ENGLISH The seed-money heroes; presidential video four

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=================PRESIDENTIAL VIDEO, PART FOUR OF SIX (low resolution only for now — since many comrades with slow computers or Internet connections cannot see those videos with higher “res”)

Topics: Dr. James Watson co-discovered DNA molecule structure, won Nobel Prize; stated to London Times that blacks are less intelligent; British hate-speech police get involved; ignorant or cowardly US taxpayers fund arrest of white Europeans who come to America for freedom of speech; Whittle-Sheppard case; extreme obedience of federal workers; British Crown Prosecution Service; despicable recantation by Watson of racial truth; but fired anyway; soldiers and marines with only physical courage; old men who are unworried about the world their children and grandchildren will grow up in; black flash mobs; media white-bashing during the Rodney King-1992 L.A. riot; black flash mob at West Allis, Wisconsin State Fair; whites rage verbally at black mass attack; black leaders who promote only what is good for their own race; does Obama smoke pot in the White House?; Ben Franklin the great scientist about the nature of light as both wave and particle; Alexander Hamilton wanted central federal rule; Franklin appeals for prayer at each session of the Constitutional Convention; Ben Franklin gave away his great inventions: the lightning rod, bifocal glasses, the Franklin stove, which replacing the very inefficient fireplace, and the odometer, the lending library, and the University of Pennsylvania; Britain tightens control over once-free colonies; Franklin brings in the French as important war allies against Britain; French fleet win Battle of the Chesapeake; Franklin advocates home life full of real culture, singing, reading and performing music; advocates as US motto: “Rebellion against tyrants is obedience to God”; founder of satanism rightfully notes that “Man is the only animal who can lie to himself and believe it”; facing the real dangers so as to beat them….

I wrote a comrade who once again has agreed to help, since the parasites in my readership refuse to shoulder their share of the burden.
Dear comrade,

I appreciate your email, your previous vital support, and your willingness to once again step into the breach.

The Indo-Aryan prophecy of Kalki seems to be true, that people as a whole are unteachable. I have knocked myself out for these videos, and yet many racialists (note that I no longer ever use the word “white nationalists” toward them, because a white nation is not what they are eager to build by any sacrifices whatsoever) — they simply refuse to watch them. I think that low-quality white racialists are made very uncomfortable by my videos, since they suggest that (their own!) moral failings, the flaws in our own race, are as much to blame as the parasitical Jew (and his negro, muslim and other tools). The fourth presvid (above) goes deeply into the James Watson case, and how a scientifically distinguished white man (yes, and with nice blue eyes ;-)) revealed cowardice at the great moment of truth for him. My videos are not easy watching for the mere haters.

I can tell you from my heart that while I did expect this, and that “seed money” would come from only a very few, still I marvel that 2,000 people every day can read my blog and just blithely skip over the increasingly urgent requests for funds. That is really morally primitive, hoping someone else will make all the sacrifices.

But THIS is why our race is in this dilemma, because people, including racialists, are irresponsible cowards. Hating n—s and Jews or muslims is no sign of high character at all! The non-whites show every day that THEY are very good at this emotion called HATE. It is not noble, especially if the hate produces no ACTION.
If you hate, then fight, believe, obey, help, give!

If you read my blog every day and every week, yet never support my hard work how are you different from a fat negress on food stamps? She sponges — you sponge. She takes — you take.
And a few rack up incredible karma by giving and giving and giving and giving. 🙂 When my utilies were being turned off in 2009, I still sent $100 to Whittle and Sheppard! (Watch presvid four if you are unaware who these British heroes are!) (My handwriting is on the money order above; Henrik Holappa’s is below.)

I know the best of our people ARE ready, and also foreigners, for a movement that will tie down the ZOG regime on the Potomac that is tyrannizing the world. The current Iran issue is interesting……. The whole world hates Jew-merica for its ugliness, ignorance and bullying, and causing economic world chaos, and wants a movement to arise to keep the ZOG regime busy here on our own soil and not threatening and interfering with their lives from 185 overseas US military bases.

