ENGLISH video editing needed; script for presidential video four

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===============Nice threat

I was sent a link to this:

1. Basis of the Matter
DEATH DEATH You are fearless in the face of change. Take up a new direction. Get rid of unnecessary emotional and material baggage. You are the only person who knows your true needs and desires, and therefore the only person who has any sense of what might be needed to fulfill them. Live each day consciously – be awake to life’s possibilities.Live each day consciously – that is, live each day as fully as possible, incorporating your spiritual values into your daily activities.

And then found this, a threaded screw three-quarters out on my car’s driver-side door jamb.

And strangely bent…..

Was the FBI, or were the Jews directly, trying to put a bomb or a new GPS device or some other harmful device into the door panel of my 1991 Honda Prelude?

Did I return to my car earlier than anticipated and interrupt their work? Did they then use a power screwdriver and try to screw the bolt back in at high speed and accidentally bent it?

What would bend a bolt like that? It was sticking out of the door jamb, about 1/8th inch, but firmly screwed in, not loose, and the door would not close correctly.

Or was this an attempt at intimidation? They love to try mind games, because on scared rabbits they work.

I have live and died so many times before that such tricks are laughable.

But if I die before starting this movement, good luck to you all. With minimal donations, things will crawl along, but this is the choice that you, the reader, have made.


==============volunteers live longer


People who volunteer for selfless reasons, such as helping others, live longer than those who don’t lend a helping hand, a new study shows. However, those who volunteer for more self-centered reasons do not reap the same life-extending benefits.

“This could mean that people who volunteer with other people as their main motivation may be buffered from potential stressors associated with volunteering, such as time constraints and lack of pay,” study researcher Sara Konrath of the University of Michigan said in a statement.

(Past research suggested another benefit for selfless volunteers — a date. Apparently women rate such altruism high on their list of desirable traits in a mate.)

====================BLISS OF THE UNSELFISH

This fast-paced and astonishing video shows that humans are wired (I would say by God) to feel empathy. This is why selfish people are usually unhappy and unfulfilled.


Seguéing, here is a very nice new video using a radio speech by Dr. William Pierce (for whom I worked 1981-84), on the topic of leading a meaningful life:


09/18 @ 01:34 : Overland Park, Kansas, US
09/18 @ 01:34 : Bentonville, Arkansas, US
09/18 @ 01:33 : Gibsonia, Pennsylvania, US
09/18 @ 01:33 : Pietersburg, ZA
09/18 @ 01:33 : Sontra, DE
09/18 @ 01:31 : Schindellegi, CH
09/18 @ 01:30 : Gibsonia, Pennsylvania, US
09/18 @ 01:29 : Grisolles, FR
09/18 @ 01:27 : Albania, AL
09/18 @ 01:25 : Mississauga, CA
09/18 @ 01:25 : Almería, ES
09/18 @ 01:21 : San Juan, PR
09/18 @ 01:21 : Jasper, Indiana, US
09/18 @ 01:21 : Sherman, Texas, US
09/18 @ 01:19 : Fontenay-le-fleury, FR
09/18 @ 01:07 : New York, New York, US
09/18 @ 12:48 : Toulouse, FR
09/18 @ 12:45 : Greenbank, Washington, US
09/18 @ 11:59 : Gibsonia, Pennsylvania, US
09/18 @ 11:34 : Kempten, DE
09/18 @ 09:27 : Bangkok, TH
09/18 @ 09:24 : Graz, AT
09/18 @ 08:22 : Podolsk, RU
Dobrovitsy Orthodox Church near Podolsk, Russia
09/18 @ 08:00 : Paris, FR
09/18 @ 01:15 : Gibsonia, Pennsylvania, US
09/18 @ 12:11 : Doha, QA
09/18 @ 11:23 : Pfungstadt, DE
09/18 @ 11:09 : Los Angeles, California, US
09/18 @ 11:07 : Stanton, California, US
09/18 @ 11:00 : Geneva, CH
09/18 @ 08:42 : Georgetown, GY
09/18 @ 07:51 : Central District, HK
09/18 @ 07:35 : Poznan, PL [Poland]
09/18 @ 06:57 : Ashfield, AU

================video editors needed

Comrades, I have THREE videos now that need editing, and they are powerful, unique and effective. But they are stacked up, unedited, like planes over LaGuardia.

I am adding the script of presidential video part four below. I keep hitting technical snags and need someone with simple video editing skills to help me. Many are afraid to help me. They do video ragging on the Jews or glorifying Hitler…..Always on the same theme:

=================A SWEDE WRITES ME

Haha, I just have to make another comment to part one of your three-part series. Actually you seem like an extremely serious man and talented politician! I read a little about your efforts on Metapedia and I’m really impressed! Your mother and your daughters were absolutely beautiful. I’m not sure if I you said it in your video, but did your ancestors descend from Scandinavia or the Nordic countries? You have typically Nordic traits. Personally both of my parents are from Sweden.

I love how this Discovery Channel documentary made about you tried its best to portray you as a vicious race hater (dramatic music and so on), when you, in my eyes, appeared to be extremely serious and well-mannered. I also understood exactly what you meant when you stated that white Europeans came to North America thousands of years before the Indians. I’ve read about those theories and watched the documentary ‘Ice Age Columbus’.


Also I can’t believe you gained so many votes in that election. I’m not familiar with the American political system, but gaining that many votes is just incredibly and completely inconceivable in today’s Sweden, for example.

* * *
I replied:

My videos are long, yes, and not flashy and full of special effects, but instead full of deeper content for serious “older souls.” 😉 I do not wish to entertain or jew-bash all day long, as fun as it is ;-), but instead talk about US.

They say the Jews corrupted us.

Well, that means we were corruptible.

