ENGLISH The privilege to be alive, love our people and fight our foes; Jewzians cancel earth on “South Park”; Federal employees urged by Obama Cabinet secretary to attend Al Sharpton rally

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I’ve blogged about her before –this golden-haired Ukrainian-American girl of ten, a fifth-grader for Pete’s sake, with the voice of an adult superstar.


What precious treasure our children are and can be.


In a recent blog, I detailed how the Jews, as EVEN THE CHINESE REPORTED (calling them the “Zim-Zim”) were committing incest — molesting their own children. (Watch the Jews hack this website in response.)

I discovered that every photo in my posts on this crime had been deleted.

Here now are these incendiary posts, WITH all photos, based on Herve Ryssen’s explosive French expose:

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https://johndenugent.com/jdn/2008/06/12/blood-craze/ for parts I, II, and III

https://johndenugent.com/jdn/2008/06/21/better-to-die-fighting/ for parts IV

https://johndenugent.com/jdn/2008/06/22/media-filth-of-the-jews/ for parts V, VI, and VII

===============the privilege to sacrifice for our people

I was mentally reviewing, although I am not a complaining sort of person, what the Jews have done to keep me from having any staff or funds for the last 18 months.

As Brendon O’Connell of Perth, Australia can also testify, if your home is not guarded 24/7 the minions of ZOG will enter your home when you are out and then strange things happen. I already had this experience at my apartment in Alexandria, Virginia in November, 2007. Thank God this sort of burglary and sabotage can no longer happen since Major William Fox, a fifteen-year Marine officer (who is the owner of www.amfirstbooks.com), returned here and is now renting and using our basement, and he stays up and works all through the night. (Margaret Huffstickler is also up most of the night, although she is an opera singer and not a Marine officer. 😉 But she can yell to shatter glass.) The house is also floodlit all around at night — and I sleep behind locked doors with two biting dogs and two pistols, one of them reputed to be Kevlar-piercing.

213 Ekastown Road, Sarver PA. Sarver is in ninety-eight-percent white Butler County, which used to be Klan Country, and voted 70% against Obama. Many blacks still are reluctant to come here. I have no doubt that if the Civil War broke out again, this time Pennsylvania would join the South.

Major William Bates Fox, six-foot-five, on a trip in spring 2009 to visit with the unjuslty imprisoned Henrik Holappa, a political asylum applicant (see below) held for 86 days in solitary in federal prison in Batavia, New York. Fox is a leading analyst of false-flag attacks. He graduated with honors from Harvard Business School. Fox does four sets of thirty pull-ups every day. I’ve seen it many times. Not bad for 55. “Once a Marine….”

from an email to a supporter:

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Yes, it was very serious that the water ran for three weeks in an unused basement toilet, in our uninhabited and never used basement, silently, behind a locked wooden door which I and the landlady’s husband had to get at by unscrewing the hinges and removing the door. (Now who would use that unused toilet and then lock the door from the inside?) It is the second time this has happened. Mysterious. It has cost me, for the two incidents, $2100 in useless water and sewage bills.

I was reviewing what has happened to keep me from money and staff so I can complete this book, Solutrea, Arise:

–Henrik Holappa comes from Finland to help me as my personal assistant, bodyguard, driver, dishwasher, etc.; he is arrested in March 09 by Homeland Security (using three squad cars, three body chains as well as handcuffs) on the very day he began withdrawing with his debit card a large donation from Europe for me. After 86 days in solitary, kept 200 miles away, he is expelled back to Europe.

Henrik in downtown Pittsburgh. Holappa loved white America and its freedom of speech, and was thrilled to see that Pensylvania people were totally ready for the WN message.

–I am accused of being a homosexual — disregarding two marriages, two kids and innumerable girlfriends — on a huge but heavily government-infiltrated pro-white website, the day after Holappa is arrested and European contributions started flowing
–my college loans (the rent money!) are cut off in August 09 after the FBI interviews me in connection with the James von Brunn incident at the Holocaust Museum and asks me what my income source is. (I spoke out to change the image of WNs so the incident did not result immediately in Canadian-style hate-speech laws; one observer, VNN activist Alex Linder, said I had changed the whole “meme” from “crazy and violent WNs” — the James von Brunn image the media was proclaiming — to “intelligent and concerned” by my appearances on almost all the major networks: see https://johndenugent.com/jdn/television-coverage/) This decision cost me ten thousand dollars in student loans, but it may have helped prevent hate-speech laws. Here is Jewess Rachel Sklar complaining that the media put me on: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/rachel-sklar/media-gives-hate-mongerin_b_215781.html

