My blog can take up to six hours to do.
Sometimes things so urgent come up that it is better than I give you a golden oldie.
That something is reports that a toxic mix of rain and that vicious oil-cleanup chemical that BOP is using is starting to rain on Florida and this toxic oil rain may become a physical catastrophe for the United States.
First, i got this email:
* * *
Very ominous – the chemical dispersant very toxic – can get evaporated and then rained down on land, destroying life:§ionid=3510203
The British Petroleum oil spill is threatening the entire eastern half of the North American continent with “total destruction,” reports say.
An ominous report by Russia’s Ministry of Natural Resources warned of the impending disaster resulting from the British Petroleum (BP) oil and gas leak in the Gulf of Mexico, calling it the worst environmental catastrophe in all of human history, the European Union Times reported.
Russian scientists believe BP is pumping millions of gallons of Corexit 9500, a chemical dispersal agent, under the Gulf of Mexico waters to hide the full extent of the leak, now estimated to be over 2.9 million gallons a day.
Experts say Corexit 9500 is a solvent four times more toxic than oil.
The agent, scientists believe, has a 2.61ppm toxicity level, and when mixed with the warm waters of the Gulf of Mexico, its molecules will be able to “phase transition.”
This transition involves the change of the liquid into a gaseous state, which can be absorbed by clouds. The gas will then be released as “toxic rain” leading to “unimaginable environmental catastrophe” destroying all life forms from the “bottom of the evolutionary chart to the top,” the report said.
* * *
Then this:
* * *
Please watch this YouTube video. Forward it to your lists .. to everyone you know.
WHY is this proven-effective method of oil removal NOT being used in the Gulf of Mexico now ??!!! WHY ??!!!
The obvious answer is because BP and the Powers-That-Be who are perpetrating this criminal mega-disaster are deliberately trying to kill the Gulf of Mexico.
IMPORTANT! 6 week solution to oil spill (must watch!)
This process is amazing…. maybe the news on CTV was not so far off, when it said they might be able to create critters via biotech that would eat oil… seems they already exist! And according to this report, coming from an official source.. the Texas Land Management Commissioner…
——-Original Message——-
From: Don Nordin
Date: 29/05/2010 8:17:53 PM
To: Don Nordin
Subject: IMPORTANT! 6 week solution to oil spill (must watch!)
BP has screwed it up from the beginning. They’ve used dispersant which is toxic to sea life. Then they’ve prevented the oil from rising to the surface where the biological methods of oil neutralization shown in this video can be used. BP has ensured massive damage to the gulf and toxic inhalation of gulf coast residents of the vapourous fumes from the crude oil and dispersants that will kill or seriously injure many people.
Watch this video and then contact U.S. government representatives that have the power to use this technique.
—– Original Message —–
From: TRA
To: AB
Sent: Saturday, May 29, 2010 2:19 PM
Subject: Fw: 6 week solution to oil spill (must watch!)
I was wondering how long it would take to get this out on the internet. There are many proven, effective and safe ways to deal with crude oil. Microbes are just one. Why are these methods not being used? Where is the political leadership? The fact that BP Is using chemicals that are dangerous and ineffective strongly supports the conclusion that BP is trying to kill the gulf.
Please circulate this excellent seven-minute video to everyone you know. The only way to stop these murdering criminals is to expose them and their criminal activity.
Subject: Re: 6 week solution to oil spill (must watch!)
=============================VOTE! THE NEW BANNER!
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====================GOLDEN OLDIE BLOGPOST FROM 2009
[The main change since this blog written one year ago is that Henrik Holappa, due to our flood of letters to him in prison and to the parliaments of Scandinavia, was released from federal detention, all the ludicrous “hate speech” [sic] charges against him by the Finnish government were dropped, and he returned to Finland a free man.]
* * *
Michael Hoffmann II is an awesome American of German descent. He and I have had correspondence.
He PROVES two huge points that are excellent for waking up Traditional Christians:
1) the Jews follow the Talmud much more than the Old Testament;
2) the Talmud is even worse, MUCH worse, than the worst passages in the OT.
Just a silly joke, but I laughed.
One day a biker dies and finds himself in hell. As he is wallowing in despair, he has his first meeting with the devil…
Satan: “Why so glum?”
Biker : “What do you think? I’m in hell!”
Satan: “Hell’s not so bad. We actually have a lot of fun down here. You a drinking man?”
Biker : “Sure, I love to drink.”