My ancestors were Normans, that is, Norwegians who conquered part of France around 930, and then, peace becoming very boring, England in 1066.;-)
If Hitler came back today, he would found a religion, like Islam, but for whites.
America is now 50% minority. It will take a new kind of fanatic heroism. Political talk — it is too late for that.
Talking about immigrants, crime, Jews, etc. — all the good facts Dr. Pierce provided — they are useful but they do not set the heart and soul in flames.
This is my mission: att sätta världen i brand. [Swedish for: “set the world on fire”]
My videos are long for two specific reasons:
1) a lifetime of programming by ZOG in white guilt, self-hatred, materialism and selfishness cannot be eliminated in one ten-minute video 😉
2) the human as a kind of animal needs to know this first: WHO IS THE LEADER, and WHAT IS HIS PLAN?

Facts about Jews and muslims do not answer these questions.

“Who is the man and what is the plan?”

So they get 15 hours to come to know me, and trust me. And say. this man looks like a real leader. Maybe we are not doomed. Maybe we can win.” Dr. Pierce was a great scientist, intellectual and writer — with clear, logical, convincing facts.

My task is to create a racial-religious tribe that will survive The BRUTAL End of the West.

=============CAJUN HUMOR

Boudreau was driving down Canal Street (New Orleans) in a sweat because he had an important meeting and couldn’t find a parking place. Looking up to heaven he said,

“Lord take pity on me. If you find me a parking place I will go to Mass every Sunday for the rest of ma life and give up ma White Lightnin’! [moonshine]”

Miraculously, a parking place appeared.

Boudreau looked up again and said, ‘Never mind, I found one.’

================KITLER PATROL

Adi, the mother cat in my house with the Hitler mustache, gave birth to a litter right next to my bed one night…..

….and a close inspection on my part reveals that of the five she has one genuine young “Kitler”!

The dignified Kitler scrutinizes his world to conquer….

He moves out to get his Iron Cross and engage the enemy 😉


An Aussie named Patrick wrote me:
You are both brilliant and so thoughtful. As I read your blog “Ancient Aryans; a religion right for our race; the folk community feeling” (https://johndenugent.com/english/english-ancient-aryans-a-religion-right-for-our-race-the-folk-community-feeling), I kept saying, this man is the BEST we have, and no others come close.

I do not denigrate others working for the Cause, but you are head and shoulders above them. From your heroic visage to your wordsmithing, you are the MAN, as they say.

John, I know you need money, and let me tell you, being poor SUCKS, but I tell people about you, and maybe that helps in some way.

The spirit of our people, which you champion, is the ANSWER, and you, alone, give that perspective.



================HELP ME SAVE YOU

John de Nugent

213 Ekastown Road
Sarver PA 16055 USA

[20 miles north of Pittsburgh, in western Pennsylvania]



Telephone: 724.353.0154

Skype: John de Nugent (Pittsburgh)Donations:

–Cash in an envelope

–Blank money order (put in $ amount, not your name or to whom)

–MoneyGram (send from a Walmart or elsewhere)

–PayPal (to “john_denugent@yahoo.com”)


This video NEEDS TO BE EDITED NOW. What shall I do, donate a kidney to raise more cash so it can be edited!? 😉

* * *

Presvid four script

Dr Watson was hailed as achieving one of the greatest single scientific breakthroughs of the 20th century when he worked at the University of Cambridge in the 1950s and 1960s, forming part of the team which discovered the incredible double-helix structure of DNA.


He shared the 1962 Nobel Prize for medicine with his British colleague Francis Crick and New Zealand-born Maurice Wilkins.

As this article from the London Times of October 17, 2007 states: [pause]


James Watson, a Nobel Prize winner for his part in discovering the structure of DNA, has provoked outrage with his comments, made ahead of his arrival in Britain today.

More fierce criticism of the eminent scientist is expected as he embarks on a number of engagements to promote a new book. The event is sold out.

Dr Watson, who runs one of America’s leading scientific research institutions, the Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory on Long Island, New York, made the controversial remarks in an interview in The Sunday Times.

The 79-year-old geneticist said he was “inherently gloomy about the prospects of Africa” because “all our social policies are based on the fact that their intelligence is the same as ours – whereas all the testing says not really.”.

He said he hoped that everyone was equal, but countered that “people who have to deal with black employees find this not true”.

He says that you should not discriminate on the basis of color, because “there are many people of color who are very talented, but don’t promote them when they haven’t succeeded at the lower level”.

He writes that “there is no firm reason to anticipate that the intellectual capacities of peoples geographically separated in their evolution should prove to have evolved identically. Our wanting to reserve equal powers of reason, as some universal heritage of humanity, will not be enough to make it so”.

[Now here comes the hate-speech police] The newly formed Equality and Human Rights Commission is studying Dr Watson’s remarks “in full”.

Now what that means is this. Britain NO LONGER HAS full freedom of speech, unlike the United States, where we have the First Amendment to the Constitution guaranteeing free speech. Under British law this Nobel-Prize-winning scientist could have been arrested for promoting “hate speech and racism.”

In fact, only his prestige prevented this.

Many ordinary Britons are, however, arrested for criticizing the behavior of minorities, and I know some of them, have donated money to them, and have written them in prison.

Here are two Britons to whom I donated money,

….from what little I have had since becoming a white civil rights activist as they are. They recently spent years in prison in England,


….writer Steven Whittle on the left and mathematics graduate Simon Sheppard on the right.

But in this photo they are not in a British prison. You can tell it by the orange jumpsuit. They are in an American prison. Why are two Britons in an American prison?

In a way, because of you….

…..because obedient, or uninformed, or misinformed, or simply cowardly American white people send money to the IRS, and with that money from the Infernal Revenue Service, taken from your sweat and care, you are fueling this government and the liberal agenda.

