ENGLISH Top Hollywood producer admits he was (is) a Mossad spy; love leads to communities

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and also http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d1kA2kvoKWI#t=11

So this Jew took money to do PR for White South Africa. What a waste of money…. apartheid fell in just a few years after, and the nightmare of rape and death began for the Whites…. He “tried” to buy newspapers and tv stations to promote South Africa, he says…. What a joke.


In return, Milchan got uranium for Israel’s hell-bomb from South Africa… And this admitted agent of Israhell does major US movies, with top stars, and yet for three decades has never become a US citizen….. Also he was getting nuclear triggers for Israel (in a project in which Netanyajew was also involved).

The man is a total spy and boasts of it.

Why is he still in our White country? Why is he allowed to put poison via movies into our minds? Why is this filthy kike on our soil?

He is an enemy agent, working for a Middle Eastern terror regime!

What this entire report is about is desensitization, about habituation…. about Americans getting used to being betrayed and spied on. Ho-hum, so Jews run Hollywood, they get inside our mind, they betray the nations they live in, and so what else is new today? 😉

…..Huge hits on my blog on the French parade against the Jews

1,700 hits yesterday on this four-day-old blog:



…..Love and religion lead to community


I was asked what local activism should be done.
  • John D. Nugent “We were wanting to just know what would be some good ways to do some activism locally.”
  • John D. Nugent My honest answer is that it is pointless until the soul is cleansed by a new Aryan religion. 90% of Whites are totally cowardly and selfish. They are under a literal demonic influence. If you wish to discuss this, then you can contact me on skype. Or find out the hard way… that Whites are now treacherous zombies who merely display white skin but are no longer white inside, but second-rate jews and blacks.
  • John D. Nugent Michael Weaver distributed 100,000 leaflets in Columbus, Georgia, and got zero recruits out of it…. and 20 months in prison for pepper-spraying a violent negro ex-con who came at him with a beer bottle. Six squad cars came and arrested Weaver, and he did 20 months on a 12-month sentence. Yes, 20 months on a 12-month sentence, and he has over seven years of probation ahead of him, and he was banned from a six-county area. The same sort of thing happened to his fellow National Alliance activist Chester Doles –railroaded because of street activism.
  • John D. Nugent I would suggest you look at my God videos and then get back me. If Hitler came back today, he would start a militant, new racial religion and cure us of being pale zombie animals.
  • John D. Nugent Take good advantage of my 35 years in this Cause. I have seen many good men destroyed by the Jews while trying in vain.
  • John D. Nugent The comrade replied: I’ve known a few who’ve been arrested for it.
  • John D. Nugent I answered: “The only way now to avoid arrest is, honestly, to be ineffective and show the Jews you are no threat by not growing. i.e., stick entirely to typing on the Internet. If you try to hold meetings and distribute literature, the cops have received “hate training” to arrest you on one charge or another.”
  • John D. Nugent We need something explosive that catches fire and makes men willing to fight and die, not type.
  • John D. Nugent We need a de-zombyizer.
  • John D. Nugent And finally, know this: if you do engage in street activism and are railroaded, as things stand now, almost no one will support you, send money, visit you or write you in prison. As the saying goes, “And that’s a fact, Jack.”
  • John D. Nugent What we see today is a prophecy of Jesus being fulfilled about the Last Days (in Matthew 24:12):
  • John D. Nugent “And because lawlessness will be increased, the love of many will grow cold.”
  • John D. Nugent When the Jews turn the average White into a lying, stealing, faithless POS, then our love for one another dies.
  • John D. Nugent We stop trusting, caring, helping or reaching out.
  • John D. Nugent I hear every day: “I don’t trust anyone any more.”
  • John D. Nugent This is a sign that it is time to move beyond what the Jews are up to.
  • John D. Nugent Behaving like a White Man again, or a White Lady…. restoring honor in how we live, feel, pray, talk, work, spend, make and keep promises, grow up, age and die.
  • John D. Nugent I am not willing to die for Whites as they are now, and no one else is either.
  • John D. Nugent And this is why we need a new Aryan religion.
  • John D. Nugent So we love one another, and deserve that love.
  • John D. Nugent And I think WNs do not understand the main reason why the Jews, via the media and entertainment, promote immorality. It is not just that they are naturally wicked, which they are.
  • John D. Nugent It is because they know that if Whites (for the first time in our 50,000 years on this planet) start acting like ghetto blacks or the Jews themselves, then our love for one another, our unity, our solidarity, our caring and love for one another will grow cold, and we will not give a damn what happens to anybody else.
  • Chris Raffles Here’s my unsolicited twopenneth worth John; I believe that the key to real progress lays in our facing up to certain realities of human nature. For sixty-odd years now we’ve wasted our time in the ludicrous spectacle that sees idealists running themselves ragged in a fruitless attempt to make idealists out of social animals, then becoming annoyed with these social animals because they aren’t idealists. Our racial enemies better understand this aspect of the bulk of our people’s nature than we do and that is why they are winning and we remain powerless pariahs. http://www.win-white.org/…/47-just-who-is-retreating


