ENGLISH To be a male and WN idealist in a judaized, sex-car-and-money high school; the Long Island medium

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–Was Obama high on cocaine and with a gay lover during the Benghazi attack when he was totally incommunicado?

–and 150,000 French comrades battle police to protest homo marriage; incredible action photos!


…..hardcore WN party in Greece called “Golden Dawn” now second-biggest party in the country!


==========I get advice to entertain young people

A comrade wrote this comment under my last blog (https://johndenugent.com/english/english-woolwich-beheading-a-hoax-and-berlin-the-homosexual-babylon-on-the-spree-until-hitler-came-along#comment-112281)

Lots of high pathos. Highly commendable, but this makes poor propaganda, as far as the vast majority is concerned. You need some pretty superior entertainments as your vehicle.

Hitler and his NSDAP would have gotten nowhere at all, had it not been for Hitler’s unique gift as an orator.

However, today, even Hitler would not suffice. What you need is a number of people who are nearly as good as Hitler — as entertainers. Perhaps The Young Turks — TET — could serve as a rather pale example.


My reply:

Your advice is well-intentioned, and thanks for offering it. The TET music IS nice…

But as the conversation I had below with a white high-school student reveals, we are in a karmic situation. The vast majority of whites, to be brutally honest, are doomblobs and humanimals, their faces and their eyes revealing a zombie look, a numb-and-dumb cowface that is horrifying to behold.

But why? WE are not numb, dumb, apathetic and uninvolved!

They have reincarnated as bad-karma people to end up suffering and dying in a FEMA camp at the hands of their oh-so-beloved Jew masters, no matter WHAT we say.

Entertaining them will not change their souls. Their entire lives consist of passively watching others: others playing a sport, or others playing an instrument, or others acting tough (without ever having served in the military as I have) in some “action movie.”

As the WN thinker Eric Thompson said: Americans are materialistic entertainment addicts.  So you want me (with no donation from YOU, I note) to entertain them with rock bands and amuse the easily-bored even better than the Jews can, with all their millions, and their Hollywood ownership?

NO, it is both impossible and a waste of time and precious money to entertain a BLOB!

True WNs are not doomblobs and not humanimals, and in fact since earliest childhood they felt different from others and especially from the jewified society around them. They feel an inner calling, they hear a spiritual frequency — just as only a dog can hear a dog whistle — and so we, the true WNs, can hear a call that THEY do not. And never will. Most whites are gonna die, they deserve to die, and we cannot change that. White skin does not make you an Aryan, which in Sanskrit means, not white-skinned, but NOBLE! (The related Greek word aristos means “the best”!)

Arno Breker, “The Call.” His sculptures were so “dangerous” to the Jew World Order that a Jewish US Army officer came into his studio in 1945 with four black sergeants and smashed them with sledgehammers. But the photos remain to inspire millions!


In fact, what is needed is a religious conversion experience. And that is where my Solutrean Movement is going., to that kind of inner upheaval and change.

And that is also the only way to win for sheriff in this mundane world. All over this county I am meeting people who AGREE with me, dozens of them, in so many a conversation, who take my business card and literature, and then do NOTHING.

As a “politician” I am supposed to flatter them, glad-hand them and kiss their babies, and say what an honor it is to speak to them.


What they REALLY need is a Man of God to reads them the Laws of God and Nature — and tells them to repent! Not descend to THEIR level but lift them upward to OURS!

And turn whites into Aryans!

And that applies to my current readers, who despite the EASY availability of credit-card donations continue to sit on their wallet and send almost no donations.

“How’s the sheriff race going, John?”

“Exactly as expected when I get so few donations, my white brother! 😉 If I were a Democrat or Republican running for office, you would think it normal for me to ask for and to also get campaign donations in the millions. But if a WN asks for money for a WINNABLE RACE, radio silence. 😉 So how do you THINK I am doing?”

In fact, most of the donations I am now getting come from Europe, for an American running for sheriff in the USA!

Have you American readers no shame?