It is with YOUR money that this


hideous Jewish judge, Michael Chertoff, appointed head of Homeland Security under George W. Bush, had them arrested, interestingly enough on my birthday, July 14, in the year 2008, as soon as they came to America and applied for political asylum!

Yes, right when they landed on July 14, 2008, at Los Angeles International Airport.

I got a nice letter written by Sheppard on February 15, 2009, when the two Britons had already been in an American jail full of Mexicans in Santa Ana, California for seven months.

Sheppard deeply appreciated my letter and donation and said he had come to America for political asylum from Selby, in Yorkshire, just 15 miles from the city of Goole from which my English grandfather hailed.

What, your newspaper, which tells you I am a horrible person, did not tell you that white Europeans who come to America for freedom of speech, having committed no violent or other crime in Europe, white people inspired by the Statue of Liberty


…..to seek our shores for freedom as did our own ancestors a few generations ago……the newspapers defaming me are not telling you that white seekers of political asylum are arrested right at the airport, denied asylum, and after months in a federal prison – supported by your IRS tax dollars! But they did not come for free room and board in a prison, they came to be free in a free country like our ancestors — these persecuted white people are sent back to Britain or Europe to serve out their prison sentences. Back to prison in the European Soviet Union – merely for the things they wrote or said!

And YOU are paying for this, you are paying — by your compliance and obedience — for your own gradual destruction.

I am called a nazi, but I have never seen a more blindly obedient bunch of slaves who obey authority than many Americans.

I am told that the Nazis used the excuse at the Nuremberg trials “I was just obeying orders.” Well, isn’t that what you are doing?

And I tell you this: If Barack Obama ordered US federal government workers to assemble on the Mall in Washington and watch as a white Christian child is sacrificed on an altar to Satan himself, at least ten thousand federal workers would show up, watch in silence, and applaud on command, rather than be fired. The main thing for a federal worker – and I lived for 18 years in greater Washington DC — is obey orders, keep your paycheck flowing and safeguard your retirement package with your full benefits.

So let the white baby die.

There is no order these federal workers will not carry out. Washington DC is one giant zombie zone. The question is, will you obey the zombies.

Finishing the London Times article,

* * *

Keith Vaz, [another nice English face….]

….the Labour chairman of the Home Affairs Select Committee, said today: “It is sad to see a scientist of such achievement making such baseless, unscientific and extremely offensive comments. I am sure the scientific community will roundly reject what appear to be Dr Watson’s personal prejudices. These comments serve as a reminder of the attitudes which can still exist at the highest professional levels.”

And under British law, even if you do not insult anyone directly or use inflammatory language, if quote,it is likely racial hatred will be stirred up”, unquote, you can be arrested, says a Mari Reid, Crown Prosecution Service, Counter Terrorism Division.

Here is a picture of the lovely Mari Reid, on the right, with her lovely English face,

….getting an award from her colleague at the Crown Prosecution Service, with another lovely English face, the black lady on the left, Melissa Duff.

Well, how did it all end up?

Clearly the liberal thought-police had to do something, because when the greatest living scientist in the world, and the greatest geneticist in the world, James Watson, says blacks are genetically inferior, you have to beat him down and make an example of him….so no one else will tell the truth.

You must be publicly punished, humiliated and then you must recant. And if you take down the big guy, the little ones will scurry.

And so they terrorized Watson, and he caved in. He recanted.

Because if you have no real fear of God, and no real manliness, then you will tell any lie and retract any truth to get your pitiful self out of a jam caused by, for once, doing a courageous deed.

And if your recantation of what you know to be true discourages and demoralizes everyone who believed in you, tough. If you let down everyone who admired your integrity, and who was pleasantly surprised by your act of truth and courage, to bad.

If by recanting you harm the truth and harm the white race which gave you birth, James Watson, when your immense prestige could have helped to educate millions and shatter the chains on free speech,


….the main thing for you is you, isn’t it, Dr. Watson, and looking out for number-one. Society be damned.

This squalid selfishness is why white America is hurtling toward extinction. The minorities stick together but as for the whites, once proud and triumphant worldwide, but now demoralized by decades of teevee propaganda and college brainwashing into feeling guilty for being white, it’s every white man for himself. The liberals have alienized our society and evilized our history.

And yet the famous phrase goes: “united we stand, divided we fall.”

Bty, here is what happened to Dr. Watson AFTER he recanted,, and it is instructive.

On October 18, 2007 the Board of Trustees at Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory suspended Watson’s administrative responsibilities. On October 19, Watson issued an apology, stating that he was mortified, and then, on October 25 he opted to resign from his position as chancellor. In a 2008 BBC documentary, Watson said about the incident:

I have never thought of myself as a racist. I don’t see myself as a racist. I am mortified by it. It was the worst thing in my life.”

You know, I love it. The man apologized, retracted and then they still fired him, though they keep him around in the lab, low-profile. He’s just the old fool, now, the old craven coward. No one for young people to look up to.

Aren’t you proud of yourself, Jimbo?

So there you have a very big brain but very tiny balls.

And what good this man could have done, just by sticking to his guns. He had already gone public with the truth, and to the London Sunday Times! He just needed to hold fast. The man was already 79 years old, had made his money, gotten teh Nobel Prize, ran the most prestigious laboratory in the world, and achieved had any man could wish from his career.

Why not just let’er rip? Go out with bang?

But cowards are afraid of a bang.

The Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory is the greatest laboratory for genetics on the planet earth. It was founded by a Charles Davenport who was committed to promoting more white immigration into America. Here is the beginning of the Wikipedia article on this great laboratory:



…..and here, in closeup, the article says this laboratory has had eight Nobel Prize winners!




Now, all this was very, very dangerous to the liberals, because the jewsmedia want to tell you that only redneck, trailer park, white trash types, the ones that use crystal meth and appear on the TV show “Cops” in their t-shirt, tha tis the onyl kind of people who believe in that white-supremacist nonsense.

