ENGLISH Humanimals; tough enough to win; insider says chemtrails prepare Americans to be genocided so a giant NWO nature park for the jew elite can be created

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…..on ugly whites

A lady comrade in California asked me:

I would like to know how you explain the millions of not-so-gorgeous Aryans who do not look like Chahlize Therrrrrron or Nicole Kidman.



My reply:

1) dysgenics — The best and brightest do not have enough kids, and here is a memorable stat for you: 42% of woman 42 or older with a master’s degree are childless.

2) bad karma — They got arrogant when they were all-too-beautiful in an earlier incarnation; it went to their head, they scorned others, and forgot that God is the source of all beauty — they did not make themselves! So they need to do a life as a homely person and excel by deeds, not looks.

3) they just came out of the animal stage, and look — and still have the nature of — those animals that they were. They are humanimals!

Go here to 26:00 to 28:14 (link: http://trutube.tv/video/13445/John-de-Nugent-Presidential-Video-1A)

(summary of this whole video)

White girls in the West taught interracial sex while Israel makes it illegal for Jews.
Religion the most practical way to straighten out a nation.
Shameless behavior is the proof of actual atheism.
Religion provides structure; Christianity not really believed in by most Western males.
Beauty reminds us of a higher, spiritual world; angels are no myth; life as challenges and tests.
Vedanta the original white religion; young souls that rose recently from the animal stage, look animal-like and are oblivious to anything higher.
Why some experience God, and others not; old souls; four key God topics.
We are eternal spiritual beings, deliberately taking challenging human journeys.

Hope this helps,



John, your web pages are very informative, even though they take a long time to read.  You sure are serious about saving our race.  I didn’t know that Pittsburgh was such a White conservative stronghold.  [https://johndenugent.com/white-safety-zones]

Pittsburgh at night

And with you there, even more so!


…..to a discouraged European comrade

I wrote to an Irish friend:

A man like me who makes gigantic sacrifices every day most definitely does cherish your toil, danger and caring. One front soldier recognizes another as we wipe away the mud, blood and tears, and re-clean our rifles.

You saw the letter I translated from a German comrade about the zombyized Germans. Do you think that even a vibrant race for sheriff — and I am going to do this (again, see below) — will remove the aluminum, strontium and barium gases from their lungs?

*** (in German, then translated)

Lieber John,

Du hast eine immense Aufgabe vor dir mit dem Aufwecken der Leute und der Sheriff-Kampagne.



Man sieht das Ausmaß der Verstrahlung und Gehirnwäsche, wenn man durch den Supermarkt läuft. Starr blickende, zombiehaft gesteuerte Menschen.

Neuerdings spreche ich diese Leute einfach an.. die reagieren überhaupt nicht. Man muß die schon fast anschreien. Und dann schrecken sie hoch, als wenn man sie aus dem Schlaf gerissen hätte und sind im ersten Moment völlig desorientiert. Probiere das mal aus.

prozac _dees

Übrigens sind sie bei uns, nach zwei Tagen herrlichstem Wetter, seit heute Morgen wieder kräftig am [Chemtrail]-Jauchen. Der Himmel ist schon wieder milchig.


Naja, man muß doch für seine Sklaven schlechtes Wetter machen. Zwei Tage Sonne könnte denen ja gut tun.

Bei uns im Ort stellte ich gestern fest, hängen jetzt überall Schilder auf denen man in dreistester Weise aufgefordert wird, sein Gold sofortigst einzutauschen.

Ich werde das nachher mal fotografieren. Ich glaube ich werde selber kleine Plakate drucken: ?Tauscht Eure materiellen Werte nicht gegen nutzloses, bunt bedrucktes Papier ein, es lohnt sich nicht!?

Viel Glück, John! Ich war in Kanada und alle Weißen sind gleich trottelhaft, vielleicht aber nicht alle in deinen Good Old USA.


Dear John:

You have a huge task in front of you with the awakening of the people and the sheriff’s campaign.



