ENGLISH Two regular Christians question reincarnation

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To both these commenters on the last blog, thanks for your kind words and support.

Reincarnation (which I illustrate here with some hard proofs: https://johndenugent.com/reincarnation-evidence) does not necessarily mean everyone reincarnates. It means it could happen for certain individuals, or many, or most…..or maybe just for a specific holy man, called an avatar. Solutreanism is not about dogmas, saying we know what God is up to. 😉

It is clear that reincarnation is meant in the New Testament by Mark 6:15 and Luke 9:19 in terms of the question that is posed — in the sense of God sending a man (a prophet) back again. They are based on the palingenetic idea of a man coming back as outwardly another man but the same individual or soul inwardly. (Of course, a soul can progress on the other side before it returns…)

Some believed that Jesus was the prophet Elijah returned. Well, no one believed that Joseph and Mary had been the prophet Elijah’s parents too!…..So this, in their belief, was a soul experiencing different lives, parents and circumstances and another mission to serve God.

Now let us note John 9:1-4 (which comes right after that great, hard-hitting chapter which contains, heh-heh, the famous John 8:44…. ;-))

(New International Version, NIV): Jesus Heals a Man Born Blind

1 As he went along, he saw a man blind from birth. 2 His disciples asked him, “Rabbi, who sinned, this man or his parents, that he was born blind?”

3 “Neither this man nor his parents sinned,” said Jesus, “but this happened so that the works of God might be displayed in him.”

WHEN, to use the most basic common sense, could the beggar have sinned so as to be BORN blind, except in a previous life??? Did he kick too hard with his size-one footsies in the womb? 😉

(An Italo-American uncle might say: “Hey, whatsamatta fo’ you? You’r-a talkin’ garbage. I’m-a gonna slapp-a you upside da head!” 😉 )

Note that Jesus does not agree with, refute or discuss reincarnation at all.

That is not even the question for Him — though clearly the disciples are entertaining reincarnation as the explanation for the truly searing question as to why, under a just God’s heaven, a baby would be born with the curse of blindness………………

Jesus says the REAL issue at hand was that God was giving us a sign of His love, mercy and power, and His presence among us through Christ (as a subsequent verse shows).

Solutreanism, to be clear, absolutely accepts Christ as a divine God-man, sent by the Most High——as well as the greatest Jewfighter EVER, or until Adolf Hitler, whose views on Christ are my own exactly. But only another 2,000 years will show Hitler’s long-term effects.

It is even possible, one could speculate, that the two men are somehow connected….and we must recall the Council of Chalcedon, which in 451 issued a definition that has been accepted by most Christians ever since: Jesus is “truly God and truly man.”

It was Jesus who once ran for His (earthly) life, threading His way through the crowd, when the Pharisees (i.e. the group that came to define Judaism to this very day, as Michael Hoffman has shown) tried to seize Him.

John 8:59:

“They took up therefore stones that they might cast them at him; but Jesus hid himself and went out of the Temple, going through the midst of them, and thus passed onward.”

It was even more truly a MAN who cried out in despair and misery on the Cross, his Pharisee enemies mocking him and callous, brutish soldiers gambling for his clothes, with ripping nails in His hands and feet:

(in Aramaic) “Eli, eli, lama sabakhthani?”

“My God, my God, WHY have You FORSAKEN me???…………………………..

Note, around 02:30, this heart-rending scene in Mel Gibson’s magisterial “The Passion”

(The actor Jim Caviezel has never gotten a single major role in Hollywood since his supreme performance in this movie, which EVERYONE should see at least once, even agnostics, because the Jews fear it so.)

Hitler in 1945 in the bunker, dignified and in control, but a shaking physical wreck of his former self from the 1944 bomb blast, Parkinsons’ disease, worries and grief. (His chief of staff, Martin Bormann, made sure he was not driven through the most bombed-out sections of Berlin, because he would fall into grief for days and become slow to make decisions.)

A wounded German boy cries out, April 12, 1945

I defy anyone to tell me Hitler was not, in his own German way and in a openly political mission, deeply Christian in his spirit, goals and values. This mercy also led him to not slaughter 300,000 Brits at Dunkirk. (Compare that to Eisenhower starving 1,000,000 German soldiers to death on the Rhine meadows in 1945.)

Bad Kreuznach, a “Rheinwiesen” photo of 500,000 starving soldiers, taken by US Army Air Force, June 1945 — no toilets, tents, blankets, food or medicine! (I found this photo in the leftist Der Spiegel magazine, which found these details unworthy of comment… Eisenhower (https://johndenugent.com/psychopaths-in-power) declared these soldiers no longer soldiers and thus no longer POWs, no, but instead he highhandedly renamed them as “disarmed enemy personnel” (“DEPs”) and denied the Red Cross any right to inspect! (Nota bene, the International Red Cross visited German camps, stalags, during the war for the welfare of American and British POWs, and found them exemplary until nearly war’s end — more like “Hogan’s Heroes” than prisons — and they visited Auschwitz regularly as well, and found NO genocide going on!)