About to be interviewed on all four major networks at a downtown Pittsburgh studio; I was amazed at the harshness of the TV studio lights and was gazing up at them when this shot was taken. The Jew-owned Pittsburgh Post-Gazette ran this pic, a typical hostile selection by a hostile newspaper, with wrinkles galore. 😉

–all 2,500 photos on all my posts are deleted in July 2009 by the Rupert Murdoch-owned Photobucket
–my website is totally hacked in November 2009, and has to be rebuilt by three volunteers — a German, a Texan and a non-white Californian who is a sincere leucophile — in hundreds of hours of work
–A California friend of many years with great political skills and extensive WN contacts wants to come out and help me; I send him $300 and tragedy befalls him in mid-August 2010
–a volunteer from Iowa comes to be my personal assistant in July 2010; after doing a superb job, this 20-year-old kid (with no college degree), who knows all about computers, scheduling, videos, and also wardrobe, and even buffed and waxed my 20-year-old car to almost a spitshine, is lured away in early August from me with a $1,250-a-WEEK salary offer !! .. $1,250 a week.….
–a fine local supporter and fireman starts helping me in mid-August with videos and other key tasks; on the Friday (five days ago) he was supposed to come and help me finish the key video, SOMEONE (a fellow fireman!?) steals from his locker his $300 iPhone, hacks his Facebook account, hacks his email accounts and changes all his passwords. This was after the FBI paid him not one but two visits, once with two agents and then again with SIX agents. He is 20 years old.
–a second-year law student, Kyle Bristow, sends me a draft of his new novel in mid-August about the ancient Solutreans and their fate at the hands of the Asiatic Indians, and at his weightlifting gym a guy with tattoos shows up, sidles up to him, gets friendly and talkative, claims to also be a law student (but cannnot name any classes or professors he is taking) and offers to show him his automatic-weapons collection!
–I invited the webmaster of a pro-white website in Florida, Mike Williams, in late June 2010 to move up here and be my personal assistant. He had been complaining the Florida police were trying to set him up. The latest is he was arrested on August 210 by a SWAT team, five cops with machine pistols against a, well, basically a computer nerd, on the charge of being a felon possessing firearms although he has never been convicted of any felony whatsoever. (Ah, but when he was in HIGH SCHOOL out in Portland, Oregon — he is now 31 — a judge COULD have given him over a year for certain misdemeanors.)

I would say that Obama is very nervous about this one little blogger here on Ekastown Road.

With no staff and almost no money, I am finishing this book and video, all by myself.

I just have to do everything myself. But the lack of funds and staff is endangering my mission and my life.

Are you petrified that ZOG could launch martial law and end all hope for the white race? Are you young, or youngish and fit, with computer skills, a driver’s license, and physically able to guard me, and help with any request, lofty or humble, that I make? Do you see ZOG’s pattern with me? Do you see that they see that I need staff? Are you ready to risk your own life and even die — to save millions of white lives? Will you serve alongside me?

My fear is that, as a German friend said, the day will come when WNs will decide I am the man, and then wish they could come to Pennsylvania to help me, but then it will be too late. They will be too broke for even the gas money to get out here to me.

And, like Mike Williams, who should have come here when I suggested, two months ago, and “gotten out of Dodge” after the Florida cops had already been after him, as he himself complained to me on the phone, ZOG will pick them off — as, in their eyes, the defenseless “small fry.”

Mile Williams’s booking photo at 3:53 am., August 10th.

===============former Marine officer writes back

A Marine lieutenant who fought in Vietnam and then became a heroic civilian pilot, averting disaster for his jetliner through his “combat mindset” in an almost disastrous situation, sent me $100 from what little he has, although he is now in danger of losing his house, along with millions of other white Americans. He also sent me a beautiful, heavy brass EGA — the famous Eagle, Globe and Anchor symbol of the United States Marine Corps, which is called “first to fight for right and freedom, and to keep our honor clean.”

I had thanked him for his gifts, and sent him afterward the above account of my last two years.

He replied:

* * *

My biggest problem now is that I am unable to sit up for very long because of my degenerative spinal osteoarthritis, and my sacroiliitis. I am typing this email in ‘stages.’

Speaking of spines, I admire your own “backbone” and fortitude in dealing with your myriad of problems. It makes me feel, quite frankly, awful and depressed that I am unable to help. I can’t even get out from under the ‘ton’ of debt that I carry.


I see no other one man (and a good man at that) than you who can get real Nordic humans away from the savage(s) who threaten us.

