ENGLISH What evil Jews do to an honest Jew

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The Roaring Twenties…..loving it!


I was extremely touched by this video below for many reasons: 1) the bravery of this individual, 2) his handsome and Aryan features.

I met an extremely nice woman with blond hair and blue eyes in the 1990s, and began dating her. Later, it turned out she was Jewish (but from Lithuania, an area with a lot of nordic genes). She was smart, loving, good-looking, loved kids, and was not at all materialistic, greedy or displaying any other negative Jewish stereotype.

I ended the relationship with extreme regret only because I knew that, for various insurmountable reasons, it could not work, not with me being who I am and will always be, an enemy of Jewry and a champion of Aryans.

And so I feel deeply for this kid. Any sincere human being, even if born Jewish, can contact me and if they wish to help the survival of our race, and fight Jewry, and leave that worldwide crime family (as gut-wrenching as that may be, and I remember how hard it was for me in 1975-76 to leave Jehovah’s Witnesses, a sect that had taken over my own young life), if any Jew wishes to save his or her soul, and fight for humanity and decency, I welcome that person to contact me. There is already a long list of honest Jews — most of all, Jesus Christ Himself, in the 1600s the Dutch Jew Spinoza (excommunicated by his community), and then in our times Israel Shakah, Israel Shamir, Jack Bernstein (murdered), Ariel Toaff, former Mossad agent Victor Ostrovsky, author of By Way of Deception, Brother Nathanael Kapner (a truly beautiful human being, even with that big Jewish shnozz ;-))… and here you see he is both antizionist and also supports justified white civil rights….

I will add Habib Schreiber, the French Jewish aristocrat Roger Polacco de Ménasce, Norman Finkelstein, author of The Holocaust Industry, who was arrested at the Tel Aviv airport and is now banned from Israel for ten years, and the brilliant saxophone player and eloquent writer Gilad Atzmon (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gilad_Atzmon). All these men, all of them Jews by birth, are fine human beings and heroes.


Eternal Solutreanism does NOT see race as an absolute value, or gender. We have many lives, in many bodies, as both men and women, learning in each situation. And while the white race has proven for thousands of years in building western civilization that the highest percentage of “Aryans” can be found in it, that is, noble-hearted, noble-acting individuals, there are good men and women in all races. I reach my hand out to them all.

One of my two webmasters, who was entrusted with the passwords to all four of my websites for over two years (2009-2011) was Clark Lightbridge, half-black African and half-Egyptian. What other “white nationalist” can claim that?



(This article — http://www.veteranstoday.com/2012/01/20/dear-editor-of-the-jewish-times-please-re-think-your-call-to-assassinate-obama/ — by Kevin Barett, a leading 9/11 truther, is taken from the excellent website Veterans Today, started and run by the part-Jewish former US Marine Gordon Duff. It is in reaction to the call by the PUBLISHER, the PUBLISHER, of the Atlanta Jewish Times that Barack Obama be assassinated by the Mossad [sic] if he does not destroy the 75 million people of Iran! Iran, btw, has not attacked any other nation in three hundred years.)

(A screen shot from another article)


Dear Jewish Times: Please Re-Think Call to Assassinate Obama

Sent to aadler@jewishtimes.com

Dear Andrew Adler,

As the editor of a mainstream Jewish publication, you have an awful lot of chutzpah to call for the assassination of the President of the United States by the Mossad. I hope this email reaches you before the Secret Service does! If by some miracle you remain free on your own recognizance, or can afford the bail, I would love to discuss the pros and cons of a Mossad assassination of Obama on my radio show with you. I have openings next Wednesday and Friday, 4 to 5 pm Eastern.

You ask, “what would you do” if you were the Prime Minister of Israel, facing the fact that a war with Hezbullah and Hamas would be much nastier for Israel in 2017 than in 2012. Your answer is that Netanyahu’s only choice is to start a war now – with Iran as well as Hezbullah and Hamas. And the only way to start that war is to kill President Obama, who stands in its way.

When an apparently logical line of reasoning leads to an illogical or insane conclusion, it is time to re-think your logic. (I’m no Obama fan either, but let’s face it, publishing calls for his assassination is stupid and immoral as well as illegal! And war with Iran would be a disaster!)

