ENGLISH When white women forsake us for Muslim men

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Grandmas don’t know everything!

Little Sam was 9 years old and was staying with his grandmother for a few days.

He’d been playing outside with the other kids for a while when he came into the house and asked her,

‘Grandma, what’s that called when two people sleep in the same room and one is on top of the other?’

She was a little taken aback, but she decided to tell him the truth.

‘It’s called sexual intercourse, darling.’

Little Sam said, ‘Oh, OK,’ and went back outside to play with the other kids.

A few minutes later he came back in and said angrily, ‘Grandma, it isn’t called sexual intercourse. It’s called Bunk Beds. And Jimmy’s mom wants to talk to you.’


This video by NorseWolf has good action, as do all his productions, but a diffident and lackluster narration. A man with a baritone voice –and who sounds as if he actually once WAS a soldier or marine (a rare thing nowadays in the post-draft America of the mid-1970s on) — should be narrating this stirring and masculine message.

And there are several typographical errors. (Non-anglophones should consult with English native speakers before releasing a video.)

And macho scenes alone, a different one flashed every second, will not by themselves rebuild our people. The women we need to attract (not battle-axes) are often repelled by videos that are 90% violence and gore. And we must regain our women: (let me break it down) no women, no babies…. 😉

For three decades I have seen a WN movement that is 90% male, and the female 10% is often oddballs. (It is the main reason I left the National Alliance in 1984.)

Nor will endless info on the Jews (Duke-style) rebuild US: it just attacks THEM.

Some of the best WNs are actually former liberals, not keyboard Nazi males with no military training, no muscles, no job, but Viking fantasies.

All the previous approaches to awakening our folk have FAILED.

And I say this as a former US Marine NCO, and WN activist for 32 years.

But if white men again act like men and not pouting boys like the self-centered and self-pitying aging stud who took $300 from me in August, then white women will return to them.

Minister Louis Farrakhan’s point with the Million Man March in the 1990s and that of the Promise-Keepers organization is this: adult males must again be strong, loving and responsible, and then our families will be healed. The man should be a good captain of the ship. If he goes back to his cabin to get drunk, or fools with the cook, and abandons his responsibilities, then the women will abandon his ship. And THAT is when they start looking at non-white lovers.

I was looking at houses in West Virginia, and a local told me: “At our local Walmart, at least one-third of the couples you see walking in are black-man-and-white-woman.”

Well, I just happened to need to go to that Walmart to buy a local map, so I drove there and checked it out.


Fat white women and negroes indeed…..every third couple.

The blacks are often from Washington DC and they jump on the interstate to go get their drugs and sell them to the white women.

But here is the key: if the young white “men” (actually aging boys) had not turned them off by white-trash behavior and whiggerism, they would not have been thinking the grass must be greener on the other racial side of the hill.

It is white MEN who turn white WOMEN off.

A comrade sent me this:

To this question from a post in a thread about Islam in Ireland (the question
is about women in general) do you have a good answer?

I just do not understand how every dark invader is met with open arms, by some white female, who gives them a huge incentive to stay. Why do these women seem to care so little for the culture and way of life of their ancestors? They want to live that sort of life they see in other cultures? That’s the thing, NO white women want to be poor, yet why would they want to have black babies that will squat in the mud and poop all over themselves? Don’t they believe in running water? a written language? Fire? the Wheel?

What am I to believe, other than that, without the white man, the white female
would be a mud-dwelling savage herself?

Failing to acknowledge that this is a HUUUGE part of the problem is extremely dangerous. These women turn into the worst Trojan horses and fifth columnists of all. They become worse than any foreign male. [end of post, now going to article:]

