ENGLISH The triumph of the will TO LOVE, and God video 3-a

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I am pleased to announce that my main website, http://johndenugent.us, has been restored after a massive hack by the Jewish haters of free speech and truth. This was accomplished by endless (and sometimes boring) labors by my selfless, unpaid, heroic, international webmaster team.


01/05 @ 01:50 : Leksand, SE [SWEDEN]
01/05 @ 01:48 : Biel, CH [SWITZERLAND]
01/05 @ 01:19 : Charavines, FR[ANCE]
01/05 @ 01:01 : Ängelholm, SE
01/05 @ 12:57 : Vienna, AT [AUSTRIA
01/05 @ 12:53 : Oviedo, Florida, US
01/05 @ 12:51 : Iowa City, Iowa, US
01/05 @ 12:43 : United States, US [Hi, Barack! 😉 ]
01/05 @ 12:21 : Loughrea, IE [Ireland, County Galway]

01/05 @ 12:03 : Beaverton, Oregon, US

01/05 @ 02:21 : Stockholm, SE
01/05 @ 02:21 : New York, New York, US
01/05 @ 02:19 : Heijen, NL [Netherlands = Holland]
01/05 @ 02:18 : Palo Alto, California, US
01/05 @ 02:17 : New York, New York, US
01/05 @ 02:13 : United Kingdom, GB [Hi, MI-6! ;-)]
01/05 @ 02:11 : Volgograd, RU[ssia, the former Stalingrad]
01/05 @ 02:06 : Zárate, AR[gentina]
01/05 @ 02:05 : Marion Center, Pennsylvania, US
01/05 @ 02:01 : Nesbit, Mississippi, US
01/05 @ 01:59 : Hagerstown, Maryland, US


It could have broken my heart yesterday to go to my private mailbox and find, in four days of mail, only $75 in it. How can people be miserable and yet docile, in a state of near panic and yet refuse to act?

Info on tyranny is a two-edged sword: either you fight ORRRRRR you become abysmally depressed — and ashamed of yourself for not taking concerted action.

Right now, I see shame and depression, and it is universal.

It was way back in 2005 that the truth about 9/11 came out strong, with the video “Loose Change.” (Predictably, with a key Jew involved, it let Israhell off the hook, however.. and it is the jew-free “truther” videos which part-Jew actors such as Sean Penn and Charlie Sheen support…. At least they are part-courageous!)

(This is the 2007 version, the “final cut.)


(Here is the whole truth, that Israel and American jews did it: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YResfXTXd1c)

And polls showed 50% think the government did it.

But without an inspiring leader or plan, no action whatsoever! Miserable, shame-ridden, yet docile still.

I know why….

Partly it is, as Hitler said in Mein Kampf, “the proverbial inertia of the masses.” Vedanta explains this clearly: most humans are young souls — self-centered, cowardly and irresponsible.

Here is one of them, Donald Trump. Me-me-me-me-me-me-me!

Tragically, most readers of my blog do not grasp that doing nothing is choosing doom.

For them, but not for Eternal Solutreans!

Before I go into new material which I and friends have just created, I would like you to watch this incredible video. It is by David Wilcock, and it is so “in the zone.” It is about cosmic priorities that affect YOU, at this time of judgment of the human race and all the individuals in it.

If you do not “get it,” then go elsewhere for your quick jew-bashing, blackophobia, mexican-mocking and muslim-hating.

But if this video starts to stir something in you, keep reading, and please send me the donations I urgently need. (See below.)

David Wilcock is not a white nationalist (at least not to my knowledge) but he is of excellent white racial heritage, and everything he says is right out of Vedanta, but westernized and made palatable to a white audience of today.

Voilà, here comes Wilcock now, and my thanks to comrade John King for sending me this, and also for his superb essay that will follow in this blog, right after our own new Eternal Solutrean video, God video part 3-A.

I have only one criticism of that video….… for it is essential that we make men spiritual, and not just women, who already have religious, spiritual and giving tendencies, because they incarnate yin.


Yet Wilcock, with his high-pitched (though very clear and pleasant) voice, his long hair and slight body build, seems to me just a bit (in appearance only!) like a fairy boy. We need the he-men to get involved with this, because this is, for better or worse, a man’s world and men have the power. (Masculinized women like Hillary Clinton are men wannabes.)


