ENGLISH Speaking up can save lives; the Repositioning, Revenge and Return of the Reich 1945-2045

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I saw the Facebook banner photo of a pro-white friend showing a three-star Marine general greeting a Marine Iraq combat vet, former Staff Sergeant Joe Miller of Pennsylvania.


Joe’s motto as a former Marine is Semper fidelis, but not just “always faithful ” (the Latin meaning) to the Corps but also to our country and the White Americans who settled, built and fought for our nation! Joe has been actively opposing the Hispanic illegal-alien takeover of eastern Pennsylvania, which has now spread in even to certain small towns in our (except for Philadelphia, on the New Jersey border) 90% white and beautiful state!

Now I have an anecdote of courage with a young Marine officer facing down an Army general (a very dicey thing, because Marines and Army people feel a strong rivalry) and then being forthright with a Marine general. It involved my dad, who was a Marine officer in Korea.

Damaged color photo of my father in 1965 at an Independence Day parade


An Army general was in charge of a major attack on the Chinese using US Army troops and Marines. He wanted them to assault — uphill — a Chinese firing position inside a cave.

All the kiss-butt, worried-mostly-about-their-career officers, Army and Marine, said nothing as the General enunciated his insane plan.

But my dad DID speak up, and told the general, in front of a hushed crowd of fellow officers, “Sir, this plan will result in 80% casualties and it will NOT take the objective.”

The general was stunned…. and as the silence grew, he cancelled the briefing.

As my father, then a captain, filed out, a Marine general was standing in the back. He called out to my father: “Captain, come over here. Do you really mean what you said just now?” “Yes, sir.” “All right. That is all I needed to know. Carry on.” …….Then the suicidal attack was called OFF.

Decades later, in the 1970s, my dad was dining at a restaurant on Cape Cod, in Massachusetts. Lo and behold, who comes over to the table but that very general! He had recognized my dad after 20 years by his face, build and voice. They got reacquainted and the general said:

“Your courage and your speaking up saved a lot of lives that day. When no one else spoke up, you DID”!

That was not just physical courage (and lots of Marines and Army soldiers have that); that was MORAL courage, to stand up and step forth, to walk into the dead silence of piercing scrutiny, and as everyone stares at you, as everyone else is wimping out, to boldly proclaim the TRUTH that saves lives!



==============the Fourth Reich and nordic aliens — a crazy idea or a scary reality to get used to?


US Marine Corps Major Dennis Keyhoe, a Veteran of WWI and II and a graduate of the US Naval Academy at Annapolis, wrote the document below. He was considered the one UFOlogist with the most integrity and courage in the 1950s and 1960s, back when the  US Air Force was cranking out Operation Blue Book disinfo. (This culminated in the widely ridiculed claim that UFOs were “swamp gas.” That bloomer had the whole country convulsing in laughter in the 1970s, after which the ZOG government more and more gave up its obfuscation and just fell silent on UFOs. After Johnson, Vietnam and Watergate, no one believed anything the gov’t said on anything anyway. *;) wink)
http://www.gutenberg.org/dirs/etext04/tfsar10h.htm  (This book by Major Keyhoe is an excellent read, btw, John.) In this bestselling book by Major Keyhoe (Wiki: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Flying_Saucers_Are_Real), the initial incidents CLEARLY cannot refer to craft by Nordic Aliens, Grays, Reptilians or any other “advanced”species, whether friendly or not. He writes of craft emitting “black smoke,” light-colored smoke, etc.
I view this as further corroboration of MY thesis of the Fourth Reich. If smoke is coming out of something, it is early Fourth Reich German stuff from the late 1940s. (It reminds me of the quaint Third Reich UFOs, the Haunebus, with machine gun turrets.)
And this supports what Dr. Joseph Farrell, PhD of Oxford says, though Farrell goes way too far in many of his books, which suggest that all UFOs are either 1) Fourth Reich origin OR 2) retro-engineered US and Soviet disks using technology harvested from crashed or US- or Soviet-shot-down Fourth Reich craft. (The US had an early HAARP weapon that could short out a Fourth Reich craft.)
Farrell clearly does not believe all UFOs or all aliens are really Fourth Reich, because his truly brilliant book Genes, Giants, Gods and Men
… discusses in depth a galactic war among aliens of various species that also turned earth into a battlefield. (As my blog points out, Farrell reveals his true colors — favorable to WNism — by saying that “Yahweh” is an especially vicious alien who has been using the Jews as his minions *;) wink  and surviving off human sacrifice………. In a video on my blog he denounces “Anglo-American financiers” – who could that be? *;) wink — and says “The Reich did not buy into the NWO”…. AN EXACT QUOTE.)
To summarize, this is how I see things after 40 years now of pondering it all and gathering evidence:
1) We live in a multiverse of several dimensions
2) we obviously live on the physical dimension
3) when we die, we go go another dimension (religion calls this heaven, hell, etc.)
4) Whites on earth are stranded star children who were cut off from a very technically and spiritually advanced empire of home worlds  by a horrific galactic war that the good guys suffered many defeats in
5) Jews and East Asians are also stranded, and their ancestors were colonists from THEIR home worlds
5a) The “Men in Black” are clearly described as quasi-Jewish in features — “black-haired and olive- complected,” a very important point. And the aliens who did the 1961 Hill Abduction in New Hampshire were described as long-nosed and dark-haired, although not exactly human. The couple they abducted were an early case of American race-mixing: Black husband and White wife.  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Betty_and_Barney_Hill_abduction
6) Blacks are the actual natives of this planet, but Whites have been here for at least 50,000 years
7) UFOs are of these origins
a) Nordic Aliens and Tall Whites (both friendly)
b) Grays (many evil), Reptilians (extremely evil)
c) The Fourth Reich
d) US and Soviet-Russian knockoffs
8) the Nordic Aliens are helping the Fourth Reich
9) the Grays are helping the US government and thus the Jews who of course control the US government. Thus the theme of the series “X Files” is simply true.
10) Some of the aliens could be better describes simply as demons, interdimensional demons. Some of their actions and abductions are cruel in the extreme, suggesting psychopaths.  (A local who works with the Pennsylvania State Police in its discreet abduction investigations told me some details. I would say only avoid having bad karma, and I say there are aliens who kill humans for various of their glands, and do painful surgeries on humans without anesthetic; you are paralyzed but conscious and feeling the pain and suffer severe and unnecessary PTSD afterward. They just do not care.)
11) The Nordic Aliens are described here
An encounter with nordic aliens — an English country woman recalls:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8qIjFUeGeDY&list=TLphKA2eP5XZg
(The “Tall Whites” are a different, though somewhat related species: extremely tall, thin and very pale.) The Nordic Aliens are advanced but still HUMANS in every way, tall like NBA players. They marry in their world, have sex the normal way, eat food, defecate, sweat, etc., and thus are fully human, but they benefit from centuries of eugenics. They speak telepathically, and it is easy to see where stories of “angels” come from. These are clearly the Aldebarans, who, the Vril Society women claimed, were helping the Third Reich but very discreetly and without having any permission to overly interfere in WWII and its outcome. (That is, they were not permitted to simply win the war for Germany. This would have triggered intervention on the other side by the Grays and then — yet another — world nuclear war, I repeat, yet another world nuclear war,  in the 1940s between Grays and Nordics, destroying the planet pointlessly. Once both sides have “nukes,” world war obviously becomes insane; it becomes MAD, “Mutually Assured Destruction.”)
The famous Christian evangelist Billy Graham conceded such ultra-nordic and very spiritual aliens beings exist, and called them “God’s OTHER angels.”……….
They had high foreheads. (Gilliland said sometimes their eyes seem larger than on regular humans.)

“I was mesmerized with fear, but, in their eyes, they seemed so ….. sympathetic.”

These Nordic Alien  are in effect far more like angels. They are Aryans who are extremely powerful and spiritual but do not choose to rescue Joe Sixpack, George W. Bush voter and Christian Zionist idiot, just because he has skin the color of copy paper. Our mutual friend S. in San Diego was telling me a story about being viciously, deliberately knocked to the ice of a skating rink as a little girl by a blond Swedish kid, causing via a deliberate “accident” a lifelong injury. Being “white” does not make one noble, confer good karma or grant any protection. We WNs have experienced ourselves how many Whites are scum and even actively, knowingly, fight for evil, war, death, molesters, satanism, police brutality, and for Jewry. It is Whites with bad karma who have been abducted and murdered by Grays.)
More mind-blowing yet *;) wink:
12) The highly respected scientists Alan Hynek (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/J._Allen_Hynek) and Jacques Vallée (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jacques_Vall%C3%A9e) both believe that aliens (good and bad) are moving between dimensions of time and space, hence their ability to dematerialize and even “shape-shift.”
Wiki on Hynek:
“There is sufficient evidence to defend both the ETI [extraterrestrial] and the EDI [extradimensional] hypothesis,” Hynek continued. As evidence for the ETI (extraterrestrial intelligence) he mentioned, as examples, the radar cases as good evidence of something solid, and the physical-trace cases. Then he turned to defending the EDI (extradimensional intelligence) hypothesis. Besides the aspect of materialization and dematerialization he cited the “poltergeist” phenomenon experienced by some people after a close encounter; the photographs of UFOs, some times on only one frame, not seen by the witnesses; the changing form right before the witnesses’ eyes; the puzzling question oftelepathic communication; or that in close encounters of the third kind the creatures seem to be at home in earth’s gravity and atmosphere; the sudden stillness in the presence of the craft; levitation of cars or persons; the development by some of psychic abilities after an encounter. “Do we have two aspects of one phenomenon or two different sets of phenomena?” Hynek asked.[12]
Finally he introduced a third hypothesis. “I hold it entirely possible,” he said, “that a technology exists, which encompasses both the physical and the psychic, the material and the mental. There are stars that are millions of years older than the sun. There may be a civilization that is millions of years more advanced than man’s. We have gone from Kitty Hawk to the moon in some seventy years, but it’s possible that a million-year-old civilization may know something that we don’t … I hypothesize an ‘M&M’ technology encompassing the mental and material realms. The psychic realms, so mysterious to us today, may be an ordinary part of an advanced technology.[13]
13) Nordic Aliens have abducted entire White American families and taken them to beautiful planets to work in agriculture and forestry, fearing that earth WILL be destroyed but desiring that White earthlings should be preserved. They are however kept at 1940s technology because Earthlings tend toward ego, violence, and misusing technology to make devastating weapons and, through pollution, to destroy their own environment to get rich quick.
14)  A Gray-Reptilian alliance enslaved many planets with a HAARP-like mind control and neurochemicals, making them into programmed transhumans without free will, slaves and soldiers in their war machine.
The Nordic Aliens were forced to obliterate all life on those many planets and then restore those planets painstakingly so they could again host life.
14) The Nordic Aliens wish the Fourth Reich to take care of the problems on this planet.
Or they will have to do the same thing here.



I revealed the most explosive and game-changing information in the modern history of white nationalism, and I believe that that is no exaggeration, on the John Friend online radio show. Here is the link to the actual 95-minute show, which I think went very well.



First feedback on the show from Skype:

From Washington DC: Very good show.
From Greece. I heard much of your show. Very good.
From Germany: Excellent show.
From Slovakia: Great show, John!





It is essential to actually view the videos, and not, ADD-like ;-), skip over the key evidence for lack of attention span. This is the most explosive and game-changing information in the modern history of white nationalism, and that is no exaggeration.

View the videos. You cannot claim “I am unconvinced” if you skip over this blog like a butterfly on caffeine ;-), without looking at what the videos reveal.

I ask you now: what would motive generals in the Russian Air Force to claim, as shown on Russian state national television in 2006, that the Third Reich did escape to the southern hemisphere (South America and the Antarctic) if they did not believe it?

And yet this is just one of the many indicators that something clandestine yet major is going on.

So, for that matter, is this video shot at the ranch of James Gilliland in Washington State, 13 miles from the beautiful Mount Adams, and an hour by car south of Portland. ….. How would YOU explain what this CROWD of people is seeing?


The Gilliland ranch is a simply amazing phenomenon. Basically, UFOs appear there every single night, and people come by the thousands to see them, just as people come at night on July 4th to see fireworks. Here is a 6-minute report by Sean Hannity of FOX News Channel. Note also that for “balance” they bring in a UFO debunker, a hunched-over geek who says the UFOs are all satellites.


Here is Gilliland on his ranch: http://www.theglobalintelligencer.com/dec2007/fringe

Gilliland’s version of things is that aliens are benevolent; I disagree. Maybe the ones at Mount Adams are, but only maybe.

In any case, something very mysterious is going on there.


In this interview, he clearly describes them as what (see further below) are called “nordic aliens,” saying they are extremely good-looking, and often it is their females who appear to men so as to not to terrify them. Gilliland say they have given up trying to straighten out the current governments and instead deal with more enlightened people among the masses. Their message is to have a higher consciousness, save the environment and seek peace. But all they permit themselves ethically to do is urge us to change, respecting our free will.

I wrote a good comrade who was known as a skeptic regarding Fourth Reich UFOs the following:

I am interested in your feedback. I heard in the meantime (I wanted my blog to provoke discussion and it has done that that 😉 ) that you were a skeptic about the Reich UFOs. I fully understand the skeptics! I endeavor below to make a solid case, while also dealing with the emotional blockage associated with fearing 1) the disaster of misplaced hope and 2) the painful dashing of FALSE HOPES. After 35 years myself as a skeptic, I now see this as a reality. In fact, the circumstantial evidence is becoming massive., as with other secret projects. No one says the Manhattan Project never happened. Hiroshima was the proof it did. But from 1942-August 1945 one could doubt it. Then came the big boom…..As for chemtrails, they were doubted too, but who doubts now? When Thierry Meyssan first uttered the no-plane theory of 9/11 at the Pentagon he was loudly ridiculed, but now?

As I stated in my blog in German on this topic (https://johndenugent.com/deutsch/german-zu-aldebaran-und-dem-vierten-reich-ein-gestrenges-und-hoffnungsfrohes-wort)

Als ehemaliger Unteroffizier der US-Marines im Nachrichtendienst verstehe ich die Notwendigkeit bei wichtigen Operationen der Vertuschung, der Irreführung und der Geheimhaltung. Gerade die Hinüberrettung der Reichstruktur, der neuesten Wunderwaffen, und des wehrwissenschaftlichen Personals des Dritten Reiches erforderte die allerstrengste Geheimhaltung — gekoppelt mit einer diskreten Schlagkraft bei jedem US-Angriff gegens Vierte Reich in der “Nachkriegszeit” , die keine war. Davon waren die US-Angriffe von 1947 (Navy/Highjump) und 1958 (Atombomben) Belege.



As a former NCO in the U.S. Marines in the intelligence area, I understand the need that important operations have for cover-ups, deception and secrecy. The preservation of the Third Reich’s military structure, and of its key new weapons and advanced scientific personnel, required the strictest secrecy — coupled with a discreet use of its weapons to deter any U.S. attack against the Fourth Reich in the wrongly labeled “post-war” period. The war has never ended and is ongoing. Examples of US attacks on the Fourth Reich occurred in 1947 (US Navy/ Operation Highjump) and 1958 (US Air Force dropped hydrogen bombs on the Antarctic under the cover of the “International Geophysical Year.”


I wrote to a comrad  who suggested I was implying we should “lean back and relax, because the Reich is going to save us”:
First, your argument is entirely on the strategic-psychological level, which is fine, although I find it flawed.
Actually I bent over backwards in the talk show to deal with those ISSUES — “SIT BACK AND RELAX” — .
The fact is that the Fourth Reich is real. And that is the reality we must deal with as much as psychological worries.
In fact, au contraire, the propagating of the belief in a final victory, in the right hands, can energize us to continue seeking that victory.
The Jews believe that the Messiah will give them final victory, and so do the Muslims when the Mahdi comes.
In fact, my view is that We must do MORE to help the Reich, or they WILL leave us in the lurch.  And in fact as Germans they owe us NOTHING. We destroyed their nation twice in 30 years. WE destroyed the one great hope of mankind.
And WE were an antisemitic nation, but cowardly, when we did it! There were very many like Lindbergh and Ford back then…. and they kept their mouth shut after Pearl Harbor and made money. And they do to this day.
Young souls are not in love with truth for its own sake. it is not sacred. They only want to know if a truth (or a lie) is useful to THEM, their money, comfort or getting laid. 😉 The ugly, nasty Jews would be getting nowhere if our folk were pure at heart.
My final question is this:
Did you read my proofs and evidence and indications yet, yes or no?
If not then you are ONLY viewing this on the psychological-strategic level, and not on the factual level, which is asking simply


This is the question — did it happen? If it did, then we can and must USE it to our ADVANTAGE.
I gave up the prospect of a millionaire lifestyle 35 years ago (I was DISINHERITED) for this Cause and I can assure you,  comrade Scott, that only the success of our race is my objective: https://johndenugent.com/about-john/wn-biography-of-jdn
I go back in a way almost to the Rockwell years (having known many of his friends). When I joined in 1978, ten years after his assassination, I gave up everything for this Cause. And what I see now, comrade, is TOTAL DEFEATISM. We are overawed by the NWO and its stupendous MILITARY and its TECH.

And this is why the belief in the Reich and the nordic-aliens thesis is the ANTIDOTE TO THE FEELING OF POWERLESSNESS.



This UFO thing is of the hugest importance, as you can readily grasp. I am being fed info also by Germans, and much of it is in English, ironically.

I have taken a while to 1) gather the full facts and 2) make sure that, except for the most hopelessly skeptical, it begins to gradually seem more and more like a reasonable possibility. It was a major readjustment for me mentally, and it will be for others too. But it is because — unconsciously — we are at this stage so used to defeatism and doom that we have forgotten how to feel hope and that is the “threat” this information represents: HOPE! We no longer dare to hope because we fear hopes being raised and then dashed!



There is no question that “something” is going on when a practice (“dummy”) US Intercontinental Ballistic Missile, launched from Malmstrom Air Force Base , is destroyed by several blasts from a round flying craft firing a laser. See the video below.

Sign at front gate, Malmstrom AFB


A US Minuteman missile


Location of Malmstrom AFB, Montana in North America (from Google)


Malmstrom AFB,Montana (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Malmstrom_Air_Force_Base)

“Malmstrom AFB is one of three US Air Force Bases that maintains

and operates the Minuteman III intercontinental ballistic missile.”


Aerial shot in 2009 of Malmstrom AFB


Location of Malmstrom AFB, Montana

See for yourself:

Anyone who reads even the establishmentarian Wikipedia article on the March 1997 “Phoenix [Arizona] Lights” (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Phoenix_Lights) can see that strange and HUGE things have appeared over a major US city and hundreds of thousands saw it, including UFO skeptics, of course. The stars could not be seen form the city below, so huge were these things. The US Air Force spokesman’s claim that it was just “flares” is inept, and shows contempt for the people of greater Phoenix and for the governor of the state.

Another famous incident occurred on November 17, 1986: “As the city lights of Fairbanks [Alaska] began to illuminate the object, [Japan Airlines] captain Terauchi believed to perceive the outline of a gigantic spaceship on his port side that was ‘twice the size of an aircraft carrier’.” http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Japan_Air_Lines_flight_1628_incident This was, in fact, one of the most documented and famous UFO cases. And it was of a gigantic UFO.

I saw one of these 23 years ago north of McMinnville, Oregon, and so did one of my clients. The photo is of an incident in nearby Washington State in 2012: http://www.ufocasebook.com/2012/wallawallawa101212.html) As in my experience, the thing coasted along very slowly, and suddenly, literally, disappeared. No normal aircraft of that shape can stay in the air at such a slow speed (especially without wings), nor obviously can it hover.


Another UFO incident, resulting in a 1948 fatality for a highly experienced and decorated WWII American fighter pilot, Captain Thomas Mantell, also involved a gigantic craft hovering near the famous US Army base, Fort Knox, Kentucky, home of the entire gold reserves of the United States.Gold-Bars-in-Fort-Knox

Mantell described it as “gigantic” by radio before dying (from hypoxia, it is claimed) while pursuing the object: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mantell_UFO_incident

Captain Thomas Mantell, Kentucky Air National Guard (from http://www.abovetopsecret.com/forum/thread463614/pg1)


A Kentucky Air National Guard P-51 Mustang like Mantell’s, capable of 400 mph


Of course, this raise a question why supposedly high-tech “aliens” would want or need gold…… if they WERE aliens.


In US Marine Corps Major Donald Keyhoe’s very respected early book (1950) on UFOs, entitled, bluntly, Flying Saucers Are Real  (found here: http://www.gutenberg.org/dirs/etext04/tfsar10h.htm) we read a full account and it debunks the idea that the plane disintegrated from mere air speed as it went down. I have added bold to the text in key areas.

US Marine Corps major Donald Keyhoe (who served in both WWI and WWII) was a highly respected UFOlogist and wrote one of the best early books on UFOs and government coverups. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Donald_Keyhoe)


Keyhoe was born and raised in Ottumwa, Iowa. He earned a B.S. degree at the United States Naval Academy in 1919, and was commissioned a Marine Corps Lieutenant.
In 1922, his arm was injured during an airplane crash in Guam. During his long convalescence, Keyhoe began writing as a hobby. He eventually returned to active duty, but the injury gave Keyhoe persistent trouble, and, as a result, he retired from the Marines in 1923. He then worked for the National Geodetic Survey and U.S. Department of Commerce.

In 1927, Keyhoe managed a very popular coast-to-coast tour by Charles Lindbergh. This led to Keyhoe’s first book, 1928’s Flying With Lindbergh. The book was a quick success, and led to a freelance writing career, with many of Keyhoe’s articles and fictional stories (mostly related to aviation) appearing in a variety of leading publications. Keyhoe returned to active duty during World War II in a Naval Aviation Training Division, retiring again a Major.

Here was Major Keyhoe being interviewed by CBS’s famous Jew reporter Mike Wallace (who tries in every way to ridicule Kehoe and on the premise that 1) all UFO believers are crackposts and 2) “our government would not lie”;-)  LOL! ):

When Major Keyhoe refers to a 1953 incident where two Air Force officers were killed over Lake Superior when they confronted a UFO, this is the incident, and it is very documented: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Felix_Moncla

Lieutenant Felix Gene Moncla, USAF


Location of Kincheloe AFB near Kinross, Michigan


Lieutenant Moncla and his navigator were killed when they flew right at the UFO. No wreckage has ever been found. The USAF lie that they collided with a Royal Canadian Air Force fighter jet was strenuously and repeatedly denied by Canadian authorities. http://www.sott.net/article/191597-1953-Pilot-Felix-Moncla-Lost-Chasing-UFO



Memorial marker for Lieutenant Moncla in his native Louisiana 


Keyhoe wrote in his highly respected Flying Saucers Are Real (1950):

This was the cover of that best-selling book, looking very quaint by 2013 standards, but people were more innocent back then and all  popular books had covers like this.


