed Handsome Barry…who was leading us upward to an enlightened, postracial America when cruelly struck down by a cowardly bullet.”

Big state funeral, weepy liberals, a stricken Chris Matthews, the martyred widow Michelle, sad but oh-so-cute and-touching little daughters, all bravely blinking back tears….and breathless media-mania 24/7, leading, on cue, to new calls for “reasonable limitations” on free speech and guns, “as in other democratic countries”…..

Which is why I need to start my movement.





Peoria Chronicle: Whites living in fear of black mobs!


Mob Screamed “Kill All Whites.”

Earlier today an article appeared on the website of the Peoria Chronicle about a rash of violent black mobs hunting random white people to attack. Then the Peoria Chronicle website was bombarded with traffic, in part due to a link from the Drudge Report, and crashed. It is still offline as I write this.
Since the weather warmed up a few weeks ago, there has been an explosion of brutal racially motivated black on white crime all across the nation. The “mainstream” media is doing everything they can to censor it.
Below is from a cache on google that saved the content.

Peorians living in fear

This eye-witness account is from Paul Wilkinson, president of the Altamont Park Neighborhood Association:
Tonight, around 11 p.m., a group of at least 60-70 African American youth marched down one of the side streets (W. Thrush) to the 4 lane main drag (Sheridan). They were yelling threats to white residents. Things such as we need to kill alll the white people around here. They were physically intimidating anyone calling for help from the police. They were surrounding cars. Cars on the main drag had to slam on their brakes to either avoid the youth blocking not only all four lanes, but a large section of the side street as well. fights were breaking out among them. They were rushing residents who looked out their doors, going on to porches, yelling threats to people calling the police for help.
Cars were doing U turns on the streets just to avoid the mob, mostly male. One youth stated his grandfather was white and several assaulted him on the spot. One police officer answered the call. The youth split into two large groups, one heading north, the other south. They were also yelling racial threats to the police officer but he was outnumbered. Another police car did not show up until after the youth finally dispersed and the patty wagon (van) also eventually showed up.
Residents are very shaken, both black and white alike. This is the fifth large mob action in about a month with smaller groups of 10-12 are out threatening children and adults a few evenings a week or later into the night. The times vary, even occuring during the day. In talking to the police officer, they are short staffed. Residents were advised to simply keep inside and to lock their doors. In other words buckle down, it’s not even safe to sit on your porch or go into your yards.
“The fifth large mob action in about a month.” Wow. This is really outrageous. Why is this neighborhood having to put up with this? “Residents were advised to simply keep inside and to lock their doors”? Seriously? That’s the best we can do for our fellow citizens’ safety?
This needs to be addressed, and quickly.



I like this Icelandic music video, singing from the sacred Eddas various names of Odin, the Allfather god, though the lead singer is a bit dorky…..

By Bill Wilson
Iceland is free. And it will remain so, so long as her people wish to remain autonomous of the foreign domination of her would-be masters — in this case, international bankers.
On April 9, the fiercely independent people of the island-nation defeated a referendum that would have bailed out the UK and the Netherlands who had covered the deposits of British and Dutch investors who had lost funds in Icesave bank in 2008.
At the time of the bank’s failure, Iceland refused to cover the losses. But the UK and Netherlands nonetheless have demanded that Iceland repay them for the “loan” as a condition for admission into the European Union.
In response, the Icelandic people have told Europe to go pound sand. The final vote was 103,207 to 69,462, or 58.9 percent to 39.7 percent. “Taxpayers should not be responsible for paying the debts of a private institution,” said Sigriur Andersen, a spokeswoman for the Advice group that opposed the bailout.
A similar referendum in 2009 on the issue, although with harsher terms, found 93.2 percent of the Icelandic electorate rejecting a proposal to guarantee the deposits of foreign investors who had funds in the Icelandic bank. The referendum was invoked when President Olafur Ragnur Grimmson vetoed legislation the Althingi, Iceland’s parliament, had passed to pay back the British and Dutch.
The northern lights over Iceland
Under the terms of the agreement, Iceland would have had to pay £2.35 billion to the UK, and €1.32 billion to the Netherlands by 2046 at a 3 percent interest rate. Its rejection for the second time by Iceland is a testament to its people, who feel they should bear no responsibility for the losses of foreigners endured in the financial crisis.
That opposition to bailouts led to Iceland’s decision to allow the bank to fail in 2008. Not that the taxpayers there could have afforded to. As noted by Bloomberg News, at the time the crisis hit in 2008, “the banks had debts equal to 10 times Iceland’s $12 billion GDP.”
“These were private banks and we didn’t pump money into them in order to keep them going; the state did not shoulder the responsibility of the failed private banks,” Iceland President Olafur Grimsson told Bloomberg Television.
The voters’ rejection came despite threats to isolate Iceland from funding in international financial institutions. Iceland’s national debt has already been downgraded by credit rating agencies, and now those same agencies have promised to do so once again as punishment for defying the will of international bankers.
This is just the latest in the long drama since 2008 of global institutions refusing to take losses in the financial crisis. Threats of a global economic depression and claims of being “too big to fail” have equated to a loaded gun to the heads of representative governments in the U.S. and Europe. Iceland is of particular interest because it did not bail out its banks like Ireland did, or foreign ones like the U.S. did.
While Iceland was occupied by Roosevelt during WWII, the son of the Icelandic president was serving in the Waffen-SS 😉
If that fervor catches on amongst taxpayers worldwide, as it has in Iceland and with the tea party movement in America, the banks would have something to fear; that is, the inability to draw from limitless amounts of funding from gullible government officials and central banks. It appears that the root cause is government guarantees, whether explicit or implicit, on risk-taking by the banks.
Ultimately, such guarantees are not necessary to maintain full employment or even prop up an economy with growth, they are simply designed to allow these international institutions to overleverage and increase their profit margins in good times — and to avoid catastrophic losses in bad times.
Miss Iceland 2007-Johanna Vala
The lesson here is instructive across the pond, but it is a chilling one. If the U.S. — or any sovereign for that matter — attempts to restructure their debts, or to force private investors to take a haircut on their own foolish gambles, these international institutions have promised the equivalent of economic war in response. However, the alternative is for representative governments to sacrifice their independence to a cadre of faceless bankers who share no allegiance to any nation.
It is the conflict that has already defined the beginning of the 21st Century. The question is whether free peoples will choose to remain free, as Iceland has, or to submit.
Bill Wilson is the President of Americans for Limited Government. You can follow Bill on Twitter at @BillWilsonALG.
Good for Iceland. I bet the Icelandic children of George Lincoln Rockwell (now in their fifties) led this vile act of hate. ;) wink
George Lincoln Rockwell, his Icelandic wife and kids. When she could not take the stress any more, she dumped him and moved back to Iceland. 🙁
We have to remember that Iceland is only 309,000 people (93% white Icelanders, other whites and some Palestinians) and repaying $5 billion the banksters stole would have been huge for that tiny population. And unlike Jewmerica, they cannot just print worthless paper and call it “money”; they actually have to produce something by hard work to get income.
A steel sculpture on Iceland of Thor and his sacred goats….

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