You can see the extent of the radio frequency contamination and brainwashing if you walk through the supermarket. Rigid-looking people, controlled zombies.


Lately, I’m just been addressing these people….. who do not even respond unless you literally scream at them. And then they wake up looking terrified as if they were torn from their sleep and are at first completely disoriented. Give this a try.


By the way, “they” are flying over us us again, having to destroy the most glorious weather after just two days, and since this morning are spraying chemtrails heavily again with their chemical sewage. The sky is milky again.


Well, for slaves one must make bad weather. Two days of sun would do them good, and that cannot be.

Here in my town there now hang signs on every bank where they demand in the most insolent way to turn in all your gold immediately for cash.

I will go out and photograph them later. I think I myself will print small posters: “Do not swap your concrete material things for their useless, colorful printed paper — not worth it!”

Good luck, John! I was in Canada and all whites are the same fools, but perhaps not all in your Good Old USA.


The masses are doomed! Only an elite will survive. I had to think when reading Frank about my every encounter with David Duke, that listless and soulless way of talking he has. That is a biorobot, exactly as Reiner Feistle’s Aldebaran book expresses it. The soul is gone, and just the brain works and mouths the words.

David Duke

As for the sheriff race today, well, let me tell you about the kind of man I was in 1990. When I ran for Congress in 1990, in Tennessee, I was a “damn yankee” (northerner) from Rhode Island who had barely set foot in that southern state and yet wanted to be their congressman. Absurd to even dream that way! (Yes, but in Tennessee just 50 signatures were enough to put me on the ballot, and the district was 92% white, and southerners have been overtly racial since the Confederacy broke away.)

In 1990, however, it was exactly like a Protestant Orangeman from Ulster waving a Union Jack wanting to become the prime minster of Catholic Ireland! He would be seen as an invader and traitor on your soil! And me not even a former Klansman and thus at least a southerner — but instead a “Nazi” and thus a kind of “German” American — mentally a foreigner as well as a Yankee!

 McAtee Nugent WSMV TV Nashville

And yet off I drove from New Orleans, alone, alone, alone, in a decrepit, unreliable 1980 Oldsmobile diesel car, and drove up from Louisiana (where I had learned all I could from Duke), arrived in Nashville, got the papers to file for US Congress, and then went to the supermarket near my motel in Murfreesboro to get 50 signatures in the boiling summer sun of Tennessee, all alone.

Tennessee Map

Why all alone? Why? There was NO “movement” at all in Tennessee, no Klan, no National Alliance, no Nazis, nobody. Zero activism.

And yet I ended up as I did, either winning the Republican primary (we cannot know due to the vote fraud), or I came very close, in a state I was NOT FROM, a damn yankee northerner in a southern state, with the wrong accent, and no local support. What does a nerd like [a critic of mine, and a mathematician] know about running for office, the money needed, the organization, the willingness to be ridiculed, defamed and threatened? I have been in that war!


9:58 to 19:02

Did he ever have a millionaire approach his manager with a $10,000 under-the-table money offer in the last, desperate week of a campaign so as to set him up for arrest by the Tennessee Bureau of Investigation?


10:11 to especially the “quarter” experience” and then to the very end

I am that same man today as I was then — but stronger, wiser, sadder, better prepared, and more full of hate to the death for the psychopathic genociders. ( See THIS on what really is in those chemtrails! http://www.pakalertpress.com/2013/02/27/chemtrails-and-depopulation-an-insider-speaks-out/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+pakalert+%28Pak+Alert+Press%29)


I’m a retired government scientist with an advanced degree in one of the health-related disciplines. I do not use my real name for fear of retaliation, either against me, or against members of my family.

This whole chemtrail issue is related to the plan for decreasing the world population to around 450-500 million — and starting with the US first. Why? The people of the US are the only ones with even the remotest chance of stopping this. That is, if they knew about it. That’s why the US has to be the first to go. You have to understand that the world’s elite covet the US for its geographic diversity – and they would love to return this country to its condition as it existed prior to Columbus setting foot here, but without the Native Americans this time of course.