It disturbed my belief in our human superiority. Faced with this evidence of a superior race in the universe, my mind rebelled. For years, I had been accustomed to thinking in comic-strip terms of any possible spacemen–Buck Rogers stuff, with weird-looking space ships and green-faced Martians.

But now, if these sightings were true, the shoe was on the other foot. We would be faced with a race of beings at least two hundred years ahead of our civilization–perhaps thousands. In their eyes, we might look like primitives.

I can still remember thinking, If it’s true, then the stars will never again seem the same.


Major Keyhoe tells Wallace:  “Some of them look like the man next door.”


An encounter with Nordic Aliens — an English country woman recalls:




A Greek comrade wrote me on Skype:

Tell your detractor to watch this:  


That’s Canada’s former Minister of Defense, PAUL HELLYER, the longest serving current member of the Queen’s Privy Council, just ahead of Prince Philip. In May of 2013 he testified before the CANADIAN PARLAMENT of knowing AS DEFENCE MINISTER of 4 Alien races actively visiting Earth…..

Another flake, I guess. 😉


IT HAS BEEN over two years since the puzzling death of Captain Thomas Mantell.

Mantell died mysteriously in the skies south of Fort Knox. But before his radio went silent, he sent a strange message to Godman Air Force Base. The men who heard it will never forget it.

It was January 7, 1948.

Crowded into the Godman Field Tower, a group of Air Force officers stared up at the afternoon sky. For just an instant, something gleamed through the broken clouds south of the base.

High above the field, three P-51 fighters climbed with swift urgency. Heading south, they quickly vanished.


The clock in the tower read 2:45.

Colonel Guy Hix, the C.O. [Commanding Officer], slowly put down his binoculars. If the thing was still there, the clouds now hid it. All they could do was wait.

The first alarm had come from Fort Knox, when Army M.P.’s had relayed a state police warning. A huge gleaming object had been seen in the sky, moving toward Godman Field. Hundreds of startled people had seen it at Madisonville, ninety miles away.

Thirty minutes later, it had zoomed up over the base.

Colonel Hix glanced around at the rest of the men in the tower. They all had a dazed look. Every man there had seen the thing, as it barreled south of the field. Even through the thin clouds, its intermittent red glow had hinted at some mysterious source of power. Something outside their understanding.

It was Woods, the exec [Executive Officer = Second in command], who had estimated its size. Hix shook his head. That was unbelievable. But something had hung over Godman Field for almost an hour. The C.O. turned quickly as the loud-speaker, tuned to the P-51’s, suddenly came to life.

“Captain Mantell to Godman . . . Tower Mantell to Godman Tower . . .”

{p. 16}

The flight leader’s voice had a strained tone.

I’ve sighted the thing!” he said. “It looks metallic–and it’s tremendous in size!”

The C.O. and Woods stared at each other. No one spoke.

“The thing’s starting to climb,” Mantell said swiftly. “It’s at twelve o’clock high, making half my speed. I’ll try to close in.”

In five minutes, Mantell reported again. The strange metallic object had speeded up, was now making 360 or more.

At 3:08, Mantell’s wingman called in. Both he and the other pilot had seen the weird object. But Mantell had outclimbed them and was lost in the clouds.

Seven minutes dragged by. The men in the tower sweated out the silence. Then, at 3:15, Mantell made a hasty contact.

“It’s still above me, making my speed or better. I’m going up to twenty thousand feet. If I’m no closer, I’ll abandon chase.”

It was his last report.

Minutes later, his fighter disintegrated with terrific force. The falling wreckage was scattered for thousands of feet.

When Mantell failed to answer the tower, one of his pilots began a search. Climbing to 33,000 feet, he flew a hundred miles to the south.

But the thing that lured Mantell to his death had vanished from the sky.

Ten days after Mantell was killed, I learned of a curious sequel to the Godman affair.

An A.P. account in the New York Times had caught my attention. The story, released at Fort Knox, admitted Mantell had died while chasing a flying saucer. Colonel Hix was quoted as having watched the object, which was still unidentified. But there was no mention of Mantell’s radio messages–no hint of the thing’s tremendous size.

Though I knew the lid was probably on, I went to the Pentagon. When the scare had first broken, in the summer of ’47, I had talked with Captain Tom Brown, who was handling saucer inquiries. But by now Brown had been

{p. 17}

shifted, and no one in the Press Branch would admit knowing the details of the Mantell saucer chase.

“We just don’t know the answer,” a security officer told me.

“There’s a rumor,” I said, “it’s a secret Air Force missile that sometimes goes out of control.”

“Good God, man!” he exploded. “If it was, do you think we’d be ordering pilots to chase the damned things?”

“No–and I didn’t say I believed it.” I waited until he cooled down. “This order you mentioned–is it for all Air Force pilots, or special fighter units?”

“I didn’t say it was a special order,” he answered quickly. “All pilots have routine instructions to report unusual items.”

“They had fighters alerted on the Coast, when the scare first broke,” I reminded him. “Are those orders still in force?”

He shook his head. “No, not that I know of.” After a moment he added, “All I can tell you is that the Air Force is still investigating. We honestly don’t know the answer.”

As I went out the Mall entrance, I ran into Jack Daly, one of Washington’s veteran newsmen. Before the war, Jack and I had done magazine pieces together, usually on Axis espionage and communist activity. I told him I was trying to find the answer to Mantell’s death.

“You heard anything?” I asked him.

“Only what was in the A.P. story,” said Jack. “But an I.N.S. man told me they had a saucer story from Columbus, Ohio–and it might have been the same one they saw at Fort Knox.”

“I missed that. What was it?”

“They sighted the thing at the Air Force field [air bases were called “fields” in the early days of aviation] outside of Columbus. It was around sundown, about two hours after that pilot was killed in Kentucky.”

“Anybody chase it?” I asked.

“No. They didn’t have time to take off, I guess. This I.N.S. guy said it was going like hell. Fast as a jet, anyway.”

“Did he say what it looked like?”

{p. 18}

“The Air Force boys said it was as big as a C-47,” said Jack. “Maybe bigger. It had a reddish-orange exhaust streaming out behind. They could see it for miles.”

 A Douglas C-47


[Later on Keyhoe becomes livid over official Air Force debunking when he hears the Air Force is claiming Captain Mantell was mistakenly chasing the planet Venus.]

“That business at Godman Field was some kind of hallucination,” insisted Splitt. [ a Pentagon official]

“I suppose all those pilots and Godman Field officers were hypnotized? Not to mention several thousand people at Madisonville and Fort Knox?”


{p. 37}


FOR MORE than two weeks, I checked on the Godman Field tragedy. One fact stood out at the start: The death of Mantell had had a profound effect on many in the Air Force. A dozen times I was told:

“I thought the saucers were a joke — until Mantell was killed chasing that thing at Fort Knox.

Many ranking officers who had laughed at the saucer scare stopped scoffing. One of these was General Sory Smith, now Deputy Director of Air Force Public Relations. Later in my investigation, General Smith told me:

“It was the Mantell case that got me. I knew Tommy Mantell. very well–also Colonel Hix, the C.O. at Godman. I knew they were both intelligent men–not the kind to be imagining things.”

For fifteen months, the Air Force kept a tight-lipped silence. Meantime, rumors began to spread. One report said that Mantell had been shot, his body riddled with bullets; his P-51, also riddled, had simply disintegrated. Another rumor reported Mantell as having been killed by some mysterious force; this same force had also destroyed his fighter. The Air Force, the rumors said, had covered up the truth by telling Mantell’s family he had blacked out from lack of oxygen.

Checking the last angle, I found that this was the explanation given to Mantell’s mother, just after his death, she was told by Standiford Field officers that he had flown too high in chasing the strange object.

Shallet, in the Saturday Evening Post articles, described Project “Saucer’s” reconstruction of the case. Mantell was said to have climbed up to 25,000 feet, despite his firm decision to end the chase at 20,000, since he carried no oxygen. Around 25,000 feet, Shallett [a paid liar employed by the Air Force] quoted the Air Force investigators, Mantell must have lost consciousness. After this, his pilotless plane climbed on up to some 30,000 feet, then dived. Between 20,000 and 10,000 feet, Shallett suggested, the P-51 began to disintegrate, obviously from excessive speed. The gleaming object that

{p. 38}

hypnotized Mantell into this fatal climb was, Shallett said, either the planet Venus or a Navy cosmic-ray research balloon.

[Keyhoe later goes on to show that the object was seen at the same time from 175 miles away, and computes from that that it was probably 1,000 feet long or more, and was traveling at 18,000 miles per hour. It would thus have been the length of the USS Nimitz, pictured below with an escorting destroyer.]


[Major Keyhoe’s book continues]

“I can tell you a little more,” [said “Paul Redell”, a pseudonym for an aeronautics engineer who spoke off the record. Keyhoe says: “He has worked with major aircraft companies and served as a special consultant to government agencies and the industries. He is also a competent pilot.”]

“Some top Nazi scientists were convinced we were being observed by space visitors. They’d searched all the old reports. Some sighting over Germany set them off about 1940. That’s what I was told. I think that’s where they first got the idea of trying out oval and circular airfoils.

“Up to then, nobody was interested. The rotation idea uses the same principle as the helicopter, but nobody had even followed that through. The Nazis went to work on the disks. They also began to rush space-exploration plans–the orbiting satellite idea. I think they realized these

{p. 123}

space ships were using some great source of power we hadn’t discovered on earth. I believe that’s what they were after–that power secret. If they’d succeeded, they’d have owned the world. As it was, that space project caused them to leap ahead of everybody with rockets.”

When I asked Redell how he thought the space ships were powered, he shrugged.

“Probably cosmic rays hold the answer. Their power would be even greater than atomic power. There’s another source I’ve heard mentioned, but most people scoff at it. That’s the use of electromagnetic fields in space. The earth has its magnetic field, of course, and so does the sun. Probably all planets do.

“There’s a man named Fernand Roussel who wrote a book called The Unifying Principle of Physical Phenomena, about 1943. He goes into the electromagnetic-field theory. If he’s right, then there must be some way to tap this force and go from one planet to another without using any fuel.


[and the book ends on this astounding note, suggesting the Air Force revealed certain things to him “off the record”…]

Although most of our guided-missile projects are secret, it is possible to give certain facts about guided-missile developments in general.

The first successful long-range missiles were produced by the Germans. These were the buzz-bomb and. the V-2 rocket. But research in various other types was carried on during the war. Some of this was with oval and round types of airfoils. As already stated by Paul Redell, there is strong evidence that the disk-shaped foil resulted from German observations of either space ships or remote-control disk-shaped “observer units.” All the Nazi space-exploration plans followed this discovery that we were being observed by a race from another planet.

[Keyhoe ends on this note]

The American people have proved their ability to take incredible things. We have survived the stunning impact of the Atomic Age. We should be able to take the Interplanetary Age, when it comes, without hysteria.


In another 1948 incident, in the skies between Mobile and Montgomery, Alabama, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chiles-Whitted_UFO_Encounter, “it was reported by two very experienced pilots, Clarence Chiles and John Whitted. Both pilots had been decorated for their service as airmen during World War II, and both were regarded as valuable, respectable employees of Eastern Air Lines. Chiles, in particular, was highly esteemed by his peers and by his employer.”

They had seen the object for about 10 to 15 seconds. Both men described the object as cigar- or torpedo-shaped, about 100 feet in length, and about three times the diameter of a B-29 bomber. The “fuselage” was entirely smooth, with no wings, projections or fins. A bright red-orange exhaust was emanating from the object’s rear, and was more orange at the outer edges of the exhaust, but grew redder when it rose in altitude. The exhaust extended approximately 30 to 50 feet behind the object. They heard no sound from the object as it sped past the DC-3.

The most famous incident of them all was in 1952 (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1952_Washington,_D.C._UFO_incident), but this article contains both fact and ludicrous government “explaining-aways”).

On July 19, 1952  a small FLEET of unidentified aircraft in formation slowly buzzed the US Capitol.

At 11:40 p.m. on Saturday, July 19, 1952, Edward Nugent, an air traffic controller at Washington National Airport (today Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport), spotted seven objects on his radar. The objects were located 15 miles (24 km) south-southwest of the city; no known aircraft were in the area and the objects were not following any established flight paths. Nugent’s superior, Harry Barnes, a senior air-traffic controller at the airport, watched the objects on Nugent’s radarscope. He later wrote: “We knew immediately that a very strange situation existed . . . their movements were completely radical compared to those of ordinary aircraft.”[1]



At Andrews AFB, meanwhile, the control tower personnel were tracking on radar what some thought to be unknown objects, but others suspected, and in one instance were able to prove, were simply stars and meteors. However, Staff Sgt. Charles Davenport observed an orange-red light to the south; the light “would appear to stand still, then make an abrupt change in direction and altitude . . . this happened several times.”[4]

The Washington Post newspaper of July 28, 1952 — note the photo of candidates Eisenhower and Nixon three months before the 1952 presidential election


At one point both radar centers at National Airport and the radar at Andrews AFB were tracking an object hovering over a radio beacon. The object vanished in all three radar centers at the same time.[5] At 3 a.m., shortly before two jet fighters from Newcastle AFB in Delaware arrived over Washington, all of the objects vanished from the radar at National Airport. However, when the jets ran low on fuel and left, the objects returned, which convinced Barnes that “the UFOs were monitoring radio traffic and behaving accordingly.” [6] The objects were last detected by radar at 5:30 a.m. Around sunrise, E.W. Chambers, a civilian radio engineer in Washington’s suburbs, observed “five huge disks circling in a loose formation. They tilted upward and left on a steep ascent.”

Events of July 26–27

At 8:15 p.m. on Saturday, July 26, 1952, a pilot and stewardess on a National Airlines flight into Washington observed some strange objects above their plane. Within minutes, both radar centers at National Airport, and the radar at Andrews AFB, were tracking more unknown objects. A master sergeant at Andrews visually observed the objects; he later said that “these lights did not have the characteristics of shooting stars. There was [sic] no trails . . . they traveled faster than any shooting star I have ever seen.” [11]

Meanwhile, Albert M. Chop, the press spokesman for Project Blue Book, arrived at National Airport and refused several reporters’ requests to photograph the radar screens. He then joined the radar center personnel.[12] By this time (9:30 p.m.) the radar center was picking up unknown objects in every sector. At times the objects traveled slowly; at other times they reversed direction and moved across the radarscope at speeds calculated at 7,000 mph. At 11:30 p.m., two jet fighters from Newcastle AFB in Delaware arrived over Washington. Capt. John McHugo, the flight leader, was vectored towards the radar pips but saw nothing, despite repeated attempts.[13] However, his wingman, Lt. William Patterson, did see four white “glows” and chased them. Suddenly, the “glows” turned and surrounded his fighter. Patterson asked the control tower at National Airport what he should do; according to Chop, the tower’s answer was “stunned silence”. The four objects then sped away from Patterson’s jet and disappeared.[14



In a 1966 article in the then very popular men’s magazine True (not “men’s as in porn — just interesting tech, athletics, military, cars, etc.) Major Keyhoe wrote extensively on overtly HOSTILE encounters between the armed forces of the (Zionist-controlled) US Armed Forces and UFOs.

If these craft are Fourth Reich, that would explain things, as would this video as to the motivations of the Reich Germans who saw their country built up by Adolf Hitler into a happy, proud, strong nation and then be annihilated by especially the US under Franklin Roosevelt in WWII:


I Know The Secret Of The Flying Saucers


by Maj. Donald E. KeyhoeUSMC (Ret.)

[source: http://www.nicap.org/iknow.htm] [Photos added by John de Nugent]

Editor’s Note: Major Keyhoe has been writing about Unidentified Flying Objects (UFO’s) in this magazine and elsewhere for over 15 years. From the outset he has insisted that flying saucers are real and interplanetary, and many authorities have come to agree with him. Now he claims that control over gravity itself is the only explanation for the astounding maneuvers which saucers are said to make. Some physicists dismiss this theory as fundamentally erroneous. But, as you will read, there are others who find Major Keyhoe’s latest chapter in “The Great Flying Saucer Story” important and plausible.

One night last February, over the North Pacific, a Flying Tiger Airlines crew had a startling aerial encounter. What they saw is a clue to a fantastic technical mystery. In its solution lies a prize so great that six government agencies are searching for it right now. The answer may not be far off. What they are searching for is the secret of gravity control.

About midnight on February 15, the Flying Tiger plane, carrying a military group from the U.S. to Japan, was four hours out of Anchorage. Suddenly the cockpit radar picked up three fast-moving objects. The plane captain and his crew looked out at the side and saw three huge oval-shaped ships, glowing red in the night.

An Air Force captain who was a passenger on the plane was called forward to confirm the sighting. His signed report is in the files of the National Investigations Committee on Aerial Phenomena.

According to the captain’s report, the unknown machines slowed down to the airliner’s speed and flew in close formation. Five miles away, by radar range, they leveled off to pace the plane. The Air Force captain computed their length as much more than 700 feet. It was plain that the giant Unidentified Flying Objects had an unknown type of propulsion. No jets, no exhausts were visible. For 30 minutes, still in formation, they continued to pace the plane. Then, swiftly accelerating to 1,200 knots, they climbed out of sight in seconds.

This startlingly swift acceleration is a maneuver that could not be duplicated by any ship now made on Earth. What makes it possible for UFO’s? According to many scientists and engineers, there is only one possible answer. The answer is antigravity: artificial gravity fields and control of gravity power.

Control of gravity is something that men have been dreaming about for centuries. Now it appears that we are on the threshold of achieving it. Its value, to the country that first attains it, is incalculable. Our government, hoping for a technical breakthrough, has set up 46 different research projects on various aspects of gravity control. The Air Force is running 33 of these projects and the others are divided among five other agencies.

Included in the 46 government projects are experiments and research at two Air Force Laboratories (Flight Dynamics and General Physics Research), Radio Corporation of America, Massachusetts Institute of Technology; Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa; Stevens Institute of Technology; the universities of California, Denver, Harvard, Indiana, Manchester (England), Maryland, Michigan, Minnesota, Ohio, Purdue, Stockholm (Sweden), Syracuse, Texas, and two New York schools – Queens College and Yeshiva Graduate School of Science.

And, of course, some government agencies have projects so secret that they are not publicly registered and cannot be revealed without permission.

Private industry is also looking at the question of gravity control with new seriousness. A large number of giant corporations, including Bell Aerospace, General Electric, Hughes Aircraft, Boeing, Douglas and many others, have set up gravity projects.

If you add up all the known gravity programs being run by the government and private industry, you get somewhere between 65 and 70 projects. This means there is a heavy concentration of scientific and engineering brains working on the problem.

One leading scientist who is convinced that UFO’s are spaceships using gravity control is Dr. Hermann Oberth. Doctor Oberth, a recognized authority, was co-designer of the V-2 rocket and later a U.S. special consultant at Huntsville, Alabama, one of the installations where important anti-gravity research is now under way.

“With ordinary propulsion,” Doctor Oberth told me in 1961, “such violent accelerations and maneuvers would endanger the ship. Also, the force would crush any creatures aboard against the rear or sides of the machine. But with an artificial gravity field the force applies simultaneously to the passengers and the spaceship. Even in swift changes of speed and direction, the ship is not strained and the passengers feel nothing.”

B. John Zavrel of West-Art  () and Dr. Oberth in Germany in 1988.


Today, Doctor Oberth is willing to go further. He is now of the opinion “that energy, inertia and gravitational fields are only aspects of one and the same thing” and that it will prove impossible to separate them from each other. What he has in mind, he says, is “not yet known fields of force” which can be used to accelerate material objects in a way similar to the force of gravity.

Another noted authority who agrees that UFO’s are using artificial G fields is William P. Lear, Sr., [see “Hard-nosed Gambler in the Plane Game” in this issue] multimillionaire inventor, pilot, designer of air and space equipment and builder of jet aircraft. Lear, who once sighted a UFO from his executive plane, predicts that future U.S. vehicles will also use artificial gravity. “The people on board would probably not feel any more effect,” Lear says, “than they do from the tremendous speed of the Earth as it rotates and orbits and orbits the sun.”

Several years ago, Glenn Martin’s vice-president for advanced design, G. S. Trimble, predicted that by 1985 practically all airliners would be using artificial gravity, flying at almost unbelievable speeds. At about the same time, future airliner speeds of 10,000 mph. or more were pictured by Dr. Walter Dornberger, then Bell Aircraft’s chief guided-missile scientist and now president of Bell Aerospace.

Grover Loening, pioneer aircraft builder and consultant to the Air Force, said it even more strongly, “I firmly believe that before long man will acquire the ability to build an electromagnetic contra-gravity mechanism that works,” he stated.

A top official of Bethlehem Steel, Jesse V. Honeycutt, has indicated some of the results we can expect if Loening is right. “”serious research is being concentrated in an attempt to solve the mystery of gravity and bring about a control of its power.

“It would bring about a greater revolution in power, transportation and many other fields than the discovery of atomic power, “he stated.

Anti-gravity? It seems inconceivable. Yet, the search goes on and many responsible men believe the answer will be found. And, to my mind, it is the only possible explanation for the performance of the UFO’s.

The stakes are so high that no clue can be overlooked. The Air Force Technical Intelligence, hunting for overlooked leads, is carefully checking hundreds of verified UFO reports. Hopefully, some of them will help us find out how these strange vehicles operate.

Four days before Christmas, 1964, a round, metallic craft about 125 feet in diameter was observed to make a brief landing in a field near Staunton, Virginia. Two Du Pont scientists later took Geiger counters to the site.

“It was ‘hot’-highly radioactive,” Du Pont engineer Lawrence Cook reported. “We checked for 45 minutes – it was definitely ‘hot’.”

In Puerto Rico, near dusk on December 26, 1964, Ramey Air Force Base radar spotted two large discs. As A4D jets streaked up to pursue them, the discs accelerated to terrific speed. Making instant right-angle turns-impossible for any known aircraft-they vanished over the Atlantic.

On March 21, 1965, Capt. Yoshiaki Inada, piloting a Toa Airlines Convair on a domestic Japanese flight, was chased by a “mysterious, elliptical luminous object.” Flying close to the plane, the UFO blanked out his radio and “violently interfered” with his automatic direction finding equipment.

Puzzling earlier cases also are being rechecked. On July 1, 1954, an AF F-94 – a two-man jet – was scrambled to chase a UFO near Walesville, New York. When the pilot tried to close in, a sudden, unbearable heat filled the cockpit. Half-dazed, the pilot and radar officer bailed out. The jet crashed in the street, killing two children and their parents.



These odd phenomena, high radiation, mysterious heat and electrical interference may be side effects of gravity control devices.

