ENGLISH The torture of solitary confinement

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The Faroe Islands are an island group situated between the Norwegian Sea and the North Atlantic Ocean, approximately halfway between Great Britain and Iceland.

The population never exceeded 5,000 until the 18th century. Only with the rise of deep sea fishery (and thus independence from agriculture in the islands’ harsh terrain) rapid population growth became possible. From the 18th century onward, the population increased tenfold to almost 50,000 in 2010.

Ólavsøka is the national holiday of the Faroe Islands. The Ólavsøka Boat Race held on the eve of Ólavsøka is one of the highlights in Faroese sports. In addition, there are art exhibitions, folk music, and Faroese chaindance performances. The culture of the Faroe Islands has its roots in Nordic (North Germanic) culture. Long isolated from the main cultural phases and movements that swept across parts of Europe, they have maintained a great part of their traditional culture and contemporary Faroese artists continue to be strongly influenced by it.

The Faroese language is one of the least spoken of the Germanic languages, but very much alive. Faroese grammar as well as vocabulary is most similar to Icelandic and to Old Norse. Phonetically, spoken Faroese is very different from Icelandic and closer to Norwegian dialects of the west coast of Norway. Faroese language policy provides for the active creation of new words in Faroese instead of imported loan words.



And keep in mind that this story began in 2007, and it was the RINO (Republican In Name Only) and illiterate cokehead George W. Bush whose regime indicted and convicted him. And the obviously meek-looking, law-abiding David Olafson, a typical Scandinavian-American from Wisconsin, Army reservist, husband and father of three, now is actually DOING the thirty-month federal sentence which was pending when the Lou Dobbs video was on TV……

I thank Henrik Holappa of Finland for sending me this video. (Note that the Jews subsequently got rid of CNN host Lou Dobbs himself, who was also hammering at the feds for allowing the illegal-alien invasion from Mexico):


I suggest fedzilla not attempt a “dynamic entry” at my house, because they will get a “dynamic” response….. Olafson is just the type that bullies jump on, the law-abiding, authority-respecting Midwestern decent citizen…..the kind they know will submit. I cannot imagine a better example of the “blue-eyed” naiveté of our race, or how our trusting and loyal nature is raped.

Beautiful child actress Dakota Fanning, of Irish and German heritage

Here is a man, this Olafson, who patriotically joins the federal army — and the federals, for the sheer fun of it, destroy his life, because they can, because they are sadistic psychopaths, and because it is fun to step on the little people. (See my key article on psychopaths in power: https://johndenugent.com/psychopaths-in-power)

And as for the gentleman with the “labrador retrievers”…..I do not know if you are sincere or not, or sincere but FOLLOWED, and if you are sincere I appreciate your time…..but while you offered an interesting conversation, and I respectfully listened, I cannot be interested in your offer to me.

As I stated to the FBI in person and by email subsequently, I know this:

Via the mass movement that will be the Eternal Solutreans, I will exert the peaceful, political pressure needed to keep the Internet up, and maintain it as a precious last haven of American free speech.

I, a public leader, and a thousand courageous bloggers, some of them honest, decent JEWS, like Gilad Atzmon, Brother Nathanael Kapner, Andrew Winkler or Israel Shamir, will continue to expose — fully, factually and peacefully — the criminal zionist government’s machinations against our liberty.

And peacefully, this Net, OUR American- taxpayer-funded Internet, OUR “information superhighway” on which all may drive, this PUBLIC UTILITY can erode and defang ZOG.We can defeat it while remaining peacefully armed and peacefully vigilant.

We have already had many victories using the Net:

–there has been no repeat of 9/11 on US soil

–the Internet has made so many high-ranking US Navy, Marine and Army officers aware of the Israeli authorship of the John F. Kennedy murder, the USS Liberty atrocity and of the Gentile holocaust of 9/11….. (which is why Admiral Mullen warned the Israelis face-to-face to not even dream of another USS Liberty incident)

…..and I will additionally expose the NUMEC scandal, where dozens of my fellow white Pennsylvanians died a horrible cancer death from working at, or living near, the sloppiest uranium plant on the planet, founded by the Pittsburgh Jew Zalman Shapiro,  so Israel could steal nuclear fuel to illegally make The Bomb….