The Irish Times – Saturday, February 12, 2011
The future of Islamic Ireland

* Fatima El Khomssi, vice-chairwoman of the Irish branch of the Muslim
> student society FOSIS. Photographs by: Eric Luke/ David Sleator/Dylan
> Vaughan/ Matt Kavanagh
> <http://www.irishtimes.com/newspaper/images/2011/0212/1224289614194_1.jpg>
> * Imam Hussein Halawa of the Islamic Cultural Centre of Ireland. Photograph:
> Dave Meehan
> <http://www.irishtimes.com/newspaper/images/2011/0212/1224289614194_2.jpg>
> In this section *»* <http://www.irishtimes.com/society/>
> * ‘Like any good thing it wasn’t hard to sell’
> <http://www.irishtimes.com/newspaper/weekend/2011/0212/1224289614240.html>
> * The poor must vote with passion, not anger
> <http://www.irishtimes.com/newspaper/weekend/2011/0212/1224289610791.html>
> Ireland’s Muslim population has grown tenfold in 20 years and is still
> expanding. But official Ireland is failing to engage with the increasing number
> of ethnic and political groups……
> In a 2010 report the Pew Forum on Religion and Public Life found that about 400
> mosques across Europe are said to be at least indirectly associated with the
> Muslim Brotherhood. It noted that European organisations with roots in the
> brotherhood have begun working more closely with governments in Europe, as has
> happened in Ireland. “In part because of their professional staffs and
> middle-class leadership, groups linked to the Muslim Brotherhood are sometimes
> seen by government officials and other influential members of society as being
> proxies for the Muslim community as a whole,” the report said.
> In 2008 an Irish convert from Gorey, Co Wexford, named Liam (or Mujahid) Egan,
> set up the Muslim Public Affairs Committee. This was little more than a website
> on which he and his associates excoriated the ICCI and other bodies while
> propagating the austere Salafist strain of Islam that Egan had imbibed while
> living for more than a decade in Saudi Arabia and Yemen. Egan, whose daughter’s
> request to wear the hijab at school prompted the principal to call for official
> guidelines on wearing headscarves in state schools, accused Ireland on Al
> Jazeera of “repressing Muslim rights”. The 2008 TV report, which featured no
> representative from any Irish mosque, led the ICCI to complain to the
> Qatar-based channel.
> Egan’s website disappeared last year, shortly before he left Ireland. “I didn’t
> like the direction it was going in due to some contributors,” he said. “It was
> becoming very anti-Irish and counterproductive. It needed to be reined in.”
> Another organisation, which bills itself as a think tank under the name Glór
> Moslamach, is made up of at least 10 Muslim doctors working in Ireland. One
> member, a Pakistani named Qasim Afridi, has written for the Metro Éireann
> newspaper and frequently contributes to online forums where he takes the Islamic
> Cultural Centre of Ireland and other organisations to task for not criticising
> the US military use of Shannon Airport or Ireland’s participation in the
> Nato-led mission in Afghanistan. In one column last year Afridi challenged what
> he said was the ICCI’s pro-integration stance. “We won’t integrate . . . Why
> should we? It’s nothing but assimilation in different clothing,” he wrote.
> The opening of a Saudi embassy in Dublin in 2009 has added to the dynamics
> shaping the Muslim experience in Ireland. Embassy officials told Muslims living
> here that they plan to open a school and a mosque in Dublin. “If that happens it
> would be a challenge to the status quo,” says Umar Qadri, imam at the al-Mustafa
> Islamic Centre, in Blanchardstown. “It would have a very big impact, as we have
> seen in other countries.”
> In the meantime, Scharbrodt says, the Government should engage more with the
> diversity of Ireland’s Muslims, particularly as the numbers grow and
> second-generation Muslims come of age. “Ideally it should try to relate to and
> establish links with as many mosque groups and organisations as possible. That
> requires a high investment of time and resources, because it’s obviously easier
> to just talk to one mosque and one organisation than to make efforts to reach
> out to the actual diversity within the community.

> When I changed my religion to Islam I felt as if I had become a foreigner in my
> own country. People don’t seem to realise that I am 100 per cent Irish and my
> religion does not conflict with my Irishness. People seem to think I have
> forgotten my roots just because I put a headscarf on. Islam is part of the Irish
> social fabric. And we as Muslims must be given a chance to play our role in
> building the future of the nation.


Hello John,

I love what you write but disagree with some of your stuff from time to time . I’m very definitely a White Nationalist and I live in Ireland. In fact for many years I lived in the town of Kells which is very near to Delvin Castle and have passed right by this imposing building on many occasions on my way to the midlands town of Mullingar.

Delvin Castle, or Castle Nugent, now owned by the de Vere family. I, Joe Sobran and many others (including the authors of a major BBC documentary) believe that Edward de Vere, an Earl of Oxford, was the author of most of the great “Shakespeare” plays.

Anyway, I was intrigued by your most recent post. In particular your comment, “And that disastrous decision was my second turn-off — Operation Barbarossa, June 22, 1941, which was NOT meant to liberate Russia but to chase out the Soviets and then install a German occupation regime in the east, taking their land and making them slaves of Greater Germany.” As far as I know the Fuhrer only preempted by a few weeks a well-developed plan by Stalin to attack the Reich in the summer of 1941 and this has been proven by archives released in Russia in recent years. As to his ultimate plans for Russia I cannot say as I do not know the history well enough.

Best wishes,
Tony O’Neill

Fur Volk und Reich!

* * *

Dear Irish comrade,

I am delighted to hear from you, and I imagine you are aware from my blog to my deep commitment to Brendon O”Connell, an Irish-Australian who exemplifies all that is good in the keltic soul: bravery, idealism, and defending the oppressed.

Enya, one of my favorite Irish singers, with very spiritual overtones. Hitler loved Irish music: https://johndenugent.com/english/hitler-the-irishman-sai-baba-negroidal-guru-path-the-finger-of-god (scroll down halfway to “Hitler was an Irish folk music fan”)


As I have also written, it was the deep spirituality of the Kelts of Gaul that Julius Caesar himself said made them so fearless in battle. It took the better part of a decade for Rome’s greatest general to subdue that once heavily keltic nation, because the Gauls believed, under the guidance of their druids, very deeply and seriously that we have many lives, and each one must express bravery, and a commitment to freedom and human dignity.

Having lived in France in 2004, I can say that though the French of today have many and varied genes swimming in their gene pool, the keltic love of gaiety, laughter, humor, irreverent wit and freedom has not died out. In the countryside one still sees the dark hair and blue eyes of many a Kelt. The French also use their love of rugby to express that they still feel part of the keltic nations, along with Wales, Scotland, Ireland, England (genetically 50% keltic still), New Zealand and heavily keltic Australia.

As for Hitler and the Russians, you can use the search window top-left on my site and type in Vlassov and see what I have published there.