No, the greatest scientists in the world, and not just Dr. Watson, believe in the urgency of preserving our people, the white race 1) so we are protected from crime, hate and harm, 2) so our genius for civilization continues.

But these big brains, terrorized by the media, lack the simple balls to say so.

Here is a picture of this great coward again, back to being full of himself, thinking we have forgotten his cowardly self-disgrace, his kowtowing to to the blacks, his betrayal of his own people, and his lie that the truths he initially spoke were now magically a lie. “Mortified,” Dr. Watson? You just joined Galileo in denying publicly what you knew to be true.


But the reason why I am talking about God is that He is indeed the key. Do we fear this grand being, do we fear the wrath of God for the wickedness of lying, do we fear the disgust felt by God at the sight of a sniveling, “mortified” coward?

Or are we functional atheists, because a functional atheist does not fear any consequences from God. He is willing to lie in public and under pressure, stop saying things that are vital for the survival of our people and society.

One of my greatest disappointments has been meeting people with physical courage only. Yes, in the military they had even charged up a hill at an enemy machine gun nest. But then again, they had a marine or soldier buddy at either side, going up with them.

But how about moral courage? When you are under MEDIA fire? When the lying teevee, newspapers and radio are spewing lies and ridicule at you? When all the minorities are going ballistic and foaming at the mouth? Can you take ridicule, hatred, shunning and extreme rejection?

Only about 5% of the population can take being ostracized.

Here is an example:

A rough, tough combat Marine from Korea came to my attention. He has plenty of money and free time, and I was told he had often expressed anger at the minority takeover of our country.

So I sent him an email, asking him to support me.

Well, guess what happened?

He wrote back, get this, that he rejected hate and prejudice.

The person who gave me his name said,

Well, that is rich. Every other word out of his mouth is nigger this, spic that, kike this and chink that. And now he rejects ‘hate’!? He is the most hate-filled man in the world!”

So what just happened there?

By me writing him, I found out he wants to put others down, but not lift one finger for his own white people. Because….. that might get him in hot water, although how is hard to imagine in his eighties. Or he might get sneered at by a self-righteous, pushy liberal person, though how that might happen is hard to imagine if he just discreetly sends me a check or some cash in the mail.

Selfish, an atheist, looking out for his comfort as his country perishes. Brave in battle — but only in battle. Runs toward the bullets but away from the critics.

Another contemptible response I get when I say we have to act because our country is headed for ruin: “Well, hopefully that will happen when I am not around.I’ll probably be gone by then.”

I know one elder in the Presbyterian Church who said that to me.

But what an atheist! Where is the caring for the world in which his grandchildren will grow up! The world he and his generation have made fr them, or allowed at least to come about!

Do you think that love is just bobbling your grandkids on your knees?

No, it is making sure your granddaughters are not raped some day by negroes! That your grandsons are not beaten to a pup lp at a state fair! That your descendants have freedom from want, freedom from fear, freedom of speech and freedom of religion! Love is leaving them a good country!

By their fruits shall ye know them,” said Jesus Christ. By their deeds, or refusals to do anything.

Look at this video: a US Marine comes home from Iraq, and a mob of 20 blacks attacks him and his wife in Bradenton, Florida, just because they are white.


[beginning to end]

Hundreds of times every day across America this happens. And it is getting worse, and worse and worse. Just wait until the economy completely crashes, and the food runs out. What will the mobs of blacks do then?!

And I do mean MOBS. The new phenomenon is called flash mobs.

Blacks contact each other by cell phone and agree to meet, form a huge, sudden mob, and beat up on any white individuals they find. They form in a flash to beat up whites, with no provocation.

One of the many very serious flash mob attacks happened on August 5th, 2011 near Milwaukee, Wisconsin, at a peaceful State Fair, in West Allis. What? The national media did not tell you about this? Did they tell you, then, about the flash mob that erupted in Philadelphia, and how the black mayor then had to decree an emergency curfew on the whole city? No? They didn’t tell you that?

They sure tell you I am a terrible person! That civil rights are only for blacks, browns, and yellows. Homosexuals, transsexuals and transgenders have rights, but not whites!

But remember, the truth, Jesus said, shall set you free, but that means if you embrace, and do something about it!

And what is both ironic and not ironic about this black mob’s racial attack in Wisconsin on totally peaceful whites, and this is one of many, many such flash mob incidents this summer all across OUR nation, is that Wisconsin whites are among the most liberal and minority-loving in America.

Maybe this very softness is the exact reason WHY the blacks had no respect for them and attacked them. I sort of doubt they would have tried anything at a NASCAR stock car rally with Confederate flags flying in North Carolina. But these blacks prey especially on the white liberals and white wimps who tell me how much they love their minorities and “reject hate.” These young blacks know these disgraceful ball-less wonders will not defend themselves or their women. Bullies always look for the weakest, most cowardly victim to have maximum fun.

Here is the video now, and note the two female reporters never use the word “black.” The incident is “racially charged.” Maybe Martians landed and did it….

Yet when one black man was beaten up, Rodney King in Los Angeles, California, in 1992


…the entire news report for day after day was “black victim beaten by white cops, black victim beaten by white cops.” No mention in the initial reports that Rodney King was 6’3”, and 250 pounds, he was high on crack, and he very violently resisted arrest after he had already raced through the highways of LA for fifty miles, gleefully endangering the lives of hundreds of white and other motorists. The subsequent riot was a black killing spree on whites and Koreans, and caused $2 billion in damage to the city.