I will spend tomorrow getting a new spinal MRI, and having a consultation afterwards. My condition has no cure, so I will probably get more powerful “pain pills” which make me feel ill, and sometimes scramble my brain (and emails). One of my hobbies, music, suffers accordingly.

Semper Fi, brother.

* * *

I replied:

* * *

I am extremely touched by your story, which you had merely sketched out to me on in previous emails. It makes me appreciate even more your financial sacrifice.

And that EGA is now in a very prominent spot in my house.

And I thank you for those two morphing photo images you sent — Bush-to-Obama and Obama-to-the-devil himself. I will use them both this very day in my blog. [See below.]

When I think back to why I joined the Marines (that is, the Marine Corps Reserve; I was just entering Georgetown as a college student in 1977), it was not primarily to delight my dad, the Iwo Jima and Korea vet, although it certainly did make his day.

My dad, James Nugent, fought here, on the volcanic, hot, sliding black sands of Iwo Jima. The Japanese poured machine gun fire down from an extensive system of caves they had dug into that mountain.

He donated for this monument. Several of the Marines in this scene were later killed. The battle raged for six weeks after the flag-raising on Mount Suribachi. The “flagpole” was a heavy metal pipe that was found at the summit of the Japanese-fortified mountain.

I jioned the Marines because I wanted not just to defend my country, but also for the challenge. I wanted to grow through suffering, to be the king of myself, the captain of my soul, to attain self-mastery. To endure, persist and triumph over my weaknesses, to exult in hardships, and be tough, and a man. Having been molested as a kid, that was very important to me.

You and I now are both at the point of increasing suffering, when we both must buckle down and get through this.

I have never believed more strongly than I do now that this world is a karmic trial, that we have many lives, and that we chose in that other world before our birth to be here, to be here, yes, at this time, during this great turning point in white history, to serve and give everything we have.

It is our great privilege to suffer for our race, and ensure that our foes feel the pain of the wrath of God which they so richly, truly deserve. We must now prepare the ultimate defeat of the satanic creatures whom the world calls Jews — and the severest punishments for their white and black collaborators. Without these non-Jewish traitors, these psychopaths who lick the Jews’ boots, and do his sadistic bidding, the Eternal Jew would be nothing but an ugly and risible toad.

Again, I am touched, and I am truly inspired by your sacrifice. You are a 100% warrior. You are a true Marine, sir.

I’ll be sending you today a little token of my thanks.


* * *

Kyle Bristow of this website (http://solutreanliberationfront.blogspot.com), author of a powerful upcoming novel about the coverup of the truth about the ancient Solutreans in America (see my blogpost here: https://johndenugent.com/2010/08/26/english-jews-and-left-fear-solutrean-coverup-novel-staying-smart-and-healthy/),

wrote me the following on reading my account of the last 18 months:

The System is obviously worried, for our ideas threaten their very existence.

When the FBI agent visited me last fall, I thought that he should have something better to do with his time than to read about me on the Internet and to pay me a visit: Toledo, Ohio, after all, is fifth in the nation for child sex-slave trafficking. Negro pimps kidnap white girls, drug them, and take them to truck stops and whore houses so that guttersnipes can rape them.

One poor girl—her story was told on MSNBC in an hour-long special—was raped non-stop by Negroes and Latinos for three days straight before she was rescued. At the hospital, she was diagnosed with virtually every sexually transmitted disease known to man: she had bacterial infections in every orifice of her broken body.

She was an honor student at her high school and was set to graduate at the top of her class and to go on to a prestigious college; after being kidnapped, she was sold to a pimp via Craigs List.

Anyways, there is a story that you may want to report on your blog: http://blogs.sfweekly.com/thesnitch/2010/08/machete_protest_robert_rodruiguez_white_nationalist.php Right-wingers in California are going to protest the anti-white Machete movie by protesting outside the theaters with their own machetes.


* * *

I found this post (http://www.city-data.com/forum/toledo/805913-teenage-trafficking-toledo-warning.html) on Toledo’s useless, crooked cops and the horrors of white females being abducted:

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Just watched a show about how Toledo is a hub for teenage trafficking – they abduct them, then make them work as prostitutes.

This one girl was kidnapped, forced into prostitution; yet her own dad found the house where she was being held —- they called 911, there were SEVEN calls placed, from them, and from a neighbor, when the dad got tired of hearing his daughter scream — he broke into the house to rescue his daughter.

IT TOOK THE TOLEDO POLICE 90 MINUTES TO EVEN ARRIVE ON THE SCENE. The paramedics and a TV news crew arrived before the Toledo police!

Not only that: the man who kidnapped these two teenage girls, and the two adult prostitutes who helped him, and the trucker who transported them across state lines, weren’t even held in jail. They got out on bail.