The Germans, who had surrendered honorably, died by the hundreds every day. Thank you, overly merciful Hitler, for letting the British go at Dunkirk…..This is how your kindness was repaid.

The Noble Wolf also referred constantly to Providence (my birthplace 😉 ). Just look at this moving video to see what a man he was, and it reminds me of Jesus saying (Matthew 23:37):

“O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, who kills the prophets and stones to death those who have been sent to her! How often I wanted to gather your children together as a hen gathers her chicks under her wings, but you were unwilling!”


We should also understand clearly that reincarnation was a current idea all over the Greek-speaking, Hellenistic, Roman-ruled Near East, which included the Roman provinces of Judea, Samaria and Galilee. The Jews were affected by the Hellenism surrounding them then just as they are today by modern American and Western culture.

The greatest Greek philosopher, Plato, was preaching reincarnation overtly in his masterwork, The Republic, and in other works such as Meno and Phaedrus, 400 long years beforehand.

From the summary here (http://www.friesian.com/plato.htm; scroll 3/5ths down):

After the judgment of the gods, the souls of the dead went to a place of reward in heaven or a place of punishment in the underworld. Since Plato believed in reincarnation there were no eternal rewards or punishments — except for an evil few who were not allowed out of Hades. All the others had to face the prospect of their next life, and they were given the opportunity to choose the character of their next life from a variety of alternatives.

Because of the conquests of Alexander, the ideas of Plato and the Greek language itself (especially the koiné dialect) were prestigious, dominant and omnipresent.

Alexander the Great, who was blond and so fair of skin that when he blushed, he turned red down to his chest. Without precedent in world history, he fought – as king and general — in the front row alongside his common soldiers in every battle.

The Jews themselves ceased speaking Hebrew in conversation, but instead conversed in Greek and Aramaic (the language which Jesus speaks in Gibson’s accurate “The Passion.”) Also, and again because of Alexander’s blazing military expansion to the shores of the Indus river, Hindu and Buddhist ideas about reincarnation had spread westward, so Judea got it from both directions.

Wherever Greeks went, people were opened up to new ideas. The Romans saw the Greeks as idea people (and themselves as the practical ones).

When Saul/Paul spoke in Athens…….

The Parthenon before the muslim Turks bombed it


……., as you know, he referred to the altar he had passed, dedicated simply to “an unknown god.” The Greeks, inheritors of a magnificent Aryan civlization of the Golden Age (600-300 BC), were open to every god, philosophy and theory, which is why they invented or perfected almost everything the Ancient World could boast of: tragedy, comedy, the theater itself, mathematics, philosophy, strategy, politics, esthetics — all Greek words even!

Ultimately, we just have to sanctify truth, and fear not whither it take us. As Thomas Jefferson said:

“There is no truth existing which I fear, or would wish unknown to the whole world.”

If the reincarnation evidence is solid, we must consider it. And there is no evidence that the kids with detailed memories of earlier lives are demon-possessed at all. In fact, the memories just fade away harmlessly in most cases around age five……

My concern specifically as a leader, some say a kshatriya (warrior), others a brahmin (priest), others even a chakravartin! (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chakravartin), is to save our race and ruthlessly cleanse this earth of evil before any healing and education can begin. The chakravartin ruler, whose name means “chariot wheels turning,” makes both the wicked and the righteous obey divine order in his vast domain, or they die.

This great work is not yet being done. The Jews are still flourishing, though everyone hates them. The people needs stern rule.

Spiritual video one:



(The other videos — two through nine — are found here, about one-quarter down: https://johndenugent.com/videos-of-jdn-speaking With your financial support, the final video will be completed.)

(Thanks go to a Kiwi — a New Zealander — in this and other regards.)

The southern island of New Zealand, full of a proud British heritage in the south Pacific. “The Lord of the Rings” was shot in New Zealand. This marvelous land, also settled by ancient Solutreans, MUST STAY WHITE.

“Regular” Christianity, incontrovertibly, has failed to stop the Jew. In fact, au contraire, the Jew is now eradicating Christianity. I must look at the reality on the ground — and stop the genociders by any means necessary. Deo volente, I will.

“”The Sabbath [religion and its practices] was made for man, not man for the Sabbath.” — Jesus, Mark 2:27

My then-kitten Adi……gentle, but always looking sad…..

—and nuzzling into my arm…..

….but now she is adult, a parent, and vigilantly stares into the world with her trademark mustache ;-).…. I must be a pretty evil guy, to have a cat like that. 😉


As usual, it is Europeans and other non-Americans who send contributions to our AMERICAN FREEDOM STRUGGLE. They understand that our white race will be saved if the superpower AMERICA changes.
What a shame that American WNs do not contribute…..to the salvation of their own country.

Contact the man the Jews and white psychopaths hate most….

John de Nugent

213 Ekastown Road
Sarver PA 16055 USA

[20 miles north of Pittsburgh, in western Pennsylvania]



Telephone: 724.353.0154

Skype: John de Nugent (Pittsburgh)


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