Here is that video now on the black flash mob near Milwaukee against the kind, liberal Midwestern whites there, mostly very peaceful, calm, law-abiding people of German and Polish ancestry, and I know because I have friends in greater Milwaukee and I have been there:


And now here are the words of white victims who were there:

* * *

WEST ALLIS – Witnesses tell Newsradio 620 WTMJ and TODAY’S TMJ4 of a mob of young people attacking innocent fair-goers at the end of the opening night of the State Fair, with some callers claiming a racially-charged scene.

Milwaukee Police confirmed there were assaults outside the fair.

Witnesses’ accounts claim everything from dozens to hundreds of young black people beating white people as they left State Fair Thursday night.

Authorities have not given official estimates of the number of people involved in the attacks.

It looked like they were just going after white guys, white people,” said Norb Roffers of Wind Lake in an interview with Newsradio 620 WTMJ. He left the State Fair Entrance near the corner of South 84th Street and West Schlinger Avenue in West Allis…..

It was 100% racial,” claimed Eric, an Iraq war veteran from St. Francis who says young people beat on his car.

.”I saw them grab this white kid who was probably 14 or 15 years old. They just flung him into the road. They just jumped on him and started beating him. They were kicking him. He was on the ground. A girl picked up a construction sign and pushed it over on top of him. They were just running by and kicking him in the face.”….

[The city and state police] were just stopping traffic, and I said ‘What in the hell,’ excuse my language, ‘what are you guys doing directing traffic when there are 300, 400 black kids up the road beating the hell out of everybody, pushing people off of motorcycles?‘ I was livid. I could not believe they were still directing traffic.”

* * *

Referring to the same incident of whites, in their cars, watching the 15-year-old boy get pounded…..

* * *

..”My wife pulled me back in because she didn’t want me to get hit.

I have to editorialize here.


Thankfully, there was surprisingly, a lady that was in the car in front of me that jumped out of the car real quick and went over there to try to put her body around the kid so they couldn’t see he was laying there and, obviously, defenseless.

Her husband, or whoever was in the car, was screaming at her to get back into the car.


She ended up going back into the car. These black kids grabbed this kid off the ground again, and pulled him up over the curb, onto the sidewalk and threw him into the bushes like he was a piece of garbage.”

As we came through the exit we saw a white boy lying in the street, in the fetal position right by the traffic light, and coming towards us was tons and tons of black teens – there had to have been over a hundred – in the middle of 84th Street and on the sidewalk headed south,” she said.

Some stopped just to kick or punch him – or, in the case of one girl, drop-kick him in the head – as they walked past. My friends and I started towards him to help him up and a black girl walked past telling us ‘ya’ll gonna get your ***** kicked’ repeatedly. As my [female] friend stood in front of the boy trying to get him up, one of the teens picked up a traffic cone, hit her in the back of the head and ran off. A car stopped, a white woman got out to try and help. Teens jumped onto the hood of the car and ran right up over it. She just kept saying ‘What is wrong with you!?’ “

And I ask; yes, what is wrong with them?

One man wrote me in anger:

1) “The proper response to that would be a white ‘flash mob’. That is, of course IF we were in control of the streets, and IF we weren’t castrated, sitting on the couch watching negroes play sports and thinking that ‘they’re not all bad.’

Another wrote me:

2) The only thing that scatters blacks is gunshot. This is just f—g ridiculous. No, really, this is just f—-g ridiculous!

But the same rough-tough guy who, maybe when he was a Marine, and then pinned in with a Marine on either side, is willing to run up the hill and fight the Japanese, or the Koreans, or the Iraqis or the Afghans,

The same guy yells to his wife: “Get in the car!” You’re humiliating me because you’re doing the job a man should do but I am not a man! I only fight when ordered to! Baby, in this world, it’s every man for for himself!”

No it isn’t. The blacks were acting as a group. They were not afraid of physical confrontation. No government ordered them to fight, either.

I also wonder this, if, that night… any of those white male pansies got any hot sex from their wives or girlfriends, after their women saw them wimp out.

I think male courage and male responsibility may be the ultimate aphrodisiac, not wearing metrosexual clothes or telling that stomped white boy on the pavement, ”Remember, son, they’re not all bad.”

It does not matter if they are not all bad. It just takes ONE brick to the head, or one rape to change your life forever.

According to the black reverend James David Manning, quite black himself, 70% of them, he said, ARE bad!

[from 00:47 “…black men are full of abandonment” to 01:10 “….are in prison”]

But hey, what is the opinion of Reverend Manning, a black man from Harlem, compared to a white liberal who read about blacks in college.

How can we listen to such losers as Thomas Jefferson on race, or that other loser, Benjamin Franklin, or that nobody Abraham Lincoln, or the discoverer of the working structure of the DNA molecule, Nobel Prize winner Watson – they are all just ignorant rednecks…..

No, we should listen to the impartial opinions of ML King about the black race, and ignore the fact that black power was his career:



… Listen only to the REVEREND Jesse Jackson …seen here on the right showing friendship to a poor illegal alien from Kenya


…..and we should consult on rae the scientific expert Al Sharpton, seen here with that same poor man, who lacks a proper birth certificate, who went to three colleges but sadly lacks any college transcripts of his grades, and is rich only in having multiple Social Security numbers.


Who are the Founding Fathers against the so brilliant Barack, who got the Nobel Peace Prize, though for unknown reasons, since he has not withdrawn from the Iraq or Afghanistan conflcts as he promised, but has instead also gotten us involved in Libya….all of which led one shrimp restaurant to put up this sign:


A musician friend of mine who unfortunately used to smoke a lot of marijuana, and whom I therefore consulted about the question of Barack Obama illegally smoking marijuana in our White House. wrote me an email after I sent him this picture,



and he said: “John, there is only one way a man’s face looks like that. I have seen it many times. Obama is toked up.”



As Fox News says, “We report, you decide.” 😉

And now to return to Jefferson’s friend in that age of giants and nation-builders, Ben Franklin.