…..and it is because of OUR INTERNET and bloggers that Israel has been unable to do a SECOND MAJOR false-flag attack since 9/11/01 on a US vessel or base in order to blame it on the Iranians, and trigger an invasion of Holocaust-debunking Iran;

–we WHITE AMERICANS, using the too-timid TEA PARTY as our vehicle, defeated illegal-alien amnesty, which was proposed by the RINO president, George W. Bush, and sponsored in the Senate by the RINO John McCain;

–the hate-whitey major movie “Machete,” promoted by FOX (Twentieth Century Fox, the movie-making sister corporation to FOX Cable News), which opened in a whopping TWO-THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED theaters (not just in the barrios; see my blogs on this flic: https://johndenugent.com/?s=Machetecrashed and burned at the box-office in September 2010 because of white anger…

My presidential video deals with a fiery zing with a JEWS-media that could promote actively such a racist murder film in 2500 theaters, including right here two miles from my home in lily-white little Sarver, Pennsylvania, in 98% white Butler County. You like my machete, Mexicans? White people INVENTED steel, and a German named Fritz sharpened mine.

Here are screenshots which my volunteer assistant Jason Salyers found of this disgusting misoleukic movie PROMOTED BY FOX, a violent fantasy of sex orgies with white women and killing orgies for white men…..Even nuns and priests of mestizo blood get into the kill-whitey mood. The movie BOMBED MISERABLY at the box office because via Alex Jones, myself and others, White America got ANGRY.



Mexican priest (played, ironically, by the pothead Cheech) shotguns white man right in the face…. (All white men are depicted as being ugly, black-haired, or old.)

White cops gets a machete through the chest.

Remember, white conservatives and peace officers reading this, that FOX (yes, Rupert Murdoch’s FOX, see the Wikipedia article: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Machete_%28film%29) distributed and hyped this film.)


Distributed by 20th Century Fox (North America)[2]
Sony Pictures Entertainment
Hyde Park International

At the LA “Machete” screening on August 25, 2010 in Los Angeles, California: (L-to-R) actor Cheech Marin, Tony Sella (FOX’s co-president of marketing), actor Don Johnson (who plays the “racist border vigilante” leader Von Jackson), director Robert Rodriguez, FOX Executive Vice President (and  blatant Jew) Jeffrey Godsick (http://prod.promaxbda.org/conference/speakers/godsick.aspx)  If I may quote Don Johnson: “People in the business will stay with you through drugs and alcohol and divorces and insanity and everything else, but you have a failure, pal, and they don’t want to know nothing about you.” After expenses, “Machete” made just $30 million worldwide, even with the huge Spanish aftermarket. Maybe Latinos understand that gringos build good countries and “don’t kill the white goose that lays the golden eggs.”

Mexican nun: blood is thicker than holy water

Ugly whites nail priest to a cross inside the church

Nasty, graying, haircut-needing gringo drives in the nails.

Suffer as the nails go in, you “poor, hardworking Mexican who just wants to contribute to America and enjoy the American dream, and add to our diversity….

The vengeful illegal-alien El Machete goes after white government officials; the filmmaker Roberto Rodriguez had no problem filming this terrorist scene where illegals attack the government right in front of the Texas State Capitol….

The mestizo hero shoots a US senator dead (played by Robert De Niro, showing this was no small-potatoes production) who was opposed to illegal immigration. Another nasty old white guy who needs to die….


The pint-sized and seriously ugly May-hee-ka-no, played by Danny Trejo, who literally is a convicted felon, then scores with two white babes….


Las blancas muy deliciosas!

…then after use throws them in his van

The hero of Latinos against white oppression….(Hey, hombre, if Mexico is so great, why did you crawl through the desert to get out of there? Aren’t you really a confused white supremacist? Aren’t you loco to turn America into another Mexico like the corrupt, crime-ridden, filthy dump you fled?)


And now back to our OTHER Internet-fueled victories:

–we devastated Barack Insane Obongo at the polls in November; his Dems lost over 50 seats in, and control over, the U.S. House of Representatives, and now the GOP is attacking his marxist health plan, the Tenth-Amendment-violating ObamaCare;

–the Net is now exposing (see below!) that the Arizona mass shooter is a JEW and we WNs get NO blame, we REFUSE any blame whatosoever, for what this nutjob JEW Loughner committed.

If violence comes, sir, it will be from ZOG, and it will meet the fitting response, and then erupt around this nation. And it will have a leader if we are attacked.