Like most people, you probably took gravity for granted before space flights began. Now you know, for example, that one “G” is the Earth’s normal gravitational pull. This is what holds you to the seat of your chair – and more important, keeps you from being tossed into the air by the Earth’’ rotation. You feel two or three G’’ in a roller coaster or a stunting plane -–a mere hint of what our astronauts have to endure during blast-off and acceleration. But gravity causes a lot of trouble and expense we seldom think about. Aircraft and rocket builders have to provide heavy engines, huge weight of fuel, just to offset gravity. In construction of buildings, bridges, and in a hundred other ways, G affects our lives and adds billions to the cost of work.

Gravity control could reduce or end many of these problems.

How soon can we expect anti-gravity?

Some researchers say it may take a long time. Others believe there may be a sudden breakthrough. If that happens, there will be some fantastic results.

First, obviously, our space program would take a big leap forward. Instead of our present wasteful rockets, we could build spaceships matching the UFO’s high speeds and maneuvers. With such advanced ships, we could make swift flights to the moon and the planets.

Recently, Alexander de Seversky stated that “with abundant energy available, we will move in space with constant acceleration or deceleration. Accelerating half-way to our goal and decelerating the rest of the way at one G or 32.2 feet per second, the moon will be reached in three and a half hours, Venus in 36 hours, Mars in two days, Jupiter in six.”

According to Oberth, German physicist Burkhard Heim and other scientists, gravity control will enable spaceships to reach even greater speeds than these. With such advanced machines, we could explore the nearest star systems a century or more ahead of our present timetable.

*** JdN on Heim

Burkhard Heim, 1925-2001 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Burkhard_Heim


Heim tragically lost both hands, his eyesight and became deaf due to an explosion while working on explosives for German during the war. He dedicated his life after that reclusively to anti-gravity, and because of his brilliance and severe handicaps became knows as “the German Stephen Hawking.”

The Wikipedia article is contradictory, saying he made vast advances in anti-gravity and travel greater than the speed of light, but then that his discoveries were “unproven.” This is exactly what one would expect from US government disinfo and a “black project” — the line that his theories went nowhere, or as the cop says: “Keep moving; nothing to see here.”  😉

Wiki merely says:


During the 1955 holiday week of Thanksgiving Day, the New York Herald Tribune, and The Miami Herald carried announcements about the completion of contractual arrangements between Burkhard Heim and Glenn L. Martin Company. Heim was to assist them with their gravity control propulsion project.[9] The news about Heim’s contract was among several revelations that had been published during the period of intensified United States gravity control propulsion research (1955 – 1974).[9]


In 2004, the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA) awarded the winning paper in the nuclear and future flight field to a retired Austrian patent officer named Walter Dröscher and Jochem Häuser, a physicist and professor of computer science at the University of Applied Sciences in Salzgitter, Germany. They turned the theoretical framework of Burkhard Heim into a proposal for an experimental test for a propulsion device that is thought to theoretically be able to

travel at rates faster than the speed of light.

Hans Theodor Auerbach, a theoretical physicist and someone who has worked alongside Heim has stated that, “As far as I understand it, Heim theory is ingenious,” and, “I think that physics will take this direction in the future”.[2][20]

In 2008, the AIAA Nuclear and Future Flight Propulsion Technical Committee published the following statement:

Much research was conducted this year on the investigation of the experimental basis of the existence of gravity-like fields that cannot be described by conventional gravitation; that is, by the accumulation of mass. Investigations emphasized a geometrized approach termed Extended Heim Theory, which extends Einstein’s idea of geometrization of physics by employing the additional concepts of Heim.[21]

Oh , is that all? 😉 Just a mad scientist, I guess….. 😉


Using carrier or “parent” ships with short-range probes, we could fully explore a planet – either by remote control or direct observation – before attempting to land. Many cases are on record in which large UFO’s have launched small units, apparently for close observation of the Earth, then retrieved them in swift, precise operations. 

In one such case (an official AF Intelligence report), groups of small UFO’s flying at 5240 mph. were seen and tracked by the crew of an AF B-29. One group, after abruptly slowing to pace the bomber, resumed its speed within seconds. The small UFO’s were then seen to merge with or go aboard a huge carrier which accelerated to more than 9,000 mph. before it disappeared.

Because of G-crafts’ tremendous speeds, the picture of possible military operations becomes hair-raising. Let’s take as a basis the figure in a documented case at White Sands Proving Ground, where Navy scientists saw and tracked a UFO flying at 18,000 mph.

Such terrific speed could put bombers back into the picture in place of missiles. Attacks by G-bombers from bases near major targets would take less than five minutes. If a “brush-fire” war broke out halfway around the world, a huge G-transport carrying a fully armed division – or even an army – could be on the scene in 40 minutes, or less.

Another effect of gravity control will be a big change in air travel. Here’s what a G-liner trip would be like, according to several researchers. Let’s say you are making a flight from New York to London. You go aboard a large ship – probably disc-shaped, from present indications. Your seat has no safety belts – none are needed. The ship takes off vertically, accelerating at incredible speed. You feel weightless but you feel no motion.

The airliner arcs up into a great circle course, silently, with no “bumps” – no rough air. In 10 to 15 minutes, London suddenly takes shape below. There is no long approach, skimming over rooftops. You descend vertically and land. If traffic is heavy, your pilot would stop the ship in midair and hover until cleared.

In spite of the speed, you’d be safer – especially in regard to many of the strange eddies which have thrown jet airliners into uncontrollable dives.

In probing the riddle of gravity, project scientists try widely different approaches – some even contrary to accepted natural laws.

Under an Army contract, a University of Detroit team has built a 4,000-pound, specially wired rotor which spins at 100,000 rpm. With this unique device, scientists are testing gravitational radiation theories searching for a possible key to G control.

Using gravity meters based on new principles of physics, Air Force teams make frequent flights around the equator and over the poles, to speed up worldwide measurement of the Earth’s gravitational pull. Tied in with this is a network of gravity stations and special projects all over the world.

Though no breakthrough has occurred (unless in highly secret projects) two significant facts have been established.

  1. The Earth’s G field is relatively weak, compared with the pull of gravity between planets and the sun.
  2. There is a connection between gravity and electromagnetic fields.

Igo Sikorsky, discussing the colossal force of spatial G, says a steel cable about 8,000 miles thick would be needed to hold the Earth in its orbit -–if it were not for gravity.

But, fortunately for our anti-G search, the Earth’s gravity pull, for objects on the ground or at average flight altitudes, is fairly small. Likewise, the force required to cancel its pull would be relatively small – if a method can be found.

Using various barriers we can shield ourselves from the heat, light and sound waves. But, so far, no way has been found to create a gravity shield. Some scientists still call the gravity shield idea a “lunatic fringe” notion. But many now refuse to say that such a thing is completely impossible.

Are UFO’s using a gravity shield? In an effort to find out, the Air Force is renewing its attempts to capture a UFO. If we could get one on the ground, undamaged, it might make possible a big shortcut in our gravity research and save us years of slow, tedious scientific work.

In the past, many Air Force pilots have tried to down UFO’s, without success. But the Air Force has new reason for hope now, based on the recent increase in low-altitude UFO approaches and “touch landings.”

On the night of January 12, 1965, an officer of a federal law enforcement agency had a close encounter. As he was driving his official car toward Blaine Air Force Station, in Washington, a flying disc 30 feet in diameter hurtled down at his automobile. At the last moment the disc arced up steeply, avoiding collision. When the officer jumped out, he saw the UFO hovering overhead. After a minute, it shot up into clouds at high speed. A short time afterward, the UFO – or a similar one – was seen landing in a field near Blaine, melting the snow and scorching the ground before it took off. When the AF questioned the federal officer, they said they had tracked the UFO by radar as it raced down toward his car. This officer, like many other UFO witnesses, was warned by his superiors not to let his name be used in connection with the sighting.

On January 25, 1965, two NASA engineers sighted a UFO which touch landed near Hampton, Virginia. One witness was Maj. John Nayadley, a retired AF jet pilot. The other was A. G. Crimmins, who saw the strange machine maneuvering toward the ground.

“It was zigzagging as if searching for a landing spot,” said Crimmins. “I watched it through 20 x 50 binoculars and I could see flashing lights. They appeared to be on the rim of a rapidly rotating disc.”

Before anyone could reach the spot, the flying disc took off and rapidly climbed out of sight.

The step-up in UFO chases was demonstrated at Washington, D.C., on January 11, 1965, when AF jets pursued several flying objects over the city. The chase was confirmed by an Army lieutenant-colonel and a group of Army communications specialists.

If jets had been near any of the “touch” sites, they might have swarmed down and kept the UFO from getting away. But records of previous attempts to capture UFOs indicate it will be a tough job.

Whether we capture a UFO or not, the search for the elusive secret will go on. The connection between gravity and electromagnetic fields may provide the key to the mystery.

For several years, Burkhard Heim, director of the German Research Institute of Field Physics at Goettingen, Germany, has been searching for the answer to the gravity riddle. Finally, Heim revealed that by direct experimentation he had discovered a positive lead to antigravity. The discovery involved an intermediate field, neither electromagnetic nor gravitational.

The results, Heim stated, if applied to space flight, would be direct levitation, conversion of electricity into kinetic energy without any waste, and “immunizing the occupants and the structures of such vehicles against any effects from acceleration of the vehicle, however great and violent.”

After the first shock, several scientists examined Heim’s claims.

“His approach is not in conflict with known laws of nature, and it agrees with the quantum theory,” A.R. Weyl said in an analysis for the British magazine, Aeronautics. “If Heim were right, the amazing properties commonly ascribed to the mysterious flying saucers’ would be, in fact, sound physics and proper engineering.”

Heim’s work toward the goal of an actual antigravity device using “field inducers” has evidently been put under official German security. He has refused to divulge the key to his formula.


Heim’s findings would indicate that antigravity researchers may discover new scientific laws and that their work may invalidate old theories. Some scientists are already saying privately that Einstein’s famous “general theory of relativity” may turn out to be totally fallacious. Newton’s law has also come in for attacks. However, Robert Forward, G expert of Hughes Aircraft Company, uses the Einstein theory to show that it is possible to partially nullify the Earth’s gravitational field. The amount of nullification obtainable with present-day technology is extremely small, however. Forward predicts that some day, when our technology is greatly advanced, we will be able to “create artificial gravity fields at will.”

With a real all-out effort this could happen a lot sooner than the 10 or 20 years many scientists have in mind.

But getting enough top men to work in the field is a problem. One scientist says, “Scientists are sensitive about their reputations and many of them still think antigravity is a joke. If they knew the facts, they’d be eager to get into it.”

Fear among scientists is partially due to the Air force censorship of UFO reports. Air force censors not only hide the facts but also belittle those who publicly report UFO sightings.

One recent victim was Dempsey Bruton, chief of satellite tracking at NASA’s Wallops Island station in Virginia. On January 5, 1965, Bruton saw a strange round object flying at terrific speed toward the station. After it passed overhead, the UFO shot straight up out of sight. Using the elapsed time – six to nine seconds – and angles and times reported by other witnesses, Bruton said the speed was definitely “several thousand miles per hour, possibly 8,000 mph. or even higher.” The AF, implying he was incompetent, rejected the report and said it was not evidence of any technically superior machine.

But AF policy notwithstanding, the drive to get the secret of antigravity is well underway. It can’t be stopped now. But it can be speeded up. We are already spending billions on the space program – on the race to the moon, to Mars. Harnessing gravity could put us years ahead and save us enormous sums of money.

With control of the universe at stake, a crash program is imperative. We produced the A-bomb, under the huge Manhattan Project, in an amazingly short time. The needs, the urgency today are even greater. The Air Force should end UFO secrecy, give the facts to scientists, the public, to Congress. Once the people realize the truth, they would back – even demand – a crash G program.

For this is one race we dare not lose. – Maj. Donald E. Keyhoe

Source: TRUE Magazine, January 1966



Of course, in 2003 a US space shuttle, the Columbia, containing an Israel Air Force colonel, supposedly “disintegrated as it reentered the atmosphere”— but not according to these video screenshots….




Who took these photos — where the earth is seen as being UNDERNEATH the shuttle? The video showing this is found further below.

Polls also now show that UFOs are no longer considered nonsense. A major National Geographic poll in 2012 (http://www.usnews.com/news/articles/2012/06/28/most-americans-believe-government-keeps-ufo-secrets-survey-finds) found as follows:


More than three quarters (77 percent) of those surveyed believe there are signs that aliens have visited Earth, and over half (55 percent) think Men in Black-style agents threaten those who report seeing them.

-More than a third (36 percent) believe aliens have already visited.

-Eighty percent believe the government has hidden information on UFOs from the public. [….]

–Just 17 percent of those polled did not believe in UFOs; about half said they were unsure.


At both the University of Westminster in Britain and the University of Vienna, Austria (http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/innovations/wp/2013/05/14/the-fear-that-drives-our-alien-belief/) ….

Studies and polls have found, for instance, that conservatives and religious people believe in UFOs far less than their liberal or less religious peers. Men are more likely to believe in aliens than women. (But women, interestingly, are more likely to believe in ghosts.)

Clearly, we all have leanings and personal tendencies that make us less than objective in confronting new and disturbing ideas. Imagine being the wife of a multi-millionaire businessman, hearing about a serial killer, and then discovering handcuffs, duct tape and dark red spots in the trunk of your husband’s car. The wife’s first thought might be: “Oh my God,” but the second might be: “This can upset and destroy my entire life. He could go to prison and lose everything when the relatives of the victims sue. I will lose everything we own jointly, and I will also always be know as the wife of a serial killer who never suspected anything, and people will smirk.”

Some truth is very unwelcome.

As the saying goes: “Convince me against my will and I shall believe it still. ” Finally, we all have doubted and rejected things that turned out to be very true and we have firmly believed things (and trusted people) and regretted it.

Returning to the 1997 Phoenix Lights, the Wikipedia article contains on the one had the usual ludicrous “debunkings.”

But it also contains the following:


During the Phoenix event, numerous still photographs and videotapes were made, distinctly showing a series of lights appearing at a regular interval, remaining illuminated for several moments and then going out. These images have been repeatedly aired by documentary television channels such as the Discovery Channel and the History Channel as part of their UFO documentary programming.


And this, even more impressive:


Wikinews has related news: Former Arizona Governor says he saw a UFO during the 1997 Phoenix Lights

Shortly after the lights, Arizona Governor Fife Symington III ……


…..held a press conference, stating that “they found who was responsible”. He proceeded to make light of the situation by bringing his aide on stage dressed in an alien costume. (Dateline, NBC).


But in March 2007, Symington said that he had witnessed one of the “crafts of unknown origin” during the 1997 event, although he did not go public with the information.[29][30][31][32] In an interview with The Daily Courier in Prescott, Arizona, Symington said,

“I’m a pilot and I know just about every machine that flies. It was bigger than anything that I’ve ever seen. It remains a great mystery. Other people saw it, responsible people. I don’t know why people would ridicule it”.[33]

Symington had earlier said,

“It was enormous and inexplicable. Who knows where it came from? A lot of people saw it, and I saw it too. It was dramatic. And it couldn’t have been flares because it was too symmetrical. It had a geometric outline, a constant shape.[34]

Symington also noted that he requested information from the commander of Luke Air Force Base, the general of the National Guard, and the head of the Arizona Department of Public Safety. But none of the officials he contacted had an answer for what had happened, and were also perplexed.[34] Later, he responded to an Air Force explanation that the lights were flares: “As a pilot and a former Air Force Officer, I can definitively say that this craft did not resemble any man made object I’d ever seen. And it was certainly not high-altitude flares because flares don’t fly in formation”.[2] In an episode of the television show UFO Hunters called “The Arizona Lights”, Symington said that he contacted the military asking what the lights were. The response was “no comment”. He pointed out that he was the governor of Arizona at the time, not just some ordinary civilian.[35]

Frances Barwood, the 1997 Phoenix city councilwoman who launched an investigation into the event, said that of the over 700 witnesses she interviewed, “The government never interviewed even one”.[34]


I always thought that the whole alien-UFO and esp. the New Swabia Reich thing was a sidetrack and waste of time. And I wondered why the Reich would not just come RIGHT NOW 😉 and “save the white race.” Or why “nordic aliens” would not have saved the Reich from the Allies in the first place, at least after Stalingrad n 1943….

Now I believe I am filling in the pieces of the puzzle. And it makes me cautiously hopeful. 🙂

Is is long but the claims I make need to be fully backed up. It has two gigantic assertions in it:
–1) the Reich survived in 1945 in South American and the Antarctic
–2) there are many planets peopled by nordic aliens
But they are at war themselves.
And this earth has been a place where several races were “dropped off”…… that is, marooned after a cosmic war
And I have massive facts to support all this! Read on!

The white race is very far from extinction; in fact, it is invincible, but our segment, the white race on earth, on this one planet, is indeed in big trouble at this moment. The only question is: Will we terran whites “get with the program” that has led to the white species thriving all over our sector of the galaxy?

The material below means the white race will win; the Reich will win; and we will win.

It means incredible high tech and money are available, but not right now to use, because WE are useless now to THEM, and they have their own problems. There is a conflict across our sector of the galaxy — nordics versus grays and reptilians — and if we cannot help them (and right now we cannot and we do not) they must stay busy defending themselves.

This is like Germany being unable to rescue Finland in 1939-1940 when Stalin attacked. They had to just watch. Germany was not ready (NEVER fully ready!) to attack the Soviet Union. In fact, in 1939-40 Britain and France had not yet been defeated, and all of Western Europe was hostile. The amazing events of the spring of 1940 had not yet happened — the huge German blitzkrieg victories.

For Hitler to attack the Soviet Union in 1939 would be 1) to attack an “ally” with whom he had just signed a non-aggression pact and 2) to attack a superpower WHILE France, Britain, Norway, Denmark, Holland and Belgium were hostile independent powers on his western and northern borders, not yet under German control.

It would have been insanity in 1939 for Hitler to attack Soviet Russia to save three million Finns, when the whole future of the white race stood in the balance! Even by June 22, 1941, when Hitler attacked the USSR, even then he was not completely ready to take on the most gigantic country on earth!

In the exact same way, the Fourth Reich and nordic aliens CANNOT help us just because they feel pity for us and see our pain. What will be THEIR pain if they help us and are destroyed because they “jumped the gun” with sentimental heroics? Then there is no more hope at all… In fact, they will let the whole white race die on this planet if they must. Whites exist on many other planets. And this is the brutal truth.

WE must show WE can help THEM!

Dr. Joseph Farrell has a PhD from Oxford. Though he, like David Icke and Alex Jones, engages in “Nazi-bashing” (to 1) avoid being murdered outright as a dangerous whistle-blower on the power of Jewry, and 2) to be able continue to publish his factual and fascinating books and 3) to hold meetings without Jewish terrorists threatening the hotel), it is crystal-clear from a hundred between-the-lines things Farrell has written and said that he knows exactly who the real enemy is, the Jews.

For example,

at 0:39:32-37 of this video on “the Nazi International” (and on “The Bell” – the NS multidimensional physics weapon….) after 1945 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=loacxQvc8A4) Farrell uses the phrase “Anglo-American financial predators” [ = Jews!] and “Nazis are not playing the NWO ball game”….Further, in his brilliant 2010 book Genes, Giants, Gods and Men Farrell basically says that 1) wicked genetic experiments were being done in ancient times by malicious aliens out to create slave races, and 2) Yahweh, the tribal god of the ancient Hebrews, is an especially vicious alien leader, now thousands of years old, surviving off the negative energy of his suffering victims like a vampire, and out to enslave the human race. If that ain’t antisemitism, though of a unique kind 😉 I don’t know what is. It is just a scientific version of what Jesus said in John 8:44: “You are from your father, the Devil.”



I got in more info today from Germany, where the belief in the Fourth Reich is widespread, and also the realization that survival for itself is its highest priority, not “rescuing” us.

Depiction of Adolf in 1952, the year a German source told me he died of exhaustion after re-establishing the Reich as a military-financial network, like the situation of the Jews themselves until 1948, when they created “Israel”….. Until then they had a worldwide network BUT without a country as a home base. The Jews lost Palestine in AD 70 but that did NOT stop them from reorganizing to continue their mission for their race.



It is like the instructions flight stewardesses give: In the vent of depressurization, first put on your own oxygen mask to maintain consciousness — and then only put one on your child.



Yes. It was from Ike (Eisenhower) to the DCI. November 4, 1953, TOP SECRET (downgraded to SECRET) to the Director of Central Intelligence. (President Eisenhower) is talking about in the opening sentence to the Director of Central Intelligence:

‘I have studied the MJ-TWELVE Operations Plan of June 16, 1953, on the subject of instructions for the expenditures of the National UFO Intelligence Program, and more specifically, the Special Operations Instruction to be issued to Unified and Specific Major Commands and Commanders.

Then in a last paragraph, it says:

‘Preferably, I would like to see this done in a closed meeting to be arranged through the Director of the National Security Agency, yourself (Director of Central Intelligence), and representatives of the MJ-12 Special Studies Project.

I specifically want Project JEHOVAH director Professor Albert Einstein and doctor Robert Oppenheimer to inject any useful comments to the briefing as they are most informed on the physics related to the subject. Perhaps the annual Quantico conference would provide an opportunity to do this without the publicity which would call attention to such a special meeting.

Dwight D. Eisenhower’

*** “Evil aliens” and an evil government

==========pyramids unearthed in Caral on the coast of Peru

More evidence of ancient Aryan culture …


Due to the fact these structures were built of stone, they are hard to date as to just how old they are. (“Carbon-dating” only measures carbon in — at one time — living things, such as wood, straw, leather, etc. Stone also never rusts, unlike metals.)

Pyramids, possibly long before Egypt


A town with a ritual, circular fire pit


Egypt: Recently a daring Russkie sneaked atop one of the Great Pyramids and took this amazing shot without permission (which is why he is lying real flat 😉 …..)


The pyramids were built of a magnesium-containing sandstone that conducted electricity, with granite corridors that were lightly radioactive, but covered with a pure sandstone that was totally without any metal content and thus inert, like the plastic outside of a battery.

So did all this by design create in effect a gigantic BATTERY?

Also, water hit by sunlight (to charge it) flowed in specially engineered zig-zag turns from the (then nearby) Nile River into the pyramids, creating a gigantic electric current. The pyramids apparently were some kind of monstrous weapon or transmitter, maybe even an early kind of HAARP.

They also show strong evidence of water damage halfway up, as if a FLOOD swept through around 8,000 BC.

So if Whites were then primitive, WHO built a 45-story battery? See below……………………. 😉




The Law Code of Hammurabi, 1750 BC. now in the Louvre Museum in Paris. In the prologue, Hammurabi announces that he has come to “rule the black haired people”; he is also referred to as “the White King” and the “White Potent”. The statue on the right half is supposed to be the administrator Ebih-il, c.2400 BC.




============Satanic singer Rihanna

A German comrade sent me this info on Rihanna, a black singer from Barbados who is about to do a huge show in Vienna, Austria full of degrading kinds of sexuality and truly open use of Illuminati, Reptilian (as in David Icke’s exposés) and satanic symbolism.