Once down in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, young Ben became a successful printing press owner and then a newspaper publisher. Later he became a self-made millionaire in real estate as the country expanded westward. He was the governor of Pennsylvania and a major political leader for decades in the very important colony of Pennsylvania…..

…he also became the foremost scientist and inventor in the thirteen colonies of British North America. He believed in both God and science, and supported dedication to both. Franklin made major advances in physics through his discoveries and theories regarding electricity and the nature of light itself. In fact, like his contemporary, the great Swiss German scientist Leonhard Euler, Franklin realized that the great British scientist, Sir Isaac Newton, was not entirely right when he said light consisted of particles.

Benjamin Franklin, this great man of our race, realized that light also, strangely enough, acted like a ocean wave, hence the phrase we have and hear, “light waves.” Yet we also use the term “light particles,” … because that also is somehow accurate…… I will be discussing later in this video the famous experiment by the great British scientist Thomas Young


….that soon proved Franklin correct, proving in 1803 that light, very strangely, acts like both a particle, such as a bullet, and yet also like a wave, like those broad, wide, fluid things that lap at the beach.

That is hard to wrap your mind around in terms of atheistic common sense.

Normally no one would say a bullet is in any way like a wave, or vice versa. If you fire a gun, waves do not come out! Nor is the beach attacked by bullets of water!

So which is it –is light a particle, or is it a wave? But if it is both, as Benjamin Franklin realized, and the Swiss Euler — and then the Briton Young proved it is somehow both, then what exactly is going on? It is like the universe is full of weird special effects…..a kind of holograph, a 3-D show. Then who is running these special effects?

Young’s double-slit experiment and the staggering implications this has for the notion that this material world is actually entirely “real” will be fully discussed in the next video segment.

But perhaps this great realization by Franklin — that light itself seems like a kind of mystical riddle, a mirage that changes depending on the viewer, helped fill him with awe at the divine nature of the universe, that this is one big staged event, this seemingly real world, just as Shakespeare, who I believe was really Edward de Vere, wrote in three different plays:

All the world is a stage, and we but players on it.”………..

And that is perhaps why Ben Franklin believed in God, because science itself led him to God, and at a decisive moment in American history, June 28, 1787, he stood up and appealed to George Washington himself urgently for prayers to be said at all the meetings of those writing our sacred US Constitution.

Ben Franklin, the greatest scientist and inventor in America and also one of the best businessmen, got up at the great Constitutional Convention that was meeting in Philadelphia, on June 28, 1787, as duly recorded by the then future president of the United States, James Madison, and said some key words.

In 1787, you see, the American Revolution had indeed been won, our nation was free, but it was in political chaos. The politicians were squabbling. They had come from the thirteen new states to meet in Philadelphia to carve out a new constitution, but there was anger on display, hurt egos, and endless discussions without practical result.

The great Ben Franklin was the dominant figure, he was the man with all the prestige, and he decided to speak up during the crisis. Here you can see him in a famous painting, dead-center, with George Washington to the far right on the raised platform.



And here he is in close-up, with a somewhat evil-looking Alexander Hamilton of New York, trying to say something to him. Hamilton wanted America run by a president who was almost a dictator, the states to be merely units of one unified federal territory, and he wanted a private bank run by businessmen, just like the Federal Reserve today, to print all money and run the economy. In other words, he wanted America to be just like the British system from which we had just broken away, except the king would be called “president,” and we would be ruled from a new city built in Maryland called Wshington not from London. Later, Hamilton, hated by many, was killed in a duel, but the seeds of our downfall were already worming their way in.



And so, in the midst of this turmoil, a concerned Ben Franklin then rose, and opened by saying:

Mr. President of the Constitutional Convention [and that meant he was addressing none other than the great George Washington of Virginia himself,

and here is Washington depicted praying


during the terrible winter of 1777-78 at Valley Forge, Pennsylvania, when Congress had sent no money, food or guns to his troops, and the newspapers said he was a coward for not fighting when he had nothing…… He had only critics, no resources….So he was praying.

It was George Washington, who was presiding over the deliberations, whom Franklin was addressing. And Franklin then spoke….inspiringly yet …. frankly. As an aside, note also Franklin’s high language, the distinguished vcabulary, and the beautiful command of the English language. It might take some pleasant getting-used-to. George Bush sounded like a moron compared to our Founding Fathers. We need to get back to them, and THEIR vision what America should be, a classy, proud, free and strong nation that was at the mercy of no one.

Franklin continued:

The small progress we have made after four or five weeks close attendance & continual reasonings with each other—our different sentiments on almost every question, several of the last producing as many nays as ayes — is methinks a melancholy proof of the imperfection of the human understanding.

We indeed seem to feel our own want of political wisdom, since we have been running about in search of it.

We have gone back to ancient history for models of government, and examined the different forms of those republics which, having been formed with the seeds of their own dissolution, now no longer exist.

And we have viewed modern states all round Europe, but find none of their constitutions suitable to our circumstances.

In this situation of this Assembly, groping, as it were, in the dark to find political truth, and scarcely able to distinguish it when presented to us, how has it happened, Sir [meaning Washington], that we have not hitherto once thought of humbly applying to the Father of lights to illuminate our understandings?

In the beginning of the contest with Great Britain [meaning, of course, our violent revolution against the government they had all grown up under], when we were sensitive to the danger, we had daily prayer in this room for divine protection.

As my aside….

Here is a photograph of that very room



in Independence Hall in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, and by God, it gave me goosebumps to stand there, and imagine Ben Franklin sitting here, and George Washington standing over there….imperfect men but heroes all….asking God to help them bury the ego and become wise….and get our nation off to a good start after seven years of revolution and then a bad economy and political chaos, with no unity…the politicians fighting each other….the king hoping we would give up our new freedom and return to obeying the centralized, faraway government we once had been used to …

Franklin went on:

Our prayers, Sir, were heard, & they were graciously answered.