    Just who is retreating?Details Created: Tuesday, 17 September 2013 07:18 Why do …See More
  • John D. Nugent It is a good article, Chris, but I would like to see this smarty author (with his slightly condescending tone) explain to me how his insight is any different from ours as comrades back in 1978 , when I joined the Cause. We had the exact same idea back then, yes, and in fact George Lincoln Rockwell discussed it, but there was no money then or now to implement it, so we returned to the kinds of activism which the author poo-poos. In point of fact, the more people understand in detail how happy the Germans were under Hitler, the more they can visualize a white folk community. If we avoid talking about Hitler and National Socialism 1933-45, we are dispensing with the one concrete example we have of what WE DID when we had the power in our hands. I suggest this video: (scroll down 2/3rds to “The Friend of the White Worker”) https://johndenugent.com/videos-of-jdn-speaking


    SOLUTREA ARISE   JdN appeared on live Iranian TV Wed. 1/22/14, 8 p.m. US EST, to…See More
  • John D. Nugent Remember this: Every Swede who does nothing as muslims gang-rape his mother, sister, wife or niece has become embittered toward women in general. He no longer sees them as lovely beings that beautify the world, spread kindness and grace. They are instead thinking of a million bad modern marriages, of man-hating feminists, of greedy gold-diggers (who will scream about equal rights, but then blow-job a rich Jew or Black athlete on their knees for a big car, fancy clothes, expensive shoes, and a huge house)….. That white man who can look the other way as our women are raped is thinking of divorce wars that clean White males out to the bone and where the kids are turned against their dad. I SPEAK FROM BITTER EXPERIENCE. And Australian comrades have told me in detail how divorced White men today can only afford a Chinese woman after the family-court judge gives their “ex” every penny they have.
  • Chris Raffles With respect John, every uncontested ill. every unchallenged wickedness that you have just mentioned could and would be fought by EMBOLDENED Whites who have been issued the ‘permission slip’ that only comes from the social approval of their neighbours …See More
  • John D. Nugent When Whites are wicked, they stop loving each other.
  • John D. Nugent And this is the great insight of the Protocols of the Elders of Zion.
  • John D. Nugent Wicked people don’t love each other.
  • John D. Nugent So make Whites wicked. So I must make Whites good.
  • Chris Raffles I venture that there is more positive and worthwhile local activism waiting to be done than we could wave a shitty stick at (as we say in Blighty), but it involves dropping the forlorn hope of “waking people up” because underneath the surface most are not in any need of “education” or of “awakening”. What most Whites need handing to them is either “Dutch courage” or a “steaming hot cup of STFU”, if you take my strained metaphor.
  • Chris Raffles …. And yet again, the answer to getting Whites to love one another again is found in community building.
  • John D. Nugent Cart before the horse, Chris.
  • John D. Nugent Without love, first, and without money, this is utopian. With love there comes money (look at all the rich religions!!!), and then all this can be done.
  • John D. Nugent The Mormons were despised for generations, and yet through love, they created a base in Utah and through tithing, now they are powerful.
  • Chris Raffles Ah, agreed entirely John.
  • John D. Nugent MONEY….. religions (even false ones) lead to MONEY and money leads to POWER.
  • John D. Nugent Judaism is the falsest cult ever, and yet it has led to MONEY.
  • John D. Nugent Scientology same thing. They extract money every second from their members.
  • John D. Nugent Chris wrote me: I know you must get a lot of this sort of thing John, but if you’ve got a spare five minutes I’dd appreciate it if you could peruse that article and give it your consideration, it is the summation of what I too have learned the hard way during twenty years of active service to my race.
  • Chris Raffles Though I have to disagree with you when you say “Without love, first, and without money, this is utopian” because that genuinely is putting the cart before the horse. Funds and love will come out of Conscious White Communities because these things will become social expectations.
  • John D. Nugent My answer; I did read it, every word. And it misses the key ingredient, love. Without love, there is no desire to sacrifice for our race. It is “every man for himself.”
  • John D. Nugent In South Africa you have a flourishing all-white community down there, Orania, but not even 1% of Afrikaners have moved there.
  • Chris Raffles Cheers John, I appreciate it.
  • John D. Nugent Established in 1990! And still only 1,000 people live there!
  • John D. Nugent The love for each other has died. Every man for himself.
  • Chris Raffles …And the selfishness, the atomisation, the cowardliness, the sickly individualism and lovelessness of our people can only be cured by the sense of belonging and of being responsible to others that comes with community.
  • Chris Raffles I have recently been gotten up to speed with the reality of Orania by some sound SA folk John, and sadly it transpires that it resembles an “exclusive” Tory graveyard more than it does a folkish community.
  • Chris Raffles It seems that only self-employed folk with pocketbooks of a certain girth need apply.
  • John D. Nugent Right, sort of a gated community for the prosperous…. Well, a church is a community based on love, not the wallet, one that gathers once or several times a week. (with Jehovah’s Witnesses, trice weekly.) Churches build separate communities, such as the Mormons in early Utah, Orthodox and other Jews (communities in upstate New York and of course kibbutzim in in Israel) and, famously, the Amish….perfect examples of pious people creating their own villages. Secular people build nothing. Orania is a perfect example of something secular at its very best, but only 1,000 people after 24 years??? After 24 years of Whites elsewhere being murdered??


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