The German comrades, believe me, love having been “liberated” by America from the evils of Nazism in 1945 so now they can get this! 😉

Rihanna reveals her reptile breast tattoos


An Austrian newspaper breathlessly promises says kinky show will be “wunderbar”…. 😉


This video in English exposes Rihanna as an active promoter of satanism:






Jacques Vallee is a distinguished French aeronautics researcher from the Sorbonne, the greatest university in France and the the oldest in Europe, and high-tech expert who came to the US in 1962 and did huge work for NASA.

His view on the “aliens” topic is that some of them, at least, are really “from different dimensions” ….not from our own physical universe, and some of them are from very evil dimensions indeed. (See the mind-blowing “Mothman” info below from West Virginia under the “John Keel” info!) Interestingly, this dovetails with what many Christians believe about “aliens,” although he does not come to this conclusion from their perspective, but from physics.

Excerpt from Wiki:

Vallée was born in Pontoise, France. He received his Bachelor of Science degree in mathematics from the Sorbonne [!!], followed by his Master of Science in astrophysics from the University of Lille. He began his professional life as an astronomer at the Paris Observatory in 1961. He was awarded the Jules Verne Prize for his first science-fiction novel in French.

He moved to the United States in 1962 and began working in astronomy at the University of Texas at Austin, at whose MacDonald Observatory he worked on NASA‘s first project making a detailed informational map of Mars.

In 1967, Vallée received a Ph.D. in computer science from Northwestern University. While at the Institute for the Future from 1972 to 1976 he was a principal investigator on the large NSF project for computer networking, which developed one of the first conferencing systems, Planning Network (PLANET),[1] on the ARPANET many years before the Internet was formed.

He has also served on the National Advisory Committee of the University of Michigan College of Engineering and was involved in early work on artificial intelligence.

Vallée has authored four books on high technology, including Computer Message Systems, Electronic Meetings, The Network Revolution, and The Heart of the Internet.

Along with his mentor, astronomer J. Allen Hynek, Vallée carefully studied the phenomenon of UFOs for many years and served as the real-life model for the character portrayed by François Truffaut in Steven Spielberg’s film Close Encounters of the Third Kind.[2]

His research has taken him to countries all over the world. Considered one of the leading experts in UFO phenomena, Vallée has written several scientific books on the subject.

His current endeavours include his involvement in SBV Ventures[3] a venture capital fund as a general partner. He and the other general partner, Graham Burnette[4] on SBV are also in the early stages of launching a second venture capital fund.

He is married and has two children.

And now to the intriguing part:

UFO research and academic work

In May 1955, Vallée first sighted an unidentified flying object over his Pontoise home. Six years later in 1961, while working on the staff of the French Space Committee, Vallée witnessed the destruction of the tracking tapes of an unknown object orbiting the earth. The particular object was a retrograde satellite – that is, a satellite orbiting the earth in the opposite direction to the earth’s rotation. At the time he observed this, there were no rockets powerful enough to launch such a satellite, so the team was quite excited as they assumed that the Earth’s gravity had captured a natural satellite (asteroid). A superior came and erased the tape. These events contributed to Vallée’s long-standing interest in the UFO phenomenon.

In the mid-1960s, like many other UFO researchers, Vallée initially attempted to validate the popular Extraterrestrial Hypothesis (or ETH). Leading UFO researcher Jerome Clark[5] argues that Vallée’s first two UFO books were among the most scientifically sophisticated defenses of the ETH ever mounted.

However, by 1969, Vallée’s conclusions had changed, and he publicly stated that the ETH was too narrow and ignored too much data. Vallée began exploring the commonalities between UFOs, cults, religious movements, demons, angels, ghosts, cryptid sightings, and psychic phenomena. Speculation about these potential links were first detailed in Vallée’s third UFO book, Passport to Magonia: From Folklore to Flying Saucers.

As an alternative to the extraterrestrial visitation hypothesis, Vallée has suggested a multidimensional visitation hypothesis. This hypothesis represents an extension of the ETH where the alleged extraterrestrials could be potentially from anywhere. The entities could be multidimensional beyond space-time, and thus could coexist with humans, yet remain undetected.

Vallée’s opposition to the popular ETH hypothesis was not well received by prominent U.S. ufologists, hence he was viewed as something of an outcast. Indeed, Vallée refers to himself as a “heretic among heretics”. [;-)]

Vallée’s opposition to the ETH theory is summarised in his paper, “Five Arguments Against the Extraterrestrial Origin of Unidentified Flying Objects”, Journal of Scientific Exploration, 1990:

Scientific opinion has generally followed public opinion in the belief that unidentified flying objects either do not exist (the “natural phenomena hypothesis”) or, if they do, must represent evidence of a visitation by some advanced race of space travellers (the extraterrestrial hypothesis or “ETH”). It is the view of the author that research on UFOs need not be restricted to these two alternatives. On the contrary, the accumulated data base exhibits several patterns tending to indicate that UFOs are real, represent a previously unrecognized phenomenon, and that the facts do not support the common concept of “space visitors.” Five specific arguments articulated here contradict the ETH:

  1. unexplained close encounters are far more numerous than required for any physical survey of the earth;
  2. the humanoid body structure of the alleged “aliens” is not likely to have originated on another planet and is not biologically adapted to space travel;
  3. the reported behavior in thousands of abduction reports contradicts the hypothesis of genetic or scientific experimentation on humans by an advanced race; [ = what he means is that some of the abductions seem sadistic, monstrous, unrelated to any scientific research, and just-plain demonic… and I agree.]
  4. the extension of the phenomenon throughout recorded human history demonstrates that UFOs are not a contemporary phenomenon; and
  5. the apparent ability of UFOs to manipulate space and time suggests radically different and richer alternatives.

Vallée has contributed to the investigation of the Miracle at Fatima and Marian apparitions. His work has been used to support the Fatima UFO Hypothesis. Vallée is one of the first people to speculate publicly about the possibility that the “solar dance” at Fatima was a UFO. The idea of UFOs was not unknown in 1917, but most of the people in attendance at the Fatima apparitions would not have attributed the claimed phenomena there to UFOs, let alone to extraterrestrials. Vallée has also speculated about the possibility that other religious apparitions may have been the result of UFO activity including Our Lady of Lourdes and the revelations to Joseph Smith. Vallée and other researchers have advocated further study of unusual phenomena in the academic community. They don’t believe that this should be handled solely by theologians.[6][7][8]


Dr. Vallée is interviews at the beginning of this video through 8:41. I would emphasize that he is not saying aliens are not real. He is saying real ships are really coming and real people are being really abducted and suffering real physical harm. (See the Mothman videos below!) The question is do we live in a “universe” or instead in a “multiverse” with many dimensions? And are some of these dimensions similar to the concept of hells, that is, evil worlds where very bad entities live? And if this is true, then do we not need to ask ourselves about our own spiritual condition where no angel wants to protect us? The people interviewed in the Mothman videos are all obviously very average Americans. What is it about average Americans that makes them NOT protected by any higher power? What is our karma — good or quite bad? — if demonic beings are allowed to attack?








What I like about Keel is that, like me, for decades, he thought the whole alien thing and supernatural stuff was more or less “bull.” 😉 He was no gullible believer in anything. After this Wiki passage below I am then presenting to you five shortish videos about the real facts behind the Mothman, and as you can see, it is factual, documentary reporting on a real town in West Virginia and interviews with the locals. HUNDREDS saw this creature, and over a 13-month period………….. All rather mind-blowing but a fully human mind is unafraid to expand to accept new ideas. The idea here is that really demonic things do exist, hence the need for an Aryan heroic religion — my calling — to shield us.


Wiki (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Keel):

John Alva Keel, born Alva John Kiehle [German name] (March 25, 1930 – July 3, 2009) was an American journalist and influential UFOlogist who is best known as author of The Mothman Prophecies.

In 1967, Keel popularized the term “Men In Black” in an article for the men’s adventure magazine Saga, entitled “UFO Agents of Terror”. According to Keel, he initially sought to explain UFOs as extraterrestrial visitations, but later abandoned this hypothesis. His third book, UFOs: Operation Trojan Horse published in 1970, linked UFOs to supernatural concepts such as monsters, ghosts and demons. Keel used the term “ultraterrestrials” to describe UFO occupants he believed to be non-human entities capable of taking on whatever form they want.

While researching UFOs and contactees, Keel began to have his own experiences. In Operation Trojan Horse, Keel wrote, “For a time I questioned my own sanity. I kept profusive notes-a daily journal which now reads like something from the pen of Edgar Allen Poe or H. P. Lovecraft. Previous to all this I was a typical hard-boiled skeptic. I sneered at the occult. I had once published a book, Jadoo, which denigrated the mystical legends of the Orient. I tried to adopt a very scientific approach to ufology, and this meant that I scoffed at the many contactee reports. But as my experiences mounted and investigations broadened, I rapidly changed my views.”[4] Towards the end of the book, he wrote, “In 1966, I was a lifelong atheist raised in the hard school of objective journalism, skeptical but hopeful that I could somehow validate the enthusiasts’ speculations about extraterrestrial visitants. The extraterrestrial hypothesis then seemed to me to be the only acceptable explanation. But my experiences over the past few years have changed both me and my outlook, just as similar experiences have changed so many others.”[5]




His 1975 book, The Mothman Prophecies was Keel’s account of his investigation into alleged sightings in West Virginia of a huge, winged creature called the “Mothman.” The book combines Keel’s account of receiving strange phone calls with reports of mutilated pets and culminates with the December 15, 1967, collapse of the Silver Bridge across the Ohio River. (He had received a long phone call in October “from a being who was allegedly a UFO entity” and who allegedly warned him that there would be a major disaster on the Ohio River and that many people would drown. According to Keel, he wrote this in a letter to a woman in the area on November 3, a letter which he said the woman still had years later.[6]) The book was widely popularized as the basis of a 2002 film of the same name starring Richard Gere.[2]


And now a trailer for the Mothman movie, starring Richard Gere, which drove me away in 2002 because I loathe horror moves and yet this movie is about a real story:


and now five short videos on the real Mothman case in WV, and remember that a rash of UFO sightings accompanied the Mothman sightings:


2: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k18kJCyVT5I

3: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oxuw1SRfqzg

4: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1b_fjvxE1aw

5: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xmrZS3df680

And finally another sighting of this demonic being:


Review of a book by Dr. Vallée, Messengers of Deception: UFO Contacts and Cults


Posted on Sep 19, 2008 10:55:57 AM PDT
Last edited by the author on Sep 19, 2008 10:58:41 AM PDT

As an abductee who reapeated many of the crazy behaviors that Whitley Streiber described in Communion I can tell you a few things.

1- They (the Greys) are real. The exact nature of their reality is still debatable.

2- Try to explain them away (e.g. dream-hallucination) and you will loop yourself into madness. They leave marks, and not the kind you could create by hitting yourself.

3- I view them as neither good nor evil, just desperate. Still they will do horrifying things if deemed necessary. Their race is dying.

4- Whether their contact will aid in some way the human race is unclear. Personally, I had to develop a stronger sense of self to survive. (An asset, I guess.)

5- No human will ever understand them. It is true they are hive mind. Try to fight them mind to mind and you will be crushed, and not even intentionally.

6-These cute little grey monsters hide themselves behind layer upon layer of screen memories. Still, that won’t save you from severe Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. Get a shovel.

7-I don’t give a hoot whether people think I’m crazy, or a liar. I have suffered too much to regain my sanity without help from anyone. If I tell my tale, maybe somebody else will benefit from my experience.


response posted by JdN:

I think this is a courageous post. People have a horror filter where they screen out anything overwhelmingly scary, and so they lunge into agreement with what they think Dr. Vallée is saying. People also screen out disturbing questions about the murder of JFK, 9/11, and the extent of organized pedophilia in our government, military and police. Whether these creatures are interdimensional or just have very advanced tech and avionics, they are real and they are here. I have to laugh at those who think that if a craft can accelerate fast or take ultra-sharp turns it must be a projection. Why? It is certainly “scary” that creatures visiting us could be way ahead of us in tech, and it is even scarier that some of them could be sadistic (causing both terror and physical pain to victims).

But what gives humans the right to expect that other species are more moral than we are? Our planet is rife with very human monsters that make the Grays look like Boy Scouts. Earth probably has a reputation around the galaxy like Dodge City. 😉


============BARNES REVIEW MAGAZINE (http://barnesreview.org) ARTICLE ON “NEW SWABIA” OF NOV.-DEC. 2012


Here are the first two pages of this six-page article



I wrote this letter to the editor:


I took another look at the Nov-Dec 2012 TBR article by Daniel Michaels on New Swabia

[which you can open and read here; it contains excellent facts, just an illogical conclusion: https://johndenugent.com/images/New-Swabia-nov-dec-2012-tbr1.pdf]

and had to chuckle at the final pronouncement — “It may be assumed with 99% certainty that the Nazis did not establish a base [in the Antarctic].” However, the entire article not only strongly suggests the opposite but hints that neither Michaels, an intel man, nor his old employer, the Department of Defense, believes in this conclusion. Among the facts that Michaels’ own article adduces which rather contradict this verdict:

–“Operation Highjump” (1946-47), which was organized to “explore” the Antarctic, was a totally military expedition decreed at the highest levels (ordered by Defense Secretary James Forrestal, planned by the Chief of Naval Operations, Fleet Admiral Chester Nimitz,
…and carried out by an American hero, Admiral Richard Bird). It involved 4,700 men, 33 aircraft, 13 ships, two seaplane groups, an icebreaker, a submarine and an aircraft carrier [the USS Midway!]” Clearly the US Navy was terrified of aggressive penguins (perhaps German-speaking?)
–The “Highjump” task force converged from three directions exactly on New Swabia, where the Reich had a base in 1938-39…
–in 1958 the U.S. military dropped three atomic bombs on the Antarctic (as part of a “physics experiment,” of course…)
–the name of the 1958 task force which returned to the scene, consisting of 1,500 military personnel and nine ships, was “Task Force 88”. Hint, hint — I think at this stage the humor in the choice of the number “88” should be obvious to everyone. (The numbers 88 in numerology mean the letters HH, which means “Heil Hitler.” Lest anyone think there are no occult types at the Pentagon, D-Day occurred at 6 am on the 6th day of the 6th month of 1944, and 44 is a multiple of 11…. and we had 9/11, the John Kennedy murder on 11/22, and on and on.)
Maybe the good Mr. Michaels simply does not want to be bumped off, so he pro forma defanged, at the end, the thrust  of his entire article. If he is still alive and un-bumped off, his ploy worked. In any case, for those seriously interested in the momentous topic of whether the Reich survived the war as an operating force, one should consult the ten books by Joseph Farrell, Ph.D. (Oxford) on the massive survival of the Third Reich in the postwar period (though he focuses more on South America). For Farrell, National Socialism now lives on as a financial, high-tech and nuclear-weapons network. The Reich is now, ironically, like the Jews before 1948, a racial, monetary and ideological network — with feared agents everywhere, but a country nowhere — so it is still quite handicapped.
In modern Germany, the books of Jan Van Helsing and Reiner Feistle are widely read by nationalists and state that not only did the Reich survive, but, in a kind of “X-Files” scenario, it has some unusual “friends” who, like Hitler himself, are, shall we say, under the sign of Taurus….
Task Force 88…. indeed. 😉
By the way, President Dwight Eisenhower visited San Carlos de Bariloche, Argentina in 1960. Not exactly a world capital? No, but still rather important. I invite everyone to consult Wikipedia (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/San_Carlos_de_Bariloche) or any search engine to learn who else lived there. Maybe someone with nuclear weapons, scalar technology, zero-point energy and a terrifying weapon called Die Glocke (“the Bell”)… part of a postwar Reich without a country.
John de Nugent
Apollo, PA
Wikipedia (as of 7/1/13) on Bariloche (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/San_Carlos_de_Bariloche):

U.S. President Dwight Eisenhower visited Bariloche as a guest of President Arturo Frondizi in 1960. Classical violinist Alberto Lysy established Camerata Bariloche here in 1967.

Huemul Project

During the 1950s, on the small island of Huemul, not far into lake Nahuel Huapi, former president Juan Domingo Perón attempted to secretly build the world’s first fusion reactor. Even though the project cost the equivalent of about $300 million modern US dollars, it was never finished, due to the lack of the highly advanced technology that was needed. There were also serious problems with the Austrian Ronald Richter in charge of the project, who many accused of being simply crazy.[citation needed]

The facilities can still nowadays be visited, and are visible from certain locations on the coast.

Nazis in Bariloche

Bariloche made headlines in the international press in 1995 when it became known as a haven for Nazi war criminals such as the former SS Hauptsturmführer Erich Priebke. Priebke had been the director of the German School of Bariloche for many years.

In his 2004 book Bariloche nazi-guía turística, Argentine author Abel Basti claims that Adolf Hitler and Eva Braun lived in the surroundings of Bariloche for many years after World War II.[4][5] The estate of Inalco has been pointed out by Abel Basti as the place that Argentine Nazis chose as Hitler’s refuge.[4]

Grey Wolf: The Escape of Adolf Hitler, published by British authors Simon Dunstan and Gerrard Williams, proposed that Hitler and Eva Braun hid at Hacienda San Ramon, six miles east of Bariloche, until the early 1960s. This account is disputed by other historians.[6]


This Air Force general was knee-deep in the UFO cover-up by promoting the discredited “Project Blue Book.” This notorious “disinfo” project claimed almost all UFOs were basically weather balloons or other natural phenomena and almost all witnesses either mistaken or crazy. General Cabell became Deputy Director of the CIA, he was then fired by President John Kennedy — AND his brother, how interesting, was mayor of Dallas when JFK was KILLED!

===============NORDIC MAN IN HISTORY

I just also received this from a comrade named Sean R.


Subject: Nordic man in history

History abounds with white ‘gods’, ‘masters’, or beings from the skies

It has to be more than just a coincidence that throughout recorded human history many cultures have had encounters with a white being or white masters from the skies. Their visits have coincided with a sudden boost of advancement in these societies. The following is a list of some of the historical and/or mythological events of interaction between man and ‘white gods’ from the heavens:

1. Mesopotamia Anunnaki were described as ‘white gods from the skies’. They were credited with giving the written language, sciences and building technology to humanity. Word etymology is shared with the Biblical ‘Anakim’. These were the sons of Anak, the same giants and genetic link to the ‘fallen ones’ of the Bible – big, bad, white guys with a bad attitude! The Anunnaki of Mesopotamian mythology are said to have come from above, but now live underground.

2. South America Viracochas are interpreted as the ‘white masters from the skies’. They were described as white gods who came from the skies and promised to return. They gave astronomy, building skills, the calendar and culture to the Incas. They were said to have built the ruins of Tiahuanacu in one day with a magic trumpet. They are depicted as riding in a vehicle in a reclined position holding controls of some type.

3. North America The Hopi Indians of Arizona, USA encountered the Pahana. Pahana means ‘white brother from the skies’. The Pahana gave them understandings of an esoteric nature. Hopi tradition describes a world of advanced civilization filled with flying vehicles called patuwvotas which ended in destruction.

4. The Book of Enoch This extrabiblical text states that 200 celestial beings forsook the ethereal plane and materialized for themselves flesh-and-blood bodies, appearing to women as tall, handsome, blue-eyed, golden-haired men. Succumbing to earthly desires, they cohabited with the daughters of mortality, producing a breed of hybrids of tremendous vitality but who, unfortunately, led mankind into epic levels of apostasy.

5. South Africa – The Zulus also have an intriguing tradition of tall, white, golden-haired, blue-eyed beings, the Wazungu, visiting them well before the arrival of the Europeans who would settle their lands many centuries later in modern times.

Credo Mutwa, the Zulu head sanusi (shaman) makes it clear that the Wazungu (Mzungu or Muzungu in the singular) came to southern Africa aboard flying craft resembling a boomerang. Here is a fairly lengthy quotation excerpted from his interview with Rick Martin of The Spectrum newspaper, followed by Mutwa’s drawing of a Mzungu, both of which are accessible via the URL http://www.foundationwebsite.org/TheWarOfTheWorld.htm :

Many, many, many centuries ago, before the first White-man came to Africa, we African people encountered a race of alien beings which looked exactly like the European White-men who were going to invade Africa in our future.

These alien creatures are tall. Some of them are rather well built, like athletes, and they have blue eyes. And they have got golden hair, and they look exactly like the Europeans of today, with one exception: their fingers are beautifully made, long and like those of musicians and artists.

Now, these creatures came to Africa out of the sky, in craft which looked like the boomerang of the Australian people. Now, when one of these craft comes down to land, it creates a whirlwind of dust, which makes a very large sound indeed, like that of a tornado. In the language of some African tribes, a whirlwind is zungar-uzungo.

Now, our people gave several names to these White-skinned aliens. They called them Wazungu, a word which loosely means “god” but literally means “people of the dust-devil or the whirlwind.”

And, our people were familiar with these Wazungu from the start. They saw them, and they saw that some – in fact, many – of these Wazungu carry what appears to be a sphere made of crystal or glass, a sphere which they always playfully bounce like a ball in their hands. And when a force of warriors tries to capture a Muzungu, the Muzungu throws this ball into the air, catches it in his hands, and then disappears.

But, some Wazungu were captured by Africans in the past and forcibly kept prisoner in the villages of chiefs, and in the caves of shamans. The person who had captured the Muzungu, as he is called in singular, had to make sure that he kept the glass-globe well-hidden from the Muzungu. So long as he kept the globe hostage, the Muzungu could not escape.

And when Africans saw the real Europeans, the White men from Europe, they transferred to them the name Wazungu. Before we met the people from Europe, we Africans, we had met White-skinned Wazungu, and we transferred the name Wazungu to the real Europeans, from the aliens.

Now, in the Zulu language, we call a White man Umlungu. Now, the word Umlungu means exactly the same as Wazungu, “a god or a creature which creates a big whirlwind underground”. [End of Rick Martin quote.]

6. Hawaii – The native Hawaiian tradition also refers to the mysterious white god, Lona.


7. The late John A. Keel, one of the world’s leading authorities on the so-called ‘Extraterrestrial Phenomenon’, also highlighted this Nordic theme in his book ‘Our Haunted Planet’:

“The myths and legends of Greece, India, and South America describe their [the ‘god-kings’] rule. They were taller and more imposing than the men of the time, with long blond hair, marble-like white skin, and remarkable powers which enabled them to perform miracles.”

Now, it should be obvious to any rational human being that this cannot be merely coincidental.


Here is a very good intro video. The narration is not by a voice-over expert with any kind of professional voice training. The voice is that of the originator of the film, an apparently very sincere and diligent person named Nichols.

After that 101-level intro, let us get on to some corroboration.

The next video below is taken from a 2001 conference by “The Disclosure Project” on the subject of UFOs, held at the National Press Club in the National Press Building.