And as I stated on many occasions, the high military officers of this nation, when they get off at 3 pm (after their 7 a.m. -3 p.m. Pentagon shift) go online just as everyone else does……

An Air Force lieutenant colonel goes online

…and when it comes to the USS Liberty, to 9/11 or the lack of US citizenship of Barack Insane Obongo — the bisexual marxist fraud who is SQUATTING in the White House but is NOT the president of the United States, and is merely a CIA cut-throat, never an honorable soldier who bore the uniform as I did (both Marines and Army), THESE ADMIRALS AND GENERALS KNOW ISRAEL DID IT.

Oh yes, Obongo, THEY KNOW.

So DO you, Obongo, a black racist, dare call this part-Jew Alan Sabrosky a Nazi?

And this former director of studies at the US Army War College, are you labeling him a nut?

And as an illegal alien who never served in uniform, are you smearing this former Marine Corps officer as a traitor?

Obongo, just be real careful what “orders” you issue. You’re not good in a crisis.

Remember what happened when the Shah of Iran ordered his Immortals to fire on the crowd in Teheran. Next thing you knew, his troops revolted, his power was over and he was a despised, abandoned refugee in Jew York City.

Though I am no “blue-eyed” Boy Scout, but instead a second-generation US Marine, MY chosen path remains peaceful.

But YOU be careful, and watch your skinny black ass, Obongo, that your Jew handlers themselves do not kill you — I see the Mossad agent Rahm Emanuel just abandoned you — in order to put in a less-bad and less-incompetent puppet, Joey Biden.

Hey, his military officer son actually served in Iraq… he NEVER CALLED A NAVY CORPSMAN A CORPSE-MAN AS YOU DID THREE TIMES (https://johndenugent.com/english/english-barack-obonehead-calls-navy-medic-a-corpseman), I would think the Jews might be getting more and more eager to take you out, as they did Kennedy, my dear utterly discredited and now useless-to-the-Jews Obongo….

Remember –keep a clear head, Obongo — IT IS WE WHITE NATIONALISTS WHO WANT YOU TO STAY ALIVE and discredit liberalism.

What matters, however, to the Jews is:

“Is it good for the Jews?”

Obama, honestly, are YOU still good for the Jews?

Kitty kat says no….

Nevertheless, the symbol of the Eternal Solutreans deliberately uses the same fleur-de-lys as the Boy Scouts. For our path is also ANTI-HOMOSEXUAL…..

…. wholesome, honorable, charitable, dutiful, peaceful and truthful — and yet resolute.

There are sharp points on that symbol, which was chosen because it is rich in both energies, yin and yang, prakriti and purusha, Venus and Mars. Do not run into the sharp ends, bullies of the world.  No one can predict how a war that you start will end. We will, however, help the little old lady cross the street. 😉

And remember, you Ashkenazi Jewish white supremacists, you who oppress the dark-skinned sephardic jews (see the experience of Jack Bernstein here: https://johndenugent.com/english/english-jews-thank-god-they-are-not-women-pedro-varela-goes-to-prison-1990-tennessee-victor-campaign-letter-my-friend-walther-laser/),

….how much not just white Russia, but also non-white China,  and the black, hispanic and muslim worlds love the poor, suffering, persecuted Jews ….

…they forgive you everything (because of your 65-year-OLD Holocaust sob stories)….

…and how they love seeing on TV every frigging day their fellow people of color, the Palestinians,  being ruthlessly STOMPED ON.


Palestinian boy tied, a heinous and specifically prohibited war crime, to an Israeli jeep to protect the aggressors as they invade a Palestinian village… Israeli adult male warriors, with a psychopathic lack of shame, shield themselves with a child.

A commenter underneath this video wailed:

And what’s going to happen about all of this? ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. Nobody is going to confront Israel. Nobody is going to say anything to those Jewish pig faggots.

Commenter, I assure you someone WILL!

I went on the warpath in 1979 and I have never left it. But now the time is truly ripe, because the Internet is here, Obama has crashed along with the Jew-conomy, and white outrage is peaking. And I am ready too.

China especially loves the Sassoon family……they have such fond memories of the Opium Wars….every little Chinese boy learns about them in school….

