ENGLISH Vaccine horrors; Gulf Stream breakup and the Big Freeze

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Some say all vaccines are bad. Others that it is the additives that are bad: ethyl mercury and aluminum. It would be just like the NWO to smuggle something bad into something good. For example, to create anti-male feminism out of the real problem of sexual harassment of female employees.

A comrade sent me this:

* * *
I work in the health field. There has been an ongoing “debate” about the cause of Autism. The constant chant from the “Medical Industry” that there is no PROOF that vaccination causes autism.

Here are a few facts about Autism

One in about 68 of our young VACCINATED boys in the USA is AUTISTIC. Less than one fully UNvaccinated boy in 30,000 is autistic.

One VACCINATED child in 38 has Autism Spectrum Disease, ADD, ADHD ect. Less than one fully UNvaccinated child in 20,000 has ASD.

One VACCINATED child in 10,000 in JAPAN has autism. Japan does not often vaccinate babies and has taken a somewhat rational approach to the barbaric practice of “vaccination”. Japan banned the deadly MMR “vaccine” wisely in 1992.

One VACCINATED boy in 3 in the UK who lives downwind of dirty coal electric generating plants in the UK has Autism Spectrum Disease.

One VACCINATED child in 10 has Asthma. Less than one fully UNvaccinated child in 500 has asthma.

One VACCINATED child in 6 has a Neurodegenerative disease. Less than one fully UNvaccinated child in 200 has a neurodegenerative disease.

Per capita for every TWO VACCINATED children that DIE one fully UNvaccinated child dies.


Very heavy snow batters Europe


It would appear that not only is the oil continuing to flow from the Gulf, as I have blogged and despite the denials by Obama and BP, but that this flow is finishing off a Gulf Stream that already was slowing, probably for natural and cyclical reasons. As we know, the Gulf Stream sends warm Florida water to northern Europe. This could trigger either a Little Ice Age (much longer and harsher winters, as in the period 1400-1800) or even the return of a full Ice Age.


Report from 2005: http://www.guardian.co.uk/environment/2005/dec/01/science.climatechange

Researchers on a scientific expedition in the Atlantic Ocean measured the strength of the current between Africa and the east coast of America and found that the circulation has slowed by 30% since a previous expedition 12 years ago.
The current, which drives the Gulf Stream, delivers the equivalent of 1m power stations-worth of energy to northern Europe, propping up temperatures by 10C in some regions. The researchers found that the circulation has weakened by 6m tonnes of water a second. Previous expeditions to check the current flow in 1957, 1981 and 1992 found only minor changes in its strength, although a slowing was picked up in a further expedition in 1998. The decline prompted the scientists to set up a £4.8m network of moored instruments in the Atlantic to monitor changes in the current continuously.
If the current remains as weak as it is, temperatures in Britain are likely to drop by an average of 1C in the next decade, according to Harry Bryden at the National Oceanography Centre in Southampton who led the study. “Models show that if it shuts down completely, 20 years later, the temperature is 4C to 6C degrees cooler over the UK and north-western Europe,” Dr Bryden said.

Weakened Gulf Stream caused Little Ice Age

Thursday, 30 November 2006 Agençe France-Presse

The River Thames was frozen over by the Little Ice Age which was caused by a weakening of the Gulf Stream 800 years ago.

PARIS: The ‘Little Ice Age’ that began in northwestern Europe 800 years ago was caused by a weakening of the Gulf stream – the same ocean current that shows signs of diminishing today, a new study shows.

Four hundred and seventy years ago, England’s King Henry VIII travelled on the surface of the River Thames – by horse. Legend has it that the monarch was pulled all the way from central London to Greenwich on a sleigh on the icy surface of the river, which had frozen from bank to bank that winter because of bitter cold.

London’s so-called Frost Fairs, in which carnivals were occasionally held on the thickly frozen river, were a hallmark of the Little Ice Age that seized Northwestern Europe from around 1200 to 1850. And a new study published in the British journal Nature, explains why this phenomenon occurred.

It puts the blame on a weakening of the Gulf Stream, the current which takes warm water from the tropical mid-Atlantic up to Europe’s western coastline and provides those countries with balmy weather even though they are on the same latitude as chilly Labrador.