The churches are full of women….but religion must NOT be their preserve.


I and comrade John King…..


(His brilliant website is http://unitedwhite.org/)
……have husky male voices, and this is very important. I decided consciously to bring out the baritone in my own voice, as well as warmth, and this one step of voice training at 1) the Columbia School of Broadcasting, then in Arlington, Virginia, as well as 2) with a beautiful, retired Broadway actress in Alexandria, Virginia transformed my life. (She was a blond German gal who had a truly beautiful blond baby daughter when I met her in the late 1980s.)
The $300 I spent on voice lessons with the German gal brought me more benefits than $30,000 in rent payments, utility bills or imported-beer money. ;) wink
Here is the ultimate deep voice…. 😉

I first noticed how politicians in Germany are EXPECTED to have a deep voice. Hitler had one (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ClR9tcpKZec), though he went to a high pitch when his speeches needed a crescendo. Here is Helmut Kohl of Germany, who reunified the country after the Berlin Wall fell in 1989, and he did so against strong Jewish, French and British opposition…. I do not admire him in most ways (not at all!) but here is the voice of the German chancellor, who led the country for sixteen long years, from 1982-1998…..
(especially around 2:52)

My longtime friend Roy Armstrong-Godenau, who has lived for decades in Germany, also has a deep, resonant voice, which projects a fatherlike power as well as friendliness.
(Older photo)
He has long also been friends with David Duke, who has the relative curse of a high tenor voice, though he otherwise is very manly, hardworking, clear, intelligent and dedicated for decades to our race, and a leader via his books, political campaigns and now videos. But it seems Duke has not tried or has not been able to modify it yet.
(Southerners, btw, such as Duke, a Louisianian, have a higher pitch anyways, partly a result of the high number of Scotch-Irish who settled the South. The Scotch-Irish have one of the highest pitches in the world, for all their proven warlike valor for both Britain and America.)
Here is a map of all the Irish in the USA, both the Catholic Irish and the Protestant Scotch-Irish. (They are so called because they are the result of intermarriage between Scottish men — the Scots being an Irish tribe that moved to Scotland — and Irish women, as well as a blending with English Calvinists who also loathed the Church of England.

A huge percentage of the whole group became irate at London while stil in the British isles, moved to the thirteen American colonies, and then fought valorously for the American Revolution.

In fact, George Washington once said after several battlefield reverses that “If I must, I will go the [Appalachian] mountains and keep fighting alongside my Scotch-Irishmen.”)
Duke himself is mostly Scottish. This video below is also one of the Southerner Duke’s finest moments as a debater……annihilating the Jew CNN reporter Wolf Blitzer.

(Note also how the Jews at JewTube deliberately made Duke’s voice not synchronize with the video, which they also do to me. Lately, however, they have been simply deleting my YT accounts!)
This high tenor voice also is said to bother actor Tom Cruise, who for this one reason does not seem like a perfect action hero.
Almost every man can have a baritone, and we need white voices of authority and gentle power.

===============666 and the coordinates of Jerusalem

Comrades are very excited about the discovery published in my last blog about Jerusalem!

Jerusalem’s latitude and longitude are 31°47′ N and 35°13′ E. Add them up, and you get 666 !!!

66 60 !



What will the Judeo-Christians who thump their Bible and believe in Revelation and the Antichrist say now????

Now that Jerusalem itself is exactly and precisely 666!!!!

======================GOD VIDEO PART 3-a

(source: the Russian Smotri.com, http://smotri.com/video/view/?id=v195572882be)


Jdn God Video strip district 3 b

This video is the continuation of the God videos, parts one and two, found at this emergency page here:




An essay that author and former US Army lieutenant John King delivered last night at the neo-Creator website (they do NOT scoff at the existence of God, as some Creators do)


“Only Love will save the White Race from Extinction.” – JK

I’m going to start tonight’s message with the provocative statement,

“The White Race will only survive if we love the white race more than we love others.”

Yes, it is true, I love the white race. But I don’t necessarily hate the others. Recently I was vacationing in Branson , Missouri with my family and we went to see a show at the theater called “The Legend of Kung Fu”. There are several preview videos on You Tube. This is a show with an all Chinese cast and has been seen by more than 2 million people worldwide. These are not immigrants but rather actors visiting Branson from China . We were astonished with the talent of these people, to say the least. When the show was over the entire cast — nearly 50 people – stood in the lobby. I bowed to and shook the hand of each one. I was honored. I said “Thank You” but nobody seemed to understand me.