You may have already heard how several national parks have been designated as world biospheres – that’s the plan for all of North America, a giant nature park and playground that will be devoid of annoying human beings (that would be us). And the people actually involved in doing the spraying, as well as those who will take part in the rest of the plans, are being duped into believing they will be spared, that is, permitted to live and remain on this continent as administrators and caretakers of this vast nature preserve. I understand that about 150 to 200 thousand people are projected as necessary for maintenance purposes. But it’s likely these people will not be Americans. Those in charge wouldn’t want to risk the possibility of some sort of revolt, so the workers will probably be brought in from Europe and Asia.

Holding a copy of  The Spiritual World by Michael Winkler of Germany


I thank you ands other comrades for helping me get to this point, that I am again about to take the world on — alone once again, at first, but with a new world inside me — and this time, however, with half this white county of Armstrong being furious at the negro gun-grabber Obama, awakened by the Internet, and ready to be inspired and led by a leader who knows no fear except for God.

jdn-wav es-wiki-article-usace-mike-27-nov-2012-parks


ASSASSINATIONS. http://www.infowars.com/russian-leader-demands-investigation-of-chavez-death/

Only the strongest of hearts will survive, and with every weakness blasted and scoured off by the high-pressure hoses of fate, firing tons of pressure at us, these are the only ones, cleaned and purified, that can be winners. That believe in themselves and know their divine origin in a world of blob humanimals.

Louis XIV gave this advice to his son:

“As king, if ever something destroys your self-confidence, whether an insult or your own mistake, immediately, within the hour, do something to restore it.”

And I am preparing a movement — this is what we did together all of 2012 — that will go on and on and on, not needing me this time except for the start.

Read this if you read nothing else.



John de Nugent

681 Canal Road, Apollo PA 15613


tel: (724) 596-4284  john_denugent@yahoo.com



03/07 @ 11:26 : Dubai, AE [ARAB EMIRATES]
03/07 @ 11:24 : Los Angeles, California, US
03/07 @ 11:24 : Dubai, AE
03/07 @ 11:23 : Munich, DE[UTSCHLAND = GERMANY]
03/07 @ 11:23 : Caen, FR
03/07 @ 11:20 : Herne, DE
03/07 @ 11:19 : New York, New York, US
03/07 @ 11:18 : Redmond, Washington, US
03/07 @ 11:15 : Dresden, DE
03/07 @ 11:15 : Albuquerque, New Mexico, US
Mormon temple in Albuquerque, which in Spanish means “white oak”
03/07 @ 11:14 : France, FR
03/07 @ 11:13 : Mountain View, California, US
03/07 @ 11:02 : Saukkola, FI[nland]
A Saukkola boy, from near Helsinki
03/07 @ 11:02 : Berlin, DE
03/07 @ 11:01 : Saukkola, FI
03/07 @ 11:00 : Braunschweig, DE
03/07 @ 11:00 : Baden-Baden, DE
The spa at Baden-Baden
03/07 @ 10:59 : Dortmund, DE
03/07 @ 10:57 : Austria, AT
03/07 @ 10:56 : Mainz, DE
03/07 @ 10:55 : Saussenac, FR[ANCE]
03/07 @ 10:53 : Ankara, TR
03/07 @ 10:53 : Hanau, DE
03/07 @ 10:49 : Dresden, DE
03/07 @ 10:49 : Hanover, DE

===========ZEN JOKE


There is an old tradition in some Japanese Zen temples that if a wandering monk can win an argument about Buddhism with one of the resident monks, he can stay the night. If not, he has to move on.

There was such a temple in northern Japan run by two brothers. The elder brother was very learned and the younger brother was rather stupid, and he had only one eye.

One evening a wandering monk came to ask for lodging. The elder brother was very tired as he had been studying for many hours, so he told the younger brother to go and take the debate. “Request that the dialogue be in silence,” said the elder brother.