I am convinced that Adolf, for all his greatness (which I have glorified over and over and over on this blog), still viewed the Slavs just as the Brits (whom he revered) once viewed the Irish — as unreliable drunks — and he did not enter Russia to liberate but to dominate. Even after Stalingrad he did not change course.

But this is not to be overly harsh on the Noble Wolf. He would have had to make every decision perfectly to have just barely won against the massive, yes, stupendous array of military and economic forces the Jews brought up against him, and no mortal can do that.

It is odd to use a doll to show what Adolf looked like, but this one, which I found online, depicting the four great leaders of WWII, is very accurate.

Further, the age was wicked, and he was struggling in a dark time, swimming up the stream against a global flood of degeneracy, treason and wickedness.

He himself wrote in the Second Book of 1928 (if this work is genuine) that the hallmarks of our age are “cowardice, irresponsibility and incompetence.”

Some say that that time, the Kali Yuga, the Age of Evil, ended on December 21, 2010, when the winter solstice coincided with the eclipse and the planets lined up with the center of the universe. That is said to mean that a new age is gradually dawning, when Good again becomes ascendant, and finally Kalki the Destroyer will arise, a wiser, better and yet more effective Hitler, and annihilate the forces of conscious, deliberate evil, the minions of psychopathology.

I am sure that the best men of our race — Kelts, Slavs, Germanics, and true Mediterraneans — will then stand shoulder-to-shoulder, and their loyal women will support them to the hilt. The Eternal Solutreans are the embryonic form of that mighty coalition.


A comrade asked:

Brendan O’Connell found himself in trouble with the law because he got into a confrontation over the mistreatment of the Palestinians. So one could reasonably ask: Did any Palestinians who live in Australia send him money for his legal defense? Did any Palestinians even bother to turn up at the courthouse to lend moral support?

Excellent question, comrade.

It has been my sad experience that while WE who are WNs for decades now have helped them, and marched in THEIR demonstrations, they NEVER help us.

In fact, when we show up at their rallies, they keep an eye on us to make sure our signs are not “offensive” to the very Jews who are stomping on them.

I am not a big fan of Islam, and I see in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict basically two groups of semites “having at it” in what is NOT our fight.

I get reports every week from our white comrades in Europe on the horrors of gang rape and brutal street attacks by muslims against the native European people as they merely try to take the subway IN THEIR OWN COUNTRY or walk home in peace after a very hard day’s work.

Here is a report, one of many, that just happened in Berlin, in German and with a google translation afterward into rough English:


(Google translation)


As my webpage on neanderthals shows…….


………the hyper-violence and clannishness of both groups goes back to the pre-human genes still found — in partial form — in the modern Arabs and Israelis of today, as well as in the Armenians, Georgians, Khazars (Eastern European Jews), Chechens, etc. (Ask any Russian in Moscow about the effect of these people on his city!)

And THIS is why Judaism and Islam have such violent teachings, domineering attitudes and women-despising acts. They are partial neo-neanderthals.

After three decades in the WN cause, I can think of only one time an Arab ever financially supported one of us, and even then not excessively, and that was for a book on the Jews in the mid-1970s. …..

In reality, they see us just as the Jews do. The modern neanderthal sees in us the enemy cro-magnon. An Arab sheik would rather spend $10,000 a night on whores and blackjack in Monte Carlo than send us $100. I speak from experience.

Yes, we have the Jews as a common enemy, but still the Arabs refuse to help us in any meaningful way. (I have seen Arab-Americans rent us a meeting hall, but they got paid well for it.)

Let us recall also the Cronulla Beach (Sidney, Australia) race riots of 2005 (here is Wikipedia’s leftist report on it: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2005_Cronulla_riots), when the young white Australians finally got sick and tired of Lebanese muslims raping their white girls as they left the beach. The “Lebbos” showed their true colors, their neanderthal, semitic, women-loathing nature, and we showed ours, the Cro-Magnon, the Solutrean, the Aryan, the race that, when it is under its own culture, always respects women and always has since heathen times. (One reason for the revival of paganism in the Western world is that our ancestral religions revered women and had priestesses and goddesses. The three semitic religions — judaism, saulianity and islam — are relentlessly male-oriented, with a Father, a male prophet, and no female deities.)

Diana, the goddess of the hunt, and her dog; an 1800-year-old Roman statue copied from an earlier Greek original. Our race does not put women in black bags like Islam or the nuns of the Catholic church, but shows the glory of their bodies and of reproduction.

The white Aussies are a mixture of hot-tempered working-class Irish, Brits and some Greeks and Italians

Aryans get angry when their women are violated.

The coppers are well-trained to pounce on angry WHITES…..three-on-one. Where were you when our women at Cronulla were being RAPED?


I wrote Brendon once, who said to me in person (by phone) and in his trial that the Jews are a religion, not a race…..

* * *

Brendon, It’s strange how their “religion” appears on their nose and face!


I wrote a mock apology to someone who said the Jews are a religion, not a race…..

* * *

I’m so sorry, sniff… I was so mean to these neanderjooeys….and they are so cute to boot….

But strange how their “religion” appears on their noses and faces!

Irving “Scooter” Libby, Dick Cheney chief of staff …… and writer of a bestiality and child porn novel


Doing Hard Time

I shall henceforth only refer to “member of the Jewish faith.”