One place I want to go before I die is to Mongolia . It’s a very secretive place. That’s what I kind of like about it. I also think they make some of the best food in the world. If I ate it more often that the American garbage I buy at WalMart, I think I might be thinner and healthier. And when I go to Mongolia I don’t want to see any white people. I want to be the only white guy in the crowd. I want to be shown all the sights, the famous shrines and the local culture by a real Mongolian – not a white Russian or an American. You see, I’m not scared of Mongolians. There are a lot of interesting facets to Mongolian culture. And I’m happy there is a Mongolia . The world wouldn’t be as interesting as it is if it didn’t exist. There are many interesting cultures in the world. I’d also like to visit Tibet and Nepal .

OK, I just told you that I like Mongolia and Mongolian culture. Does that mean that I, as a white man, am a race traitor? Let me pose a question: Is it possible to like other non-white cultures but love your own white culture more? Or do I have to love the white race and hate all others? I’m going to answer this question definitively but first a short digression.

Many years ago, The United Negro College Fund used to have these commercials on TV that said “A mind is a terrible thing to waste.” Brilliance should be appreciated, even when it comes from a black source.

Ultimately hate is a waste of your brain. According to J. Phillipe Rushton, a Canadian professor and the author of Race, Evolution, and Behavior: A Life History Perspective – that’s a book that Joe highly recommends — the average capacity of a white brain is about 1,347 cubic centimeters or cc’s. For comparison the black brain is 1267 cc’s and the Asian brain is 1364 cc’s. Like with most traits, the white race falls in the middle of the three races. Just as your car’s gas tank can only hold a specific amount of gasoline, so your brilliant white brain can only hold a specific amount of information. The same thing goes with your computer’s hard drive. What happens when you fill up you hard drive with a bunch of junk, like video games and thousands of pornographic pictures? Well … your computer runs slower and more relevant data is harder to save and retrieve. Eventually you decide that educational uses of your computer like accessing websites are more important so you delete the games or in my case, my wife’s games.

Back to Mongolia … Let me play devil’s advocate. I’m addressing the haters in the audience. What have Mongolians done to deserve your hate? Are you unemployed because of Mongolians? Did Mongolians bomb Pearl Harbor ? Did a Mongolian ever run over your mother? If the answer to all of the above is “no”, why should you hate them?

Joe has talked about the 4 stages of racial development. In the early or novice stages it’s easy to say, “I hate those damned Mongolians because they’re not white. Hell, you could blindfold them with dental floss!”. But as you mature, you come to the conclusion that they have just as much right to exist on this planet as the white race. The Mongolians already have their own ethnostate. It’s called Mongolia . Similarly we, the presently dispossessed white people of the world have every right to our own country, which I will generically refer to as the White Republic . We have as much right to our own country as the Nigerians to Nigeria or the Jews to Israel . This is a very important moral universal law: every ethnic group has the natural right to live free in a state of self-determination on its own exclusive turf. I want all of you to commit the term “ White Republic ” to mind and talk about it with everyone. There is one interesting lesson in history: changes in vocabulary always precede historical changes. If you want to see a “ White Republic ” come into being then start talking about a White Republic everywhere and with everyone. Words often lead to actions. Add it to the signature line of your internet posts. Make a reference to it on every post you make Facebook and message boards.

Our desire for the continued existence of the white race on this planet has nothing to do with how great we +think+ our culture is. It doesn’t matter that white people have excelled at scientific discoveries, inventions, art, literature and architecture. Let me say this with emphasis: Even if white people were the laziest and stupidest people on the face of the Earth we would still have every right to exist and persist on this planet. Why you ask? Because we are part of Creation or as a biologist might say, the biosphere of this planet. The biosphere is defined as the sum total of all ecosystems on planet Earth. Really biosphere and creation are synonyms for our purposes. I prefer to use the term Creation because it’s one that even dumb-downed Americans and the mentally retarded understand. The very idea of destroying part of Creation is evil. I’m not a monkey but I’ve been raising awareness about the plight of the Mountain Gorillas. According to experts there are only 1,500 left in the wild. Extinction, my friends, is permanent. No one has the right to drive any part of Creation to extinction, be it animal or plant. And that is the real reason why the white race must be saved. All this talk about “we’re the best” or “we created every worthwhile civilization in the world” is missing the point. And while I’m at it allow me to let you in on a little secret. My former Sociology professor, who was a real African-American from Ghana , told us that every ethnic group on the planet thinks there are #1. Yes, even the primitive Bantus of Africa +think+ their civilization is da bomb! Opinions, it seems, are like butt holes. Every one has one. So when you talk about the need to save the White Race – hey, after all, this is savewhitepeople.com – use the non-judgemental “part of Creation” argument. When you do, nobody will be able to call you an evil racist or a white supremacist. In the past I’ve taken heat for saying crude things about other races but no reporter has dared criticize my statement that the White race has a right to exist because it is part of nature.