So start re-thinking. Israel has been operating according to your kind of logic since 1948. And that logic is leading to its destruction.

In 1948, it seemed logical to slaughter whole villages full of men, women and children, in order to exterminate part of the Palestinian population and force most of the survivors into exile. This was the only logical way to get a Jewish majority for the new state. That logic, however, has led to a situation in which billions of people around the world hate Israel, and a significant fraction of those are committed to its destruction.

In 1963, “worst-case” logic dictated that Israel obtain nuclear weapons. To that end, it seems likely that the Mossad participated alongside elements of the CIA in the murder of President Kennedy, who was determined to deny Israel nuclear weapons. A growing minority of Americans is joining a much larger number of intellectuals from around the world who are aware of this likelihood; the result is more anger and disgust with Israel. See Michael Collins Piper’s Final Judgment; or listen to my interview with him:

In 1967, strategic logic dictated an attempt to create a Greater Israel through a disguised war of aggression. During this war, strategic logic dictated that Israel destroy the USS Liberty and murder its entire crew. Through a minor miracle, that attempted failed, most of the Liberty crew survived, and today, a growing number of Americans loathes Israel in large part due to this incident.

Since the 1967 war of aggression, paranoid/bellicose “logic” has led Israel to refuse to return the territories it stole, despite the consensus of the world community that it must do so. The result is that Israel is a pariah nation, and few around the world would shed a tear at its demise. Ever-growing numbers want a world without Israel. So, in a vicious circle, Israel resorts to ever-more-insane acts of desperation.

Many further examples of your kind of logic have ensued: The Sabra and Shatilla massacres, false-flag terror attacks around the world, cross-border assassinations, invasions of Lebanon, Operation Cast Lead, and so on. Each time Israel acts this way, people like you cite the logical strategic necessity for such actions; while a much larger number of people incur more and more hatred and disgust for Israel and Zionism.

Personally, I have always disliked Israel, because I have always disliked injustice. But until recent years, this was not a high-priority issue for me. Now, after watching one Zionist outrage after another – the most important being the neocon-Zionist coup d’etat on 9/11/2001 and the ensuing war on Islam for Israel – I am committed to putting an end to Zionism.

JdN: I added this graphic. It is a sign of the cowardice of white Americans that even while understanding that the US government itself murdered 3,000 Americans that day, this treasonous government is still in place, and more sham elections have gone on to “elect” more Zionist puppets.

And I’m far from the only one. I am told by people in a position to know that disgust with Israel is at an all-time high at the upper levels of the US military command. If Netanyahu takes your advice and murders Obama, you just might get to see Israel reduced to smoking radioactive rubble, and American Zionists – even those who had not overtly called for the assassination of the President – made to pay a heavy price. (I shudder to imagine what might happen to you personally, given your openly-published call for Obama’s assassination.)

As you admit in your article, Israel has painted itself into a corner, a Kobayashi Maru situation, a “no-win scenario or facing a solution that involves redefining the problem.” Maybe the best way to redefine the problem would be to forget about plans for mass-murdering Palestinians, Lebanese, and Iranians, forget about plans for assassinating the President of the United States, forget about plans for more big false-flag attacks, and go back to square one. Admit Israel’s responsibility for the dead-end situation it is in. Admit who is really the aggressor, and who is the victim. And then, wholeheartedly seek to make amends, as Jews are supposed to do every Yom Kippur.

Imagine if Netanyahu gave a Yom Kippur speech along these lines: “We’re sorry. You Palestinians are right. We are the aggressors, and we have perpetrated a grave injustice – not just in 1967, but in 1948 and before that. Your demands for right of return plus compensation, along with a return to the 1967 borders, are almost pathetically minimal and reasonable. Apartheid and endless war doesn’t have a future. We want to work with you to build a new Palestine-Israel and a new Middle East. Come home – in numbers that we’ll work out based on what’s practical. We’re willing to endure a temporary lowering of the standard of living for Israeli Jews and Russian-immigrant fake Jews in order to help you return to the country we stole so unjustly, and make it a country for you as well as for us.”

After a certain number of Israeli outrages, it will be too late for this kind of offer. It may even be too late now. But it’s worth a try, since the current road is such an obvious dead-end.