If I got in a few thousand, I could perhaps stay in this place, made of brick, fireproof, and full of my computer cables, and with garages to protect cars, and set up for being a headquarters. but if not I will spend valuable time moving around. I fear having my car unwatched and unprotected, or a mysterious “guest” in the hotel room next to mine. I need at least enough money for a house rental or apartment rental, two or three months. I have many gray hairs now, partly from financial stress — so is it time for a “heart attack”?…..and then anyone who says it was poisoning is a conspiracy nut. 😉

I wrote to someone the other day: “You act as if you are doing me a favor. No, it is I who am trying to save YOUR life from arrest, torture by Israelis or by personnel (as in Abu Ghraib) the Israelis have trained, and then death by work in the gulag, called a FEMA camp. You might appreciate 33 years of my sacrifices, and the fact that in me you have a person who looks and acts like a true president, and the leader we have needed. My videos show I am not afraid to let people scrutinize my face, for hours, and come to know me.”

In the end, I will be asking people to even die for their race. They must know WHO I am.

They say: “Your videos are too long. I cannot watch a 90-minute video.”

Well, maybe, but then why can you sit and watch four hours of teevee? Or spend four hours on Facebook, while owner Mark Zuckerberg takes notes of your every racialist word? 😉 WHY do you think Facebook is FREE? Data mining! To acquire the ARREST LIST.

I guess some bitterness reveals itself. But I am not burned out. Comrade, I simply love the few individuals like you who invest in something at this preparatory stage. Every Tom, Dick and Harry will want to climb on the bandwagon once this movement is off and running. The fair-weather friends will join in then, but I will remember who stood by me NOW, in the darkest hours.

I have plans which, even encrypted, I cannot reveal, but between the lines you can even read something in this email.

When you are ready to start with Linux and encryption, please let me know. Then I will tell you about an important thing that I can say to you.

Thank you.


===================VISITORS TO THIS WEBSITE

October 13 @ 10:08 : Woodbridge, Virginia, US
October 13 @ 10:05 : Puteaux, FR
October 13 @ 10:03 : Rome, IT
October 13 @ 10:03 : Milan, IT
October 13 @ 10:01 : Bruni, Texas, US
October 13 @ 10:01 : Louisville, Kentucky, US
October 13 @ 9:58 : Tiverton, Rhode Island, US
October 13 @ 9:55 : Drummond, Montana, US
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October 13 @ 9:53 : Moscow, RU

59th birthday today of Prime Minister Vladimir Putin

October 13 @ 9:50 : Perth, AU
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October 13 @ 8:28 : London, GB
October 13 @ 8:28 : Grove City, Ohio, US
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October 13 @ 6:33 : Paris, FR
October 13 @ 5:32 : Villiers-le-bel, FR
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This village in Bavaria has the two best makers of horse radish in the world….. 🙂

October 13 @ 2:18 : Munich, DE
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October 13 @ 11:36 : Gibsonia, Pennsylvania, US
October 13 @ 10:21 : Berlin, DE
October 13 @ 10:15 : Brooklyn, New York, US
October 13 @ 9:39 : Independence, Kentucky, US

General and later president Zachary Taylor of Kentucky, who liberated giant swaths of Aztec/Mexican-mis-ruled territory for incorporation into the United States, restoring lands that had been white and Solutrean millennia before and under Mexico had become Third World squalor.


Mexican-American War

In 1845, Texas became a U.S. state, and President James K. Polk directed Taylor to deploy into disputed territory on the Texas-Mexico border,[3] under the order to defend the state against any attempts by Mexico to take it back after it had lost control by 1836.[1] Taylor was given command of American troops on the Rio Grande,[14] the Army of Occupation, on April 23, 1845. When some of Taylor’s men were attacked by Mexican forces near the river, Polk told Congress in May 1846 that a war between Mexico and the United States had started by an act of the former.[3] That same month, Taylor commanded American forces at the Battle of Palo Alto, using superior artillery to defeat the significantly larger Mexican opposition.[3] In September, Taylor was able to inflict heavy casualties upon the Mexican defenders at the Battle of Monterrey.[3] The city of Monterrey was considered “un-destroyable”.[3] He was criticized for not ensuring the Mexican army that surrendered at Monterrey disbanded.[3] Afterwards, half of Taylor’s army was ordered to join General Winfield Scott’s soldiers as they besieged Veracruz.[3] Mexican General Antonio López de Santa Anna discovered, through a letter written by Scott to Taylor that had been intercepted by the Mexicans, that Taylor had only 6,000 men, many of whom were not regular army soldiers, and resolved to defeat him.[3] Santa Anna attacked Taylor with 20,000 men at the Battle of Buena Vista in February 1847, inflicting 672 American casualties at a cost of 1,800 Mexican.[3] As a result, Santa Anna left the field of battle.[3]

Buena Vista turned Taylor into a hero, and he was compared to George Washington and Andrew Jackson in the American popular press.[3] Stories were reportedly told about “his informal dress, the tattered straw hat on his head, and the casual way he always sat on top of his beloved horse, “Old Whitey,” while shots buzzed around his head”.[3]


October 13 @ 8:28 : Jakarta, ID

October 13 @ 8:25 : Grove City, Ohio, US
October 13 @ 7:47 : Hermosa Beach, California, US


What I lack is the “beans, bullets and bombs” (Marine expression) — the financial ammunition — to wage this war to achieve a merciless victory.