[Source: http://www.indianetzone.com/10/david_sassoon.htm] David Sassoon was born in 1792 in Baghdad. He came from a Nasis family. His ancestors were the leaders of the Jewish community [of Iraq]. David Sassoon was the son of Saleh Sassoon, a rich person of Iraqi origin. Saleh Sassoon was a Government treasurer [JdN: WHO EMBEZZLED]. Sassoon`s family had to escape from Iraq during the period of Muslim Turkish rule in Baghdad. David Sassoon came to Bombay in 1833 with his wife and family. Sassoon did not manage to bring with him the full wealth of his family.

JdN: David Sassoon in 1792, friend of the Chinese people; he bought up the opium-growing franchise in British India at an auction in Bombay, then got the jew-run British Empire to invade China and FORCE the devastating opium trade on the unwilling Chinese emperor. The opium was grown in British India by Sassoon and sent in British ships to Hong Kong, a British “Crown colony” (i.e., City of London financial colony) until the 1990s…. Chinese, it is long since time to hate the Jew, not the white Briton. Because it is the JEW who was the REAL source of your greatest and most smarting national humiliation.

David Sassoon started a business in Bombay with very limited money and business place. Soon David Sassoon set up a company named David Sassoon & Co. and established himself as one of the wealthy men in Bombay. He had a great power to convince all the enterprises of Bombay better than his main business competitor. The company had branches at Calcutta, Shanghai, Canton and Hong Kong. During the period of 1850s, it was said of him that “silver and gold, silks, gums and spices, opium and cotton, wool and wheat – whatever moves over sea or land feels the hand or bears the mark of Sassoon and Company”. David Sassoon exported opium in China and Japan though the Chinese Government banned opium. He generated huge profits from this opium trade. He established two synagogues in the Fort area and Byculla. He also set up a school, Mechanics` Institute, a library and a convalescent home in Pune. He became a British citizen in 1853. David Sassoon passed away in Pune in 1864.

This Olafson case, my fellow Aryans, deserves to become a cause célèbre, and I will make it one.

A British comrade with this courageous website (http://northfieldpatriot.blogspot.com/) wrote me the following comment in reaction to my blog here about TSA groping at airports https://johndenugent.com/english/english-government-molestation-at-airports-and-now-in-parking-lots#comment-17601:

Most interesting article, Mr. de Nugent.

The trusting gene in Europeans seems obvious…..once pointed out.

However, may we be developing new traits (of survival) in these multicultural times?

When I walk through my city centre (Birmingham, England) I see Europeans with fear in their eyes as they constantly scan non-whites, for their own safety.

Just as Obongo is raising awareness within whites in America, with his anti-white policies, these hostile ‘aliens’ seem to be raising an awareness within whites. That is to say that deep down most Europeans are realizing that diversity isn’t strength, on the contrary… It is extreme danger to oneself and one”s family.

Best wishes, American comrade.

I replied:

Dear English comrade,

I appreciate your comment so much. I am proud of my own part-English heritage (from Yorkshire via my grandfather, born and raised in Ghool) and I know that the British people still have great valor slumbering in them; it is ready to be re-awakened.

I agree with the great British poet Rudyard Kipling…..that the British are very slow to anger, cool in their blood, but then they become invincibly resolute in battle, once they finally, finally have been aroused:

When the Saxon Begins to Hate

By Rudyard Kipling

It was not part of their blood
It came to them very late
With long arrears to make good
When the Saxon began to hate.

They were not easily moved
They were icy – willing to wait
Till every count should be proved
Ere the Saxon began to hate.

Their voices were even and low
Their eyes were level and straight
There was neither sign nor show
When the Saxon began to hate.

It was not preached to the crows
It was not taught by the state
No man spoke it aloud
When the Saxon began to hate

It was not suddenly bred
It will not swiftly abate
Through the chilled years ahead
When time shall count from the date
That the Saxon began to hate

I too, comrade, am a Saxon.



I stand by my initial assessment a that the Arizona congresswoman shooting will blow over, because there are NO ties to WNs.

In fact, to put this one away, it now comes out that this weirdo with the Jewish-sounding name Loughner (ending in the tell-tale -ner, as in Shatner, Rosner, Hefner, or Costner), just as I wrote yesterday, in fact IS Jewish and said so on his MySpace page!




Death threats

In 2009, Judge Roll [JdN: nominated to the federal bench by pro-Mexican US Senator John McCain] faced death threats after presiding over a $32 million civil-rights lawsuit. The lawsuit was filed by illegal immigrants against an Arizona rancher. After Judge Roll ruled that the case would be certified, threats came from talk-radio shows which fueled controversy and spurred audiences into making threats against the judge.