It’s very obvious that the Toledo Police Dept. is on the take.

Beware. Make sure you know where your daughters are, at all times.

It’s kind of odd……..I was sitting, watching that show with my daughter, and I literally couldn’t believe it would take a POLICE DEPARTMENT an hour and half to respond to a KIDNAPPING CALL. I told my daughter they were probably all parked somewhere, handing out tickets to increa$e revenue$, then I come here to post about it, and I see threads about speed traps in Toledo, and how they’ll give you a ticket for any little thing.

It’s all about the $$$$$$$$$$$$. How rotten can you get?!

* * *

A Canadian comrade sent me this:


Convicted Negro Sex Offender Murdered 14-Year-Old White Girl — Then ‘Violated’ the Teen’s Dead Body.

This negro had just gotten out of jail for raping yet another white female.


DA: Sheraden Victim Did Not Sell Body For Money

Victim feared release of newly accused attacker in East Liberty teen’s death

==============from a liberal website (http://www.legitgov.org/#breaking_news) that is nauseated by Obama

Obama Marks End of U.S. Combat Mission in Iraq, Salutes Bush31 Aug 2010 President Obama praised President Bush’s commitment to U.S. troops Tuesday as he announced a close to combat operations in Iraq that he said cost America a “huge price.”
While not explicitly crediting Bush for shepherding the 2007 troop surge… Obama highlighted Bush’s commitment to U.S. security. “It’s well known that he and I disagreed about the war from its outset,” Obama said. “Yet no one could doubt President Bush’s support for our troops, or his love of country and commitment to our security [except when Dick Cheney ordered NORAD to stand down on 9/11 and had anthrax sent from Fort Detrick so the Patriot Act would sail through Congress]. As I have said, there were patriots who supported this war, and patriots who opposed it…” [As a member of the ‘professional left,’ my sincere hope is that the Birthers find or fabricate evidence that Obama wasn’t born in the US so that he can’t run for re-election in 2012. –LRP]

Obama addresses nation, declares ‘Operation Iraqi Freedom is over’ [No sh*t. It ended the day the US invaded.] 31 Aug 2010 President Barack Obama declared the official end of U.S. combat operations in Iraq on Tuesday night, despite plans to leave 50,000 U.S. troops stationed there for now and questions surrounding the stability in the years to come. “Operation Iraqi Freedom is over, and the Iraqi people now have lead responsibility for the security of their country,” he said. The Oval Office address — only the second one Obama has delivered from that chamber — followed a day of ceremonies and speeches designed to mark the official end of the U.S. combat mission in Iraq.
* * *
JdN: 50,000 seems to be the magic number toi be stationed anywhere “for now.” That is how many US troops are still in occupied Germany, 65 years after WWII ended. They are there to intimidate the German government and remind it that the Jews, the slave masters of our beloved country, have decreed that the Reich never rise again. How wrong they are. The Reich will rise again, and in fact there will be a Solutrean Ryk over all white nations.
We can never forget what the German Reich once achieved and how it inspired us. The German people are one of the jewels in the Aryan crown.
A little picture, and a mood-booster, from the 2008 Miss Germany contest.



Obama’s Education Secretary, Arne Duncan, of course a Hahvahd grad, urged 4,000 employees to attend last Sunday’s nearly all-black rally on the DC Mall with Reverend Al Sharpton as the main speaker. That’s pretty much unheard of. Civil servants are supposed to avoid at all costs advocating political rallies under the strict terms of the Hatch Act for federal employees. But not this administration! Bagel-ears Obongo is really pushing his luck.

Arne Duncan. Hey, Arne, ease up on the caffeine…

The “Reverend” Al Sharpton whispering to a known illegal alien: “Hey, you could always go and be President of Kenya!”


=================Jews pressure Obama to let Israel bomb Iran

This is some serious disinfo and blackmail from a Zionist/Christian Zionist source. What this pressure indicates is an ultimatum:
Bomb Iran (or let Israel do it), OR

1) we will raise your birth certificate issue to a new level using the mainstream media;

2) we will say you are a Muslim and destroy you politically

What Obama is is a part-Jew himself, affiliated with the go-slow faction within Jewish supremacism (the faction that also employs Zbigniew Brzezinski, an Obama advisor from the start) that sees Israel’s Likudish behavior as unnecessary risk-taking. They believe in taking over the world gradually, not openly giving it the finger.

His maternal grandfather (I have blogged on him in depth in previous blogs) was a Jew who sported the name “Stanley Armour Dunham.”