If you disagree, you’re welcome to join me on my radio show and explain why. But please don’t use my show as a platform to call for the assassination of the President.


Kevin Barrett

PS You might also enjoy my article on “Zionist shots across Obama’s bow”



People tell me the Solutrean flag is beautiful.

They tell me I am a unique and inspiring speaker and thinker.

A European comrade recently flew to meet a supposed white nationalist girl in another European country and got the shock of his life after dealing with her. He wrote me;

Why give the women and children of your race special status when they repeatedly stab you in the back and spit in your face whilst laughing everytime you try to help them?

They agree with me that the white race of today is unbelievably degenerate and that the solution is spiritual, a white spiritual cleansing, not more factoids about the minorities.

I wrote the heartbroken comrade:

Right. This is why my movement is essential, to create a hard-nosed warrior religion and a new ethnicity, and that means whites who actually are or can be led to become “Aryans”, that is, noble, enlightened, heroic, selfless, brave, planning and intelligent. Most chalk-faces today, the Walmart whites, are morally pathetic. There is no way I can save the majority of them and I no longer have the desire to even try. The prophecy about Kalki is thus becoming true. The old white world will die, and a pure remnant will survive, as with Noah’s Ark, and thrive in a new order rising from the ruins. They will be so different from regular whites that they almost constitute a different species.

Now, you have seen my new videos in the God series.



I have ONE more, short video to go, “Solutreanism in Seven,” i.e.. seven minutes, and once again, production is delayed by YOUR failure to send donations.

I also need the funds to get my own headquarters location.

A few have donated huge amounts, literally exhausting their personal savings, and the rest have taken the morally wicked and even insane position (insane because if I fail due to their inaction, they themselves will be arrested and then tortured and killed in a FEMA camp) that “the smart man waits for others to make all the sacrifices and then comes in and reaps the benefits.”

Now, that is true functional atheism. As Dostoyevsky once said: “If there is no God, then everything is permitted.” You actually THINK that there will be no punishment for your passive and irresponsible inertia.

In point of fact, the most horrific karma awaits you, both soon in this life and when you die and face JUDGMENT.

Here are recent website visitors worldwide….and they prefer to fly a thousand miles to seek happiness with a woman (who turns out to be deranged) and yet tell me they have no money to send to ME….That is blind, childish and shameless. And so they get their instant karma, moaning to me as they throw precious money away on a mere female (I will not call such a creature a lady or even a woman, just a female ape with a large brain), and this karma in the here and now will be followed by a truly atrocious karma in their next life, because they failed to do their clear duty when summoned to it — over and over and over and over.

01/25 @ 10:14 : Lafayette, Colorado, US
01/25 @ 10:05 : Berlin, DE
01/25 @ 09:59 : Johannesburg, ZA
01/25 @ 09:58 : New York, New York, US
01/25 @ 09:47 : Izmit, TR
01/25 @ 09:47 : Münster, DE
01/25 @ 09:38 : Kópavogur, IS
01/25 @ 09:38 : Camrose, CA
01/25 @ 09:37 : Holsbeek, BE
01/25 @ 09:29 : Hamburg, DE
01/25 @ 09:29 : Bowling Green, Kentucky, US
01/25 @ 09:29 : Germany, DE
01/25 @ 09:25 : Mountain View, California, US
In a sense, I am wasting my time, appealing for funds, because almost none will come as a result.
But in another sense I am not. Putting you all on notice of your wickedness and stupidity is part of the duty of any religious leader. I am not here to flatter you. I am here to chastise you and make a better person of you.
For, with all my flaws, I am at my post. I have been there for 33 years.


John de Nugent




[25 miles northeast of Pittsburgh, in western Pennsylvania]



–Cash in an envelope (It arrives just fine.)

–Blank money order (put in $ amount, not your name or to whom)

–Western Union (also found at Woodforest banks inside Walmarts) ….or MoneyGram (send from a Walmart service desk or elsewhere — very easy to do: just give them the cash and my name and they give you a reference number to send me.)

I am working on a replacement for PayPal, which froze my account, stealing $228 on a bogus technicality, and, I just heard, also stole $40,000 from the patriotic activist and gun-rights champion, Sheriff Richard Mack.

PayPal has a long record of screwing around with donations to political websites.

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