(new address!)

John de Nugent



[20 miles north of Pittsburgh, in western Pennsylvania]




–Cash in an envelope

–Blank money order (put in $ amount, not your name or to whom)

–MoneyGram (send from a Walmart or elsewhere)

–Paypal (to “john_denugent@yahoo.com”)

I urge every comrade to actually LOOK at the presidential videos.
It was NINETY YEARS AGO, comrades, that the great, beloved, respected Henry Ford, founder of the Ford Motor Company, came out with his blockbuster book The International Jew: ‘The World’s Foremost Problem.It is a superb book. But it is a book about THEM.

About the JEWS.

The only thing that will save us is a movement that is about US, the white race, and its elite, the Eternal Solutreans.

Watch my videos and see me awakening CONSCIENCES. And manhood.

We will NOT save our race by reading more about the Jews.



Your financial support will enable me to launch the Solutrean movement:

1) an international, pan-Aryan tribe that will survive, like high-tech Amish, the downfall of the Jew-corrupted West;

2) believing in ARYAN concepts of God and life after death, including reincarnation

3) understanding that psychopaths, not just deluded liberals, have taken over power in almost every aspect of society

4) realizing that “blue-eyed” naivete, lack of children and hyper-individualism are flaws in our race that must be actively countered;

5) seeing in the Jew and Arab a Neanderthal intrinsically hostile to the Cro Magnon, the white race. http://www.amfirstbooks.com/IntroPages/Subscription_Preview/Barnes_Review/2010/TBR_2010_05-06_Issue_3_Contents.html

6) Aryans, as a self-disciplined race, do NOT advocate dictatorship or a Führerprinzip except during times of extreme emergency and for a limited duration. The solution to the problems of democracy, as Thomas Jefferson said, are more democracy, more education, more knowledge, more free press and speech, more character, more love of our people — and the ruthless investigation, identification, and elimination of psychopaths from our society. Only our own bad apples have let the contemptible Jew into our lives.

7) This universe is a duality of male and female forces, the harsh and the gentle, the hierarchic and the democratic, the violent and the peaceful, the punishment and the forgiveness, and in each situation we must measure how much of each energy to use. But moderation cannot be a fetish; there can be no moderation about survival, power and strength. We will survive, and will pay any price to do so, and make the enemy of all mankind pay in the fullest measure.




These videos are big files. (We are creating a low-resolution version that will be easy to play even if you have an older computer or a slow Internet connection.)

For now, however, please pause each video below two seconds after it starts, and let it load for two minutes. Then start playing it again. It should flow well now.

(If after this step, any video stops spontaneously, it may be that your computer is older, or your Internet connection is slow.)

I would gladly use the Google-owned YouTube for these videos, but as thousands have experienced, YouTube does not believe in free speech if it threatens the tyrannical Jewish power to mentally, economically and politically control our lives and nation.

Both Google owners are Jewish. The two billionaire Google founders are Larry Page and Serge Brin. (Google was started with CIA money.)

These two arrogant Jewboys have deliberately sabotaged my free-speech efforts:

–damaging the sound synchronization on my videos,
–muting other videos,
–even deleting completely many of my videos, citing specious “coypright violations” in a selective and ludicrous way that mocks the Fair Use Act
blocked me from accessing my OWN YT channel, which now has death threats posted by other JEWS on it as “comments” that I cannot delete
–they have blocked me on my own two gmail accounts, claiming I was “spamming” when sending emails to WNs who 1) know me and 2) do not object to receiving my emails
–Jewgle even has reduced by fiat the number of search results on my name on the Google search engine from three million to 200,000. (It is still around three million on the Bing search engine from Microsoft.)

Since these Jews have declared open war on me, I would be a fool to entrust my videos, meant for the PUBLIC, to those who have declared openly they oppose me with every dirty trick in the book. Therefore these videos are on jrplayer. I will not beg the Jews for any favors by pulling one single punch. My goal is to save the best of our white race by lifting them up and by destroying the tyranny of Jewry over the world, not negotiate or compromise with them except over the terms of their surrender and the fate of their followers. The Jewish leaders are mass-murderers.

