ENGLISH The stress of being a government target; toxic Patriot Act not renewed

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Today’s blog comes entirely from the Land Down Under — where women glow and men thunder. 😉

Certainly that is true of my friend, the non-WN and antizionist liberal Brendon O’Connell, who just assaulted Zion head-on in court and then was sent to the slammer for three years in a courtroom in Perth, on the western Australian coast.

As you read the below, you may get an idea what life is like when you are a high-profile antizionist (or WN).

What made Brendon particularly pitiful was that he

1) lived in utter and continuing poverty. (I myself, for all my own current poverty, grew up in a near-millionaire home as a kid, so I was not and I still am not used to living hand-to-mouth, with my utilities being cut off.) I felt I just had to send him about $450, via a generous friend in another Commonwealth country. Brendon raged to me at how no one except me and a few others sent him money to get the most needed supplies.

2) Several of his closest family or friends died suspiciously once he began going to town on the VERINT issue, and the sudden death by “stroke” of his 42-year-old sister Jackie, a mother of two children, impacted him terribly. There will be a terrible vengeance for that crime. Jews, it is one thing to take on a warrior, but to kill his sister…………….

3) His apartment was constantly invaded while he was out

4) His computers were constantly being confiscated by the police (which also happened continually to Pedro Varela in Spain, who now also is in prison)

5) Or they were being invaded by Israeli hackers. One time, the Jews turned his laptop off — I mean they REMOTELY turned off the electrical power switch — right while he and I were talking on Skype and preparing a key interview!

6) The judge issued a gag order preventing him from saying anything at all online about the fact he was under indictment and facing 14 years in prison!! How the hell do you raise money to get a decent lawyer when forbidden to talk about your own indictment!!!!!!!!!!!!

Add it all up and you have a man living in psychological hell, and now he is in literal hell in prison.

Plus he is an excitable, albeit lovable Irishman (not a drinker, however, at all) and not always a cerebral thinker.

But Brendon is a true hero, and a man in a world of midgets.

Some day soon, if God blesses my efforts, the world will know his name, and about Port Arthur and about VERINT.

As for yesterday’s incident with the Secret Service, I now see it in a more nuanced way. I thank God that it was William Steen who came and not some aggressive, bull-like cop from outside this county with steroid muscles, demanding to speak with or take away my assistant, Clark Lightbridge.

There is no bluff in me, or in the many Walther and Makarov photos on this blog, or my skill in headshots, when I say:

No one will arrest my staff, one by one, so as to cripple my peaceful mission with bogus charges.  We are all law-abiding people.

And I am who I am through my staff as well as the money sent me. My staff is my family. And if white men are my brothers, brown and black or yellow men who help our race survive and who seek a better world at my side are my cousins.

One thing they make clear to every Marine is this:

The first priority is accomplishing the mission, and in second place only is the welfare of your men.

However, for me, my men and women ARE the key to achieving my mission.

And so I issue today, as the founder of this still embryonic Eternal Solutrean Movement, this policy statement to the terror regime: I will fight and die for my staff.

I cannot be more explicit than that. And I think they will die for me.

As Jesus said:

Let him who has eyes see, and let him who has ears listen:

Once a Marine, always a Marine.

First to fight for right and freedom, and to keep our honor clean.

However, if you are white trash and reading this blog, and you have committed a real crime, when the policeman pulls you over, or appears at your house or place of work to arrest you,  submit peacefully and be arrested. Eternal Solutreans stand for law — just law  — and for order –just order. Law and order are cosmic principles and sacred to this movement. If you cause trouble, reap what you sow. If you do the crime, do the time.

From my 2008 radio ads, this one expresses best who I am and will ever be. As my father fought at Iwo Jima when we were attacked, so am I determined, if we are attacked, to fight in Sarver:


Grief in supporters as Spanish publisher and patriot Pedro Varela enters a particularly horrible prison in Spain. Why do we surrender to a government that is not a government, but a Jewish gangsterocracy? On 9/11 this “government” mass-murdered 3,000 American and other civilians!

If you wish to see many other videos of mine, then consult this search link:


And now the article from today’s Brendon O’Connell blog website, published by his friend, another liberal antizionist named Jim. You will learn a lot about my life as well from reading this. (Source: http://brendonoconnell.blogspot.com/2011/02/poseidon-of-takeourworldbackcom.html)

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09 February 2011

“Poseidon” Of Takeourworldback.Com: Psychologist Or Just Plain Psycho?

[JdN: Note the choice of a side photo…. It really brings out the nasal features, does it not? ;-)]