The evidence comes from sediment cores from the region where the Gulf Stream enters the North Atlantic Ocean, called the Florida Straits.

“If the Gulf Stream malfunctions, then Europe, deprived of its effects, will in turn lurch towards a new era of lower temperatures. In other words, winters in Lisbon may become as rigorous as those in New York.” http://ec.europa.eu/research/rtdinfo/special_pol/04/print_article_2603_en.html

“It’s difficult to predict what will happen,” cautions Donald Cavalieri, a senior scientist at NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center, “because the Arctic and North Atlantic are very complex systems with many interactions between the land, the sea, and the atmosphere. But the facts do suggest that the changes we’re seeing in the Arctic could potentially affect currents that warm Western Europe, and that’s gotten a lot of people concerned.”http://science.nasa.gov/science-news/science-at-nasa/2004/05mar_arctic/

“The last shutdown, which prompted a temperature drop of 5°C to 10°C in western Europe, was probably at the end of the last ice age, 12,000 years ago. There may also have been a slowing of Atlantic circulation during the Little Ice Age, which lasted sporadically from 1300 to about 1850 and created temperatures low enough to freeze the River Thames in London.”

Forbes speculates on massive food crisis in 2011 A bigger shock than $150 oil
27 Oct 2010 – “Food prices are high and going higher,” says Addison Wiggin in this article in Forbes.”Here’s what’s happened to some key farm commodities so far in 2010…”

  • Corn: Up 63%
  • Wheat: Up 84%
  • Soybeans: Up 24%
  • Sugar: Up 55%

The rise has now gone into overdrive, says Wiggins, who blames two factors…

  • “Aug. 5: A failed wheat harvest prompted Russia to ban grain exports through the end of the year … (then) through the end of 2011. Drought has wrecked the harvest in Russia, Ukraine and Kazakhstan – home to a quarter of world production.
  • “Oct. 8: For a second month running, the Agriculture Department cut its forecast for US corn production. The USDA predicts a 3.4% decline from last year. Damage done by Midwestern floods in June was made worse by hot, dry weather in August.

What if there’s a Russia-scale crop failure in the United States, asks Wiggins.

“When we have the first serious crop failure, which will happen,” says farm commodity expert Don Coxe, “we will then have a full-blown food crisis” – one far worse than 2008.

“I believe the next food crisis – when it comes – will be a bigger shock than $150 oil.”

If I’m right about the coming ice age, food prices could skyrocket far more than Mr. Coxe is now imagining.During the last Little Ice Age, literally millions of people died of starvation. People dreaded going to prison because they might become part of the menu. There are even reports of parents eating their own children.

See entire article, along with suggestions on how to invest defensively:
Thanks to William Sellers for this link

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#cg_msg_content .wsearch {width:86px;}
Posted 1/19/2004 3:00 PM Updated 5/31/2004 9:51 AM

Answers: Could warming cool Europe, maybe start an ice ageBy Jack Williams, USATODAY.com Q: Could global warming really slow down the Gulf Stream and cool Europe, or maybe even start a new ice age?

Ice cores, like this one being taken from Greenland’s Ice Sheet, give evidence of how Gulf Steam’s slowing affected past climates.
Jack Williams, USATODAY.com

Some climate scientists say this could happen, but it is far from a sure thing.

The warm water the Gulf Steam carries into the North Atlantic is generally credited with making Europe warmer than places at similar latitudes in North America. (This might not be as clear cut as we often hear. See “A new look at the Gulf Stream” at the bottom of this page.)

The Gulf Stream is part of a global system of ocean currents, which the generally accepted theory says, is driven at least in part by salty, cold water sinking in the northern Atlantic. As the water sinks, more water flows north to replace it, which means if anything slows down the sinking, the Gulf Stream would slow down and maybe other currents would slow down.

This “thermohaline (from the Greek words for heat and salt) circulation” is an important part of the Earth’s climate that includes not only currents at the tops of the oceans, such as the Gulf Stream, but also currents deep under the water. The system is global and includes water that sinks around Antarctica.

The idea that a warmer world could slow the thermohaline circulation is based on the fact that anything that made the water of the North Atlantic less salty or warmer would slow down the circulation.

This is because the colder water becomes, or the more salty it becomes, the more dense (heavy) it is. Warmer or less dense water wouldn’t sink as fast.