Satan: “Well, you’re gonna love Mondays then. On Mondays, that’s all we do is drink. Whiskey, tequila, Guinness, wine coolers, Tab, and Fresca. We drink ’til we throw up and then we drink some more! And you don’t have to worry about getting a hangover, because you’re dead anyway.”
Biker : “Gee that sounds great!”
Satan: “You a smoker?”
Biker : “You better believe it”
Satan: “All right! You’re gonna love Tuesdays We get the finest cigars from all over the world, and smoke our lungs out. If you get cancer – no biggie, you’re already dead, remember?”
Biker : “Wow…that’s awesome!”
Satan: “I bet you like to gamble.”
Biker : “Why, yes, as a matter of fact I do.”
Satan: “Good, ’cause Wednesdays you can gamble all you want.? Craps, blackjack, roulette, poker, slots, whatever. If you go bankrupt, it doesn’t matter, you’re dead anyhow.”
Biker “Cool!”
Satan: “What about Drugs?”
Biker : ” Are you kidding? Love drugs! You don’t mean…?”
Satan: “That’s right! Thursday is drug day. Help yourself to a great big bowl of crack or smack. Smoke a doobie the size of a submarine. You can do all the drugs you want. You’re dead so who cares.”
Biker : “Wow! I never realized Hell was such a cool place!”
Satan: “You gay?”
Biker : “No…”
Satan: “Ooooh, Fridays are gonna be tough….”
A retired lawyer friend visited Henrik in prison! (I will not permit myself any more with my role to walk unarmed and searched into any federal prison or federal building. I saw what happened to Germar Rudolf. The last time I did it was in December, for HH’s immigration hearing six hours away in Philadelphia — which now looks like a huge waste of time, since they arrested him for no reason except hostility to both him and me.)
He wrote:
* * *
Yesterday, I spent a nice half hour visiting Henrik. He seemed to be in good shape, both physically and mentally; I found him to be intelligent with good common sense. We discussed a number of issues, one of which was whether publicity would benefit him or not. He agreed with you (and me) that it would, provided it did not include details about legal matters.
I suggested once before that you or I prepare a letter to Lou Dobbs and to Glen Beck [two major TV journalists with their own shows, Beck on MSNBC and Dobbs on CNN] explaining the circumstances of his case and the cases of the two Brits in California , including pictures.
I also told Henrik about the military option and he did not say he was against it. If he can be set free for a period, he should see a military recruiter and at least discuss what kind of a deal they might offer him, i.e., service in return for citizenship.
I replied:
* * *
Oh, thank you so much for seeing Henrik and I am sure you agree now that I was right, that he is one fine young man and inspirational to us all.
I’ll use an edited version of your first paragraph in my posts.
My concern with the military option is that they would put him in combat and engineer an friendly-fire incident/”accident,” as with the former NFL star and Green Beret corporal Pat Tillman, who got three closely-spaced M-16 bullets in the forehead while serving in Afghanistan — after this famous American began denouncing the war to his parents in many letters.
I am so incredibly busy now that if you wrote to Glenn Beck and Lou Dobbs, that would be not only relieve me but it might increase the chances of getting a hearing.
I’ll call you later about HH.
The atheist troll then challenged me to prove the existence of God.
I replied:
* * *
The chocolate éclair!
I rest my case.
At least it proves there is a god in France.
Senior Member
I would argue that the beauty of the white Aryan woman is proof enough, but hey, food’s always nice
Fair enough, then I give you Cheryl Ladd:
On VNN, comrades were fighting over the issue of atheism.
I wrote:
* * *
Chapter two will lay out my view. I understand those who feel Saulianity is a Trojan horse to bring in Jew worship and make white men cowardly. But we must not throw out the baby with the bath water. The vast majority of white people believe there is a higher force. (I sincerely agree, aside from all strategic considerations.)
Chapter two is a very important chapter; please wait for it.
And as for the poster who says he lost all respect for me: there have been many courageous believers (think of Waffen-SS captain, later general Leon Degrelle! —…z=706c61796572) and many cowardly atheists, and vice versa.
Even if you do not understand any French, just watch the first 60 seconds. Then tell me “believers are cowards!” Have you done anything for our Cause equal to Leon Degrelle — to deserve the Knight’s Cross of the Iron Cross from Hitler’s own hand?
The believer Degrelle was critical at the Jan.-Feb. 1944 Battle of Cherkassy in preventing a catastrophic Soviet breakthrough that could have meant Soviet tanks rolling into Berlin in 1944 and Paris and even Madrid, Spain — long before the Anglo-Americans landed in the west on D-Day!