Wiki: “Speaking at the National Press Club to mark his retirement, CBS commentator Eric Sevareid called the club the “sanctum sanctorum [Latin: “the holy of holies”] of American journalists” and said “It’s the Westminster Hall, it’s Delphi, it’s Mecca, the Wailing Wall for everybody in this country having anything to do with the news business.”




It is replete with credible retired military officers (some of whom supervised nuclear-missile bases!), air traffic controllers (including one from Mexico City International Airport), and scientists.As the website http://disclosureproject.org states:

On Wednesday, May 9th, 2001, twenty military, intelligence, government, corporate and scientific witnesses came forward at the National Press Club in Washington, DC to establish the reality of UFOs or extraterrestrial vehicles, extraterrestrial life forms, and resulting advanced energy and propulsion technologies. The weight of this first-hand testimony, along with supporting government documentation and other evidence, establish[es] without any doubt the reality of these phenomena.

This guy, Karl Wolf, seems totally honest and credible. I studied interrogation and body language in the Marines, and I do not see him as any kind of nut or publicity-seeker. Just a typical, conscientious American of midwestern German ancestry,sincere, accurate, factual and courageous.


U.F.O DISCLOSURE PROJECT — THE FULL VERSION (2,461,380 views as of May 2013)



at 1:38:43 a British reporter asks Clifford Stone (a US Army staff sergeant who asserts he served 1969 to 1990 on a UFO crash site retrieval team) what the “aliens” looked like that he discovered on a crashed UFO on a US Air Force base containing nuclear weapons in East Anglia, England. The response covers many discoveries, says that the US government is aware of 57 species, all of them humanoid (two arms, two legs, walking upright, etc.), of whom some are absolutely human in appearance, but they may have the additional ability to feel the color of an physical object in a dark room.

At 1:39:10-16 to Staff Sergeant Stone states:

“You have individuals who look very much like you and myself, that could walk among us, and you would not even notice the difference…. and (around 1:39:47) at least three types of the Grays….Some were much taller than we are.”

Here is that specific segment with just Staff Sergeant Stone (from 0:00-1:36):

Please keep these italicized details in mind: 1) aliens who look exactly human, and aliens who are much taller. (Stone did not specify here if the much taller ones are also among the human-looking ones, but see much further below the information that is claimed about the “Aldebarans.”

I would add that if humans living elsewhere developed on a planet with much less gravity, they could be much taller and yet, in that lower gravity — like our astronauts on the moon — very light and agile, as long as they stay on those planets.)

As a side note, Dr. Greer states two astounding things:

1) that both Presidents Carter and Clinton demanded to see, and were refused access, to the full UFO files of the CIA (George H.W.Bush, CIA director in the 1970s, unconstitutionally turned President Carter down); and

2) from retrieving and studying crashed UFOs the US government is now capable of using low-cost, non-polluting “zero-point energy” technology (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zero-point_energy) and replacing the use of expensive, dangerous and polluting gas, oil and nuclear fuel, but it refuses to do so. (See also http://www.johndenugent.org/site/pages/tesla_additional.htm)

Wikipedia on Paul Hellyer, a former Deputy Prime Minister, Defence Minister, Transportation Minister and member of the Queen’s Privy Council.



Throughout his life, Hellyer has been opposed to the weaponization of space. He supports the Space Preservation Treaty to ban space weapons.

In early September 2005, Hellyer made headlines by publicly announcing that he believed in UFOs. On 25 September 2005, he was an invited speaker at an exopolitics conference in Toronto, where he told the audience that he had seen a UFO one night with his late wife and some friends. He said that, although he had discounted the experience at the time, he had kept an open mind to it. He said that he started taking the issue much more seriously after watching ABC‘s Peter JenningsUFO special in February 2005.[citation needed]

Watching Jennings’ UFO special prompted Hellyer to finally read U.S. Army Colonel Philip J. Corso’s book The Day After Roswell, about the Roswell UFO Incident, which had been sitting on his shelf for some time. Hellyer told the Toronto audience that he later spoke to a retired U.S. Air Force general, who confirmed the accuracy of the information in the book. In November 2005, he accused U.S. President George W. Bush of plotting an “Intergalactic War“. The former defence minister told an audience at the University of Toronto:

“The United States military are preparing weapons which could be used against the aliens, and they could get us into an intergalactic war without us ever having any warning…The Bush Administration has finally agreed to let the military build a forward base on the moon, which will put them in a better position to keep track of the goings and comings of the visitors from space, and to shoot at them, if they so decide.”[8]

Hellyer told the audience that in December 2004, he had enjoyed reading and had endorsed a book by Alfred Webre entitled “Exopolitics – Politics, Government and Law in the Universe”. He ended his 30 minute historical talk with a standing ovation by stating:

“To turn us in the direction of re-unification with the rest of creation the author is proposing a “Decade of Contact” – an “era of openness, public hearings, publicly funded research, and education about extraterrestrial reality”.”

In 2007, the Ottawa Citizen reported that Hellyer is demanding that world governments disclose alien technology that could be used to solve the problem of climate change:

“I would like to see what (alien) technology there might be that could eliminate the burning of fossil fuels within a generation…that could be a way to save our planet…We need to persuade governments to come clean on what they know. Some of us suspect they know quite a lot, and it might be enough to save our planet if applied quickly enough.”[9]


On the Apollo 11 flight to the moon with Neil Armstrong, the astronauts find they are not alone:

Uploaded on Feb 11, 2006

A large number of ex-high-ranking officials including air-traffic controllers, ex secret-op officers, commercial pilots, numerous military defense specialists with top-secret clearance, people who had access to very sensitive documents lieutenants, ex-commanders in the U.S Air Force, astronauts,etc… In this video some of them are going before the prestigious National Press Club (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/National_Press_Club_%28United_States%29) to discuss what their experiences have been regarding UFOs and all are willing to go before Congress to testify under oath.. Never before has such a blue-ribbon group come forward. This video is a must-see it. Though long (1 hour 55 minutes), it is extremely informative and enlightening.

The implications are stupendous. I am bending over backwards to prove this from every angle because it all seems fantastical, not real.

It is mind-blowing, especially in what it may mean in the future

It means that the Third Reich is back — it never really wennt away, just literally under ground — and it is preparing to get the Jews!

It is saying that a major new press conference was held for five days in Washington DC 29. April through 3. Mai 2013 on extraterrestrials.

I cannot emphasize enough what the Air Force staff sergeant said who ran recoveries of crashed UFOs: “Many of the aliens look totally human.” Partly it is because those are simply National Socialist Germans from the Third Reich in Antarctica, from New Swabia (and, Björn told me, a huge base underneath Tibet). Others are in underwater bases. What they lack is a country. They have only bases in isolated areas, and grow food underground with special technology and lighting.

But the others are Aldebarans, our parent race! We come from two planets, one where the people are mostly red-haired and green-eyed — in effect Kelts, the artistic ones — and the other world where they are mostly blond-haired and blue-eyed — in effect Germanics like Swedes, the more scientific ones — and then they mixed with the brunet Europeans around 8,000 BC to form our race today — but in ways I admit I do not full understand.)

Here are two key, short videos promoting the urgency of this conference. The major video production documentary is scheduled for release this autumn.



Btw, the headline about Eisenhower relates to this stunning assertion:

The Aldebarans offered unlimited free Tesla energy (zero point) to mankind after WWII provided the US government gave up totally its nuclear weapons program. (The Aldebarans — our ancestors — are very ancient and know that earth was destroyed once before by nuclear war, a very, very long time ago, and it took ages for the earth to — mostly — recover.)

The US refused.

Then the Grays approached and, like Satan with Eve, offered advanced technical “knowledge” (a promise only partly kept) in return for the “right” to abduct humans for experiments. The US shockingly agreed to that, but gradually the US government has become totally penetrated by and involved with the Grays as the Majestic-12 secret network took over. In 1954 President Eisenhower threatened to use military force to open up Area 51 in Nevada to find out what Majestic-12 was up to. (Both Carter and Clinton, who were wimps by comparison, were denied all access.)

When Eisenhower issued his famous 1961 warning about “the military-industrial complex,” in the very last month of his eight-year presidency, what he really was saying (hinting at) was*Majestic-12, *which is the Pentagon in effect merging with the Grays.


This is why the Aldebaran issue is so critical. The Aldebarans are our friends, and the enemies of the Grays.

This is all just so huge that it makes the mind spin.

But I must explain this to the world. Just because it is scary does not mean it is not true.

And it means that we come from a very, very advanced race, and have very, very advanced*relatives.*


I was sent on Facebook these items (translated):

Astronaut Gordon Cooper (well-known to us Americans over 50) reports on UFOs he saw while a fighter pilot in the US Air Force over Germany and later in space with NASA in the 1960s

What strikes me is that there was a huge upswing in UFO sightings after WWII…. This is consistent with the theory that while various aliens have long been visiting the earth (including the nordic Aldebarans, who are merely very tall, eugenically advanced humans) and there was a famous Texas sighting around 1890 — the huge increase in UFO sightings *after *and since WWII is consistent with the claim that the German Reich and the US are still at war, the Reich retreated to the Antarctic, and it periodically (and perhaps more and more frequently of late?) intervenes to intimidate and warn off the US from going after its base or bases (some of which may well be entirely underwater).

*Andreas Weizmann <https://www.facebook.com/andreas.weizmann>*

11 Flugscheiben über Washington 1952 und Truman und sein Verteidigungsministerium geben es zu. Die Zahl 11, John, ist in Anlehnung an die 11 zum Tode verurteilten NS-Helden in Nürnberg. Truman sagte, dass “UFOs” in jeder Konferenz mit der US-Luftwaffe ein Thema sind.

* TRANSLATION: 11 flying discs over Washington in 1952, Truman and his Defence Ministry ADMIT IT. The number 11, John, is based on the 11 NS heroes sentenced to death at Nuremberg. Truman said that “UFOs” are a topic in each conference he has with the U.S. Air Force.

*UFO – OVNI – UFOs In Washington D.C – 61 years ago*
1952 Washington D.C. UFO incident The 1952 Washington D.C. UFO incident, also known as the Washington flap or the Washington National Airport Sightings, was …
*Andreas Weizmann <https://www.facebook.com/andreas.weizmann>*

*UFOs in Washington D.C July 12, 1952 and Gen. Samford UFO press conference Pentagon, July 29, 1952*
UFOs in Washington D.C. – July 12, 1952 The 1952 Washington D.C. UFO incident, also known as the Washington flap or the Washington National Airport Sightings…

It is now clear to me that 1) I was so afraid of wishful thinking and escapism that I have rejected any serous thinking about all this for 35 years now, though this is truly grounds for some measure of hope!

And yet….. 2) tempering all this, the Reich and the Aldebarans (our parent civilization) are NOT omnipotent and appear to have their own struggles!

In other words, our work here as Eternal Solutreans (named for the brave, creative, tenacious survivors of the Ice Age catastrophe) must continue!

http://derhonigmannsagt.files.wordpress.com/2013/02/nc3bcrnberg-1561-ufos.jpg As this photo of a woodcut from 1561 shows, the Aldebarans had their hands *full way back /then./*/**/

But returning to our time, either the Aldebarans or the Reich did this!!!! *Destroyed a US ICBM nuclear missile in mid-flight? all right on CNN!

Note that the scoffer at aliens and UFOs and would-be debunker is the Jew Bill Nye. His body language is “liar.”

Here is one of the officers again:

I think something BIG is going on.

Now watch this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l0JjZqUvvzo at from *10:03 to 10:53.* You can see an object, more and more clearly visible as being longish and saucer-shaped, just out there. No satellites are shaped like that.

This next video is criticizable but very interesting. It is in two parts. (The cackling alien head is ridiculous at the beginning.)


The key footage starts round 0:24, with one blur that comes up from center-right, and then after 0:31 a second disk-like object comes roaring up from the same place. At 0:39 the commander says to Houston Mission Control “Bogey at ten o’clock high,” which prompts Houston to reply: “Say again?” 😉

Around 1:10 it is clear — from the shuttle commander’s voice to Houston (if you listen carefully) — that the space shuttle which the UFOs are bothering is named “Discovery” (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Space_Shuttle_Discovery) and NOT the space shuttle Columbia, which is shown in the second half of the video; that craft was famously destroyed in Feb. 2002. (I saw the Discovery launch in April 1990 while on a business trip to Florida, and heave the Hubble Space Telescope into orbit. A girlfriend got me into a semi-VIP area about a mile from the launch site.)

Space shuttle Columbia, 1981

The footage after that of the destroyed Columbia (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Space_Shuttle_Columbia) is chilling if real. (I am unaware of any fictional movie about the Columbia disaster.) I ask myself who took this particular footage, which clearly was shot from above…. The earth is the background, moving by below, and inhabited parts of what does look like Texas to me as a visitor several times to that state….

So who and what was flying above Columbia? And the craft clearly did not “burn up” but huge chunks stayed intact, as if an explosion did the destruction, not some gradual frying and shredding!

Purely speculating here…. It could be that the Reich put this video up (yes, on YouTube.. we are just talking about young Germans here, even if raised at a military base…) and they did so as a warning, as part of a long series of warnings and even lethal actions.

It is rumored that a secret nuclear-powered Israeli spy device was on board. Very many space-shuttle missions were partly or even completely military (http://www.globalsecurity.org/space/library/report/1994/cape/cape2-9.htm ) The Columbia definitely had a military payload in 1989 (http://articles.latimes.com/1989-08-09/news/mn-143_1_spy-satellite). The presence of Israel’s first astronaut, Ilan Ramon, sparked many conspiracy theories, as did post-disaster search instructions to be cautious around some specific types of debris.

Colonel Ilan Ramon, Israeli Air Force. Wikipedia states (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ilan_Ramon) he was a hard-core military man who 1) fought in the 1973 Yom Kippur War, 2) helped destroy the Iraqi nuclear reactor Osiraq in 1981, and also 3) in the atrocity-filled 1982 Israeli invasion of Lebanon. The article claims he was a “secular Jew,” but surprisingly, if that is true, he was also apparently a devotee of the ultra-nationalist Lubavitch Menachem Schneerson (an extreme Gentile-hater ) and of “Holocaust” obsession. See below.



Although considered a secular Jew, Ramon reportedly sought to follow Jewish observances while in orbit. In an interview he said, “I feel I am representing all Jews and all Israelis.” He was the first spaceflight participant to request kosher food. He reportedly sought advice from a Chabad Lubavitch rabbi, Zvi Konikov, about how to observe the Jewish Sabbath in space, as the period between sunrises in orbit is approximately 90 minutes. This was referenced by the words “Jerusalem we have a problem” in Rabbi Konikov’s speech at the Kennedy Space Center Memorial for Columbia on February 7, 2003.[8]

The STS-107 mission ended abruptly when Space Shuttle Columbia was destroyed and its crew perished during re-entry, 16 minutes before scheduled landing.

Aboard STS-107, Ramon carried a pencil sketch, “Moon Landscape”, drawn by 16-year-old Petr Ginz, who died in Auschwitz. Ramon also took with him a microfiche copy of the Torah given to him by Israeli president Moshe Katsav and a miniature Torah scroll (from the Holocaust) that was given him by Prof. Yehoyachin Yosef, a Bergen Belsen survivor.[9] Ramon asked the 1939 Club, a Holocaust survivor organization in Los Angeles, for a symbol of the Holocaust to take into outer space with him. A barbed wire mezuzah by the San Francisco artist Aimee Golant was selected. Ramon also took with him a dollar of the Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem M. Schneerson.[10]

*** Famous quotes from Rebbe Schneerson (from http://www.destroyzionism.com/2013/03/30/obama-declares-jewish-supremacist-mendel-schneersons-birthday-education-and-sharing-day/)

“The body of a Jewish person, is of a totally different quality from the body of members of all other nations of the world. Bodies of the Gentiles are in vain.”



It seems clear that “someone” is overtly monitoring space shuttles and other US military projects. I have read many reports of UFOs shutting down US nuclear weapon bases and activities.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uo6UP7pVOL8 02:28-02:50 “In the 1960s, 70s, 80s and 90s” US nuclear bases were being shut down by UFOs and one set of US nuclear missiles were ACTIVATED by a UFO!

Did the Reich destroy the shuttle “Columbia! (I also saw this live) for trying to put some sort of weapon into space in order to destroy New Swabia? No idea. I do remember clearly that as I watched the breakup live on CNN in a bar in Providence, Rhode Island with Brigitte, my second wife (and she was crying), Houston said “*it began to break up over Palestine, Texas.” Many others heard this remark too, including Margi.

Now that would be a Reich sense of humor. 😉


Of interest — what seems to be a mysterious crash: http://query.nytimes.com/gst/fullpage.html?res=9E00E6DD1E3FF937A2575AC0A96F9C8B63&ref=ilanramon

Son of Israel’s First Astronaut Dies During Air Force Course

Published: September 14, 2009

Lt. Assaf Ramon, the son of Israel’s first astronaut, Col. Ilan Ramon, who died in the space shuttle Columbia disaster in 2003, was killed Sunday when an F16-A plane he was piloting crashed in the hills near Hebron in the West Bank.

Officials said Lieutenant Ramon’s plane went down during a routine flight as part of the Israeli Air Force’s advanced pilot training course. They added that the commander of the air force had appointed a committee to examine the causes of the crash, which were not immediately clear.

Lieutenant Ramon, 21, excelled in the prestigious pilot training course, the military said. He graduated from flight school in June and was given his pilot’s wings by President Shimon Peres. He was posthumously promoted to the rank of captain.

The army chief of staff, Lt. Gen. Gabi Ashkenazi, said in a statement that he ”received the bitter announcement of Captain Assaf Ramon’s passing with teary eyes, as did the commanders and soldiers of the I.D.F., and the whole of Israel.”


I have been hearing that online there are stories that the US tried to nuke some part of Antarctica in 1959 and in 1990 also.

I actually SAW myself on TV this next sequence as it happened (I do watch launches and landings of space vehicles whenever possible) and asked myself “Who the devil is being allowed to fly so close to a landing space shuttle?”

This Russian aviation website lists a whopping 178 plan crashes in the Antarctic. Sure, there are high winds and harsh conditions down there, but 178 crashes? And if the place is so dangerous, what justifies such a los sof life and equipment unless there are big things at stake down there?



This page is very rough, and this was the critique by a friend after reading the below:


Have you ever heard of the Englishman, John Lenard Walsom?



He pioneered a way of combining a conventional still image camera and a telescope to focus in on and photograph anomalies he found in the night sky above his home. He then started doing the same thing but with a video camera and telescope combination. Six or seven years ago he suddenly appeared on Rense with staggering photos and video of stuff he found in the night sky and also on the Moon. He even put up images of black helicopters from U.S. department(s) unknown buzzing his home. Just as quickly as he appeared on Rense he disappeared again with no explanation from Rense.


The destroyed shuttle eerily floating between the Earth and whoever was filming the incident looks to me like it took direct hits. Look at the nose section and you will see large holes as if done by conventional fire – large non-explosive bullets in effect. Interesting that the shuttle that was shot down had a Jew on board. Coincidence? Also it had been on a classified military mission. As far as I can remember the Jew had been one of the pilots involved in the destruction of Iraq’s nuclear plant in 1981.


Wernher Von Braun et al was made to set up shop in New Mexico to start off the American ballistic capability – for weapons and space flight. Note the swastika at their New Mexico headquarters in 1947: http://web.newsguy.com/mcclung/wehrnervonbraunnasaswastika.jpg

One has to assume that Von Braun knew about the efforts of the Reich in building a disc shaped craft. But all we ever saw coming out of NASA was essentially a giant fire-cracker which allegedly sent men to the moon. Presumably Von Braun knew about the base on Antarctica and it seems plausible to me that he would keep the Americans happy by helping them build rockets but not anything as exotic as what the Reich had on Antarctica. This thing was found in the Baltic: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pz_OvzVWZWk It would be interesting if this turned out to be German.
The “List of facts” about one quarter way down the page are not referenced and you do not present any kind of proof as to why these “facts”, interesting as they are, should to be taken as read.
> Whilst much of the material to do with the Vril Society is speculative, the fact that it is banned in Germany is enough for me to conclude that there is something very important about it. It is a shame that the Causa Nostra Vril site is not only poorly designed ( hardly a paragon of high technology ) but most importantly is not in English. If they want to promote themselves it is a little short sighted of them not to use the most popular language in the world to do so. Thus this modern version is a little less than convincing and since this is so, then it reflects on the rest of the content on the Ahnenerbe page generally.
> Further on down the page one of the most significant statements made is this one:
> “I?d also like to bring to the readers attention the fact that Hitler and most of the ranking scientists in Germany knew the earth to be hollow. ”
> This statement needs to be properly substantiated otherwise it cannot be presented as a “fact” but rather a speculation. Did Hitler actually KNOW that the Earth was hollow or did he merely THINK it to be so?
> The page then goes on to present images from NASA which appear to provide a proof of the concept of the hollow planet theory but if these kinds of images were not available to Hitler then they are superfluous to the argument being presented. There is no relationship between these images and the Third Reich thus they cannot be construed as any kind of proof that Hitler believed the theory to be based on fact. This reality weakens the voracity of the material significantly.
> The section starting at the title Known German UFO’s is for the most part unsubstantiated. Yet, there are many seemingly provable assertions presented, such as:
> “DHvSS Symbol with Alpha Tauri and Isias It was to build the strange machine which became known as the ?Jenseitsflugmaschine <http://discaircraft.greyfalcon.us/JFM.htm>?, or Otherworld flight machine. Under the code letters J-F-M the machine was constructed in secret in Munich. It was constructed in 1922 in a barn and rolled out into a field for channeled flight testing.”
> Is there any verifiable source for these statements and others in this section?
> Part 2: Metaphysical critique:
> Naturally as a dedicated National Socialist it is intriguing to think that the Third Reich might rise again – even if from Antarctica. On the Ahnenerbe page there is a great deal of circumstantial, though verifiable, evidence to suggest that there was/is something strange going on on Antarctica. Most particularly the U.S. expedition of 1947 and it’s sudden withdrawal provides us with the clearest indication that yes indeed WW2 has not really ended.
> With that in mind when I visited Germany many of the National Socialists to whom I spoke talked of the Great War of annihilation against Germany which started in 1914 and did not end until 1950 when it was decided to abandon the kike Morganthau’s evil plan to destroy the German people in favour of using them as a bulwark against the USSR. Since Germany is still very much an occupied country and since the planned for constitution was never written much less voted on in 1989, it is not beyond the realm of possibility that there is a state of undeclared war still being carried on albeit at a different level.
> There is another intriguing piece to this particular puzzle which text on the page intimates at and also which I came across very recently but totally independently of this discussion; it is to do with the Type XXI submarines that the Germans built at the Blohm and Voss shipyard during 1943/44 and commissioned during 1944. As far as I can tell there were some 50 ( perhaps more ) of these very advanced vessels built yet NONE were ever used in anti-shiping duties. NONE have any record of successes logged and yet they were in service from July 1944 onwards. Officially they are logged as spending all of that time in “training exercises” – and this at the very height of the war when men and machinery were being transported across the Atlantic to supply the invasions of Europe by the allies. One has to ask the question why they were not used in the war effort and what did they actually spend their time doing. If the Third Reich retreated to Antarctica then they certainly achieved this using submarines and what better than to use their advanced Type XXI subs for this effort. With all of the men/women and machinery that would have required transportation, then it is very likely that the fleet of Type XXI’s were not on training missions but were going back and forth to Antarctica.