This Oct. 26, 1944, photo provided by the Dunham family shows Stanley Armour Dunham, while serving in the U.S. Army somewhere in France during World War II. Dunham, the man whom Barack Obama would one day call Gramps, was a 26-year-old supply sergeant in the Army Air Force when the Allied invasion of Normandy at last began. (AP Photo/Dunham Family Archives)




Lasha Darkmoon wrote an interesting piece analyzing Jews who blatantly tell anti-Jew jokes in the media and get away with it:


Good piece. I saw a truly INCREDIBLE episode of the semi-kids cartoon TV series “South Park” where the “Jewsians” rule the world. Margaret and I were visiting with David Duke in Europe and he told me I just HAD to see this.

Wikipedia has an article (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cancelled_%28South_Park%29) just on this episode:

Cancelled” is the season 7 premiere episode (overall episode 97, although intended to be episode 100) of the Comedy Central series South Park. It originally aired on March 19, 2003.

The key sentences are here (written apparently by a person who is not a native English speaker, but it is clear enough):

….leads the alien network heads to cancel the show and prepare to destroy the Earth. …..The boys go to Planet Fognl to meet the alien heads, who are “Joozians”, a species that control all media in the universe. The aliens don’t listen to the boys while explaining that after 100 episodes, series start to decline in sensibility. ….This is followed by scenes where they insist on taking the boys to lunch, go to a “hekma” (topless) bar, and visit a prostitute’s hotel room. The two Joozians then, very drunk and high on “blach”, begin sucking on each others’ “jaggons” and sticking their fingers in each others “thrushers”, actions depicted as being highly erotic and, seemingly, inappropriate. Kenny takes a picture of it, and the boys then blackmail the aliens with it. The Joozians agree to erase everyone’s memory of the truth about Earth, then send the oblivious boys back to their own planet.

In short, the South Park kids (all drawn with the same egg-shaped heads) learn to their dismay that the whole “earth” is one big “reality show” that is about to be, yes, cancelled (oy vey for the goyim) by the cocaine-snorting, weird-sex loving alien species called Joozians. These fat, unattractive aliens even have monstrous shnozzes!

AND the Joosians mock the kids by saying that it should have been obvious that “earth” is just a reality show because on normal planets there is peace because ‘there is only one race of people. We add other races so as to have interesting conflicts’ and boost the ratings….. Wow.

Here, I just found are the actual episodes:


And here is the key episode:


I can assure you that only arrogance allows the Jews to flaunt their Protocols-of-Zionism like this. If they feel there will be no really dangerous backlash of antisemitism, and if they control the “antisemitic” humor themselves, then they give in to flaunting their power to the max, via both humor and foolishly straightforward boasting — as in Joel Kline’s LA Times article gloating that ‘yes, we Jews DO run Hollywood’. -They want us to know they are no longer afraid to boast just how powerful they feel themselvs to be, and how they are raping us. They feel they are in the end game with us.

Now it is because they consider us to be “goyishe koppen,” cattlebrains in Yiddish, or literally “goyheads,” that they are sure that they can get away with this.

Big, big mistake. The Jews evince every trait that I mention in my key article here: https://johndenugent.com/jdn/psychopaths-in-power. And this psychopathy will yet be their downfall if we “carpe diem,” Latin for “seize the day.”


John de Nugent
213 Ekastown Road
Sarver PA 16055

My little friend, the machete, and I, discussing a fun new movie.

I got an email suggesting a nationwide poll:

If you knew that someone was planning to nuke Washington DC, and that in an instant the federal government would be gone — the IRS, the Pentagon, the White House, Supreme Court and Congress — and just state and local government would be left, would you call and report it?

How many Americans would?

Our people must be defended, at all costs.

“It should be the highest ambition of every American to extend his views beyond himself, and to bear in mind that his conduct will not only affect himself, his country, and his immediate posterity; but that its influence may be co-extensive with the world, and stamp political happiness or misery on ages yet unborn.” –George Washington

Homo-loving Obama booed by Boy Scouts (called a “hate group” by the SPLC)

Well, of course he would not go to the Boy Scouts Jamboree himself, since the Scouts are “homophobes” and a “hate group” ….according to the marxist SPLC… . Be glad this freak did not show up. Barack himself is a member of the gay club “Man’s Country” in Chicago (see Wayne Madsen Reports) and has now appointed three lesbians to high office: Napolitano to Homeland Security, and Sotomayor and Kagan to the Supreme Court, and all three Jewish. (Hint: Look at the 1944 pic of his maternal grandfather, Stanley….., or the nude pix of his mother “Stanley Ann Dunham”….) This guy is anything but a boy scout! 😉

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