It is a faith in Yahweh, tolerance, ….brotherhood and love for all men.

(But the only men in their Talmudic eyes are their fellow Jews. No one said anything about cattle being men. (And Goy means “cattle” in Hebrew, and also “Gentile”!)

Incidentally, Jesus was born in Galil Ha Goyim, Galilee of the Gentiles, and almost all his disciples were from Galilee of the Gentiles…..(Peter was recognized at Jesus’ trial by his Galilean accent.)

The book by “Scooter” (nice Jewish boy of the Jewish faith) is about a young Japanese man who runs a remote mountain inn and becomes embroiled in a world of intrigue.

“A world of intrigue,” in this case, involves:

  • a scene of incest between two uncles and their niece;
  • a hunter asking his companions if they should f— a freshly killed deer while it’s still warm;
  • the description of a prepubescent girl’s painted “mound” and pleasing lack of vaginal odor;
  • a story about a girl who’s kept in a cage and raped by a bear to train her to become a prostitute.

Ah, yes, God’s Chosen People….but the god is “the god of this world”…………..

David Dees’ depiction of Michael Chertoff, a key player in 9/11, Israeli citizen, US federal judge who let the “dancing Israelis” fly home, and Bush’s Secretary of Homeland Security

* * *


Map showing range of Neandertal existence

Comrade Roy Armstrong told me that Auschwitz used to have a collection of the heads of executed murderers and rapists, and often they had visible neanderthalic traits.

I replied:

* * *

I see clearly these neander traits in many criminals. Joe Fields was telling me how neaderthalic the “Jewish Defense League” head thug Irv Rubin looked. In fact, the Barnes Review uses his photo in the newest issue on Neanderjews!

Not surprisingly, Der Spiegel magazine in Germany has done a major article on the discovery that modern Europeans are 1-4% neanderthal. (After all, it is the Max Planck Institute in Germany that did the research, and the Neander Valley is also in Germany where these bones were first unearthed and studied in the 1850s, east of Duesseldorf, now in the Ruhr industrial area). This magazine actually has an English-language section and many key Spiegel articles appear in English also. Here is the neanderthal article with important photos.


Lead scientist Svante Pääbo with a neander-skull; note its sloping forehead. (Pääbo has one too, and so do I a bit, and Hitler too, and many other white people!)

Map of Neanderthal areas where bones were used for DNA research by Pääbo and his team.

The Vindija cave in Croatia was first excavated in 1928; in 1998 excavators found the 38,000-year-old bone fragments used in the study.

Svante Pääbo and his team from the Max-Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology in Leipzig, together with a Neanderthal skeleton. From left: Adrian Briggs, Herman Burbano, Matthias Meyer, Anja Buchholz, Jesse Dabney, Kay Prüfer, Svante Pääbo, Janet Kelso, Tomislav Maricic, Qiaomei Fu, Udo Stenzel, Johannes Krause and Martin Kircher.

Spanish comrade David Garcia (who is learning German) sent me this important link — http://www.mdr.de/mdr-aktuell/7310999.html — where Johannes Krause states clearly (auf deutsch)

…..at the end that while Europeans in general have 1-4% neanderthalic blood….

“among some modern populations it is 10 to 20 percent.”

Yassir Arafat. Note nose and huge lower lip….. A plague on all their houses in the neanderthalic Middle East!

And the Science magazine article reports that the main interbreeding area was THE MIDDLE EAST, the semitic-armenoid, Hither-Asiatic area!!!

Michael Bradley writes in reaction:

Now, a word of warning. Svante Pääbo is a Jewish spin doctor. In 1997 (July) his Cell journal article with Mike Stoneking (also Jewish from the U. of Pennsylvania) argued from pied “statistics” that Neanderthals and “humans” did not and could not interbreed at all.
Now, because of incoming data from the Harvard Medical School, Päbo had to change his spin.
Now, this 1 to 4 percent of Neanderthal genes could be evenly sprinkled among the non-African world population, which is what he’s spinning now.
But what if 1 to 4 percent of Neanderthal genes are concentrated in the Middle East – with decreasing spillover from the Caucasus east toward China and west toward Atlantic Europe?

* * *


What this means is Arabs, Armenians, Chechens, Georgians such as Joseph Stalin (below) and juze are partial neanderthals — that they belong partly to a more primitive, fanatic, women-oppressing and violent species.


Click on DONATE so as to DONATE. 😉


Michael Bradley is the half-Jewish writer, thinker, prehistorian and novelist who was recently massively vindicated when the latest issue of Science magazine, the world’s most prestigious magazine FOR SCIENTISTS (alongside the magazine Nature), admitted that YES, just as Bradley has been saying FOR DECADES………


Which means SOME of us may have a lot of Neanderthal in us. Like the semitic peoples……

See my post here: https://johndenugent.com/2010/05/09/english-israelis-test-more-genocide-viruses-on-americans-finland-investigates-criticism-of-multiculturalism-as-a-hate-crime/

And these semites would, he stated, HATE whites especially — as the Cro-Magnons that drove them out of Europe!

Like Bogey and Bacall, the Neanders had it all….until WE showed up, the earliest white modern Europeans…..

Neanders had/that is, HAVE a curved face; pure whites have a more up-and-down face….. with strong frontal lobes for self-control.