[sideways tipped book cover with the title]

German Submarines 1906-66

On the left is a list of German subs and then their date of commissioning, all in 1944

On the right they say, in a long column

Verbleib zur Zeit noch nicht geklärt” = Current location not explained


Sketch of the kinds of aliens (dead or alive) that Staff Sergeant Stone saw and recovered:


In the middle row on the left is a Jewish-looking one, and on bottom-row, in the center, is a nordic alien.

> It can, I think, be stated with a fair degree of certainty that yes indeed the Reich retreated to their South Pole base. But what has become of them since? The idea that thousands of young women of European origin were secretly transported to the Pole region is a plausible one and would make a lot of sense to propagating the Aryan race on Antarctica but unfortunately there is no verification of this in the text. If there were this would be the absolute proof that there is still NOW a Third Reich on Antarctica.
> Admiral Doenitz’s comments too lend credibility to our discussion though they could be grouped together with the statements made by Hermann Oberth and Wernher von Braun as being slightly ambiguous since none of these statements were ever expanded upon.
> The Russian documentary stating that around 100 submarines vanished along with thousands of scientists dovetails into the theory I have already put forward to do with the Type XXI submarines. It must be very hard for the intelligentsia in Russia to accept that Germany was not pursuing a world domination strategy and did indeed have very high technology in development. After all they ( the Russians ) have a terrible war record to keep hidden so it does not serve their purposes to ever accept that there was anything noble about what the Germans were trying to achieve. Of course whilst there is no actual statement on it, we are presented with the usual images of corpses which, I assume we are supposed to believe were victims of the “Evil Nazis”. More likely they were Ukrainians starved to death by the kike Stalin.
> The age of the Piri Reis map is fascinating and of course it corresponds with the extraordinary engravings showing a huge air battle over the towns of Germany from around the same time but I think generally the video is a bit of a hatchet job against the Germans and their high technology prowess and a bit of a smoke screen for HAARP. In the end and as usual with these “official” documentaries it never answers the questions it poses but rather seeks to confuse us even more. As such, apart from showing us what the Germans actually did achieve, it does not bring the argument of the current existence of the Third Reich along at all.
> In summary then the article in question really needs, in my humble opinion, to be reorganized and properly referenced. I think the two primary proofs are the U.S. expedition of 1947 and the missing submarines. The next most important piece of information is the transportation of thousands of young Aryan women from South America. These are the issues which go furthest to support the theory of a Third Reich on Antarctica and the ones that any page on the Ahnenerbe should focus on.


===================SOLUTREAN AHNENERBE


I am very proud to announce the re-formation of the German Ahnenerbe (German for “Ancestral Heritage”).

The Ahnenerbe’s mission is to engage in academic, scientific and spiritual research on the origins of our race and its destiny. Some of the articles it publishes will be speculative, or even metaphysical in subject, and I am not necessarily endorsing their findings. This is “just” a think tank, not Solutrean headquarters proclaiming any “Gospel Truth” or Solutrean doctrine.

The Ahnenerbe (pronounced “ON-an-Air-beh,” almost like “on an Airbus” but with an “eh” at the end) is free to speculate, ask questions and offer possible solutions, and call for further research. Again, it is a research think tank.

The Jewish host at the Discovery Channel of the “Solving History” series, Olly Steeds, lost no time — in his 2010 trashumentary on me and the Solutrean concepts of a white race settling the world in the Stone Age — in slamming the original German Ahnenerbe as being a bunch of cynical, racist liars. That is what is called accusatory inversion, a standard psychopathic strategy. Always accuse the other persons of your own crimes and do so first so as to try to keep them on the defensive!


Steeds tried, like many a ZOG reporter I have dealt with, to get chummy and confidential with me at first, trying to laying his little trap.

But from the start I saw through him as the crypto-Jew he was, and I immediately saw his producer as another as soon as the hook-nosed midget hopped out of the camera-team van. When their highly twisted documentary “Hitler’s Mummies” was aired in February 2010, Steeds then outed himself as the British Jew he was, exactly as I had suspected, and not as a “Lancashireman.” (He had been telling me, all chumlike, that my Yorkshire, England grandfather and his Lancashire grandpap were practically neighbors… ;-))

I studied interrogation and body language in the Marine Corps 1977-79, and this skill has never left me.

The trailers before the show aired featured me, actually, as the scary, pro-white, Blond Beast ;-), and the key segment consisted of four minutes of fiery debate between me and Steeds, boiled down from the whopping four hours of interviews their five-man camera team had recorded at my home. (They paid me a $150 fee at least to be interviewed.)

The Black Sun was a key symbol of higher SS studies at the castle of Wewelsburg. The Ahnenerbe was inspired by the great Chinese strategic thinker Sun Tzu (The Art of War X:31):

“If you know the enemy and know yourself,

your victory will not stand in doubt.


if you know Heaven and know Earth,

you may make your victory complete.


This article BELOW is a perfect example. It discusses whether the the Third Reich had high-performance flying saucers before the war ended, or really, to put it another way, IF the war really ended.

The theory is that the NS regime sent a contingent of them, whatever was in development or in pitifully low-quantity production in a natoin being bombed nearly back to the Stone Age by the US Air Force and the Royal Air Force, and of U-boats as well to a secret Antarctic base after 1945.

The evidence suggests to me now as a former member of Marine Corps intelligence, and as a bachelor-of-science graduate from Georgetown, one of the top universities in the United States…….


…and as a high-honors graduate of that school, and a member of Ṕhi Beta Kappa, the society for the top ten percent of the class….




…that SOMETHING indeed DID happen down at the Antarctic after World War Two seemingly ended, and I emphasize now the word “seemingly.”

there seems worthy of consideration, especially after what Admiral Richard Byrd and scientists at the Russian Academy of Sciences said, two sources which are not at all “pro-Nazi.”

I had seen in the 1980s some low-budget booklets by Ernst Zündel on the topic, but sort of dismissed it as a way that EZ was trying to get UFO aficionados interested in the Third Reich and thus in our racial preservation cause.

Furthermore, I am a strict realist who does not want anyone to think that some “NAZI UFOs will save our race.” On that one specific topic, I will say only this:

If we are worthy, and that means a 100% commitment of heart, mind, wallet, body and soul, then Almighty God, in His own eternally tough-love way, will indeed help us to find allies, material aid, and the inner fortitude needed as we fight our own battles. After all, it is our survival at stake and we should be fighting for it, not God. It is our own corruption that has allowed the ratlike Jews in during many generations where we ourselves were then having lives, and looking the other way as things festered, worsened and became more and more ominous while we shirked our responsibilities.

God helps those who HELP THEMSELVES.

In other words, there will be no Born-Again-type, Nazi flying-saucer “Rapture”! WE must make the deep and painful sacrifices to be worthy of victory, which always is by God’s decision and in His hands. The Being that made time and space, and a billion galaxies, will see our commitment, or lack of it. If we fail to achieve critical mass, it will be because of key individuals succumbing to self-centered fear…..and we will be annihilated as a group.

Those who selflessly gave all will receive their due wonderful karma, and those who thought God could be fooled will get theirs: responsibility for literally billions of horrible deaths. I shudder for them.

Stonehenge has seen many empires rise and then fall, corrupt, cowardly and pathetic.

“God is not one to be mocked; whatsoever a man soweth, that also shall he reap.”


And now, after this foreword, disclaimer, and spiritual warning, I wish to salute The Solutrean Ahnenerbe’s tireless and brilliant research.

I remembered a book which a blondish Czech-born comrade gave me at a National Alliance meeting, in German, Wählerfibel für ein Weltparlament (see below). B. John Zavrel, at the time living in upstate New York, actually knew the great German rocket scientist pioneer Hermann Oberth.


John had been very anticommunist and somehow had been enabled to flee Soviet Czechoslovakia. He briefly did some CIA work and then woke up to the true motives of that organization. It was at the National Alliance that I met him, a fine comrade, and the book made a huge impression on me, but I just did not grasp from my schooling and college years just how distinguished and reputable Oberth had previously been in his capacity as the great visionary of space travel…..I guess because his name had not been Sagan, Levy or Goldberg!

And Oberth was politically incorrect, associating himself with the German political party NPD in the 1960s….so his name went down the Orwellian memory hole — except for honorable mention on several episodes of Star Trek!




I will now begin this article with a mysterious and foretelling quote from Dr. Hermann Oberth, who pioneered rocket design for the German Reich during World War II and later advanced rocket technology for the American manned space launches. He cryptically stated :

“We cannot take the credit for our record advancement in certain scientific fields alone; we have been helped.” When asked by whom, he replied: “By the people of other worlds.

(The source of this and other quotes is found here: http://www.theufotimes.com/contents/News_317%20Best%20UFO%20Quotes.html

This is an excellent collection of photos and quotations by the most distinguished scientists, general and several US presidents!

Dr. Hermann Oberth and Wernher von Braun [JdN: I know his son David Scott von Braun and my daughter Ingrid used to play every day with his grand-niece, Amrei von Braun; my grandfather, John Thomas Colwell, audited the US space program, then located at Huntsville Alabama, and met von Braun there.

Wernher Von Braun echoed similar knowledge of the extra-terrestrial reality when he stated in 1959:

“We find ourselves faced by powers which are far stronger than hitherto assumed, and whose base is at present unknown to us. More I cannot say at present. We are now engaged in entering into closer contact with those powers, and within six or nine months time it may be possible to speak with more precision on the matter.” — From Above Top Secret by Timothy Good, William Morrow and Company, Inc. 1988.

Who were “the people of other worlds” that Dr. Oberth and Von Braun spoke of so blithely? Why were the ‘extra-terrestrials’ communicating with these scientists and government officials of the German Reich? How far did they help in the development of ‘certain scientific fields’? and finally how is this all relevant to today? These are all questions that will be discussed and once and for all answered. The truth is much stranger than fiction!

[JdN: Before the early 1980s I had never heard of Hermann Oberth, though as an American I had certainly heard of Robert Goddard, and had no idea that he and Goddard were major fathers of modern rocket science, and Oberth specifically of space travel. Wikipedia confirms the gigantic stature of this man, who also mentored the great Wernher von Braun: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hermann_Oberth

In the 1980s I discovered his book (in German) Wählerfibel für ein Weltparlament (in English: “Primer [Voter’s Guide] For Those Who Would Govern”, http://www.divinebeautyinart.com/primer-for-those-who-would-govern.html) What now bowls me over is that Oberth wrote there directly of his own contact with alien intelligences, yes, the same Oberth.

Now read this:


In Germany at the turn of the century and particularly after WWI many secret societies developed. One of these groups was the Vril Society…….

A brief glimpse into German research and development of advanced weaponry and pre/post-war activities in Antarctica (Neuschwabenland)

Russian documentary WITH ENGLISH SUBTITLES, “Secrets of the Third Reich II – Nazi Bases in Antarctica (“НЛО” Третьего Рейха) note the members of the Russian Academy of Sciences AND RUSSIAN GENERALS endorsing the view openly on television in this 2006 TV production that the Germans set themselves back up at the South Pole to continue the Reich and prepare their eventual military comeback.

German version (English translations coming soon) Was auffällt, ist die Aussage von Wissenschaftlern der Russischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, die diese ganze These erhärten.



Part One of Five of the official US Navy documentary on “Operation Highjump” (a masterpiece of double-talk and pretending everything went smoothly, although the US Navy armada returned to base after just two months of the six-month “military expedition” that Admiral Byrd had announced the the whole US media at a filmed press conference! ;-))

*** (the following was written by a Russian in bad English and is being edited by me — JdN)

Operation Highjump 1947 Admiral Richard Byrd Part 5 from 5 parts Official U.S.
video materials . Admiral Byrd’s flight in Agharta (Ariana ) 19 february 1947 year.
Diary of Admiral Byrd
Hollow Earth (in German “Hohle Erde”) This video will blow your mind
26 FEBRUARY In the year 1947 the US Navy lost 68 sailors and officers and the destroyer Murdock. The aircraft carrier “Philippine Sea” of the Casablanca class lost 50% of its deck-based aircraft.

The expedition figured on a six-month duration, but on February 26, 1947, it retreated in panic after spending only two months in Antarctica.

Before a hearing of the Congress of the United States Admiral Byrd stated that he was attacked by flying Nazi discs moving at incredible speeds. It should be noted that this operation was entirely a military one. Thirteen military (heavy) warships, an aircraft carrier of the Casablanca class named the “Philippine Sea,” with its Corsair fighter planes, and a U.S. war submarine with combat weapons.
6:29 in this moment you can see a German Vril or Haunebu disc, with an engine by the Austrian zero-point engineer Viktor Schauberger, and with the converter b made by Hans Koller.
The obtuse US military did not know that these were discs from the Third Reich. Their base is located inside the Hollow Earth. The Nazis leave for deep space from the polar regions of the Earth. the Judeo-Masonic U.S. government knows about it – and carefully masks the existence of a Hollow Earth and the Third Reich-alein nexus.
NAME of Carrier (type Casablanca) was the “Philippine Sea,” and on its return to base, this aircraft carrier was in for capital repairs, the workers noting lots of leaks and damage as if the ship had been in battle.

Many thanks to Hans Ulrich von Kranz – who helped with his book to find out the exact name of the U.S. aircraft carrier.

Interesting facts:
1) On his return to base, Admirla Byrd found that his plane had burned enough aviation fuel for 2,750 “extra” kilometers.

2) Another eyewitness to the battle that occurred on February 26, 1947 was a Highjump expedition member and an experienced military pilot named John Sayerson

3) February 25-26, 1947, an extraordinary event in New York State. A giant explosion in the northern part of New York . 56 people were killed (The New York Times). Witnesses claimed that it was a rocket crash of an FAU-2.

4) The fashion model agency “Gloria” (in Argentina and other Latin American countries) recruited women between 1947-1952 (estimated at between 8,000 and up to 30,000 attractive young women, never seen again after being “employed”. A ship named “Astarte” under the flag of the Dominican Republic picked up 2,000 girls from Rio de Janeiro, which has millions of white Germans, Italians, Poles, etc. and they were never seen again. The “Astarte” also never stopped at any other ports.

5) On new data : Americans are faced with something strange in the land of Ellsworth, in the area closer to the South Pole of the earth. A Queen Maud Land – this is just eyewash

6) Russian found maps in 1945 in captured Berlin in the Tiergarten (Berlin Zoo area), at the address Tirpitzufer 38-42, of the sea depths for passage under the ice of Antarctica to Agharta (АГАРТА). Only an A-class submarine could do this, from the Sonderkonvoi (Special convoy) of the Fuehrer (38 submarines!).


Maps of the underwater passage under the ice of Antarctica to “Agharta” were carefully encrypted and given to the NKVD and the later KGB. (The highest Soviet leadership thereby knew about the existence of Agharta.)

7) There are now three HAARP installations: 1) in the USA (Alaska), 2) in Greenland , and 3) in Norway

8) the American polar station “Amundsen-Scott” is the one station most nearly located to the opening (portal) into the hollow earth.


Virtually all employees of the polar stations are members of the secret services of the U.S. government. All scientists were replaced by security officers in the 1960-70 decades after a series of mysterious disappearances of polar scientists or their deaths.

Antarctica Arctic Ahnenerbe

Antarctica , Arctic, Ahnenerbe
pt 1 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gE3KsY…
pt 2 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wi59Rj…
pt 3 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eCE0-p…
pt 4 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R19zcI…


The Vril Society, was founded as “The All German Society for Metaphysics” in 1921 to explore the origins of the Aryan race. It was formed by a group of female psychic mediums led by the Thule Gesellschaft medium Maria Orsitsch (Oršić) of Zagreb, Croatia (then part of Yugoslavia)…….

Maria Oršić

……who claimed to have received communication from Aryan aliens living on Alpha Tauri, in the Aldebaran system.

Allegedly, these aliens had visited Earth and settled in Sumeria, and the word Vril was formed from the ancient Sumerian word “Vri-Il” (“like god”). A second medium was known only as Sigrun, a name etymologically related to Sigrune, a Valkyrie and one of Wotan’s nine daughters in Norse legend.

The Society allegedly taught concentration exercises designed to awaken the forces of Vril, and their main goal was to achieve Raumflug (Spaceflight) to reach Aldebaran. To achieve this, the Vril Society joined the Thule Gesellschaft [“Society”] and DHvSS (Men of the Black Stone) to fund an ambitious program involving an inter-dimensional flight machine based on psychic revelations from the Aldebaran aliens.

With Hitler in power in 1933, both Thule and Vril Gesellschafts allegedly received official state backing for continued disk development programs aimed at both space flight and possibly a war device.

Historical records of the existence of the Vril society in the Third Reich or Weimar Republic are in doubt due to the fact that Allied Technical Intelligence (TI) teams in 1945 were ordered to recover all Vril documentation and hardware left behind and then systematically destroy all remaining traces of both the Vril and Thule Gesellschaften. Their SS E-IV unit counterpart material was also confiscated by the Western Allies but is classified and compartmentalized separately under the military file classification system. Since both Vril and Thule predate the military SS Technical Branch, their existence and historical personage records had to be destroyed under Allied occupation since the occult societies represented an extreme threat to de-Nazification if they were allowed to reform as societies.

Outlawed in Germany, Vril has recently re-emerged as CAUSA NOSTRA VRIL operating out of Milan and Venice, Italy. “Causa Nostra” means “Our Cause” and the Vril membership is composed of entirely females, just as the original Gesellschaft was. A current member of Causa Nostra is Reinhard Heydrich’s former secretary, who is over 90 years old. This group claims direct descent from the original Vril Gesellschaft and shows the line of succession after the original Vril Chefin [female head], Maria Orsic, Sigrun, and Traute. Gudrun and Heike followed postwar.

This group advocates everything the old Vril Gesellschaft did and looks forward to a new Reich (a German/Roman Empire restoration) and claims knowledge of secret technology, especially flight disks and channeled spaceflight. The group has emerged after 60 years to promote Vril’s original “Z-Plan” (“Z” for Zukunft) that was prophesied in 1945.

Back in March 1945 Vril prophesied they would return in either 1992/93 or 2004/05. In January 2005 Causa Nostra Vril came back to publicly promote their ideas and distribute their story in book form. Although they operate out of Italy and have members in the U.S., their online site and e-mail originate out of Munich, Bavaria in Germany where the original Vril Gesellschaft originated.

The Ahnenerbe was a National Socialist (“Nazi”) German think tank that described itself as a “study society for intellectual ancient-history studies.” Founded on July 1, 1935, by Heinrich Himmler, Herman Wirth, and Richard Walther Darré, the Ahnenerbe’s goal was to research the anthropological and cultural history of the Aryan race, and later to experiment and launch voyages with the intent of scientifically proving that ancient Nordic populations had once ruled the world.

The Ahnenerbe [JdN: I will herewith no longer italicize this German name, no more than Volkswagen] sponsored many expeditions from the frozen tundra of Iceland to the ambrosial steppes of Tibet, all in search of any lingering indicators of Aryan presence early in the foundation of various local cultures and societies.

Heinrich Himmler had been fascinated from an early age by the ancient Aryan myths written in the pages of the Veda and immersed himself in the pages of the Puranas, in which great civilizations were described as living within the planet’s interior. The Puranas make several comments in relation to the hollow Earth concept, and they should not be taken lightly. One such Puranic comment has to do with the narration of the Kalki avatar. (An avatar is an incarnation of God in human form; for Hindus Jesus was an avatar.)

The Puranas prophesy that at the end of Kali Yuga, the Kalki Avatar (the righteous destroyer of the wicked) will be born in one of the best brahmin families of “Shambala” to annihilate miscreants on the surface of the globe.

It is noteworthy that Shambala is mentioned in the Puranas as a city in the planet’s interior. But not only in the Puranas, but also in the collective memory of the Tibetans, Shambala is deemed to be a city in the Earth’s interior. Afterwards, the general Puranic version goes that men will come to the surface from the interior of the planet to re-colonize and re-start Vedic (that is, righteous, Aryan and spiritual) culture after a wicked civilization is crushed.

I will talk in the following edition to this article more on the purpose and findings of Himmler’s expedition to Tibet in 1938-39.

Beginning in 1938, long before the end of the Second World War, the Germans commenced sending out numerous exploratory missions to the “Queen Maud” region of Antarctica. A steady stream of German expeditions used ports in then white-ruled South Africa.

Over 230,000 square miles of the frozen continent were mapped from the air, and the Germans discovered vast regions that were surprisingly free of ice, as well as warm water lakes and cave inlets. One vast ice cave within the glacier was reportedly found to extend 30 miles to a large hot-water geothermal lake deep below. Many years earlier, Norwegian polar explorer Fridtjof Nansen (photo) described in his Journals:

During Operation HIGH JUMP in 1946-47 Admiral Byrd lead a full-scale military invasion force to locate and destroy hidden German Nazi “4th Reich” bases under the cover story of harmless “polar exploration”, and found THIS.

“It was a strange feeling to be sailing away North … over an open, rolling sea, … we might have been hundreds of miles away in Southerly waters, the air was so mild for September at this latitude … I have to ask myself if this is not a dream.” Apparently, at that extremely Northern latitude, there should have been icebergs by September. From the 79th parallel Nansen mentioned that Southern winds lowered the temperature while Northern winds raised it. The opposite should have occurred. At 86° latitude, which is only four degrees from the pole, Nansen wrote “I was inconvenienced for the first time by the heat, the Sun scorched quite unpleasantly … last night I could hardly sleep for the heat.” At around the 81st parallel Nansen wrote ” Fancy, only 21.5° F in the middle of December!” Obviously, none of this corresponds to the model of the planet as we know it.

I’ll now offer as an interesting food for thought, a few samples of evidence to substantiate the experience these German scientists, Fridtjof Nansen and many others had experienced. In addition to the evidence below, I’ll be publishing extensive documentation to further substantiate the points being made here, in the following article from this one. I’d also like to bring to the readers attention the fact that Hitler and most of the ranking scientists in Germany knew the earth to be hollow. Hans Horbinger who died in 1931 was one of the leading researchers into the hollow earth theory. Hitler noted that Hörbiger was not accepted by the scientific (non-German) establishment because “the fact is, men do not wish to know.” The World Ice Theory was intended to form part of a planetarium Hitler planned to build on Linz’s Mount Pöstling. According to the structure’s plans, the ground floor was to centre around Ptolemey’s universe, the middle floor Copernicus’ theory, and the top floor, Hörbiger’s theory.

