ENGLISH US Army uses yoga and meditation for combat vets and PTSD; Obama's illegal-alien aunt demands welfare on Boston TV

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An Australian under indictment for “racial agitation” wrote:

As annoying as it is, you know why they go after you so much, of course. Now look at others – they barely have the slightest problem. They are absolutely terrified of you, John.

Georges Theil, French revisionist, facing one year in prison and a 100,000 euro fine:

Bravo John !

Mais regarde ceci, qui montre qu’il n’y a pas seulement la calomnie anti-aryenne incessante des Khazars, mais aussi et surtout la stupidité des Goys !

[“But look at this,which shows that it is not just the incessant anti-Aryan calomny of the Khazars, but also and primarily the stupidity of the goys!” Then follows a French article about gentile Christian Zionists in America.]

Salut à toi ! [“Salutations!]


I replied (originally in French):

Well, no, they are NOT stupid! They are collaborating with the real rulers of America. The Christian Zionists sense that the Jews rule everything (except guns and the Internet!!) and they figure the only way to survive is to kiss up to the real masters of America.

Otherwise, as they fear correctly, all Christianity will be outlawed some day as an “antisemitic hate cult.”

They are not stupid; they are collaborators with the occupying power.

Just wait until we show them, and prove to them with hard facts, that the forces of abortion, homosexuality (right, Abe Foxman?), banning of prayer and anything Christian such as prayer and Christmas in any public places are 100% Jewish-led, organized and funded.

And wait until we become powerful enough to make these human weather vanes spin again in the wind because it will then be in their interest to collaborate with US.

My friend, the support for the Jews is a mile wide, and an inch deep.

Like this underine here:


Remember that, Jews.


Wait until the Chinese learn who instigated the worst, most humiliating disaster in Chinese history, the Opium Wars — the Iraqi Jewish, sephardic Sassoon family of opium growing drug dealers. Every little Chinese kid learns in school that Mao put an end to 100 years of foreign humiliation that began when the British Empire invaded China to force it to buy opium. Mao Tse Tung executed all the opium dealers …and marched all the junkies off to western China to labor camps, where they were never heard from again.

Jews, don’t count on China being your buddy. You have no buddies; you have no friends anywhere in the world — only enemies everywhere who want you bad. Like all psychopaths, you enrage people.


Ancient art helps to calm modern warriors

Sep 20, 2010

By Susan Huseman (USAG Stuttgart)

Photo credit Susan Huseman (USAG Stuttgart)

Yoga instructor Gabriele Evans takes Soldiers from HHC, USAG Stuttgart, through a triangle pose during a Sept. 10 yoga class held in conjunction with the garrison’s Suicide Prevention Month activities. Evans will teach another free class on Sept. 24 at 6:30 a.m. in the Patch Fitness Center. All community members are invited to attend.

Source: http://www.army.mil/-news/2010/09/20/45401-ancient-art-helps-to-calm-modern-warriors/index.html

STUTTGART, Germany — Millions of Americans have turned to yoga as a form of exercise, but here in Stuttgart, U.S. service members are using it to improve their resiliency.

The 5,000 year-old practice of yoga can help stressed-out servicemembers restore their inner sense of peace and calm.

“People who have been down range are frequently in a state of hyper-vigilance – they have to be in order to do their jobs,” said Gabriele Evans, a local yoga instructor who volunteered to teach three early morning classes as part of U.S. Army Garrison Stuttgart’s Suicide Prevention Month activities this month.

When servicemembers return from deployments, “they have lost the ability to relax,” she added.

Yoga teaches that controlling one’s breathing helps control the body and quiet the mind.

“By focusing on the breath – slowing it down – soldiers learn to reclaim the nervous system and reconnect to their bodies. It helps them to relax,” said Evans, who teaches Vinyasa yoga at the Patch Fitness Center.

Evans took Soldiers from Headquarters, Headquarters Company, U.S. Army Garrison Stuttgart; 587th Signal Company, and Special Operations Command Africa, through sun salutations, a standing sequence, floor postures, balancing postures and a final relaxation.