For the last two years, “Poseidon”, the deceptive entity who owns and controls the takeourworldback.com, planetquo.info and fugaziquo.net domains, has continually asserted Brendon O’Connell to be a “nutjob”, “paranoid”, “a “paranoid fantasist”, “narcissistic”, “a megalomaniac”, “delusional”, and a “delusional nutcase”, who has “deep-rooted mental problems”. This wannabe psychiatrist has been making the same assertions against myself even longer, and against Christopher Bollyn and Daryl Bradford Smith even longer still. Now he’s accusing a poster on the anti-Neocons forum by the name of “Drew J” of being a “delusional nutjob” if not a “Zionist agent” – the same baseless allegation that “Poseidon” has also made against myself, Brendon O’Connell, Michael Stewart, our American friend Andy a.k.a “Quasimodo” and several high-profile figures in the anti-Zionist movement including Christopher Bollyn, Eric Hufschmid and Daryl Bradford Smith.
As far as I am aware, “Poseidon” has not received any formal training in the field of psychology/mental health, has never worked in any capacity in this discipline, and does not possess any professional qualifications that would allow him to make accurate assessments of other people’s mental state. And even if “Poseidon” actually was a qualified psychologist, he would still not be able to pass judgement on other people’s mental health unless he had actually met and interacted with those who he has “diagnosed”. “Poseidon” has never met Brendon O’Connell nor has he ever met me in the flesh either. “Poseidon” has never interacted with Brendon O’Connell in any way whatsoever and his only interaction with me came via a brief period of e-mail correspondence four years ago which lasted all of six-weeks. One must wonder then, how someone with no professional qualifications in the field of psychology/mental health believes it possible to accurately assess the state of other people’s mental health via the Internet. It is both amusing and somewhat ironic that the guy who would have you believe that all of his critics and enemies are either “narcissistic” and/or “delusional” appears to be afflicted by the very same mental illnesses that he has “diagnosed” in several other people. It is even more amusing and ironic that Poseidon”  the “psychiatrist”  was not able to spot that his associate and collaborator, Daniel Calvert John Makeham, is self-admittedly mentally-ill as a consequence of his prolonged drug-abuse which  has culminated in heroin addiction. Yet even more amusing is that “Poseidon” has defended this self-confessed ADL informant, promoted him as a “credible” source, accepted information from him while being fully-aware that Makeham is mentally-ill, a heroin addict, and an ADL informant.
Although “Poseidon” apparently believes himself to be a “psychologist”, he is but an obvious propagandist, a smear-merchant, and a nauseous hypocrite who practices Internet psychiatry without a license and without a clue. The same cannot be said of Professor Kevin MacDonald though,
Unlike “Poseidon”, Professor MacDonald possesses a professional qualification in psychology, namely a Ph. D. in Biobehavioral Sciences. Professor MacDonald is therefore in a far better position to comment on the state of Brendon O’Connell’s mental health than is the wannabe psychiatrist who calls himself “Poseidon”. Not only does Professor MacDonald know more about the subject of psychology than “Poseidon” will ever know, Professor MacDonald also has the added advantage of having actually interacted with Brendon O’Connell. Professor MacDonald has a further advantage over “Poseidon” in that Professor MacDonald is well-respected within the anti-Zionist movement. I’m sure you’ll agree that of the pair, Professor MacDonald is a much more credible reference point vis a vis the subject of psychology than is “Poseidon”. Of course, there is a possibility that “Poseidon” might insist that he is more knowledgeable and a lot smarter than Professor MacDonald, but if he were to be so foolish and arrogant to actually do so, “Poseidon” then leaves himself wide-open to legitimate accusations of narcissistic and and delusional behaviour.
I recently contacted Professor MacDonald to seek his professional opinion regarding Brendon O’Connell’s mental state. I asked Professor MacDonald if he could see any evidence of Brendon O’Connell being “unstable”, “delusional”, “paranoid”, “nuts”, or “narcissistic” as has been alleged by “Poseidon”.
Click here for magnified view
Professor MacDonald duly responded, and I then asked for and obtained, his permission to publicise his professional opinion vis a vis the condition of Brendon O’Connell’s mental health.
Click here for magnified view
This is what Professor MacDonald wrote:
Click here for magnified view
Well, there you have it folks. In Professor MacDonald’s professional opinion, Brendon O’Connell does not suffer from any of the mental illnesses that “Poseidon”, the wannabe psychiatrist of Bristol had earlier “diagnosed”. So who are you going to believe? A distinguished Professor of psychology or some jumped-up, pretentious, self-important, odious, deceitful Judas goat Jew-shill? It’s a no brainer really.
And so concludes the undistinguished psychiatric “career” of the buffoon who practiced Internet psychiatry without a licence and without a clue. How long will it be, I wonder, before “Poseidon” begins to accuse Professor MacDonald of being “delusional” or of being a “Zionist agent” who is “handled” by Eric Hufschmid and/or Rupert Murdoch?
See also:

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A comrade wrote me:

Hi – since your blog talked about Crocodile Brendee 😉 today re “Poseidon”, I went to O’Connell’s site and scrolled down and skimmed there. I did note Kevin MacDonald wrote a lengthy article about Brendon. And further down, saw this:


(A court observer says several of Brendon’s jury members were Jewish !! )


An excellent interview by Judge Andrew Napolitano with Congressman Dennis Kucinich (D-Cleveland, Ohio) before the vote today REJECTING renewal of this unconstitutional “law”:


The news today is that by just a few votes, the House or Representatives voted to NOT renew the Bush-era Patriot Act! However, it appears that the danger is not yet over:



1 Comment

  1. Amateur psychiatrists should be ignored as a rule. We wouldn’t allow an amateur nuclear physicists to design nuclear reactors or amateur pilots to fly jumbo jets, would we? They have an abject pattern of failure with me. None of them have ever gotten my long-standing diagnosis correct. It’s a shame that we can’t have these people brought up on charges of practicing medicine without a license.

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