1) Neptune’s South Polar Hot Spot


It seems that Neptune’s south pole is much hotter (read “50 degrees Fahrenheit”) than anywhere else on the planet. Being that our central sun is not much more than a bright star on Neptune’s horizon and that it receives less than 1/900th the amount of light the Earth does, it seems a bit of a stretch to conclude that a temperature difference of this magnitude arises from incoming radiation exciting Neptune’s upper-atmospheric molecules. Perhaps then it is plausible to assign this phenomenon to a larger class of observed instances where planetary poles radiate heat and light generated within the bowels of the planetary mass.

2) Polar Convergence of Arctic Winds

Watch this NASA GEOS-5 video that shows August 2005 Arctic wind patterns converge to a point in the first several seconds of the video. The effect is subtle, but if you watch closely you can see several instances of a convergence/divergence of Arctic winds from a point that is centred at the north pole. From what is known on vector fields, this would not be possible unless there was a point source (i.e. inner earth opening at the north pole) to generate this particular wind pattern.

3) NASA Aurora Video Shows South Polar Opening

Once again, the NASA IMAGE probe shows the southern polar opening to the hollow Earth as the Aurora Australis streams from this central point. This image still is a great capture of the aurora actually ejecting from the narrow neck of the southern polar opening! Download the original movie here. A lot more to come later!

Now back to the German expedition

Meanwhile, the crew was prepared and scheduled by the German Society of Polar Research. This society also made the sensational step to invite Richard E. Byrd, the most famous American Antarctic researcher. On the mid of November 1938 he arrived in Hamburg and showed the crew and a clearly selected publicity of 84 persons his new Antarctic documentation movie in the Urania Cinema of Hamburg. Byrd, who had flown across the South Pole as the first human in 1929, was already at this time a living legend, a national hero to Americans and most polar researchers.

The ‘Neuschwabenland’ left the port of Hamburg on December 17th 1938 heading to the Antarctic on a precisely planned and determined route and reached the ice on January 19th 1939 at 4° 15´ W and 69° 10´S. The following weeks on 15 flights the ‘Passat’ and the ‘Boreas’ flew across some 600.000 square kilometres and, with their specially designed Zeiss “Reihenmessbildkamera RMK 38,” made more than 11,000 pictures of the area. The old Norwegian maps from 1931 of these areas were renewed, for they proved to be in accurate. Nearly one fifth of the whole Antarctic area was scanned this way, documented for the first time and simultaneously declared to be German territory. To emphasize this claim to the outside world, the two planes ejected several thousand drop-flags, special metal poles with the expedition’s insignia on them and the German Reich’s swastika. The whole territory now received the still valid name: Neuschwabenland, “New Swabia,” referring to the south German region of Swabia (the capital of which is Stugttgart, home of Mercedes and Porsche).

some newer historians reduce the discovered area to an amount of 325.000 square kilometers. Do not trust these numbers, I have copies of the original flight maps here, revealing the number 600.000 in ancient letters. What could be the reason to reduce this number?

Most parts of Neuschwabenland were renamed according to the Antarctic treaty in 1957. Look out for ‘Queen Maud Land’, ‘Princess Martha Coast’, ‘Princess Astrid Coast’. On the older maps you will still find the original names. Yet, today still many of the mountains in the northern Antarctic area carry German names like: “Mühlig-Hoffman Mountains,” “Wohltat Mountains,” etc. Whole fleets of submarines of the 21 and 23 series were later headed towards Neuschwabenland. Today about one hundred German submarines are still unaccounted for, some equipped with the Walter snorkel, a device that allowed them to stay submerged for several weeks, and it can be assumed that they fled to Neuschwabenland with the dismantled flying disks or at least the construction plans.

Again it must be assumed that since the test flights were successful some so-called flying saucers flew directly there at the end of the war. Perhaps some may think these assumptions to be a bit on the daring side, but there are strong indications that it may well have happened that way.

Operation Highjump was the largest expedition ever mounted to the Antarctic. Was it meant to wipe out the Third Reich’s presence?

Richard Byrd

Operation Highjump (OpHjp), officially titled “The United States Navy Antarctic Developments Program, 1946-47,” was a United States Navy operation organized (coincidentally?) by Rear Admiral Richard E. Byrd in Antarctica under the command of Richard Cruzen. It was launched on 26 August 1946 and ended abruptly in late February 1947, six months earlier than planned. The massive Antarctic task force included 4,700 men, 13 ships, and multiple aircraft. The official stated claims of the operation were as follows:

  • to train personnel and test material in the frigid zones
  • to consolidate and extend American sovereignty over the largest practical area of the Antarctic continent
  • to determine the feasibility of establishing and maintaining bases in the Antarctic and to investigate possible base sites
  • to develop techniques for establishing and maintaining air bases on the ice, with particular attention to the later applicability of such techniques to operations in the interior of Greenland (where, it was then believed, physical and climatic conditions resembled those in Antarctica)
  • to expand existing knowledge of hydrographic, geographic, geological, meteorological and electromagnetic conditions in the area.

However, their choice of ships and fleet size is extremely suspicious. The actual fleet included the following ships:

Eastern Group

Commanded by Captain George J. Dufek

Seaplane Tender Pine Island

Tanker Canisteo

Destroyer Brownson

Western Group

Seaplane Tender Currituck

Tanker Cacapon

Destroyer Henderson

Central Group

Troop Command ship Mount Olympus

Icebreaker Burton Island

Icebreaker Northwind

Supplyship Yancey

Supplyship Merrick

Submarine Sennet

The aircraft carrier USS Philippine Sea also participated, although it was not assigned to any of the groups.

Understandably the need for supply ships, seaplane tenders, ice breakers and communication ships are necessary for such an operation but the use of two destroyers, an aircraft carrier and a submarine is somewhat dubious if all they set out to do is carry out surveys. Were they expecting penguins firing artillery?

Operation Highjump has become a topic among UFO conspiracy theorists, who claim it was a covert US military operation to conquer alleged secret underground Nazi facilities in Antarctica including Station 211 and capture the German Vril flying discs, or Thule mercury-powered spaceship prototypes

Many conspiracy articles and discussions examine a postwar encounter reported near a British Antarctic camp with uniformed Germans in an ice cave; when considered in the context that several German U-boats, a large amount of building supplies and German scientists identified by Operation Paperclip were still unaccounted for, this adds credibility to the possibility of a Nazi base and a real motive for the subsequent operation.

Operation Highjump remains one of the few postwar operations with documents still “classified” by the military.

The ultimate dream and driving purpose of the Vril Gesellschaft originated by psychic mediums Maria Orsic, Sigrun and Traute was to achieve space flight by any means possible so as to reach the Aldebaran system in the constellation of Taurus, 64 light years from earth.

Location in the heavens of Aldebaran, the “Bull’s Eye” of Alpha Tauri

To accomplish this required two things; first, to translate a series of psychic images of a flight machine received by Maria Orsic since 1919 and secondly, to collaborate with other occult groups that could finance such an endeavour once the images were deciphered.

For Vril, a Society formed by women based on metaphysics, the thought and act of joining with other powerful male occult groups was almost unthinkable. Yet in 1919 Vril met with Thule and DHvSS members in an effort to obtain funding for their vision by 1921. Thule had the most industrial influence and financial resources to enable the funding of such a project, so an agreement was reached to by these societies to undertake a joint effort.

DHvSS Symbol with Alpha Tauri and Isias

It was to build the strange machine which became known as the “Jenseitsflugmaschine”, or Otherworld flight machine. Under the code letters J-F-M the machine was constructed in secret in Munich. It was constructed in 1922 in a barn and rolled out into a field for channelled flight testing. Despite two years at attempting to achieve channelled flight through high-powered frequency field oscillations produced by strong electromagnetic forces within the craft, the occultists could not open what they termed a “white hole” in space/time and pass through, reaching the Aldebaran system and the Aryan Sumerian aliens who, they said, had contacted them.

W.O. Schumann

Professor W.O. Schumann led the JFM project but decided to scrap all research in 1924. The JFM was hurriedly dismantled and sent to Augsburg for storage at Messerschmitt’s facility, where it was either destroyed or later moved to Peenemünde (site of the V2 rockets in WWII) and reassembled for further study. No one can confirm either posibility. Yet not all the research was in vain. Professor Schumann managed to develop a levitator unit from it along with practical experience with generating increasingly intensified electromagnetic fields.

Nine years later in 1933, Adolf Hitler became chancellor in Germany. This gave both the Thule and Vril Gesellschafts a second chance to further develop their craft with a state approved RFZ (Rundflugzeug, or Round Aircraft) program also led by Professor Schumann. The program started in 1937 and produced seven models. Himmler’s SS had already become involved with the Thule Haunebu development program in 1935 before the RFZ series began. In 1939 the SS had used

Coler’s Magnetstromapparat

Hans Colers adapted the gravitic battery and the applied ideas of Tesla to come up with a revolutionary new engine pioneered by Thule – the Thule Triebwerk (“engine,” also known as a Tachyonator-7). Vril also perfected the SM-Levitator and invented their own Triebwerk (Thrustwork) in 1941 with the RFZ-7.

This brought about the abandonment of the RFZ series and introduced the Haunebu and Vril series of craft. The Haunebu I, briefly listed as an RFZ design, was dropped in 1939 and the RFZ-7 was re-designated Vril 1 Jäger (Hunter) in 1941. Both societies them came under control of the SS E-IV (Entwicklungsstelle [Development Location] 4) Unit in 1941 under Hitler’s order that all secret societies be banned.

This unit was the technical branch of the SS which was tasked with developing alternative energies. Not only did this include alternative power through synthetic fuels but also with generating power fields that could be used in war. Thus, the occult disks were seen as a potentially rewarding war weapons. Of course, Thule and Vril went along with the SS despite their main priority of producing a Raumschiff (spaceship).

Like von Braun, who also envisioned powered space flight with the A-series rockets, the societies kept pioneering their own craft with full knowledge that any of the disks might be made into a war weapon at any time. Both types of disks were incredibly complex and difficult to control in flight. A special celestial navigation system built by both Siemens and AEG had to be developed to fly the machines which at first could only make turns of 22.5, 45, and 90 degrees. Control was only possible through Magnetic Field Shifting using Impulsers that transferred power to different parts of the electromagnetic rings rapidly, forcing very violent rotating electromagnetic fields inside the craft to move accordingly, changing instantly the direction of the craft. Maximum velocities in these craft proved to be a problem as well and required special SS metallurgists (some called them modern alchemists) to create a heat-resistant armour called Victalen that could withstand the heat friction of speeds well over 7,000 km (4200 miles) per hour!

Note: By Christmas of 1943, medium Maria Orsic of the Vril Gesellschaft claimed that subsequent transmissions from Aldebaran revealed there were two habitable planets orbiting that star and that the ancient Mesopotamian civilization of Sumeria was linked to earlier colonies of Aldebaran explorers. The seers discovered that the Aldebaran written language was identical to that of the Sumerians and was phonetically similar to that of spoken German. It was also revealed that a ‘dimension channel’ or ‘wormhole’ existed connecting our two solar systems. Thus in January of 1944, possibly aware that Germany’s war efforts were faltering, Hitler and Himmler authorized an audacious plan to send

Vril medium drawing of Vril-7 from 1943 (The Vril 7 Geist (Ghost) was 45 meters in diameter and crewed by fourteen men. It was built in 1944 and tested at Arado-Brandenburg using Vril‘s own Triebwerk.)

a Vril-7 saucer ship into the dimensional channel, perhaps to secure assistance from the Aldebaran civilization. The venture resulted in near disaster. The Vril-7 returned with its hull reportedly aged as if it had been flying for a hundred years and its surface damaged in several places.

With both the Haunebu and Vril craft reaching their full potential by 1943-1944 it was decided that Vril would once again attempt to build a functioning Raumschiff; but this time, it would be built by the SS with all of its resources. Due to the immensity of this project a special unit was formed to build just this type- the SS E-V (E-5) Unit. The Raumschiff was to be called the Andromeda-Gerät (Andromeda Device). Work on two of these massive, 139 meters long and 30 meters wide “flying cigars” probably began with great effort in early 1943 in above-ground, heavily camouflaged shelters similar to that of the old Zeppelin hangars.

These craft were designed to hold both a Haunebu II or IV disc in one large bay with two other smaller Vril 1 or 2 discs in a secondary bay – both accessed from the side of each craft. Each craft was to be crewed by 130 and were to be armoured with a quadruple layered Victalen hull. The E-V unit nicknamed them as male and female “Freyr” and “Freya” after the old Norse God and Goddess. The propulsion systems located at both the fore and aft sections of the Andromeda craft would be beyond the last Haunebu-type Thule Tachyonator 7c drive. These craft were to have four massive power units, two Tachyonator 11 at the front and two at the rear with four additional large SM-Levitator units located in pairs on the top and bottom of each craft which sat on a series of large underbody skids to support the massive weight. It is generally assumed that those engines were of the same EMG (Electro-Magnetic-Gravitic) type but other Allied Intelligence officers believe that they might have been photonic, based on eyewitness accounts of one large craft flying with a massive, bright light source emitted from the rear. Thule might have simply used the Tachyonator term to describe an evolution of energy drives that might have varied in the latter models. Although designed as an armed vessel with provision for five turrets armed with powerful KSK (KraftStrahlKanone, or Strong Ray Cannon) it is doubtful that any armament actually made it onto either of the two prototypes under construction.

When the US Army came upon one of the uncompleted machines in 1945 the craft was first mistaken as some sort of radio tower due to the strange antennas protruding from the craft. The immense size of the uncompleted machine didn’t reveal its purpose until someone actually climbed up on top of it and immediately spotted a cockpit with very thick glass that was shattered. The semi-completed craft, painted gray with no markings, was heavily damaged as the Germans retreated, taking with them all of the prototype’s sensitive navigation equipment and the strange propulsion system. This caused damage to the craft except for the two open exposed bays – which were empty of any Haunebu or Vril discs.

Photos seem to indicate that the other prototype “Freya“, or one similar to it, was completed and flew sometime in 1944/1945. The exotic craft was designed for a speed of 300,000 km/hr!

If one did escape in March 1945, that one most likely had the Vril Chefin aboard and achieved channelled flight.

Their final destination? The Aldebaran system.

1967, Rhode Island, USA

Hieroglyphic images of a modern-day helicopter, airplane and cigar-shaped spaceship found on the ceiling of a 3000-year old New Kingdom Temple in Egypt.

Reference to ancient Indian flying vehicles come from many of the well-known ancient Indian epics, and there are literally hundreds of them. Most of them have not even been translated into English yet from the old Sanskrit. It is claimed that a few years ago, the Chinese discovered some Sanskrit documents in Lhasa, Tibet and sent them to the University of Chandrigarh to be translated. Dr. Ruth Reyna of the University said recently that the documents contain directions for building interstellar spaceships! Their method of propulsion, she said, was “anti-gravitational” and was based upon a system analogous to that of “laghima,” the unknown power of the ego existing in man’s physiological makeup, “a centrifugal force strong enough to counteract all gravitational pull.”

According to Hindu yogis, it is this “laghima” which enables a person to levitate. Dr. Reyna said that on board these machines, which were called “Astras” by the text, the ancient Indians could have sent a detachment of men onto any planet, according to the document, which is thought to be thousands of years old. The manuscripts were also said to reveal the secret of antima, “the cap of invisibility” and garima, “how to become as heavy as a mountain of lead.”

The Vedas, ancient Hindu poems, thought to be the oldest of all the Indian texts, describe Vimanas of various shapes and sizes: the “ahnihotra-vimana” with two engines, the “elephant-vimana” with more engines, and other types named after the kingfisher, ibis and other animals.

Unfortunately, Vimanas, like most scientific discoveries, were ultimately used for war. Atlanteans used their flying machines, “Vailixi,” a similar type of aircraft, to literally try and subjugate the world, it would seem, if Indian texts are to be believed. The Atlanteans, known as “Asvins” in the Indian writings, were apparently even more advanced technologically than the Indians, and certainly of a more war-like temperament. Although no ancient texts on Atlantean Vailixi are known to exist, some information has come down through esoteric, “occult” sources which describe their flying machines.

Similar, if not identical to Vimanas, Vailixi were generally “cigar-shaped” and had the capability of manuvering underwater as well as in the atmosphere or even outer space. Other vehicles, like Vimanas, were saucer-shaped, and could apparently also be submerged. According to Eklal Kueshana, author of The Ultimate Frontier, in an article he wrote in 1966, Vailixi were first developed in Atlantis 20,000 years ago, and the most common ones are “saucer-shaped of generally trapezoidal cross-section with three hemispherical engine pods on the underside.” “They use a mechanical antigravity device driven by engines developing approximately 80,000 horse power.” The Ramayana, Mahabarata and other texts speak of the hideous war that took place, some ten or twelve thousand years ago between Atlantis and Rama using weapons of destruction that could not be imagined by readers until the second half of this century. The ancient Mahabharata, one of the sources on Vimanas, goes on to tell the awesome destructiveness of the war: “…(the weapon was) a single projectile charged with all the power of the Universe.”

Also in the Mahabharatra, we learn that an individual named Asura Maya had a Vimana measuring twelve cubits in circumference, with four strong wheels. The poem is a veritable gold mine of information relating to conflicts between gods who settled their differences apparently using weapons as lethal as the ones we are capable of deploying. Apart from ‘blazing missiles’, the poem records the use of other deadly weapons. ‘Indra’s Dart’ operated via a circular ‘reflector’. When switched on, it produced a ‘shaft of light’ which, when focused on any target, immediately ‘consumed it with its power’. In one particular exchange, the hero, Krishna, is pursuing his enemy, Salva, in the sky, when Salva’s Vimana, the Saubha is made invisible in some way. Undeterred, Krishna immediately fires off a special weapon: ‘I quickly laid on an arrow, which killed by seeking out sound’.

Many other terrible weapons are described, quite matter of factly, in the Mahabharata, but the most fearsome of all is the one used against the Vrishis. The narrative records: “Gurkha flying in his swift and powerful Vimana hurled against the three cities of the Vrishis and Andhakas a single projectile charged with all the power of the Universe. An incandescent column of smoke and fire, as brilliant as ten thousands suns, rose in all its splendour. It was the unknown weapon, the Iron Thunderbolt, a gigantic messenger of death which reduced to ashes the entire race of the Vrishnis and Andhakas.” It is important to note, that these kinds of records are not isolated. They can be cross-correlated with similiar reports in other ancient civilizations.

Modern nuclear explosion, “as brilliant as ten thousand suns”

The after-effects of this Iron Thunderbolt have an ominously recognizable ring. Apparently, those killed by it were so burnt that their corpses were unidentifiable. The survivors fared little better, as it caused their hair and nails to fall out. Perhaps the most disturbing and challenging information about these allegedly mythical Vimanas in the ancient records is that there are some matter-of-fact records, describing how to build one.

In their way, the instructions are quite precise. In the Sanskrit Samarangana Sutradhara, it is written: “Strong and durable must the body of the Vimana be made, like a great flying bird of light material. Inside one must put the mercury engine with its iron heating apparatus underneath. By means of the power latent in the mercury which sets the driving whirlwind in motion, a man sitting inside may travel a great distance in the sky. The movements of the Vimana are such that it can vertically ascend, vertically descend, move slanting forwards and backwards. With the help of the machines human beings can fly in the air and heavenly beings can come down to earth.”


One of the most astounding of documented sightings of aerial phenomena took place on April 4, 1561 at dawn over Nuremberg, Germany. What was described could only be called a war in the heavens, with a wide variety of craft ranging from spheres to spear-like cylinders to crosses and “plates”. The sky was apparently filled with the machines, clashing in battle for well over an hour. The battle was such that a winner was perceived as well. Spheroid UFOs were seen emerging from cylindrical ‘motherships‘. At the conclusion of the battle, it seems a magnificent, black, spear-like super-ship of some kind came upon the scene. An ancient woodcut was created by Hans Glaser to document the event.

The woodcut shows two people apparently witnessing the event. Hundreds of oddly shaped and colourful objects fill the sky above. The woodcut also seems to indicate that two of the objects may have crashed to the ground. It began at dawn, as dozens, if not hundreds, of crosses, globes and tubes fought each other above the city. It ended an hour later, when “the globes in the small and large rods flew into the sun,” and several of the other objects crashed to earth and vanished in a thick cloud of smoke. According to the Nuremberg Gazette, the “dreadful apparition” filled the morning sky with “cylindrical shapes from which emerged black, red, orange and blue-white spheres that darted about.” Between the spheres, there were “crosses with the colour of blood.” This “frightful spectacle” was witnessed by “numerous men and women.” Afterwards, a “black, spear-like object” appeared. The author of the Gazette article warned its readers:

The God-fearing will by no means discard these signs, but will take them to heart as a warning….May our Father in heaven mend their lives and faithfully beg God that he avert His wrath, including well-deserved punishment, on us so that we may, temporarily here and perpetually there, live as His children.

A similar reporting occurred just five years later in Basle Switzerland. On August 7, 1566, at dawn, many citizens of Basel, frightened, saw during several hours the black spheres involved in a formidable aerial battle, invading the sky of their city: The city’s gazette recorded: At the time when the sun rose, one saw many large black balls which moved at high speed in the air towards the sun, then made half-turns, banging one against the others as if they were fighting an all-out combat, a great number of them became red and igneous, thereafter they were consumed and died out.

1465 – Cigar shaped UFO – flaming girder seen in the sky during the reign of Enrico IV From Notabilia Temporum by Angelo de Tummulillis This picture shows a UFO sighting over Hamburg, Germany The objects were described as ‘two glowing wheels’ – November 4, 1697 – Wheels – Spoked Wheels.

involving seer Edgar Cayce

Edgar Cayce

Late in February the family returned to Detroit and on March 3, 1936, court action was over and everyone was free to return to Virginia Beach. While on the train that night Edgar Cayce had the following dream:

He had been born again in A.D. 2100 in Nebraska. The sea apparently covered all of the western part of the country, as the city where he lived was on the coast. The family name was a strange one. At an early age as a child he declared himself to be Edgar Cayce who had lived two hundred years before. Scientists, men with long beards, little hair, and thick glasses, were called in to observe the child. They decided to visit the places where he said he had been born, lived, and worked in Kentucky, Alabama, New York, Michigan, and Virginia. Taking the child with them, the group of scientists visited these places in a long, cigar-shaped, metal flying ship which moved at high speed. Water covered part of Alabama. Norfolk, Virginia, had became an immense seaport. New York had been destroyed either by war or an earthquake and was being rebuilt. Industries were scattered over the countryside. Most of the houses were of glass. Many records of Edgar Cayce’s work were discovered and collected. The group returned to Nebraska, taking the records with them for study.

