I am going to do something radically different in terms of the outreach I do to people so as to get the needed funds into lead and save our race. This whole situation is simply ridiculous. Look at people, right here in PA, hating the pedophiles who molest our kids, and yet they put up with them!! Our own governor is 100% a pedophile protector himself! (See this blog further below.) The sheeple are afraid of a government that they can see is FULL of powerful pedophiles itself!
Missing since 2005 and ruled to be legally DEAD: Centre County District Attorney Ray Gricar, who was investigating Jerry Sandusky
This video in two parts shows yours truly speaking to a live audience in Michigan. THE SOUND QUALITY OF THE ORIGINAL RECORDING WAS BAD; WE HAVE FIXED IT AND ADDED SUBTITLES AS WELL.
Here is the next segment, with my wild experience in Germany, and ending with an Irish song sing by Margaret to honor Irish heritage.
PS Would it be ok if I forwarded your email bulletins onto our attendees?:
Dear comrade [XXX],
I am very honored by your invitation.
I must decline with the deepest regret, and for one reason only:
The jew-“feds” here would love to arrest me — and to fly I would have to be disarmed to go through the airport and get on the plane.
Sure, you can “frisk”me like this if I can “FRISK” YOUR WIFE THE SAME WAY, BUDDY.
There is no WN they persecute and harass more, opening and stealing my mail and contributions, hacking my websites, seeking to terrorize my video editor, deleting my Wikipedia article (https://johndenugent.com/about-john/wikipedia-biography-john-de-nugent), closing Facebook and YouTube pages, closing a paid Photobucket account with 2,500 photos, turning both my children against me, causing my millionaire father to disinherit me, and launching wave after wave of the most vile defamation of my character.
Not to mention deleting the largest personal thread in the history of the government-controlled, fake WN forum called Stormfront, a thread I ran with 290,000 views at the end!
In 2009…
In 2011, not long before its ruthless deletion:
I am the one who says truthfully that our Cause is riddled with infiltrators and “turned” activists who will say and do anything to get out of — or avoid jail — where they are cooped up with violent blacks, mexicans, and muslims!
And like Michael Collins in the successful Irish Uprising, I say it is time that traitors die! We will not win while they live!
I am called by jews, white leftist psychopaths, paid Israeli shills (http://www.veteranstoday.com/2012/10/12/diary-of-an-israeli-shill/) and “turned” and weak individuals still nesting in our Cause a pedophile, homosexual, coward, swindler, wife-beater, mentally ill person, egomaniac, and a Marine expelled from the US Marine Corps for homosexuality….Every lie in the book, and these demonstrably are the exact same ones lodged against Hitler.
“They” already “turned” (legal/espionage term) by various forms of threat and pressure two of my assistants, one of whom just embezzled $4,000 from me without even being arrested for his crime.
They arrested another, whereupon he wrote a horrid screed against me and then six charges against him were dropped.
And a friend of Margaret’s who knows me (he is not a WN, though a fellow alumnus of Georgetown University) was also arrested and now is in his third month of jail, two month in the negro hell of the Washington DC jail and now a month in confinement with an electronic monitoring ankle bracelet to his aunt’s home.
The goal in each and every case is to get someone behind bars and then squeeze them mercilessly until they say I did something illegal or that I am a loathsome monster.
Of course, that strategy can succeed only in further defaming me, not in getting me arrested. I have vowed to never be arrested, and I am heavily armed at each and every second of my life, even inside my own home, so as to preclude that.
Tragically, this situation precludes my flying, for obvious reasons. No one can fly armed, and once I would land I would be in a “Jewnited Kingdom” that is more and more a police state. It all began with the founding of the Bank of England back in 1694, with all guns now illegal even for native Britons — except for the treasonous thugs and killers of the City-of-London Police State who are working to destroy your British nation and replace you all with mongrel muslims, Chinese, Jews, homosexuals and pedophiles who live to exterminate every last British male and take your women.
DEMONIC symbol at the entrance to the “City” of London
Comrade, I would, however, be willing and most eager to address your crowd by any kind of electronic means, such as a live webconference or, in the worst case, by a pre-recorded speech.
I am aware of your hate-speech laws and would reluctantly adjust my vocabulary accordingly.
As you may know, I have a profoundly different strategy from absolutely everyone else in the WN cause. I openly seek to start a mass organization and to be its leader. I am certain that reincarnation is a massively proven scientific fact. (https://johndenugent.com/solutreanism/important-info/reincarnation-evidence) I believe there is a karmic link between me and the chancellor of Germany. (Scroll down one-quarter here: https://johndenugent.com/english/south-africa-namby-pamby-ways-messages-and-leaders-have-failed) And I feel summoned to create a militant Aryan religion alongside a political movement, one which will fortify us with such a certainty of the afterlife that we will be a match for the muslims and Jews who themselves enjoy a race-based religion that immeasurably transforms them into militant fighters.
My friend Horst Mahler is doing 13 years. My friend Günter Deckert is doing 5 months. My friend Vincent Reynouard did ten months. My friend Shaun Walker got six years. It would be the height of irresponsibiity for me as a potentia, yes, second Adolf Hitler to walk unarmed into the enemy’s security forces area. I believe after five years of hell on earth that I am the only person the Jews not only hysterically hate but also truly fear. You should see the twisted emails they send me, full of the most demonic sexual imagery and curses, the kinds of verbal sewage that only Ernst Zundel in his prime used to get.
I deeply regret this necessity to decline your invitation, because I feel a great love for Britain, and my grandfather and guardian spirit, John Thomas Coldwell., was an Englishman from Yorkshire.
