ENGLISH The Martin Websters in our movement; Obama goes to India with 800 staff

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We can all be proud of Dr David Duke,  who has matured from a young Klan leader to a politician to an author and now a senior statesman and lecturer via video, replete with a splendid, snowy-white, neatly trimmed beard, now teaching the entire Aryavarta. Over the years, he has been criticized, and so have I, but what a treasure David Duke Ph.D. has become for our folk in grace, intelligence, skill and courage. He is a GREAT COMMUNICATOR.



On Facebook a comrade wrote me:

Hey John, just wondering if you heard the podcast from the new right meeting in London/ tom sunic / johnathan bowden / martin webster and nomen lowel

This is VoR’s vault for 2010. Hint: To browse the downloads of a particular program, select that program under PROGRAMS on the main menu.
I listened to all of it. I enjoyed Martin Webster the best; although someone told me that he admitted a homosexual affair with Nick Griffin in the 70’s. It sounded like a joke, but I wondered if anyone could articulate on that.
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I replied:
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My sources  say it is unfortunately not a joke. (This article seems to be fairly accurate, in fact: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Martin_Webster) I have often blogged about homosexuality, a terrible affliction (which by the way the British all-boy private school system once encouraged), and I’ve written about the fact that so many boys are molested these days and that does “turn” some of them.

Male homosexuals are not always effeminate; many are tough as nails. And before anyone starts rumors about Nick Griffin, he was a boxing champion at college. Gay men share with straight women an attraction to men; that is all. No one chooses to be what the Brits call a “ponce.”

Also, the environment is full of hormonal-type chemicals such as bisphenol B which give men effeminate characteristics. Even the fish are showing up with homosexual and bisexual behavior from these chemicals!

As long as “gays” understand they have an affliction and that it is not normal and they stay in the closet about that aspect of their lives, then I avoid the topic. I know of several very good WN writers of the past or present who are/were very probably homosexuals and they have contributed a great deal of good to our cause, except for that one thing. And, to be honest, everyone born since the 1960s has done things they do not want to come out, in fact, at least three or four of them! 😉


source: http://downwithjugears.blogspot.com

Saturday, November 06, 2010

JdN: Obama went as a member of the Acorn tribe

King Barry, his wife, Queen Michelle, and their two monkey-like royal daughters are traveling to India today, right after the election, for a state visit.

Just a visit; no official government business.

Here are a few highlights:

*The Obamas have booked all 570 rooms, banquet rooms, and restaurants at the 5-star Taj Mahal Hotel.

*Additionally, they booked 125 rooms at the Taj President and 80 to 90 rooms at each the Grand Hyatt and Oberoi Hotels. The NCPA is also totally booked, where Obama will meet with business leaders.

*Meanwhile, Queen Michelle will be meeting with “commercial sex workers” in Mumbai. One would have thought there were more than enough ho’s in Washington DC, of every kind, but apparently not.

*The Obamas have taken between 800 people plus staff with them.

*They are taking both Air Force Ones (not many people know there are two of them) and both Marine One helicopters to be used to ferry the Obama royal family around on their sightseeing.

*They are taking a total of 40 aircraft.

*45 cars will be in the imperial motorcade, including Barry’s Lincoln Continental.

*Security will be huge, including the Navy and Coast Guard patrolling the seafront to negate the possibility of a missile being fired. 35-40 Secret Service agents have already arrived in India prior to November 6th.

*King Barry is taking his personal staff, including his main cook and bottle washer, who is not his wife, “not because his dislikes Indian food, but to ensure that his food is not spiked.” Whatever the hell that means.

And to think–we get to look forward to two more years of this!

All this is happening while the country is suffering at least 22% real unemployment, illegal immigration is still out of control, the Jewish-run Federal Reserve has begun to print money for interest to loan the government because no one wants to buy US treasury department paper, and dumb-ass Americans think that replacing Democrats with Republicans will change things.

These factors are obviously not very important to The One, who has time to appear on TV comedy shows, play golf, and spend multi-millions for his little getaways.

JdN: This guy is still on the 2008 ego trip….

All one can say is the American people are getting exactly what they asked for. Elect an African and what you get is African politics.



A comrade saw my three-part video-ed speech from the “No More Wars for Israel” conference for the first time (ON MY YOUTUBE SITE http://www.youtube.com/JohndeNugent) and wrote the detailed email which is found below my brief response, which I have front-loaded.

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Many thanks for this encouraging email, comrade, which I will modify to protect your identity and run in today’s blog! I just did a video in German yesterday, which I was able to plan. The “NMWFI” speech you just saw was totally spontaneous in the sense that instead of 60 minutes, I got 20 minutes in the chaos of being thrown by Jews out of hotel after hotel and the whole program being squeezed into much less time.