A scientific depiction of an ancient Neander:

And here is Faisal Shahzad, a naturalized U.S. citizen who tried to ignite a “Death to America” bomb in Times Square……. LOOK!!!!!

Big (i.e. everted, thrusting out) lower lip, sloping forehead, big brow ridges, big nose…..

HE’S A NEANDERTHAL! How much closer does the correspondence have to get?




Let that sink in….


Now why would a Pakistani, outside the “Neanderthal range” of ancient times, have Neander features?

Because Islam’s armies and the neanderthalic Turks spread their neander genes much later on to that region by conquest, rape and harems. Under the lovely laws of Islam any woman who does not convert to Islam (meaning “Submission” in Arabic) can be raped. Many were….. Many white women NOW are being raped all over Europe by neo-neanderthalic muslims!!!

(And this is why Henrik Haolappa became a white nationalist, after a horrific series of MUSLIM gang rapes in his lily-white country of Finland: https://johndenugent.com/henrik-holappa/)

(And why are there neander features in Los Angeles? Because Jews like this guy moved there….)

Actor Rick Moranis

Bradley also says that Cro-Magnons would see Jews, Arabs, Armenians, Turks, etc, as THEIR enemy and thus that both antisemitism and antiaryanism are deeply ingrained hereditary tendencies…..

The heavily Irish-blooded, very Solutrean-Cro-Magnonic Australians — at Cronulla near Sydney — riot in December 2005 against Lebanese gang-rapists lurking near their beaches and savaging the beautiful Australian girls. The ju-trained police had done NOTHING to protect white Australian women and girls from the “Lebbos”…. So the white Aussies exploded. Cro-Magnon versus Neanderthal….. again….

A typical white Australian, Keltic and Germanic in origin, the actor Paul Hogan, once famous for his Crocodile Dundee movies…. Note the up-and-down forehead and mouth area that does not bulge out, and the somewhat jutting (“strong”) chin.

A real cover of Newsweek in 2009….

In Michael Bradley’s BRILLIANT 1992 book Chosen People from the Caucasus (subtitled Jewish Origins, Delusions, Deceptions and Historical Role in the Slave Trade, Genocide and Cultural Colonization) the author makes it crystal-clear that he, a half-jew himself, also sees the jews as genetic quasi-Neanderthals, but he interprets this in a very negative light — seeing jews as the vicious, psychopathic, brutal descendants of equally vicious, psychopathic, brutal Neanderthals.

Bradley became a razor-sharp critic of judaism by 1992, later in his writing career, believing the Neanderthals were basically violent sociopaths, and in fact misogynists (brutal toward women).

In Bradley’s view, as modern man (the Cro-Magnon’s descendants) spread over Europe over the course of tens of thousands of years, the Neanderthals likewise retreated from those same places and eventually “holed up” for safety, yeti-like, in the Rock of Gibraltar…..

and most of all in the Caucasus mountains.

The Caucasus, home of Armenians, Georgians (such as Joseph Stalin) and Chechens, all dark-skinned quasi-whites, many hook-nosed.

Ruth Bader Ginzburg, appointed by the white psychopath Bill Clinton to the Supreme Court.

Henry Kissinger, an ultra-juish militant, world government cut-throat – and a classic example of a quasi-neanderthal face and forehead.

Barack Hussein Obama’s Jewish-looking grandfather, Stanley Armour Dunham; note the short forehead, everted lower lip and curved (bowed-out) face.

Wikipedia: Carly Simon, singer, was born in New York City, New York. Her father, of Jewish descent, was Richard L. Simon (co-founder of Simon & Schuster). Her mother was German and supposedly African.

Neanderthals on the warpath

Bradley posited that because Neanderthal were unattractive to white Cro-Magnons, and in fact their hooked nose looked sinister to them, virtually all interbreeding was by rape. The Neanderthals were perhaps shorter than Cro-Magnons (this is uncertain) but they were physically very powerful and with a large brain. They were not stupid, but likely inflexible and less creative and innovative than Cro-Magnons.

Modern Arabs and Jews would then inherit these traits, yet they of course also have Cro-Magnon (“European” blood as well….. They are Cro-Magnons with LOTS of Neander blood and we are Cro-Magnons with very little Neander blood. Bradley suggests that some modern peoples such as Armenians and others (certain Jews, Georgians, Jews, Arabs, etc.) are up to 40% Neanderthalic.