Please send me your feedback on how well these videos play for you and help us improve. Is my voice in synch with the movements of my mouth as I speak? (If not, we are being hacked again.) Does the playing stop and start? Please send me a report if you find problems:




Please pause each video two seconds after it starts, letting it load for two minutes. The black line next to the little black upright bar shows how far you have already played. The gray line that is growing in length to the right of the bar shows how much of the video has loaded in advance of you seeing it. After waiting two minutes, click play and start watching again. And thank the Jewboys at Google that you have to take this extra step. Were these videos on YouTube, they would already have been deleted, as are the entirety of my spiritual videos one and two. DELETED BY THE JEWS. Thus my use of “jrplayer” instead of YouTube.

Topics: “Titanic” movie opener; my family, military and political background and European sojourns; Tennessee Congressional race 1990 and voting machine fraud; Discovery Channel bashes me and Solutreanism for an hour; appearance on Alan Colmes FOX radio show; 2003 academic conference I arranged on Paris, Berlin and Moscow axis aginast Bush; greetings in German, French, Spanish, Finnish and Afrikaans; shocking videos from Canada and Sweden pushing race-mixing; fear of a real God is the beginning of wisdom; how a new religion made the Arabs suddenly into a superpower; “Man is a fallen god who remembers the heavens”; the young souls indifferent to the divine world; humanimals (humans who resemble animals in looks and behavior); four realities about God in upcoming God video; Israel and 9/11, and the NWO and global depopulation conspiracy.


Topics: Beautiful keltic music and video; memes, the ideas that change lives and values; why are 38% of Europeans mentally ill if “Hitler the madman” is long gone?; big city life no explanation; why Hitler was beloved in Germany; Homeland Security groping and scanning at airports; Israelis do ethnic profiling without apology; Neander’s “Praise the Lord, the King of Creation” video clip; Benjamin Franklin: the Enlightenment founded the USA; Goethe: “We belong to the race that strives from obscurity to light”; religious dogmatism wrong; John Kennedy video clip on how our job is helping God’s creatures; the Big Bang (and video clip thereof) show the vastness and incomprehensible nature of God; white South Africans in misery; Middle Eastern religions bring fanaticism; huge white colonial families; primitivity of Amerindians; Ben Franklin in Boston; black civil rights leaders, Stanley Levison, MLK speechwriter; giant Chinese MLK statue on National Mall in Washington DC; why do African-Americans not visit Africa or Haiti?; Lincoln and Lee wanted blacks to return to Africa; Reverend Manning of Harlem on black crime; Tiger Woods and black white-supremacists; China helped North Korea invade South Korea and kill our men; Chinese threat; white minority in China oppressed: Tokharian mummies; video of white boy in China being beaten; different racial views of freedom; definition of marines and why is China building a marine corps?; MLK daughter says Lincoln signed Declaration of Independence, after all Lincoln did for blacks…..

Please pause each video two seconds after it starts, letting it load for two minutes. Then click play again.


Topics: Angry black people such as Obama; George Washington statue boxed off as MLK celebration held; Washington deserves our reverence as Father of Our Country; video from “Braveheart” of terrible British retribution against “traitors”; what is white manhood today?; privations and sufferings of white civil rights activists; “Invictus” poem about facing death with courage; “300” (Spartans) video clip; Ben Franklin advocated nordic immigration; American Revolution redheads Jefferson and Jackson; Jackson’s fierce spirit of freedom; Jefferson buys Louisiana; Jefferson on the black race and how it cannot live with whites; free them and send them away; America built as an offshoot of Greco-Roman and European civilization; 1924 immigration law strengthened white immigration; Jimmy Stewart movie (video clip) “It’s a Wonderful Life” shows decency in the old white America; police did not dress like soldiers then; Harvard study: half of whites feel discrimination due to being white; biggest discrimination is violent anti-white crime by blacks, and Patrick Buchanan column; blacks get preference in federal hiring….

Please pause each video two seconds after it starts, letting it load for two minutes. Then click play again.