We Americans are truly the blobs and disgrace of the white world!

And “liking” me on Facebook is not enabling me to buy campaign signs!

I know now why I joined the Marines.

from 13:27 on here (start the video and then pause it for two minutes so it can load forward, then resume playing it):

It is to be able to chew out people that need it and know it, not flatter today’s spoiled young, me-me-me narcissists. And there are many who join the service because they know that a chewing-out (in their own long-term best interest) and correction is exactly what they desperately must hear.

And this is what the Eternal Solutrean Agency must provide, uplift, not flattering words to narcissistic blobs of tissue.

I am certain that to save our race, we must have the knowledge that a real God exists, it is His universe, and we MUST do our duty under His watchful eye.
I wrote to a Canadian supporter about a young woman who (as related in an email to me) told her she did not care what disgusting homo things her kids were being taught in sex-ed class…. that is like many of the people around here!

I have to change the way people are. A tall order? Yes. But otherwise I will not even get 20% for sheriff.

Thus God and personal transformation are no sidetracks. And most Christians have never even read their holy book, nor do they live their faith.

The Germans who are backing me now, and almost all my money is coming in now from Germany (!), all want me to pursue God and an Aryan faith. When people are wicked, they do not care what the truth about the Jews is, or where their “duty” (such a quaint, old-fashioned word for them ;-)) might even lie. They stand me up, they get scared, and they do not return my calls. They have NO CONSCIENCE.

As a well-known local named Jim warned me: “They may agree with you but they will not DO anything for you.” Because many of them are shameless, selfish, stupid, fat cowards.

In Matthew 23, Jesus predicted “Because of the prevalence of lawlessness, the love of the greater number will grow cold.” The more politicians and others get away with crimes, the more the average person believes there cannot be a God, and a smart person better steal and lie too, thinking only of himself, and certainly never “trying to be a hero.” After all, when you die, you’re dead forever — they wrongly THINK.

But the more some people get wicked, the more others seek God and answers.

…..LONG ISLAND MEDIUM http://www.tlc.com/tv-shows/long-island-medium

Long Island is a big, long island that juts eastward out of New York City. A lot of Italian-Americans (and others) live here. (Other areas, like the Hamptons, are ultra-rich and full of Jews.)


This is a very, very important television series: http://www.tlc.com/tv-shows/long-island-medium

I think and recommend you should actually watch some episodes. This woman, Teresa Caputo, is absolutely real. I study body language, I started this in the Marines way back in the Seventies, and I watch her body language carefully and that of the people who consult with her. It is 100% authentic.


One of her many clients, who always are bereaved and grieving persons who just lost a loved one……


People are often amazed within a minute when Teresa comes out with the most intimate knowledge — from the deceased person! — about the deceased or the relationship the client and the deceased once had.  She often doodles for five seconds and then suddenly  the loved one is THERE. Anyway, watch it before you scoff. And tell me if the reactions of the people are faked. What it is all about is we have a soul, and we live on after death. So take care of it! 😉

The German comrades at least are sensing something apocalyptic is coming and they want to know about a true Aryan faith in God.

Your donation will help me, John de Nugent, set a whole new tone within the WN movement. Expect some new videos that are unlike anything else, and a new organization unlike anything else!

John de Nugent

681 Canal Road

Apollo PA 15613

This German sent me (wrapped in aluminum foil) 100 Swiss francs ( = 100 US Dollars).


Why cannot an American feel enough pride to do the same? I am running for sheriff in AMERICA!

Is it too much effort for your little mouse finger to click on authorize.net with the orange seal, top-left or top-right, and use your credit card to send me $25? Have I not told you enough how wonderful and HEROIC you are for “liking” me on Facebook? 😉

Now do you understand why the world loathes Americans, who do nothing except watch TV, click around the Internet, get fat and occasionally bomb their cities? 😉

Why are most of my donations coming from GERMANS?? Am I running for sheriff in Germany? Sometimes I wish I were, and could have a cold German beer right now and not see our American fatbodies waddling down the street! 😉

Germany just won an international poll as the most respected country on earth! And Israhell just came in fourth from the bottom! 😉


Why then cannot an American feel enough pride to send donations too?  I am running for sheriff in AMERICA!