As the translator, with Margaret Huffstickler, of Degrelle’s entire memoirs, which he called in French Hitler pour mille ans [ = “Hitler for one thousand years”] and which TBR published as My Revolutionary Life in 12 installments 2005-2007, I can assure you that this believer in God or a Divine Force was a man of incredible bravery and LOYALTY to our race — and to a very great man.
As I have written below, the great Harvard MD and psychologist William James wrote, in his (see Amazon reviews here)
The Varieties of Religious Experience | |
The Varieties of Religious Experience |
the very true observation that some men are natural atheists. Their temperament is left-brained, scientific, cold and logical. (I am thinking here especially of Dr. Pierce, whom I knew very well, and respected, but for all his courtesy was a cold man — a typical scientist. He once said to me: “John, you are good at ’stroking’ people, but I am not. I think people should do the right thing and not need any encouragement.”)
Dr. Pierce as he looked when I knew him well, 1981-84.
Such comrades are just not open to a right-brained viewpoint. They can be very brave, good citizens and even fighters. But theism leaves them cold. It is beyond their inclinations as well as their beliefs. “God or gods” is just a boring, silly, embarrassing, impractical topic to them. And they believe that Christianity discredits all religion.
And others are natural believers, and more right-brained. And the two categories will never change.
But only the Jew will benefit if we fight.
My Spanish friend, WN publisher Pedro Varela, a strong believer in God and the number-one target of the Jews in all Spain. He suffered seeing all his 20,000 books confiscated and all his computers, and now faces 2.5 years in prison. A great and charismatic leader, especially of the youth — and loyal to our Cause since he was a teenager.
This was James’ observation — that temperament determines theism or atheism — and he is still an acknowledged expert on all the different forms of religion and anti-religion.
William James, brother of the great novelist Henry James, was, like Beethoven, Brahms, Shakespeare (de Vere) or Stradivarius, the violin-making genius, one of those men who produce a masterpiece that after a century, or two, or three or four, is acknowledged still as unsurpassed.
We must tolerate and respect each other and I can say only this:
I have laid out my viewpoint. You do NOT need to join my movement. But wish me well, I ask, because in my own way I am fighting also for our race. And I have done so with bravery for 30 years — as many atheists also have fought bravely.
At death we all will know what happens next. There is no need to be dogmatic on either side, like the semites, before then. No mortal knows absolute truth.
The key is to create a mass movement, and one on a sound ideological footing so that it does not go bad in future decades or centuries due to any Jewish seed that can sprout later, and so I am highly aware of all your concerns. We need a solid world view, not a wimpy one.
After chapter two, then please judge me effort. And its effect on the MASSES. Not just on YOU. Or have we forgotten that our goal is not to debate each other but to WIN, to defeat the Jew?
I would like now to pay tribute to a wonderful agnostic friend of mine, Phil Wheeler. At nearly age 100, this great engineer from Vermont, his eyesight finally going, donated to me and Margaret the car we now drive, our nice little red 1991 Honda Prelude. He invented a key torpedo used in WWII. Later, he became an avid reader of The Spotlight newspaper and American Free Press. When I was divorced in 1990 he offered me his home for several months. He was an idealistic, giving, and also brilliant man — and an agnostic with a scientific temperament. We always agreed in a friendly way to disagree about the divine.
God bless him!
Henrik, Margi and our gift car from my agnostic engineer friend Philip Wheeler, 100, at the farmhouse of a neighbor here in western Pennsylvania. Have you written Henrik yet? He is still in solitary in a third-world prison. Henrik used to enjoy waxing this old car to perfection, Scandinavian that he is. HH is an Asatru pagan, neither a Christian nor an agnostic — and as my letter from him yesterday proved yet again, a man of incredible bravery and loyalty to our sacred Cause. If you write him, you will be doing a good deed.
Esa Henrik Holappa A087 361 909
Buffalo Federal Detention Facility
4250 Federal Drive
Batavia NY 14020
Henrik (r), a pagan, always had time for the blond Fields children, who with one or both parents (Traditional — Bishop Williamson-type — VERY anti-Jewish Catholics) stayed with us for several months. My views are open — but sympathetic to the Aryan religion of Vedanta, which I think encourage fighters to NOT FEAR DEATH. This is a useful belief, even agnostics will concede. But I have NO dogmatic views, NONE. I think all religious dogmas are semitic and psychopathic arrogance, faced with the Unknown.
The aurora borealis, the Northern lights.