Here is Michael Bradley’s website…..http://www.michaelbradley.info
Here now is Michael Bradley;s statement exposing the flim-flam associated with the new study released by Svente Pääbo [pronounced Pab-(as in pablum) – o]
* * *
Dear All:
As everyone in the Western world must know by now, Svante Paabo was born in Stockholm, Swenden and went to Uppsala University. His father, Sune Bergstrom, was a Nobel Prize co-winner. His mother Karin Paabo is Estonian and apparently (according to a television interview I saw in 1997) Jewish.
Since Jewishness supposedly passes through the mother, that makes Svante Paabo “Jewish” too. He at least adopted her name rather than his father’s name, perhaps because he wanted his own career and wished to distance himself from a a former Nobel Prize winner. He was one of Time magazine’s “world’s 100 most influential people” sometime in the 1990s.
In an email to John de Nugent I called Paabo “a Jewish spin doctor” on the basis of the interview I saw because of his 1997 Cell article with Mark Stoneking of the University of Pennsylvania in which they claimed to have reproduced Neanderthal DNA “statistically” to an “acceptable” (2%) degree and compared it with human DNA (but the entire human genome wasn’t mapped until 2005).
In short, Paabo and Stoneking were comparing nothing with nothing. American University (St. Louis) geneticist Alan Templeton called the 1997 Cell study “a statistical house of cards”.
And the world’s (then) leading expert on Neanderthals, Eric Trinkaus, dismissed the study because he had already written in the conclusion to his 1996 book The Neandertals (Random House) something like “only people from the Middle East and parts of Central Europe can boast Neanderthals in their direct ancestry” (my emphasis).
However, the Paabo/Stoneking results in the 1997 Cell article received massive favourable coverage in the popular North American press at the time. This prevented Random House from publishing a cheap paperback edition of Trinkaus’s The Neandertals, which was, perhaps, the whole intention of the 1997 Cell article.
[JdN: aand Cell are the most prestigous science magazines in the world. I taught American accent (1996-2004) to many Japanese scientists affiliated in Boston with Harvard and MIT, and it was their dream, or past achievement, to be published in one of the Big Three.]
It also enthroned Svante Paabo instead of Trinkaus as “the world’s leading expert on Neanderthals”. The 1997 Cell article also helped to discredit my The Iceman Inheritance (1978) and Chosen People from the Caucasus (1991) where I said exactly what Trinkaus said, only I said it first.
Now, this newest 2010 study on Neanderthal DNA, published in Science on May 6, contradicts the 1997 Cell pronouncement mainly because Paabo’s “team” included researchers from the Harvard Medical School who came up with different results than the concocted but highly-popular-among-Jews 1997 Cell article.
Nonetheless, I just suspected that Paabo would try to present the statistics in a misleading way by inferring that the “1 to 4 percent” of Neanderthal DNA in the human genome was sprinkled evenly among the world’s total human DNA (except in Africa where there is supposedly no Neanderthal DNA).
It makes more sense for this Neanderthal DNA to be concentrated in the Caucasus-Middle East [region], where the Neanderthals and Cro-Magnons met and mingled, and to taper off rapidly from the Caucasus Mountains interbreeding epicenter so that there is virtually no Neanderthal DNA in Atlantic Europe, the Baltic and the Pacfic Far East.
I suspect that the New Guinea Neanderthal DNA came from a very carefully chosen subject of very recent Eurasian origin. This more reasonable distribution might “average out” to “between 1 and 4 percent” of the world’s total human DNA but it would mean at the same time that all living Semitic peoples are substantially Neanderthal.

On May 10, 2010 a member of Paabo’s team, Johannes Krause, said on the Mid-German TV network [Mitteldeutscher Rundfunk] that Middle Eastern people carried “10 to 20 percent” Neanderthal DNA. I personally think it must be nearer to 40% Neanderthal DNA in some ethnic and national groups of Caucasus Mountain origin.
By the way, the link to Krause’s statement no longer worked as of two days ago (May 18)……
Michael Bradley
The Jews are trying to spin this that we ALL are neanderthals. Just as they have begun spinning that people who believe in Kennewick Man are “nazis.” When they see the threat, they begin the spin, the dishonest slanting and ludicrous diversions.
This man is a Cro-Magnon, Thomas Jefferson
These men are part-Neanderthal, two prime ministers of Israel, Ehud Olmert (sloping forehead) and especially the brutal, no-neck, prognathic (protruding-mouth) Ariel Sharon
The struggle is between an altruistic Cro Magnon and a psychopathic Neanderthal, it has been going on for fifty thousand years, and it is reaching a climax in our lifetime.
The answer is the Solutreans.
My speech in October 2007 to the “No More War for Israel” conference, where I helped defeat Neanderthal sabotage of our meeting locations, and the world first saw the Solutrean flag displayed in public.
This is the beautiful race we are trying to save from the neo-neanderthals…. represented by Jackie Evancho, a Ukrainian-American and slavic 10-year-old girl from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, who sings like an angel.

The Solutrean view is that the main problem is psychopaths, and they are found in all races.

No one has ever said the tall, handsome, blue/green-eyed Bill Clinton was a Jew, but he was one of the worst, most amoral and murderous psychopaths ever in the White House. The Waco and Oklahoma City massacres both happened on his watch, the Vince Foster “suicide” (murder), and many other extremely serious felonies.

The most balanced way to see race is this: all races have vicious, heinous psychopaths, but those with a high percentage of neanderthal genes (Jews, Arabs, etc.) have a much higher percentage. I believe that northern Europeans have a relatively much lower percentage of psychopath than other races (such as blacks and East Asians). But a John Wisbey, the traitorous blue-eyed Australian judge who just sent Brendon O”Connell to the slammer for three years at the behest of the Jew Steve Lieblich, proves we are rich in human monsters ourselves.


A comrade, who also used PayPal to send me a donation, wrote:

One of the tricks used against spiritual knowledge is to say we “have” a soul, some tiny fragment of our being that we “own”. Children especially are left with the impression that it’s not really ourselves, but just this “possession” of ours that survives the death of the body, when the truth is that we ARE the soul, the spirit if you prefer.