PART FOUR OF SIX (low resolution for now)

Topics: Dr. James Watson co-discovered DNA molecule structure, won Nobel Prize; stated to London Times that blacks are less intelligent; British hate-speech police get involved; ignorant or cowardly US taxpayers fund arrest of white Europeans who come to America for freedom of speech; Whittle-Sheppard case; extreme obedience of federal workers; British Crown Prosecution Service; despicable recantation by Watson of racial truth; but fired anyway; soldiers and marines with only physical courage; old men who are unworried about the world their children and grandchildren will grow up in; black flash mobs; media white-bashing during Rodney King-1992 L.A. riot; black flash mob at West Allis, Wisconsin State Fair; whites rage verbally at black mass attack; black leaders who promote only what is good for their own race; does Obama smoke pot in the White House?; Ben Franklin the great scientist about the nature of light as both wave and particle; Alexander Hamilton wanted central federal rule; Franklin appeals for prayer at each session of the Constitutional Convention; Ben Franklin gave away his great inventions: the lightning rod, bifocal glasses, the Franklin stove, which replacing the very inefficient fireplace, and the odometer, the lending library, and the University of Pennsylvania; Britain tightens control over once-free colonies; Franklin brings in the French as important war allies against Britain; French fleet win Battle of the Chesapeake; Franklin advocates home life full of real culture, singing, reading and performing music; advocates as US motto: “Rebellion against tyrants is obedience to God”; founder of satanism rightfully notes that “Man is the only animal who can lie to himself and believe it”; facing the real dangers so as to beat them….

PART FIVE OF SIX (COMING) The reality of God, judgment of your life, reincarnation, angelic watching over our lives, and how to act wisely in each situation.

PART SIX OF SIX (COMING) The President of the Americans — and the directives for our survival in the chaotic times right ahead.

TEASER “SOLUTREANISM IN SEVEN” The intro video to “drive” people to the spiritual and presidential videos

All these DVDs, low-res, will be compressed on one DVD, free of charge (since it contains copyrighted materials, I can use them under the Fair Use Act but cannot charge anything) and the whole work can be downloaded on Torrent also.

The modus operandi for distribution after that is going door-to-door, Jehovah’s Witness or Mormon style, giving it away to friends, relatives and acquaintances who seem to be leaning our way, and creating literally a new white and truly ARYAN (“noble”) TRIBE that will survive as the wimpy, brainwashed, compliant whites go under as part of the planned depopulation demanded on the Georgia Guidestones and circulating in all the NWO “elite” circles.

The target of a world population of 500 million is the first commandment of the Georgia Guidestones…..




The 2011 ten-part video series designed by John de Nugent to launch the Eternal Solutreans, an international white tribe and religious movement based on ancient white spirituality and glories.

Spiritual video 1:
White destiny, manhood and womanhood; facing horrible realities with courage
Spiritual video 2 PSYCHOPATHS:
the toxic minority that takes over everything
Spiritual video 3:
Jews and drug trafficking; Opium Wars and the murder of Pulitzer Prize winner Gary Webb
Spiritual video 4:
The Christian-Newsom murders in Tennessee
Spiritual video 5:
Edward Bernays and the “Hidden Hand” government behind the scenes
Spiritual video 6:
A White State
Spiritual video 7:
Who is the “Hidden Hand” — Henry Ford lays it out
Spiritual video 8:
Betrayal of the American fighting man; white Americans now a minority; incest and judaism — a shocking exposé


in German:


A Discovery Channel program from February 2010 — contradicting two earlier Discovery Channel documentaries (“Homicide at Kennewick” and “Ice Age Columbus”). Four hostile non-whites show up, and sit within three feet of me, having no bodyguards on such short notice. This explain the pistols. The British, half-Jewish, bisexual host, Olly Steeds, ridicules the scientific fact (proven by skeletons, tools, weapons and carbon dating) that whites came to the Americas thousands of years before the Amerindians and attacks me as a dangerous man. Four hours of interview with JdN are edited down to four hostile minutes. But after the Alan Colmes show the Jews do not like to do live shows wth me which they cannot edit afterward.


John de Nugent for President



John announces the possibility of running for President of the United States
“Let My People Go!”
No more wars for Israel Conference
What we can do to save America!!!!!
How we will be able to save America!!!!!
Origin of Civilization
Mexicans Aztecs and Mayans
The Return of the White Gods
Ancient Americans were White! Part One
Ancient Americans were White! Part Two
Apocalypse of the Psychopaths
American Politics
Electronic Voting
My First Year in the Cause
Jews Always Over Reach
The Internet
Why did Israel Attempt to Sink our Ship the USS Liberty?
On Marcus Garvey; David Duke introduces me at 3:55 and then I speak.


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