So let’s get back to this Love-Hate thing. Here’s how I’ve personally grown to see it. I love my family more than my neighbors’ families. And while I on this subject, I’ll say to you my fellow white brothers and sisters that I love my family more than yours. I have nothing against your families and I will speak no ill word of them but I just love my family more. I recognize that all families are not the same. Thus, I plead guilty to being a “familist”. Now, your race, it’s is no more than an extension of your family. I’m quoting Ben Klassen on this. I love my race more than I love other races. I don’t hate other races. I just love mine more. I recognize that all races are not the same. Thus, I am a “racist”. Yes, my friends, the real definition of a racist is someone who recognizes that there are multiple races and that they are all different. We have allowed the opposition to redefine a good word. But at the same time many of us have been wasting our time hating the other races rather than putting all our love in our White race. As a creator my race is my religion and there is nothing that I love more than my White race. You didn’t hear me talking about hating the blacks, browns and tans, did you?

Once after giving a speech at the Chesterfield Library in Chesterfield , VA near Richmond , I was approached by a reporter. That was back in 2002 and my topic was “Comparative Religions: The difference between Creativity, Christianity and secular Multiculturalism. So this female reporter asks me, “Rev. King, what is you message to the black community?” I thought for a second and then cleverly replied “I have no message for the black community.” It was Rev. Matt Hale who told me to just ignore the other races because we have no message for them. Creativity is about freeing White minds. I think the reporter was both shocked and disappointed. No doubt she would have preferred to go back to her editor with the juicy quote, Rev. King said, “ Richmond reminds me of the movie Planet of the Apes.”

Earlier I said that “hate” is something that wastes the valuable but limited capacity of your white brain. That’s true but hate is a worse thing to carry around then meaningless video games and photos.

The late humanitarian Mother Theresa was asked once about her reluctance to join the anti-war movement. Here’s what she said:

“I was once asked why I don’t participate in anti-war demonstrations. I said that I will never do that, but as soon as you have a pro-peace rally, I’ll be there.”

Did you catch the brilliance of that statement?? She’d rather be pro-peace than anti-war. Do you understand the difference between “pro-peace” and “anti-war”? Well, she did. She was aware that Love is the most powerful emotion in the universe whereas hate leads to self-destruction.

I want to make a confession. I admit that I used to be full of hate. Most of it was directed towards my parents because of mistakes and deficiencies they made in my rearing. I’m over it now but for years I’d be raging about my parents. My rage had a bad effect on my marriage and my wife suffered because of it. It’s amazing how miserable hate can make you. All this resentment made me one very angry and trite person. This hate was eating at my mind like a cancer. But one thing it was not doing is having any effect on my parents. That’s what you must learn about hate. Hate is a self-inflicted wound. You can hate someone until the cows come home but it will have no effect on those who are hated.

Now let’s turn to racial matters. If you want to, you can hate the blacks. But it’s not going to change black behavior one iota. You can hate a skunk but it’s not going to make its fragrance smell like roses. The behavioral patterns of the various races – including our own – are written in stone or as an honest biologist might say – expressed in our genes and hardwired into our brains. If you live next to a chicken house you might as well get used to hearing the rooster crowing at sun up. That’s what roosters do. They can’t help it. It’s part of the wired neural programming of their bird brains. You are certainly entitled to hate blacks because they are violent, antisocial, lacking on the IQ scale and prone to violence. But it’s not going to change their behavior. Such a mental preoccupation is futile. Until such time it’s possible to give someone a brain transplant, their behavior can’t be changed. My uncle, who is now retired, used to work in downtown Baltimore , which is ghetto central. About ten years ago when I was younger and still in the “hate stage” he’d tell me about his first hand observations of black anti-social behavior, “They just can’t help it,” he’d say. Sure, he didn’t like them but nor did he waste any of his time engaged in hating them. In the final analysis, the only thing you can change is your behavior. You can sit around wallowing in self pity about being in their midst or you can leave the situation. But hating them changes nothing about them.