After one radio talk show, Judge Roll’s name logged more than 200 phone calls as some callers threatened the judge and his family. This resulted in the judge and his wife being placed under a full-time protective detail for one month. A US Attorney’s investigation identified four men as the makers of the threats, but no charges were filed.

In a July 9, 2009 interview with the Arizona Republic, Judge Roll described the time under high security as “unnerving and invasive… By its nature it has to be,” Roll said. Roll also said, “It (the security) was handled very professionally by the Marshals Service.” [4]

The murdered Federal Judge John Roll; kill him to blame “white supremacists” and get rid of a guy blocking Wall Street

The lovely Jared Lee Loughner. His yiddishe mama can be proud of him.

Arizona Shooter Jared Loughner is Jewish

by James Buchanan

The man who shot 19 people in Arizona, killing six and severely wounding Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords, is Jewish, according to an interview by a reporter from Mother Jones magazine. The Mother Jones article, (http://motherjones.com/politics/2011/01/jared-lee-loughner-friend-voicemail-phone-message?page=2)  notes “about eight hours before he allegedly killed six people and wounded 14, including Rep. Gabrielle Giffords (D-Ariz.), in Tucson—Jared Lee Loughner phoned an old and close friend with whom he had gone to high school and college. The friend, Bryce Tierney, was up late watching TV, but he didn’t answer the call. When he later checked his voice mail, he heard a simple message from Loughner: ‘Hey man, it’s Jared. Me and you had good times. Peace out. Later.’ That was it. But later in the day, when Tierney first heard about the Tucson massacre, he had a sickening feeling: ‘They hadn’t released the name, but I said, ‘Holy sh-t, I think it’s Jared that did it.’ ‘ Tierney tells Mother Jones in an exclusive interview that Loughner held a years-long grudge against Giffords and had repeatedly derided her as a ‘fake.’ ….Tierney believes that Loughner was very interested in pushing people’s buttons—and that may have been why he listed Hitler’s Mein Kampf as one of his favorite books on his YouTube page. (Loughner’s mom is Jewish, according to Tierney.)” Loughner also listed the Communist Manifesto as one of his favorite books.

There was a speedy attempt by the left-wing media to portray Loughner as a right-wing lunatic even though other statements by people familiar with Loughner described him as a leftist.

So a mentally ill, left-wing Jew shoots a Congresswoman and the mainstream media tries to pin the blame on the Tea Party, on right-wing White Gentiles and on the pro-White movement. This should be a good reminder to everyone to be suspicious of the mainstream media.

The lesbian midget Jewess Janet Napolitano (mother’s maiden name Winer), Secretary of Homeland Security (DHS) of course had already her out-of-control terrorist agency issue a “memo” linking Jared Loughner somehow to Jared TAYLOR of American Renaissance!

(By the way, Jared Taylor has a good quote:“Diversity is strife, not strength.”)

It was so ludicrous and threadbare that the ADL itself had to intervene (to show its “fact-finding-ness”) and admit that the link between the two Jareds, the one a Jew, the other a white civil rights activist, was absolutely ZERO!

Here are excerpts from the Christian Science Monitor’s account (http://www.csmonitor.com/USA/2011/0109/American-Renaissance-Was-Jared-Lee-Loughner-tied-to-anti-immigrant-group):

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The DHS memo quoted on Fox goes on to say: “Arizona Rep. Gabrielle Giffords, the target of Loughner’s firing frenzy, is the first Jewish female elected to such a high position in the US government. She was also opposite this group’s [JdN: American Renaissance’s] ideology when it came to immigration debate.”

“When you look at Loughner’s web posts, he puts himself out as half fantasy seeker and dreamer and half political philosopher, and American Renaissance, while a hate group, markets itself as a political philosophy organization,” says Brian Levin, director of the Center for the Study of Hate and Extremism at California State University, at San Bernardino.

Mark Pitcavage, director of investigative research at the Anti-Defamation League, is skeptical about any hard connection between Loughner and American Renaissance.

“The fans of American Renaissance tend to be older and they tend to be intellectuals or pseudo-intellectuals,” says Mr. Pitcavage. “Based on the limited nature of [Loughner’s] internet footprint suggesting his thoughts and beliefs, there’s nothing to lead one to think he would lean that way. It’s perplexing to us that there is a notion of a substantial connection.”