All of us who were engaged in the struggle must have observed frequent instances of a superintending providence in our favor. [As another aside, Providence means, not just the city my ancestors founded in Rhode Island, but most of all the God who provides good things for us. Providence, or divine providence, is a beautiful old way of saying God. That German leader to whom I have often referred usually spoke of God as Providence.]

To that kind providence we owe this happy opportunity of consulting in peace on the means of establishing our future national felicity [a nice old word meaning happiness].

And have we now forgotten that powerful friend? [meaning GOD!] Or do we imagine that we no longer need His assistance?

I have lived, Sir, a long time [Franklin was then 81], and the longer I live, the more convincing proofs I see of this truth that God governs in the affairs of men.

And if a sparrow cannot fall to the ground [here Franklin is quoting Jesus Christ] without His notice, is it probable that an empire can rise without His aid?

We have been assured, Sir, in the sacred writings, that “except the Lord build the House they labor in vain that build it.”

I firmly believe this; and I also believe that without His concurring aid we shall succeed in this political building no better than the Builders of [the Tower of] Babel:

We shall be divided by our little partial local interests; our projects will be confounded, and we ourselves shall become a reproach and bye word [of shame] down to future ages.

And what is worse, mankind may hereafter, from this unfortunate instance, despair of establishing governments with human wisdom, and leave it [once again] to chance, war and conquest.

I therefore beg leave to move that henceforth prayers imploring the assistance of Heaven, and its blessings on our deliberations, be held in this Assembly every morning



…before we proceed to business, and that one or more of the clergy of this city be requested to officiate in that service.”

That was the man they called “the First American,” that was Ben Franklin, that was the most prestigious man in America, and the most brilliant scientist, inventor and businessman in all thirteen new states. He was no fool, and he believed deeply an knew ther IS a real, guiding, watching, non-nonsense God who sees us gong about our duties.

I want to tell you some more about this great believer in God:

Benjamin Franklin invented the lightning rod



….which has saved hundreds of thousands of buildings from fire caused by lightning,

[show video clip of lightning]

He invented bifocal glasses



….which have enabled hundreds of millions of people over 50 to read comfortably,

He invented the Franklin stove, which replaced the very inefficient fireplace.

If you have any experience with fireplaces, well, then you know that most of the heat unfortunately goes up the chimney and not into the room, and much of the smoke does NOT go up the chimney, but …..instead into the room! 😉

And btw, the fumes of burning wood (or coal) from a fireplace may be “all-natural” in origin, but natural things — like smoke — can gradually kill you too. 😉 The Franklin stove, by keeping wood smoke away from people, and warming homes up nicely in wintertime, saved a lot of lives.

In fact, many generations of Americans, including my own grandmother, Elizabeth Angell Colwell, here shown…



….on the right-hand side next to my grandfather, John Thomas Colwell from Yorkshire, England… my very own grandmother heated and cooked as a young mother in the 1930s, two hundred years after it was invented by Ben, on a useful and practical Franklin stove.



So what did Franklin do with all his inventions? Well, in 1744 Franklin published his new stove design, and the deputy governor of Pennsylvania, George Thomas, made an offer to Franklin to patent his design, but Franklin never patented any of his designs and inventions.

Franklin wrote a friend

As we enjoy great advantages from the inventions of others, we should be glad of an opportunity to serve others by any invention of ours, and this we should do freely and generously.”

The brilliant Franklin also invented the first odometer, then used to indicate how many miles a horse and carriage had traveled, and he conceived and developed the glass ‘armonica’, which once was a very popular musical instrument and still today sounds magical and beautiful…..

[Cut off at 04:49, before the credits]

This great white American of English stock also formed both the first public lending library in America and the first fire department in Pennsylvania.

He played a major role in establishing the University of Pennsylvania, one of the great Ivy League universities, located in Philadelphia, and was elected the first president of the American Philosophical Society. He became the first British postmaster for all thirteen colonies, and then represented those colonies in London to Parliament, protesting the increasing choking off of the traditional freedoms that Americans had enjoyed for 150 years before the Stamp Act was passed by the Parliament in faraway London, which brought a British tax on everything the Americans used that was made of paper.

But the Americans had not voted on, or approved, or been consulted about this tax, not that they were unwilling to pay it. In fact, Americans were not allowed any vote at all on any subject in the British Parliament, though they had fought loyally in Britain’s wars against the French in North America. We, t thse who ran the City of London, were “just colonies.” And now Britain was drastically tightening up its control over these colonies, which previously had been left more or less in peace. Each colony had been printing its own colonial paper money, a good, sound currency, and they had carefully printed enough of it to fuel their continuing economic growth in this rich land.

But then the British king banned all local currencies, and said use only the British pound, and then refused to print enough British pounds for American use, so Americans were plunged into a sharp economic recession, and then were being foreclosed on, which means already rich men buy up valuable properties cheap.

This insistence that Americans, without being consulted, must pay off massive debts which a faraway government had incurred, and without enough money being circulated to the people for the economy to move forward, proved the two key triggers to the outbreak of the violent, and ultimately successful, American Revolution.



The distant central government had plunged us into economic recession over its debts, and then refused to listen to us. Through no fault of our own, we had to pay the huge war debts of London for its wars.

Now of course, when a man of the prestige of Benjamin Franklin joined the Revolution, that swayed many people to also support the revolutionary army commanded by George Washington, whose goal was to overthrow and drive out the British government and create a free country, after years of negotiations with London by Benjamin Franklin and others who had been completely law-abiding until then had failed.