We don’t HAVE a soul. We ARE souls.

The body is both a vehicle and a prison, limiting our abilities while we have whatever experiences we need, and when the body dies, we take it off like an old suit of clothes and go Home.

Another analogy might be that of a broken-down car abandoned at the roadside. If it’s beyond repair, we leave it to rust away and look for a new one.

I have a horror of being trapped in an icy crevasse, as in a glacier perhaps, with arms outstretched and totally unable to move. I suspect that this is a memory from the end of a previous life. Certainly it seems unlikely to happen during my present visit to Earth.

I answered:

Great comment, brother.

Many of us have “phobias” of dying a certain way, and yet nothing in THIS life triggered them.

i am certain that many brave men of the Third Reich reincarnated in the United States, the most powerful white country, so as to continue the struggle in the one country that has been calling the shots for over 90 years now. Some of them died in combat in WWII in some nasty ways.

Another comrade wrote:

* * *

Dear John,

Are you the reincarnation of Alfred Rosenberg?

After reading today’s blog (totally awesome) I can’t think of any other person but him

In honor of the GOOD NEWS that we shall live forever …

Shoot us, hang us, crucify us, electrocute us, drown us, poison us, feed us to the lions … take your choice

You’re just wasting your time

Postponing the inevitable

= Your end (of terrorizing the world)

Is in sight

And you see it

If not in this lifetime, then in the next

We’ll be back and a little wiser for the wear

Karma, it’s said, is mega bitch from hell

Coming to your friendly neighborhood Sin-o-gog

In her basket the elixir of final solution

Wine is fine, liquor is quicker but cyanide is final

Flee to the stars now if you value your lives

Every dog has his day

And when our day comes

You won’t even be safe on Antarctica

— Oswald Cobblepot

My response:

Great poem, but no, I doubt I was Rosenberg. However, I did translate all the footnotes into English for his Mythos of the Twentieth Century and his address on the 100th anniversary of the birth of Friedrich Nietzsche.

Rosenberg was a gifted patriot, but I consider his influence baleful in one sense: he sought to turn the Ukrainians, Byelarusians and other Eastern Europeans against the Russians (divide-and-conquer among the Slavs) rather than work for an overt grand alliance between the Russian people and the Third Reich against Stalin and his coterie of genocidal Jews. As such, he promoted the antislavic tendencies that Hitler and Himmler (and to be honest, most Germans) already had.

I believe today Hitler could have won the war in two months had he offered the Russian people not bombs on their heads but leaflets promising friendship, cooperation and liberation from the horrors of bolshevism, and then kept that promise to them. Every Russian family had been traumatized by the gulag, and everyone knew that it was the Jews who started and ran the death machinery of bolshevism.

A winsome Russian country lass…..

Instead, Adolf sought to carry out the Lebensraum-for-Germany plan enunciated in Mein Kampf (1925), repeated in the Second Book (1928), outlined in the Generalfeldplan Ost (no longer extant) and partially implemented in Operation Barbarossa (1941).

In the end, instead of friendly Germans being welcomed as co-liberators into Moscow in 1941 or 1942, we had enraged Russians storming in 1945 into Berlin, incited to rape and kill by the Jew Ilya Ehrenburg and decades of bolshevik-induced animalization and hate psychosis.

As a spokesman for national socialism, I take responsibility for this morally and and strategically disastrous decision that an earlier generation made. Today we embrace ALL Aryans and seek alliances with all races who wish to help us fight the Jew.

As an American, I have blood of the Normans (Norwegians), the Scots, the Irish, the Anglo-Saxons, the Germans, the French and perhaps also the Slavs in me. (I have blood type B, which is often slavic, perhaps from my East German-Prussian side.)


A southern WN writer online complained our movement was ineffective and so he was going into single-issue campaigns.

I responded:
Only a full-fledged counter-movement to the Jews can work. Every “single issue” gets defeated: stopping illegal amnesty, 9/11, IRS and Fed audits, fluoride, gay marriage…..

They are good for one thing, meeting like-minded people.

There is no solution except a mass Aryan movement, hard as that is.

You have been in the movement for 10 years and I for 32, as you would have seen had you taken the time to read the links I painstakingly sent you.

Am I going to do it?

Kennedy: We choose to do these things not because they are easy but because they are HARD.



Click on DONATE so as to DONATE. 😉


  1. I don’t think it is appropriate to put all the blame on white males.

    I have been studying sexual selection for at least 10 years and I can tell you: women will always fancy foreigners because they are hard-wired in that way. Everyone can see that. (It was even scientifically proven that women are attracted to men whose body odor, and more importantly, immune systems are the most different from theirs.

    It has btw good evolutionary reasons. It helps us to spread beneficial antibodies across populations. A child from a mixed marriage has a wider selection of immune cells to fight off microbes. However, as I mentioned before on this blog, it is no longer valid when it comes to women who seek long-term partners. In this case, they prefer men of the same ethnicity.

    So it is obvious that there is some kind of dynamic conflict between at least two different parts of the female brain. One is thrill-seeking and open to otherness, and the other wants security and no risk-taking.