What I know is that Henrik and many other superb comrades are in chains. And they need our letters. And the letters to Henrik are having a good effect on the Finnish government!!!!!! The arrest of HH has been a PR debacle — for THEM. HH is a clean-cut kid who attracts support — and who fought gang rape of women in Finland and in America. (And what our Cause needs is MORE WOMEN.) The Jews have a problem holding Henrik — and your letters prove it.
Georgetown University’s Healy Towers.
I recently found an interesting story online:…a_19790215.pdf
On page two of the Georgetown Hoya student newspaper, dated February 15, 1979, is a good article on my demonstration, with three other stormtroopers, in full NS uniform, at Georgetown University, directly across from my main building, the Walsh Building, home of the School of Languages and Lingustics, where all the students and professors could see me.
It was a thrilling moment and yet the end of my bourgeois career. The Marines, the Army ROTC which was pursuing me for an officer career, my father and the university all came down on me, and hard. (As for the students, some actually asked for my autograph…. and many admired my courage. I think my Marine haircut and persona also helped me avoid physical trouble, plus at 25 I was older than the other students, not a pimply punk doing his “radical chic” years, and I was married and a parent who occasionally brought my little blond daughter to meet some professors.)
I regret nothing about that demonstration — except that Hitler, the founder and genius of national socialism, made serious mistakes in dealing with our white Slavic brothers, tragic anti-Slavic errors that lost the war — and his defeat truly enthroned the Jews, whose Holocaust guilt trip has intimidated and demoralized white Americans for 64 years now. (After all, we are told that we we white Americans “did not do enough to stop Hitler” — besides 300,000 white men in Europe killed fighting our German brothers, and a million wounded!)
But whom else was I to join in 1979 to fight for white rights?
The Republican Party of Henry Kissinger? I was a young man eager to get into the fight — and I still am.
Here is a jpeg of the article:
The Georgetown University campus. G’town is usually ranked in the top 22 colleges in the United States (out of 3,000). The building lower right marked “73″ is the Walsh Building, where I took almost all my classes. Across the street (left of the #73 building) is the 1789 restaurant, on the sidewalk of which I held my demonstration, so all in the classrooms above could see and hear us — including my German professors!
Edmund Walsh Building
1789 Restaurant. Georgetown University was founded in 1789, the year the Constitution also was ratified, as an elite Catholic school in the capital of the new country. The Jesuits were founded on total obedience to the Pope and all Jesuits are expected to get their Ph.D. in their special field of study. Many countries have banned them as highly dangerous and subversive. I was raised Protestant — and had no Jesuit professors at Georgetown, only one excellent Columban father for a course on Plato’s Republic. (He tried to prove Plato was NOT a racialist and antidemocratic, and I think I proved to the class by the end of the semester the very opposite.) Bill Clinton graduated from Georgetown in 1968, nine years before I was there (1977-81) — and then mysteriously traveled to Soviet-bloc countries such as Czechoslovakia and the USSR itself… the height of the Vietnam War….. in which he did not serve……
So as a young man I had a fork in my road at Georgetown, like Bill Clinton, but I feel I chose the right path — the White path.
Bill Clinton’s official White House portrait. What an arrogant traitor and psychopath. At Georgetown, Clinton truly went over to the “Dark Side of the Force.”
Wikipedia tells us about Bill Clinton:
Clinton attended the Edmund A. Walsh School of Foreign Service at Georgetown University in Washington, D.C., receiving a Bachelor of Science in Foreign Service (B.S.F.S.) degree in 1968. He spent the summer of 1967, the summer before his senior year, working as an intern for Arkansas Senator J. William Fulbright. While in college he became a brother of Alpha Phi Omega and was elected to Phi Beta Kappa. |
Phi Beta Kappa is a national honor society for the top ten percent of the class.
Well, I have THAT too in common with Clinton.
Father Edmund Walsh, PhD, Jesuit priest, in 1948 in Tokyo with General Douglas MacArthur. Walsh founded the Georgetown “School of Foreign Service.” The linguistics department shared the building. Wikipedia says of Walsh: “[He] served as Consultant to the U.S. Chief of Counsel at the Nuremberg Trials. ….Walsh’s most obvious legacy is the School he founded, which has become an incubator of leadership in the United States and internationally. Graduates of the School have included U.S. President Bill Clinton and the leaders of the U.S. intelligence community (George Tenet), the American labor movement (AFL-CIO President Lane Kirkland), and the American Catholic Church (New York Archbishop John Cardinal O’Connor). Heads of state educated at the School have included King Abdullah of Jordan and Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo of the Philippines. The School has also been home to legendary faculty members including the historians Carroll Quigley, and Jules Davids, the political scientist and World War II hero Jan Karski, and the first woman Secretary of State Madeleine Albright.” Nauseating.