Though it is considered the opposite of hate, love is an infinitely more powerful emotion. It is love or desire which is the basis of our most productive behavior. As I’ve said, hate leads to destructive behavior. And the usual victim is your own mental health. That’s why in this King Report I’m saying what I feel needs to be said. I’m not kissing the butt of anyone in the audience. So, if you want to hate me, fine. It has no effect on me and it’s only harming yourself by taking up valuable space in your white mind. Remember those 1,347 cc’s. That’s valuable space that you could be using for positive purposes.

Now let’s talk about the power of love. All positive decisions are based on a predominance of love. I want you to look at decisions you’ve made in your life that were good. You have to admit that your best and most productive decisions were based primarily on love. And likewise, some of your worst decisions were based on hate. I’ve managed to stay out of jail in my 44 years but there were cases where I came close and in all of those cases hate was in control of my mind. A White racial awakening worldwide is in progress. There is no doubt of that. If we can keep our thinking and our message positive it will blossom into a White Revolution. In their song Revolution the Beatles correctly expressed that revolutions and hate don’t mix. A successful revolution is always pro-something. I’m sure you may have heard these lyrics. Forgive me for my lack of singing skills:

But when you want money
For people with minds that hate
All I can tell is brother you have to wait

The Star Wars movies are well known for conveying philosophical themes from Vedanta, the study of the ancient Vedas. Some like John de Nugent correctly call Vedanta the original white religion. Our people wrote the Vedas nearly 4000 years ago. It’s no secret in Hollywood that George Lucas is a big fan of the Vedas. I want to read to you what Yoda tells Luke Skywalker about fear and hate in “Return of the Jedi” or Episode V: “Fear is the path to the dark side. Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering.” If you recall from the movie, Luke learns to let go of his fear. This is what leads to his prowess as a Jedi Knight. And truth be told, I’d rather be a White Jedi than a nazi skinhead hater screaming “Heil Hitler! Death to the Kikes and the Niggers!” As I tell people, I’m not trying to kiss butt to you guys on the King Report. I’m trying to challenge your thinking. I’m trying to give you the information to allow you to become the best pro-white activist you can be. Standing around with your arm at 45 degrees and thinking you are reliving the 1930s in Germany – even when you don’t know a single word of German – is, at best, developmentally delayed. And the Jews just love that. Maybe you can even throw a rock through a synagogue window and get yourself a few years in jail like Jacob Laskey. Boy, that really helps bring the White Republic into existence! The foundation of the White Republic is what it’s all about, friends. If we don’t create an all white state, we’re going the way of the Dodo. So whatever you’re doing, make sure it points in that direction.

My time is almost at an end so I want to end this on a positive note. There is in this universe something known as “The Law of Attraction”. There are many documentaries about this on YouTube. It’s something well known to the rich and all told, that’s how they became rich. Basically, it’s a cosmic law that says whatever you ask for you shall receive. Every time you think a specific thought your brain gives off a specific radio signal. You’ve heard of EEGs measuring brain waves, right? Well, your brain is something like your own personal radio station. Put out the right messages and the universe will react accordingly. I want all of you to learn about this ASAP. Please go to You Tube and search for “The Secret”. Please watch “The Secret”.

To recap, the moral universal reason that the White race must be saved is simply because we are a part of Creation and no one has the right to destroy part of something created by Mother Nature herself. We love our race more than other races just as we love our families more than other families. We believe that all of the peoples on the Earth have the right to self-determination and their own country. Thus our quest for a White Republic is totally moral.

I’d like to end this with another quote from Mother Theresa. To all of the critics, yes, she was a Roman Catholic. But what she says here transcends religion. She said:

“I love all religions, but I am in love with my own.”