Early Vril Society sketch of the Mother Ship from the Alderbaran system that housed the Andromeda-Geräte

Further research:


A recurring theme in modern popular culture:

Somewhat factual but with many blatant lies; as a Jew production, take it for what it’s worth:



A major new press conference was held for five days in Washington DC 29. April through 3. Mai 2013 on extraterrestrials.

I cannot emphasize enough what the Air Force staff sergeant said who ran recoveries of crashed UFOs: “Many of the aliens look totally human.” Partly it is because those are simply National Socialist Germans from the Third Reich in Antarctica, from New Swabia (and, Björn told me, a huge base underneath Tibet). Others are in underwater bases. What they lack is a country. They have only bases in isolated areas, and grow food underground with special technology and lighting.

But the others are Aldebarans, our parent race! We come from two planets, one where the people are mostly red-haired and green-eyed — in effect Kelts, the artistic ones — and the other world where they are mostly blond-haired and blue-eyed — in effect Germanics like Swedes, the more scientific ones — and then they mixed with the brunet Europeans around 8,000 BC to form our race today — but in ways I admit I do not full understand.)

Here are two key, short videos promoting the urgency of this conference. The major video production documentary is scheduled for release this autumn.



Btw, the headline about Eisenhower relates to this stunning assertion:

The Aldebarans offered unlimited free Tesla energy (zero point) to mankind after WWII provided the US government gave up totally its nuclear weapons program. (The Aldebarans — our ancestors — are very ancient and know that earth was destroyed once before by nuclear war, a very, very long time ago, and it took ages for the earth to — mostly — recover.)

The US refused.

Then the Grays approached and, like Satan with Eve, offered advanced technical “knowledge” (a promise only partly kept) in return for the “right” to abduct humans for experiments. The US shockingly agreed to that, but gradually the US government has become totally penetrated by and involved with the Grays as the Majestic-12 secret network took over. In 1954 President Eisenhower threatened to use military force to open up Area 51 in Nevada to find out what Majestic-12 was up to. (Both Carter and Clinton, who were wimps by comparison, were denied all access.)

When Eisenhower issued his famous 1961 warning about “the military-industrial complex,” in the very last month of his eight-year presidency, what he really was saying (hinting at) was*Majestic-12, *which is the Pentagon in effect merging with the Grays.


This is why the Aldebaran issue is so critical. The Aldebarans are our friends, and the enemies of the Grays.

This is all just so huge, Tony and Teresa, that it makes the mind spin.

But I must explain this to the world. Just because it is scary does not mean it is not true.

And it means that we come from a very, very advanced race, and have very, very advanced*relatives.*


Email to a comrade of June 8, 2013

NEW SWABIA. When I first saw an Ernst Zündel booklet on the idea of Third Reich UFOs in the 1980s and how the Reich had retreated with U-Boats and its final weapons tech somehow to the South Pole, I was far more than just skeptical. I thought it had to be plain old b–l, and a way to make a buck by manipulating false hopes and wishful thinking. IN fact, it made me a bit angry and I thought Ernst, whom I met briefly while doing trusts for publisher Willis Carto in Michigan and then made a side trip to Toronto, was just out as a publisher to raise revenue.
The thought never occurred to me that if this theory were true – that after Stalingrad the Reich did the responsible thing that any ideological movement would do after a disaster, that is, develop a Plan B — then the Reich itself would be the first to promote secrecy about its plans. In fact, until ready to strike back, the strategic decision to be low-profile, in the manner of a badger in its burrow, for as many decades as necessary, would be the sine qua non of survival.
A parallel would be the Jews deciding what to do after the expulsion from Spain in 1492.
That was THEIR “1945.”
In the aftermath of the expulsion edict by Queen Isabella, some Jews stayed in Spain as “conversos” in order to infiltrate Spanish institutions, just as the Jewish “Prince of Constantinople” had urged them in a famous letter which you can consult and I think TBR once ran.
Other Sephardim went to Holland, and later bankrolled various Protestant (anti-Catholic and pro-usury) countries such as England, Holland, Scotland, various northern Germans, etc. to the outrage of Martin Luther. Many went to Strasbourg, and my second wife, the French gal, told me all about that, and went into textiles and money-lending to Protestant armies. (She was distantly related to the Protestant-turned branch of the originally Jewish Schlumberger family, now very involved in mining, gold, etc.)
Still others went to Turkey, then a rising power and very anti-Christian.
I have made my point. When you are a race and an ideology, you do not accept that losing your main base means it is over. (Spain was the main base for the Jews in 1492, as was Germany for the National Socialist ideologues in 1945.) A truly determined and fanatical movement does not “go gently into that good night.”
No, you “rage, rage against the dying of the light.” (Dylan Thomas)
You prepare your comeback and your revenge from wherever you can hide out, operate, regroup and rebuild.
You go somewhere where your enemy cannot easily get at you.
The link below contains my raw data on New Swabia. It has to be cleaned up and reorganized.
I recall Germar Rudolf’s article in TBR critiquing the New Swabia story. I read it with great interest, respecting Germar highly as I do on many accounts, but did not find it fact-heavy, and after seeing recently a Russian major television documentary from 2006 on New Swabia, replete with interviews of very high-ranking Russian military, I began to have serious second thoughts.

After circulating my raw data to some respected German comrades, I was then contacted by two other German comrades who told me in no uncertain terms that New Swabia is not a myth at all. In fact, one (first name: “Björn”) told me the United States surreptitiously dropped nuclear weapons on suspected New Swabia locations under the ice in 1958, 1969 and 1973.

He also said that there is a “Majestic-12” committee that overrules even US presidents, it told both Presidents Carter and Clinton they “lacked clearance” to learn of its activities, and this black operation is waging now a kind of shadow war, a kind of Cold War, against New Swabia on an ongoing basis.

Well, I will let you read that link. You have to watch the videos too, and cannot dodge this obligation and time-consuming effort if you want to get the real meat of it.

I am going to run with the story, but if TBR is interested, knowing Willis Carto as I have since 1987, I will delete or play down all references to the “nordic aliens” aspect, although a German comrade (who is occasionally in trouble with the thought police) wrote me just today about her encounter with them.

In German, followed by a translation:

Das müsste so vor 17 Jahren gewesen sein.
In einem Geschäft verkaufte ich damals mitunter Heilsteine. Da besuchten mich am Nachmittag zwei hellblonde Jungs, von fast betörender Schönheit und irgendwie sahen sie so rein aus. Der eine war vielleicht 10 Jahre alt und der andere 12, so in etwa. Besonders auffällig waren ihre leuchtend blauen Augen und außer dem Größenunterschied sahen sie fast identisch aus.

Sie standen ganz ruhig vor mir und fragten mich über die Wirkung von Heilsteinen aus. Ihre Fragen waren hochintelligent und sie fragten über wirklich komplexe Zusammenhänge. Da standen diese beiden Kinder ganz ruhig und konzentriert vor mir und brachten mich mit ihren Fragen auch über die Grenzen meines Wissens. Ich meine, ich wurde schon oft ausgefragt über die Wirkung der Steine, aber noch nie derart anspruchsvoll, auch nicht von Erwachsenen.

Da sah ich den kleineren von beiden im Profil und bemerkte, dass seine Augen blau nach außen leuchteten, vielleicht ca. 2-3 Zentimeter weit, wie kleine eingebaute Scheinwerfer. Und da sah ich mir den anderen im Profil an und entdeckte bei ihm dasselbe Phänomen.

Ihre Fragerunde war wohl beendet und ich fragte sie noch: Ihr seid wohl Brüder?

Und der Größere antwortete: Nein, wir sind nur Freunde.

Dann gingen sie.

Im Nachhinein ärgerte ich mich ein bißchen, dass ich die beiden nicht ausgefragt habe….

Wissen Sie, ich hatte schon viele viele außergewöhnliche Erlebnisse und ich erzähle diese eher sparsam, weil das glaubt mir doch sowieso kaum jemand.



That would have been about 17 years ago.

In a shop where I worked I sold healing stones. One afternoon two light-blond boys came in, almost hauntingly handsome and somehow looking very “pure.” One was maybe 10 years old and the other 12, roughly.

Particularly striking were their bright blue eyes, and apart from the size difference, they looked almost identical. They stood quietly in front of me and asked me about the effect of healing stones.

Their questions were highly intelligent and they asked about really complex interactions. These two children were very calm and focused, standing in front of me, and their questions finally went beyond the limits of my knowledge. I mean, I was often questioned about the effect of the stones [since I was selling them] but never in such a sophisticated way, not even by adults.

Then I noticed the smaller of the two in profile, and perceived that his blue eyes shone with a light outward, maybe an inch outward, like two tiny spotlights. And as I looked at the other in profile, I discovered in him the same phenomenon.

When their question and answer session with me was finished, I asked them: “Are you two actually brothers?”

The taller one: “No, we’re just friends.”

Then they left.

In retrospect, I was annoyed at myself a bit because I did not ask them more about themselves, or touch them, because [my paraphrase: ‘I can feel peoples’ energy sometimes. I knew they were of course very different.’]

You know, I’ve had many many extraordinary experiences but I tell them sparingly, because hardly anyone would believe me anyway about such a thing.” [end]

Turn off instant translationAbout

As an Irish comrade to whom I submitted the info at the link above opined, this information — if read in full — can represent a new ray of optimism for our struggle.

It means that an extremely high-tech remnant of the SS survived, albeit without a country and an economic base in a large population.

My informant named “Björn” told me, however, that New Swabia now has eight million inhabitants, 1) underwater, 2) under the South Pole and 3) also in the Himalayas, and that the Dalai Lama knows a lot more about the importance of Tibet than he reveals. (Some may recall the Brad Pitt movie about the SS man Heinrich Harrer, who visited the young Dalai Lama before being arrested by the British as WWII broke out. Hollywood often drops tantalizing glimpses at reality but then drops the really explosive parts. I could also mention the Finnish movie “Iron Sky.”]

As for Tibet and other areas, this means that just as the NWO has apparently excavated an incredible amount of subterranean space underneath Denver Airport, the Reich has also been digging and digging and digging.

And why? The Reich has thermonuclear weapons, but so does the US government. This is a very good reason to dig.

It is a tense relationship that both sides find awkward.

And THIS is the real reason why there is no peace treaty between the Allies and Germany, because the war has never ended.

And it will resume.

Does this mean the Reich is going to come and bail out lazy, cowardly, obese, ignorant Americans and save us from our own regime?

No! What moral obligation do the Germans possibly owe the Anglo-Saxon world that annihilated their country and committed Dresden, Hamburg, the Rheinwiesen death-by-hunger atrocities and the Nuremberg Tribunal?

They owe us NOTHING.

Their first concern is their OWN safety!

The question is: Wwhat are we willing to do by way of reparations to help THEM? How can WE be useful to THEM? That is the only basis for any possible discussions.

So this is no wishful thinking by me and no “Reich UFOs will save the white race.”

No, the Reich will save the Reich, while we pitiful “Amurrikins” reelect our Obamas and Bushes and wolf down our super-size hamburgers. The white race can survive through German blood and without the United States of America, in fact better.

But this is the greatest story of the 21st century.

==========a question

A comrade wrote:


Buzz Aldrin says he saw detached panels, not a UFO:

What about there not having been a Moon Mission at all? We seem to have Moon
Photos made on a set.


My reply:


Good questions….

Buzz Aldrin later reversed himself, doubtless under pressure. Many back down under pressure… such as, for example, and very infamously, Dr. James Watson, the DNA Nobel Laureate, about black-white IQ differences. I did a video largely on the topic of his putrid and cowardly retraction, apology — and how it availed him naught, for he was fired anyway. (Good, the gutless jellyfish!)

My view is the US astronauts did go to the moon, but the reason why film director Stanley Kubrick shot the fake scenes (and then dropped a hundred hints in his hit movie “The Shining” about having done this fake for NASA) is that the astronauts had some “close encounters of the third kind” on those missions — and on the final Apollo moon mission, Apollo 17 of December 1972 — they were warned to not come back.


PS Here is the true Aryan spirit of John Kennedy:

In September 1962, by which time two Project Mercury astronauts had orbited the Earth, …. Kennedy visited Rice University in Houston, Texas to reiterate his challenge to American space leadership in a famous speech:

“But why, some say, the Moon? Why choose this as our goal? And they may well ask, why climb the highest mountain? Why, 35 years ago, fly the Atlantic? …
We choose to go to the Moon. We choose to go to the Moon in this decade and do the other things, not because they are easy, but because they are hard; because that goal will serve to organize and measure the best of our energies and skills; because that challenge is one that we are willing to accept, one we are unwilling to postpone, and one we intend to win … .”

This spirit of excellence is innately Aryan. This is what the ancient Greeks meant when they demanded: “aristeuein, hypereikhon einai allón.” (“to excel, to be better than the rest.”)


That’s a very interesting take on it. Is there something written that
explains this point of view.

I have checked and the Van Allen belt seems to be too hot to traverse.

Honestly, I normally do not get into this whole moon-landing controversy with all the other things going on.

As far as the Van Allen Belt is concerned, I remember back in the 1950s hearing it was a big problem. But UFOs are getting to earth and back to their own home planets constantly, so I think the problem has been solved. Basically, the government is lying about virtually everything, including space. It just gets bigger and bigger all the time.

The common story is that Eisenhower made a deal with the Grays for technology in exchange for their “right” to abduct and experiment on Americans. This deal turned into a nightmare, however. Now the “Grays,” exactly as the series “the X-Files” claimed, are deep into the US black-ops government, called Majestic-12.

In the end, one can only say “Thank God the Aldebarans are also around.”


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  1. WOW!!!! I really enjoyed this show, have been studying this subject for some time & enjoyed your perspectives & opinions. However, I differ in opinions about the moon landing as it is impossible to put organic life forms above 430 miles in space unless the craft is over 4 feet thick, and made of lead. Most scientists already know this, but won’t talk about it? Why not? In my humble opinion the only way for organic life to travel the galaxy is within an anomaly i.e. time/space, The notes on the “Haunebu” experiments suggest that this was a side effect experienced on tests. Another strange report was the Montauk experiment & the effects of that.

  2. Rick Potvin wrote me an email:

    This article seems to be a turning point for your own outlook. I posted a comment two times in the past 6 months or so pointing you to German flying saucers— and I now surmise you finally got the picture I was attempting to consider. You even point to the holes at the poles.

    A few problems I see. Nuclear power and nuclear bombs are probably hoaxes. See http://www.big-lies.org. Nuclear power plants are dumploads. And rockets won’t work in space since Newtonian action-reaction requires mass. Rocket engines pushing on infinite vacuum won’t move anything. Satellites are a hoax too. All communciations are done by the same techniques mastered by radar science.

    I think the flying saucers are real, however. And to save ourselves I think we can tap the ionosphere and store power in flywheels– either mechanical, mercury or plasma.

    Your blog entry today was a fun read for me. I’ll likely go back and break it up– penetrate it some more.

    I think the “bravery” you have is still a value that helps us rise to the occasion. Bravery as a concept seems to me to be willing to stand for truth. Without that, things degenerate even more. I made another quick short post to my blog about Nazi flying saucers inspired by your new look into it..

    Incredibly realistic German flying saucers should be reconsidered.



    My reply:

    Once you have far more advanced nordic aliens helping, all sorts of obstacles can be surmounted.

    But by the same token the Grays are helping Majestic-12. Thus the Reich is NOT enjoying overwhelming superiority. There is MAD at a higher level.



    Hello from Spain!

    I discovered your work a few months ago thanks to a radio show hosted by Tom Metzger at BlogTalkRadio. Though up until now I had not been curious about your website. I have started reading your articles very eagerly since last week.

    On the Antarctic/4th Reich issue:

    I have to say thanks for reigniting my interest on this subject again. I became familiar with the Admiral Byrd’s Expedition story some twenty-odd years ago through a book called ‘Arktos’ by Jocelyn Godwyn (which I don’t necessarily recommend) just when I started reading books by authors like Miguel Serrano (untranslated into English by that time) and books about ancient civilizations, specifically Atlantis**, by authors like Collin Wilson et al. Though, in the long run, I left all these subjects a bit aside in favor of more ‘pragmatic’ issues within the cause.

    However I don’t totally agree with the concept of the ‘Nordic Aliens’, at least in the way it has been presented so far, though I think (as I believe someone stated already in your blog) this idea can be of an important psychological value for some people. I’m thinking of Carl G.Jung now. I wonder what he would have opined on this subject. I think his response would have been somewhat positive since I think these ‘Nordic Aliens’ could themselves be a ‘proxy’ (or I should say ‘update’) of the Christian angels of yore. With this I don’t mean they don’t have to be ‘physically real’, in fact, I have developed my own theory on the subject (which I’m not going to expose here since it would take an eternity to explain fully). What I think goes in connection with the Nietzschean concept of the ‘Ubermensch’ in one hand and psychological mind-control on the other (depending on which side is really operating behind the scenes) rather than actual ‘space aliens’ (which is something I don’t discard fully either). But It’s all guess-work for my part anyway. I’m not either killing or demonizing anyone over my ideas.

    By the way, I listened to your podcast with John Friend and you are definitively right: Why should the Antarctic Germans care about the state of affairs with the white folks around the Western World? The fact that people in general (and especially in Europe) have been so brought into the ‘leftist-neoliberal way of thinking’ to such a degree doesn’t cease to shock me. It’s almost scary.

    Why should these Germanic survivors want to help a white people who hate and despise them anyway? (How many Psycho-Tarantinos are needed to demonstrate this fact). What a bunch of ungrateful ‘plebs’ these white folks would proof to be in such a situation. I can only imagine the ‘horror’ expressed by the ‘public opinion’ if such an event ever happened: ‘These evil nazis coming back to kill us in concentration camps like they did with the Jews back in WWII. They are going to gas us all!’ (like if they weren’t being already poisoned with chem-trails, right now, by the very same tribe who claims to be ‘The Victims’ of these nazis).

    They would rather smolder in their so-called ‘Democracy’ (or ‘Demonocracy’ as I call it) instead of embracing a more hopeful, beautiful, just and promising alternative of living which these Antarctic Germans*** would surely bring to them. No, it is too late for certain people to change their minds and far too soon to save anyone yet (thinking on future generations). As someone said, ‘there is no great people without suffering’, harsh as this may sound.

    If I were in the shoes of these 4th Reich Germans I wouldn’t even consider the idea of saving anyone here (leaving aside a small minority of individuals) They have all the right in the World not to do so, at least at the present moment.

    But, enough. I don’t want to seem like I am turning against my own people anyway. The Reich will pursue its own interests, as dos any major power.

    I’m sorry your candidature for Sheriff in Pennsylvania was thwarted by these white people’s narrow-minded stupidity (or should I say ‘cowardice’). When it comes up to foes, we ourselves are our worst enemies (sometimes) by ways of ‘not doing’ rather than actually ‘doing’. Nothing you don’t know already anyway.

    Keep the good fight. I’ll be reading your articles and comments with keen attention from now on. Best wishes.


    • Well, I am tempted to ask if you have READ the essay, but I will not. If you had, you would not ask this. 😉

      I will merely state that I spent YEARS researching this essay and months writing it.

      I only propose my radically new ways of looking at things because they are based on solid facts, facts that I have presented to YOU as I interpret them, and certainly not lunatic theories that you are supposed to accept on faith.

      The Mothman incidents (plural — they went on for almost a year, and half oif the people in this town on the Ohio-West Virginia border experienced them) are among of the most proven and most disturbing of “alien” incidents in US history — and they show that some so-called “aliens” are really more in the, well, demonic category. That is the conclusion of two major scientists as well, Allen Hynek PhD of the Air Force and Jacques Vallée, PhD of NASA – that some “aliens” are “transdimensional,” and more like how religion depicts the world, as a battle between good and evil on many dimensions, both physical (where we are) and other-dimensional.

      Other “aliens” (especially the nordic aliens) are in some ways more like how religions depict “angels.” They are deeply caring, very powerful, and incredibly advanced in both technology and spirituality, and frankly, they are very worried about the fate of the human race at this time of great wickedness and danger of WWIII.

      I would recommend, as with all my key essays found above the banner on my website, that you READ the essay, yes, give this serious topic the attention it deserves. If the human race is being interacted on by other species, and we humans are not alone on this earth, this is obviously changing everything, and what it is called, actually, is “exopolitics” — human history as part of the history of many species that use this earth as a way station, a resource, or a home away from home, who in fact have done so for thousands of years, and who most definitely do not view themselves as trespassers at all — or see this earth as being “our” planet and not theirs. Suppose we too, in fact, are descendants of colonists? Suppose our ancestors came here too? Suppose that everyone on earth comes from “aliens” who have put down roots here on this beautiful planet? Suppose earth is a midpoint for many voyagers across the galaxy? Suppose humans are the dominant — but not the only species that is located here?

      And on the other topic, as my essay asserts, imagine if Hitler Germany still exists through top NS scientists and military having been evacuated as Germany’s defeat loomed in 1945 to remote places on this earth. And NO, the rocket scientists the US got (Wernher von Braun, etc.) were NOT the top scientists at all — rocket fuel or jet engines were just advanced forms of normal 1940s technology, not truly cutting-edge tech at all like 1) anti-gravity aviation, 2) stealth coatings on aircraft to be invisible to radar, or 3) scalar weapons that can literally move the earth on its axis, or change the weather, or trigger whole earthquakes — those ARE indeed cutting-edge things, and THAT is what the most advanced Germans were working on when they were evacuated). If all this is true, then Hitler Germany is not ancient history, it is not a chapter from a bygone era, but instead Hitler Germany is still around — and is preparing a loud and incredible comeback.

      The Fourth Reich is a lurking superpower without a country, BUT WITH MONEY AND TECH, just as Jewry was a people without a country but still very, very powerful and spread around the world from AD 70 to 1947…..

      All I ask, sir, is that you READ and then mull over the pro’s and con’s of the evidence I have presented. I respect the reader enough to spend YEARS doing the research, and then he or she can show respect for himself and for me by READING it.

      We either use our brain or we become the no-attention-span zombies the New World Order wants us to be.

      As Jesus Christ said: The truth shall set you free.

      But you have to read it, and then think about it.

      You are on the jury and here now is the evidence. If true….if what I say about the Fourth Reich and Nordic Aliens is true — it changes literally EVERYTHING.

      And it means that the military and technological forces for GOOD that are fighting the New World Order are far more powerful than we realized, and that we are not doomed to be its slaves.

      This essay means any form of defeatism and resignation regarding the enemies of humanity is the wrong conclusion to draw, and that my hope of final victory by the forces of good is fully justified, if we join those forces and aid them in a titanic struggle that is going on across the entire galaxy. We need to stop being geocentric and see that our earth is part of much bigger happenings than we ever realized.


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