Warming could make the North Atlantic less salty by increasing the rain that falls on the ocean and also by adding more fresh water from melting arctic ice. If the water that flows into the North Atlantic from the Arctic Ocean became warmer, this would warm the Atlantic, possibly slowing the circulation. (Related story: Scientists struggle to learn Arctic Ocean’s secrets)

Based on evidence from ice cores from Greenland’s Ice Sheet and other sources, scientists have good reason to think that the climate made some abrupt climate changes in the past and that changes in the thermohaline circulation could have been involved. (Related document: National Science Foundation press release)

By the way, when climate scientists talk about “abrupt climate change,” they are not talking about a glacier covering New York City in a matter of days or weeks.

Here’s an example of what scientists mean by “abrupt climate change: The evidence “increasingly suggests that about 11,500 years ago, global temperatures fell by up to 16 degrees (F) within a decade and rainfall halved,” says Richard Alley of Pennsylvania State University, a leading expert in abrupt climate change.

In January 2010 Scotland and British Isles faced the most severe winter in decades with the temperatures dropping to a record level of -21°C in Highlands. Snow and ice covered United Kingdom for about three weeks – the longest cold snap for almost 30 years. Airports, roads, trains and other usual public activities were affected by severe weather.This type of weather is highly unusual as winter in Scotland is often not as cold as you might expect given the latitude of the country.

April 2010: http://www.associatedcontent.com/article/2860018/the_gulf_stream_is_not_failing_say.html

The IPCC, the United Nation’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, reported in 2007 that global warming was “very likely” to shut down the Gulf Stream,

plunging some temperate areas into localised ‘ice ages’. Britain would be badly hit by the freeze. ‘Climate change’ scientists have argued that the stream has slowed down significantly since 1990.
Scientists have found however that there’s actually no evidence to support the IPCC’s claim that the Gulf Stream is failing. The Gulf Stream supplies a constant flow of warm water and temperate weather to northern Europe. Without it, the region’s countries would be between 4 and 6 degrees colder than they generally are.

Coldest Winter in Denmark 130 Years: http://vejret.tv2.dk/artikel/id-35424841:det-blev-den-koldeste-novemberdag-i-100-%C3%A5r.html

1 Dec, 2010 – In Denmark we have worst November cold for 131 years. In Vestervig in northern Jutland, the temperature stayed low as -4.5 degrees, the lowest November temperature measured there at midday since the 1879.
Also at Fano was a near record cold. Here the thermometer is not over -3.9 degrees, the coldest there since 1884, the coldest in 126 years.
Copenhagen too was icy, and historically cold. With a maximum temperature of -4.2 degrees at Landbohøjskoen in Frederiksberg, one would return to 1890 to find a colder November day.

Dec 2, 2010 – Britain: Millions endure second nightmare journey home from work as forecasters predict EIGHT INCHES of snow tonight


Early Snow in Russia
Russia has seen it’s first snow accumulation of the season. According to Rutgers Global Snow Lab, Russia doesn’t normally receive snow until the second week in September. More is forecast for the next week, as well as in Norway and Sweden. Southeast Greenland is expecting heavy snow. Much of The UK and Ireland are expecting cold weather during the next week, as is Moscow. Temperatures on the Greenland ice sheet will be dipping down to near -25C. Nice August weather!Never before so much rain in Germany
31 Aug 10 – Germany received more rain in August than in any August since records began in 1881, the German Weather Service (DWD) announced Monday. “We have measured more than double the amount of rain as the long-term average for August,” said DWD spokesman Uwe Kirsche. About 157 litres per square metre had fallen on average across the nation, a new record. The previous record, set in August 1960, brought “only” 134 liter / sq m. That compares with the average over many years of just 77 litres / m.

Coldest South Australia August in 35 years
ADELAIDE has recorded its coldest August in more than 35 years. The city had an average temperature of 14.8C for the last month of winter. That compared with a usual average of 16.6C for August. Bureau of Meteorology senior forecaster Allan Beattie said the previous record for a cold August was in 1970 when the average temperature was 14.4C. But the coldest August was in 1951 when the average temperature was 14.1C. Adelaide’s winter this year also had a below-average temperature of 15.5C, compared with the usual average of 16C.