Accordingly I can say, “I love all races but I am in love with my race.” I love the White Race more than myself. It’s time to tame our egos because our personal egos are getting in the way of fulfilling our cause and destiny. To those who say I may have a big ego, let me say this: I, John King, am nothing but a humble servant of my people. I don’t care if my name doesn’t go down in the history books. All I care about is being part of the winning team, which I like to call United White. All that we do to pursue the 14 words should be out of a spirit of love for our people and those white children, yet unborn, who are counting on our sacrifice today. Don’t disappoint them! Our quest for white self-determination and our own White Republic is most moral. Let us go forth in the Glory of Love … for Nature’s Finest.

When we as a group get past the “hate phase” and learn to love our race more than we love other races, our natural instincts will return. Our razor sharp teeth and claws — once ripped out by ZOG’s minions in an attempt to turn us into domesticated animals fit for the kosher slaughter house — will grow back and with those natural instincts of love for our own, we will be invincible.

In the final assessment, we don’t have a black problem or a brown problem or a Jew problem. No. We have a white problem. That’s what Ben Klassen said. When we conquer the white problem, that is, a collective form of insanity hobbling our race, we’ll instinctively know what to do. And the black, brown and Jew problems will disappear over night.

Thank you so much for your time and attention, my white brothers and sisters. I love each and every one of you.


A comrade wrote me after the recent videos:

If you had a TV show (historical, informative) I would watch it. Keep up the good work!!!!!

Comrade, that is exactly what I plan — JDN-TV online, every night!

John de Nugent




[25 miles northeast of Pittsburgh, in western Pennsylvania]


–Cash in an envelope

I got this from Oregon yesterday….

I got 50 euros yesterday from Eire (the Republic of Ireland)

Liom buíochas a ghabháil leat, comrade na hÉireann!

(I thank you, Irish comrade!)

–Blank money order (put in $ amount, not your name or to whom)

–MoneyGram (send from a Walmart or elsewhere — very easy to do: just give them the cash and my name and they give you a reference number to send me.)

(NO more PayPal — the Jews there have blocked the account and are sitting on $228 in contributions for the most specious reasons. They also canceled the PP account of my longtime ex-girlfriend, and even the account of a Marine officer buddy of mine who merely had sent me 75 cents as a test money transfer!)

Support the man the Jews hack, defame, and seek to financially strangle.

THAT IS THE MAN THEY FEAR, the one talking to the real people, and creating a fearless, truly Aryan racial religion — for the surviving and the thriving of our people in a just new order!


==============a final admonition

I came back both ecstatic and alarmed from visiting a local bar last night.

Here in western Pennsylvania people are at the boiling point.

Now I just caught an ad on YouTube promoting the Obamas….

Well, Barack, the card the people would send you — you don’t wanna read it. 😉

The bar was full of hunters in hunting gear, and even several of the women were hunters!

I was alarmed because I feel the lone-wolf phenomenon getting into peoples’ heads.

This is NOT the solution.

I have been doing a lot of thinking for months now about how best to serve our race, and especially now when for the first time I have real fears that we could have WWIII over Iran, and martial law. We are then all on the A-list to be arrested and killed.
The skies over Pittsburgh today were blue, but then turned white from government chemtrails full of ARSENIC, barium and aluminum — to an extent I have never before witnessed.
Something is really “up.”And I think Obama also might succumb to pressure and do something crazy out of Zugwang, a German chess term which means you have no good moves, but you have to move your chess piece — or lose it. Obama is going to get to that place inside himself, where he wants to push the panic button.
I am also finally convinced that, through

1) my new kind of videos (such as this new segment of the “God video”)

2) greater personal readiness, as well as

3) greater public readiness for our message,

…that I must start my movement very soon.

There must be a Solutrean Agency, like the Jewish Agency in Palestine, more and more a white governing authority, a parallel government, as the USA economy collapses.People will need food, housing and safety.

The Jewish Agency was not illegal. But the British had to go to the Jewish Agency to get anything done as the Zionist population increased.

Finally, the Agency got rid of the British, after WWII, and the Jews got their own ethnostate.

Do NOT do any stupid lone-wolf actions, unless you want to commit suicide-by-cop.

Learn more about Eternal Solutreanism.

Look for the leader for our times.

There will be no martial law. There will be a bristling, angry white nation that deters it. White cops and military officers will be among the first to revolt, not the last.

And while the jew-planned economic collapse will come, it will result, by a profound Khazar miscalculation, not in martial law, but in the end of ZOG, and the birth of a just new order.

Black and blue — the colors we can give anyone who needs a good beating. 😉




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