You can actually see me sifting through my material and discarding displays; I was afraid at 8:45 pm that we all were about to be thrown at 9 pm out of the dance ballroom which I had rented on an emergency basis with the help of a Slavic Croatian friend.

Soon Aryavarta will see my prepared and presidential speech.


From: Oscar
Sent: Sunday, November 7, 2010 14:09:07
Subject: Praise and comments

Dear Mr. de Nugent,

I have tears in my eyes as I finished watching you “Let my people go” speech.  When you said “I’m not white” and pulled out the piece of paper, you did something which I thought on my own of doing several months ago.  Although the school board cretin I was talking to here in the Midwest couldn’t see the piece of paper that you used as a prop.

You are a very compassionate and thoughful person.  I respect you greatly for talking about your childhood abuse.  I came from a family with a bipolar alcoholic father and I too have dealt with such issues and the lack of self esteem.  I was verbally tormented and struck occassionally but there was no sexual abuse.  That you can come forward and talk about such sordid matters of your own volition, shows me that you are REAL (not a snake oil salesman).

Part 1 of 3


That you can talk about all races (judaism excepted) as “Children of God” shows me that your white nationalism is MATURE.  You don’t have to kick around or belittle other races to get great results.  The other races are just like us.  They naturally want to live in communities of people that look and act like them.  It’s Biology 101 – birds of a feather flock together.  The blacks and browns understand that as do we.

I want to tell you right to your face that you are a leader among (white) men.  You exude leadership in everything you say and do.  When you have low feelings about yourself in the future, remember what I said.  I don’t heap praise on people very often.  You are special.   You are here for a reason. (Maybe you already know this. :-))

You understand that the way for us to save ourselves is based on LOVE. If we are to survive we must love ourselves, our children, our families, and our extended racial family all over the world MORE that others, and thus we WILL succeed.  You can’t accomplish any goal if your primary emotion is hate. That you can reach out to blacks and Arabs and praise them as being the first to shake off the Jewish yoke is phenomenal.

Part 2 of 3


You are damn right that we should ally ourselves with black nationalists.  It seems that under the NWO two races are slated for extinction, ours and theirs.  I have read about what China is doing in Africa.  And I’m also aware that immunizations given to people in Africa are laced with chemicals and hormones that will cause sterility.  Dr. Leuren Moret, a whistleblower at Lawrence Livermore labs in CA has a lot to say on this, if you look her up.  You knew a lot of quality black people in the JWs [Jehovah’s Witnesses].  So did I, but I never joined in the end.  The black couple who came to my house on Saturdays for lesson were not real intelligent but they were 100% character.  And in the end, as Edgar J. Steele points out emphatically in his book Defensive Racism, character is much more important than IQ. The Jews have the highest IQ in the world and they are also the most psychopathic. Oppenheimer was a genius and look at what he did … nuclear bombs.  I’d rather have Forrest Gump as a neighbor!

You are damn right that Jews are the ones who sow animosity between the races.  They believe in “divide and conquer”.  Jesus called them the children of the devil [in John 8:44].  I think there is something supernatural behind them.  What do you think?  The Jews through slave trading create conditions where two races are FORCED to live together on the same turf, a biologically unnatural situation which can only be maintained through TOTALITARIANISM.  Multiculturalism is forced, it is totalitarian.  When the CENTRAL AUTHORITY (Jewnited Snakes govt) falls, the whole system will fall.  When the energy holding this unnatural and unholy mass loses power, ENTROPY will result.

I love what you said about Russia in your speech.  My daughter will soon be learning Russian.  I bought the Rosetta Stone, which is the best language software out there.  I’m starting to learn it too.

Part 3 of 3


The reason that White Americans are not standing up in mass is easy to understand.  History shows people only rebel when they have lost everything.  Life might seem crappy now compared to 1975 but it’s still very good.  When the dollar goes the way of the Reichsmark, there goes the central control (slave master) and people who have lost their homes and jobs will be ready to join us if we have an organization in place.

One of my associates, Bro Nathanael Kapner, a monk in the Russian Orthodox Church, has also been wanting to translate Soltsynitsyn’s book into English.  Bro. Kapner is the best antizionist journalist in the world.  He’s written like 400 articles in the last 3 years.  He was born and raised Jewish.  He converted at the age of 18 and went thru various Christian movements until in 1987 he gave up all his possessions and became a monk.  He has really been writing about the destruction of white culture at the hands of jews because he sees the destruction of white culture as the destruction of Christianity.  He has developed a pro-white streak over the last six months to a year. I talked to him after he got back from Boston (he used to work there when he was younger) and he used some pretty strong language about the lack of whites in the downtown.  He was very depressed.  He would definitely work with a guy like you.


Here’s an index of his videos.  He just started doing them this summer:

I’d be interested to hear your opinion of him after you delve into his work.  I support his “ministry” every month

That’s enough for now,
Kind Regards,