“It turned out to be way more strenuous and challenging than you would think – given the slow, methodical movement,” said USAG Stuttgart’s Sgt. 1st Class Richard Cooke, after attending a class at the Panzer Fitness Center Sept. 10.

“The meditation portion at the end is amazing – just focusing and relaxing. That’s hard for most military people to do,” Cooke said.

While the Army has always promoted physical fitness, mental, emotional and social well being is the focus of the Army’s Comprehensive Soldier Fitness program.

“CSF uses a five-pillared approach to create stronger, more resilient soldiers, family members and civilians,” said Cooke.

“The yoga class fell right in line with that – improving [soldiers’] physical and, in some cases, spiritual fitness,” he said.

Yoga has been used as a therapy for rape, domestic violence and other traumas. The Defense Department now uses yoga to help treat service members with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.

This month, Stuttgart yoga instructor Ashleigh Smith began teaching a class called “Peaceful Warriors.”

She said the class is primarily aimed at service members and their spouses who are dealing with the stress that military life brings.

“Yoga and the breathing exercises and deep relaxation that come with it teach the student about their own autonomy over their mind and body. You learn to slow your worries down,” said Smith, who also teaches pre- and post-natal yoga classes.

Her class consists of gentle stretching for all ability levels and 25 to 30 minutes of deep relaxation using a guided meditation technique, call Yoga Nidra – the ancient art of intentional relaxation.

The technique slows down the practitioner’s brain waves, Smith said. “It’s great preparation for sleep, especially if you suffer from any type of insomnia.”

Smith takes a trauma-sensitive approach to her class.

“We make yoga physically accessible to anyone with a physical limitation, for example a broken leg. We will find a way for them to participate,” Smith said.

Trauma-sensitive yoga also uses a special language. “We use inviting, inquiring language to allow the [student] to experience their own body … to re-associate the emotional body with the physical body,” Smith added.

It’s a subtle concept, but includes phrases such as “when you are ready” and “if you like,” and words such as “try” and “feel.”

“The emphasis is not on demanding students to do what I tell them … but to gently guide them through an experience with their own body,” she said.

Practicing yoga is beneficial because it helps a person deal with stress in a functional way, she added.

“If you can do it on the mat, you can take it into a relationship or job. When you find yourself in a high stress situation, you can come back to that calming breath,” Smith said.

Both instructors pointed out that servicemembers are not strangers when it comes to using focused breathing.

“They already know how to use these techniques when they shoot,” Smith said. “[Yoga] brings it into another part of their lives.”

* * *

JdN: I do a special breathing exercise and then meditation every day. My exercise comes from lifting weights and walking dogs on mountains.

I can guarantee that 1) I am in a very high-stress “job” (preparing to take on ZOG, and constant harassment from it); and 2) yoga and meditation work.   It is a very Aryan thing to do — to calm, steady, focus and strengthen your mind.


Obama’s aunt Zeituni Onyango (I have blogged on her before) is an illegal alien welfare queen receiving numerous forms of welfare. She says the American public is obligated to let her stay and give her free stuff. She came here illegally and gets free medical care, a free house, and checks in the mail. She has never paid a penny in US taxes.

She, like her nephew, another illegal alien squatting in government property, is a truly classic psychopath:


All I can say is, if you do not get it about psychopaths, yo do not understand what is happening to America — a total psychopathic takeover.  And “nerve” in spades.

* * *

I see that the perennial, round-faced Jack Williams is still the anchor on the leading Boston TV station. I lived in Boston 1972-74 and 1993-2003.

Two of the death planes hijacked on 9/11/.01 took off directly over my house, located right on Massachusetts Bay near a runway in Winthrop, Massachusetts near Logan Airport. I had a Jewish landlord, Ted Weiner, and after he died a whopping 200 used, excellent-condition bicycles were discovered in his basement………. I asked a bike repair guy what he made of that. He just gave me a knowing, bemused, arched-eyebrow look. 😉

Winthrop in the foreground, the runways of Logan Airport, and Boston’s skyscrapers in the background alongside the Charles River to the right, named after the king the Puritans beheaded.

A hurricane surge in Winthrop; the beige house dead-center was the one where I rented the middle storey.

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