Carroll Quigley Quigley was born in Boston, where he attended school and later received both undergraduate degrees and a doctorate from nearby Harvard University. At Georgetown University, Quigley joined the Edmund A. Walsh School of Foreign Service, where he taught his highly regarded course, Development of Civilization. This was to make a strong impression on many of his students, including the future U.S. President Bill Clinton, who named Quigley as an important influence during his acceptance speech to the 1992 Democratic National Convention.
According to Quigley, the aim of the dynastic banking houses was:
“…nothing less than to create a world system of financial control in private hands able to dominate the political system of each country and the economy of the world as a whole. This system was to be controlled in a feudalist fashion by the central banks of the world acting in concert, by secret agreements arrived at in frequent private meetings and conferences. The apex of the system was to be the Bank for International Settlements in Basle, Switzerland, a private bank owned and controlled by the world’s central banks which were themselves private corporations. Each central bank , in the hands of men like Montague Norman of the Bank of England, Benjamin Strong of the New York Federal Reserve Bank, Charles Rist of the Bank of France, and Hjalmer Schacht of the Reichsbank, sought to dominate its government by its ability to control Treasury loans, to manipulate foreign exchanges, to influence the level of economic activity in the country, and to influence cooperative politicians by subsequent economic rewards in the business world.” (see page 324) Tragedy and Hope He also states.. “There does exist, and has existed for a generation, an international Anglophile network which operates to some extent, the way the Radical Right believes the Communist act. In fact, this network, which we may identify as the Round Table Groups, has no aversion to cooperating with the Communists, or any other groups, and frequently does so. I have studied it for twenty years and was permitted for two years in the early 1960s, to examine its papers and secret records. I have no aversion to it and to many of its instruments[in] general, my chief difference of opinion is that it wishes to remain unknown, and I believe its role in history is significant enough to be known.” (page 950, Tragedy and Hope). |
So in 1979 I stood at the same crossroad as Bill Clinton in 1964 — at an elite school with a possible career of riches and fame ahead of me. (My father, a self-made millionaire, had all the connections to help me, because at the time he was fairly close to Kissinger, Reagan, Senator John Chafee of Rhode Island, etc., he knew Pat Buchanan and Barry Goldwater, and he was serving on the Republican National Finance Committee. He was Reagan’s campaign chairman for Rhode Island in 1976, 1980 and 1984.)
But while William Jefferson Clinton chose the wrong path, I chose the White path, in fact, the path of Thomas Jefferson, a racialist, an opponent of federal power and of talmudic Jewry, as his letters to John Adams clearly reveal.
Founding Father and former president Thomas Jefferson wrote to another Founding Father and former president, John Adams, on October 12, 1813, the following:
To compare the morals of the Old [Testament], with those of the New Testament, would require an attentive study of the former, a search through all its books for its precepts, and through all its history for its practices, and the principles they prove. As commentaries too on these, the philosophy of the Hebrews must be enquired into, their Mishna, their Gemara, Cabbala, Jezirah, Sohar, Cosri, and their Talmud must be examined and understood, in order to do them full justice.Brucker, it should seem, has gone deeply into these repositories of their ethics, and Enfield, his epitomizer, concludes in these words. “Ethics were so little studied among the Jews, that, in their whole compilation called the Talmud, there is only one treatise on moral subjects. Their books of Morals chiefly consisted in a minute enumeration of duties. From the law of Moses were deduced 613 precepts, which were divided into two classes, affirmative and negative, 248 in the former, and 365 in the latter. It may serve to give the reader some idea of the low state of moral philosophy among the Jews in the Middle age, to add, that of the 248 affirmative precepts, only 3 were considered as obligatory upon women; and that, in order to obtain salvation, it was judged sufficient to fulfill any one single law in the hour of death; the observance of the rest being deemed necessary only to increase the felicity of the future life. What a wretched depravity of sentiment and manners must have prevailed before such corrupt maxims could have obtained credit! It is impossible to collect from these writings a consistent series of moral doctrine.’ Enfield, B. 4. chap. 3.
It was the reformation of this`wretched depravity’ of morals which Jesus undertook. |
I can say that ONE of the great things about following one’s conscience is that when older you can look back on — and relive with joy — so many turning points in your life, and feel pride, not shame.
I would hate to be Bill Clinton when he dies. I am ready to die any time — after I have done as much as God lets me. Younger men such as Henrik Holappa and others will take over the leadership of the Eternal Solutrean Tribe.
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