A little later the traveler came to the elder brother and said, “What a wonderful fellow your brother is. He has won the debate very cleverly, so I must move on. Good night.”

“Before you go,” said the elder brother, “please relate the dialogue to me.”

“Well,” said the traveler, “first I held up one finger to represent Buddha. Then your brother held up two fingers to represent Buddha and his teaching. So I held up three fingers to represent Buddha, his teaching, and his followers. Then your clever brother shook his clenched fist in my face to indicate that all three came from one realization.” With that the traveler left.

A little later the younger brother came in looking very distressed. “I understand you won the debate,” said the elder brother.

“Won nothing,” said the younger brother, “that traveler is a very rude man.”

“Oh?” said the elder brother, “Tell me the subject of the debate.

“Why,” said the younger brother, “the moment he saw me, he held up one finger insulting me by indicating that I have only one eye. But because he was a stranger I thought I would be polite, so I held up two fingers congratulating him on having two eyes. At this, the impolite wretch held up three fingers to show that we had but three eyes between us, so I got mad and threatened to punch his nose – so he went.”

The elder brother laughed.


  1. John:

    Running for Sheriff! Perfect. Brilliant! — both to get a “foot in the door” as well as to prove to your constituency that you truly, honestly can MAKE A DIFFERENCE.

    The office of sheriff in the US system is the last bastion of freedom in a totally corrupt mega-stalinist state, and the one office that CAN effect change. Just look at Sheriff Joe Arpaio and how Obama fears HIM!

    I can donate to your election campaign, even if I cannot donate to your religious campaign.

    Where do I send a contribution, once your name is on the ballot?

    • I thank you, Fr. John. But I need funds NOW to gear up to run, and I will not be even ON the ballot until I gather three hundred seventy-nine valid voter signatures.

      And I cannot even legally begin gathering those signatures for an independent candidacy until March 19th (eleven days hence). Further, I am still recuperating financially from a $4,000 embezzlement in December.

      If people want now a fearless leader, then be now fearless supporters!

      Starting today and not in six months! Or stop your whining, people, about the Jews when a leader is ready to confront them NOW! This is a WINNABLE RACE!

      And I proved I have the right stuff and the courage in 1990 when I moved to Tennessee, a state I had never been in before, and where no one knew me, I ran, and then nearly won the Republican primary for US Congress with a pitiful $3,000 budget!

      You want a leader with cojones? You got him!

      In 1990 TV was blasting me — without me withering, retreating, or engaging in Alex Jones-style cop-outs about “the globalists” — when we know who thge “bankisters” really are, the satan-worshipping JEWS!

      “Nazi?” Damn right! And Hitler was not harsh ENOUGH!

      McAtee Nugent WSMV TV Nashville

      And in 2013 I am older, wiser, yes, sadder too and more knocked about by life — but just as fearless!

      But — because of 1) the scariness of Obama and 2) the Internet and blogs spreading truth about Jewry and Israel, whites today are far more angry, and much more informed THAN EVER BEFORE! Add to that now the BAD ECONOMY, A RIGHTWING WHITE AREA like western Pennsylvania (http://johndenugent.us/solutreanism/race/white-safety-zones), and, brother, we now have a WINNING ELECTION SCENARIO!


      Send checks, cash, and money orders to

      John de Nugent


      681 Canal Road

      Apollo PA 15613 USA

      (724) 596-4284


      Here is the most hacked and hated video on the Jews I ever did, explaining to white workers today WHY THEY ARE POOR! And now Hitler LOVED and SAVED the SUFFERING WHITE WORKING CLASS and HONORED our uniquely beautiful, gorgeous and feminine WOMEN!

      We as whites are and must be one big extended family, where we all help each other! 🙂

      British grandmother stops jewelry store robbery (not an employee, just an OUTRAGED WHITE CITIZEN!) at risk to her life! White men, where are you???


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