    Which part of the brain dominates is the issue. But our so-called “elites” figured out how to bypass this mental conflict- by all this mixed-marriage BS, cosmopolitan magazine and so on, so the women and men think today it is absolutely normal to date a stranger and they have no internal conflict at all. What a surprise, when they get beaten up for the first time! 🙂

    No, there are millions of single men who have no defect at all. They behave well, do their work properly, are nice to other people, but have one big problem — they are not in a place where women go.

    Statistically, up to 40% of relationships start at work (women usually don’t trust someone they don’t know).

    Now, what about all these corporate handbooks that say that it is unacceptable to date a colleague? Millions of people in the US and Germany truly believe that it is not fair to others to date a colleague or a housemate, but they are not usually not aware that by doing this, they decrease their chance to find an appropriate partner by 40%.

    Moreover, young Western European women tend to work in places like restaurants, hospitals, etc. Western European men are much more into industry, engineering and so on. Workplaces are usually either male- or female-dominated.

    What does this end up meaning? No chance to meet each other!

    And now the point: Where do you think immigrants work? If they work, they usually work in restaurants, hospitals and everywhere where white women concentrate! For an immigrant boy, chatting up a girl is like running the hundred meters. For a native Belgian or Dane, it is like running for five miles with hurdles!

    Not many guys have the courage to chat-up a girl on the street. It is too demanding emotionally. Bars and clubs are totally impossible places also, offering very little chance to find someone appropriate.

    Dancing have evolved too. It used to be an opportunity to talk to girls eye-to-eye. It was an institution for finding a partner. Now?

    We dance alone, in circles, no chance to make a conversation. Today it is even impossible to distinguish between a single girl and a married woman. No hair styles for married, no dots on the foreheads as in India. Our world has changed, and we did not even notice.

    Internet chatrooms don’t help you out of this. Searching for girls online is a waste of time. We were fooled.

    I think the problem IS men, but not so much as partners. The problem is white men in the role of FATHERS. They don’t care any more if their sweet little girl is messing around with someone unworthy. Fathers, first of all, should realize that their kids are the continuation of their lives and it is important for their kids to have appropriate partners.

    My heart bleeds when I see any girl with someone not worthy of her. It can even be a white-white couple, but if there is any disproportion between them, it is always a future problem and then a future divorce.

    • Thanks for yet another incisive comment. I spent some time editing it to be perfect in English because the content is excellent.

      Yes, we need better white FATHERS.

      By high school here in America, 50 % of kids live in in broken homes (divorce).

      So parents who vowed before the altar of GOD, in His church, to stay together “until death do us part,” break their word to GOD, and also to their kids.

      Comments like yours show that Hitler should have had a higher respect for Slavic intellect and sophistication.

      • Hmm, Hitler. You know, during WWII, our puppet Slovakian government cheated the Germans in every possible way. No wonder they did not trust us.

        Exactly the same way as the Afghani puppet government cheats the Americans, our politicians sabotaged every idealistic attempt of the German emissaries. Even though the general population admired the Wehrmacht and the Germans, they were ONLY an occupation army, nothing more. Why did the Germans invaded Czechoslovakia or Belgium or Norway?

        Silly Germans, I love them and respect them but they are simply too close-minded.

        Hitler caused the death of 2.3 million of his best men. It is tragic. They should have built a 15-meter-high fence around Germany and defended their country and not done a silly thing like the Drang nach Osten.

        • Thank you for your frank comment and insights.

          We have many excellent Slovak-Americans here in Pittsburgh. In a Midwest that is heavily Anglo-Saxon and Germanic, they have done well.

  2. You mentioned Carl Sagan yesterday, quite a coincidence.

    Sagan had a deep insight into biology and reproduction and he said clearly that we are born to reproduce within our tribe with occasional sex with strangers.

    We need isolation, because if a deadly mutation occurs amongst neighbors it will kill off their tribe only, and we stay untouched.

    But let us say that there is a plague among the neighbors and only 10% survive. In this case, those people with their resistant genes are the most valued asset that our tribe can imagine. Having babies with strangers is in this case would be like a blessing from heaven.

    But, then again, if we cross-breed too much, mutations spread more rapidly and we are weaker.

    Simply put, an inborn population is unhealthy, but a mongrel population is unhealthy as well.

    There is a hope, however: designer babies. You have already the option to bring a baby into the world with no genetic disorders. We are able (at least theoretically) to determine the kid’s eye color, intelligence, and any trait imaginable. We already have the tools to detect and exclude embryos with gene variants responsible for aggression or primitive behavior, manipulation and deceit. Fantastic possibilities, and a way how to repair the genetic damage in our time inflicted on our European populations.

    • Excellent comment, comrade. Thank you!

      My friend Dr. Terada of Japan (depicted below with Nobel Laureate James Watson) told me back in 2000 that designer babies were possible even back then. The problem is not letting psychopaths misuse this potential dangerous technology to breed new slave races: some for raw sex, others for manual labor, and still others for perpetual war.

      I would fear a Jewish master race, ruling a slave planet, and then attacking the rest of the universe someday.

      It is essential that the Eternal Solutreans gain power, and preclude the otherwise coming nightmares.

  3. Interesting Blog.

    I have a really great way of creating designer babies.

    1) Handsome, strong, compassionate, healthy, talented intelligent white father.
    2) Beautiful, strong, compassionate, healthy, talented, intelligent white mother.
    3) Breed like mad.

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