And when we needed troops, ships and money desperately to fight the mighty British Empire, it was Ben Franklin who in 1778 persuaded the French king, not a fan of course at all of our idea of a democratic republic, but an enemy nevertheless of Britain, to give America that vital help we desperately needed so we could overthrow our infuriating government and create a new one.

The battle of Yorktown, Virginia,


which was an American victory in 1780 that doomed British rule in America, came about not just because of the valor of American troops, who overcame equally brave British troops, our cousins, but because of a major naval victory by the French fleet, as well as the help of French troops and millions in French cash.

In fact, the British, a nation used to victory, not defeat, surrendered only because the Americans, with the help of the German general von Steuben, and the French marquis de Lafayette, had pressed the British soldiers back into a peninsula and, with their backs to the sea, then there showed up, to the horror of the British land forces, a French fleet under the Count de Grasse. It appeared with its naval guns at the ready, having defeated a British fleet, and now threatened to blast the British soldiers into pieces, who suddenly were cornered between their American cousins and the sea, and all their wonderful British bravery, tenacity and skill would be for naught. It would be like shooting fish in a barrel; it was hopeless. And it was Ben Franklin who got those Frenchmen there to the naval battle that ended London’s arrogant rule of the people of British stock in America.

Here you see the great commander, Lord Cornwallis of England,



…..in a famous painting, solemnly arriving with his brave officers in their red coats to surrender to both the French officers, seen in their white uniforms on the left – and you can see the war-weary but happy American officers in blue on the right. We had won!

Seven long, horrible years of war against our British brothers who looked like us, talked like us, but served a different cause. They called us traitors, and men trying to overthrow the legitimate government. We said the government WAS legitimate, it once WAS our government, but it no longer IS legitimate, it no longer serves our rightful interests, and so it had to came to war.

As the Germans say, the arguments stop and the weapons do the talking. As a famous German leader, Count von Bismarck once said, great issues are often not be decided by speeches and politicians, but by iron and blood.

We can thank Ben Franklin for his immense prestige as a man, and his charm and diplomacy, and for that essential French aid that ended victoriously the violent, bitter, economically devastating, seven-year-long American Revolution. We Americans had beaten the mighty, the highly experienced, the invincible British Empire, and we did so because of the rightness of our Cause, th aid of God, and because our French ally came through, the one that Benjamin Franklin in Paris had kept firmly on our side.

As the saying goes, “If it had not been for the French, today we would be speaking British.” And who knows, perhaps jug-eared Prince Charles would now be our absolute monarch, cutting off heads like Henry VIII, or throwing his critics into a damp, dark dungeon, and or having them drawn and quartered like William Wallace, and their head nailed to a bridge. We can thank Ben Franklin, as US ambassador to France, for this great victory and success of the American Revolution!

I do not think there would be an United States without Ben Franklin.

He was a deep thinker, a ruggedly-built male, a man’s man, and he believed in family and home life. His heart was broken when his own son William sided with the British and the two men never spoke again. When the revolutionaries won his son fled to England and stayed there for the rest of his life. Families can be like that.

Franklin once said:

A house is not a home unless it contains food and fire for the mind as well as the body.”

What he meant by that is a home with no teevee, but instead where children read books, memorized poems and recited them to their parents, where adults also declaimed great poetry from memory, and as one member of the family played a musical instrument, sometimes the mother or a daughter, the whole family sang beautiful songs together while holding sheet music. There was actually culture in American homes back then, they made their own home culture, and that is what Ben Franklin meant when he said:

A house is not a home unless it contains food and fire for the mind as well as the body.”

Franklin has been called, by the famous historian Henry Steele Commager, “the most accomplished American of his age and the most influential of his generation in inventing the type of society America would become.”

His colorful life and legacy of scientific and political achievement, and status as one of America’s most influential Founding Fathers, have seen Franklin honored on coinage and money; on warships; by the names of many towns, counties, colleges and commercial companies; and more than two centuries after his death, by countless references in movies.

And it was his wisdom as the diplomatic representative of the American people in both London before the Revolution, and Paris after the Revolution, that helped guide America to victory, freedom, good order and prosperity, and the writing of the Constitution of the United States. We rightfully honor this great Pennsylvanian and father of our country with the one-hundred-dollar bill.



Now what was Benjamin Franklin’s specific view of God and religion? He, like George Washington and Thomas Jefferson, was not a regular Christian but a Deist. Franklin donated regularly to various churches, because he saw regular Christianity as a good path to God and to a better, more moral society. But he had an absolute certainty with respect to one thing: he was certain of the existence of a great cosmic mind, a higher being which wise men and women of this world, people with eminent practical experience in business, politics and science, with reverence call “God.”

And Franklin was sure that a justified revolution was obedience to that God. On July 4, 1776, after the Declaration of Independence had been signed, he proposed to Adams and jefferson as the future motto of the United States:

Rebellion against tyrants is obedience to God.”

There is a powerful, all-seeing and tough-love God, a heavenly father who knows exactly what we want, but gives us actually exactly what we need. And what some of us need is the lesson of extremely painful consequences. If we embrace that pain as a lesson, and contemplate what God is saying to us through it, we will no longer need that lesson.

But if we fool ourself, then the cynical observation of Howard Levy, the Jewish founder of modern satanism, comes true:

Man is the only animal who can lie to himself and believe it.”

Professor Daniel Boorstin, Librarian of Congress from 1975 to 1987, once stated: “Americans live in a world of pseudo-facts, created for them by their own media.”

A great white civil rights thinker, Eric Thomson, once put it this way: “Americans are materialistic fantasy addicts.”

Buying new gadgets, and seeing what is on teevee and entertaining to their short attention spans, is more important to Americans than reality, even to save their lives.

But the reality now is God, it is duty, and facing and defeating dangers. As I stated at the beginning of the presidential video, “Iceberg right ahead.” This iceberg shall not sink us. It is we who shall smash it.

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