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I note that Loughner, who appeared in court for his indictment, is being defended by a Judy Clarke, of San Diego, who became known as the attorney for the mentally handicapped negro-Arab Zacarias Moussaoui, who as a 9/11 patsy got life in prison in a federal super-max in 23-hour-a-day ISOLATION…. (See my article below.)

She also defended the Atlanta Olympics anti-abortion bomber, Eric Rudolph… Her specialty is said to be “getting murderers off with life in prison” instead of the electric chair or lethal needle they deserve.

That way they just get LIFE IN PRISON IN ISOLATION IN A SUPER-MAX, WHICH DRIVES THEM MAD…. Judy is all-heart.

I continue to suspect this guy was MK-ULTRA, as i wrote yesterday, and here are some fun facts which Jason Salyers dug up:

The youngest victim of the Arizona shootings was born on September 11, 2001.

Gabrielle Giffords was a prominent critic of the 9/11 Truth movement.

The shooting took place on 1/08/11. In kabbalistic, Talmudic numerology, 1+8 = 9, plus 11.


As all but the newest readers of this blog know, the lesbian Jewess Winer-Napolitano arrested my personal assistant, the heroic 21-year-old foe in Finland of muslim and black gang rapists in his country.

When Henrik arrived here in July 2008 he still had his Finnish Army haircut….

Henrik and Margi, west of Sarver next to my 1991 car, which Henrik as my volunteer assistant waxed to perfection. 🙂

His address March-June 2009

Esa Henrik Holappa
Buffalo Federal Detention Facility
4250 Federal Dr.
Batavia, NY 14020

[I was then immediately after his arrest defamed as a homosexual on the infiltrated Stormfront and VNN, and by post-Pierce National Alliance officials, and denounced as an embezzler (so “do not send funds for Henrik’s defense”), for the fact that I, Margi Huffstickler and Major Bill Fox, USMCR of www.amfirstbooks.com took Henrik in.

Harvard Business School graduate and 15-year Marine Corps officer William Bates Fox, who organized a vigorous and successful email campaign to Scandinavian parliaments on Holappa’s behalf, along with Margaret Huffstickler and a local friend of Henrik, outside the Batavia federal lockup an hour east of Niagara Falls, upper New York State.

We sheltered him as long as we could here in America in this home from a 4.5 year prison sentence, which the Jewish chief political prosecutor of Finland, Mika Illman, had threatened against Holappa on several occasions: two years for racial agitation, two years for “defaming the honor of the African community of Finland” and six months for “copyright violation.” (Holappa had right-clicked on an image off a Finnish newspaper website — showing blond Finnish girls slathering over a Black jazz musician — and sent the image to an American…..]

The broad-shouldered, deep-voiced and responsible Henrik on an outing at Buffalo Creek with the blond children of Joe and Deirdre Fields

Holappa is back in Scandinavia now, banned for life from US soil, and still fighting for white civil rights in his native region. All charges against him were dropped by the Jew Illman under public pressure. Here he is pictured with a Swedish comrade, impish grin as usual on his face…;-)

Holappa served 87 excruciating days in SOLITARY CONFINEMENT in the federal detention center in Batavia, New York.

The whole story is here, of the mental TORTURE inflicted on the loyal and resolute Holappa, and imagine not just eighty-seven minutes with nothing to read (but letters from supporters), not eighty-seven hours, but eighty-seven DAYS with no human contact, no books, no Internet and no television. (I am proud to say I wrote this TRUE HERO and defender of white women three times a week.)


I urge everyone to now support this young warrior struggling in the worst country in Europe for liberticiding “hate-speech” laws by buying the online e-book version for a mere $20 of his book about his nearly one year on the East Coast of America, at my home in Pennsylvania, and in the bowels of ZOG, where he also contracted a severe and chronic intestinal illness:


And now, having said all that, you can appreciate all the more Holappa’s heroism by reading the following:

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Bradley Manning and the Case Against Solitary Confinement


Thursday 23 December 2010

by: Lynn Parramore | new deal 2.0 | Op-Ed

Bradley Manning and the Case Against Solitary Confinement
(Illustration: Stephen Pitt)

The degree of civilization in a society can be judged by entering its prisons.
– Fyodor Dostoevsky

In the earliest days of our Republic, a group of well-meaning Philadelphia Quakers set out to reform the prison system. The idea was to remove convicts from the mayhem and corruption of overcrowded jails to solitary cells where sinners would return to mental and spiritual health through reflection. In the Walnut Street Jail, no windows would distract the prisoners with street life; no conversation would disturb their penitence. Alone with God, they would be rehabilitated.