Snow in the Alps a month earlier than normal
30 Aug 10 – Snow in Voralberg, a month earlier than “normal”. Many farmers still had their cattle in the fields! Global warming seems far removed from these regions. It’s in Dutch, but you can use an online translator to get the gist of it. click here!

Half a meter of snow in Norway
I live in Norway. Here is what was in the news today! The winter just arrived, with a half a meter of snow. It snowed several places in the mountains in eastern Norway, although it is still only August. “This was totally unexpected,” says Anne Wangen to Nettavisen.
“There have been large amounts of snow, between 40 and 50 centimeters,” says Wangen. It is many years since there has been snow so early in Juvasshytta, located 1840 meters above sea level.
“It has happened that there has been so much snow in August, but it is many years since the last time. It is not normal anyway, and there was no indication of a time,” says Wangen.

An Italian theoretical physicist, Dr. Gianluigi Zangari, of the prestigious Research Division of the National Institute of Nuclear Physics at Frascati National Laboratories (LNF) of the National Institute of Nuclear Physics (INFN) in Italy, has come up with some startling scientific findings. Dr. Zangari has specialized in global climate research and analysis. He has found that the massive amount of oil in the Gulf of Mexico, from the BP Oil Disaster, has caused a disruption of the Loop Current in the Gulf. And further, that this has resulted in a dramatic weakening in the vorticity of the Gulf Stream and North Atlantic Current, and a reduction in North Atlantic water temperatures of 10C.

Based on what has already happened (to the Loop Current and the Gulf Stream/North Atlantic Current/etc. and global weather patterns), and what is continuing to happen, we can project increased global climate changes that are both serious and near in terms of time. We may be entering a full new Ice Age.

There is no known way to clean up the massive amount of free crude oil, stripped of its lighter elements by dispersants, now on the bottom of the Gulf of Mexico and in significant parts of the Atlantic Ocean (where the Gulf Stream flows). The use of Corexit and other dispersants by BP, with the full cooperation of the Obama Administration has created the most significant danger to the entire planet in recorded history. This is what happens when a great nation slips into being a Third World type of nation, where money alone is the key driving force in government actions.

As full knowledge of the scope of the oncoming mega-disaster to the planet becomes known, the Obama Administration will find itself in a political crisis way beyond Watergate (that cost Nixon his presidency) or the sex affair that almost cost Clinton his presidency. The effect on this years mid-term Congressional elections are apt to be dramatic.


The thermohaline circulation is sometimes called the ocean conveyor belt, the great ocean conveyor, or the global conveyor belt.

This is the Florida Current and Gulf Stream in a heat image.

The above and below images show how the Loop Current normally works.
Hurricane Katrina encountering the Gulf Loop Current and Eddy Vortex.

Temperature Comparison – August 2, 2009 / August2,2010 (Article Updated on August 2, 2010)

Temperature Comparison – July 20, 2009 / July 29, 2010

Acknowledgments: Frascati National Laboratories, NOAA and Rutgers University. Analysis by Dr. Gianluigi Zangari (Frascati Labs), July 29, 2010.

From Dr. Zangari:
The Gulf Stream importance in the global climate themoregulation processes is well assessed. The latest real time satellite (Jason, Topex/Poseidon, Geosat Follow-On, ERS-2, Envisat) data maps of May-June 2010 processed by CCAR (Dolorado Center for Astrodynamics Research), checked at Frascati Laboratories by the means of the SHT congruent calculus and compared with past years data, show for the first time a direct evidence of the rapid breaking of the Loop Current, a warm ocean current, crucial part of the Gulf Stream. As displayed by both by the sea surface maps and the sea surface height maps, the Loop Current broke down for the first time around May 18th and generated a clock wise eddy, which is still active. As of today the situation has deteriorated up to the point in which the eddy has detached itself completely from the main stream therefore destroying completely the Loop Current.
Since comparative analysis with past satellite data until May 2010 didn’t show relevant anomalies, it might be therefore plausible to correlate the breaking of the Loop Current with the biochemical and physical action of the BP Oil Spill on the Gulf Stream.
It is reasonable to foresee the threat that the breaking of a crucial warm stream as the Loop Current may generate a chain reaction of unpredictable critical phenomena and instabilities due to strong non linearities which may have serious consequences on the dynamics of the Gulf Stream thermoregulation activity of the Global Climate.

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