ENGLISH the tragedy of homosexuality spreads and the solution; winning versus lost causes; Vice Guide to Liberia

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===============homosexual conservatives

Here is an article on a queer website mocking rightwingers who publicly oppose homosexuality but are bisexuals themselves and end up busted.


For three long pages various rightwing conservatives and clergymen are here being pilloried as closet bisexuals, What is stunning is that it is all tragically true. We all remember Senator Larry Craig, and then Jay Leno joking that GOP stands for Gay Old Perverts. 😉

But the homos have it all wrong; it is not that these rightwingers are all deliberate hypocrites.

There is something much more vast going on, a war on male hormones using chemicals that are deployed all around us by ZOG, in our air, water and food. My take on this is the exact opposite of these c—rs. I think that these men overwhelmingly DO loathe the affliction of homosexuality from which they suffer. There is no man on earth who would willingly CHOOSE to be queer or “bi”. Nothing can make a man feel an attraction to another man if it is not already in him. For me, the thought of some guy with scratchy cheeks putting his arms around me is physically revolting, even infuriating, and having been accosted by queers several times in my life, whiel I suppose it was a “compliment” it felt unbelievably anti-natural, in fact downright evil.

I had a WN friend in Long Beach, California named Lee, who now dead, who turned out to be a homosexual, and when I finally figured it out and we began to talk (I felt I could trust him because he was a hardcore WN and no gay-pride militant whatsoever; in fact, he had been involved with helping Charles Lindbergh way back in the early 1940s) he told me he hated being a homosexual and refused even to let me use the euphemism “gay.”

He also told me that he had grown up on a conservative German-American family farm in upstate New York, but he had been molested repeatedly by a wicked and yet powerful, “respected” uncle who threatened to kill him if he talked. As creepy as I found his affliction, I did feel compassion for him.

Rock Hudson. born Roy Scherer — of visibly square-jawed German (and Irish) ancestry — in small-town Illinois. Many ‘gays’ are NOT effeminate at all.

A video from the “I love Lucy” show

I as an Eternal Solutrean hate homosexuality in exactly the same way I hate cancer. But I am convinced that 1) molestation as a child makes some men that way, and 2) the environment today is chock-full of hormone-changing toxins that affect the sexual drives of more and more people. I repeat; no one chooses to be a homosexual.

We see declining sperm production in men — and soaring rates nowadays also of autism and Attention Deficit Disorder. (Margaret Huffstickler suffers from this, and it is no fun to constantly forget even the most vital appointments and misplace nearly everything.)

A comrade sent me info on phenol B, which is found in many plastics used to make alll sorts of plastic bottles such as Coke. It injects somehow a feminine hormone into you!

And guess what female hormones do? THEY MAKE MEN LOOK ATTRACTIVE……..

There have been many jokes in the US militayr about saltpeter being put in the food so men lose their libido. Well, I got a call from a comrade who did three years in federal prison for (deliberately) not filing his taxes, and he said there was so much …whatever…. in his prison food that he could not get any morning erection at all — or even any erection (when he needed it) for one long year after he left the big house!

I am certain that the environment, in this Jew-ruled country of ours, is also changing our white babies right in the womb, and the mother’s eggs and the father’s sperm.

I was talking in the local library with the assistant librarian and she told me her son, a longtime Marine NCO, one of the fabled gunery sergeants in fact, has one child and she is autistic. He fought in both Iraq wars and Afghanistan………..

Men exposed during the Vietnam War to Agent Orange also had defective kids.

My own first daughter, Ingrid, was born a “premie” with just three pounds, 5 1/4 ounces and looked like a Biafra baby at birth, with legs and arms like spindles. She had to spend three weeks in an incubator, at a staggering cost which insurance did NOT cover. Two thirds of her mother’s placenta had stopped working, due to a drug then prescribed (and now banned) against pregnant mothers suffering from excessive nausea, Bendectin.

(Today Ingrid is fine, successful and married, although I must say, on the masculine side, childless and totally dismissive of my white civil rights position.)

Here is a blogpost I did on the topic of queers, and those who do NOT want to cure them:


I believe that we must separate from this dying Jewnited Snakes society for many vital reasons, and one of them is the toxic chemicals in our air from chemtrails and other pollutants, in our drinking water, in our food, and the worst of all is toxic anti-white attitudes being propagated on Jew TV into our minds.

And I think there WILL someday be a chemical and hormonal cure for homosexuality. In fact, it may already exist, but Jew scientists are keeping it under wraps. They want the white birth rate to plummet and to alienate as many whites as possible against their own culture and people by living as queers. Homosexuality is a terrible disease that affects us all.

My greatest concern is with the “Cherry Marines” to whom Kay Griggs refers and other bisexual members of the police and military, who can easily be incited to hate white nationalists because we reject their sick way of life. (I knew one myself in the motor pool when I was in the Marine Corps Reserve.) George Lincoln Rockwell said that the organized homosexual network was as dangerous to America as the Jews.

My offer to any such men — and I know very well how many government types read my blog daily — is that because we do not hate you, only your affliction, we Solutreans demand a full-scale nation effort to find a chemical/hormonal medical cure. But no, as my late friend Lee said, there is nothing ‘gay’ about being a homosexual. It is a defect that, if it were generalized, would end the human race.

THIS is the goal, the white family.


The brilliant WN writer Carlos Porter (this is his website: http://www.cwporter.com/), who renounced his US citizenship out of disgust with what the Jews have done to it and lives in Europe, wrote me this about his feelings for the Old South:


I always imagined myself charging up Cemetery Ridge in Pickett’s charge. An ordinary infantryman, never an aristocrat in a white suit. Although I’ve lived in the South, I must admit that really there is no place for me anywhere in the country nowadays. [Novelist William] Faulkner said there is a corner in the heart of every Southern boy in which it is still July 3rd, 1863, at Gettysburg, and it still seems possible to win the war with one last, great, desperate effort.

I could write an essay about the Confederate flag: the flag of all last, great, magnificent, useless gestures, the beauty of the impossible. Anti-modern, anti-practical, anti-centralist, regional, primitive, don’t give a damn, eccentric. Don Quijote, Cyrano de Bergerac, the beauty of fighting “porque sí” “just because” in Spanish], even when there is no real chance of victory. Not for nothing have I been a stateless person for 26 years. No country that I see today is good enough for me, a good old Rebel.

* * *

I replied:

[..] is a friend of mine of many years in the Cause and pure Irish. He once wrily said: “Of course. I’m for the South and for white nationalism. I’m Irish; I’m for all the lost causes.”

Well, one man changed Irish history, Michael Collins. He broke the pattern of failure.

He killed first the necessary Irish targets –the traitors and informants within the IRA working for London to betray the IRA and Irish freedom. London, until Collins, knew every move in advance the Irish would make.

Then Collins, once he had information security under control, he began bombing British targets. When the pro-British Black and Tans reacted savagely, their atrocities radicalized the Irish population against any further rule from London.

A nice video about Collins, although I think Jamieson’s whiskey cosponsored all the spelling mistakes…..


After 700 years of brave but futile revolts by the Irish, he won. Due to ONE great leader, Michael Collins, Ireland became free.

Support your leader, if he is special and has a new vision — that is the lesson.



I watched this and was speechless. go ahead and watch all eight videos. Here is part one:


You gotta show this — all eight videos — to your liberal friends (if you have any ;-))

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