There was a small problem. Many of the prisoners went insane. The Walnut Street Jail was shut down in 1835.

But the word penitentiary became part of the language, and the idea of placing prisoners in solitary confinement did not die. It seemed so reasonable – so much better than chain gangs or public stocks. New prisons opened to test the theory that solitude might bring salvation to criminals.

Charles Dickens had a keen interest in prison conditions, having witnessed his father’s detention in a Victorian debtor’s prison. When he heard about the latest American innovation in housing convicts, he came to see for himself. At Philadelphia’s Eastern State Penitentiary, the wretches he found in solitary confinement were barely human spectres who picked their flesh raw and stared blankly at walls. His on-the-spot conclusion: Solitary confinement is torture. Dickens wrote:

I believe that very few men are capable of estimating the immense amount of torture and agony which this dreadful punishment, prolonged for years, inflicts upon the sufferers…I hold this slow and daily tampering with the mysteries of the brain, to be immeasurably worse than any torture of the body: and because its ghastly signs and tokens are not so palpable to the eye and sense of touch as scars upon the flesh; because its wounds are not upon the surface, and it extorts few cries that human ears can hear; therefore I the more denounce it, as a secret punishment which slumbering humanity is not roused up to stay.

A man who had seen his share of inhumanities, Dickens pronounced solitary confinement to be “rigid, strict, and hopeless…cruel and wrong.”
That was 1842.

Since then, piles of scientific studies, along with the vivid accounts of victims, have confirmed what was obvious to Dickens. Solitary confinement is worse than smashed bones and torn flesh. When human beings are deprived of social contact for even a few weeks, concentration breaks down, memory fades and disorientation sets in. Eventually, many prisoners experience explosive rages, hallucinations, catatonia, and self-mutilation. Some become irretrievably insane. Far from promoting safety, the most commonly cited justification, solitary confinement often amplifies violent impulses, turning prisoners into ticking time bombs who are far more dangerous to human society upon release than they ever were to begin with (see National Geographic’s documentary on the subject, available on Netflix).

Human beings need social contact for normal brain function. Solitary confinement is thus a method of inflicting traumatic injury upon the human mind. “It’s an awful thing, solitary,” wrote former Vietnam prisoner John McCain in Faith of My Fathers. “It crushes your spirit and weakens your resistance more effectively than any other form of mistreatment.” Among its legion perversities, solitary confinement turns medical doctors into torturers; renders violent criminals more aggressive, and makes prisoners cut off from human society incapable of functioning in it.

In 1890, the United States Supreme Court nearly declared the punishment unconstitutional. It is banned by the Geneva Convention, condemned by the United Nations, and either prohibited or restricted in most civilized countries. And yet today, as Atul Gawande showed in his revealing 2009 New Yorker article, tens of thousands of Americans are tortured in this fashion every day, out of sight, in the “Supermax” prisons that have popped up like poisoned mushrooms on the American landscape since the 1980s. Some prisoners are consigned to these Houses of Unholiness for violations – both major and minor — of prison rules. Some for gang activity. Others for trying to escape. Or for violent behavior. Some are placed there because they are mentally ill and there is nowhere else to put them – the equivalent of casting a sufferer of pneumonia onto an Arctic tundra.

Save for the death penalty, solitary confinement is the most extreme sanction allowed by law. Like slavery and every other form of institutionalized inhumanity, it should be banished to the dark annals of American history as an example of what happens when our humanity slumbers.

Instead, it is being used as a method of terror and coercion by the United States government upon a citizen who has not even been convicted of a crime.

As Salon’s Glenn Greenwald and several other courageous journalists have documented, Bradley Manning, the 22-year-old U.S. Army Private accused of leaking classified documents to WikiLeaks, has been detained in solitary confinement for the last seven months, despite not having been convicted of any crime, having been a model detainee, and having evidenced no signs of violence or even disciplinary misdemeanors. Manning has been kept alone in a cell for 23 hours a day, barred from exercising in that cell, deprived of sleep, and denied even a pillow or sheets for his bed. As Greenwald reports, “the brig’s medical personnel now administer regular doses of anti-depressants to Manning to prevent his brain from snapping from the effects of this isolation.” A court hearing has not been set.