This was my two-part video on him:
I am putting this email and a carefully edited version of your email (without your name or that of your group) to me on my blog. I grieve so much that I cannot visit the glorious land of my Norman, Anglo-Saxon and Scottish ancestors.
But some day I will come, bearing a sword of wrath, and our enemies will drown, as we jeer, in a sea of blood — their own foul fluids, yet paying for the innocent red blood of our white men, women and children they have spilled for centuries for sadistic delight and obscene profit.
Then the Scepter’d Isle will return to glory. For this I live and breathe every second.
John de Nugent
PS Yes, please do forward my mass emails on to your attendees. it sounds like a fine group, and if they wish to be fighters and give their lives, I am looking for such, for the highest caliber of members.
The “Suiciding” of Pedophile Investigators
Jerry Sandusky
Hidden In Plain Sight
Second Mile Governing Board Member | Institutional Affiliation |
David Woodle | Chairman & CEO, NanoHorizons, Inc. |
Clyde Shuman | Principal, Precision Medical, Inc. |
William Martin | Certified Financial Planner, uFinancial |
Cliff Benson | Retired, Deloitte Tax LLP |
Donald Carlino | President, Airgas Safety, Inc. |
Sen. Jake Corman | Pennsylvania State Senator |
Neal DeAngelo | Owner, DeAngelo Brothers, Inc. |
Edward Dunklebarger | President, Susquehanna Bancshares, Inc. |
Kenneth Ewing | Retired, Hershey Foods Corporation |
Michael Fiaschetti | Senior Vice President, Highmark Blue Shield |
Michael Fiore | Executive Vice President, Leonard S. Fiore, Inc. |
Linda Gall | Community Volunteer |
Anne Deeter Gallaher | Owner, Deeter Gallaher Group LLC |
Bruce Heim | Chairman, Keystone Real Estate Group, LP |
Dorothy Huck | Community Volunteer |
Dick Kile | President, Tri-Emerald Financial Group |
Tom Knepley | Sales and Marketing Coordinator, Techbldrs |
Michael Kuntz | Vice President and General Manager, Turner Construction |
Matt Millen | ESPN Football Analyst, |
Heidi Nicholas | Real Estate Developer & Manager, CEI, Inc. |
Michael O’Donnell | Vice President, Wealth Advisor, Morgan Stanley |
Kim Ortenzio-Nielsen | Community Volunteer |
Chuck Pearson | Retired, Bank Chairman, Waypoint Financial |
Eric Peterson | CPA, Walz, Deihm, Geisenberger, Bucklen & Tennis |
Alec Pringle | Real Estate Appraiser/Developer/ |
Nancy Ring | Realtor, REMAX Centre County |
DrueAnne Schreyer | Community Volunteer |
Steve Seltzer | President, Steve Seltzer Honda |
Lauren Shank | Corporate Attorney and Community Volunteer |
Louie Sheetz | Executive Vice President for Marketing, Sheetz, Inc. |
Fred Strouse | Realtor, Kissinger Bigatel Brower |
Richard Struthers | Retired, Bank of America |
Michael Sullivan | Owner, Automated Records Centre |
Daryl Milliner | Regional Vice President, Paradigm Partners |
Jerry Burton | Certified Brain Specialist |
Mark Greenberg | Director, The Prevention Research Center, College of Health and Human Development, Pennsylvania State University |
The Suiciding of Carole Kasir
The Murder/Suiciding of Georgia State Senator Nancy Schaefer
“…the separation of families is growing as a business because local governments have grown accustomed to having taxpayer dollars to balance their ever-expanding budgets.The Adoption and the Safe Families Act, set in motion by President Bill Clinton, offered cash “bonuses” to the states for every child they adopted out of foster care. In order to receive the “adoption incentive bonuses” local child protective services need more children. They must have merchandise (children) that sell and you must have plenty of them so the buyer can choose. Some counties are known to give a $4,000 bonus for each child adopted and an additional $2,000 for a “special needs” child.Employees work to keep the federal dollars flowing.The National Center on Child Abuse and Neglect in 1998 reported that six times as many children died in foster care than in the general public and that once removed to official “safety”, these children are far more likely to suffer abuse, including sexual molestation than in the general population.That according to the California Little Hoover Commission Report in 2003, 30% to 70% of the children in California group homes do not belong there and should not have been removed from their homes.…poor parents often times are targeted to lose their children because they do not have the where-with-all to hire lawyers and fight the system. Being poor does not mean you are not a good parent or that you do not love your child, or that your child should be removed and placed with strangers.”
The Biggest Victims of All
4 thoughts on “The “Suiciding” of Pedophile Investigators”
Yes we are a despicable species. I am tripped off everything now. Left with disgust…Have to take a shower too. What can an individual do now?
I very highly suspect that the Federal government wants to become the “parent” of kids, but I fail to see the “Zionist” connection. This diminishes your argument I believe. Even if true.
Triple Dee January 27, 2013 at 1:15 pm
I was awarded to the state at the age of 5 years old. I had family other than dad and mom who could have cared for me but my state has laws which state that a child can only be removed to persons of legal age of decision, age of 18+, and have to be immediate family. Default here if you have no older brother or sisters, or at least one parent is a group home.
There were other children who suffered as I did, and there were cases of rape and molestation, but because you are in a group home, no one would listen to you. You must be a bad child because you are in a group home so you must be lying. My mom died of cancer and my dad became an unfit parent after she died because of depression… so the story goes. Tell me how i was a bad kid that deserved all of that shit? That is where the system is messed up. And I tried to sue the state, yeah… that was an 8-year waste of time. I am 30 now and have moved on, but I spit on those who mistreat children.
=============donations for my sheriff race
John de Nugent for Sheriff
681 Canal Road
Apollo PA 15613
(724) 596-4284
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