I am in touch with a smart young black nationalist (http://blacktalkradionetwork.com/profiles/blogs/do-young-people-know-as-much-as-older-people-and-is-their-really) and he is keeping it real with his own people and saying “Stop blaming everything on whitey.”  Well, so am I with our people. Stop blaming EVERYTHING on the minorities and the Jews! Look at yourself and your failure to act!

Malcolm X was preaching here about the Black Muslim (Nation of Islam) movement and I like the energy! We need that uplift without cheap flattery for white people now too!



=====a WN activist in high school reflects

A young activist who admires my Solutrean work wrote me his feelings as he graduates from high school. He was very active for years spreading the truth about race, the Jews and the Third Reich, and gettinga group of followers and supporters.

In return, the teachers, many of who are Jewish, began warning their classes to beware of young people such as he, and his ostracism began.

This student also discusses parents who reject one’s ideas and prefer to conform, and girls who seek boys with big muscles and fast cars, not an idealist whom a jewish-misguided society is scorning.  He also finds the music to which teens listen grotesque and disgraceful. Feeling a bit “blue” about it all, he and I had this conversation. (He is “E” and I am “JdN”)


E: John, I am very angry and disgusted now with people! Léon Degrelle once said the life at the [Russian] is narrow like a candle, with no daily compromises and corruption! I would give everything to send myself back to 1945 to fight and even die there!

I am very sad now, thinking about my mission, and how it is hard, and probably I will burn the candle too with narrow focus.

JdN: I know how you feel. The “glory days” were 1933-45.

Grateful German females, heroic German males in 1940 after the blitzkrieg victories against Poland, France, Britain, Holland, Belgium,  Norway and Denmark

But the greatest glory is now, because it is hardest now.

It is easy to be brave when the Reich expects bravery and there is a draft and you and every other young man MUST fight, and the man to your left and right is brave. Then to be brave is to FIT IN.

It is a much greater, huger merit to be a national socialist, however, at THIS time, very good karma, when there is no peer pressure or legal pressure to do so! When you suffer scorn and rejection — that is the hard part! ESPECIALLY WHEN YOU ARE YOUNG!

When you are older you will care much less what an idiot thinks….and you will realize that cowards, traitors and fools are 50% of the people. What do I care at 58 what a subhuman blob thinks of me? 😉

And don’t be discouraged about materialistic, empty-headed, superficial females. We can talk about this later, but I have to go out now. I just got in another donation and I need to deposit this to help me win for sheriff. (http://www.johndenugent.net/)

But thanks again for transcribing my words on the Machete video! [Scroll down 3/4s here https://johndenugent.com/english/english-woolwich-beheading-a-hoax-and-berlin-the-homosexual-babylon-on-the-spree-until-hitler-came-along to “MY VIDEO TO POLICE AND MILITARY”]

E: I am glad my work helped you, and your praise about ”bright young man” was very motivating for me! I think my ”prep” for the final exams is going fine. My success in this means success for the white race also in this eternal struggle between good and evil, between light and darkness.

I just sometime have very sad moments. I am in school going down the corridors and I see the most beautiful girls in school and I know I am discredited by my Jewish teachers, and then scorned by these girls. I am sacrificing all these nice girls and all this ”being popular” for ideals and our dream.

Many in school agree verbally with what I am saying, then do nothing. You told the truth that average girls are materialistic and want a “successful” boyfriend “going up in the world.” But the problem is this is a jewish world!

To want a successful boyfriend normally is natural and good; it is natural for a girl to want good genes in the future father of her children, and the future husband she will marry. That is, as you said, very good because it is nature!

On the other hand we have now the most evil system that ever was created in the history of the white race and the selective mechanisms are set up exactly wrong! ”Adaptation” to THIS System will kill your soul! But if you reject this world you are expelled from today’s Jewish world and how it defines success.