The message of the U.S. government to its citizens in this activity is clear: blow the whistle and your brain will be mutilated before you even have a trial.

But it may be that much to the shame of the U.S. government, our slumbering humanity is awakening. The solitary confinement – the torture, for we must call it that – of Bradley Manning is ironically shining a light on this brutality and tipping us off to the danger of authoritarianism. A United Nations probe is now investigating the Bradley case, and the drumbeat of outrage in the blogosphere grows louder every day. Protesters are organizing. Whatever one thinks of Manning and his involvement in the WikiLeaks release of classified information, there can never be any justification for torture. As Greenwald argues, such practices weaken the position of the United States government, both abroad and at home. Other countries will think twice before accepting extradition requests to a place where inhumane treatment of prisoners is sanctioned. Our moral standing in the world suffers, while the American citizenry, already suspicious of post-9/11 governmental abuses of power, grows even more alarmed. What kind of legitimacy adheres to a judicial hearing when the accused has been subject to sanity-threatening conditions? Even exposing the accused to duress is a violation of justice and of the U.S. Constitution — which applies to both civilians and soldiers. Trust and faith in American justice will deteriorate as long as such damaging practices continue.

As we spend time and rejoice with our friends and family in the new year — enjoying the social interaction that human beings require – let us pause for a moment to remember the thousands of people being tortured in American prisons, including Bradley Manning, and let us send our own message back to our government: We are Americans. We will not accept the intimidation and coercion of our fellow citizens, even from the Pentagon. Most assuredly, we will not accept torture in our name. Not of the accused. Not of the mentally ill. Not even of convicted criminals. When our civilized society is attacked, no matter what the justification, we will rise up to defend it.

The placement of human beings in solitary confinement is not a measure of their depravity. It is a measure of our own.

Lynn Parramore is Editor of New Deal 2.0, Media Fellow at the Roosevelt Institute, and Co-founder of Recessionwire.

* * *

JdN: If you are a drunk driver or a common crook, when the police come for you, submit and be arrested.

If you are a white nationalist whom they wish to make into a political prisoner, and if you DO NOT wish to have a 300-pound Samoan drag you on your knees across twenty feet of concrete (as with my radio engineer in Florida, Mike Williams)  leaving your knees scarred a month later, and throw you into a freezing cell with 1600 blacks and Mexicans, like Mike Williams or my friend, publisher Pedro Varela in Spain, and TORTURE YOU, and give you at the least an intestinal infection that you will have years after you are released (as with my personal assistant Henrik Holappa), then I suggest you do

just as I would do

if they come for you.

As for Eternal Solutreans, we will live and we will die with defiant honor, and with “dynamic responses.” We fear only God. And we will fight the Jew for the next hundred lives if we need to, and track them down under every rock and asteroid in space, until we conquer and we are victorious. You have kept us in mental solitary confinement all our lives, and we had no idea how many others groaned under your regime. But we are solitary no more, alone no longer.

Get ready, Jews.

Jewish, I repeat, Jewish Rupert Murdoch, owner of FOX


  1. Baltic Beauty

    Estonia Demographics Profile 2010

    Population 1,299,371 (July 2009 est.)

    Net migration rate -3.26 migrant(s)/1,000 population (2009 est.)

    HIV/AIDS – adult prevalence rate 1.3% (2007 est.)

    Ethnic groups Estonian 67.9%, Russian 25.6%, Ukrainian 2.1%, Belarusian 1.3%, Finn 0.9%, other 2.2% (2000 census)

    Religions Evangelical Lutheran 13.6%, Orthodox 12.8%, other Christian (including Methodist, Seventh-Day Adventist, Roman Catholic, Pentecostal) 1.4%, unaffiliated 34.1%, other and unspecified 32%, none 6.1% (2000 census)

    Literacy – definition: age 15 and over can read and write total population: 99.8%


  2. Dear Comrade

    Thank you for the Rudyard Kipling poem.

    I wasn’t aware of that one. It is most ethereal and pertinent to these times we find ourselves in.

    If only more USA white nationalists could be so kind, yet strong, at the same time, for those are Saxon traits indeed!

    As I know you are also a political soldier, I post a link from today’s activism in Oldham (Northern England) from the by-election campaign which the British National Party (the BNP) is fighting.


    I’m sure you’ll be glad to learn that 2011 has started off well for us and morale is high.

    Best Wishes, comrade

    Paul Hickman

    P.S Pictures to follow

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