But can you imagine this feeling? I want to go with a nice girl from our school and kiss her and feel her warm touch and lips and everything. (But it is more romantic than just physical; I don’t want sex with a girl just for that, but to be with her and be her “knight in shining armor.”)


But I know I cannot have this girl,  the most beautiful girl in school, because of my views, because I am from another world, and because I serve the Lord of Light ! But I will not go crazy or kill myself as they want!

JdN: Heh-heh, there is a Jew online who always urges me to commit suicide. He says “Join your leader!” ( = Hitler ;-))

E: They want to make idealistic young people like me to live in their room full of old photos of the past and cry about the past that is lost forever. NO, NEVER ! I will not cry and think in terms of “the past,” I and we, we will will recreate this past and build this wonderful world once again and better than ever, for ALL white nations this time! We can do it together!

And I imagine, one day, we will rise again.  Germany once was a great and noble country, full of beauty, Aryan women and idealism, and we will raise the banner of OUR future, because our ideal is not a mere image but a dee p archetype in our soul, wanting to come out again, and pre-destined to win and triumph! So  our visions and dreams will become reality. Of this I am sure, but it will come after many sufferings and tears … this is the price … I know it… but for everything there is a price. This is what I have learned in my life.

It’s just so hard for me. I am practically an orphan ideologically from my earliest youth. When I was very young already I lived in that other world, the world of ancient Greece which I loved, and my father never stood behind me, nor my mother either.


[Notice Achilles telling the slave boy at 1:57-2:17: “This is why no one will remember your name.”]



I was mentally isolated from them, John, and I can say today, in some sense:

Hitler is my father and as my mother, my teacher of values, is the NSDAP [National Socialist German Worker’s Party].


I could have had a happy and wonderful life of money, girls and so many pleasures which today the jew world offers … the world my sister is in. But something in me always forces me to reject it. I can’t help it, I can’t stop its pwer; the national socialist dream is stronger than I! It is my life.

I was going out on a date with a beautiful girl and I behaved like today the humanimal man you write about, John, I got closer and closer to her and so close to her lips, and she WANTED to kiss me and yet I just turned away! I couldn’t do it! I can never be what she wants me to be, this money-car-muscle man! (Well, I can get bigger muscles and I will. This I can do. But money and cars come from selling out to the Jews.)

It’s something in me, deep inside, which is incompatible with today’s world. My essence is definitely from BEFORE 1945 and that is why I have many sympathies with your version of reincarnation (https://johndenugent.com/solutreanism/important-info/reincarnation-evidence), even though I believe it has also other causes.


JdN: I got an email recently from a young French comrade who said “I never felt really French; I felt I was a national socialist and this is my nationality.” As a young American I also felt that I was “visiting” here for some important reason; I saw the baseball, football and car fanatics here and was amazed that this was their entire life!

E: I am really not from this world, John … but this world is so cruel, un-idealistic and bad. I am a very sensitive person and want paradise on earth and have a nice girl now with whom I can share our vision of a future paradise ….


So alone from childhood on…. One day,  all will realized we have the truth, and then the nicest girls on earth will want us, and we will ask: “Ah, and where were you when we needed you?” Sometimes I want revenge on the girls who reject us, the men who are trying to save their world!

JdN: Right. What will be the future for white girls and women if the Jew finishes his full nightmare planet? Enjoy your black and turkish drug-dealer husband! Enjoy your divorce and being used just for sex! You reject the men who truly love you!”

So they will find out the hard way.

The good thing about humanimals is that because they respect only power, when we are the ones who have the power, they will follow us as obediently as they follow now the Jew.

So it is important that I win for sheriff so the masses see us getting power! They will never be pure idealists; they respond to POWER. So let us focus on getting it!



============SEE ALSO


–Was Obama high on cocaine and with a gay lover during the Benghazi attack when he was totally incommunicado?

–and 150,000 French comrades battle police to protest homo marriage; incredible action photos!


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